HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-31, Page 5•
March 31st 1904
4010.1111Ilean.l. . ei .1, _Le
for salt; at a baroain. Cost $45e.e
evill nal for 525o. acre of laud
with beeliug orchard. amid frame
house-, kitchen, woodshed4,11(.1 'Stable,
herd min soft weter. Will sell • ou
eeey terms.—James Carter, 'Clinton,
Tito Clinton Nows*Altecord
1.111.11111.11.111011,01111.111.11.1101101111110001110.0111110111111101110111001101.111111.111111, h I I I
Ashfield To4waship.
8 44140144€081
TheAslifl.ekl towusitip council met on
Alarelt enthouititttee of previous meet-
' lug read and appromel. Cheeques were
! issued for the following annelids
• Prolulfoot 8: Hays, legal advice ter
, ftree ,years, $62.97 ; Charles Stewart,
repairing culvert, soe ; tat motion of
•intothers. mid Kenley, the council ad-
jourued to mot agate on the eeth day
Aetin—Wen. Stctitere, Clerk. •
cettle WI pigs at It 27, con. 2,;
Hey, 1 mile south of north bora-
dry, Thursday, April 7th, at 1.301).
sue—J. H. Petty, Proprietor D. n.
?Winne, Auctiouettr.
liffeetiv,e deity dining DInrelt and
.April, cheap one way Colonist tickets
will be issued from, F•13. StAtiOrIS
Ontario to all points•ene the -Great
Northern Railway in tiee states of'
Montane, Idaho, Washington and
Oregon, also all points in British.. Col-
'ttenbia. On March. r st,• 8th, 15t11, 22nO
and 29th, and April 50e, 12t11, 19tie
•and 2601 one way second class tienets
• • will be issucel front Chicage to poires
• •in North Dakota at greetly reclined,
-eutes. Full information as to time ef
trains, berth rates in. Tourist sleepers.
e • also literature on silty . of the above
Statee on pplicaeion. to • Chas. W.
• Greven,: District _Passenger Agent, • 6
King ntreet West, Rootn 12, Toronto,
ne X. ell'hitneer„ General Passenger
-n• Anent, St Nun. .nniun.
' • I •
CO11111 YO11,?
ItiVelink up n. first class
U mite, such as, we hese
unless one ;goons were
right, in every wey. We sell
the Finest Geode for the Want
trade. Oneerialeonvine.es you
of this.
Among otlierlines ,we ex-
cel in Fancy Biscuits. We
keep Assorted Bisenits at. 10e•
per 114. tip to Maearoons
In Olives and Pannes we have
nnly the best : Chutney Ohifi
Sauce, Gliow•Ohow, sweet and
sour Vinegar Pickles. and also
Hnrse Radish. .
'We still solicit vooe neettle
W. T. O'Neil.
• Hand Laundry.•
• I wish • to ivform the'. citizens . 'of
• Clinton thet I - ant doing a first -clans
laundry bit s hie ss ii Ole twat' fonnerly •
occenied by • Mr. .T.olin Ilays on Ontar-
io street and will grearentee satisfee-
.,_•• tie,* .or yeur money reign-ke-Sh
n' irts..
eninn'nironed so that they will etet hurt the
neck. Stand up- collars iroped..wiehout
• being broken in the wing.
Shirts se
Collars re
Ctine 2C per. pair •
Blouses Inc tO• 25t
FOIndy washing, plain not starched„
• 25c per doz. . • •
• Family wanting, starched,. sea per
Goods- called for and deliveree jtj any
part of the town.'
Charlie Ming.
- Held Up
for inepection is one style of aloe
teem the many varieties we have -•in
stock. It fairly represents the ele-
gance of all our shoes. They are new
and right tip to the minute in poiat
of style. They are just oll the last
and look well and wear well. Unlike
many handsome things they have last-
ing epealities. If you Wifil to be well
shod, put peer feet be a pair of out
$.3.5o shoes, the best ever sold at tbe
Our Groceries
ere always fresli aild especindly
suitable to the seasons of tite year, as
well as the staple goads tequiterl eve
ory day in the week. They fill every
shelf 1.110 corner in our store. It is
hardly . necessary tol state that these
goods are of the highest quality and
prices are very reasonable.,
Ogle Cooper's ole, stand.
Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 23
• New Designs
and Splendid
151.14 two girls, one en. parlor maid
and the other as house Maid arta
seamstress. Must have good -refer-
ences. Apply to . MISS ATTRILIe
Gotlerielt. 12-2.
mssolit:TTIQN . ob 1.,..tiers1itsLup—
The partnerskap. heretofore _existing
between: the undersigned Albert See-
ley and Albert Turner has this.
day been dissolved, by mutton
etitsent. Tile 'business • win . be
carried c,n as usual at the- old steml,
A....Seeley retaining the general black-
sthitbing business and A. Turner the
bicycle .department. As it isedesir-
able • thee the partnership accotiets
should.. be closed by May J.St, 1904,
they world esteem it a favor if
their . customers could 'make it .con-
. venient to settle all ceer-elue ace-.
cottuts by that date. . Bothmembers
on the late firm take this el/portent-
ty. of 'thanking the public for :Nir.
enteral patronage iti• the past and
thoegh no* separated trust • to merit
the ,senie iu the .future.— ALBERT
• ness C, B. '110e. March. 23rd,
pod size, goad milker. Will calve
Jet .week iii Mayeenillos, 'enenaghan,
nlinton. •
Lore 32,. con. 9, Gokrieh township,
eoneisting of So acres,. 40 'acres etret17-
ed down, b acres he. fall wheette:or
' chard, brick Melee' and bank •barre
m•ile .frout sawn, 2,1.; miles: , from
• Hottueeville, .5 miles - from , Clinton.
nrierrediate' possession can -be elem.—
:. George S. Commie, Clielon P..0. . •
• •
work, wages 58 to Sio beinantli; no
• washing. Apply. to MRS.. .0. D.
..MeTAGGART, High. street, Clinton.
• .. . •
WitatlE•tlel COII„ Colhorne, consistiug,
Of : r6oeteres.. • Fraune house, • goon
Irenh barn, e•ricl ontletildings. • • Well,
watered. /0 • acre.* -fall wheat,. 30
acres for crop, balance in 'grass.. For.
. further penticulars apply to Richard.
• Maker, Clinton,
• Stanley, •• 'about 2, .milas from Clite-
- ton; • a splendid firm Of too acres in
good state of nultivation. -•Comfort-
Able. franie house nearly .neW,.neW
barn . end Other .ottiebuilaings,, nevet
failing well. Per .further particulars
apply on premises c.rnbly mail • -tee
WILLIAM' CALWELL,.. Clinton P. 0.
. have ..' for sale a splendid tlforobreci
"Dorhant .bell, eight. months,' . dark
• Ted; he is si very promising animal
. and .will be seld cheep. • We haye.
• • so' for sale- qumitity. of seed oetSi :
.berley . pease These eats; are of
• splendid variety. and great yiehlers,
'leaning rown bushels the.
acre' last year.. ;Address; TYNDALI.
BROS.; Clinton.. • • . • • •
• ' •
. • • . • . •
FOR.. SALE nR 4gicv-A COM-
• fertable house siteated oft Cotner of
Church ancl Osborne , •streata.-nApply •
tinquAs. OVERBURY. • July efttit.
• .. .
. .•
organist of of °Merin Street Methodist
• clutch. Teenier' ol Prang, Harmony,
notate. • leree Theory lecture te-- sten
dents every' Tuesday evening at stu-
dio • Over Newcombe's. store, Cline'
• ton.. .. • •
-.pared •te do all kines. of Cleeninge
lnyeiag • -.and nressirg . of. Clothes.
All, wo-k den n anshort nonice and
satisfactipe .gueranthede-J. T. nE,
Over The
To the greet WOrinne•Pair, :St. Louie
Mo., opens Apt il 3oth, eleses Decem-
ber tC,Verti , 1,e40 acres, cost More
then nseevoiaoter. The ...most gigantic •
and eolcesel undertaking.' ener atterin
pixel by .inen,- • ' .• • .• . •
" The great Welicieh litie is ite ily
en:limed that owns end eonteols... its
own rail -Seinen Canada direet. to • the
World's 'Pair -.gates. • a • . . • .
'The new 'fitagniiieent traniteebuilt es-
pecially ' for . this. traffic places • the
Wabash iit the ftentt rank kir. this Miele
rees. Por other .. information. . ,add-•
ress • env ticket agent or J. • A. :Rich-
ards...41i, "District Passenger Agent, • N.
E••• Corner Mug and .. Yenge • 'streets,
Totonto, •
Nelms of Wall Meier are now in,
Come in any day and we' will show
e you the samples. We also have a
good selection of garden needs and a,
special lete of Bening Powder at r5e •
in lb. tins.
Any quantity of eggs taken la ex-
ellange for geeds.
Mrs, Shier's V• ARI1111,
Beacorn's Old Sta.na
Opposite the Magni tIottee, .
0 • 0 00000000
0000000 000000000000
The News of aoderich.
Miss E. A.. &kinship, •
0 • 00000. 000
Miss May Elliott came home I14/21
Louden last week suffering, Von, gt•
Tire West Huron Partners' Institute
has arranged for an excursion: to the
Model Inerm on Jim irth.
The Irish nine beat the organ feet -
cry teem at hockey Pridey night.
Mrs.nu:rine Reynolds left on
Tuesety to visit her many relatives
end friends in Toronto.
Birth—On 2E4it March, to Mr. and
Mrs. T. Pringle, a son.
Mrs. C. Pennington and aaughter,
Miss Viola of Peenhill, are the guests
of Mrs. VeurAngton'e .
Mrs. T. Pringle. •
The Womens' Institute will -meet on
Thursdaynext at the residence of Mrs.
Alex. Craigie.
Harend, the little son of Rev. Sali-
ent,. was caught under a srhoty elide
winch fell Stone the root! of the par.
%inane and was picked up onewiscioue,
hut is pow- getting better.
We celled, on Ur. Willican Tilt of ;Cite.
billiard perlor and esker]: him if he '•
was aware that he had a good many
opools" in • oprosition to his. He •
said "No !" and then .4 nroadmune
illumined biSneee when. he thonght of .
the nook ot.1 ell sides that 'meriting
• caused be the heavy rain.
• Mrs, Tom Sands 111 111 sucit delicate
health, that elle left •last _week to the
Attain some time with her sister et
We called Titian Mrs. W. Lasham on
Illenclay and had the pleasure -of meet-
ing the wife and Jaunty- of Engieeer
Ileek of London and were wonderfully
eterprised 1,67 hear little Marguerite,
eighteen eucntlis old, singing the first
line of a beautiful bytun "Jesus' Loxes
Me. That J Enow" in perket tune end
might say in ntontuteiation
well. She only began to sing with the
older. children a month ano. Mr. Rifles
who with his •feinilyresided here•
• few years ago,' had a. 'seven months old
baby boy who coeld taln with greet
precisien, • •
. Do the great temperance peonibition-
peceele nnow that in Proverbs, 3ist
chatleen. that King nannuells mother,
.a prophetess, send' to hint ? "It,
not for '<logs, o Samuel, to drink
wine,. eor • for nrineesstrong drink,
lest they drink and pervert the law
and pervert the judgment of any Of
the afflicted. Give strong drink u,nte
nim thet•is reedy to perish and wine:
untothose.who be of heavy. hearts."
So it sores that there.. Was. "strong
drink". manufactured in those.. Bible
days as well as wine. Now, if prohi-
bition Jaws .pass what will they giver
those .who are ready- to perish, ?
Mr. Charles- DePeudry,• formerly • of
the ornen factory staff, is now employ-
ed • in•the .organ factory' at Staunton,
. .
. Mr. • Fred. Crane): had quite au - ex-,
perieneewith the "flood at Port, ' •Jern
N. J. He_ • sew • that some men
were • inperil enel ..nrere in 'a non to
their. rescue bet they •"seenieO to feel .
seeitte where they WOW in an Wiese
and as. the .current was getting strong-
er Mr.- Crain) retitrued to his eltedn,e.
Winn he •theehede the. Weide% louse he
fetind that nhe floodwas about Winne
the lower story' with 'water so he .arel
anotner gentleman went tie to: one of •
the • City chibs end passed it comfort-
able "eight. • , . • • e• •
--•• Mrs: • Bedford and tittle ..granenton,.
Bedford Green, . left on Frieley, .for•De-
troit . • • •
Mrs. lined. Lindsay of Lcinden 'and
little clind are Die guests •of their cou-
sins, the, Misses Barry, .
Mrs. R. Orr has so nar recovered
frem ber Iete illness to accompany her
daughter, Mrs. Harry Thompson, who
CW1110 here during her mother's innese,
_to her home at Kelemazoe, Mich.
• Mr. Grillielt nas left' the •organ ac -
torn and inteeds going into the up-
liondering -busizess for himself. •
'Bliss Anna Macdonald, .datigitter • of '
Mr. William Macdonann, leas oraduated
'en nurse from, Greet: en•spitel, London,'
She may eneept a position in 0. Phila-
delphia hosPitan
• Tue oddfeuuws defeated the -Sons cf
'Scotland in a game of bowls on
day evening.
l'be trustees of N(retie street church
have increased the salary of the orga-
nist, Mies Ccon. . .
nein-- to Monday afternoon there was
no sign of the ice on the Maitland
• breaking- up.
- Mrs. C, Crabb and Mrs, J. C, Mare
ikon intend. spending. Easter. at Strate-
fore. . •
•• Mrs. Smith- expectea visit this
summer from her SO; Mr..Jeenes Smi-
th, who left :Goderiell • about; thirty
yeers ego . and settled in -St. Paul,
• Minn.., -•. . •
Miss Euphemia MeLennan of Detroit
visited her sister, Mrs.J. M. NieLead,
Month, .
. .
.. denee of, the bride's parents, . Wal-
ton on March 901, by Rev.' I. M.
• Webb of .DruSsele, Mr:. John .1rIall 'of
• Gainsbeeo, N W T.,. tea Miss :fent-
, ima, datteiter of Mr. Enid' Mrs:
'• W. II.. Humpinies, Welton, . •
MILLER—CAN'11,0N—At the home of
. the bride's lather, IViarch•
' • 23rd, .by Rev. T. W. •Cceens .of
• Brussels, Mr; Georne Miihtr f Bre-
.. sante, • to -, Mies Mary tneettlon • •of
.• Ethel. • • . • • '
MellIORDIE—STEPinlea 6— At Niag-
ara Palls, on Marne 160„, by Rev.
j."Walker Shelton, Stewert Perri-
• val Infehlord le, ; of. the lirxii of Barry
. and •McMortlie; and .scat en Robert
• In-ippon,to nliss . Edith
• -Mabel, ilaiteltter. .1..13. Stephen's
. af Niagara Fella. n • • •
PORESTe-COCIIR ANIneeiet • ' the . resi-
• "Aimee of the bride's father .in
. Cli ein, by Rine, • M. •CenIeLenrian
-or Kitten, Alr. Cooper Forest
.61'Incipstijavr,'Aesinibinia, ..Miss
• . Mary Coeltraneeelaughter of Mr.
James. Cochrane of Hay. • .
'• • Mareb. 23rd; by Rev, W. it. God-
•, win,. 'Pinnies Ilinnins, to. Miss Kate
. • May, • Oanghter •pf lire and " Mrs..
• John .pickle, • ••!, • . • • • • •
.WYAT'r—To -Goleritb en Marne .23rd,
• 1.0 Mr. end Mts. 'mon., Wyatt, a
rivm-an Goderich, an. March 2411,
. to 'Mr. end Mrs. C. C. 1,ee, a
DInni(1811111g1.11blan-rbn March retio nixe •
.' • .11r.oennson. Liiie, Hay, to Mr,' 'and
. Mrsn.IIelson Denomie, a eon. '
01t'1'WiN-.0a .1 -he Thrown Stib Mae• ;
Hay township, oit March rah, to
• .c51alte
•rligaindr. J° C1
1 ;
MAnniONALD—In. • Clinton. Merck
. 26th, Arcliihahl niaeclintelO, etened
72. years •and 6 moans. .
'SHEPPARD—Sae-Wilily, in Whinineg,
man., en March 25eh, Mrs. Janl'•
' Sheppard' (nee . Ent in, . T honip-
-solo Ifth con., Owlet -telt town:dap).
••agen 32 3r(h..11i.
IIOWARDIrt ClintOn on Merck 281.11,
• ••. irrs. .Catiresine. E. Iiowited,_ aged
Tickets Will be issued as single first-
class . fare, goon *nag Thutsdav,
•:Merch 31.51., to Monday April 4tIt,
valid returning on or hefote Taesney
April. 'eth, 190e. Ore way -special
excursion tickets on sent daily to
: Points in Montana, Coloration Mak,
1 British Columlna, Washington, Mello
' Oregon, California. Speetel settlers'
• trains • to Celia:dial% Northwest with
! 'eClonist Sleeping ear will leave Tor-
, onto every Intesday during• March
and April at 9 p. tn. Passengers tra-
• veiling without live stock should.
take the Pacific Express leaving
Torontoat e•45 Pan. Por tiekets,ree
• servatiens and all inforlitation apply
to Pelt. Hodgens, Triwn Tieltet Age
• ent, A. 0. Puttieon, Depot Ageitte
I), McDoiteld, Dietriet Pesseliger
, Agent, Toronto,
CANT .LONn-In Ttiekersinitin on Mareh
26t11e :Tenn 'Cal -lichen formerly • of
• Goderich. tenni:lineage& 76 yearse.'
1400RE—In. California. one Meath mile
• 'lir. . Moore; • formerly cA Clinton,.
• 41.,neen 8r years, : • '.• •
Fn.LIOTT—In Bayfiefit on -March 2210,
' Mrs. ThOW.E.S. • Elliott, eegens....32
years. . • •
GOTBY—Tri • Winglinite March 19th,
Ann RUA, relict in the Tate Schn• .
Gotbyaitged 82 years and I r
tits. . . . •
IIALL-1t Arratt tewnsli ip , 11c.rc1t 2 r ,
• Rev. H. 'Hall, father of the editor
of the Ininglient Advanee,..' iit kis
96th year, '
G0RDON-1n Denver, Colorado, March
:1-9111, .12oland .0. (Inning, eldest
'son 01•111r. and Mrs. In M. Ger-
• (inn: of Winghant. -
LAWRENCE—In Denver, Colorado, on
enarch 21st, William Lawrence, scot
eMn. Chafi. Lawrence of Bel -
grave, eged-27•years.
Exeter on March • 19t11e
Wifliani 'Welsh, aged 80 years iid
e months. .
MAKINS—In Exeter oit Mat -ch /oda
nerah Troyer, wife of Henry Mak;
ins, aged 62 years, no months and
• 13 days.'
PARSONS—/n Stephen, on !March 18,
Jane' 'Wilcox, relict of the late
WilLane Parsons, of Exeter, aged
. 8o years 5 months and 15 days.
MILLER—At Priem Albert, N. W. T.
on 'March r8tit, Willitatt -Miller,
aged 72 years, formerly of Wroxe-
ter Huron county.
MenITARRIE—In Celborne en March
• loth, Sareit Mentterrie,. ageel 94
vears and to months.
IVIel".ELLAN—In Tueltersmith on March
29th, Audrew McLellan Sr.., aged
77 years,
BLANSHARD—In Whithrop,
• op, ott II/Laren erst, Agnes Cast,
widow of the late Iliratire Illattelt-
ard, aged 65 yearn, 3 months tied
8 neys.
MeIVIANN—In Melnillop on, March 1801,
Cleorge MeMann, aged 70 yeses, 4
itietiths• caul 12 days.
,GODKIN-eitt MelCillop, Moen e4th,
Ionize An Morrison e wife of Mr.
Stellhen Godkin, aged 61, years and
' 9 Menthe
. Mrs, Penner' of Detroit was .the 'gttest
of her aunt, Mrs.' Aikenhead, ihe past
tione weeks. nhehas..retureed toher
home et Detren • for Easter,
Mrs. Ross. (11 Toronto has be.cn • ill.:
guest:: of her . daugli re, , • o
The ,Iligh Tea . at Inetaxnehureh, 011
Friday evening Was a. great• success:
Everybody piaistel- the tables 'anti then
. red aud ' white thine was
presided onerbyMoe. .T. W1>ii :and
Mint Nairn, the Pinn ancl green table
bv Mesdanies George, Steeeart, M. IL:
Mortis,•Alex Straiton and. en..1),
Lean the white .table by nlesdantes
George Bissett;' J. Shaw, ...1..Bedford
and R. •Craigie the. • yellounteble 'by
letree enlanie) Wick •and Menclatnene •eft
Shaw and W..Wernock, • The, Shame
rod! hac1. the. place Of lierer at • the eel;
low '••
The Maitland broke, rer at 3.30 on.
clock. oti.Thereclay afeerneion lent •ann
• tile, :was 'scent !clinked... With
Tdi,'• 'Mrs". (Dr.) Ilolitiesn. \elven itnn..en;n•-..heen
grate a siifferer romerlieteniatisin,••fitei
et:4i recON. ,cred.. •
• Mins •Wasbienton has :nett of a set •
of cbine which initst. be nearly a cell-
. rieh *S need' The
•. N.eare-
R'eele'1(.1)erd..De.;ug'.1.tterS ot the ..EMPire. triet 011
Inonclan and arranged correnitteee 'to
teke charge of the pain:Killie.:eel:eon
to ne held. in the 'Oddiellowe hall • nil
4.01April:l, nor nee hoe.n.:.ital
Mrs, Whickloo aeil Miss \\incident ate
UM guests at l'arcattceof •ItIrs. (Dr.)
Jukes .Tohuston. • • •• •• •
• Miss •Maggie Vintner left on Mondey.
to 'spend a season at' Stittes establish-%
neent, Tcronto, witk her sister; 'Miss.
. " •
Fraser.. ' •
• Mrs. Sleek will leave April ta snerel
the stenteen with nter daughter
Miss, Bella .Wilsen, who has been 111
nor 'some time, is progressing mast fa-
vorably- to •perfect .1teent1e • •
Cennain Craig . and family are:on:1(1-'-
1,h% from Alletrt Street • to'Elgin eve,
hevienrentedthe house.ownen and fere
inerly occepie4 lir-Mts.' J.. C. Hardee• .
Mr. HantiltetinMattia ctl Meltint's
.el.oree who tock Si holidayviSit to
'Detroit, has •returtted. • • •
Mr. M. •Cressman, who has been 0.
great invalid for some year's, hes
takett. a chengto for 'the worse. .
13irtit—At Detroit on March 19th, 1.0
Nita and. Mrs. Parnell:one a daughter. .
• •
11110_,116,f0010111.1111101111101111.0111101,111.1111111101.111111111111111111101111111111110111111Mil,..„-_.„__„, 1.) Jo (ILI •1 1. I j 1,11000001/
mre.ru-na Is a Blessing to Those Troublcd With
' Catarrh," Says United States Senator Corbin.
Colds*Not Promptly Cured Are Sure
. to Cause Catarrh.
Cat• arrh Improperly Treated is Sure
to Make Life Short and Miserable.
• •
Many Wonderful Cures .Are Made
133i Pe-ru-na. •
reATAElell spares no -organ or ftmc-
•‘n tion of the body. it is capable of
destroying sight, tante, smell, hearing,
digestion. secretion, assimilation Area
Oentlemen—iiThe use of Pe-
runa has been a blessing to
those troubled with catarrh.
So many of myacquaintances
have been cured and benefited
by Its use that its curative
qualities should be generally
known. I do not hesitate to
recommend it as the best rem-
edy yet discovered fer`that dis-
ease." ---D. Y. Corbin, 916 Chi-
cago Opera House, Chicago, 11!
excretion.: it pervades every: part Of
"theniuman body, . •
Peruna also cures bronchitis, coughs,
and-eonsumption in the font stageswith
unfailing corteintyn• •
Hon. D. Y. Corbin, en -United States
Senator and cousin of Adjutant General
Corbin Of • the 'United 'Sta,tes• Ariny,
Judge Corbin is one of the beet known
lewyers in Chicago and stands high nro-
fesslonally. and socielnve -The abone
enclornerrtent cOreing frOm such a man
.: • ,G.oderich".. •
Talk• abent onr luvliig en•esilyesnr-
ing. this .season of e904. Mr. Duff of
Statley'retreet had his'potatoen
ed in March' and Many .others We •
same 'net. tee April. and May .inon.ths
were ecnett. ' In 1•86e on the 24th,. of
May • Atte V. IL Skil/tinge San on " a
bench in 'life park at the harbor wat-
ching .sonie nferonto vosels• that were
iee bound and could not get Mto.. the
next of • Kireardine. 1Vill it be- 'the.• 1
genie tine year'? e • • • ••
. •M
•ies Ennel et•aig. has taken.:
tiOnoin J. Acheson's streee: •• • . •
Miss IlencleisOn of neodeniene has
returned to toWn, end .taken. her Po -
Sion •as • local :milliner with Miss Mae.. •
PherSon.—Wingliam lnines.. • • • •
• We wenn pleasantly surnriied at see-
s:, beautiful .• flower blooming
shades of purples to whtie 'at.kke.koor
.ef Mts. Welsh .whoncileetis. it was the -
Cpsinos, and in looking over the Woitin
'eit's Farm Jourral *c.found •
eltet tile seed is sown early in, • the
cannot help but add wciOt and Import.
anco to the thousands of testimousala
from the humbler walks of life.
Catarrh is the canso of at loot one-
half of the ille to whieh the human
family is /mined. le there no way to
escape from it There is.
Peruna never fails to cure a COld• Po'
runs never fails to cure catarrh bit the
first stage. Femme eurea catarrh in the
second stage, nine eases out of ten. Pe -
rune, cures catarrh /nits last and wont
stages in tbe majority of cases, and
never fano to benefit every one, bow
ever bad. ,
A boon on tbe cure of throat end lung
diseases, and catarrh in all stages and
varieties, sent free to any outdrew by
The reruns. Mediciae Co., Columbus, 0.
"My kite Bung by a Mere Thread,
• Pe•ru-na Cured Me."
Mrs. narale Smart, 27O Hayward St.,
Brooklyn, N. Y., writes*
n1 can't toll in words bow low 1 was.
My Ufa hunn by a more thread. I Was
waiting for months to die. •
“My trouble was consumption, or
bronchitis. I suffered no pain when 1
.was low, but coughing and breathing
; kept sapping what little strength I bad.
. I could not eat, sleek. or even lean bank
!on e chair. I was a mere skeleton. 1
Isaid to my husband, '2 earint last much
longer:. nly.neinhbors say they do not
• nnow how I ever recovered. It was an -
:nest a miracle. ,
nI took year medicine but three
months, when I could "do my housework
and washing, and have been doing it
ever since. Now I am able. to do any-
thing, You would never think I had
bon troubled with sucha serious Ill-
ness. I shall always keep your medicine
ia my house."—Mrs. Sarah Smart.
Despaired. of Recrivery. 0
,Mrs. It. L. Aulieh, Viee President
American Genealogical Associetion,604
II street, N. W., Washington, D. Ca
writes: • • . •
-"2 know whereof I speak when, I say
that Peruna is &wonderful remedy for
colds arid catarrhal. teouble. Last fall I
was very much .debilitateel from tire'
effectof a cold contracted early in t,he
sumexier and Which 2 neglected. I knew.
that inyesystem was in needof medicine
and rest, lent to find the right thing wee
the problem. Happily I gave Perim& a,
trial first .and have ng,reasonr to coffie
plain of the results.' Within a month I
• had entirely recovered' my strength and
good health and really felt better- and
stronger then: before." --Mrs. R...r.;
.,A.uuch. • . . • .
• If you do not derive prompt and satin-
, .
factory restilts from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr, Hartman giving a
full stetementof your case alne will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad-
vice gratis. .•• •
• Address .Dr; Hartman, President. of
The Here:nen. Sanitarium, ocaumbna, 9.
. McKillop Township. i • Mirth:
john Muldoon '41•-• Leeder,'• Merle
is in Mannino at preintit; He. notenils
• taking :a carload- of, hovels from here
when .he returns hothe. ' : • .
Mr. Jetnes Lewreece has let the one;
enact far n3,oecoresidence to be .er-
ected 'oe• his nee farm 011 tbe 5th line. •
..Stext stunmer; . .
Mr. Tames 'Ai:Wilson of Stn • Coluta- .
ben died, eit•Montlay :of last week. Ile
•Was an old resident •arel highly re-
. .
Several' of' cur citizens int4tid gcing
ot4 to the AVe.st sboreln eoeneek their
fc,vtunes. • • •
Early on 'Tunelay thiniderstorm
ancompenied with lightning and rain
i)aSseel Over this village reducing our
large 'cementite,. Of ereav eensideranne
Deis aliett tittle •are .were beginning tee
lose it. ! • • • •
-Mr.. Thos. McElroy!" bit here 'last
Week for St. Geeege to take ansit, We
understand. • '
Lawyer Blair ernletlerich WaS in
te,,W,tr. lftibsclay.
• • It, .J.atrien'leekhere r has ptireltasecl
-a ..wdotled • fin of • Too. &ekes frameeer. •
Poster of ,Varnee ',Ile farm is situete '
(id in the. townshin e.f Stanley, •
. . .
Fourteen ,young. men; the greater
nutubet•. of .them Teeing from leenind,
arrnyed .in Seafortn last week.: . ne• •
hear that they helot 'ell been *gape
to work wit* farm:ere, in, this eectione
Mrs. • Heekwell, who' WaS cpite ill
•,tnenerbeeiyingathedicat attendencen has'
reconerecl, we •are plead to say. • ..
sPriug •but . the flower does not bloneu • • •
until •September. .but October • :is Alin
month he' Which they scar. supreme.
Early frosts do not injure Until, ratlen
er.• do, then seem to deeperi their lovely
The Cantelan Bros. of 'Clinton are
shipping eggs' toQuebec: :Dori't• send
too many away, Senors. .
Ori Palm Sunday at•nt. ( .1' re
tfic blessing of Inc palms Leek pi! ce
and avery large eougregettion each
received. one,
At Knox church on, the evenitig of
Palm littuday. Rue: Mr. Aedireon •
tented for: his text in. bus eention to
tie: sailors and fishentieri ptoverbs.3-6'
"In all th3r ways .ticknowledee elen.
tinted netals, end - •
'rhe •fenereel of the latn.nla• tthew Men
(i -eight, took placteon Thursday from
- lather's resnlence to .tne Union
cemetery. It • was atteedecl bys large.
niontber Of. sorrowing .friende.
Our .waxey, ,Mr; John Shertitn.
ereturned hotpc .on Monday after having
epent the winter•itiontlis..with his dau-;
Oder in .Ininelon„ • • ....• , :
. •
• •
Mr: Thos. Marshall has rented his
PrOperty on Merles' street:and. Wee. gene I
te• week 4:a .a •farre .near Welton. '
' t.ownslina• potion inet onnMareli
nine' ••. ••'
A notice (if Mrs. Maxienrin Du-
enarme was' laid. before the council in.
which. slie elaimenateee have etintained
some . bijurio driving aereete.he
roade through there beim a ditch
get- througn, the sitoev acrose the road.
The conned end met take -any. eetion
ri tke metter. •' •
follownig.•accoonts were ordered
to benpaid ; W. Cleapeneinedraire across
:road, $4.85 •;..R.. R. noliestort, auditor's
salary, $6. J., Merrier, arelitor's
5st2t1.2a5r3, B5r6oN;vtiC.sx.R.: wroerpk.g. grader, cieRr:
N. Bender, plottgliing.C. Reson
IL Ruin; •Ploughing C. R., -$6.00 ; .D.
• Wilson., cid., Lake Read, 54 ; Geo, Mc-
Kay, . balance 'on contract abutments
Selene 13ringe„ 535n S. •Staulake
Sone,. lumber ,1903, n6.34e, • •
Cotineil nieet again at the:call.
'on the mere. .. • .. •
and lie shall direct thy paths. • •
• Nearly, all the cellars 111 some pelts • _
cf the town are flockled, • fun:ante put i
. •
out and stcves have to benett.t, 9. •
oneeeneeneenneenneenneonenenennaneeneonee nen nonnonneneeenneneenneeeennoeenenenne
much for 20 inch pipes. .
,The Water eges.running over the
bree.kwater on Saturday so they thou-
ght •-when the Maitland had' lowered
there would be no clanger to elle break-
water .frtnn accumulation on ice en
,Afaontson of
ent. David Belle
is rennet Terne, Buena Islaltd, .off the
• coast 'of California. In a letter, to .his
patents lie says : "NO *doubt yoit Will
be surprised to hear that I enlisted in
the tr. S. navy but •I just took a: 110-
ticn .1 / would nk •bti 0, saulr
end I guess 2 got pretty •near what
was looklug for. We areon art island
and they Won't let us go eslio•rt till
we have bee*t here tliirty days and
then ,we have a good tone just the
same. We have a man of war to
stuny from one end to another. I
wily -UAW Tour long .years toput in
here ; of . coarse in ekont a month or
two we will be inElting a three mon-
ths' 'cruise and as soon as we . get
beck we will get our furlough."
The accident whieli befel Mr. Maskell,
cue of the meat prosperous farmers in
Colborne, was otte of the saddest ;teen
nerds which 1.ea happened here for
some time. Leaving his lane itt good
health he came to town alone with a
sod drill. Ileput up at the Col-
borne hntel as•he always does. Not
feeling very well, the prenrietor thou..
Ott a little rest weitid- set him all
right and lock Lim up to the ,nublic
parlor and teld him to lie down en
thefa soto rest. Apparently • he fell
asleep mei on wakenitig, he went ere
on to the balcony. aunt 'fell. over. He
was injured 'Menially and died, on
Thursday a: 111. He heel been into
town previously atid nurcho.Sed a niano
and sewing machine for his family end
seemed hele and hearty. Although no
bowere broken and no other bruises
were nottnettine, nothim 'could be done
his fineries being internal. The furter-
al tno'lc piece to Celbente centetery on
Murray Harbor South, p I.,
Marcie 28t11—Special—Willicon Sherman -
who neeps a general stare here,' is one
ef inany hundreds in Prince Edward
Island who Itate been reeeteedfroin
throne sickftess and made wenn and
well by • Dockl's Kidney Pills. Mr.
Slovene who is aiways glaerto say a
word for the intnedy that did So much
• for bine relates his experience, as fol-
1ows • •
"I sprained iny back with heavy lift-
iug end the Insult was urinary • end
Kidney trouble that left itte in a very
weak slate and at times I got so
Weak 1.11.4a 1 LIO.OSt fainted min could
scarcely hold up."
"After trying Several other remedies
„without relief I concludedthat it was
a, Kidney Disease I Wei mut Would
four sr cure in a Kideev Remedy &net
derided to try Dodd's Kffluey Pills,"
"Tint reettlt•was all that weld be
asked.. 1 used teri boxes all told atul
catt how enjoy swdet sleep without be-
ing disturbed as heretenore and my old
troubles are banished."
Ineicre Kidney Pills 'cure all 'Kinney
ills front Backaelie to nrightnt Disease,
SeVeral lots of our new gobels heve arrived and nee are ,expecting
4(more to come next:week,. Otte stock is gradually getting filled up and
n. business is commeneing to corn° our way. Olci customers Med tneny
en new ones are again finding .their way to Our stare and are pleased
.s• with our goods and prices. •
.t: .
liore New Goods • • t
) •
• t
• .k.
.44• ee
We wish to gall your attention to a line of Ladies' Wear that we •
n have in stock and which We intend to handle, called "Her Ladyship ••
.1* ,
.e. Brand' of Skirts, Blouses and all the different linee in UnderWear, 3
ese Nothing better to he gad and at popular prices. .
4, . .
y ....... ...........
to 6 6 DRESS (1459DS . . ..e.
• 4In Dress Goods and. Inhuming we hair° bought only the newest, and a.
4 most up-to-date lines, Remember, we nave bob n not of last year's en
4 Deese Goods to dispose of.
,t, •
1,., s•
. ....... ii., 4..
A Pew Lines At Reduced Prices
A few Boys' Knickers left of lot advertised.
About one dozen Pore Sweaters at 130e.
A quantity of Ladies' Faun dat ion Collar Forma 2 for Me.
THE 0L0 s,rAND