HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-24, Page 7*arch- 24th. 1904
Molsons Bank
incioliorateahy Aet.o.
roxitaraelito 1854
- CPItII autheriaCtit
cApItat paid Up
Reeerve Fund
Total Anis
Wm. Ofeloon Maephersen. Prio.ident
Jewett Elliot. • General Mornger
We hope to oecopy oue new
pi -emit -es col . Victot i mot On
tat iy tat t vete, (t ppo4ite .1, W.
Irwitee.gru(lerY.) sometime woo
the preeent month. A call from
puttio: genet:idly is eulicited.
1.1. C. Brewer, Mgr.
^ vs'ar=ami -
G. 0. NitTaggart
OFFICE --Sloane Block...-. CLINTON.
(Success -or to Mr. James Scott.)
office formerly occupied ."Ety Mr.
James Scott, in Elliott Block
conveyancers, Commissioners, Real
Estate and Insurance Agency.
Money to Loan.
Dr. W. Gum L. R. C. r. & L. R.C.S.
Edinburgh. •
Dr. S. Nisbet Our n M. R. C. S. Eng.
14. R. C. 1'. London
Night calls at front door of residence
on Rattenhury street, opposite
. Presbyterian church.
OFFICE- Ontario street -CLINTON.
OFFICE-- Ontario street -CLINTON.
Opposite St. Paul's church.
Special attention given to diseases of
the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat .
-Office and Residence --
North of Itattenbury St.
Office formerly occupied by Dr. Pal-
lister on Main street.
Office adjoining Photo Gallery.
every day and Saturday 'nights
to o'clock.
ropecialist in crown and Bridge Work
D. 1). S. -Graduate of the Royal Cul -
lege of Dental Surgeons ot Ontar-
L. D. S. -First class honor graduate
• of Dental Department a
IJ niversity.
Special attention paid to 1 .esorva Lion
of cluldren's teeth.
Will be at the River Ifotel, Deo
every Monday front to a. in so
p.. m.
ot member of the Veterinary Medical
Associations of London and Edin-
burgh and Graduate of the Ontar-
io Veterinary College.
OFFICE:- Huron street -CLINTON.
Next to Commercial Hotel
Phone 97
The dilitten
I For hard colds, bronchitis,
: asthma* and coughs of all
! kinds, you cannot tate any.
thing better than Ayers
! gig•
1 i
Cherry Pectoral. Ask yaw
i own doctor if this is not st).
i He uses it. He understands
1 why it soothes and heals,
" X hail a terrible cough tor weeke. o'hont
took Am.* Cherry rectorat lino only one
home completely cured me:,
.1Ja3, .1, B. Dasroara. St. Joseph. ouch.
taco /1(1..0.00. J. Chariot at094,
. •
:Coughs Colds
ion will 'hasten recovery by tak-
ing one Of Ayer's Pills at bedtime.
f1110/114/:41=MWS17". ",../;11=441211114
0 000 00
•O* •
For LII. up-todilte 4>
• - ANO
try the leading barber.
•NEXT Noe To MVO'S tlacColtY.
George D. Roberton
C. 0000 0 0 <> 0000
Cook's Cotton Root Cooipouna.
• Ladies* Favorite
To the only safe, reliable
regulator ou which woman
can depend "in the hour
and time of need."
Freparedin two degrees of
Strength. No. 1 and No. 2., •
No. 1. -'or ordinary.cases
• le by far the hest dollar
medicine kncrwn. • .•
'No.. 2 -For special eases -1,0• degrees
stronger -three dollars per box.
Ladies -ask your druggist for Conk's.
Cotton litoot Compound. Take no other.
as .allpills, mixtures and. imit-ations are
datigerous. No. 1 and No. are sold and
recommended by all druggists in the Do-
minion of Canado. 1Viailed to any address
on receipt of_price and four 2-eetrt postage
tamps,, The COOk' Company,.
Windsor, Ont,
Na. 7 and No. 2 are sold in: Clinton
by Watts & Co., II; B. Corobeo
Reekie niid J. E. Hovey, druggists,
I am a licensed, auctioneer for the
'County of Huron and will sell by per-
.eentage or by the dollar. Residence lot
.37 and 38, Bayfield Road, one mile
south rot Clinton. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. Orders left at The NeWS-Ree-
ord office or my houso will be prom-
ptly attended to.
Clinton. P. O.
1b0 , 111
•-.)S1 MAGA2llF44
4, FA M I LY Li etilittlY
int h Current Literature
"si".• 40,40f11" trrorite.2 AND
Coal 1"111VI ct„Y Tomos
14A fitnitY
fe:111.11110 Es4'
T40 IlicKillop .111atual..fire
' •
..--Fartn and Isolated, Town Preperty-
• -Only Inpored.--
. .
.T. B. McLean., Preg.iclent, ipoen • P.
Thos. Fraser, Vico-l'resident,
Brucefielcl P. 0. ; " T. E. Hays, See,'
Treaou'rer, Seaforth P. 0.
William SheStey, SeafOrth ;
Grieve, Witithrcip ; George Dale, Seet-l•
forth ; • John Watt, Hai -hick ; John
Bennewies, 1145db:igen ;. „Tames Evani,
Beechwciod James Connolly,. Clinton.
Robert Sniith, 'Horlock • El iliii••••
chley, Seaiorth ; James atinunings,•
Egmondville J, .W. Yeo, Holmes-.
Parties • desirous to-effett insurance
or transact other •business• .will•bo
Proinptly attended to • on ap.Olication
to any of the above officers addressed
to their respective •postofficeA. Ltieses
. inspected .hy the . director who lives
nearest the scene.
• Licenses
• Rumbali Clinton
Trains. Will airive at and depart
from Chilton 'stalioli, as toleos:
Going East. 7.38. ,a.M.
3.23 p,m.,
Going Bast
Going West •
Going West Exprss
‚i I: /
5.20 pall.
10.15 aon.
11.55 Patio
• 7.05 pan.
10.32 Pon.
Going South Express
" North Express
A. O. PATTISCN, tiin Agent.
P. R. HODGENS, Town Tickd Agent.
J. D. MACDONALD, District Passett.
ger Agent, Toronto.
/47 0-111.
4.15 Pan.
10,15 aan,
S.55 pan
Thirty-eight years ago -the fith of
March. 1660 -woe probably the moot
exciting as well as ineMOrable day in
t he history of bloderien-the reoult. of
an order received trout Ottawa to
muter in two companies of yolunteera
iie epeedily as poeoible for active ser-
vice on the frontier and to hold thorn
ready at a moinent'ii notice to proceed
to Sarnia, to mishit in repelling a pos-
eible Penhus invasion, which was
deify, even beurly, expectedto take
Tbe two companies consisted of the
Goderieh Garrison Artillery, raised by
Capt, A. ill, Roes and composed nein. •
eipally of inindle-aged men, anti the
-Huron Rifles, a tanve hionght into e1E"
'stance by John W. Seymour during
the "Treut affair." The latter com-
pany was first sonenumed together for
organization.in the spacious dining- .
room of tbe fold Hump hotel,. and on
being chiled to onswer their names
nioet,y-three toyed Britons responded
.with a sharp, ringing Here sir.' This -
preliminary moister included #11 sorts
and cooditietie of the °people of the
Sewn. Prominent autongst them were
judge Cooper, a large -hearted and
Most enthusiastic soldier, the agent -
of the Bank of Montreal, a number of
coort hottee otliciale, besides profes-
Sietial and business men, .representa-
tives of every branch of niechanics,and
calieto Of various occupations. &Vera
of theee mestere " took plate, at the
cloeis of which' the proprietor of the
house,.who was also in OM ranks, was
oalled upoit to ptovit e a glass• o'hot
heel' aud bread, and • cheese for 0110.11
mata before being • dismissed, vvhicb,
however, Was not, -done until the
!width of the Queen 'and the .gallant
Captain wise drunk with allthe [Moore,
'During tbe ioterval reaehing to the
particitiar time of.wbiett I now write
a. number of elaanges had Cotten place,
the eohipany being at this time COM.
regraded by Capt.tW. T. Hays, Lieet...
John DaYicleon and Ensige 13atty Sey-
mour. all three good oftleers,zealousin
diseharge of their ditties andpopular
witn;the men under their command.
ThesCepteiti, who inherited the wit of
his foteestons'. was particularly "'happy
in his mode ot treatment of hie men
tinder trying circunistonces. On many.
occasioue un the para.deground during
-stormy, cold weather, when. the sopa
of tiS wonld tie looking glum and, wish-
ing we were itt. houle, be would pull a
telegram unt. of his poeket.. and that
botb town and County councilswere
voting us all lots Of pocket, money .ited
pati erneiv booto for eveey man.
The never.tiobe-forgotteu.inorn was
nehered in by Sergt. Ben. Hazelburet
. with hittet, after Afloat of his bugle
sotholing with all his might and mein
the -fall in,' winch he 'a ept inerie-
eantly.iti mind the square and 81 every
sfreet corper: The men were all to
nie.et 'at the armory on Kings:ton street'
near whore the tine '.•buildIng.. of. the
Odcifellows now stands. What with
men running halter and thither,horees
and lige driven furiously about, ens -
ions -looking Vi'uniett. joieing in the
crowd,thetown was all agog•and busi-
ness was. at a. !standstill; while ail
in terest 'seemed to he ceptered on the
teleg ,0111ce in the expectation of
news, the Moat eXtravitgatail room t$
having got atirpial with regard to the
movettieuts Of the •Fetliand.• By one
o'clock -the two.Comeaniesitheir ranks'
swelled !ay a titian ber .of reeriaits, Wet e
he full • (and it is certain .
that some Of the ham wera in the.stsfue
.). Even With this deciarti7
tion there was in) let up' to; Serpa. Ben.
wbo Still kept everlastiegly at.his bug,
.1e --by way, as he said, of just... Woking
them. tip. • •
As tile volunteermovenieet wits
comparatively uewiu 'those days, it far'
• ;
a4 Co L
., 4)':n-
Anyone Bendier( atamich and deaterlatiot MAY
eutokly assertion our oplallon free Whether 0313
twentices probabiy pateetmee. Commutes,.
aensarfetiy eonedenttat otriudbook oil Patents
sent free. 01.15,1 egeney forfieolirincoatente,
Panetta takon tatourh Main & r0O41v1
PrOtal nallas without chow), to the
• Scientific
&Underwent? illiverated ltOolcIr. Pinola oar
• rsiettee of nor a,olootUlo hrunotl, TOtin14. 113
Pat tour Mannar, ne1,1 bs newsdealer*
pliply ttio.its,..10,,,, rvo y
t": 7
%Op 0., y2.•
greeter amount of interest was taken
Ln them that could possibly he expect- .
ed today, 'hud in consequence the chap
with the uniform received it great deal
attention And respect. These imi. •
forme had arrived only it shoet time - Win. Ei. Hamilton was .commited
from headquartere, and the hoety fit. for trial on a charge of manslaughter
ting them ott was the matelot) oe in the,killing ofJohn FitzgerAld itt Ot-
considerable mirth. They nearly ell two
(seemed to be too large, the pants in °lenient. Goyette, who murdered '
particular requiring a, regular double Daniel Colligart and his son In Alfred
reef at tbahottorn, A Simple turn p township, will he tried at L'Orignal
of the present. day fad being of no Imo Assizee, the Grand Jury haying found
At all. It seemed to me •the Makers a trtle bill against him,
bed their eye on Anthony Allen or big •
Angus in the voila bootie when they ,
were manipulating the, Cloth, 7.4001i, ON THE •BRIGIIT SIDR,
After dinner, to.keep up the excite-
ment,we marehedand cotutterinarched The suiterer from nervous exhaus.
around the Square to make us famillae Mon is generally blue and discouraged,
with our lature ditties. During this Es looke•on the dark side of thinge
pleasant exercise we were joined by and fears paralysis, locomotor atexia
quite it Another of the wothets, wives • Or Insanity. All this is changed: by
and sistere of the men, some effecting the persistant use of Dr. chase's Nerve
scenes freqnently taking piaci:, foe at, Food, which gradoe.11y and naturelly
the time no one had the slightest .rekindles and revitaltzes the wasted
idea where we shotildeuitienesahol
teiia ielybleeervecelis and instills new vigor and
sent or the length of time w
abeent from home. Some of the °lel", int"4° whtlia °Item'
young follows looked upon it . all in
rather at light manner, talking big
boot their desire to meet the enetny. • The C. P. R. fireman shot at Port
filo mating it, was quite 41, mato of, Arthur is a son of Mr. end Um James
indifference to them. whether they re- Alien of North Easthope. •
.turnedminus it limb, with a. pension,Rev. W. .1. McKay tfas resigned his
„,, fell on the eeld of battle and had pastorate a% Stratfond to accept the
a. monument (wetted to theh, memory editorohip of The Canadian Beptist,-
recording their 'de.votion to Queen and , • •
After intich nreparation, which' in-
cluded the serving out of Sixty -rounds
or hall cartridge to each man, the two
companies at the word of emninand
marched up to the • railway sfittion.
where. pretty nearly the whole ,town,
including all the school. children, had
Assembled, A. Iot of anxious faces
were now seen in the crow.las the tint,.
for departure • drew near ; the jokes
were not, so: general as in the eiirly
part of -the day,land leave-tek togs were
taking placeton all skive, making one
feel like turning his, heed souse other
way and attempting tu whietle. Gen-
ial•Thoinas An drewe. 14, ..most papillae
townsmen, was doing his best to keep
op the .spirits of all who needed a little
encouragement by shouting ont,"Now
then, my hearty, cheer I !Tell pate
mother ,„liyou intend to come buck . . .
generisl..': t to paot &Clock we in phinning your weetern telp why.
were rill ordered aboard:tire train, the not toke advantage of the offer of the
• Chicago, Milwaukee .S5 St. Paul Rail -
pounde.and the entre ntunber of sheets
$8.x1.2i inchee Avail(' weigh not het
. thattl30 pounds, mid other moo in pro+
Tours very truly
W. A. Clemons,
Publication Clerk,
Judging from the letters Of people up
in years there is no Medieine which so
promptly frees them of aches and pains.
and motives regularity of the liver,
kidneys and ' bowels as Dr. Chase's
Kidney•Liver Pills. Even when other
means have failed old people can turn
to this peat medicine with full a,esur.
mice of relief mid core, ::.‘e.2.•.;
Choice Of Western Routes.
eignal was. given and amidst cheer
after cheer and the waving. of hand-
kerchiefs. we were off.
The two. cOmpanies numbered,'• iri-
clUdieg ottleersothout one hundred And.
twenty men, . rhe Artillere Company .
°facet% .were Oapt.• Y. Xirk; . St..P'aul and Minneapolis .offer im
v -
lay 01 routes excellence service And
Lieut. Horace Horton nod Second
Lieut. 3..0-Th41m% • equipment not obtainable. elsewhere.-
Lookingoiround today I elm make. Complete in formatibe regarding these
out only a hotOt, a. 'baker's dozen that three. main travelecl•roads free- on re -
are still lo the Mt's out this riumber,' • . A. J. Taylor, Cad-. Pass. Agent,
way. to allow you it. choice of routes ?,
The 'Southwest Liinited, Chicago th••
KR1184% City; The -Overlend • Limited),
Chicago to Onothit and San Francisco,'
and The Pioneer iLimited, Chicago. to
beettles two ofteers.'Mr. Seymour, or.
Detroit, mid .Mr. KIER; of Bruise's .
•Probably the three who are .nmst en-
, tithe.' to be called. the hest preeerved
• Men of this' forte, are Robert' .W.alker,.
• of the Artillery ; Capt...Murray
(iieor, of the Allies orgAnized.
•• the t3ruce-hatt talon, thereby becoming
its flist Lientoefilnuel, but .who went
88 41 private to the front). - and OS.Pt.
A. T. Mootgoinery, also of the Rifles,
who with his love of exercise, heing- a
great welker, the possessor of -a. Olen,
did constitution' a ud • the cleseendent
-.of an old ntilitary fantil.V.10 normi en t IY
:ns height anditS Hetive as ever. • . •
In cortelusion, .1 might siiy the um-
tive for putting thetot few lines togeth-
er is mainly the..desira, to keep fresh
- the memo' ies of my old 'comrades a.nd.
to show the generation of today what
.their fathers and grandfathers did in
',..tbe Past-, . J. Wnicarr.
Goderieb, Mercti.1.0th, J.
. .
wolytAN' IN' . .
•• • - POOR; HEALTH'.
• Has an awful steogfole: • Lots to do
.4sli kinds of Worry, an List:cell tend with'
loSs of sleep, poor appetite 'and • tired -
nerves. Her only .desire is for more
strength and hetter.. health.- Tbie .is
exaetly what comes of usilig Ferrazone
the greatest tonic Sickly. women 'Can
posibly Use. Ferrekolie makes the
.blood tingle end giciW red, • the -cheeks
growrosy tile eyes bright. 'Ferrozotie
.10 vigorates•the body,. envelopes new
etrength and. toitkes.life worth living.
.Ferr000ns is:the ' em t -of tonic that
• builds:Alp, it gives onereserlie' of
nerve force and•eetAblisbes Such. heal-
thy conditions .that sickness is en..
known. 'Let.everY WOMAn. use Feirno-
zone. .Price.•50c,
'The dot:Lees believe- e.nother epidemic
of Gritipe is. here, and ahead:14 Many
ore bettering, The medical 'men are
via itfreid of Grip since Catarrhozone
WaS iotroduced; and claim that noone
will:ever co Leh this disease who inhales,
Aso fragrant healing vapor of Catarrh-
oizorie a fent times daily. OatarrhozOne
kille the Grip :gerra and prevents ite
spreading through the System'. "Last
winter 1 had 'ioi• nitwit(' O/ 641•01hilnPF:
es G. . MacKifin .of St..
"I bought Catarrhozone and gt.kre-
lief in short time. J. found Catairlier-
zone.• better than any,thing, eleier and
Wag cored liy using it.' ' Catarrhozone
prevents and, ewes' 'Grippe,. 'colds and
ettl./1 TwO Months' treatment $1;
trial size 25e. •
Mould on Butter.
, For The'Nene-Record.
• Compaints are received 'from tittie
regitrding tbe appearance (if would ou .- . .•
the parchment 'paper linings • of butter EVARY CHILD'S, • .
packages. le stated easel' it; iu saiti to .. • .. , HEALTH DEMANDS
have pepettated the hottee for
s9108 'The. tivi of. a laxative' Occasionally.
.distanee. Minna is it minute end low .or 1!,_t it ., im,,e...r. etrilma .,tim.
F 1.'ld'• 1 d - relief
limn of plant life. It grows frotii seeds
.ittierat:Iiititi.t°13S8 reilIA' IvPt"Idct eta" bIlliii-'
which are called spores, Acid '‘vhie.it 1-'13!.; pe „a y_stn.e 9 o .1 r,
deyelop Otily in the presence 'Of .11:1°i6- ref)/ use only Dr. Hamilton's Fills,
tore and Where they hitee 8 Suitable ., ,. „,.. .
supply of food, Mould will grow . c,Pee 4?e-
reedily on dahle wood.; hence' the •
necessity for keeping. the interior ot a ti.140,1% „II ti ,,ivitsaine.ii, is • ,a.
creamery, and especially the-'refriger... wu,ter -
atpinogottioyuemoi,-kaustduietytettatt rptof ail gi ne 1 ret t, t o'
re are with every:care and precaotion.
deadly. poison and must be handled
apt to be dittlip, because the -Warm air many, may„,,elso hp
being allowed to evaporate
usedeithet as a
Whieh gets tn. front outside carries , spray or by
iii0i8tUre With it, which is deposited °n • from a sheet of cotton suspended iti the .
the eooler.surfaees of the walls. floors room, when ti3e doore, veindows and.
and packages, :, Frequent, and pro- other openings are tightly closed. It
• longed opening' of,the depra alsO ennii- rwe,Viniretsondhinstitntiifievete4oautrceushoifpeuert, top-
es dampness.
to Lim , at tlie Dairy Division,Cittavve,
Mercory (corrosive sublimate) may .be
procured in tablet form. of the right
etrength to inakke the, above solution
by 'adding one tablet to every pint, of
• '
MOULD ON -BUTTER, , Always 'see, that your bridle reins are
No. 8 King St. 'East Torooto.
Roneld McNeil 'died at Stratford,
aged 106 years. ,
Kitnostop ratepayers carried the by-
law to riurcloise the lighting. plant by
over 1,809 tnajority.
Lever's Y-2 (Wise Head)DisinfeetantSoap
'Powder is better than other soaj. powders;
os it elseotets its a disinfectant. ' ••
It is reported at Montreal •that Mr.
WiDiani Mackenzie's trip to Britain
was for the purpose of negotiating a
bond issue for the Canadian Northern.
end that he was entirely successful in.
arranging for funds suffloient for con-
structioti work fey the next two years.
Mrs. Winsloviosi Soothing Syrup has
b used million's- of mothers for
me. se y
their children while teething. If dis-
turbed by night and broken of your
✓ est by a, 'sick child . outfacing atoll
crying with pain of cutting teeth send
at once ' and get a bottle of "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child-
ren. teething - It will relieve the poor
little, suiTerer irnmediately. Depend
upon ,it, mothers, there is no mistake I.
about it. .It eures 'Diarrhoea, teen-• 1
hates the Stoma& and Bowels, cures .
Wind Colic, ' softens the Gurus; reduces '
Inilarnination and gives tone and en-
ergy to . the who/e system. "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" foe child -
rat teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the preseription of one of the
oldest and best female physicians and
nurses • in the tinited States. Price
2s. cents a bottle. • Sold ,by all driiv
gists throughout.* world. Be sure
and ask Jor Winslow's Sooth.,
ing Syrup.''
. I
• 1,
_ Whooping Cough, Croup
Bronchitis, Cough, Orip,
Asthma, Diphtheria
caleoragno a looltestablished and standard remedy tor the diseases Indicated. 11
qures bacons tho air rendered strongly antiseetie is carded over the diseased steorsees
a1 the bronchial tun* svith every breath, gwing erelooged and constant treatment.
Toone Ola consumptive tendency, or stuterere from, chrome bronchitis, !Ind Inunediate
relief tran coughs or inflamed conditions et the. ta.roat. Deseriptwo booklet free.
Co..1651, Notre Pante St., Montreal, Can:sitar* Agents •
. . . .
•Cresolene dissolved in the mouth. are effective awl safe for
coughs and irritation of the throat,
Antiseptic Tablets- itOe a box, .4.1,14 MUMMERS 304
_ .. BenntitTing tile ussrers. .
• The Better Tent.
Mile irregular growth of eyebrows
"I've just learned. a new charm to cannot be Wholly controlled, it cant be
tell whether or not it man loves you,"
greatly lessened and the whole form of
says the girl with the bulging pompa- the eyebrows much improved. with eye -
dour. ternatic care, Brush the eyebrows dilly
. "What is it?" asks the girl 'with the
with a soft toothbrush kept fori.the
new diamond ring.
purpose, training them in. a graceful
"Why, you take four or five apple
arch. Constant endeayor, always brush -
seeds and name each of them for a par- ing in the same direction, will show
Ocular men and place them -the apple wonderful results in a few weeks. To
seeds, I mean -ow the stove, and the • stimulate the growth apply pure vasef
first one that pops is the one that loves
line or lanolin, rubbing it in thorougli-
You." ly just before retiring and being care -
"Humph!" mused the girl with the ful to brush the brows into Ohape after -
new diaraond ring, ablentmindedly
ward. Sulphate or muriate et quinine
tvvisting that piece of jewelry about with vasoline mates an excellent tonic,
her finger. - "I know a surer way then
that.? • . and any druggist will cernpound it in
4,:koo dor . •• proper proportions. This ;Conic is also
• • valuable for stimulating the growth of ••
Ires,•indeedy. You take one wee- the lashes. Apply with a s,inall caasells
ular man and place him on the sofa in
hair brush to the edges of the lids. .
the parlor And sit close to him, with
the light it little. low, and look up to . .
charm of a Sweet Laugh.
• him very attentively, and if he doesn't • There is no natural 'ace ore be -
pop you know it's time to put another
. witching than a sweet laugh. 'Some,
merlon the sofa."-7Judge. • times it comes to uS 'in the ,m1dat of .
. Bablee ' and Tears. mire or sorrow or irksome.bileiness, and
• It should be remarked that children, then we turn away. and listen and hear
as a rule, shed 00 tears in. crying until. It tinging like a silverhell,..with power
after the 4rst • three or four months,., to Scare away the 111 spirits et the
lint•after tears' beanie once established mind. How -Much we 'owe to : that
their absence in, crying is a sign Of 111- sweet. laugh! It turns. the prose Of ,our
netts and. their reappearance oue of the life into peietry, R. dingo showers of
best signs of improvement in the child's 'sunshine over .the darksonia:weod. in
condition.•• ' • • ' • which We are traveling, it touches with
.• light even our sleep,whiah: is. no more,
• • . , The Aeheatua • the image' of death, but genimed with,
The athestis iron is in reality an. tis- dreams that are the shadoves of immor-
bestus lined holder *Itla- a' •COver at- tality.
tachtnent: of the BUM() material which •
• fits down Over the entire iron. The as,
bestus iron. _can be used from thirty
' A relendly
. • "Look Pleasant": That was the sign
minutes to an -hour without reheating. • In large leiters that adorned
, . en wall of a bright little housekeeper.
• 'In mostrooms Curtains should match • When the nerveus worry lest. the steak
the walls in color„ for if of it different get too brown while she Was Mashing,
color the Wall space is out up, and in the potatoes threatened tet Crease her
the small rooms of e eity that should forehead. sbe Ipoked.up. at Ste friendly
be avoided. ' . • • sign titid One eau really work
, from the outside as well as the 'inside'
Pearls should he:placed in a box' coa- getting the kinks. Straightened out
taining piece of the root the aih, • Of fretted --nerves, - Stilcidth the face,
and it is eald they neVer lose.their. ' and before. you know it the worries
•, .
• will follow spit atid sinooth tint too.
r317•A4 a:l......e.tlemAtr/0111.01/s/./1./.1 '
. .
That Covigh
which ordinary remedies have not reached,
will quickly yield to
As a preventative of mould on but- sound. There' tire times when ',they
It would be a good thing for the
the ter, the following practice is highly have a considerable strain on 'end
creamery owners. as n ell as tor
trade generally, if it were compulsory recoMmended : Soak the parchment
paper linings, immediately before us-• ---.\- ---- •--•-•!"
to have all ceetoneeles thoroughly (Hein
trig in it saturated beine to which has •
recited every spring before operatione
been added one mince of pure fountain
begin. The spoi•es of tuould, and °thee
get tos which catute bad, flavors,
paper in the boxes without drying.• '
To Protect You
ere_ to three gellons of brine ; Mee the
. . • . ICetip the 'brine iii a special covered .11
• Vessel, Boil the brine every week and • Against •Imitations
IT'S WI-IEN "YOU add fresh formalin in the same proem -
SAVE TOOTHA.CHE. ' tion as at first. This treatment has ' The "'Iran and signature of 1Dr, A. VI
book authors -
been found effective in the Gov41 • c""' t" tam"*"cellit
• .1fl• are tat ewer box °this remedies,
ment creameries in the Northwest The great prescriptions or Dr.' Chase have
Territories whet() there was a greet attained such: erionnous sales that the team -
deal of trouble with mould at onet
tation to imitate them is continually growing
dine, and has given 'good malefaction stronger. • To order that you may be certain
whetteiter it hag been properly ear vied that you are getting his genuine remedies, the
PARCHMENT PA.PIIIR, oloctor'spertntit and Signature are on evety boa
That•the power of Nerviline quickly
makes itself felt. Any aching tooth
can be relived by Nerviline in a few
temitieuts by (linen the cavity with
batting soaked in Nerviline, A good
Wait is to ruh the gums with Nerviline
itis $. There isti't a single remedy that
has one-fourth the pain -relieving pow-
er of Nervilitie which acts like Inagie.
Nerviline kills the pain outright and
prevents it from returning. You can't
beat Nerviline for tootheche or' neural-
gia its the best pain cure Made.
Price 25e.
or bottle of his rem,
1.1MPTY Boxps
Probably nanch of the mould on Mit, edits. This is thestrongest guematee
ter is due to the infection of the parch- that any medicines
ment paper as it 1159 about the Cream. ean have. The skill,
eey without any 'protection and not, experiends and integ.
alWaye in it dry plitea The eporee do tity of Dt. Clime are
not develop on :the dry paper, but as•
130011 eta it etniies in contact with the at the back °fetich of
hotter there le sufficient moisture to the* preparations
destroyed If the work 16 properly done encourage the growth of the mooldend ybit cannot eftor,
h ,s comparatively simple otia to The parchment paper and eitiPty peck.a4t, •t° .4"el't ellear% it*.
4evt#atleat and so risk
inexpeneive operation, if the foitowing arceo should be kept in a dry, clean .
life and health,
p a,
plan is adopted.
Wash the *hole intOrior of the Only the very lieht- pure Vegetable Rt. ckhltir, rtNittiLtodetta,„„10,104.60,, •
Crean:Wry, including walls, ceilings, parchment, paper should he used.. I 5k,":, gs,-;;;;:,; c-irti71,017"Cliike t-kildg
flOOrSi Pot5t04 theivihgl eto,0 with 801- ferior paper encourages the growth of -0-u-t-ii; 66 on' 011,1/ionic,.
Utioll of nne part of hi•ehloride of met. • moo id arid doss riot, protect the butter, I "Dr. Fities'i VIP? ttf "Llittied land
6,6001,1,0001u totio nod co b3, Alply with it brush and. scrub well A reitin of MO sheets measuring 50 x I At ill dealett. Or EtInntriare, Betes tuld
QUALITY OP PAIICH. Or, Chigoe. icItinott. Liver Pinta Oat
inT1101.) OP DISINlogOTthisI AI T PAMIR. IMPORTANT. asioso 266 cents ft boo v. bait for $1,00.
tntog4 tab young to takookaot000p outs lok eury to one thottsand parts of Water. tirlichpap.,r used too light In weight. TUritditilltel ttitto HAM.
▪ VoPc4teaoleme AbeY htest4 it, • 'it erevorapplied, bi.einotide 1724 inches abould ww0 loot 4o co,. Totont4,
' It cures those hea4y, deep-seated coughs -takes Sway
the soreness -heals the throatstrengthens the lungs,
None theless effectivebecause it is pleasant to take.
• Just try•one bottle and see how quickly you get rid
of that Cough. • At your xIruggists. 25e. bottle.
.,1111144.4 10b;:.elAdilislotildieSith
•. •
Owing to an.other aolg
vance in the price of
news print, stereotype
plate and the other ac-
cessories .which go to
make up a newspaper,
the expense of getting'
it out has very much
• increased. Notwith-
standing this the 'price
of TheNews-liecord still
remains at One Dollar
per year, but lin order
that there may be a fair
margin • of profit it is
necessary that ever,
subscription, be:,'paid in
advance. Our friends
who have neglected
this matter will oblige
by giving it their at-
• tention promptIST. The
date on your label tells
the tale.
Renew by express order or postal
note and address
The News -Record,
Clinton, Out.