HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-04-07, Page 1TEE CLINTON 25th Year • . . e • • el: el inn inn) inc-Xe e nen In el% ne non -A 64 n4 ine110 1 0 IQ 0 10 le* 10Kif ni eta > > z-) ew Clothing . . for Men and Boys Our stook of clothing for men [and boys is now complete for the Spring Trade. We are showing something very new both in Scotch Tweeds and Worsteds, also new patterns in Ready -to -Wear Clo- thing. 'We guarantee to give you the best possible goods for your money and it is our aim to sell goods that will be satisfactory in Style, Workmanship and Quality. We will be pleased to show these new goods at any time you wish to call, The following list will give you an idea of what is new this week : To show you what extra Yalues we can give we will sell 10 . Snits made of fine navy blue serge, choice of three shad. neinlightneinendietilfindrinklirrio--,-infade-tonyoter Order-with-I good linings for ignIU Men's Suits made to order from fine all wool Canadian and Scotch tweeds and worsteds in fancy etripee and cbeeks, . dozens of bright new patterns to select from, made to 0 A nn your order at $15.00 to Zniele Newest colorings and patterns le Men's Trouserings, made front fine worsted yarnsetrousers made to order at per 7 n n pair ...... ......... .. .. $4.00 to I atill Men's ready.to-wear Clothing made from fine Canadian tweeds, in a large assortment of patterns, splendidly made and lined, first class in tit, special prices at • $$.00, $8.00 and 1.0.00 Boys' S piece Snits in a good assortment of fancy striped . .tweeds, also plain grey Halifax and • navy serge, pante have double seats and knees, beet values to be had at per suit $4.$0,-$5.50 and U.OU , The New Hats for Spring -Men's woe} felt block • Fedora' I '2K s?.5- < Hats in a variety of shapes at,....7Inc, $$.00 and I • II <3 < > men's fine fur felt Hats in all the latest American and Eng - 1, >)< Spring Shirts -We are sole agente in Clinton for Tooke's . •ea 2 be lish shapes, almost evern etyle in each price at $1.50, $2.00, $2 . .25 and s. < z-, g Rain and Wate.rproof 'Coats, in dark grey shades at$3.75 tonni2 >en . ><1 b 6.. tailor made Shirts. We have them in a hig variety Of I colors both in soft and bard bosoms at,..,715e.'$1 and I Ia. U eeb a.. neC2( > ~1~110,11..~1~116.1.11,1bWINAVN1 • • • WilkAkilwillAellifibil..... V < > C'PF3 ' The J. W. Newcombe Co. 'n5 • c Tailoring- -Men's and Boys' Ready- > Furnishingse-- ' ' -Made Clothing, Hats > ; > CLINTON '6- > < -nnte , :4(noleelelninntnnniannnootaKeiniSinn'enielinniennein etn*ninnnin a <3 < s;3stem-oleteteseteleoe alastst--A€49x',-Ne.peoeto eletetelete0"x*xxxAss , - > > > inliiim•••••••••••••• CLINT" ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 7th,- 1904. r , Whole Ntirnber 1313 MADE A B. D. - Ali INJURED FINGER. • A BIG SALE. . Bayfield . West Tuckersmith. , Rev. F. J. Hartley of Roland, Men., 'While engaged 'upon the Grand Trunk . .In point of attendance tcmight'e band Mr. Walter Meeleell of Aurora spent Principal. Waller of Huron College kgiate and son-innew of Mrs.. Worth- - ceived n, painful injury winch will lay ' S. large aelvanee sale en tickets bavis; 1;1:4saaystteorn.witli his sister -hi -lee:, Mrs. P. win occupy the pulpit ten Trinity ehm., . . a former stunt 02 the :Clinton CO- on truest -ley Mr. Thomas Managhan te. , concert promises to be a great success en on Sunday when eacrament will be ingt<mt. of tcwn, had last week the hitn off Work for at least a fortnight. been Made. Let's give the -band , a ' Miss ' Moon Jennison of London adi‘iinii.ces isetehraeirll Johnstorleft . . ', • On '- honor of B. D. conferred upon him by Iris band get caught between a ear leemper honse and thus assure them spent her • Easter vacation under . the ' :s. the University of Manitoba:, Granite. and- red winch' tore off a nail and cut . of our 'practical interest in. their wen parental Tueeday Ice Liteknew to visit friensi roof, fare. . • ees of the C. C. I. ere everywhere the next finger as well. making headway. IT PAYS TO INSURE. . HAS MOVED. Miss Ella .Tolins of Hepworth is nliss, McCarty left last week for her home for her Easter holidays. hoine Dutton th leay a short visit. Mr. John Layton of Aylmer was an Rev. E.C. Jennings and Mr. Charles Coen left on Wednesday for the Old MICE DESTROYED THE TREF,S. his , Easter guesteat his one home here. Last week Mr. A. Hooper sent F., Ur. 3. P. Tisdall has moved . checque for •58 to John Met of Seaforth Once -from thePerrin block, where Mr. Fear* Crich has rented fifty • Country. They Sail on Saturday front who , was laid up fee 'a ihort time it hue been iocated for years, fo the nerve to :John Nott and the home- bin. John by Abe:steamer Bevaxiau. stead to Mr. Wesley Nott for a term Me. Barclay on Huron College, Lon. . with an injured side, And a checque new Tiedell block awl may now be for .96.25 to . C. Munford of lngenond- • fennd • in the (Ace on the Ontaxic. . ofyears and will have an auction sale doe, etmut his Easter holidays- in Ote • ' - ' will ' there.. : wg vine who sliened when scarrying in street side. His present querters are next eek.. He interds oing out to village. Alberta and if he likes the country Mr, Bn rowof Lereloa was the guest Paid I. Brownlee et Stinemerhill nxt.e5 s.ettle Mr. W. W. Paerati,. who awns fifty acres of oreherd, is a heavy loser -1>Y• the ravages of the ground mice wtecli have stripped dm breaches as well as the trunks of huedreds of his trees. A large number of the trees destroyed nave been platten a dozers years, . auperaleunclence of snow is assigned as the reason of the more-than-usuel dee structiveness of the mice. . • .MEETING .CONGREGATIONS. Some eighteen members of the. God- - ei•irli Baptist clench came 'down to Clinton ou Friday evening' last • and. on • their arrival were eakett in charge by the local Baptists by whom. they were entertained, At seven o'clock all assonniadn iv -churcli. and after a short prayer meeting,- led by Mr. Lewitt, Rev: Mr. McGee took charge of the regalar sernice at the close . cf. which icier caudidat.es were baptised. •• TUF,SDAY'S CONCERT.. - • Begin the New Year by opening a Savings Bente account in Ther,Sovereign °Bank - [Incorporated by Aoteet Parliament] 00.0•0-00000000000 00.00 •00<>0 4><>0•0••••00.004 The Bank endeaeors to -make: their Savings System the easiest and most agreeable medium for all classes of the community to save their earnings by depositing $1 or as mulch more as they wish. Every de- . pcisiter's meney is secured " Since it's eetablishment the Severeigre Bank of Canada has had un- -precedented success in the finadetel world,. and its stability is lie - coming more widely known every day. A chronaratine statement en- ded Oct 81st last is here appended which etiseloses facts and figures never before known in banking- history.,.. Assets • 31st 00,1902 Use Oct. -1003 Cash and Beek Balanc' es • 883,097 022774 Bonds and Stocke ' 439,8G3 1113,597 a • Loans nd Discouute ' ,2,988,008 5,821,390" • Bank Premises, Safes, Eta 44,075 52,850 • .$8,855,20e • $7,209,920 Uabilitles On p i tal--Pa id up • ' $1,173,478 $1,800,000 Reeerve Fund and Uncliv•icleil Profits *. 240,000 Sovereign Bank notes eiveulation 759,005 Deposits . 1 ,081 ,7S0 • $3,855,203 $7,200,920 • • 00 0 W>V>.0•Onie<>0.4"0•040. .802,8.38 1,237,1350 • • 4,809.432 e Manager 0 00 00 00 00 0 0 I -I. T. Rance, .•••:> 0 0 0000 00 0 0 00 000 Clinton. •0•0$00.>•<> CLVAIKASNAIWNZAVN. n.u..A.A.••....araZahttatiAZtithd..MO4s•aika••;•7:•ualaqi•Sila• • ++++++++++++++•14•1+14•14+44•14-1711+.1.44714444+++.1••.1. • • • - - AFTER 50 YEARS 0, Old Father Time grows tender and Mellor/. • .As, roving the round eat the the"sterely old -fellow, . Year •In end year out keeps going and comfit - In Wineer's .wild.wreck .tuid sumtner s green n (mining. • • . We are not, yet by any means through "winter's- Wild Wreck" end it should be e good ti ree.ro take &Liven tage of 11 nheard.of prices. The concert ; given in the Ontario street church on Tuesele:y evening ems well attended, Two of the three • ar- tists advertised to ettend could not be iv -opt, Mrs, Bewell on account. of her dangerous illness wheel .preeented Nr. Dowell from leaving her bedside. Mr. George. Vox, the celebrated viten:- iet, was engaged toe fill the •vataney .and Mr. C. E.. Doweling ,:.lso rendered coeple of solos in a plee.ing manlier. Eeck number en the pecgraen awes* much anpreciated.. • A GENER0US • COLLECTION.. Islotwithseauding ,tee allincest impa.ss- able state of the roads, which pre- vented some of the members from a- tm .there were large congrenat- ionsat High Mass and Vespees in 'St, Joseph's church Oast Sunday. The in. collection was a nig one and Will be applied towarde the church' building fund winch now amounts t� 169o. . It is esPeeted that a new eintreli will be :erected in 19o5. and. the generous peen nie of St. nnosialteare 'tekieg thee • by eleitiet4nelock So that, When the corner sfone 1Prailt s. 'considerable . portion of the cost of the oliffee will be.0)1 hand; . . AN .APRIL • WEDDING:.." • Ontario street church' was tlie..seene of 'pretty; April Welkin:sant nigh noori. yesterelay when Miss 'Fannie Shipley., daughter. c`; Mr.:Thos. Shipley be.- .ceepe the bride of. Lankey .W...Leivis, sen ,of Aldermav 'Levis. ,The knot was tied by Rev: Dr. Cook: in the peesence 'of, a large. gathering of friends. . The bride was attended' 4.)y, her sister, • Miss Carrie Shipley, While tbe grootits- maii was Mr C. :Gifford of St. Thorn-. • • • After :the ceeemony the:bridal' partv and guesta repaired to the residence cif, Mr: and Mrs. nhipley where the 'wedd- ing feast Was partaxen cf. ' , : • Mr; arid. Mrs: -Levis left for east:den points' • by tle 3.23 train and on their' lateen will • take tip housekeeping in Gc<lerich Wheee Mr. •Lavie is repeesem- nag the Massey -Harris. erhe young couple. are nighty tnought of . here and with their Many friends The News- Riecorn jeers expressing the ' synth that their lettere, may be hapey sina prosperous. • #4sTEiz T. 1 ST. PA le I,' S. On Easter . Sunday:. services Were. nehl. in St.. Paul's eliiiich at 8' arid ;11 a. tri.: and at 3 and a p, and all these services were largely attended.• T.13e. nioie • was excellently reneleeen botlt morning and .evening. The offer- tory: anthems Were eipecially atereet- ive the solo parts being taken by Miss MeNalightora •in her best style. The rector preached inennivg and. eee ening on I:het-ties connected well' the Reeurreetion and he addressed. tke Children of the Sunday echool and their friends in tlie efterncon, , The 'offertories Were in• excess of nr5o,nean- le $20 of which roresented the n. neeten offerings of the children. The Swoen. 011 14°1144 Mr. Rockier ample and neat. • . of Mr. and Mee. John Wheeeku a few as compensation for Wx g. laid up• 'NEW Pli°"S' Mr, Wm. Stanbury Jr. was in Tor. ' days the past week, ' • Several new phones havCItt.0 ver Sunday. e recently , Mr: Chasnennern was •called .to Lon- atter4ing the Collegiate at .nlintoii, is with a creehed foot Mr.' Mateo Whiddon, who has beeti . G . . 'rim LOCAL MARKET. -been metalled,' at the remdences of don. on Good Friday to pay the last spending Ins holidays at home. • " . .. Ireepector• Torrance, R. Graham, C. C.: tribute to a deceased cousire . - Mr. Gilles IIiiftee of Wingliam spent . But little . grain is being marketed Ranee - • J. Scott, Dr. Hamilton and faArim.r..:onWlitliM locally. this •week • and prices ronaip J. E. 'lloiny, and also at the knitting .Caettltwoeallit..s:alcell last slIpZcankdtiQa oalaine71, dtaia-aptavsittltwItskalettreeStra. len:h- al/out as Alley were, as.. follows -: feetcry, A. eouch's • shop •arel. the new Mr. George Hanley • of Clinton, for- •MessrseNeil Carneroo end W. Weston office of Molsons Bente .. reedy • Of Generich townskipa for the left on, Monney for Hamilton. Wheat 900 to 92c Oats300 tc 31c • Peas 55c to 6oe Bexley 40C 'Butter to xse Eggs 12e to 130 Live Hogs $4.40.. handsome figure of $6,500. 11/1e.. Hen- . •Messrs. George mid. Alf. Erwin .at- THANX-OPPERING MEETING. ley takes possession tenet mamma tended the. f teleran at Clinton last week of . the Onteirjeestreet . Me. and mrs, anups..Tennlesead annad theiir coueintellrs, Jolinetneanneelleee........ • church will head their Easter Thank. Mies -Cana Reiweliffe 'spent nnistertintin Zinn •ninnindiveat. Winnipeg. • . Offering meeting next Tuesday night in with friends iv the township 'of Morn'. Mr. Harry Marks, who was attend- - ing e ttsiness 'o ego a ,ott oil, is ti e • lecture room of the church bee i . . THE NEW CLASSICAL TEACHER; ngton, Hester holidays at home.. ginning at eight o'clock. It will be Mr. In Rowcliffe of Insborne and Mr.. epending hes le. Cornish. . of Blanshard were guesta Messrs. Eddie Reid mid Alex..Brown . • . . • _ ' an. opening Meeting and an interesting ng piapared. All are he this vicinity for a :few • days hest left. this .week for Owen :Sound to help Mr. C. Melniehen of. the •Harristen Progrem• . s. bei fa cat Um Goverimeent Survey :Boat, High school etaff has been engaged to welcome.' - . . week. succeed; ' Me. 'Stoddart As . ClEAstleal ' • - MlelAKING THE13LOCInS, ester of the C. C. I.. at a salary . to, ' • • • .. . . . ' begin with . of liltioe. per annum... . nilr. Mr. go' S. S. Cooper has now a number n ar's neeleintion• is ..ce son of Rev. Mr. - Mc- - ee. • wee 'at work making the •eennent Kifinorie wlic. scene teyeawas' . . pastor of the Baptist 'church bare. Ile •is ay. all around athlete end was the' first whiner ot the:sports clienipioe- •ship of • the C. Ce.I. - . Prank Laytoneeaid a short visit to Da.,ylield. - . , .. .. .. London on •Satertley 'on . business. • ' ; • 'Mr: W. Robinson and Miss ..• Flossie - Tee- auction sale cmi Thursday last at Sta,ebury,.. teacliens -or the 'Public -eche Mr.. Chas. Avery's, ,of -,the . Leindon seal,' are speeding' their Easter holidays • Road -was largely attended end prices With •frieuels in 'Inn -onto. . ' . - •- -- bloces fee the eroposed..leavg • E. ward were good thrceighout. In tie evening • Mrs.., Moorekoustoand Mrs. haleene.r -: .. . hotel. , S.. fil. proposes. poehirsge for enaree n•einber or hie Wends gathered 'etterdeethe luanen at Goilerieh. Jest .. ward the work of •constructicn in liis together .. and inesulged in a -pleaisata eween of then' censineMr..A. MacKi ad, , . usual vigorous" inatinere He has alInn evening ,of . dancing and c•arde. In ,the'- who clied. in Termite>. . . . .breken ground for the' addition to Abe early 'morning the guests delnarteen all •• Miss :Mary Whiddon nett last week ;Holm „of Refuge. ... • . ". e . ..• : • .. being very sorey they wenn so soon to •_ fot Gunlph Where sheenits 'excepted ' a ' . . . . . . • lose such . esteemed . friends as Mr: and situation, • .' . . - eles:• Avery.: • . .: Meters -Tonemy. and- Willie Branton , The LOndon. Collegiath• footballeteani • Mx, Charles enceron of Hullettspent:. are eptinditig .. their 'holidays at • Bel. . e ..eeip . Easter with .Mr.. Thos. O'13riers. • geave.• • .. . -. hae . challenged 'for the Haugh. ton Collegiate: It does now appear es is eisiting her. aunt, .Elnerichn friend, •Miss Seine .Watson, • of • tne . . if. there' will he a half dozen cempeeie Rey. A. E. Anlin spent . kat • 'week '; S.auble „Line, ' this Week. . • . . at his •lionie in •Godericle. -• e . • - .. •• 'Mrs.. .. J. • McGee visited . Mulcts at • tore e. for ' 'the ..-ctiVeteel piece of plate: The hottie •teenne will give a' gocd ace = .111r. and Mrs L. Strong 'of .• Sarnia._ Illythelle pest weele. • ' . ., . .... are visiting .at the latter's home. ' .. Miss ninlla Citineron left on' Meadrai• .. Count of .itself, never fear...' . . • • ... , . _ . : ...• e . .. • Mr. R. Laneson moved his stock are, - kr Toronto where 'eke. has taken , : a• • ..• COAT, AND: A DEAD -HORSE. ' • ••• . furniture- front • the 'Whitely .•farnr. to ' situation. - • , : • • • .. - the Mane. faith. in Celberne Which. •Isi ... • e • - • -. Oro MonelayeMessrs. In. '& .*.ln. Reins- has leased ..for *e: tenti • of 'years.' ... • . = feed .recenied.a -•earlpreel. Of . cc al .and,...a Mr,. and Mr.a. A. • Townsend. ate" Vine. • . ..... .. ••:•• Brncefield..: <1..,,,_ herse.... The eoal carne •fecitu Bulfe• leirg • Heinle :lit neoeningleni • toenrishio. . . .alo, . .1>ut: the .. eancese 'a the . tetatitnped , Mise , Mary .Leyeen' • v igited fineirle : nimi.s..s-•• .1\-:ratit..in „ipriiiioso• Ile is . u, .1 ...itiest . tioleoely.-. knows - trent Whithee.. Assureit;„ in. Seaforel leints Week. -. . . ' -of • her brother, 'Mr. Fred. -.Tenilinsen. -ly.• the ehig • salt „firin din.: :nee 'want it', . . • . .: . • . :Mr. Ceerge. Stnipeon - spent.••a • few. ".• .. . . •presiernably it was thrown on the, ear eleys-'..wiell •Itie' Slimily eliere this wed:a.: ' . ,.... at neene point 'alongethe route as . the .-.111ine etedelie.:' Henna, . •who. Was • the.... eesiest . way. of gettnig rid ofeit, . . -- eueet of Ales. C. Wilson, .nas 'a:tern:et to her lime. in Clietcn.... • - , . A. HEAR:TY WELCOME. •• A NARROW. ESCAPn. . • .'.While nenleirg Spine repairs to . ce• the tette of Reeve Middle- ton, Goderich township,' on •Tuelllny, Mr. • Jaeeb Miller had a harrow esenee from meeting With a serious mishap, He was thirty Stet in mideir when. • a, Portion of the schtfola gave way :end he fell, tett after drop. of ten neet he caught. and clung- tee a projection and escaped with nothing worse than. severs.I ottseon his hands. SOLD THE FIXTURES. • . The diiiiires in . • the old postotflice, which belonged to Mr, We D. leak, were. inlet.... •by that gentleman' 16.st week Mr. A. ,let, Xay, Who- has been appointed to the charge 'of. a' b•raneb Office &inlet 'thebe opena's in Stratford. The outfit was ateemplete.oree . and :though not Incite °tough up-toedate for Clain:11's new otlice witf•do v.ery wI1' for Stratford: Mr. Xav • Wr.fi pleeeed • with hie purelease while Arr. Pale was wellesatisfied With his .sale 000D • CA.TTLE, • • • - • • • • . ,,•. On Saturday C. H. Reid shipee ed to Toronto two eselorida . of •• very fine cettle,• among •the .best ever. sene from this district. He bought fhein /Tom': "E. Rodawa.v 2:„T, lendsay J. -Smith '6,• R...tisker 6, et, Living-. stone a, G. Baled .1; • J. Memelie e, W. Colclough B. ' Keys -•;„ A. Love •r„ G. .ShipleS; 1, T. March .3., '.G, Layton 6, • Ma Livingstone' ban a pair which tieped the beain- 3030 and Mr. Tas- ker are:Wier :pair. which %Titled 2950 pounds. • • a • • MANIC HAPPY. REV:Celt:NS,. • • • . • David Beacom,. born in Fermatiagee. Ireland, on April etii, 1827; "on Men-, na.y celebreted Lis this birtheley. The family came tc; this country en n842 anti settled pit the Beyfielel Line, Gad- eeicet to -Weenie), where, in additions to the old Imenesteed, elate on tbe none tocet up 'land :on reaching. manhood. •No the townslep is iteire Widely known than the Beacoms. n1r. Beeconi carries his setienty- sevo ligheln, few would take hen to be thet .age. ee may celebrate metier more aeniversa,ries o/ Itis birtheley is the caelmet wish of the many friends of this genial neor-eer. ene, OFFICERS •33rel REGIMe, . . A. meeting of the officers of time e3r4 Regiment was neld at the Rattenbney House Weeintisdey of last week,. a- mong Aimee present being : eolonel Youtte, NIQICr Connie, Captains Mc- Taggiut, Rance, Shaw, A. Wilsoti, ent in our burg. . McPhail and Chaplain lIodgen.s. It Was decided to memorialize the Goveruntent to • change the leoldieg of FOR THE HOUGH Cop., Miss- Robe 'Spencer of 'Shall* I,alee Miss Meta Emile in. visiting .• hen • held the 'pest two seasons 'by the Clin. Lgirt. desboro..- levatigteistic Services. -Rev. T. R.. MeNeir, evangeli•st of thee Iiond.on son- . Mr.-. John Gibsoies many friends will ference- 'closed . last. nundey a - .very ie .gead, to, •tear he is • recc,vering .front . .,. . successitil.•.series of revival rineetirs hn his recent ,Seyerte illness . • • ' • •• ' the• Methodist 'Church., • He is nn eanie • ..miss -Nellie . odes .a.wingham ,ie .. est sound eleetrieel preacher.. of the.. vieitian enliss. Mary • Merdeek. . gospel 'end his work will • he thorough.- Mrs: , Wm. ' Plows •who spent the . Ilodgens Bens: •big cleithing store neat: and attractive alvvays was es- pecially so on .Wediesday evening when tke firm and staff gave an ' At Home; to to speak, which was .atterel- ed bY at large neittin.er of cieizens. Vie der the. able mana,gement •of the cour- teous Mr, A. J. Morrish' the store is big in point , Of beisiness .as well .as news 'reaceed Cliriton: yestererey DIED IN SAN FRANCISCO: of the 'death in Sall Francisco; Cal., on March r3th of Mrs. Railton, °wile ef g, W. Railton, who was agent of the L., H. & B. in this town before) that Bee was absonbed ehy 'die Grand . Mr. and Mee. Renton lefthere about .188o and the years ehat have since clanged • were meetly sena in the West. • • • Blake. arel pertnanente -He is assisted leY • winter:. with Brientliton friends, • has et:tureen home. •• - • • Mis's Vine Curry of• Branmeon is. the -guest. of 'her aline, Mrs, , • . • Miss. Witnie O'Neil of •Clionin was, the 'guest • of. 'miss Elizabeth. Itetten- ' entry oft Geed Friday. e .• • Mr... Jack Ra.t thubury %the Bank -Of 11 unilton,'0oriie; spent •temeet leridey at hie home 'here.. . • . •• • ., ee el et:de :WI 1 son' is . visiting Cline • nen freenda e • • Miss Kate' Hart is mkt:dine her boli - days at the .hoine :cf hee. nether, Mr. • George -Hart.' . • .. - • • .. Mee, Charlie, Lien Miss Edith Sewers areltelielayingeat tlie Mr. RanIigeins is in. Torento thig week. e• • . •• ' • ; Mies Aggie eSawers wee in • Loedon. Sittunday. • • • Mrs. e(Rev) Sinipsoe eie •Iletesell .vise , i Led, Britteneld friends .this • nelisse Tnettie Robinson le assisting • • • Mr: Beattie • in hi s store. at present, Mrs. MenTatr who is an excelleet eolo- est. Slm has 'a sweet, 'deer and aow. 'erfel Voice and many of her seleetiorie were rendered with 'marked effect. Not- withstandinn: the vers e had roade their services were all wen attended. era a. marked interest was inanifeseed en the work.' About fifty adults ,professed cotiversion• with an alroose Neal num- ber of childree front the Sabbath sch. bon The 'spiritual life of the chureh wasalsogreatly equickened arid the influence of their, worn: Amongst us will lorsg be felt, They' left on Thurs- day for Floreece where they wile cm . . gage tn .sunner seeviega ' • . . Blyth. • . Mrs. W. J, leaner cf Goderich is • Xeye Of the Collegiate itistitate,. Percy viseiLtei:gocieleere'n'iaei.t.iGlere,,de,'rIi.elliV'tenB s eil il t I..' 0:-: sea_ tOwn, for e few daes, . : • - • Messrse • Norman 'Boyce and forth, deliveren an excellert 'lecture tit -: etIcllitiiiittion in Drake last wediiesday 43%.,. th,erhientstroWacciiesk,tiorne biatisianefsrsiiiintsta ..conai_ tion at present in this section. Many. tends leavieg kir Engleed in the near . Mr. Re G. Niehol, cur Ina -chant; in- twhasliik rtioui,ttohwati t.ilkodo f . . . b°lus7nuerssit'reell'tletere$ • Anburn. • - Mr. J. G. Jeemsten, who has been aiteedditig the Collegiate at Seakietts for the past year, will leave on May ist for the Ann Arbor University, lefiehigen, wItere he will take a Inter years special tourse in modern Ian, guages.. 'Messrs, Bowles, Hutcheson, ltle,eclon- ald 'and Smith of Torbyto are at pres- injuring their horses. ., . . •Saturday Mr: •Itr, Rell left 'here. with ,a•carload of horsesifor*Menitablan Emigh & Wetsieti shipped' two • car- loads of cattle free:a Londesnoro sta- tion on Satenday. • • • . . Ors Suaday eioniiege sleighlOad of . English clued: people ,.4rOve:over to • Auburn' telalce part in the services of the English 'church in that town. Mr. Thos...Ballantyne and family re-. turned sto town on Tneselay front Boise. • sets to where. they moved several mon- - ths ago in tit hopes of betteringtheir ,generally. Suhday neet BrAtop rector, •clioir and officials are , tar: for c ,s4 41_4 c last. 0 ectignetulated upon the presoit • effien• envy of the choir* and Num the coact- tinin Of *affairs .rharch rue to t tw • Constance. . Carmichael of lefotiereale who W , , ' C011.{litiall but didn't:. Tommy new etcetera -actor of this parisl•,, lee: left weeks of Jelennir .the first- part on' ene W. Jewitt and 'theitenter vis- thinks there is no Place'. like Blyth.. Clinton. in • 1,86,43, will . preach at lioth August . which would &liable nite'fonee • Red friends in Lannon and vecinity Mr. Charles 'Roadhouse, foreman 311 the a. ie. and p. services', An in. to sccUre a. greater •number. of studeuts, lest week. . • the planing mills, met with an • acci- ' formai rection will be tendered lite Counnittees, *ere appointed PO fol- Master JM ohnny • . Britton has hired dent on, IVO:ay te one of hihit s •tinhe ▪ Ilisep lop by IL le. adies' 'Guild at St. loWs : 'Hayes, Captain with Mr, 'Mos. .Striples fcr the spring whien will lay bilti up. for a le* aitys.. ••• Paul's schen hones; on Monday niter- (Chaplain) Hodgens, Major Dunlop. -and. summer. nueitths, • • • The Village tauten met on Tuesday: f t ' • • ' Bard-nIeeor Ham Cantain Wilson. Master Peank McMichael of Seale:nth' lee the• transectiori of ordivar Wise so rtiOn. front 3 c. 6. p. . , , ., ness. . • - ' y ._ .. Pineace-Captain Rance, Major Hayes, • visited his eottsin, Campbell Sutler- • • EASTER .SUNDAYIS 'SERVICES. - ', Captain iMeTaggart,. Seficialn-Menor • lard on Saturday. 6.3o , . • - 1 • Coale; Centaire Rance Shaw ,: and • Mr. Arthur.. McAllister spent the va. • • Inns. E. Clutennerlenin formerly 11:{.7 i • Mel aggeat. this place, but lately residing in ter- - ... . 'there . were large: • congregatione lit , : , 4 ' ' , . H 1 1:, C tun . oi - • : . -en--••••• ' ' fcattoll at ensall. • • • ee all the churches on Sundev.,when tee .. ' onto,' 'mid thinplace r„) visit. and also • 14 r da ei ht All report a goo( time. • b k d • racer ▪ services were M. keepitig with Easthr. • Miss Donnie Dever entertained' her has eisposee of her property en giteen • . • vus"rrtv MEETIN.0 AT ST. PAUL'S. 'school mates to a biettelety party on 7' street to Mr. Writ, Robertson,. who is . ' anthems. in finalted style wine Profess- The annual vestry Meeting of St, y g . now running a a ery g • ▪ - Cam >bell at. the or 'an. •The 'gock!. P ul's church was held in St. Paul's Mrs. J. Taylor • and son of 'Hard- nitecess Walken. tamer has it ne Lower Than the Lowest -In neRay-milde nnd Or- ne• oth ..,peeple. were nailer quite.s0 Pron.& 01. school house on Motiden evening'. •ne -stors are. at presene visiting ler • going to build new store on. Ins new • Or - or g • a er Mrs A. B. es Proctor• rmprovin dered Clothing. To few '-' • 4 t. men is it given to carry on business successfully !o . half a century • and after so long a peeiod of honest, faithf tit toil, one begins to . think of enjoying hitt well.earned rest. Such is our.conilition and ..., .... ...., eller 50 years of successful trade in Clinton, we have -de'cided to. .64 offer, iit surpt•ising reductions, our $4000.00 Stock with a view ia - --SALE- IS NOW ON- II•11 • • • • 4.1 Fa • ••• We have not t i me or space fora detailed list of prices, A. : • • wag has said that "the proof of the ptidding is the Chewing of the • • etrnig," 'We otter a better .and pleasanter test, in asking you to , , . -. see ortt• geods,' learn our reduced prices, a rid compare witintioasted • • ''••• largains elsewhere. It is easy to say the prices -WERE titt and ... • • so; the important. thing is WHAT THE PRICES ARE. ' • a' 6. • • We specially invite our old customers to do themselves & .- good turn, by seeing what we have to offer them. It tvill be like b•-• .. n. belated Christmas box. SI nillarly we invite those who have not 4•-• been regular customers to 'examine geods and prides, We make • • .. • • . • • t•etiring front atetiVe business es 80013 85 disposed of, • • • • • • ▪ • No Mere BioA,.....Enio,y vessels make most sound, but we Er • 1.11 6 4 6 .• • • • 6 idkabomisiotroo.•••• • • • •16 ▪ T. jacksolt, Sr., Clinton. • - - -..-_ ptomise genuine reductions in all lines : ro, IlOYS' SUITS ORDERED SUITS ORDERED ?ANT8 ' . ...v HATS, OAPS. ETC. •GENTS! FURNISHINGS • •••• . .. RFIADY.MADh/ OL0TIIING. . ... NO COtilt one, come nit, A.Sk, see, exatnine, compare and you will buy .40 • 11, Z•14.1•4•÷1•4401•4444.1-14•14•144•44•1-1.4.144•44.1-141; . property which will fill a gap between their choir as at tl-e present time. Dr, Inoticrt Mr, E. Hilton was re-elected Iv , • • atri g r. Anderson's store and Mr. ll'antil- •'LLWatVS sernion wa , . . t,estry c tr o • ' e year. Mr. 1 I very s ow y. tods. thy, powerful and practical. . • Phillips was re-appotnted • clergyman's A very enjoyable and profitable - • in the morning service at the Otiter- warden and Mr, T. D. Johnson peo- l6 street church Dr; Coon gave a de- pie's warden and Messrs. John Ran's- . . tittle waS spent on Moa.ay even ng in and tit the evening a very Oriel?' Song lay -delegates te : the Synod. lelessre. school, it belitg an 'Easter service: scripeive serinou on the 'Resurrection' ford and S. G.' Plutntner were elected. Mclullop Township. connection with the Methodist ;Whiny Service Wati given, in witiel. t le ex- W. Webb R. •Worthington , Col- Miss Mary Ilackwell hes been' &' Each claes gave some selection, tither teachers also. gave a eltortts, lite to p - selves. The so os 17 Mr. Norman Mee- Grigg, In Herman, and C. ,Tchimon cellent choir them. crottgli, it. Pinner, W. Rattenbtt11. ry, pleasant visit with friends near •Deb- singing, reciting or dialogue. lite cP, find Miss Lil ien Andrews added .were eppoatecel sidestiten. The finati- Mr. Bernard Downey has purehased a erintendeut,, Mr. N. B. Cary, ocenpitd very much to the success of the ser .• eig.I statement or the church wardens - fine 'frirm..on the, Htron Road, itear Stthe chair to his .own credit and the • pleasure of the company,. key. J. vice, Although the service was neces- was received anti,. showed a graestally . C011.1111%01. ery large audience c. resew; gate only from Pew rents and offerteries is hew,. school near Grand Bead, spent Easter Mr. Win. Trewiit hese been very ill NeXt Simnel. evotitif . ni It 11 aces. . ' . - .• 0 t the Mr. Lacey went to the Secs on a finis son, Mr. Thos. Trewin of Bflen- , Friends" lw taking. for his subject' taus incurred in tin past is miost Prohallin remain there all summer if ily 1:ave been called to Hs bedside. wily much longer than c.stiol, de' decreasing inde•Itteducss. T1.4 income Miss Rosa Smiths •wito tesehtlin Holmes gaNter a short address. signs of Interest and apprecoution.• • tor the first thee itt many years, holtdays at home. • ' of late but still lingers in the body. prospeetthg tour lest week and wIll eim and other -members ot., the ant - conclude his series on 'Daniel attd His ortlook for getting He, of the indebt- " ' I Den ' .romisin The organist's- worlf in the it suits him, Mr. A. II. Plummer is paying the Daniel n t te g. It also artr.iversary day With church wss favorably cotamented up- Mr. M. Coats, who Was here. on a cit 3r of orouto a visit this week, • of Myth and also a - fortner resident of the Wesley Sundae' :school which led tin atel the salary attached to the visit timely all winter, rate:then to ' Mr. Robert Howard, an old res t out ti cc sion ev Ur. McCaw* of tors etipoid was increased 1II, $56 and Air. Michael 0-1Yr/11 who; has been Clintou, and who at tke present tittle and rasp gave an address at the see- neesers. II. T. Rat ire elan Pe. lin Hilton turned home. It is to be hoped tiutt Bobs Wil •re. On rinonday evening Mt entertainment accounts of the church wardens snd ' at F.IletiCill lg,,St WM', was not sold, AD% J. Donhohil peeled' out cm Sat- tends the program gone., in short the to glee the aneitors time for their reserve -Mr, Roland Cook f: former Mieieltl. tends the efforts. of this vigorous SIM- iminied meeting evil' take place on at home =Min all Winton Went to eh, is contemn to his end with le coin. ' day Scheel. was been un -king feee preparatioas for position. was Increased Sm. Tin: rec. ' Manitoba last week, • .Saniia, preached morning . and evening ha was given le moieties holidays. tn. Chicago. or sot . • i , tig a o. 111, sic* of the school fit the afternoon, wore appointed aenlitors. to audit • the The Inimmy farna which was put 14? gain his former 'health . WLS given. The •autitdat.k:s was the. inoting maht,:nied fer fortnigl.t the seen ollerec not coining np to the twenty with about ferty knees. 4r.. caul Mrs, •Win. Deer spent la few days. at &side with their eaugla tete • . • . • . , •Mr. Wein Gorier gct struck • in the face while balpitin to take the nciof elf the church: He was knocked ineeesible • firr a time, hut has: recottered again. Mr: C. Askevith; of :Berk:. is spend - nig,: his holidays .ender. tlie parental i•oof, , Mr. E. Robertson of Lucknew is also at 'lathe. • • : • ' Mr. Elwin, Mimeo of nIontrean . is home for. •the sinentere • • .nliesese Robinson and &later n• are, epending their helieleys•.at Atone, also Miss Jessie Couplaed of elintent. - Miss' Eden Matelorald and. Miss Mar- ( -kneel of Deeerceneo are at Mrs. A. T. 11 ac donald s • • • Mess C. Lawlot •of Detroit spent few days undee the parental rect.- ' Mr. C. Hoar of .Clinton, wee . in the village cite day last week. ' • • Z, Munro waS cot to Clina. tc.n 'last' 'week ,attentling an executive meeting. • Mr. John Waldron of near, Myth' has rt Med 1:r. John Thompso.ri's fi'rnt 'mad moved. laett Wednesday. • Mr. and .Mrs.. (Rev.) T. D. Couphaid and. dairghter Annie speht Easter at • Rev. T. Stnall preached for Mr, Ctittplend Siaiday eight. . TIM Presbyterians lieil :heir services in the Methodist -clitireli Smelay. Mr. 3. 'Phillips, lnackeinith a Mr. Ferguson's, spent Easter a his . home in St, Mavens. • . Miss Maggie Small spent Inceeter In eltratford: Mrs. A. Robinson and family visited, at Luelencw for Easter.' Mr, II. Knox is at Wingthaln at pre- sent. - Miss Josephine MeAlliSter visited 1 friends in. gna. around our burg recent- ly, 'Ur. 'Thomas Lawlor has gone to Tr ronto hospital. We hope to see hiit home soon. hale and hearty. • affair was the SUCCe" tha alwaYs at- examination of the accoents. 'lite ad- Mr. Herbert Irvine, who Itas been of (loderich township but late of Illy - work in. Stratford last Iveek, VliatiOtt of diseaSes,, hiondayt the 16t3i April, • ••,..eda... • - Goderich Township. Mr. W. O. Elliott has Ataffered tensely Inc the oast telt ds.ys from at ,vet•y painful disease. • Mr. Dan, Blither Was caw hoine to East Wawanosh last *oek by the illness of his stepfather, Mr. ,Ta.cob trvold, who died on Monday, aged 60 ,F;at's 4yid t inontbsa . , -