HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-31, Page 2.471t Stuffed Up
Thett'a the cooditien of many sufferers
frOm catarrh, especially in the MOM10$.
ereat 41141cl-thy is experienced in °leer-
ing the head end threat.
NO wender catarrh caneett headeche,
httplitiro tete taste>, Smell and, hearing,
pollutee the breath, derange s ,the
404 and affects the appetite.
To cure catarrh, treatment must he
gonstitutional,alterative and tonic.
"I WILL, iii for four Menthe_ with eetarrit
In WA head and 0400. Bad a bad ectugh
And raised bleed. I bad become dis-
coeraged when my busliend bbught a bottic
or Bood's Sarsaparilla and pereneded Ate
to try it I adviee all to take it. It Ito
cured and built Me MN* MAO. Beau Re -
Dozen, 'West Lisconeb, N. $.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
°MVO Catarrh -el -it soothes and strength -
ono the rauckua membrane and builds
up the whole system.
Automobile Bags,
Wrist Bags, Lath& and
Hen s Pu NOS, Bill Books
These goods are till ,
bran . new, have. only
been in stolk ten days :
t wid are the verylatest ' t
Z style of goods•ofthe kind T
S' w<•.,, Roducto to • *
(iAtitoulithile Bags $2.110 et,• :4n " • 2,25 eg•
' . 113 " ' 175 el"
0 111 , .. 1.•0
t 'e
,90 el
1.1.);) Wei.t 11 lees
2;0 I Pit ses " ,75 e
1.(51) 4
J.50 - •
1.31 •1 ,
± .01) "
er .35 " .2o 0
IBill Booksand \Va11et. itthge ste •
in prlee from 113.: to $2. • •• d.cc•
These goods are new. We 4
twill pe pleased to .how them .4*
4, whether you buy (11. not.. Tile 4
e peiees we are askince et•ebelow 0
• : wholesale cos.
• $ Abel
ns efi *OA. 0 **le .0•41),Oeitce.
e.----* 4
Chemist and Druggist; °
oesie,re$04$444-410,04.444400-404tele 1
11 11 11
Tito Clititotst News -Record
'-eveeesem0140111111.00000,144400,004;411000" too 7-rrerelli00-110014091141114111111011411141141 -4•euele, ear! AMA% elides. Ilia'
tuontle, heaved" eeeltilme the Beatt,
y Lady Peggy.
dettehine the queen of tweet* with the
toe. of Me high heeled gime tee it nee on
the door Where R wAs shot from OR
Verey's hand.
oes t o
thu botto. ef every quarrel, sire!
"Spilt me. hut 'tie them that ere at
Whisk we. but it a spade or a chile Or
heart prodded it be lady's, Or 4
CoPYrielki, 1901. by THE SOWEN-NE1R0111.1. COMPANY .1,4
A. pang shot throng!) Peg's hear
an n team were like to force tbel
way, She made on excuse. and left th
long drawing room, biking refuge to
small apertutent where tebles •wer
ready for .cards. She sank into a chal
And buried her face in bee hands, Tb
candlelit were not yet lighted; and sh
was: totally unobserved. the sal
!trope from her lashes With her hen
elle cried in 10.317 bitterness: "What at
that I cannot abide to even se
hint a-hemling, over her baud? Ain'
you no Spirit, Peg? No Pride? Ho'.
!tot thinking of you, my clear, Min'
heesay plain if Sir Rebin Was the bet
ter man he'd give 'up to bltre? who
kind et a suitor is that, Peal Lud
I'd not give him up to any one, whethe
they wee my betters or nor
Conkda tny lady but have postpone
ler exit for a few brief moments sh
vouid have beheld Sir Percy, at a word
a 'Ms ear front the. foottneo, quit Lady
HInna's side with but the smallest cere
nog, nesh out Into. the vestibule, sele
vith a. viselike grip the Mae Whe stood
here pale and trembling and gasp•out:
slat,ttpil.,ast:1 The lett:ie.-04. letter?"
Grigson snook his head•und got.even
."Ne ietterr Per .saYs In a dazed
• Only your own, Sir Percy," handing
mek. the enissiVe, ladyship was
'rout beam. sir,": . •
what of that? You infernal
reseal, did. I not .eoinumed you seek
•her, if 'twere at tbe. Other end of the
'world?" • . • •• • •
• ."Aye; ..sir. and the, quickest tray of
eittint °bent finclin' ber.lailyahip was
'or nto to. get back to town, she •as fast
Ls' the earsed beatit'l wai chen.ted-lart
dein', weledd.fotelienTe
4'SM-trait!' Is her ledysilin 0.1).In
•JontIon?" asked • Sir 'Percy, actually
..baklug with impatience and eon:Miele-
ient. ,••
• • ' -
(Irierson nods end WItheutecire ad
pet I temp, the Inc:re at the,sense of the
• .
"Toil. Tao. or P11 brain you where pot&
• eland!"
Injustice and falseness of her wbole
tenure, "yeti coupled Just now the mein°
of a hide, with that of Sir Robin, Me -
Tart. I demand bow you dere to, tie -
Hume such, a responsibility, sir, until
at, !east either the lady in question or
gives you our confidence or out
leave." •4' • •
forsooth; 'our!'" comes reeiefee-
ly from' between Sir er''.,"..eith"liteched
'teeth. 'While hte,e Noterilles to his weed
blit "" • .
./elgieli; 'the:devil, Or -an you're been-
6- ,so'luctly as winthe•ledy far your bride
• -make off With lier 4' the dark..shut
her un lit Some untindable hole, ebeat
her parenes And go strutting like some '
vain-peaeock up and down other la.
(1106': •n11,94.
diamond, ain't the only calmest for dis-
agreement in thie !World!"
vs;'Faotte.rect as your olVu toilet, Orr ale'
"Now, 'twae. hearts ef eouroe and
the 'queen of 'on, that's rotted both
yone twill:tees," but, *owed% gentleteen,"
haking now the hand of each.
1 had slinned clear of Icennaleten'S tins
i gel's. "betbink you, if the lady, whose
t 1101110 I ettn't even gudss, whent 3'94
• beth. adore, stood here, what would,
, her pleasure be? Robin, my lad, an
, ewer me, for of brawling there can he
i none here and fighting no more. Speak
t sir!"
"Faith," answered Lady Peggy, with
, eldeudid valet" and rise in her, color
and her beets, "to my certain know1.
edge the lady 'd have her name put ant
of the mutter vOtolly, and she'd soonerr
die,' sir, than have any figitting over
• her preferences by .either Sir Percy de.
DOM or Sir Robin Maart."
I Tile *hick being taken to be, by ail
present, a •mest prodigiouS and amazing
.gentieManlike and politic speech, Sir
Percy was feign accept, Mock -smile
and bow, while all the lest blew their
, lungs bellow applauding and 'praising
his still bated and still suspected rlvat
; Peace restored outwardly, Wbatever
• • else raged in the breasts of the two op-
ponents, the gallants pat to their tables,
Kennaston managing to Whisper to Sir
Percy' across the deal: .
'rges .1 Nies telling you when 1 'entered,
"Percy, Lady Di permits me to let you
knew she conseuts to uty dedicating
.the ode to' bereand Lillie, at the corner
of Beauford 'Building's in the Strand,
hath engaged to pnblish it at once...e •
But thia Lady Peggy, P..*.1:atitnt ta-
tele engaged in nleee • with his grace
of Eseeeete There' rings in
., natight save the words Ken-
neston uttered' witeeOle came into the
card •-•roonte•-"Lady Diana bath given
• me leave to tell t "
• • "densentsf' TO whit elae but bis
, Suit, whIch,. egged 'en. by his ooble
onele, has been pushing. anYtime these
ten years since, boy and girl Sir Per-
, , •
eY and .Lady had played,e.ridde,n,
romped, quarreled tie brother and sis-
ter together?• •• . (4e •
. "Contents!" • . • • '•
shin's; head 'ever • and over. again the
night through, and qls.• quite Of. O.piece
- • - ' • . • • • • • ---
• proceeds to give tut eketet if Somewlia
o tend oaf:fish Your' trithilph broadettit,
t. • noe let tire towa presently go -gossiping
• 'end eoniteeyside • wegging with the
•scaradal of an !elopenient! Zoniels!: ',Sir
Rebid' ideTet•t Hatt '-1110ping a stray .
'card from the table almost in her Indy:- •
• facee-"for '•your • gallant17 and.
'your hinter I" • ' ' • •
• -- • - • ; • ••• • • • •
',What yOn •eries.pege
' eey, 8.trtic-k with Iforror 'all heAp kid
'with' terror as well. • yet . keepiug up a
• brave she* svitli her drawn rapier and
• 'sperklitig'eyes.: ••
:• • • ',Whateyer you...please; Sir," returne
Pere•Y now :White beet; too. and inteit •
'reckless of ehte plece. • • '
. • "I've too lunch regard .tor Lady Peg-
. gy,'Str. :Jet to. postpcnio tbe 'climax 'of •
-" •. this inatter . until can; 'next meeting.
.it be. When: TOO' seee'liti"..eriee Peg, • ,
Ith woman* wit and wiedent too. •
Sli -e, alt. r ash yen as one gentle- •
•onth to einotnee-enny: i implore. it of
you." cries Sne. Perey., rept betwixt
,cleoler. love and, apprehension. "most .
41;11)1)1y -4s Lade', I'egge, your Wife?"
''• Hee. ladyehip iras.1).ow like
so 'near akin , a re 'mirth and sorrow, but
• .811e.; Peened' yeeye heftily: • •
• "I• decline tet diseoss. the. Matter, sir,
and would reit:11nd you that report.hath,
'yam, eittent le engegett in quite anetli-
• Dr :directiett." • .
• •"You. know. evhere Ledy ;Peggy 'Jew,-
•gok,ne 'is et this moment?" says .Sie
• Prey hotly • eleterneited to, Ptieh'
.matter te its enning very.' ni lit '
ran -lining itctsbunt of his entire' expert
. e
MANY CALLS are receited front
business firms oat malty stheents
would be Ids. This news that 'Grigsoo
the famous
'froth his .brane• but put. in 'it's pine,
such. a hatred • Or, ;the pent* man now
tasting the sweets of 11011 Worship (in
little) in the adjOhtIng room as eauSed
;fing,ers to ifeb fee big Steel and
'other's fieelt, to meet once • wore. and
o the neatle ' ' •
• Ile •clrew• Grigson in from ,the Vest!
inc :and; emObSeryeti. in the crnsh,
nceS' frometite moment he bad quitted
tie master tne present •
"Twere' ;be attempt ;to -describe
Sir Perey's state ex mind. Up to now
lure bad eye', lippere s teart the
bepe-nay, one of theete nneonseious be
iefs- ruen haVe-j-thet in the end Peggy
placed in good positions each year by _
'ought crusned every • intelt„ thought
This Ochoel• stands 'for the.' leighest t
and best in business education in Can-. b
tcday. Many • business colleges I d
employ otir graduates as teachers. We - t
`leave scores of applications from other,
colleges. Ask to see them the clay you -
enter. Commence course now. Cate,- - 8
oWn the 'corridor to the deekness of
he card root% wbere [egg). sti.1 sat
isconsolete IP her faroff cornet.. • '
•She for the moment Is even uncon-
ctou.s that any One has entered petit
rthe Voicee alt bee attention:. '
On0, falling into a Seat and dapping
"BY, gildl" str Perey celes in: a low
is bre*. "tip in London: The wcirn,
an, Vowing Sir Robin had crossed your
ntrance, -Iliquiring for her ladyihipl
taw meeting not 'h Robin. but an 111
conditl�tted 'little popinjay With squint
logne free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, •Princinal,
• e
Of 100 Tztdies, 00r -at' least
p fe r - Ri why other
kincrOf"-: Jewelry. For this
reason we pay spectal atten-
You will find all the favor-
ite Stones and combin talon
at their best with us.
tion to this line. •
• Ever'y Ring at its very best
both as to, valuelarnd qual-
Z4i.. J. Grigg,
• Photographs
Any -user of the cam -
•em oan make a photo.
graph, but it requires
experience, ability
audjudgment to pro-
• the 8peaking
likene8se8 we tttrn
out, We can and wfli
'please you,
Yes and :of the ' height ',or dwarf
hot Waits. linen tuy Lady Brookwood?".
Pereee" , retuens. Grigsen.
Omer and a footman and a negro page
handed chocolate mond In eilver trays,
The Beau himself reetined on hie
great bedstead With int hue teeter. a
half dozen or pillows richly laced at
his head, a dowered .gewu About Ida
sboulders. bie nightcap' op, a veverlet
embroidered by the Chinese over him,
his snuffbox at itand, reading Wood.
from the damp and freshly arrived
Print Whilst Sir Wyatt, Lora ifiscotube.
Mr. -pluck Chalmers and a dozen more
set or stood, cup in finger% 'twist Hp
• and saucer, harkening, eager, to the
"'Tie by this on the tip of every
tongue in town that there et:curved last
niglit at Lady 11-d's rout an encounter
(the second within a ee'ennight)
• twit P -y de 13-n and .11' certain i
, young gentionan, teem Kent, Whose
'handsome face, genteel manners and
dashing behavior nave conspired to •
place bini ia so brief a tinae at the leer/
belga. of favor in society and more
especially .in the eyes of Lady D -a
'W -n. It had been oupposed that the.
' Affair recountecl'in• these pages as hav-
• lug taken place be the •chew:hers of
Lord K -n of 111-n: Was ou decount
solely' of the Above'mentioned adorable
• young Scion of a noble house. We are •
In it positiop to assure the World Of
fashion that oueb to not the .case"and
that both the unfortunate disputea. be-
twixt these two gallants are to be laitl
to the door of Lady P -y' Be -e. WOO' .
to Lord K -n, .Report bath it that 'her
ladyship Is in Loudon; rumor vontra--
diets• repOrt " and airers that the fair •
M r h alts4 100•4I
with Malice eand tongues twice teOW '
, Once title day last week?"
the Born front hie bed acrooe the cord. ong Piants
"LadY Pep,•gy Burgoyne!" cried they
in bot concert, Jelned in most 'usury by •
• dor and aceoutpanied by the pounding
Iof fifteen rapier potato tbe parquet
and thirty fists. on the woodwork as
, well as the demoniacal sereams et the
Indesaltly'lltultl.ttle negro and the parrot on
"Tell ue where• she isr came high.
,staccato last from Sir Wyatt'a exhaust -
ad Ilps. • ,
"My Ionia and gentleMen." answer%
?Kw ledYshille 0414410g elose to the door
envelePed from top to toe In a sbee
Over her niglitrall, "would I could!"
There was a ring of heartfelt troth 1
the reply, and its otterauce wits sun
eeeded by a second's surprised pause,
r.r4 young heeks regurdea each Othe
witb shrugs. pursed mouths and Inter
rogation points bristling in, their eyes,
Mr. Chelmers, 'recovered of his our
else sooner than the others, says:
) tDo you. mean to shy, Sir Robin, tha
be whereubouts of the lady with wbos
name the prints and the coffee house
are ringing, for whose sake you cam
near to fighting Sir Percy only las
nigbt And did, tight Mtn in •Laric laO
on Thorsday last, aln'eknown to you?'
P. ‘nlesh 'sub; .itt rifttulloQbni?Licpitpuishtell,sequEdegakon
a' g"fiTin1;at 1. eannot tell," responds., he
ladyship, "I do 'know she's 0(4 be 'Kent,
and She's not et Kenttaston castle
sirs." add* she, "I• pray your
consideration. Guess 'what you will.
This matter of Lady Peggy sticks. me
closer than you dream, And I'd' give,
nay lire to know her safe al home with
heferilthenoctell.eetles. Tne dieappointed tif!
t en t ti b eau's e
side to talk ever this . latest deVeloP
Aleut as to 'the tuysterlotie Lady Peggy
•, b • an " e'
Issue. is 'awaited with Interest, as the
verbatim . amount of an unsuspected
• elopement may be looked .for at any
, Moment Safe to say the vivaeious
Lady P -y B -e, whom the town bath
•I' never bad the • pleasure • of beholding, -
has succeeded in stirring Mayfair to
!• Ate depths And has been thp,ca use al-
• ready or a Yery.PrettreStifr of quarrels
betyeeen two -young gentlemen or the
first qualitY." •
'Mire!" •cried Bean 13rummel. "Who, -
now, the devire Lady Py?" ••
• hone• 4040,13er.dy that
xdreaugen hiensel,f, I. never
said -Lord ,Wootton :and Mr.- Vane at.
nnston had a. sister,"
•••• "Yes!" exclaims Sir Wyatt, tapping
his forehead recollectivelY. "I d
• call that Sir Robin MeTarte the niht ,
We Were at Kennaston's eltatnbees, 'en-
tered With the•preientation of a letter
of :thtroductibn from •Lady Peggy But -
• goyne .to her brother,' and, 'sdeetle„
Was, believe, she about whom they '
fought too." • , • , ' ‘'
.;`,Etat 'Tiff not roxl Lady; DI, then,
,t at sl At the .batteln of their quarrel • •
.arter ail," says Me. 13rummel rellece
tikT"eWlYigi'S is the 'fair one?" asks ;Es-
cembe. "Who knows that?"
. "palm, no one. Stopr Sir Robin must
know; sinee 'de for her he unsheathes.
teViee in a Week!" .erlea the host
• • . negrehtnhien2;. . •
'""Send for Sir Robber le the' cry Of
Diana .wben•tee, and crikes are passing
and With esly looks ,eengratulates her
ladyship on the happiness she has this
night conferred, on a very gallant gen.!'
eleman . not SO many miles awai.
And, quite in Lady Diana's line of rea-
soning,' having heard 'from Nennaston
that. Sir, Robin has come up to town
highly Commended to him by 'Ms Sister,
land that, although, be had been sorely
.jealents and diatrauglit at tha said Sir
Robin's good fortune lit the matter of
the rescue •Of• her..ladyshiP, he 'still be-,
lieved him to be head *civet heels in
love with his twin, etc., and so, her
, ladyship argued, 'Itennasten had doubte
less confided te, the said Sir Robin such.
tokens of her favor as the said Lady
Diana bed that evening seen 'fit to,Inan-
Ifeste never rot' n• moment misdoubt-
ing that any other swain was in the
supposed Robin's mind any more than
e was in r own. • 1:
; • "Consents!".
• uits g.
. •
"No, more nke .1,41r Robin; ,which, Stir, and almost ertized by hls passion and
• begging your hondr'S pieding, is a very .. balkieg. •, , • .
pretty young - nobleman, with a' 00,4A . That I do, sir," returns her lady
eye and a peeper height.", . . ehip. 'with fit 'covert smile.
• Sir Perey nods. • • • ' "Tell me, or I'll broth you where you.
t 1 1 If' • '
• his opponent with list, but merely •
. eIben, epee -king es if, o terse an stand! .Perey makes an ugly lunge a
lini . tip in town .WIthont her parents' knewl- :as it thrent • •
' motioning the 'man atvey. "sine° she's
'Twills reverberating In Peg's ear and
a -knocking 'tit• her heart for the hurt.'
deedth %time. When, returned to . the
card wont she learned that Mr. Brune -
Mei wile inviting the company for
.Thursilay'to his seat Ivy 'Deno, 'Twas
to be a gentlemeti's Party •only, Out on
horiebabk, the twenty -Miles; leaving
'the White EtheSe at,,Idinethe Morning;
,With luncheon en route at the Merry
Rabbit at 'Maeket °Seery,. a look over
the stables. and paddocks on arriving
et Ivy.Denei'dqaiet game,' maybe, and
Such. a .dinneras onlY, the 13e.au•sweree
Ms -ountry cook , could ,get up, With
. . •
tbetide back to tevati by the light of
the near lull moon, • . •
Lady Peggy Was soon made aware'
that this t,estivity was Solely -in .her
honor- and succumbed to It as eheer.
fully as she might.. • • • ..'
God keen 'her! Ali the; while stariqg
at the ribbon of her twin's wig,' a-leng-
ing. to .east her ernes about lds. neck
and pray him cover ber up in P15 vtreap!
rascal and fetch • her twine, vowing
she'd run away from 'on all the next
mlnpte. But wbere?•
way could it be done, so that. capture,
diseovery and hundlintion would not
follow? Peggy could .contriveno.rnetit-
od and the •giri was Ilteritily terrlfled
both at the prospect before her and hy
the realization that .easy as it had
been to jump into man's attlye, itwas.
wellnigh linftessible to „get out of It
agale. • Should. she on, returniug to Pe-
ter's 'Court -lay off her satin suit, 'wig
and tuplete. and resume' bee Levantine.
gown,. hood, pettieoats, patches-. and, •
reticule, how 'Aud of What hope of the'
dey or night Could she in safety leave,
the mansion Malfind her way , tut
suspected to the King's Arms and the
coaeb? 'Tivotild • be out of the rittes..
time Servants were up and about at
an hours, and were re,' woman seen
ernergiug from her room,' what Piece cif
eettndel vvouid not the next day • deg
erem one -end of the town to t'otheri
With "consents" tattooing in her
brain, my iltdr recklessly put all the
heart there was left in- her into the .
present moment; lost it hundred pounds
to I:menthe with a dim grece, well fiV0
hundred with no more ado, laughed,
(Wank a little wine, Went home with
her host at 4 in the morning and fell,
heavily Asleep,
At 20? the afternoon the Beau usindly
held an 'informal loree attended by the
More noted of the bucks And macaronis
of the town -r -vastly entertaining half
heave wherein, while soundly abusing
edge apd with n colt and bull story
I stuck Into her aptgall's mouth, itmust
be site's eloped 'with the scoundeel opt
of ICentl •, •• ,
„ GrIgeoe; going., ventures to ask: "Any
more hOrdees, Sir PereY? Will I 'cover
the town, all the leas and taverns,
•ob.?" •' '
The yOung man shrikes Ms head, and
the servant bows himself away.
T tido preeise mothent Lady fieg-
gy, senfee able to • contain
• herself longer and:erecklese of
. 'every 'possible • consequence,
• being nbent to eget. herself, upon her
• quondam lover's; protrietten end to. be
• rid feeever Of being tt' man, he stopped
elrort Of her purpose by the words that
no*. fall slowly trent the young nian'ts
• ' "To deeerve, to lie, te Sawn°. and
plot and bring elutine and trouble upon
her father Old mother! Omni: life!" •
Sir Percy beings , his clinched hand
down With it thump Anton the Card
table. "I • had , neve'believed that of •
Peggy! Pti • have felled . hint' tliat had
hinted sins voirld even plan. a Ile or run
.off 'to 11 eeeret marriage With the beat
• Mau that lives."
• At which speeeh 1117. Indee color
burned es rawer before, shree she was
born, anti her choler rose et the double
Charm 'both the one that wae true all
to bet' deceit and the one that was not
tts'to 1101`. Seeret
Palpitating With 'rege And wounded
sensibility, with remorse and weetchede
nese, brought to bay with it satiation
Site could not endure, Peg now utterly
forgot ber breeches or her shame at
these, and. Otepping boldly forth leto
the small circle of light shed In at the
doorwity from the candlein the eor-
Odor, she minted Sir ?ereand spoke:
"I bid you good evening, Sir reedy
de Bolin, and, having had either the
good ee the ill. fortune to Unintention-
ally overhear your rernarks concerning
Ludy Peggy Burgoyne, 1 feel it, my
duty and pleasure alike to defend her
from the unjust and unworthy attack
whieh you, sir, have just been pleased
to Make.°
"Sir Robin MeTartl" exelaims Perey,
With. 4 start and in it prodigious an-
ger; "t deny your ebergea, air, and
would, remind yen that -eavesdropper*
are ever the cumberere of dangerous
• "That will I not," says site
• What might have further ensued' is
• at this crisis put out ef the question
by the entranee of Kennaston Who
espyingperey the first, cries out joye
fully: '
"Percy, Peeey,latdy Diena With given.
me leave to tell you she censents"--•
"Tush, sir!" interrupts -Percy. Jerking,
hie bead toward the other occupatt 'of
the room, "Sir Robin gleTart and
Parc corue near to- blonea, and must
fight, of .a surety on the subject of'your .
' Sister, 'sir, and 'tis fol.'. yon to knoW:.
• •withottt more OPlay that Lady Peggy is
• up in London, unknown to her barents;
that Sir .Roblit bath her:
ti it
anti refuses' to •reveal • the
sante." Verey•croeses. the room, strikea .
. a tinder and lights tile candles en' the
mantelehelf. •. . •• ••
• "You ere cursedly badly .mistook, gen..
tleinter, both of yott.". says KtraLts.on
•:quietly enough. "I've got a letter which
found. mum my table this very night
just eoine from- my Filster at Helloes -
ton," .with which tree twin pulls my • :
• Inclee most ill • %pelted and crumpled
missive from Ids pocket and holds it
ap before thib rope astoulahed eyes that
• are sterine tit it .
'I'eggy ID unitize• . zeser•
fatira PHOTO STUDIO gm""'"
she had written to her brother the day
' long since In the buttery and Which she
had. token, up to town In her reticule •
old trdiet hre edropped when she had
• paid her lirstarred visit to ;Coinase.
ten'a t.ltale bora In Lark lane.
."Frowse, the cliartvonntres daughter,
Vowed she'd found it n -lying In the
• m
'entry elee the water tub. There's '
end of your dispute sire trust"
glancing frOn1 one to the other. "Come,
come, Sir, Percy, and you, Sir Robin, •
whom Indeed the letter you brought
me -front Lady Peggy the other night •
(loth most highly commend. to MY good
offices, meet be !Mende," taking a
hand of :each. "/'or let DAM° Milner
61It ye tteundWab
er ith her Iles out tny
little twin's being Up in town. Gad -
gooks, elm 'the eitild'e not a notion of
difference betwixt Mayfair and- •
Drm•y lane! beg of you, Mr, Brunt -
as this •one now conies mincing
• the company.
, ."Zooks, sire, but our ,reputations as
gallants are broken 'up an we've not
seen her- of' whom the prints speak
, thus," says the Beau, addiog at once:
"Tempers, my comPliments to Sir. Itob-e
. .. • • •
14'4, i/
4 ,r,
1 (441
• "1147'a:it! diellert1, Up wiik yeail"
Itt lifeTart, and beg of him to Join us
for, atethe least, a few moments. I know*.
he's'tWSrse to ear y 'rlsing, butpray
• inform him to skip across in his dress -
log gown and slippers and nIghtestP;
we've no ladies hereabout to Ogle him."
The which message, being conveyed t
to my Lady Peggy a -sitting by the
Pulled out chest ''of drawers mourn-, b
, fully. contemplating her long shorn* a
tresses with barred door, arouses in het s
suer 'a fever of sorrow as well nigh s
eholies -her utterance, • • ••• a
"Say, to • Mr. Brarnmel I'm asleep, .8
Tempers, had crave toknowhis pleas,,'
ure,, the artswer to whleh I'll send ea d
raithfUlly as Morpheus will permit by
you for Mercuq. Off with your And c
• her ladyship softly stroked Lee. locks
and .for the thouoandth Bine went 1,
planning her tecape, • s
Peals of laughter, rattling of rapiers, t
click or heels, and noW;
• Every farmer, knows that
some plants grow better than
others. Soil inay be the same
and seed may seem the same
but some plants are weak and
• tiAlenx.sei strong.tilat's• the ' way 1,.vith
children They are like young
t plants. Same food, same home,.
• same care but some grow big
and •strong while others stay
• small and Weak.
r• Scott's Emulsion "offers an
a easy way out of the difficulty.
Child weakness often means
starVation, not because of lad(
et of food, but because the food
• does not feed. •
O . Scott's Emulsion really feeds
and gives the child growing
, strength.
,• Whatever the cause of weak.
✓ nSecsostesanEdmulsion seems to find
failure to grow -
ti _and set the matter right
• •
' Send for free santplo,
Scott & Itowne, tnemitits, To.ronto, Ontario
o°. auditt.00.rall druggtsts..
As: site eo her weapon' citugbt, in
her heel, find Us she bent to disengage
it .a yoke', speaking° lie low,, tatifiled.
tones titTested her gait.
-• . It was •the voice of •Sir lete-
. Tart, saying: •- •
"If 1 make it 10 guineas apiece on the
spot, you swear te leave hint cold on •
the pier yonder come Sunday. 'night, or
to tie a stone about his throat and.
throw Ulm Into the river?". •
"Aye, aye,"" grunts .0110:of the ' ta:O
... pomp:1111°113.9f this most 'valOrous gen-
• tleman. " halways 'ullthe': 'pre-
HE herself falls Into .such an lin.
• mediate dood of eons as shakes
her welt end then up she Hies
feotu her depth 1•4 01111 w ith II the
couruge et her thee. and Moon she semi
that vont,* u e the r sueset, she will
quit Peter's Court Os. if for a wOlk. lend
pever. rettielt: ilpit Small elethee.
'situ* it maiet he, elle will joerney bac:k
to lienhesten istel le anti rlek 'sit the
diseoutiture tont Msgr.:tee leer tieing so
may bring neon iter, • • ,
• in point of fact my Lady l'estg-y was
at thatetate mind settee it seemed to
her no degredation' er•• lituntliation, no
sorrow' that .v.Isifed upon : her,
• •
enough 'for the' sips Withetit number
would'. be too • nrueh..• punishment or
She' had comndtted:shice the. luckless
Arty she: took -the coaell for town. •. • .
sne einerged from berrocite for
dinner. ',.twite to learn that Mr.:Brut/i-
n:lel lied been eunimotted heathy to St
Zanies' oil So ihMortant an nitair as to
initiate ),is 105 11 highness into the
mysteries of the•eew tie of Ste Robin's
oevo invention,. aud Ibitt he tritsted. In
this audienee to : :obtain permission to
fetch -Sir• obin o• the palace -an ,,pee,
sent him 'few •days to. several
abgAt:pers'onegeo • etc. .
Her 'ladyship -therefore :dined alone,
scinatily tod. P.tted elieked iter, Wine
'burned her tittetat, end; to speak truth,
she was ',heartily glad 'hot to titive• to
'drink it Tor her 'ladyship Woe an ab-
stemious 'young ledy 'and. belleved-milk,
Bober!. And Pekoe the beverages for -lief
sex, to 'the exclusion Of any stronger.
• At twilight having intide ,ber duda
and her: •tresses up 'In. to , reputab:
enough parcel; Ledy. Peggy: in a suit f
'• Claret velvet.•leavieg all the rest or her
. ehouis o' Sunday 'Maids." '
Peggy, with sueli etripg
• Of terror et her heart- as she never bad •
leetoreeenreeeeLeieeter to the wail of -the •
.•.. 0. •
• "teneinent, before widen. she las halted
• mad ceeeps nearer te the portal witerein
• these caVellers. are' querteeed.
. "Let et be galuees apiece tonight'e
• squeaks the baronet, "and' the remain-
dei when .the business is 'dotter. •
.. The deuce take yet) with yeer.,•when
the buslueSs is. dotter"' mutters , the
other. "We'e cloin' your' lea • for au
. for lietle. enough.. "141141.: every ono,
• as ..'d . hundertalie tile• funerld or a•
• tlearl'a heir like Si; .Pefey Bolttie,'e...,
ladyship's' like now' .t� ' •in et •
. ,
: swoon, but 'not. she; only lettas elie a.
• bit tr,;etinet the bricl-s tree h •
, •
Ing, her eyes dilatieg,.her lip.s bitten in
-. until tin are 'alinost bleeding
"11ush-11-10 No saws you verletsr
hitei•ropts Su' 1:01)1.11.. ' . •
. responds the other. .""r he '
walls ain't got no hears, aud it' they
• 'ad .wot'• l're say iu's the eussid tmuih, •
13teksey?": •••
" .
eeGeneral Sir Willi ant Nicholeoz,, Di
rectoAleezeieele.: Military lattellizenee
of the lir: tielertteetettitiTnni,"11W-iveire "e-•""-
gct,, Tokio and will aCCQMPE.11X the Jan; •
anese army for the 'ptirpese of' inaking
4 • speeial study of the methods a
transportation. •• -
man's. 'attire hanging in tbe• presses;
sauntered eitielessly out 01' the home,.
decliniug the. footman's Oder, of nehair
or even a hackney chalee or, a:page to
carry her. parcel, and set off at a swieg;
ing pace across the Square and toward
the river .• It was her intention, by way
of frustrating any attenints at tracing
her whieb. 'might, be set afoot, the dike,
Overy ,of her flight once inade, to so
double on her own trackS and, .to keel;
out •suifie unimagined ' end'unlfltely
streets to traverse as mast pezzle both
beliman, watch and redbird alike as
:well as her acquaintances. • •
• She ,swaggered giOni • toward St
Stephen's, where .a coach containing
• 'quality •WaS oeetteionallY met even now,
then deWn Horseferry road almost to
'the river's banks; then along Jack-
anapes row, with little Idea of the cuti
'throat locality she was haunting; back
:gain toward better neighborboods, then
a lureh . to the . Thrones, making. Into
'earthing alley and Little Bey yard; at
Pc mid A Which she found herself at
Ile old ,Dove pier. : • .
he newspapers for their being :stuffed
with Iles, the company still eagerly .de!
•voured every scrap of gossip they, con-
tained; where the amount of ft.'s tow-
eririg above Lady - Thie brovr elite
Measured and nned, the -better. ap.
peerage° Of Lady That In the new •
in together with r.ora tiseembe. Sir
WYatty Mr. Jeek Cilitimera tend others ,r
for their game, "for you've the graee•
1 lack in,sunh matters -these two gal- II
lents have had 4 ditferelleo, 1,110 a
you, mr. Drututalm, eet 'mu Attila t
':•14'rt" tetirq* per top al°1"!"
ashioned gown discussed, And the hot -
id aspect of the lion. Mitift So.and-so's
cameo and her general resemblance te
Inuit Sack tied in the middio talked
ver. • This eouplet And that comedy
were torn to pleeeS by as Melly PeettY
Wife at ehtneed to be present, *While
trep?p,eyg 41:±1.stAtoli. otater'si
Peg atocel Still, 44. heart. -beating:
oth •with• her eeicke walk and. at the
trimgenese or Ali Iliat'surrounded her,
he had no fear, beeauSe her OM was
tout, her Rini plstels at her belt
nd a- good iwoed at her side, and she
vas eperfectly ignoreot :or any. harm
fere to be..found greater than at the
001. of' Beitu Drummer, house.
The dork dwellings of the yard
rowned et Orte auother, with' not an
ell Of Sey to share between 'eut at their
oofs; the sign of the Three Cups
wung arid creaked the slow breeze: illISg • •
he river, Week end growsome, lipped
'The thousands Of pectele *Ito
Write to hie saYing -that
ure The Lung Tonle
..eured thern.of chronic coUghs.
cannot ail be Mistaken,.
There must be truth in it
*Try a bottle for that cough of yours.
- Prices 25c., poc,-.And S1.00
• 1
• •• s. WELLS Sc. tO.
• Toronto, coo. .11
ows•liecord s
o • t
. "Itat4t-tat-tat-tat-tetr on the doer. •a,
• "AleTarti McTartl Up with 'yen ;
from betwixt coyerletS 'and into your `
Persian quilt!" ,
t the foot of the stone pile against
vhich she leatied. On the river the
lead bargenien rested at their oars,
nd the dip of the water bird waathe
nly sound that struck open her ear.
Peggy Wile casting about in her mind
'bether to enter the inn and intpiire
her road to the King's Arms in the
Strend •and has Jlist turned to' do so
when in the cavernous doorwayof ono
• el' the gaunt looking tenedents she 'be-
held three figures. The feed of two
'ware toward her, and by the light of
the fish oll lamp Swinging at the next
door tavern she beheld them, so slide -
ter and forbidding as to COMO her to
, halt for a spuee and then, overcoming
I her• dread, to pursue her path, but
slowly and l» croising the yard,
"Out with ye, Sir Robin, or, sir, we'll
in the fifteen of us, and rout von
trent Morpheus' armsl"
"Confe, Sir Robin, daily no \lotiger
• With sweet sleep, xo, sir, and bethink
you of beauty spelled with a
• shoutSir Wyatt, chorused by the rest
• At first elan Of voices Peggy stuck
her hair back lute the drawer, jumped
'Up and stood, hand upon the dressing
• table, her expression like nothing died
so In:66h as that of a faWn caught In a
"Sdeathl Gentlemen, t pray of 7011;
it few Moments" grace!" cries she, trem,
Wing from the knees down, , for 'Us,
quite ef theletimer of the wannest of
the day that In a itecOnd More the
whole company ehould hatter down the
mahogany 'turd hued
• "Three -and -thirty, An you like, Sir
• Robin!" says ItIscombe, Whet Is soberer
than the rest
"Girt) us the whereabouts of tady
Peggy Ilurgoyne," shouts lit Obal.
mem "and We'll trouble you o moo
"Lady Peggy Burgoyne'
"tedy Peggy :Burgoyne,'
44\Vberel Tandy Peggt litirgeyner
44Wheeel Lady Peggy lettirgoyhrinI;ou
"'Where Is tbo fah. ono for w
Aga tlir Pere7s,do Doltun tam tousht
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