HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-24, Page 2iiasiteratro etas -esteem e -t Get tie. Most Qui of Your Food You, dpn't end can't if youtomach Is weak, A weak Stomach (lees ziot di* gest all that la ordinarigy taken into il. lt gets tired eaeily, and what it hale to digest is wasted.. Among the sigma a a'weak stomach are uneasmese after eating, fits of nee* yowl headache, and disagreeable beldix- Mg, "I have been troubled witb dyspepsia for years, and trled•every remedy I• heard of, Lu t neyer got anything thet gave me relief until I totes Hood's Sersaparilla, 1 cannot praise thls medicine too highly for the good be awe me, 1 alveoli take t in the spring and fall and would not be witheut It." W. A. Nventer. Belleville, Ont. hrooces Sarsaparilla Strengthens and tones the domed( and the whole digestive system, !Easter Salo • 0 .A.utOrnObile - Bags,- t • Wrist Bags, Ladies' and Men s Purses, Bill Books 0 . These goods are all bran new, have only 6 • • been in stok ten days -! $ and are the very latest 4, 0 ,style of goods of the -kind • . _ 4 Were , Redua,s1 to I- • • 415P) Automobile liags VA) 7 - 1.75. 4 Ili. ..4 Ma, .75 .7,' Loo 1.10 ' .05 . .00 .15.. .4,4? • Bill ilooksand Wallets range „t in price•-froal 33c to $2, - .. : - These goods are new. We 4 e. will p - pleased to show thetn 0 I • wheth q• you hay • or 'not. Ths- ! pries lift are asking aeebelow whole, de cost. . . 0 -0,4,:s'Oost•-• i4.••••404.44•400 • . i 2.75 1.ISP " • 4 . . 0 1.2.3 61 i-1•01) V114 13,1,gs - 2.0.) Purses 1.50 " 1.Mill . " 1.25 .11i) ". 35 ." 4* H. B. Combe, C13 nist ani Drug2,istp. so 00 r o.! -03#.41).4044.4.41044111k..,. 'MANY ...:ALLS are rtreeicect from business ii•los aud 'many stnecots plaecd in good Amositions. each year 1.13 the famous CENTRAL ijidi STRATFQ.F1D, ONT. This schosl stands for tlie •Lighest and best in business Lducatmeu in pan at' a tedLy. Manybusiness-college cmploy our graduates as teacheys. NV have scores of applier.tious. from otbe colleges. Ask to see tLc•mn tile' dim.); yot enter. Cortimenee course ninic., .Cata logise free. W. ,T. ELLIOTT, prcipal setZprAC.112111U156 .;:T uo /11Jo LADES' FU °N1S. , . • • $4 Of 400 Ladies, IN at " least prefer Rings to any other kind of Jewelry. For thi-s remon wa pay spe,ctal atten- tion to*diis line. You will find all the favor- ite Stoll .ss and combinati on at their best with us. DIAM ON DS, PEARLS, E 11 E RA LDS, 'RUB IBS, SAPPHIRES, OPA.LS, OLIVLNES, TURQUOIS, Every Ring at its very best both LSt() value and oual- Dy . J.:\ Grigg, JEW ,lL147,R, AND OPTICIAN -"rearrtr-osaot 1..“ 41 y1 eraa-se, y Lad* Peggy .Goes to 'Town .1iys FRANCES AMA& MATHEWS • ill' ee Copyright, 1901. by THE BOWEN-MERRILL COMPANY of • "The Klug's Arras. sir, m tne Strand," replies Peg glibly, while the Bean frowns. "I'm arrived but yester- day. 1 brought not a letter, sir. There you Wye.tuy histpry." "No King'e A.ries for Sir Hector's son. You'll bone 'alai me, lad, and sbow. you what town alfe is. I'll put you up at the best clubs, introduce you to the prince, present you at court, diue, wlue. mount you-gadzoolts, Sir Robin, the man that invented that tie 'of the lace." tipping his linger at Lady i'eggY'a Inneemade cravat, "deserves all and wore than Brumusel can do for him!" At Which Peggy, laughed the naOre heartily. as diet sbe: felt the paper be- neath her coat skirts crack wider,: and was spent wondering what she should do when they should reach Peter's - Court and when She might be able to set. into her Levantine once again.. The Clinton .News.Record .11111.10" Cries Sir Perey's man. thunderstruck. nightrall, green hood and tierchiej.- i ally such scheme. The Iiettu'it erratic "She ain't gone with Sir Percy! Can powder. patch box. lavender, musk, fancy has not been caught by a- ueW It be with Sir Itobin neTart?" ' pins. needles. red silken hose, Levantine object for the mere eake of losing iti Choekey shook herhead vigorously. gown mad veil of brussela lace. She his joy In the desh and buoyaney, the "Look toltere." says Grigson, new re- shook the skirt out of Its wrinklee, laid originality and naivete, of his latest paling the girl attentively. "Dash it off her wig and 'broitiered waistcoat, discovery is genuine, and no argument all, but you knoWS where she is, Tell unpinned her twig Welted hair front its of the very few Lady Peggy can offer me and I'll give you two kisses and coil and was stoutly waking up tier but he breaks down at once. 110 to boot." 1111114 to brave all, get into ber pettl- "Zotinde, sir: Are you a fool, sir? "Oh, sir," cries Chock, Punblitg away Coats and confess everything to Mr. Your sire was not one before you. To both hisses and pounds with one and Ilruminelf but as she was about to have halt Loudon o -talking about You, the same loind, "I (Mee know -least- wash the dark stains from her face all the prints. A -chronicling your move-. ways I knows wy young WY's up In comes there a "re/NI-tap" At the door, ineuts, all the ladies todYing for a London, hut whereitheuts in that 004 and Pg, dropping the ewer. Calle out glimpse of you. and you only up in she's with, nor how long she's goin' to "Who's there?" town these few days, nnil a -proposing itin anti willainy 1 can't say, nor who ilercely; atop. Only she charged meJualte ids "An it pleese ye% Sir Robin, 11/4.1r. to go back and bury your taleats for lordship end her lady mother believe tying brussels in Kenti• Fie upon you, the print or the walls the livelong ditY she was one to Kept, back. again to Bruzumel bids me say to you that Mr. hill I listen to no Such whims. Here's and far lute the eight, Waiting for see her godmother. There! I've been fashion, will bare Chalk, the tailor, a person of the best toy basket loadeil witb invitations for with a silent, Jeelous fury as eacb new swear you'll keep it Secret, won't You, In a his, uteni you for your meaSurements you already. Lady Breokwood's vont. tonight:" with a sly glance at Peg's really blushing rave, "Lady Diana Chock's arm, quarter of auti:o:n: yoort:11 "bite- . a !Weston's mother, tot you are cloubtlesS nwarel The charity bazaar at Selwyn's Grigson'e return and beside Mussel! buratto' to tell some one, and- you'll entrance to the coffee room gave his sir?" ' own particular version of Sir Robin'a GrIgson obligingly ods and caresses Peg hesitated. There was a battle ' vogue. pleased to see him then, or later. on his journey clown to Kennaston In fine, • fought within her those sixty seconds tomorrow, 'dinner at Holland House, Atmack's, and my own little pion for next Thursday, wbIcli Is an outing to The real little Sir Robin, ineanwbile "Thank the Lord Ws out o' me!" adds wherein, all that was noblest and best search of iny Lady Peggy, hod got turnout!, ' struggled end strove to know whIeli eiaelllates Sir Perey's man, was the right thing to do, nor could she . my seat in Surrey 'n-horseletek; dinner, some three hours' start of the faithful with ferrets, at tbe same time fixing a Grigson, and even no* he for the first contemplative and shrewd eye on his time in his life stood in the long, bare companion. drawlog room of ICennaSton castle VP- "Her ladyship Up in » town-wbere, toeing to the• mieror, pulling his wig With whom, you doesn't know; her fa - this way and that lia instant eXpeeta- titer and mother thinks she's In Kent, tion of beholding the object of his pas- and you're cock/sure she ain't runned skin and rewarding her for her devo- sway with Sir Rehin UcTurt?" • tion to him, so manifested in the per- "Tbat I anal" cries the girl warmly. SOD or the gentlemanly "incognito" of . "Little squint eyed monster!" Itis last night's experience. . • I , "Eh?" exclaints jr, Grigson, who Hark: reshe footstep en the stair, » »had beheld the supposed Sir Robin at the swish of female garments, a halt . ' at - the :door.. Sir Roblu nalnced the enAivrER vi. ., length of the room .and, reaching' the OMEWILST later in the day, as . entrauce, found himself Pape in•face• the sun peeped In at the narrow with Chtieltey. . Muddies Of K.ennastou's gar"Your mistress, bud, your inistresel ,' rot iti Lark lane; It shone Here.!" thriftily 'messing a .shilling •into straiglit down upon die .face of Peg's Chock's paint; "Go tell her I am con- tveln end also 'upon that of Sir Percy aunied with impetience and. eaten up h' ROI)Mie i'lq as'aurned, after a tub: , With desire for a glimpse of her 1ady-- 4 lid a grooming at the bands pf his ...ship's form and figure and.face, Go, 'faithful •inan .(lrisison, who even now g°1" . . Bet Chockey does iaot.budge. Was perforining like ptlices for 'the . yOung lipst. Tise other gentlemen. had . '"What ails the •wench? Deaf?" cries king since been set mien their legs and. • Sir Robin, pinching her• arm, for which fetched Oft to their hemeS -lay their . he'gets back a smart slap mills cheek. ' •"Tut,'WU Wbat a:miners .1s. that Percy held his chin between 'hist '. and you handsome enough to kisS?"» telluts, his• elbow* resting upon the ta-, adds the litie baronet diplomatically; •ble, where earths end' glasses :still lit'. »"Come, new, offs and inualpre Lady teTed‘ .. - , ..., .... • • • t Peggy to.basten." ' " 'Meath; Kennastoni" cries he with- . "Her ladyship's from Mime," finally .. . . . out moving. "I can live this aaseienaus i choeliTY says. .. . .• longer! To. be :shot like. -e.. Parteldge... :"What! Not tit' Kennaston?" ' Sir would. be better. Fleuted by Peg'111: 'de- ' Robin's' sharp eye..cannot belp peerlog valet] »VS; »this, upstat.t, Sir •Italsie, Who, regretfully ettbe shilling Cbeckey • by my life, is 0 'pretty fellow, an', said'. . "II" in her fingers' ••• - • '- 'and tidne, is past endurnneb. Give eye., .9n Kent, doubtless, e -visiting her a pistoi,..ai,44.0.;..,iiia 1,11 ppt.aii.ail cad - godinother and. . it -hoping, to ..See .01e- : , .. . there. th, in Kent?" : e• • .• , . humble servant miss -us. I must. be off, myself new and here." • . . 2 • : ' ' .To . this_ Passionate clecieratien. 'Ken... _ "I don't icriow, sir," replies the girl„ • • . and no time. for .loventaIdn' tedity." eastim merely makes answer by lifting: . • ' with, a hint of 'tears to her welee. .• ' • • • ..*: •• turning quickly on his'imel andtossing ...:.eitsileenc!tiet ttoe .Blieliers;.. tybo .licticts his AU OM above the:tub, waving it in the. . "Don't know! • What: de yon» meats?" air, tied a Cri sot sertibs bim'Sdow . exclaims, Sir Itobin•suspiclimelY. : :l'i : - "J ain't. onissus '" remarks :She nIaltt-' . Is eto le„,. • . , . , : ,-- . . Kenneston's rooms the night before lust and clearly regollected that no such- description fitted • the slim, ele- gant, handsome' young bUck who bad got a prick in the wrist frozn. his own master's rapier: "Alonster, I said," • repeats: the girl, "Hist!: '• I'll tell you more," says» she,' drawing • close, *hand over • mouth. "You've seen the puppy. Ile Was, here anon a-askin' and a-tearin' as to where my lady Was," . Grigson stares. • • "Aye, you must have met him on the road not ten rods off the cestle gates, for as you galloped In, the nndersized cockatrice cantered out. •Lady .Vegg3', Wed' with Dim, indeed!" . Grlgsou is now (recailing his' having - crossed a eatalli squint eyed geutleman as be Came) morally certain that ()Mickey bas been well drilled' in her' part -and that Lady Peggy has intlee,d run away up to London with Sir Robin SicTart. Sp Much for. his •thOughtss He Says; * • • -1 did.' ,Fertuna tely, I.belteid-the per - soilage ' what you' describes. Your ;" e g 1 • •rt • "I it sir" al Ch. k "pat • , • • -....1-fan't lie ' ridienlous, P6.r0; and„» my ledy eitet :hy woe :pf tellin • tile ., 'But you. will be some claY,' lass. Or» sure r can» never hold tip any head • : . -:: , • ... . : • - , . . . . pray, hold .your. Peace, since.", tun at , , this mottieut composing .an ode. to' my".: toistress' smile." .. I ' • :,' "Your anietress be banged, sir! What • • knew »yap Of rove to sit in 'a tidy nod '! make verses to-ber?''. • . '. •-• • ., -- - • ''.1 knoW enough:oft," eigh's the hest,. "to have been In like easewith yourself* .• any time this tweiveinontli, :and !ils• M : 'llumnstrons thing tor »yon to thus. Ims,' .i. ':Iseilell Me when 'tis r t): I M.410111: WY ' t;aiir Dia nu .fii vorsTather (Ilan ToySelf." • • "Lady 1?itina be, hanged:" cries Per, - eY, rising. "She's a coquette. sir, and at ' bottom adores you es does tbe .fish the- •:13sit the while she .plays ;en' d 'sidles , round. it, . being. sere: in the. *lid sifelli .sivaliew it'.hook andaill," '• : . :%.. • - 'Very fine,» l'• faith; yet . while. 1 810.. you're the one She •suilles ' upOn.»., 011-i.sj Perey; lied. I but a fortune! Couid T. : buf•rnalte* my Dame in lettere!" Them • Perchance I'd stied iny "chence, But ,p Peg's.. twit] fetches a ..Sigh.. : . that sends the »water' Splasliiiig about the wine stained floor. ',' '; ' ••• ' ' OAS"tis, Sir, couniel Me„. an. yen love- , • : • ' • ber Matters...Iris lorOship 'tee father's- 'looking...parcel W,Iliell .01it:SiIPPOSea soft „ the f dope, admitting ..th'e:»itillor 'as 15» - W s : Jrite her 'a letter of fire and .tiWorca, '11nel-blood and famine; 'stet. It:full. of ::' dawn witlilds' 1" . I d 'I 1 . . fli r f Itis d :. mid friend vainly tried 't� • anode •• .: . Oaths,' protests', .suicides, usorders, es is er ii( ' a-visitie' 'the :filet:» in- York. As conceal; iuid7hie • Beau was fiot long .of-' , 'That !light., the Solt .of .grays Welt. - ..a . Christmas podding ef .phiros.. tbe' simpOses, sir. Leidy ' Pegg3r 18 la , putting ttro..aod tWo.togetber „and . of brushed; 'ter wig reeurled and. her . There'S gain, Jots, and paper tO: your Kept, also: a..7visitin'• the sick, her Indy - concluding that yowls Sir Robin had -.- Poeket..napkin richly perttirtted, her. hand.", • .. . ebliVs..gedmother." ' ' "• • '' .. ' leit his all at ploy and had even per, • mother's brussels veil stripped up and .. wagging his wet imaiul and retharlting; tne ns' ' res» ('hock, UVOiy: . • determine, save that at segond.thooglit of contiding her sex to Me, tirunnuei It appearedto her she could not. • • eI • shall be ready to see Chalk. 1 thank you lu fifteen minutes, more •or less," humming tune with elaborate . ()uselessness, rolling up the Levantine, tbe hood, veil and nightrall into a ball and pltebing them into the ,chest of • drawers; clispostng the powder and per-. fumes and pins on ,the dressing table, throwing the needles and patches Into the fire,» »untying the kerchief and tak- ing, out soap, scissors, brushes. . "'Tits clear as:water I'm to be it man yet awhile,"» vvhispered, she. "Heaven grant It may not be long! Sol" seizing the Kissers *rid shaking out the locks-. -"Solo, clip, and away with you, that I was once vain of, beeause a vile de- . ..li'or the hundredth thne she cast ceiver nam.ad Percy Towed be loved ! ' your'. . :. • ; wildly ithont in her mind USA() how she ' could now et this present mini:lent ria ...4.nd off came Peg's' hair,' the wide!). .' . herself bf the hated disguise, get Into for stilly liklog of she stuffed tot° the . her Levantine, get home to her tooth - drawer beside the Lev,_a_netillue_rve_pn.d e_17,t PC'S arms; hide her hend forever, au,d fall h tear or two. Then it i lin • never, no. never., look into face of lean again; as she had often done for ber ug411,11. ,. . • twin, so that in no • time . at '.all her. But .Peggy Sew ant rend. elvery path heed; with its 'shert curly lo.cks 'gush.... seemed 'barred :save 'those thst would bowls, a look »ever the stables, and home by the light o' the moon. 'Bach to Kent,' forsooth! No. sir; not yet." , A. few hours later, as I.11(11 Peggy got into her magelficent suit of crimson satin, gold embroidered, as she beheid her image in the glass and caught the hilt of lier sword in her hand, the blood that surged aver ber • Nee and throat was ruby red, end, at her wit's ends for what to do, the girl's tears forced themselves to her eyes 'once again, She Was' to be off soori to Lady Brookwood's: Here. she. should ententn.. ter not only Lady Diana: but doubtless Percy bimself:, mayhap Ken:um:ton, if be bad been able to get him it decent coat to wear in place of the gray vel- vets, Doubtless, too, all those others she had met in Isirk lane. • ed back. at .thie. side • and that of her 'fosses'. (Innis, nos. In ow eyes er 'pees broad forebead, had •all the aspect of end friend.; 011ie, " a man's. . . • ' "GIs" Cried she in desperntion, "haw "There," cried she, sweeping the last easy 'tls io get into hreet•lies. 0 coat, a litter of her black tresses into the wnessen,st sts; a wig: iii 1 t ., ni,,,s....,,,.. wi!". 1 flames, "an" be a gentleman, I'll •be a• ever be able to g•et oni 0.'4410.: . • Dant one. 1 si lied once to taste the i ie t Ilto . • lit of March 24th MO4 WEDS Consumption is a. human weed flourishing best in weak lungs. Like other weeds it's easily destroyed while young; whe.n old, sometimes irn possible. • Strengthen the lungs as you Would weak land and the weeds will disAppear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork tisogdoigoedstt,00, but it is very hard The time to treat consump- tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Others see it, you won't. Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. If it isn't really consumption so much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump- tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your trOat- ment you -will win. , e Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat , all you can, that"s the. treatment» ail that's the best treatment, . • 1 We Will send you 'a little of the Emul- sion free. • 1 CherDists, • Torcinto, Ontario. 'el _PURA. soo. and ;II; all druggists. sate that this picture in the (gym of a label on tle wrapp:r of •. every boffin a Emulsion you buy $COTT BOWNE-,- ga . g it s to it Puti re it e I (let . . . . sweets of being Of t'other sex far Only In y Lady reggy.'s . I /I) I) r Ingi ng I n *tn.() one-half an 'hour.' Zotinde, as daddy'd country. with .nioqt times only n lad for . " . .. - say, would that I'd never quit. 'My. I!or 1,10oull.4,, i.lnit oqw. she bore her- self with not only '1 . • . • but» also with as splenmild a Swagger :hid flaring as a Miy‘youtig milocaronl that carI'led a sword. - . '. -..Nil l'ut to he it Mail. I'll be one" . .sake of spiting Sir Roble . MeTart; to , . get' myself inM 'a p.osition that inakes frocks! What bath it bettered me? • bebold with mite own eyes ilia charms .of her Who's retried me front his heart; to bear, him .0 -Pledging me just to please my Neither and for the fl elime and grace,• Abe bursting :with shame tied . Milli f . • (..?! my ma .lanmes Grigsaur. liere'S • again in this wcirlif-,-ine that's•elivaya • to you, and many tbanks for •puttin' loathed a hoiden; And even .have I the me on the right trach!" • , • • • 'muscle' of, a lad, and cab 'I stride: a "Tusb For the love of heaven' ...horse' and • junip».-any eeer. atel :anybtidy else you thinks a.41„e#1 ' dug --Yet, Yet•-7:oh,:hOw did I. ever bring .. • of; 'find lety Young • .• 'Myself ft, pat on these?". And my "Truk. fling* isir.•.drigseti• from .Lady 'Peggy slaps her: breeches with A: his saddle: .9'11 find her awl »him as • wback and prerimily falls upon her • iter durAnceatiler ' , . knees a -praying 'fee her father and Kissing :111S fingers to. Checkey, off • 'inether and brother and Sir Percy • and . puts Sir Percy's' own Man to the •Mer' . Cheek and. Bickers. , . . . Maid, Stables hie liosse, hires' a fresh • • '"And, G God. high up hi hettren, for- • • one, claps sPurs and up to town' as fast* We nte tor *All willfoloeeS ,ant as' :foes. spavined bay legs. can carry jealousy and -reolliardinesS, and s'eal- - firmly ..eonviiiced diet he has ing twin's clothes, rard deceit, the • • solved the greater portion of the» mYS.' which has got meinto this &prat:Wen, terr,Ond that his Master's lady, fair Is:' . indeeft., heyond a doubt, »the bride. of wherein rhave :told naught but lies. • And .1 do despite !leis -they .tite meat.. Sir tueyhap • diagiffiting and utterly' wicked 'Ferniest ' osied .Sbe. If 1)is.ns. 1.11 gi.ve, ,O; pus! us .she semis. 1Att.• as I». move know ,(ms or his» seine. time Peawy he'll 'be jealous."' ' t•10. it. SYtt:t .1i:1111 tl prodigious' fine :floe ter Of lice ineedu 'and e• mightily Muni - dent » twirl of her:eyeglass (pu.rchasts./.:, not two hours eines) .thatiffir•leclyeltis :made her bows and kissed, the tinge . tips of Lady Brookwood's • hitedsouie. daughter. , . • . ,•• • , "i an your Most grateful... Sir Rol.),• lnP'eried this one.» "tied:more pleased,. tliah I can exptees welcOnie yen.. I only regret that Lord Brookweod ls. at Brciokwood and here to thank you for rescuing his daughter:" Aed se forth and_ on, with.' presentationi • to: ii. dozen of fine 1adle:1:- 'dowagers . and ditniests. and a priselons,lat ef gtin•-•.. tleinee.land• it seemed to PeggY,:in' her simplicItY. as if the whole of Mayfair were it -bowing and .scraping and mak- : ,hig her °ate belt, »Which ,indeeil we's- oot »far off the fact.,... Two Watched hey as She. came 'in Oa' Bean •Brornieel's Arm, These were Sir Pero and KeniniSton:iine 'green with anxiety for Grlisson's. return train his* . . errand, Julttlititg- at every. sffiutiO,' hay: . left sword' b.oth: at Lark:lithe; his eoffee• house. as well as atsimnie.. where: • he'lltid :gone, that (lilesen shoule. : re- :port•to hiss at once he n rrived; the.oth, ei• green» with envy of Peggy anq anY other who: ..netirecl his divinity, yet imiiwilling prisenee. auArTER VII. it. BlItillINIEL was a tisoSt . . . _Me O'er all the horrible 'silts I've dome • initted"--7 • . . . , ' Footsteps new» reit:mild in the carri-.. dor, and the voice ef Mr. Brut:tinsel's- shrewg :and au altogether own man says blandly, "This way, Mr. • kindly periOnage as:well. - Chalk," as he raps gently at the dear, had easily, ou alighting.froth -Oti.nd' for all those shall .have to . tori and assisting l'auly Peggy cottimiti" concludes lier 'ladyship. as ..- • . me, .Shall 1.ltie me to leennastoii and. .' • Putilag Ms wie this way and to do the same, espied the disreputable she springs to her feet and uttfastens wait Upon your sister?" • • - ' • "Ill do it,tliet send it byrigson Ciffick.ey couytesies and turns to the.. 'hips pawned his waleirobe, Saving the made into a, Cravat of se rav:niisinhoins.gt06, '. a ' my 'fnstest horse this I shotild . doer., but.of whleh Air Robin reluctant- 111, looking bundle; for the price of his device aS eauSed ehave the answer berore'reiclay."' ' ' • ly goes; putting spurs to his horse, din- • , last few. days' toad, Thei•efore it was : "A.Ye, you Should."'allows the hest. lug at the Mermaid and then charter.: that in the most obliging manner he • in a post ellipse to take him sans de-, » net only installed Sir. Robin in 'an etc - 'her - host witb an evident reservation. "Now, for goodness.' sake,. sir, stop cackling and: let me finish ety ode." 'Which he did a -sitting in his bath,. wl,ile» grigson dressed' his wig.' " The toilet » and the' letter and the , poem were all three finished at ohee, ley to Kent ' ' gent: and spacions.epartment Mit VoVr- IIe erossed. but one- traveler on 'his ed he yvould titmice, send for both his ' way front Kennuston castle to tbe oil- tailor . and perruquier te wait upon lege' inn, a Man of .stout and. comely him and ended by asauring his guest build on' it steed that »took even Sir, that his own man Tempers would be Robin's dull eye, so -was its blood and' up Presently to' make the Young gen- ii el marked in its long inA,endicl tienein't toilet for him, , and withnot more ado 'Sir. Percy Ms-. I ", ' ge . . . ,. . • .• 1.01y L'epgy. . - ' • ' '. • This ho semen •too "pulled rein ttt (Won Peggy, while, her Jnalclen heart • F . ,. , . . "Coine not baelc Until yeti 'deliver:it' ! Kennaston, • 'Sprang from . his saddle. in pi,rsen."..quoth the lover "an • yon . 1 !, and, as Bickers. hobbled tip to take his 4 team. yetirsplf minus all answer, 1,11, ! - ed up on the steps aod caught Chaels: ey's.apron.string just as it. was flutter- ing in the cloSing door. • • "Hey, missusr Cried he, twirling 1%.1;gliented, and there the a •st „s Chock about end. chucking her Under . ileif.greeted them was an aeconnt,. ex-- ji ' IteN'''' ' the chili, Which* Was rewarded by as -.4.4•gertittli to the last dep,•ree, as was . :: BIlliart ti »slap: as that which had -erst. ' . . ,, mica fashion of those times . as well as - while Mimed Sir 'Robin's cheek. these. of "Lady D. NV.'s adVenture with . "L .mtist See -Lady 'Peggy Burgoitat rt.' 1 ,:i II s lit Lark lane, where her:chair on. the spot. . Without ceremony • or (•ri.'ssell ea mile to her unintuattutker's; a-Wnititt' 'ere cOolin' My heels. l'Ve a et how Sir R -n Mc' -t had •rescued. • letter for her ladyship meminin"life and !mei. ladyship and her ladyship's A.bi- death tel my' master., Sir Percy de Be - eon from the clutches of 'these villains = litm." . tit the. hasard. of Ids own life; had sin- "Bove you?" says Chock, looking gip - banded put. the •wkole gang • to -With admiring owl Upon, the Smart Iliglit, and this although» suffering front ' livery of Mr. Grigson, dust and mud , a severe wound la the right weist, the . etained though it was. . tat* name lead received. in an affair a ; Where, 'pon,my Ilfa, there's no Sweeter straight front tondon tOwn. which this gallant yottng. scion of a. no ' ' "Yes4 honor with Sir P -y de B-11 only Abet • MU; than hers 1 Sees before me Wm.!' very night moviims." In point or fact, "La:WM" tries Chock, appetoled. "But et, sap, cried and print set forth that My mistress is fretn lime*" . the town wile t•ltigang With ,the valor "Not here? Where is she then? I (..1» „Mr It -n MeT-t, whose fame as a 1 A-visithe in the neighborhood?" Mr, ' Imes and man es swami was aa lass _ Grigsou turns on his hol and chirrups (1 ' ran n With ' the in lied ve to: • "It' , . "Your pardon, sir,. Mr.. Bruinniel," set off at such a rime horee Iluttet aS it seemed must never quiet down, "Mit. on remelt:11)er I ale country bred unused to toWn-Ways, heye never had beast; Mr. grigson, for twas be, jump - ship yott to the colonIcS by the next .Nfter» seeing hlin Off the two young: wen repaired to the coffee house they' pray a, man to wait upon me n my, fe •( e Solemn, truth) "and should never know •how to comport Myself in» such, altered conditions." • • . . - The Beau shrugged: his elioUldere in, the- Frencli, frisliffirt, lifted •his eye- brows, thought "cwitanintiv.ing strange that Sir Hector's son should hate been so ill edocated and said: "Yotir -pleasttre; ids,. whilst under my toof shall be mine, nor can I. misdoubt but that one who has had the getting to invent that tie Is imply able to ar- ray and perftune bhuself, even to the dreSsing of- 'own wig." . ' .."You flatter, sir; 1. pi'otest!" answered the guest "1 await with lespatteitee the tooment when, in cleaner ease, 1_ may nave the honor of. bistruoting youi in the intricecies or the knot you are good enough to admire." • With any number of bows the die- tinguished host closed the dclor, and ray Lady Peggy' wee left to herself. For it moment she stod Milte Still, her heart yet a -clapping Madly in be bosoni, her eyes wandering 'about the princely' room Ili which she found her zelf and at last resting on the mirror wherein was reflected her own tdint figure. Welted out in Xeneaston'a fault a gray +Ferrets and the yelloW wig, which was indeed the toneterpart of the real Sir Robin's Pate, lier coma- tenance-sure none. would recognize it eince neither twiti nor quondam sultor had -Was clerk with the coffee OW114» bet eyes were ringed with sleepless. ness and mittecnstoaied wine; her eral aspect that o(mm young gentleinan Very much the worse for Whatever hie Most recent experiences might have been. Peg ifitighed, then she cried, then rail to the door and fastened It eourely, then untied her bundle, volon out fet for his monnt. es titan ilk expertness at the Saying of 0 ar gaii,erv pecially wel ertinp- tbot no other personage than the re - heavily distrese, For be it littown = "NO," returns Chockey. "she ain't." 41-Vell, whereabouts is she? For, if Our 1. neon tilvIt--n's Mold by begging from = tea' it's as far as theinges, Grigsota's bound /'nowited Bean had set his seal ped for making groin photographs. tii, pottorn of his eravat and thee to find ° her end deliver this love let- ses with -back gro-; • "Tbere, there!, roo.n.'t be a-cryin' and heing up In town for the season, let 111IX 1:110t. That Sir It -n `WAS "I don't know what, she is, sir," cameras are ittt witn wide-angle 104.„ p.m it guest nt B -PS home, and, wiliumers Chock. , ladies fah* beware Mid set their ntost duckle. I ain't gone yet. Go unAs and aooessories doni:th. caps, for 'twos well. under - young gentleman wait Ask his lordship the address, bring me of sufficient size and oc°,1 so filo' a. mug of ale, and I'll give you a kiss." • fuleitoe'urnge'am shill at tads, sad_ 0, "Don't you be tali', like that!" Yet The which as he read it gave Sir' sidles elm quite eozily in the encircling tint of the Admirable Griggen, turns out perfeot di,. or the donee,- .\xrork. See us . about but the reinter caused him to sink IMO Im Mis °Se ktMWS Where reiStreSS tiowbere else to be met With, not Otto "Oral Y1%1* girl" etieS Cheek"' the "now how" that roups, l'emy no emit food for congratulation* "Ins lordship nor her ladyellip nor g ujy • hunt or melatieholy front NVItielt no ig;" II ERY' PROTO ST111110 _ 0, his cenuputtkiti (unlit eattoiltel tiallarti he sat SW tit we 41•"" "'nett a Yea-- Elopedt ilcuttledi Wilett? /tow? Whoto" tztliroT, "Snip, clip, and ittuniy with oats)" spasm when he beheld it, Sir Robin aleTart Sat at honor pittee at dinner and was, to make it long ittory short,. tbe 'cynosure and toast of tbe occasion. The duel With Sir Percy, the reSctie Of my Lady Dienes the» inventien of a Cravat, the nimble wit,»» the handsome -face, eon bespoke Peggy into it favor • that conSidetang all other things, 'was well nigh incredible, and when the following day she appeared in one of tlffi suits Mr. Chalk had made, with a 'dash of powder on her wig and it bronzed complexion due to surrepti- tious pUrehase at the players' eoSmetie shop in Drury lane of sundry brown, red and black» pastes while Maldng feint of being a comedian, the otitis- faction,of her host Was Unbounded, "Robin,' My boy," said this otte,With a side glance at his guest, "an you're a bit short of tnoney I'll put 4 few hendrede to your account at my bank- or's. Young gentlemen Will be wild *and 'spendthrift at times. London's Ow, to you, I fancy, end"- •-"1 thank you, Mr. Itruminel, from kV heart," returned Peg, "but 'Mrs MOO now idle in tuy pocket, That will last me, vsn confident, until 1 reach home, and, by your leave, Pm think. Ing 111 milt town this evening," mit Mr. Brumei ba* be ear* tOr " 'Tis » a proper fellow enough, end always heard »he was a fright and e coward." • :Kennaston »preserttly took heart of . issue° aud crested te, pay his duty • Lit-te ,tlY Diana. who; 'twits lkiitin to • be . . en»b :every other than this busliful '• • sWain,. Was .by no Means the indiffeni. , . mit to' 'him » she wotilcl .feign play:offs' Her.•color caine• a-nd • wedt as Ken- • nasten; blushing to. Mutat' his lady, ventured to epout hie ode to, her, amt..» lee vines the. pair' to' gallop on this' plette-. ant path., Sir: Percy. at a' distance Me cOnselously followed Lady' Peggy, at I 'least with his. gaze. Peggy. Meantime, denying. right, and leftthe story of her prowess, With quips..and' jests and Ogles:of the fair. . still kept her eye on Percy. Not yet had' she Seen him- approach .Tiady ' ana.. Yet hold!' Even nor, eatcbing.her ',ewe gaze fixed. upon» him. he tu,rned sneaN;a:p1,esenti; 1en dito.v..e,rthe iiiflei(ri3,ntinp45! ., ;* • . aTp: BE CONT/NDED.j afraid and too diflidentto approach her closer then with the dearcnirIng gaze of his eyes. . puppy again:" eries Perey» un- der his breath as lie surveys »Peg in her skint. "I3y gad, sir, every lady In the roorn's turning Spite., eyes on Pother, ,your incomparable Diana included, for fear he won't stop 'tied pity her a com- pliment "Alt," siglis the young poet. "Percy, an you loved like ind 'twould bo» bliss to even » gitZe upon your » fair. Think you I dare make 1,ffild note to .cross and make nay bow?" "Why not?" rethans the °Wei. gloom - Ilya • "Forgive niy humor, Ketinaston. Truth is. sir, I'tn» mad, mad for Peg, end my eete are, cracking end my brain splitting nut!l that rascal Grig- son gets pack With answer to »my let- ter. He's been gone long enough, to hare made the journey four tiMeS . over. "Oh,' Percy," returns Peg's thrill, "1 love -You as a brother. On' ceulO I but phYsie your lady into Complaisance I'd give my life rot It. What owe I not to you?" adds the young men With deep feeling, "You've » fed Me, And, zooks, sir, tonight yoU're clothed me, for eince the scurvy knaveS that frightened Lady Di stole my stilt of grays and My sword fled hat, What had left/ Where would I be now Were 't not for you?' "Tush, Ken, lad; I love you for your - Self and tee thousand times more for her sake. Ken., 1 fotte her so that, as told her, if Sir Robin were' a better men Pa cry off ati she Held she 10Ved latta." "What said she?" "Not that ahe loved him, htit that the might," he continuee with sadness as his eyes follow Peg on her almost roy- al progrest about _the dritivlog roeMs. - - The're are very‘ few cleans- ing operations in 'Mitch Sunlight Soap cannot be used to acivant., age. It makes the home bright and dean. 1 I h .1 Most peoelethink toe lightlY of cough. . 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