HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-24, Page 811444414,30140444.! 441,01.141141,444144441114.ill; .LJ.JLLLH I 1. I I 14414114410110111110140111.100111.4.14441
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The Clinton NewfoRecard
1 G
NS (I• I Rattenbury
• t„) &Albert Sts t
Spring Millinery •
Opening ,Display Wednesday, Thursday and
Saturday, March 30th and 31st, and April lst,
- We make our formal Opening display of Millinery for Spring on the above
dates and col dially invite you to visit the showroom at your convenience. The
seasou's new styles will be on exhibition, Come and look them over at your
leisure. You'll not be asked to buy unless you wish.
The store will be open Thursday evening.
Carpets for Spring.
• ..
0 UR preparatisns for. Calvet Business this spring have been on a
larger and broader scale than ever •before attempted by us.
The markets have been searched for best qualities and newest patterns
and the products of he leading British and Canadian manufactures are
represented in the great collection of high grade carpets we have gather-
ered for the spring trade of 1904. •
. . .
In every case when buying our orders were to "ship early" and to-
day our stock for springis complete. There is a wider range of patterns
and betterall round variety, particularly in the better qualities .than
shown for any past season and we now have ready for your inspection
a stock of carpets unrivalled for quality, variety or. vlatte in this part of
Ontario. ..
.Having two stores as an outlet enables us to show jnst doubielthe variety we
possibly could had we only one, your choice is not narrowed to two or three poi-
terns of a gibality ifyou do your carpet holing here.
English Tapestry Carpets. 25e. 40e, 50e and 604'
Balmoral Tapestry Carpets 65e and 75e . .
English Body Brussels Carpets, $1,00. $1,10 and $1.25
English Velvet :Ind Axminster Carpets. $1.25 and $1.50
• Heavy Reversible Union Carpets; 30e, 35e and 50e
Two Ply All-iVo al -Carpels, 75e and f.35e
. .
Best Quality All -Wool 3 -Ply Carpets, $1.00
Hemp Carpet, ltie, 15e, 20e and 25e
• Canadian, Floor Oilcloth, i, 1, lk, li and 2 yardi wide,
, .
Scotch. Linoleum, 2, 3 and 4 yards wide
• We want to emphasize the fact that all of the above are thoroughly • reliable
qualities that can be depended upon absolutely. ' We sell good carpets as close as
we possibly can, and never sacrifice a quality for the sake of a low . price. We.
know how to cut carpets with the least possible •waste and make and lay them.
1004. Designs. in..
Lace Curtains
. -. . •
One of the leading manufacturers of .Nottinghatn mazes 'ant. •
Lace Curtains. We buy them. from him *direct. New stocks for.• •
spring are here. Patterns that are a little bit, out „of the ordinary;
qualities that are good. ' • . ' .
• .
' Nottinehain Lace Curtains 5 oc to ,t/...00 • Swi.ss.Net Curtains $4.00 to $1.00
Tapestry Curtains . . $3.00 to 6.00. - Chenille Curtains ,y..2,7 to 6.00 -
. , •
New. Kid. Gloves,
Kid Gloves that are fresh from the factory . of one of
France's leading makers. Fine 'soft skins and the most
fashionable colorings for spring wear. We sell, none but
guaranteed qualities.. Carry all sizes in three qualities, sell-
ing at $I.00,$x.25 and $ x.50 • a pair. They are *standard
makes, the best im can find at each price and the same
Gloves cannot be bought for less money in any store in
Guaranteed Kid Gloves, $ z.00, $1.25 and $1.5o
' perpalr.—Blacks and all colors.
Laces 5c., Embroideries ioc
Both good values at higher ',ilea
Two bargains for this week, one hi laces, the other in. ornbroidqieg both the kind
that can justly be called extra special •
Laces 5C. •
12 patterns in 'cotton torebon lace, and
insertion, one to three inches wide, new
designs, strong, firm weave, worth regu-
tar up to 10e per yard. Special Be •
. . . ,• . „ .
EmbroideriesI oc:
' 12 patterns in Swiss embroideries and
insertions, fine qualities, two •to four
inches wide, neat designs on strong
cloths, firm edges, good value at 150. ioe
Special at per yard ......
March 24 h 194
Millinery Opeijlrg
..Sticcess 0.
OIJR Millinery opening on Tuesday Evening was a great success. Those who could not attend . the
evening opening are cordially invited to come and see.all the pretty things before they are gone.
The question nearest every feminine heart Just now is the Easter fiat.. Now that our opening is
over we are ready for every demand. This year's showing of Hats far excels every previous effort. Doz-
zens and dozens of pretty Hats await your choosing from which any woman cannot fail to find something
just to her liking. and if one has some particular idea to be carried out, here are expert milliners to carry
it out for you. Buy your Easter Hat now before the rush begins.
Outing Hats in all the very newest Styles, $1.50 to $4.10
111bibaallYft•li :41101WW6ANrftr‘.104VW
• •
Magnificent Stock of New Spring Dress Goods
There's much of newness in our Dress Goods Department. Winter
is practically banished from thought. The fashions are those of spring.
We didn't say- "Summer." So many careless readers seem to let their
• minds jump from Furs to Organdies. Clinton Spring, is a cold propo- •
• sition, Its violets come mostly from Dixie Land and the hot house. '
Spring garb, as we've planned it can be worn now. There are some •
lovely effects in medium. weight tweeds of contrasting colors. ,,Then
- there are many noveltids in the light weight clinging fabrics. For
although the character of the dress has changed very materially, from
the close gowns of last year to the full skirts of the period of 1830,the
same sheer soft materials are nece ssary to their most perfect construc-
tion. The most favored are Voiles, then the Eoliennes, Grdnadines,
Etamines,Mohairs and Crepe-de-chenes. Fashion is • leanink strongly
to the softest and most transparent woollens the loom can turn out.
• We have been told that our display of Dress Goods is the finest
shown in Clinton.
Tweeds at 60c, 75c and 85c •Voiles in all shades
In all the newest mixed colorings ° at 85c 81 to $1.50
• •,.. .•
We Know.
tlariiSTw6eds and HOnieSpuns
a .very large range of New .designs at $1- and.$1.25.:
• •]
Kid Gloves for Easter . - .
Our Kid Glove Department is fully. prepared to meet 'every denaand
for Easter. We handle only the best qualities and fully guarantee
every glove we sell at 01, $1.25 and $1.00.
.e.4.0%,10140***••‘-everalos~....iriowira4i. •
Mr. W. J. Ress was in London on
Tuesday. . • • •
Mr.• Willie King is home- frcm
C,atharrines. • •
Mr. Will. Symoxide or Seaforth spent
Sunday in town. •• •, .
Mrs. Jatncs McRae' is visiting her old
' home in Petrolea.
Miss Collins. of Kincardine is the guest
of Mrs. A. T. Cooper. • . •
Miss Mary .Newcomhe of ,teter is
visiting: at Mr. G. R. McErieri's this
Messrs. David after Sohn. Parker left
for Osnabrook; North Dakota, •ott
Mr. Samuel Kerr ancli Mrs. Dan-
,rhee of The Nile were guests at Mr/
• 13. Cook's on Tuesday.
Miss Gertie Laid's* of Seafortb as•-•
siSted the choir of Willis church Sim.
day evening; and sangi Solo &It the:
• offertory.
Mr. Victor Goodwin leaves next' lVfoii-
day for Wpyburn, Assa. This will
be itis third trip to the West to
look after the. 16o aeres of land lia
took up a couple of years ago.
Mr. D.• S. Cook ,is in .Toronto this:
Week attending the Grand Council is:4‘
the Chosen Friends. • The Porter s
• Hill 'Council is represented by- D.
Gliddon and 'HolmeSville Council
by A. %Bison.
Mr. Jas. I, Tobin was in town an
Thursday last on his way to visit
for a few weeks at the homestead in
Colborne, • He has been in New York
• and other cities for several years
and nowpurposes trynig the West,
having farmed the opinicti that no
matter how high wages may be it
the eastern citiesit seems impossible
to lay Much aside for a rainy day,
Mr. W. C. Drown, section foreman on
the L., & B:, returned Saturday
'after a fortnight's atisente from home
helpilig to raise the bloekade on the
line between .and Itintar-
dine, It is only is few weeks sham
Mr. Brown was confined to the holt.
se for trveral clays through illness
and the exposure up north hs.s plac-
ed him imeer, the doctor's care tiv'
Mr. Joseph roster of Varna was in
town ArIonday, lie has for eighteen
years been a resident of btanley
township, where lie is held itt tleser-
'1,edly high esteem', but itt a fort-
night he 'leaves for Winnipeg, Man.,
With his good wife and their epc-
titters, Misses Lottie and josephute„
Two sons and one daughter are ttow
located in Manitoba, and doing well,
Two 'ot their family remain in Stan-
ley, Will. on the homestead and Mrs.
Witham Dowson. The numerous id
ends of this estimable family arc
indeed sorry they arc leaving.
• lova 211orizair BACK
L .•
'Mr. Harry Fitzsimons was in Petrolea
Mr: Will. Kemp. returned .to. Stratford,
1Vloaday: to•resunie his'Auties •there.
Dr, Gunn, returned from Chicago on,
• Thursday evening last and is again
• engaged in active practise.
Mrs. and. Miss Gilchrist returned home
Friday' a. 1V• 11,St after w visit of
• several Weeks aniong relatives •
Saginaw, Mich, They were passen-
• gers on the 14, H. 4:: B, train which
- spent Thursday night • in i..! snow
drift a couple of miles south cif the
:• town, ••• •
, Judge Holt was ,a. patsenger • on the
snoWbound train o the .14.; H. & B.
Thursday night Iast While on Ins
way Italie front attending Division'
Courts in Soutli-Huron is honor
has kept all his engazeinents this
winter, but to do so necessitated
considerable use of livery rigs which
I have . been nitwit more certain •Of
i 'reaching their destinatian: Limn have
the railway trains,' . 1
• Mr. C. It carter is now able to move '
• about somewtat freely ceter ap long
• and trying illness, • (lit the 2114 of.
April it will be a year since lie, met
with the accident which nearly sent
him across 'Jordan. To make ir:att.
ers worse Mrs. Carter was also very
ill for weeks atter her father, Mr.
• Thos;: A.dasim of Itullett, has as well
' been upo2r the boa of auction with
his life despaired .of,
7. •
• Cards
• Booklets
• Novelties
A social and eommenclable feature of
the Easter seasc s the sending to
Tont' ' friends an appropriate card,
is a. eustoin growing in favor every
year. •rorthose who isre looking kr
the best in art at a lair price. we
have a liberal selection of beautiful
and artistic, creations In delicately /e-
dited colorings, invested with allthe
harmony imagination might be exPect-
ed to suggest, •
Chicks and Rabbits represented. as do-
ingtonil rkiliartitiroc leaf trttr Vtiadynignsg, se -saw',
etc., etc. Cheap and ew. .
Our windows show the goods and
tell the story better than we cat* here.
ee titteit'
Agentslrkrker's Dye Works.
WI Fair Co.
ioftot the theapest. Always the Ilest,t,
On the evening of Wed esday,
1Vlarch'3oth, We purpose making spe-
cial Easter display of what „is newest
and correct in Hats, Neckwear, Shirts,
and Clothing tor the spring of /904.
We extend to you a cordial invitation
to visit the store that evening, you' will
• pot be pressed te. buy. We are not
making this Easter display • to induce
direct sales but to give you an •oppor-
• tunity of seeing the new styles and get-
ting acquainted with our Spring stock
without feeling under any obligation
to buy. Arranle to visit the • store
Wednesday evening.
fiedgeos • Bros.
clothing ilnd mews 10101110.