HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-31, Page 1'see,
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41 4/
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41 4
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Ready-toiWear. clothing Department
Our stooleofReady-lViade Clothing is all new.
We cannot oirer you' any old shop-worn olOthing at
v 44.
half price but we can grve you the best values in
town for Brand New Goods. In Men's Suits we have
without doubt the nicest patterns anthe lowest pri-
ces we have ever seen. We buy our clothing from,
Among the best manufacturers In Canada and. the
prices cannot be equalled. around here.
mew% Suite Made from tluewoei Canadian Tweed,good lin- Q nn
^ Inge threogbreet mad perfect fitting, special price.... *V U
Men's emits made from fine all Wool tweeds in a. good armorer
lama of new .spring Patterns, Ont. -class linings and in nn
. • rivet-014es fitting, special, price ...... 4
Boys' .3 -Piece Sult4,
flOyfr'$•plece Suite, made trot:dal' wool Ffalitax Tweed,ne,vi
sergere ale° in fancy' stripes and checks, light and dark
eolors, all sizes from 2$ to 38, the best values to be had g En
at, per milt. 49.1 04•1161. 1`• .1•44 44 ; .. 411,0041), $5..50 and. eft
Boys' 2-piC.ce Suits
Vire-hareY a large skink of Boys' 2.plece Suits and can give
,qi almost every style in 15 differene patteente n11 sizes A nn
in steels trona u to 30, at per suit. • $2.Oto *trUll
. •
• Men's Pants
Men's rants, yeadystnade, in all sizes, at per 'pair
*45, 4.25; $2.50 .and uauu
Suilochs, asported kinds and 70o'
Men's andBoys' Overalls, aWkinds and all sizes at per pair
• • '
50e, 7,44e and *IMO
Waterproof Coats and Rain Coats' -
Mexes,Watetprooe Coats in dark_ greys, newest . styles for
•sprieg, at ao3, $8$le, $ilo and 12.00
For this sale vve will place on sale about 40 pair Boys' Knicke 50
ere, sizeen to 83, regular price 15e end 850, all to go a;.• •
„Furnishing Department
• .
.,i4A,Ts-We haven't the epaee to give a description of all the
. different) styles in „Hats but we Can give you every new
• 'tyle that is shown for spring. We have dozens of die. : ese.
ferent shapesand all sizes in stock up to 7/. The prices 0) fin
etar the lidents fiats are each...—. ,..e. .. . ..750 up ,to U.1.1 U
Bos".' Bath each .... . .. . . : ..50e to '51.50.
the new etYfes for spring are herr. Farley tweeds
. are going to be very popular this year, We have them 7
in re dozen elifterene`patteens at each.,..250, 50e: and . I U
' The J. W. Newcornbe Co.°
flg2,-- • • . ----Men's and Boys' Ready-.
Furnishings—e. • ' ' • :-,--..-Mtide-Clothing, Hats
" "
• . ., • ' •
aya•op...mrhmouriAM4.4•400,44 '
Early Friday morning last' e. Rock ; It's not gseod it:apnea to plent a Ur. DaVid Mole, a graduate of The The bridge across the river e% traits It is with feelings of deep regret
rg eleven wild ducks wee seen passing, field end then never cultivete ; it's not News -Record cMce, was married ' on tilortls of the Beenteeltburn. bridoe went that we are .called upon to note the
heading towards Lake Hun*. then not cultivate it with Advertising. •leely ot Rochester. New veric, iv which° noon, and the timbers were seen • in
dBoa:in.10:iotnIS thaett:140c4dy.on. Friday after- ;bath of Elezebette, teloved svik of
s 1 father's residenee on Tuesday after, -
over the northern ;Art of the town good judoment to plant a store end March ietit te a handscene -Moines Elliott', who died at her
The News -Record extends ecugretule. Ivork in Seaforth after a couple a>1 in her 32101 Year atel her death was
MM. Number 1312
Varna. littyfield
A NOTE TO THE PARENTS. LITTLE LOCALS. city he has 'been livieg for same time. • r. Normen Purily has resumed his noon, March eencl. The deceeeed was
weeks' Isolidays here, • unexpeete4 anti was a. severe shock to
Teseougt, The .etews-Regerd pesineaw, Mrs. jetties Carter has [been ill for •tiara and good wishes.
parents cf his pupils Mr, v. M. Diehl ims re large ieumber her man frienda. She leaves to
Lough sends tins intonation to the the past three months Ara ber friends .
;ctfitorgeetsvrtnevaip;dtoitIndsylirattsp tirs ro.poratce eleouilt t hir less aehashesid end slet
will reVret to hear that she is still in A IINION MEETING. gallon, ehildren, the oldeet about eight years. -
"Parents are requested. to eeeil all Poot health, .
pepils, whet am to co ene to echool he- ' Mr. R. Graham has felled his bust- ' °II: FridE'V evening' a uoion meeting Mick's swing bridge etands , all goods The rental* were interred in Bayfield
kee midevennieta to school on Monday, flees so h.:mew...sal, tr,„t he ;,,, to of the Baptist congregations al Clin- but won't carry his hocemetery On Thursday afternoonTin/Se
hoses cemetery •
Art erth, So toot the teeciter can ar- buy seger by the ceelcrid. di4tanee who attended the 4.
. ii ton, and Goderich will be held in the Mr. Sohn -Sparrow ships. two ears from 4
funeral were her brother and sistere,
range the classes without delay," eromearaw being Good Reel/. '
. church in this town. An aderess will leads oi horses' to the Weat this week,
place." ef businees will be Owe •• ' erich and after the serviee several. makes 'sliippine a -very risky business Wiliddoe of Welkertoe, IlIr. joseplt El-
a - he given. by Rev. W. D. McGee, Of Gorl- • but the recent big bliziard. in the West 'Mr- John end misses AferY and llella '
liott of Goelerich, D. R, Iiiggire of ••
1 On 'Friday lase Mr. A. Hoope . members of lis cougregatien wSli be just uove.
Brucefield, B. A. Higgins ce Vat.
: ed a .cheeque for liro to levies Flynn
r hoe, A AN or RikeRs, , - Air, Joseph Foster is getting things
Me W.. W. Ferran, lies bought ht a. baptised,
Vat -
�f town ee indeninity for a sprained . .1 ) - b . g BOWLING CLUB ORGANIZES. , is ,
ready to start for the West next rm. Our sincere sympathy ie extended
wee , • to the bereevel ones.
Wrist received while shoeing 4 horse, span .0 pacers, Jure a,eing �u. pt .
' Leaerongtoe and its mate et Detroit. The botvlirg club re-orgenized or4 ilift'' 131e4. Burhsia°' *la's 111 . x4te..r. c'll viYirinsg°hlievre istjeontnhierteDefvP. azEI,Cti.1 jeleis-
Oa tl'e smile date Wire George Code. They are apeedyt 1, i
ent teen. Mr. Farrell Be da,
on y m t wi e o owing' offi-
* h 'tit th f 11 Wednesday. „
1Ver. Alexander Muetard of Brecefield
j agent. , ' Par. Ferran has sold one of his Tex- viee, 3%,. pair
Moral. : Don't ' scorn the accident
jured beck while shovelling seow, , tona, i seh • •the „ ti, . Hen, Presideoe, J. .Ransford
. as Seek. eolts to a partyt, at, 1,earning•es
on rici e 0 enjoy e 1i...a Me moie. President, 'W. J ackson
Secretare; W, Drydone , eVir. Purtly's house, he, bavine sold nis was in the village on Monday.
awn to the Rev, T. Davideen e'or a The 1100.6 last rrideer And Salturdkr
Snug suln. Dert always has an eye for was the- greatest seen. lvere fcr yeers,
week getting hie efteete moved. over to
--. SPECIAL S. A, MEETING, . Treestrer G, D. Mciaggart bueiness etad has rented the carriage the water risieg to within' one ioot of
shop from Mrs, Purdy and will earry the floor of the 'bridge. The ilets ,
S. A. barracire thee evenly% at . which '1 Agnew, E, Courtice.
voile. of Strailetem received a' elletAtje would have none other. 'Mere ere few cers :
g • Mr, I). lYieNettglitcn. is busy • thie nings, •
for lite.50 es comPeneation for 0 -ll drivers znore skilful with the reins
A Special meeting. will be held in the MILLINERY OPENINGC, Ground. Cionumittee; J. Johnstone, R, on that business *in all It branches in wore covereel with iee, carrying away
2 tare *en IeletreExperience. lie has Hc• gens ros• Yester a P and everything Will be done up to date boat houses, damaging several boats.
`-'" has had E,4, veried. experience front . attending ir lerge numbers.. The Pal- Week a concert vvill be given in. • the , •
. —Auburn.
pier was' damaged censIderably by the
:being two feet deep inside. The .i.orth
Pelled..to leeve their bouse, the water
Mr. largh McLeedes family were coin-• .
)a.s. been in teanY netts of 'the wcrld cud sress today and, the levees have been On tire' evening of Thdrada.y. of next mci.
connection with his own blackemithing Chas, ' Dreasler's and WM. Jewett's
Ca,ptain Parker of Seafort will lee- The Inier'erY °Petit' tegee at BAND CONCERT. '
1 , I
0 0 0 < 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0'0
0000 0 0 o 0 0 0 <7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0
LVEt t Eft,
Begin the New Year by opening.h Saviogs Bank account in
L-L—The Sovereign Bank— .
lIncomoratathy eettell'arlio.mentie
000o,000 o<>••• 00000000o000000000
00 0
0 000 0 0
The Bank endeavors tolenake Sa„vings System the easiest and
most agreeable medium for all classes of tire community to save their
earnings by depositing $1 or as inuehinore as they wish. Every de-•,..
positet's money lasemered.. . ..•'. .
• Since it'seastablishineOt.the Sovereign Bank of:Oar:lade, has. had un- .
precedented success In the financial world, and its stabiliey is.be-
• _coming more widely known every day.: A comparative statement. en. •
. ded Oct 81st last is here appended which . discloses facts and figures -
i never-befote knovvnin bapking hietory. s -. . '.. :. . 4 • • • • • 0
• • P...
• . • Assets 31st Oct 1902 3Ist Oct.'4903.:r
. Cash and Bank Balanpes . ' $ 383,007 $ 822,774
Bonds and Stocks , • • '''• ' ... 439,$08 . ;718,397
Loans and Diecounts f ' • . , . 2,983,868 e 5,821,39()
Bank ri•einieee, Safes, Etc. • s' e . . ' • 44,075 $2,359 •
• s 83,855,203 •$7,209,920'
• Liebillties • ' • •
Onpital-Paid up • . $1,178,478 $1,800,4000 '
Reserve Fund nod Undivided Profi ts 240,000 882,838
Sovereign Bank notes in circulation '759,995 1,287,850
Deposits 1,881,780 4,300 432
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <> 0 0 0 0 0
• $3,$55,208 $7,209,920 .•
0 * 0 0
0o0000000 oo00,040<>1
. Clint011.
0 Ks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <>
ch lie le efiablecl to draw many gocd ' ace has always• been kfamous for town hall' under the auspices of the
lessons, There 'will- be it; additiou -latliioriable millinerY and it is the altn Citizens' band. A good program is in
music by the band, 'etc,' -1 _ .
Or Weclaesday evenirit the local 01117,:l ..V... C*._arPtpc at$r
h - h . to , add still fureher home an% outPsiee talent 'a- , 1'4' 'T'"In 31411(migh 6f Denfielel t$ : c()Milliluill l'71N1Sra 11 1 Pthalerrivall"lwefittiltht 4 1:wa a° de k*
- of the Misses Pettigrew lied Burke, coutge f pre eretiou to which both .'
Seafortle . , . ' . loVelY one, 6u.> ":‘"Vnglet wito have ing , 0.:InitriPer hattae and is deserving •
,-. _,
cers took part in a big meeting in I to that; peseActoitye 1 heie. displaye is a te„. ,The basket management
xl-sti.e., of it. lt expe.ce: ,mweosvting to Goderich. kle intends going rot Toronto to visit friends. .. ,
viouerica. Alley are visiting friends a- lionise on a vtisit. •
• and ,,,, will leave :his family in Miss Annie Elliott of Toronto is' .
The officers now in. ,charge Of the los- viewed it, a .e. „. ,
' great •quentities of ice and driftwood
round Auburn at presort.. . Mi. R. Wilsoo of the trin of Reid ,
corpe are Captain. Patteeden 1331d LIKE T F NEWS RECORD
B '1"-eteeteeetlrose who w• ill 'contrilbute to .
Mr, -Imes Ball has rettirfea from end Wilson, `Seal ortle was in the vil-
1.i.eut,,. Setter. .
the the in'e•t""q`i are Mrs. McQueen,' Chatham, where he spent the winter. lege oe, ieueseey,
.AN ENJOYABLE EVENING: " In. 'renewing her subScription for W. • J. Berland,. W. Mr. Wm. youngblut of the Maitland eet. Jellies Ferguson! left on:Monday
A very eftjoyable thee Was .sPent 'in Island Writes as knows troMbone solo will be given bi'n >7. ham. recentl
1904' Mrs. James Catling of Cockburn McLeod, atel the. Sibley see stepete. A Block also returned home from Chat- for Port Dover where'ne has *been en- •
Y. • • • •gk...ged for the summer,
Ontario streets.' ehurek. last Thersdo - "We are inech i'dleased. with ThAe Gibbing., a' baritone sole by T. 'Wheat `Ordiss:.,Ulsnar Rirox•leas returned home mr, Fred. /arena of .Saginsw is vis-
eiening when at the invitation of the News -Record and would not like. to ee ley and a clskionet solo by .3, 'McRae. from. Goderio-t......_, _ ,.... Mug 'his mother, IVIrs. Mille'r.
Ladies' Aid of the church/ the members withdut it. The wea.ther on the Is- A ' ' . Mrs. George Marshall leri-teeteeyeels Mr.- John 13alley and family ce this
in full force to enjoy an evening with ters he has teen here. Even • the quin-
hes been the rnost severe Mr. 'PIE LOCAL MARKFT
the country . but -it is being brought ng a eaeload of horses, etc. surni'net,,f,,
of the choir together with the officials land ' ' . for her . home out: West. Mr George. • liege moved to Brumfield last. -week '
of 'the church and their .wives evening
Catling remembers in the sixteen win- . There >S ye CollS4 e a el• • -we • .•
' t 'd r bl wheat 'it Marshall and Mr. II Tewsley are tee hstessoe4r. Bailey bas been engaged for
the Ladies' Aid, Whoa all had gall- ber . eamps lave had to break .up be. oat very slowly owing to the unfa,vor- Messrs. el. •Sh.anneek and William
r and were' Ito Wingliam''ct'n an3tdue
neMssr. arne; Johnston, who has been
spending the winter here, left for his
_home in the Western; Monday.
Mr. .11arclay, . a student 'of Huron
College, Loudon, Occupied the • pulpit of
last .weeet. • . . • • lavyinitaYitehruErtaliStittrstErSinucni4paaY1 W°02111erSuolif- '
Ovsing to back, water A. Q.. jack son Hurcn College will hold; service
is unable to get murk, thckving done. Trinity chrrch wien SaereMent will be
Mr. Geo. 'Youngblut gave his friends adininisteeed.
a taffy piel Frie.ay night. • Mr. • John Davidson, Who sold his
The Ladies' Aid.* of Knox ehureh• farm on the Geshen Lind, Stanley,. has,
ctealvebiurgataecl, 6,ctilateirtharsatt..,retiatansf,veRrsiirayea:sby• intaokverted up ifuasturielysIdir.ente%^ .uvrilsl.age.wac‘nid,
Mr. Anderson is visiting the Areler- witos ,cottage on Calma,. street.
son family, of 'tile village. , Mrs. A. Vaustone. and Miss Maggie .
M. 'and Mrs. - James lVfeed visited Vanstone are visituig friends at Ben- •
her mother, Mrs. Deg, • on Sunday miller,
week. ' • Mr., R. .Wa.inright has ta en up his ,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wilson are the residence on ClauGregor square. •
` Mr. Seines Thompson is plank.ine the
south pier, - .
,• •
Messrs. A. -4<in
ered they see down to one of the moet ceese of ,,,the •depth of show." - able condition of the roaels. The iprice esi- • •
eIa'borate spreads you vvill see iii a life . .
A P'OPUL*Al2. TRIO. • - • • stilt standS:at' 90 Cents with not inn*
'tiiiie and all having .done justice to the . ' probability of it 4,..dvancin to. the:
* Se.ott'isit etomdiari ; "Anna. Watson, dollar .ina.rh again this- season. .
eatables; -a prcigratn., WAS introduee(L ,
beedeel bY Ole Pastor, Who called c-11 Bewell is a decided favorites through- . This is the 'quiets week °dello loeei
D. Tiplady, J., Gibbings, B.. ''..T, Gibb- ont Ontario.' - : live steek .niarket there not having
ings, S. Taylor and A,. 'Hooper for,
e Torouto Setuiday Night : ,-,Mr, Wal- been any shiptaients," but it is expected
addresses which, 'Were hitersPeraed by lege .0i-elle:in made his first appearan- next' •week will he an active one. $4.60
singing bY Pr. C°ck and '.W....Rbsstaisc" ce befete a Toronto ar:dience,- as an .is Tx,* bOli p$,A41 for .11y.4 hogs.
as recitation by Miss Carrie Shipley. elocutionist and scoree. litite a hit4". .
saHy psaitasemeezE. iigli14,,R.S.? .. -. grOeeirt.t.esmd ce. w,:llVIthirrso,tir :e46orre... • aerweevir, y was 1>
... edB: itpotoo.,r 'doezetb,",4 gegg.sgsa:ea con:ing .4n.fre.e-.
ly• Ora Tuesday Centel.= Bros. s ipp-
To' Tlic„News-Record,•=I rnderstand'
several pedlers are gohvg.through this
district. selling :cloth, Regarding the
qualCity ef their goods .-I•have nothing
to say nor' about the men themselves.
But they . pay no taxes, 'they dente
help to Maintain' our schoo-1, sidewalks,
etc. They are ,heie today at<I.,,perliaps
in agother Country next anc.a.th.,.. How
diffeiget it; is weth (Mr business men
who pay :Met, taxes, cierlt hirc.. and
the 'balls that. .are constantly being
male Upon them.-. Thell why the citi-
zens of this town; or soy 'other town.
for* that matter, should pa.tronize
strangers. in preference to one of them-
selves, is cue •of the things not pleas-.
ant to contemplate, 'it does not make
a toivn. mote terosperous.-aatepiryer.
e • '
On Saturday:Mr, Canielon • Made
ble het shipmeat of al:Wes, thus
ing im the Season's cverations. • It was
a trying seSsou 'the exporteriii
had lo.'centetirl With a shortagc. in bar-
rels and then the snow blockade. Dot-
ter railway accomined4ticro would. have
saved. Mr. Oantelon much Money. In-
stead of furnishing him with'cbld stor-
age , cers which :to ship his. Apples
eci the -seatoard he was provided with
9rtlainatY box cart ill Which. he had.
to place stovea. The result was that
the fruit next the Stoves got toceniuch
heat. that at thd further end of
the cars became frost bitten. This
depreciated the value of the apples
and, in: more than one -shipment wiped
Out Mr. Cantelone. Profit. leis total
shipmente aracrut to 52,826 barrels, as
%Orme.: • ' •
To Eitgle.nd •
•GlasesoW 14;316
tertaiinnent in the Ontario street WIalittezaetr3.094tee '
. These thtee'attiets will- give an err -
chinch. 46r-tr.-Tuesday evening. •
, • • . • Eggs .14c. to. eec
DEATa. Or DR. MOORE. . . • • ' Live Hedgs $4.60.
Dr TMcore,,
..litta or very many Years.
Was ,a. resident, of Clinton, died a fort-
night. sine in California after ' ''" Goilerich .Township.. •
nesseof only three dayss. He .left here
last fall to spend his 1st days with Assessor .ThoniPsOn has made his
P"MT1'.. RPtl. shisecTeres tshcatilyand ill elret;Ple.
nieces and nephews in that 'sunny - rOrlidS And will have the Teel ready for '
state but the change of. climate apee'Motele.y.'e meeting of'the couneiI. . a Party Weeinesday evening. • .
Dobie went West laet week.
Miss May. DIeBrien is very sick this
Messrs. Wm. Ferguson' and Arthur
Marsh have returned to the West V-
1\ir S. •Retherington vistted his den-
ghter, Nrs. James Carter, one alay
peared to be too great for hien. • He ' Mr. Geo... A. Cooper:IS rigain able to Rees Mr. Young of Clifford preaelied
was horn in Cork, Irelaild eighty. one be out after.an.'illneas of eight Weeks. to large . Coagregations both -morning
years ago and came to this country e :•.•.• and evening in Rack church-,1ast"...Sun-
When' 'quite a young man.- Iii 1849 he Mrs. Prect.-Whittingh ., after spend- da 4 • They, were the last sernions Pre-
graduated- : from IVIeGill Medical COle int :the winter at the parental home, '
lege, • Moritesals: Ho was the s. eldest. Mr. .W. O. Elliott's,' left cri 1,Fiday'
list t ' re-"e'n her -h sli itd st. Qi -
son of a baronet and two yeers , ago. ppe .e) Ass,. •... . ..
A ' 1? 3 1 ' ' 11' ''' •
succeeded : to the title; but . he never
assumed. it, the family estate end •the The , township •Couneil *will .-Meet.,IL,L7t •
where*ithel to maintain- it ;having been Mc's 1 aY* • . ,„.• ' - • ' -
lost. Re ,•was Sir Richard Moore; Kr. Sohn. caxitelon, a former Iasi-
hOweVer. :• • • . • dent of . this • township, died in Tuc.her-
• • smith On Saturday morning, aged•sevd
MRS. HOWARD'S •DEATR. • enty one years: His wife and family .
Stanley Township.
ac ed• the. old church. He took for "Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cole of Goderich
his -text in tee evening Leke 15 : eeene township and. their son Warwick visit -
dealt With. the Prodigal San,' the' Lest ed relatives thd laatylon Line .orj
Sheep and Lost, Piece of Silver,: ' Wednesday ci last week.
handled the • subject well and the con-. Mr. end Mrs. J, T. Keys Of tbe Ba-
gregations were cinch. pleased with his bylon Line spent one evening -last'
discourses. ' 'Youtg preached, in week as guests •at the hoine of Mr.
Knox" church tyveaty seven years ago. and • Mrs. 'EdWard Robitteon- of the -
He loOks well. His wife accomparn- GoSheri Line. •
edhirn.. Maggie 'Chill of Chiselhurst
On Monday .niglit there was etlaive:. spent 1st -week With friends and rela- ' • -
crowd out to the entertainment in lives :in this Vicinity. • *,
, Mr. Ben. etc. ss purchase,0 horse '
. .
from Mr. Isas.c. Erratt of the Palbylon, • "
r,itte last week." • •
:Miss- Mary B. Keys of Verna fisited" • 4.
relatives on the Babylon Line for, a, few. • • • ' 1^, :-
days recently: •
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Reys'were guts- •
ts of Mr. and 11/Irs• 'Saran:el Tolu.sten
one Oozing last week. •
Miss' Martha A. Richardson is visit- .
ing with her sisters at Wyomina.el
Mrs. T. Johnston has returned to
her home at The Nile aeter speeding a
week under the. parental roof.
Misses Mary and Sadie Dowson spent
Sends* in Clinton, e
Miss Grace D. Galbraith rettuned to
Chicago last ereek resterie her dat,-•
ies as a netse. Miss Galbraith .is L • . • e.
graduate of the Illinois Training •Sth-
Miss Eve ROO WAS the giek of ler ' „ „ :sees. -0
eitkens passed into the great unseen took place en MOnetay rafternoiat to
Qre ' living, in the states. The 'funeral
interred. . many.
On Monday aftertmen another. ot oitr.
in the person of Mrs. C. E. Howard to 7 hEiaiD-1,111b4isirreitt cweniereetarY where sc.*
wh°n1 had l'ecro'lf.killefon:r Mrs Howard : years ego, , The, services 're cone:
allotted span ducted by •Rev.lier, Hiieser.w.
was Axon in Loridon,. ,England; May
24th, i$331 and. a feW year s later Io. , The- former residents. on the !7th con,-
cated at Niagara Palls, New ItOrk. s. are fast Passing away, 110 less thlan
There she was married) imt. Dir. How_ four of,them Laving died in . the past
'ard depa.rted this life thirty- three twelve months : Peter Cook, Alex. Os-•
years ago. •Mrs. Ilowa.rcl lived •.at trom, 'Thos. Webster and Thos. 'Cook.
•Guelph for eighteen years, for a tirtie - In addition Mf. G. B. Banley .has
in Clinton and then in Los Angeles; :unwed out of the towliship. At this
California, ficriti Will& eitv nee •re. rate st few years will make a great
turned . with her son. Mr, it, 3, )10w, change in the voters' list.
ad at Ne'W Years. bhe was a woman ° Saturday the news .reached iere
. . „
,Montreal, Manitoba of more -then ordivary iittelligenee and front Winnipeg,' Man.., by wire th.A
arid E It 350 , much esfeeniedlheY those WhCill she Mrs,.4,Telin P. ShePpard,. s%co,nrd Yo'cog-
, „ was known.. funeral took place est aughter of Mr. Robt, honiPson
. • .."31,g26 yesterday forenoon to Si Joseph's of the leth con., la, died, the previous
• ' • ' church atti from thence to the Catholit day after a,n illness of only a few hou-
ARCHIBALD MACDONALD DE,A.D• cemetery in Hullett, the services Iveing is. The shock was ill the greater
' conducted by Rev. Father Peneonneaue frem. . the fact that only *the previous
• The death of Mr. Archibald election -
0 ' • aid on Saturday <Welling last further
. lt. The •pallbearers were : P. B. Sib.. day a letter 'had been received from
I WM j0Reh k T h ' hhh Ice of feeling well.
es ....• -'" e e es :..e. .... ....e. , .„.. .. .. . - - ---- _ „see., einphesizee the uncertainty of h•fe. He
+4•44+++•14+++++++44'/ 4.1444.1.4.4. hwandetatted to go for Ins mail and 1„1"„,I-tac,
g and FTJai
*. Ov•eltyeTeoeedaey foren
oon tohe remains
nafw yadf.... thhouselsen.* . . *reve ed Clinton station and were ems -
d tthhmestead frm. ; Wit nee,
'' .1 ' to the rpetel and *lice ;46'4 itP sAwrm. surnitmr SERVICES. the funeral took pIe.ce yesterday ref et-
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
00 • 0
Kew church. The proceeds amounted
to about $40; which, ,be applied to
Che :purchase of an organ Ice the new
church: This Was the last meeting in
the old building be;pulled
donan right sway. They are going be
' held • theireeserv ice • in the Methodist,
church • until. the new, chuttli is built.:
The Sidida.y school will meet at 2,15
o'clock. :while Servied will begin at 3
o'clock. .
Mr, ahd Mrs. Fred. Tahb of Wallier-'
burn have mciVed into Goderich. 'We
wish ***well.
• Mr, John ThoranScat, who was. ,_re-
cently mar r led , has engaged with Me,.
-Alexander Rose for el year. lie in-
tends living Sitretoga,. .
Mr. Tamen:has engaged With *r.
:Jacob Wagner for a year. •
Tee ice broke in> et Deneybrook anti-
tok avvey the bridge. It lee not yet
reached • Attbutn. There is a jam at
the island; but the ice moved cut from bunday last.. • • - .
the bridge down past the dasn last, A number of young people Spent a
Friday, without ,doing any damage sa. pleasant evening at the henna of Mr.
far, „ • T, 13rowitett last :week. •
Ur, John Mallough lias been aroutte, Ree. W, T. Richardsen Ire ands
,• •
4., •
mige. M. Reid ci Varela, on ss,
- AFTEIt 50' YEAIRS catise of his sudden taking off, ,
leed ecl. Heart ai nre , 4
All- the clitirches ivill be in. Easter noon. .NOtWithilnstoaastinfmtpahastsolbt.hiechrsoAes fiiewing old' acquailitaticeS' again, He gistete Mies Meggie of Wyoming, ere ,
• %red, from Denlield to Godetiett. visiting at their honit. •
were in an a rno
" He was bore itt Whytoconieg Cale gerb next unday and the choirs there was a Very large gatheriiel lefts, Gear e itottegblut Sr. took Death. mine after a, sheet cc • „ 4,)
• tretoti, seveety them yeers In will render special music. •• sympathising friends who follow the in, lest Sung
• . Sunday everieg to Serail Troyer, be-
0, Old Father Time grows lender and mellow, .
As, roving the round earth; the sturdy olct kilo%
Yerit in and yerie ouekeeps going and corning,
Zn Winter's wild wreck and Surnmer's green blooming.
.*0 are nee yee by any locos I, larough 4‘winteres wild wreck" and.
it shottld be ed good time tei take advantage of unhearcl.of prices.
LoWer.Than the Lowest -1 Refuly.Mede and
dered elothing. To.few
met; it. -given to earry on business succeeefully fer half a century
• and after AO 10Og a period, of honest, 'faithful toil; one begins to
think of enjoying his well•earned rest. Such is our condition and
atter .5qyoitrs of successful trade in Olinton, we have decided to "
' offer, eurptising redlietionts, our $4000.00 Stock. with a Vie,/
to tetiting from ttetivebnsluess as somas disposed of. Sale began
" 4"SAT t!RDAY, FM. 3:th
001110 One;oome all. Ask, dee,, eXamine4 cotnpare atia ybu-will buy
• we wive net .time Or ipiee for a detalletl list of Prices. „A,
uwa has said tbat "the proof -of the pudding is the chewing of 'IS
sti• ng." VVis offer a, better and. pleasanter • test in asking .you to
tee out'geode, learn. onr reduced. prices, and compare with -boasted
bargains 'elsewhere. It fa easy to say the prices wurtn so Mid
so; the important tblug is WHAT TEM PRIORS ARE.
We specially Invite our old customers to do themselves a
good turn, by seeing Meat eve Metre to offer them. It will he like
A belated Chriatturre hoz. •Similisey we invite those who have not
s been tegular alietrpeere to eXamine goods arid prices, We make
No more Blow......Mmpty veesels make most sound, but we
, • promise genuine reductions in all lines
ackson„ Sr.
lie At winis church in the evening tht tanning to their Place of interment in . „me, 'William Plunkett's elenlego a loved wife of Xt. enry reakina 14Its.
eialirt6% htto".8011:tionati...ieegn8filord(1;4airterwaeraS
„ choir, io addition to tie regular., ser- Clinton cemetery'. The services were been up her nose recently and the doe- Meknes had been at the bedeside of
voue4 vice, render "Christ Our Piesove conducted -by Rev. C. R. atinnei Ailed ter heti to be called to extract, it. her flatighter-in-law, mrs, millajt,
es, he entered the railway service
ee tentiened for nearly (hit
er,o eve 'of the finest Easter anthuniS, the pallheskers were T. T. 1VIurPhY, Mr, T, Clark has retureed froin Mak.ns, Varna, wire died qt pnen..
be* ty yeere, retiring four years ago, Ile containing choruses, Scilos end- mixed
8. Lowery 'W. Nesbitt, -Bert ederphy, eneeerjug to• his nephew's Oliver Jamie.. after n few days:a obese
- WAS 011e le quartettes. There will also be an un- Etta Teblnat. fOr the saintlier. Oliver and ceased took told and later ar chill •
f tit Gr rel Trunk. • . aectinelattied anthem, "lie Rese fs rive -ears shim Mrs, Sheppard Beverly •Pettersoit !eta hewing timber while attendin the • fieierel, but
f tl most. faithful einployes
'"4 cl He e an upri•ght tram and much the Dead" and a solo "On Calvary's. I el ttleti W'rinipeg reseet. - • • thought she would, soon be better and,
- •reapected in the *community. Re was trowy, ,by miss zadaoweizao.
es* Well read, kept in touch with the but she is well earientheted by a very 111. Piottersokend .re came home with her son, Mr, ThMak-
' questioes of the day and was a Church will be` observed with s ecial
Easter Sunday in 'Ontario, street large eircle al iriends wlio,eXtend their pnlhag the Donnybrook bridge to ins, &a Studley of jest wee), " but
P deep and Sincere sYloPatt^7 to the be - peaces. It is stuck in the leen. pftetturonee set in, and although slut,
- stone& ConserVative. The gt sub. services in keeping with the day. At reaved. ones in the trying hour of their Rev. T.1), Coupland ireends to ex- Lad the best of Care passed aavva
ectiber 'to the Clieton Record, now The the mornin service Rev. Dr, ' ego&
News -Record, was Mr. Archibald Mae- will lid, ti d
wor s afflictiOn. There are c;reurristances in change Dulpits with. Rev. Mr. HtisSer ter °ray weeies ltivrait
• a13.1
prate tom
donalel, Halt', The choir will reader t'ha connectiOn with the death of Mrs. of lIchnesville next Sunday Whett
ShePpard welch render 'it still, mote missionery eel:mons will be preached.
September, 186i. Two yeets later they
ins was in, her 63rd, yeat, was born in
York township, freer Toronto, • end
fa took . 14a.ee was the date set fox her Zealand is visiting in): at Present, He
saa• the clay on which the funeral Mr. Anderstails.itepliew front New
.ater to Stanley, vvliere they re -
prominent Part in ailairs''"ne Thorn That Slept." The Eaetets hymn
The Maedoneld family hove taken a.
ihem entitled (Ike li`,:rst Fruits Of
iwi:c:e:ttreriti710„. tfatsraiMrinlIGetIretYy Matottwil3:slifiltp
• Litotettent-Governot of Michigan, -
brother le a meinber of the Nova Sco-
tia- Legislature ad .atiiitlter has been *ill lie sung by the male chorus.
the vetting art appropriate
Selig °Service will be given as follows ;
Easter .eldeet brother's wedding and her pres. intends to put in the summer' here.
ellititiettiot ttihaele (littriydea-tito;trehorteadtehacthd .the re- holltifiessiorDidulatastelVft aferpiluteilt„Ildorloirtor,eturne
d atehlteedyinteci until about, yeer ego when
tame to Exeter. Resides a lov.
The .funeral took place on Tuesday.
„ Dpcning service and scripture eelections
Ainotig the Mot:tiers from a distedce
at le . d 'de
A thent 4,8"itco by 1V/0- Death"
afternoon to ”Clintorl cettetery.
were Miss Ptttrick of Liman MIAS
'1 were tonducted Ito, Dr. Stewert . Choir • Perkins of Gerrie efr, arid tit's.lesties •
sery ces
ily Leadhury.
Pastc't it V 11 'e t h
• .while the pallbearers were f R. and Sbort Address, ••
r T laaerlonithl sous of etecee,eed, le, Attlee., ."Now is Christ Risen" Choir a on a ey en re, ve
ing husbeud she leaves seven solos and
two daughters. : William of Strettley,
Joseph in Michigan Vsdevard mat Sohn
of Pastor 'We are glad to MPott, that Mt. Geo. Mr. George- IVIcIVIann, whO hed Atm •W, of Seaforth, ocorge of Norwielte.
aed W. D. Fair, McGregor arid WA/. Mates%
.4v44 13.
Solo 4,Hosa3nu" 'Miss Tp Andrews Cooper is recovering nicely /rem his ailing for sante time, paSsed: awsy
Spaulding. Pastor recent illness. feve da.yS ago. The ftereral t,00k pleee
Mt. Meedonald la survived by bi$ Address,
Ilue, seveti of the eight thrldten Quartette t.Dur lt.eister rovier" Mr. Easton% of Ebenseer eeaPiedliste (rani the eesidettee "eoruer lot st, eon.
t ilorme Quartette, aseeelet„,„ Aesni Cantelon ihe lth
th lop iesisatt mad tte tshese• elesftwkoivglihteertnanndiatarcaied sexcilrt
leavet. wik, 6ight daughters' end rite
.7. of Toronto, Dr. 'Peter of Gold $041,1 •
of Arkansaa, John ni Clit)tolly • f friends Si Goderich last week. itel°e•rnP'etGeltry8,11Rudeve'Y., Mairt.erAlle.°<.°1rnewi°e
of Walton, olliciating. Mr. MelVlaini
James Gibbilige atia Ross n of tit SI ron eleirelt Sunday.
llsrelinwayt°eoitit,:titIrtic: tilo(Intel‘wkolikeltingefledie staitiL MMees8rs• ltese elut t -u11ir.; and ;A. 15afasor, Sterling visited
A ldress as or
elerusalera ' Mr. N. Mutate
Rock, New Cht ario, Mini°, a I , e g
Mrs Sohn McGregor of Stanley reiti The S. S. Wesley church will neer figure,
for the' funeral. e/icePt Donald anti Pete. has been making great peelsarations bola
Stakitd with hot water .4/9hile and waft one of ituron's 'Memos. is
Cal inte
of Boston All were home hold itg atmiversary ott 'Siireley arid ler kritlwn
Orei.01 tittle 1)6Y bteaftie Wawanosit about. twenty-five years ar
h A divine front a dis• 1 d the t ve? t r is ver DI 'and
Me mire ream lived lit the toy:melee of
a. . for t event. p eying aroun s o Weaved par ne , w o Y
Y0!'1:-:'' Mr. lqacdonald retained his rlicy addrees the .SC11004 la the afternoon. felf end Vicinity yott week,. (.7°‘ler" the Wilily have 'the sympathy of the
Clinton Atter leaving the 'Grata Truek ser- twee will accupv the pulpit and, erste Mrs, Finley visited friends
the ireitirence depertment whic I nol,v On Moinlay everVng eetertairment Mr. (scalp: ,Corinell intends eellitee IVIr old Mrs, G. Grieve were over
entitles * widOW to Pim will be giverl, -.his farm art going out West,
to lilYth last week,
' lienjairtin of Exeter told Levi cif Vernal -
Mrs. 3. Smith of.' Zitech s sT
, r
Sane of Exeter arid bine V. Patter -
lent of Star4ley, Mrs. Makins was a
Methodist, and a sincere thrfetianswas
' very kind hearted aitd always teady to
help time in need. The remains were
• ;Orterred itt the bleeter cemetery cat
fuesclay afternoon. -Tithes.
• Goderich Township.
Antor.g those who intend leaving Air
the West next Tuesday are : Wilber
.ektittele,n, /tarry Stet, utki
:An linnuertill,t