HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-31, Page 4•
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W. J. efiTCHELL,
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l• e Column
, Column
'WI Column
1 Inch
The RoskGovernment
Obstructing Business..
Toren to, Meech 2etle-Deprivetl.
their maewity and driven to the
the On taric UuvrnhmjtL yestei day fott:.
. gh t _steelibornly for theie political
Once ogain the ereposition were .1:Lee.
d(mieating party. It was the Second.
time within a fewdays. that the •Weake
ness of the Athe letra t lee were :tan-
•ibly emphasized. They were helpleae
are] at the mercy el their .01)15 lents
and to save theneseilo.o. defeat the
eeeeiey obetruction'M delay. was
resorted to. No .clearer cut evidenee
cf -the Go/tempera's absohlte• iitnbility
to conduct the business .01. the. House
could possibly be furniehedand at P
o'clock this moraine -they .nrere. strugg-
ling to prevent a vote heing- teictid,
result of which • e•oeld mean that .rney
had suffered the hum iliatioo of • defeat
the hands of Mr. It hillier • and his
followers. • . • . ••
• .
.0r. Nesbitt had owiveel ehet the Moe
tre express the. Opinion thee. no .eubso
dies rhould be greeted to reitivaye
except' •upost the. exiles"; condition'. thet
the passotger • tette. 001 ,not at exy
time exceed, two ceete per nille: .Weer.
• •he arse to spea% to. Lie motion • the
Opposition were in .the. ajoeity... Bet
the Or/venal:do had ne 'Intention Of ah
• lowing u we no leo taken.: The meth?
they too . prevent this were
quite r Mole. • hey blucked .the- pre -
goes of public • business in the hope Of
gaining ti.ine and 'thereby. giving • their
•. fell/reel s a chance of turning up. . The
• Premier himself he thehand of oh-
strectioniste. Ile was olo icesly Pre-
pared for the position 'Nell it li . confront -
til li i Al./Hi d' with conions notes • he
• spoke for abort an hour against • the
While eugngtel in takiug down the
steeple el the S'reebytert en claire!:
Edward Lattion•r had narrow es-
cape. - He was climbing ap cal the in-
side of the structu're when cue cE. the
cross pieces gave way told he fun to
the floor of the tower 2o feet below.
The trier door of the flocx on which
lle alightsd was sown end lett for tie
ladder which stood partly in.the way
ane. the timely intereention of ' his.
putter, Gee. Hort, he would have
fallen, through ti, the toccata floor
70 feet below. As 11. wk.f; Mr. Latti-
mer Was 1111elly 4.1iatien up.
Mrs. Herry Beattie • of •Clintou, 1ms
been town n 11. visit to her par-
ents. Iler fatter, Mr. Jolla Turner
Sr,, is, we regret to say, en very lywor.
A ineetiog to re-orgenize the Huron,
roceluill deli was. held. recently. The
following officers were eleeted : •
Hoe. President, Dr. McKey •
lion. Vice-president, 0. F. 'Rogers •
President., 0. A. Silis
Vice-itresolent,• J. Stephens
See. -treasurer, W. Murdie •
Manager, 11. M. :Jackson
Assistant, manager, W. T. Fowler
Managing ^cceirmitteir, .R. lie• Cross-
• . •well, Keith McLean, Jannis Dunn,
• G. F. Coiling seid Nonnrot
. .
Represeetaarce to the annual ineetiog
at W. Merdie,
It is the. intention to deter a team
ill -both tte . senior and iretermediate
seriee of the M'estere Peahen Assoc-
isitiou. • •
We have again this week 'to record.
tlw Nall of one of the old wen highly
rerseetted 'residents of this .district
the persoo Gf Mr.Andrew McLellan
of Tuekeremith, south of Egmcaelville. •
The annoeucement of Mr..MeLellan's •
death Was a rho& tit many •although
he had been ill 'for allele Nix weeks.
.ftlre MeLelleet had reoched • the good
a.ge cI .77 -years, but. was a4 romarkelo
ly - smart and rcbust mare. few his yea-
rs. • 176 wv.(.11.,.cri 'the early settlers
f ;the toe ut hip .0. ITileterte • • •
Constance, ,
Mrs.. Coek of Winthrop in speeding.
Sew days with her see, 11; Cook.
Mr.. stet Mrk. W. Dunlop coal • family
leave this week for their new home in
the West. . Mr. leeelop. disposed et his,
frome to. AO". 'iteeeeerson. : • •,••
Misse.e.-- -Senile kale,' Kate JaMiesde
voritin friencis ltrussle Isst Week,
1. rank ( 33.k ef Seaforth !Tent'
day fit the villege. -
Mr. Jereeileeten now wears a' broad
s!iiile, 1iis, wifeeleoring presented' Lint,
• witli a toencing betty -boy.. .
.Mr.- 'Thos. •Pollord hag bought. the.
.1tGase•undliA 'formerly -owned by Tbes.:
-1 Martin in eur viilagc.• .
.• • Mrs..• Thee, Version: has retto-ned.
• to 'otir.•letrg • tater speedieg theivinteT-
- at..ThAinegore. ate' other points:. • .
• The 'Serie • of'. •Teniperance Perpese,
le/Ming- a • dm -cert. inth.. i near Defame.-
...• Cameral • Moliring hosetnaged with
Harry •Morris Of .•Loyal..fer. the .
iltg summer. • - ' • .
• . he ioemis of ..Martin Megfoiel.
•• ,tt. this steini iv are Seery- re leare thet• •
he is at Press ne sufferirer. from .a.severe
• ..eetirek of Mess:I:las thelimatism at his. •
home in fealtlerd. • : •• .
leer wire eceillagration - • ccenrr 1
• • ec
on. Thursuay 'night oh'n • the etone.
. braise belonging...le 'Eire Fil her was
chektereyed... '1 he honso had 11. 11 Lvacant
ter wend' time; but was being:ream/1;
elled • for • corm heine.v in • the- neer. futures'
• The "fire lead •gitileAottnetelieadway .1s' -
fore it was r otieed,, ci$*xllijt1y:JittL..
• .
'could he. done to hineerits progeces.; .• •
-The building wa iiiurcd.' '• • ... •
tnhtion, .n the ground that les -vase-.
age would ineao that the railwaert
would, while redeentg . their leas:tenger • . :•• -. •
rales increase the freight . Nees to else ,
ke itp the itillerenee. "Moldier after
otentber in. the Grerernieent side e wee
put up to ei 1 1 1i question wit. • The
debate. 'connneteed at four. o'cleek • ,n
the •afternoon eontineing till .8.151 • the
fcllowing inoneng.• Illy Nouse . was
t ired • Mt. No ..c ne . poets rom s .. • pay
any elect/tem. to the eireeches rend qiily
hist a sufficient number to leak -Vain -a,
' /plc nen reinesned. I1 the ehatieberoeltile,
the Government struggled toy maintain
their majarile. II -on. Richard- Tiara
court. )Jr. T. II. Proton end I -Ion. E.
.1. Davis' fcllowed iri i .Premitle's
wake. - The latter . spoke until '..the
Spealor left • the (lair at 6 o'cleck ned
at this time, LK far as • (meld letatreere.
taintel, the Opposition had e majority
of four. Teti Got etrenent refused -to:.
allow the cruestion to be put, re.:etsed.
• .
o at opt. Ir. Whitney s suggeettou that.
the debate be reetimed first thine • oe.
holding . tot etenting session, a most ere
usual thing. , •
Wood In Mt. Forest.
(nom the Mt. Forest Representative.)
We bear a greet deal theee days a-
bout the Standard Oil monopoly,
Rockefeller and the corner in oil
c.aI•barcret, the railways end the cor-
nerin coal ; but no one need go fur-
ther than the streets of Mount leutreist
to mounter a "corner" that for de-
liberate . robbery double discounts
Rockefeller end the coal barons. ,We
refer to the sale of wood.
• Iiast fall -or unly three mouths ago
-short wood was being brenght to
town end .eold for $2,.5o a cordt and
there are men ,n this town who made
contracts 'for quantities to be deliver-
ed on account for $2 t.; Core'. VW
:same kind of wood is now being, sold
by the. sante sit:aims from the same
piles, the saute distance from town,
r for. $4 a cord. IS ? Because it is
oornered .worse than coal. ojl .r coa
ever was. Because those who 11401 i
to sell- "hold ell" the people-ofteny o
them very Poor -and extort elve las
eent for they know poor peel, le an
others have to take: wood or go col
1(41 acceuut of the blockade keeping, eu
If oureuerchants were to do the sem
thing With sugar • tea, etc., what a
. outcry there would bd. • •How. Mova
Forest welder be the by -word in th
- mouths of the, *hole country side i
peen coe of its business men did wha
4; certainvendor of wood Metres net
glebothood (lid here . Mcnday. Thi
wood mali heel a contract to deliver
cords cf weod to one of our •citizen
• for .153.25 a cord and hoard for hinted
anei heases oldie in town. tot 'the da
in •question the veredor made a bee•an
.all the Wood was brought in at pace
- bet the man to Whose the fuel was t
• delivered . saw. thc wood sold t
enxioese. needy 'buyers :throughout th
tewn for .$8 a loace--of 0.• cord -and -a
eitelf-or over $5.25 a cord, sboet wocal
.cash.down of course, • •
e Right; here- we went to' say • that i
is, peculiarly- hetereseing to toe • ho
every iessi that' beings wo•oe to tow
tc••eell. gets • his spot easli • ire *Wane
before the. Wee1. is bunted. Whereas
many of •the Same people do notothoe
11. ueeessary to pay . for their Mealpro
per in "advitece ; °neat, lentil they have
:read. it for a year or two. If these
wood inen wereodealt • with, Ora • Way
_they deal Withthe ow/Simper "Wale their
customers would .nOt.• ray for -their
wood 4 ertil .1:Iwo had 'burned' it awl
• then :only pay au' casheireedyauce price
for. it, • • • „• .
This extortion Ler 'weed .and lack cf
.•ectesoleretiore for othersis too glaring
a Violation el the goldenrule not,. to.
bring the • hievitable . peoishow. et. -in
stcre- for -these who. refuse :to de, wit°
*kers asthey woeldhave others • do.
onto. _Mein, aud we.trust "this .meanef.
el Poietieg out the. griveance hisee..
Hie". effeet of lesedriegthe same. . • •
The Clinton News.Record March alst 1904
Hicks' Forecasts for April.
- The storm period which was cen-
tral with the -tell moon at the -close of
March will eattaid into the est and
221a of April. Storms cf rain, wind,
lcw barometer, and high temperature
will have given ploce to snow, risint
/tercels:ter and much colder • in C.11 WeS-
turn sections as April conies in. Cold,
northerly winds, witlt -frost /old free.,
big northward, will follow about the
fat' to the ,3rd, progressively from
west to east.. 11 frost reaches far
into central to southern sections at
this time, our readers should • not be
taker. wholly • by surprise. - Careful
and impartialobservers must • hot e
discoverett that the 14:aster fell moon
is almost invariably attended and 'fon.
lowed by severe .a.rel disagreeable
squalls and boreal weather.
.pre,sent ease we believe will prove Tiltioe
excepticte to the rule. Plants and
tender vegetation- ehoeld be protected
1 Against the probebility of telling frost
.April. the twee three or feta' days in
• . .•
t About the 401 to the Stit falls a re -
;1 ectiona,ry storm, perkee, during which
d time falling barometer, ehange " to
t warmer, with more rain mid stormi-
ness' Will be probable. Hail stcems
e will be most natural at' all the April
n .dieturbances 'end. Neaten drops of tein-
t perature should not 'surprise .any (we
e after all well delined . • storm move-
t. The- titortn period, 'central
on the totli, will bring a serice of pro-
s • nOtniced storms. The eidniinotion • et
o • these *storms wjll fall .4011 • StleestY,
s the' ietli., to Wednesday, thee eeth.
Loc,kfor high temseratureolow bar -
y .inneter, .with rain,hti1 a.ndthunder,
d progressively from west to 'ease,: on
, the lit 11, 1201- ane 13t Repid rise
• of barometer and change. to•quete .cocl
o will follow behind the stenns, but a
e re -action to stolen conditiens. will sude
- deitly• return. and front*the esth. tG
, the reth it will ..agaitt become very
wenn, progressively, the heireneter
t will again .fall •to low yiteeling and de-
w • eideel stories of rainy hail. end :then-.
n der .will occur. olon.g paths of . low, base ex:metric • preseirre.' 4.The.'stiedeit
sione- ef ...Vent's • from hot to delei will
e. be. felt at the tin fi andateach' dis-
turbance ilurieg the rest of the *with..
Tornadyie • disterbancee sliculd be 'ap-
prehended, if very low beronseterolegli
temperature. .•aild. cilinoeinel.
prevail et • thiS time. . • • •
A regular Velvan-Venus .pertrtiba-
tion will be centralee- n the • 21st•-extende
eng froni tbc ostb. tc...23rd, • The. hex-
ameter. • Will drGp low and •• the. teni-
:I-writ:ere • rise•• very...high es'tlilsperiod
progresses, iestilting ••-in• Many vicious
thunder • • and hail • .stonns kits . • and
totielting . 21.8t, 2211C1 11Mtl 231*(1:.
VIC rennin.' .teneeney to April. -t lent -
dee . sliewere will grow into .- tlecided
awl .far-reaching • rainstiiyips, with:
dangerers wiedg and • possible torna-
does coring. the progress. oe these. die-.
turboacee. The inevitable. .cittuige to
emelt, . cooler,wi tit:" !mete general
over.. centecele•-atal northeni ssections,
'will •folioly .• tip, the "Western flanks '•
these. stole -lie.... •• Late • .seow,' .• squirlls
need, •surprise no no, as .the higiteba.-
. • •reeneter•• IOW •• a rg a fi these
April. periecte:. • : •-• .".• • -: .
. One' -of. the ;nest' decided' and • pde
..• •
• halts: .violent stone . periods •• of •the.
e•xteteling •froni about tho 261.11
to lethor :This eieried' is rearer .• :.the
• centre the Vules 'disturbance, • .• is
• ae Mereery• • ..perterbetign., with
emote the:: cetestiete eqeatce, .•in
perigee and 'hill We. 'Were our red'.• •
ers towatch the. barometric
tiOns: end etenn otevelopmeets "at this'
• tinie.' • Very- • .. 'general' • •and gevere.
• tteoneig are more titan probable. 3t13
•• This-
••• a lame when .eleetreetive
• • ere •almost rekertairety. • in veer
Al/nee:met •elOwnpours..
sif *rail' will. also. eesit • centralto
see:there regions. -The inooth wilf go..
cwt.,' with high baronet:ere:cold • Winels:.
end -frost:i.:: eights .1lortitevarcl..e. ".. .
Our space Iiiviiig been. cot • sheet
eiteeot .(11 sof eg'•thei•weetheis :ecie the
• ....cowing.. Mot -lefts,. . • Read. one •Alinanoe -
can:le:11y • and seeout' May iseire • . rat .
. Wort i.and, Works, -We haveeouly. rowe
• to say that ellc. cetning inoetli, 'MAY,
• ph/eases: ' 'the heaviestereins . end the .
ouGet violent :owes of Orepreseitt.861-
•:40m. Thii eelstice feint; in - the -
part. .of Jeue viI1 be isceerally •;
sir aide*: .1 for the time, -but: niatiy•..
weetern to nor:there • parts I : *aye'
Ione to epare„ eel ieee. thatelrouth •
will be Telt •-en mere...tie lss severity,
• oVet inucli (4.-ikui! western grain belt :
before 'the • season cede.
• • . .
.• •• • .•. IRT, 'Re • HICKS.
St..• Louie, 'Mardi ' 5th, • -
Wodnesdav aftereoen awl ineisted en
Evening. brought in: relief. •
But the eetting session brought sue
rel.cf. The men.lierS did ma tune up
as they were expected. As a. -result
the Government, to. cbtain Inither
hreathing time, delavedetheepenieg of
the House antil nearly .a quarter. . .tc
nine. Then He n. r. D av is" again • as•-•
sinned the roll. of time killer - and •
talked until be had said .eve.rytheig to -
levant and irrelevaut to the. .miese
lean that he could OW( of. mr„pette.
piece next spoke, bite he- evidently re-
qu i red some proed.r.g -before he would
participate in the debate a14 he did net
rise until after the Prh
ettier ad witlk-'
ed met- l(. his desk and spoke earliest-
lv It, him fcr several etio'nenttl. • Mr,
Oraltain also jr•'ned in the foreneic
struggle 11111 it Wa: t‘hile Ise Was
speaking that the Premier• sought to.
extricate himself from - the embarraste
kg and humilieting position tufentel
himself in, of leaeing at party in the
inircri•ty. He whs the very persoitifi-
cation of Wtt.111•08S. 1114 EAtit11c1e WaS
tute0tv4ciously contresttd with- •the oceio
sion of his er•reencement that •• he
would F -I -G -II -T. Bet his gracious-.
meg was lose. Mr. Whitney firmly &-
ern •d le coesenn cu
t to eleceineeeet•
at io o'cloek, notwithstanding the pro -
mho thhe d
st tebate would he re.$11,111ed
nt Wttlitesclay. Mr. 'Whit:hey had Wade
the Same suggest*. at 6 d.'clock het
• it was then rejected. Accordingite' Mr.
Gross was put te proceed .wielethe
tasli of' talking against time. • Ile
spoke until nearly t o'clOek and then
Arr. Conince undertook Uy keep the ball
He talked to empty benches
until 4.03. Threnpsen ecieetwerta.
killed time nude 4.48. McKay of Owen
Sound confirmed, to obetritet taisittese
rutil 7.45 and Valenlitia Steck. kept it
• going Let il 8,15. The obstructioil Wa5.
confined to supporters of 0, W. Ross -
Another feature of yestereey's ScS-
• Mon of the Horse was the. alisenee of
• Messrs. teettnee and. &Oman Nen the
chamber when the' time came. for Mr.
Hanna to risk his row famices cples-
von regardieg their Oeimeial relations
With de
the ft.ttet Cemeoliettted Lake,
Superior Company, '111 4y, however, as
Previolle necarriors, errival wher.
there WW1 tic chalice (!J their being
coMpelled to answer tire query. u
• •
• .
•• • • .; • • • •
• ..• . •
West WaWanosh... • -
• . .. •
• Coencil • ewe ott March 3.71•11., • The •
er4se ow's' .seateeiert was receiVect aid
• •• "The. clerk Was ordered' to ad-
tortise4ore teeme for the 'grader, en •
Motion .. of Taylor and MeLeien An
• EPPlicatimie was received kr • the ad- •
fluttered. of clats, ilolarinto. the Iffiti-
se. • Of. Reetege • and 'crdrreit; to be °signed
b3i the reeee. • 'The Celli:Win. Checques,..
Were ieseed : •Tholoas Nieleilsamegnivel,
$7•44 ; Phillirs, tile for. dreie,
:express, 8oe,;. Municipal
Suppl1ee.$3.85 Ashlield • •Tp.,balancc
;:n beuedery lbw' work, Sloths ; The
ClOderieh Star, edyereising
Mrs. J. Wile.n, gravel, ,
.$9.36.; J.. Reffelond,•graver, $2.1e . • •
Morris Township.
the by-iaw ',Orme/1 at lase coereil
in set leg stock' was • prohibited . front
running IcoSe • on. the road allowaneeso
. .
• Mrs. :les,. urnbull, 5th eines . • has
been laid up • with rheumetisie .• for
satee weekte but we hope 'she will rtoci
be. Letter. •.4 . •
' Sawed :BleCracki:11 end Olive
4t11 lince who heat e beeti•ettter.-
'diet a lis•reer i reboot".aL. Chicag�.' ter
the pest 8 weelxs,•• ore • hettie 3111 covigit.
They are noW open •for situatioos.,
• • Albert McCell"ane. w0e., '7.1.11 lite,
entietd• reinoving. to Manitoba • this
sprizige • Jas.. ' BIeCall„ who sold . his
farm at Ilelyrooei; Brno/ L, „. will
Associated. wills' his 'brother Peteiework
elle. hetet:stead here, ; • •••
• • ••
; •A• reception or house .vveniiiners was
held' at Alto hinee .W,..111..• nuiStrn,
Cede, 51.11 line,. When a Very 'enjoyable
sewn wag epoit bye Olie company. We
welteente Mrs; Cook . 'elorris...
• : tlfsrosred of his '10...)
ares, 1, let 12,. concession 5, to
Alex• Rhein!, eth 1:11e,.• ler the sore • ef
$4;00o. x. McNeil ard fanmily, who
are reel rnieg fromn Port W•illient„. -will
take Ifosgeekicee. : Mrs, McNeil es, a
daughter of Mr.'.Nivhol. $t is, said
lilie • WUHnso will rieweve • to; a•' '3,50
acre fartti neni Ri1 ley •for which • . -lie•
yaid $,000 Mr. Wileinsoe •Gld
resident of Morris.I-• ••• ••
: • ./r. -and RiMet '•:Cierk
intendelcaving -Teweday. for *Lethbridge
Albert district. This is a Prospecting
trip .aild owe* result iti tlie•Aaklitg 321)
c,f 'farms, 000iing leach after II/nisei:tee-
ers et* settling...clown:for hie. ' •.111r.
Aliebie' left. Thursday of last week for
a , vigit. with friends at IIespeler eed
bit. Holton co. before :goirse Wept. •'.•
•'The. Prairie. Wittiest./ of Indieti
N. W. T.,gives folloWing hiteeeSte
ing particulars concern:in r a former re-
A Spring Need,
Ninety-nine people out of every
hundred actually need a tonic during
the spriug month and the Itundredtlr
person would enake no Mistake if he
too infused a little extra vigor and
power into his blood.The reascn
fee this condition is quite apparent.
In the deSire to make Canadian
houses warmer durieg • the winter
inotths, ventilation is sacrificed and
the health is impaired: There may
be nothing seriously wrong- nothing
more thou a variable appetite ; little
pimples oreruptions of the skin; a.
feeling of weariness and a desire to•
avoid exertico, perhaps an occasion-
al lietidache. These may not scene
serious ; perhaps you may think that
the tronble will itass away -1».t it
won't 'unlessyou, drive- it _ot.t. by
• putting the blood right with . the
heeltlogiving totie. And tl:ere is
'wily ore blexel-renewinge health -site
ing, nerve -restoring tonic -Dr., Wil-
liams PITA Pills for Pale People
Over end over . again it has been prov-
ed that these pills can .cure•wheit eth-
er medicines fail .ard thousanes of"
grateful people testify thee they are
the best of all spring medicines. Miss.
0, .Bretvii,- Coll'ne, N. 13.; says : • "I
have end Dr. Williams Pink Pills fur
s . run down systole, and have foune.
Ahem better than. rosy Other medicine
I Lave tried. In the early sprit* my
blood was vets of conditian and I had
such dizzy :4, ells that if I turned qrie-
-kly I would eltimet fall. r took Dr.
Williams' • Pink Pills • for -a few weeks
and the trolible ditirely disappeared.
think therm rills an ideal spring -medi..
If you want •to .be healthy in spring
doret .dose .yoer system, with harsh,
griping .purgatives, and don't experi-
ment with other So-called tonics. Take
Dr. Williams Pink. Pills at once an
see izreWP••qtickly the* will banish all
spring eilinente. -"Sold by. medicine.
deelers everywhere, , or sent by --nosil
at 50• .,cents a. box or 'six- boxes for
-$2.5o. by - writing, the Dre
Medicine C�., Woe e ,.
.Colborno Township.
-Anis, Sarah MeNarrie,,,wheett death.
occurred Se.edri'ie morning week atetlie
home 'of her neice, Mrs. IL Lawson,
had reached' the girat 'age.
• *31 mtiuety-
four :years.. end ,ten morithk. • Her
faculties were almost uniMpaired• :and
her healthwas good , ahnost upto. the.
:lest day. The day before her death
elle was al:Pee theLreine as -usual but.
was not:feeling -quite ae•well as. Was
her "Wont; tied daring the eight she
stept'quietly --eavey.•• Miss 111eQuarric..
was. a ni4ive of "Scotlited, 'being • bent.
on one Of lite •itientereme Weeds,. on the.
'went deist.," Ctaning. Canada' • she
lived ..for a ti•nter at Cape pretoti end
afterveares itt, the viciujty alherentilton
befere. .comingto Huroie She • • ha,
residot; .thie • townnhip • •• for
. . . . • -
forty .years, • ItYlog..Withlier .siee
. . . • .
ter".and- .feer Yeare ago
. obeli • she. elo seay • , with • . Mrs..
Lawson. The fintereletook ori
Tueneao. to • Colborne cereetery„ . Ree .
:James ..Hareitton conducting' ser -
ices ited• t•ffe.pell-lieerers. heifig. • Jobe
•-•.Sands, Allan•Buchanae :Jellies -Horton'
.eto. •
• At tlie. annual .miretires .of the West.
:Herein • Cheese; and Butter • Manufactur-
ing • 'Conkany the; following': 011eceee
•were.eleetlid for ..-the •ereitirg year : • .
• ,Presidente •John Tiffin.' ••• . •
•-SeeeTreaseter, R. -M. •Thiteg
Direetore, • AndrewMeelevanly W.C. •
Poleax ane '0orderi "Voting •
Council adjorned. meet ugain 0*1
121.1.1 atmo o*ehick.
Colborre Township.
. •
Mr. and .Mrs. it.obert. Lawsees
taken.. up their. • .alsede Gil...the- Blake
fano 'Oar Bermiller whiele they- heta• •
edited. fer- • a . term:, years, • ..11tey
esetie . freh
nt: te, I•Ittren 12Gad, Tucker-.
and .. are „ ao• 'end itiable • cotiple
whom. We 1. Welcoine • to .citir, township'
'and wish suceesg Lod happiness,- .
Wend bees ere theorder of the day.
-Mr.e. Henry.. Bram •ord • ...Or,- Arthur -
Straitglieriileft foe the West. Tuesday,
also• Edward . Striteglien- ,tted• sou of
Saltferd.. We wish them a pleesarite.
erb,. • " • • • • . •
•• Miss,. • lella• Corey. of The -Nilo and -
Miss Fiera Corey.. are :busily • engaged-
drerehttakingeet - Mrs. Jets, • reageees.
Major cern is buying • O 'reflood of
herses to to Manitoba. . • •
. Mre. lt1ward• :is. visitittg
ei1s. Lucknow at prow*. '- • . •
ItIr: Alex. 'Sheppord of The Nile•
occupy pulpit on Sabbath.. •
Death has :visitedthis, locality. Guess
mere. wheu Mr. Maskell passed' away.
Ile (lroV to toevo on Monday- and
big • free the balcony nI th. Colborne .
hotel wits unable to lie brought • home
till d tl - • 1 (10' 'tit. to.
Colborne cemetery on Saturday after- -
newt at-. p, .111, The beiraved tvkC
ow tied • fetidly 'hoe the •sympath•y of •
the. '.:whole coinniunity in this their.
time of sorrcw,
side* of Morris' in the..person of W.T.
'Mooney, eldest son eff Henry. Mooney,
formerly of the 5tli Ikea uow at %Soy,
ferro-r. Menesers of the Methodist
clut•relt fernwelled 'W. T. elowicy eitcl
wife •••otoThursclay nigI.t. ..A sociable
mid enjoy-ethle"(M.rniig .wos spent.• A
pleastint feature •Wa-th
s e prestaitatent
cif an address toebotil, dIl coy • chair
to 1 Mr. •.5looney and • .set .. dinner
diehes. to ,Mrs:•Moceety, . Short ..speeeh-
de 'were made hy Mr. Aleoney on, :be-
half of himself: cetid hie Wife' and
Rev. • liermeCti - Messrs. E. J. Brooks
end :•Oechard. 'Outer* regret WaS
presed at " the departure -of thin•es-
teemeel.pair • who base .olwaye leeen. e-
nmeg the chureh's promilient stteport•
ers and workers."
;The- township Octaneil Wet' according
o adjournatent. . A detwitinieatiou wan
received • freethe clerk of Ea•st • Wa-
wanosli stating • thee iheeoutci1. of said
tleC111114 to. at:knowledge their
feir. a certaiii itette of $6.31
. in the boundary title ace:tient for putts.
ing- in- a eillereh on gaid boundary at
West end of 3r41 line of •Mcieris.. On .
emotion. of Tilt lor anul 0-tie°the clerk
was instructed to liotify the • clerk cf
East Witwanosli. that this council,- swell
hold. them responsible fPr the aliment
of' saki item'the culv.ertelic.ing purely
for the birnefit of-.. the .1rciendetry. reed.
On • motion of Jackson suid Taylor the
clerk was in:Orli:OA 1.1) Orenctre a. .by-•
law prohibiting. all stock- from running
a large itt eltts municipality.. By-law
N.o. 3 1eo4 for the parttime. of geant-
,eg boniet to the Guelph juneticei Reit-
. •vote Co. vvas read and on motion. of
C. de arid Shaw Wr..4 • ordered • to be pe-
blished ilecording to 'statute in the
The Grand Trunk •. "- Myth Standard, A' commulticatien
Will .Retrench..'i
Montreal', Marek• e5 -The manage-
ment of the Grand 1"rttile. Railway
confines the report that the .company
will adopt e. policy. or reeresielonent bil
expettses as the reettit of Which 11.
ntimber or mete over the whole eyetem
will he laid cll. No particolar branch
of the service .ts ill. he -affected but -
every pluee a new ems be spared there
will .be au exercise. of ecketonty. This
the mansgeinent, explains is due to the
heavy losses hire:tried during the win-
ter, co account or the excessively slot-
. my wet severe me:ether cortlitiong,
tuttsiree not , only heavy losses • in ke-
• .ecipts• hut also heat:11y inereased oper-
ating •expettees.
West Tuckerstaith.
Theituekersteith "council Mee iit the
council chambee .in Seaforth oil lefeirli
,19th, All Ofie meentirs of the 'council
were presentwith. the oxception.of Mr,
:Ali:Naughton •who..Was• pieverited by ill-.
mtgs. free; • .being in attendance.. The
following 'chance were • Wade .in 'path -
masters : Wm. Or/We: insteedof jetties
. Nett, • Ilenry• Meniteitle -rex • tt Chap-
el -art,' 0..Fotheringitate .for AV..- Itler4a.se
John lildsTay for 'PoDicksen, Thos.
Colenerel for WeLandesberourell,'.Ji thn
• • Sholdice . for W. Wallace, Wm... • .Lan-
• deeboro for .T, lqueray; M. Davis
.for. Elgie : for
MeMilltur,..• George 'Dalrymple:- - for A.
Connor,P. Ihirgarcl- for II.• Weiland,
Thomas. :Elder was Lemointee• poencl--
' keeper- in • Place. ofeerne. . 'Chapman.
The clerk .was instrected to: ask tor
telteere for the -workof cleaning • otre
the. big- drat on. tlie: 6th, 7th and Sth.
coneessiens, 11. it. S., "soid tenders •to
:received until. leeieev„ Apnil 26t1e
and they 337111 .be .opendil at the .coutis
eil meeting', to ler held in Seaforth on
the • following- Sattitday'.• A resoletiolt
of . synesathy to...Counciller WiIliam
McNaughton on account of Mr. .
• Netighton's seeione illness was paseed-
anddue council adjournee; to meet
gain, in Seaforth oil Saturday, .April
300,at one o'clock
wa3*. receiv. eel from tile clerk cl Grey re
opaire on Eastern boundary. Ott mo-
tion of. Code Shaw no .action was
RAN ot"L'01 WHISKEY. . •
0nriug the reedit pr( longed blockade
Kincordinr was ineonverilenced in mary
ways. Even whiskey became scarce.
(Inc •• dealer, indeed, ran. olit of that
beverage altogether . and hiring a "livery
rig he sterted oll to Joe Seagram's ese•
tablishment ett Waterko for a fresh
supPly. lly changing horses frecinertly
he made the trip 01 gcod time and re-
turned with two barrels oteiertgram's
best. The trip Yea hint $42, including
$26 for livery,
Playful Children.
treesture �lt eerth is more- to
'be prized tisait a bri•ght,active, heal,
• thy playful.. dilld ? Jim homes • where
Betty's own 'rotas are 'used • you
Lever find, eickly, cross, sleepless child -
'reit ; if the Bette ono is ill the. Tablets
will proiriPtly ink e it well. Ask, any
mother who ..has ueed the.Tablets add
she will 'tell •you that .this is obsolete-
ly true -she will tell you the Tablets.
always do goodand net er do. harm.
Ycni can give them to a -child Piet
bent with perfect safety end they
are equally- as good for well grown
children. Mrs. Mary J. Moore, Hep-
worth, Quo; says e "My baby has
never bed' siek ranee I began giving
-her Baby's Owe, Tablets. They:are •
,real lilessing to both mother and child,
and I would wit be without thein."
Don't let. your .child suffer -areli don't
dose it With Aron' drugs' or medicitle
colitaining npiates. Clive 13alry'n Own
Tablets w•hich you can get from any
.druggist or by niaiI at 25 ceets 11. brx
btr ,writing The Dr. Williantrir Medi -
ohm Co., Brockville, Ont, •
The Fruit Trees Uninjured.
• One eranfOrt • le heehad 'front; the•
herd Wineer is • that the: Crete . crOps.
waysbe 'more helped than hindered- by
it. other . season's there 'have- been
gre'lle Of, mild • weathei Januery cied
Febetiory 'Which.- have advanee'd the,
bads, 'thee c ccii rred rieve re ..fre sts in.
Mardi end April • which destrcyed tie
'buds, Thus- far the conditions
been all tight• and the beeringi wood of
apple and -pear trees is tee:cried en-
injered. • ' .
Brown's Sale Register.
Saturday, April 2rel, at: e p, tn, at
the . Commercial lictel. Seaforth, • a
choice • dwelling with..fotir lots. -Mrs.
Robert Coleman, proprietress:. •
. - • - - -../ se
lesSee..esesieeeto. ••••••••eseossaeao••••••••••••••••• v.% :elev..
se •
0 .... go,f4 4 e
UP ,
$ A
:a. . __ * _ ii) e a 416
,NII.A!elts4/1411bOtie.q141IPCII•V'qib. :to
ea• ee
X• :Tx
t Wall Fapers•
. 4.
. • •• 4,
. .?
, t .• . A•IE.t.IERE..•
? •
...? .......7............„.7..........„..,_
. . .i..
•7 •
se .
•Come along any day 44.•
2 and :We Will show you
• the barn les. They .1.4 .
4. are hot numerons A
4. and at UStiC, represent- • A,
- ..• • ing withoutdotibt the ' et.
•••• largest stock and most
t ee
y beautiful papers We . y
s. have ever shown. I'
I: ' NEW nEgroNs , , it
Y. NS W 00 LOEt1 NG S • •)
1.4 • all papers trimmed free. • S
• •
'.'s • \ . *
+ 14
y .T1 1 ,,,,,, 10
.s. 1 • JOUCIJ :. t
' t•
• •
•:* CLINTON. ..1;
11 1 II II 1 1 1111 I 111.5110 .
cKINNON 84, Co.
•} 3 ILAIL.'
New Goods are coming every day slow, full of enthn intim
of Easter and Spring. We've been here long enoligh to know
yonr needs. what to buy and what to lyt alone. We've bought
this season to better advantnge tnan ewer before, with the
chances all in Nom. or those Who spent1 their inoneehere.
Opening up the new means, crowding out the old. and between •
the two we're 'having all .we ran di There's encourageinene
enough for quiek busioess 1 diet) bergains as theses •
Linen Towelling, good width, gond value at 7e, for 5e.
Table Linen. le yards wide, half blenehy very gpecial
. Rtickfest Drill Shirting, now wol th 17e, for 15e, •
. Grey Cottons at old prices while they lest, be, 7c, 8 and 10e. •
Oottonades and Milleskine will les sold al. obi pried; while they
• fast,
now worth 20e, 2-50 and Mee for 15e, 20e and 23.
Ladies' Silk Stock Collars, in new designs in all colors, with
gold trimming, at 25e, 85e, mo, 75e and 95e.
Ladies, Large Silk Collars, simnel bing new, at 50e, 751.: and $1.
• Ledies' New Kid Gloves, in all shades et 85e, $1 end $1.25, .
Ladies' Lace Collars, jet trimming, nr:50e, 750 Una $1.
Dont Target, the new things, Make it, 8 point to see them
I be next time you are in the store. No trouble to showgoods
end no Obligation to buy uniese you Want to,
0.,14,000.00004,4000+0004.,1400.1.• 4:400000000000000044000,
„ .
00000 • 00.0
The latest is 'Keppel Oak. We have
• , •
. .. • .1
_ .:$ight and Sunday Calla ariseveeed at; regiclence of Me, Jelin PON ell o
v either of the princip ils.. • "
: .
• .
---And Our Prices Must Win
During ortr great sale.of Men's and Boys' Fine Shoes
We have been asked kr
Soi for a few days we give them a chance to .Sectirethe
best bargains ever offered in Clinton.
120 peirs of Ladles' Kid ButtonPd Boots, the hest 'good,: in
the store, with inerlimn toe emit good fitters, worth • •
• regulate from B3 to $3,50, all to go at, ode priee,•for.... $2.25
• They are excellent value. .
• . .
Other lines of Laclies'.Boots w0171h.$2.25, now .. . Sel•715.
75 pair Misses Buttoned Boota, sizes 11, 12, 13,1 and 2, won •
$1.50 to1,75, to clear at... • ... .. . .. . ..... ... ; .
Our Spring Stockisnow complete with :all:the latest
styles and at very plose prices. '•
The Old Reliable
0 • 0 000 0 0 000
Just received s largo
oonsignment of
• Ladies' Fancy Blouses
. latest in the New York Styles
. and newest materials,
• In our Dress Glenda and Print department we are showing
Some excellent values its these goods were all bought before
the raise in price.
Our Millinery department is :lost loaded with the latest
novelties in Ladies, Misses and Children head wear. All
orders promptly attended to.
Jutt received two consignment of Mens' .and Boys' Spring
Hats. We can save yon money in thie
Just to hand a very large range of Suits for Men and
Boys' also a nice range of Men's Spring Overcoats,
• Never before have we shown such it large assortment in
the Boot and Shoe deparineent as we are showing at the ores.
ent tinie. It will pay you to do your buying here.
Any quantity of Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods.
0 0 0 00 0 00 00 0 0
al •
Pretoria illloek
0000 • 000
• 0 • C.
• • * Progressive business
le-lbe Mies elt. @AZ' q11.
• advertise in the