The Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-24, Page 41111100w, The NewswRecord is published every Thursday at The Nows-Reeord Printing House ALBERT STREET, ea Cielirr•ON• Terms of subscription -5i per year in advance ; $1.5o may be charged if not so paid. No paper cliseontinued until all arrears are paid, unleie the option of the' publislietr. The date to which. every subscription is paid is denoted on the. label, Advertising rates— Transient adver- tisements, lo cents pea nonpariel line for !Int insertion and 3 cents per lint for each subaequent insertion. Small ativextiselneuts not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Stray- ed," "Stoleu," etc.,* inserted once for 35 cents and each subsequent hie sertion 10 cents. Communications intended for publica- tion must, as a guarantee of good raith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. To insure publication in current issue copy ot advertisements should. be sent in early. • • „ Contract rates—The following table shows our rates for specified per- iods and space : I yr . 6 aid. 3 ince Column 570 oo 540 00125 oo 58 so le Column 40 oo 25 oo x5 00 6 .oe % Column 25 oo 15 oo 8 oo 2 50 % Column 18 oo • eci oo 5 50 2 00 Inch 6 oo 3 50 2 00 125 W. J. BarcHELL, The Week In Parliament. The proceedings of 'Parlikinant (hir- ing the week were enliyened::by a Most spirit( d debate. oe the address in- re- ply to the • speech from the- Throne. The Opposition took advantage Of • the iirst 4.portunity afforded theta .16 criticise many peculiar traessatiens of the administration. ' 1.11000wwwiliwwWwwwwwwwwwwwiewemerie:', • ' hargain eva.s tegafly bound,duly signed by Digby 's mayor and town clerk and Alr. CePP . was submitted to Parlia- ment and Sir Wilfrid Laurier was ask- ed to take steps to investigate, the .cherge and tithe action against his supporter. The Premier did not even mu:descend to reply and was satisfied aitit te personal explanation of the af- fair be- Mr. Copp. The people of Dig- by„ evhe ore Mr. Copps own constitta tintswere evidently of the opinion that in order to get' the government to act seenebotly must be bribed. They accordingly ,agreed to tax themselves to 'the tune of 55,00o for the pterpoati of greening Palms. The ex- - posure is one which disgraces Canadian public life.. The • action of the govern- ment in winking at the transaction, • makes the scendal infinitely worse. Rviclently corruptien •ia. the Liberal camp is worse •throt liae :been suspect- ed. Excellent speeches ccndemnatory of the government's policy- .were. •made by Mr. R, L. Borden, feeder of. the - Opposition, Hen. John 0. Ilaggart, Mr. W. F. Maclean; Mr. W 11. Ben, nett, Mr. T. Chase Casgraiii, Mr.. EA): Smith, AIr. Jabel Robinson, Mr. W, Northup and Dr. • Daniel, - . The appointment of Hem A. 9:.• Blair to ehe chairmanship of the Rail- way Conunissien,• after he had been:. accuse(l -4)y members of the cabinet ctf conduct unworthy of a .person aspiring to such a high. judicial. position, OS . denounced in unmeasured terms. -• 'A stra-1.1it chat 1.. W.1,!; sloe- . ported by a sigaed agreement,• against. J. 5. C pita Libend member. Joe Digby, N. S., whO undertook 'to-set:tire.. the ectnpletion by- the government. cf harbor improvements at Digby, in -re- turn for $5,000.. The geeerriment • did not even toply to .the 'allegation which. shoelcl be investigated -at once, • The -Cailbre of the i..cln.inistratiOn "Lc • give eansideratior to many mieStioni which Sir Wilfrid Laurierlias repeat- edly P°°° ed to deal with was also made a subject Of gen3:11 cmtonent. , Main estimates fcr 1'904-05 • calling. for a .ote of $62,935,338, an increase. cl $5,825,354 as compared with 3903-04 were submitted to the Commons.• •A bill to amend • the 5Ii1iti 'Act. was introdoced: Many- important cite' Loges will follow its atop ic Mr. Henri•Bourassa, Literal Ininaber- for Labelle, -objected to the .'hTtion....Taek being lice n from the .Parliament dings. Liberals Still Hold • TO corruptiOn.-:. The_ Caliservative party lias made: another effort • to haveplaced on .the statute books of Canada, laivi; will , serve to sitepress the. election crimes'. which • lia,ye(•, been. S() persistently Utiq Sy ekt. Ily played by the Liberal party for' years past. Mr. It. It: Borden tiiok the .eare. hest opportunity to impress. ten- the premier the • import -once- of 1 taking: sonic such step, bat Sir Wilfrid Lear-. ler did m. -t take the trcuble tie reply to the appeal ler purer elections, &J.:: though he referree at length ,to inatt-• ers oi minor importendaaeon year,. - the Prinnier lave a solemn; .proinjeg that the question would. be giverii Ser- ious consideration, but at _OM (Ind ct the session of 1903, E.; bill to. proVale• for the puniehmert of- election' ihugs. was ignoininiov sly ,kickeei oat, 01! 'Pare, Bement Ly the goverinnent..•NCY.•legis- * lation is ii.ore necessary than that by which elections in this 'country can be. purified. But the ;Ahem]. party 'with' the premised co-operalion of .the • Op -- position to assist it,: positively - de- clined to take a step ehat would. at once remove froin its coinanaudo an instrument employed on every possible occasion. Canadians, who. hr,ped- to see some definite action -in the- direction indicated by the Conservative leader, will be solely disiSepoattecl at the lethe orgy dieplo.yedi by the, 0c,vertenere:• With corruption •of theworst type manifesting itself on every 'side, it 'will now beci.ine the duty of Independent voters to joie' forces with the .Conser- vative party in carrying thitt. issue -to suceessiol cenclusion. Boodling Condoned • By Government. The sec:di:MUMS With 1911041 50111e inembers d the .14arrier Government have risen frotti to 11.1111leliSa wealth has been freely diectissecl itt the Canadien Press. Hon. •Clifford Sifton is perhaps the richest. Matt in the ache i it streticm teed aye -although in 1846 he was :addled with judg- ments for large sums held by,. the city of Winnipeg. It will rot be . a matter fr ,r surprise, therefere, that a Liberal member of Parliamere, J. S. Copp of Digby, has ea-deal:mad to use his tiositioit as a means of in- creasing his fortune. On November 29 1902, that representative (?) of the P06, pkt men d into at agreemeitt With the limit of Inigiby to secure it gc,c- ernameit gatnt :(ir the porpose of int- provieg th harbor of that (.0W11. Mr. Copp was paid $56o cash for hie see - ✓