HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-24, Page 10 25th Year 40 4 4 , it .4, ••• 40 40 40 40 • 0 "....-Ajyrrnv ,.) i‘./.....) 1 seiasistamoteteistemmostaieleeleleseieseierasetategetaxiewtimimm 4. **Pio*, z'AeleteieiewietamemelorateFA - - : 4 4 Ready=io.Wear Clothing Department Our stook orReady-Made Clothing is all new. We cannot offer you any old shop-worn clothing at < half price but we Call give you the t!est values in town for Brand New Goods, In Men's Suits we have without doubt the nicest patterns at the lowest pri- ces We have ever seen. We buy our clothing from, among the best manufacturers in Canada and the prices cannot be equalled around here. Men's Suite made frone fine wool Canadian8Tweed,good lin- .00 ings throughaut end perfect fitting, special price.. Men's Suits made from fine all Wool tweeds in a good as8ort- n3ent of new spring patterns, first-class liuinge and I A nn first-class fitting, special price I U•Uu Boys' 3 -Piece Suits Boys' 3 -piece Suits, made from an wool Halifax Tvveed,navy serges, also in fancy stripes ad cheeks, light and dark • colors, all sizes from 28 to 33, the hest values to be had a Kee at, per suit • ... $4.50, $5.50 and U tia u Boys' 2 -piece Snits We carry a large stock of Boys' earlece Suits aria can give you almost every style in 15 differeet patters. all sizes A nn in stock from 22 to 30, at per suit $2..50 to U Men's Pants Men's Pants, reade-made, in all sizes, at per pair . - • a- . a 0 KA $15, 1.26, $2..50 and U.UU Smocks, assorted kinds at • 50c and 75c Men's and Boys' Overalls, all kinds and all sizes, at per Pair _ 50c, 75c and 51.00 Waterproof Coats and Rain Coats Men's Waterproof Coats in dark greys, newest styles fo 1F5 spring, at $3, $5- $6, $W and I 40 4 • 4 4* 41 40 0 40 40 ) For this sale we will place oo sale about 40 pair Boys' Knicka C n . ers, sizes 22 to 33, regular priee 75c "tad 85c, all to go at.. A/ LI < , ,, Furnishing Department , <5< > <> < > > ..?. )< > Bova' Hats each . 50c to $1.50 c < > < > 0 < > C .. CAPS—AH the new, styles for spring are here. Fency tweeds style that isshow forspring, We have docile of die. e"-neete tor the Men's Hats are each. . .. , . .. . . .. .......75c tip to U.0 U ferent shapes and all sizes m stock pp to 7e. . The prices 0 11 fl are going to he very popular this year, ' we.bave them '' " 7K •Z">, in a dozen different patteres.at each....25c, 50c and . different styles in Hate but we arm give you every ' new' .:-'e ' HATS— We haven't the epace to give a. description ofeall the tan > > ereaeafeeneneneeeeleweenfeeeneaneen!iefea IR<> The J. W. Newcombe Co., „<> Tailoring— • .—Men's and Boys' Ready- ' ) Furnishings— ' ' 7.. --'-Made Clothing, Hats < < c < ---,CLINTON— . MEIMB Ef-s=tetilier6441€44•,A4166ixAxYzseesermetoilot , " .... 6 <a> >ae 0 00 00 000, 0 0 0 0 •••••••• 00.000 0 00 0 000 SAVE ! ! !$AVE ! . . Begin the New Year by openinget Savings Bank account in The Sovereign Bank (Incorporated by Aettof Parliament] „nee 0 0 <>0. 0 000 00 00 0 0 • 00 0* 0 0 001><X>oo on <> 0 00043+. he Bank endeavors to nrake their -Savings System the easiest and most agreeable medium for all classes of the amain un ita to save their earnings by depositing $1 or as much more as they wish. Every de- positer's money is secured Since it's establishment the SvereignBank of Canada has had .un- nierecedented success in the financial world, encl. its stability is be- coming more widely known every day: A comparative statement en- ded Oct 31st last is here appended which 'discloses facts and figeres never before known in banking history, Assets 8Ist Oct 1902: &Est 00.'1903 Cash and Bank Balances .$ 383,097' $ 022,774' • ae Bonds and Stocks • *439,303, , l713,397 eneena Loans and Discounts • 2,988,068 :5,821.300 :=.7a Bank Premises, Safes, Etc. 44,075 52,350 83,855,203 $7,200,020.7= Liabilities Ca pi tal —Paid up $1,173,478 $1,300;000 8 Reeerve Fund fted Undivided Profits 240,000 802,838 ' Sovereign Bank notes in circulation 7e0,005 1,237,650 Deposits . 1,081,730 4,300,432 $3,855,203 87,209,920 O<X>O<>04**0.0.**00•00.0 0,* * 0 <>04 0 0 00000 0000 rianager 1! I ••.• • • •••• 0E4 .0•411 ••• ••.• 11.11 • • IWO Oa. •••• 1.0 IN* • •••• • • • • 1.• 000 000 - Rince, cislintofi. **•••.-0444<x).40.0,00•0000. 00000 struit ! I ÷.14+++++++ I;ii 1 !4+44•1•++++.1 1itt.1!+;=. AFTER 40 YEARS am Q, Old Father Time grow' tender area04 As, roving the round earth, the sturdy old fellow, Year fti and year out keeps gee* and eorning In winter's 'Wild wreek and suirimer'sagreen blooming. • We are not yet by any niearis through "winter's wild wreck" arid ••• it should be a good time to take advantage of unheard-of prices.. , 4.4 Lower Than the Lowest—rnRea dly•Made and Or- " dered teothing. To few men is it given to terra on blueness successfully fcr half a century and after so long a period of "honest, faithful toil, one begins to •••• t,hink of enjoying his vvell-earned rest. Such is our condition and •-• eater 50 years of successful trade in Clinton, tete have deeide.d to ee offer, at surprisirig redections, our $4000.00 Stock with a view ••-• to retiring from active business as soon is disposed of. Sale began -- -SATURDAY, FEB. 13th ---- we have not tinho or space for a detailed list of prices. A wag bus said Hint "the Trent of the podding is the chewing of the string," We offer a better and pleasanter test in asking you to see our goods, learn our reduced prices, and compare with boasted ) bargains elsewhere. It is easy to say the prices WERE se and. so; the Important thing is WHAT THE mons Aga We specially invite our old cuetomers to do themselves a good turn, by seeing what we hate to ogee them. It will bc like a belated Christmas box. Sirollery we invite those who have tiot eeri regular customers to examine goocis and prices. *We make ke Mere Blow.,—Empty vessels make most sound, but we promise genuine reductions in all lines i \ BOYS SUITS mama= SUITS onnutt,t) PANTS . HATS, CAPS, BTO. OBNTS' PBRNISIIINGS ItBA,DY-MA.DB CLOTHING. loe one, come all. Ask, see, examine, compare and you will buy . . i ••• • • *oi dm. 4064 * 6 6. T Jackson, Sr., Clinton. 4:101,44++.1444.14+44.144+1-144144-1-1+1-1-4-14.14.14 NE CLINTON, ONTARIO,. THURSDAY, MARCH 24th, 1904. . WILL ENTERTAIN TIM. picnic The 14.dies' 'Aid of the Ontario street .wllr this evening, entertain the choir end the officiels„ of the church anti their • •wives. As they excel in • whatever they -undertake a very pleas- ant evening is. in stere for their gabs-. ts. PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. -. Messrs, Seeley & Turter, who have carried en besiness. as blacksmiths, dealers in bicycles, 'etc., have dissolved partnership, b.ut will continue to do business at . the old stand, each in les own depertment. The blackstrathing will be continued by Mr. Seeley,while Mr. Turner will deal in bicycles, etc. BISHOP CARMICHAF,L COMING. The Rt. Rev. James Carmichael Co- aajutor 13ishop of Mottretel, and, for- nierly rector of St.' Paul's church, Clinton, has arranged to visit Clinton cal the eth, mat and nth of April. He will preach in, St. 'Paul's -• church, morning, and evening, on Sundayeeprile aoth. No: doubt there are many .of the. .clder •residents of Clinton and vicinity who will be lace:sea to see and ' hear him Again. . •WELL FED. . . • • . . . .. IV, C. Brown, T. •Ma.naglian and. the other members of ile• eliliten ecatine gent,: who had :beat helping- t�raise theblockade on the line between•Winr aliten .aiid . Kincardine, .reached home leaeerdey night all an absence • -. -of. two,' weeksinstee.d Of a couple of c\ays as was expected when they went north. The nieri say they were well fed and not overwaiked,andthat they rather enjoyed their 'experience sarong . the snowdrifts. . . . . ENLARGING.- . - •, : • ' • '• . .. • . Hailaila nros: are making aeratige, meets to ' eratagetheit sheds at the station .and early in the 'spring • will have . ample roam to store teob tone of coal. : The sheds will be 195x24 feet. liiey. have, • in addition, bought teat •gore lot menreite the. station,. at pres- ent Made use- of by A. p..l'attiOn, . upon whieh ; thea intend to erect • an affice• and Wagon scale, They . lieve sparee:,eue meanie tais..wiatet to keep. the citizens seeplied . with eoelethough a -Leta -flee it. has been necessary ea seed it oet., in smell aces. Oe .erne., day ,re- eently noless than ninety peeple' were stippliech •• ' '• , • • .-• . ... C. 0: le: AT HOME. . • . •• • . .. . . . • The.- aninial . At,: Home all • Curt ,Meele.Leea, held' on Taureiley •-evening - last,: was aegreale enceeee atall points,. peograne ••refreslintents, attendance and general enjeenieut.• Whit this Pettit M.:data:4s it accomplishes Or knows the reason' Why.'..nattister Beattie pre- sided eta fillet) the' chair wall:: Among the. seloiste .were r Miss Kaiser, . .4ig.% 'Jennie. Ranee, • Mise 'beide, Inceeee' ern eLes Lila: Coate,* each Of whore pleas- ed the eiudiened. Mr. V. J. Heeland and - the Siblea quartette • sang elfect- ively. An orclestra - anesisting arthe Dawson Bros., R. Orehain; G. Rober- tan ,..erel . j. E. Hovey so, clairineet its, le:taxers that elle-otos were insisted tan an,' Itwas oria.af . the featetes of the • ,everting, Tlie 'Careen's'. bane also nein clered several selections. An •addreee by Rea. Dr. Cock ,Was pithy, pointed end prantical: • 'elle enioyalale nature cf the ..At Hoare will help • to frather :pcpueelize • whet is already, our niost ear:ions, : local benefit' society, : Court • eleple Leel. • - ''' ... . . .. • . .CLINTON WINS RETURN DEBATE: . . . e • . . • . , . . ' • • . . • Laat'.Frlaa.y. • evening the .,asseinaty. team . 61 the Collegiate .. was ',filled with a: crawd of steideirtsand etheir. friends 'eager to hear' the return, debate' Which had been .arranged with the Goderide Caliegiate, 'Fifty. or ' more .Goderieh pupils accerniianied by.Prin- cipel. Strang • aile,.his. tvlible stall of teachers were also Present, they, hav- ing , driven dowte to ereourage their. debaters . and apena a social evening With • the Clinton atail mat students, At • .8,15 .President Dunlop .of the (..:iii). - Ion -Collegiate Literary ;Society, tack the Chair and the evening's 'enterteite. 'Meat liegae. A well tendered' Metre - 'mental by Miss Forrester was first 'given aeter which Frank Rogers recited' e.latinny's• .attettept, to predate frecka les." Mem Lily Coats sang a solo which was griuch appreciated by 'the e,itaierae, Then followed de , &bate : "Resolved that Poverty .is dim more to leconeffeic that. to Morel causes." Ooderich had the affirmativeand the •leader; J. Illegweo, opened with a Very effectiye apeech. 'C. An Tebbint, the leader of the he • atiVee, Made a telling: reply an in a very finished speech brought. forward mara. points to , prove 11104 aide . of the qtaistion. Mr. .H. Dur - Mit followed and although he started cut very .vieetously :aid not: fleishwith the same vim he sheered: at coninielia- ing... "Taen ep• rose Gisinotal," Thor- nton. Mustard sirnply everwheamed • the 6111rniative with incentrovertible Poin- te. Its knbwiedge of bistorye. .politi- cal economy, • sociole:gy and: ahiloscphy astonished and ncaplussed his oppoa- ents. His. eloquenceand his witty in laserations .lvon lain the empathy and the attention of hie audience' and at the end of his peroration he reeeived unstinted applause. The reply of the leader of the affirmative had' no, effect upon the result of the debate as. it Was a foregone conclusion that enact had scored the victory. While judges, consisting. of Messrs. W. Ilrytione end - C, I. Vishhr of Clinton and Mr. 131air et Gotlerich, were counting up the . points, Mr. String addressed the midi - <nice. At thn conciusien of les re- marks Mr, Blair announced the decis- ion, aweeding the victory to the nega- tive Mr Houston ti . it took char e of the program and after introdactions al social heir was span in preowned- itig and convenneione interspersed with a reading by Miss Latitelon, a selection by the Glee Club and ai solo by Miss Jennie Jones, . During the evenieg ' the audience, through the kindnees • of lafessre, nrevve et end McLeate, were treated to 4, ate exlebititin ot X rays. Mr. Melt ex - "gained the formation of de rtt 1 and ehowed a nuireint of ptiolographs 'taken by mane el thane Atter lerich had been 'Merida the Got:Serie-It ettelente left for heinte after expressing' to the Clinton society their thanks for the excellent entertainment they had been given:. GOES TO BRA1VIPTON. , Rev.' Mr. Manning will preach church 're:opening sermons . at 'Brampton next Sunday. Ms pulpit here will, be oceita pied in. the .morting by Mr, Thames March whose services are always ap- preciated.. In the eveuing Rev, laesear will preach. -1VIARKET PRICES. 'UNCHANGED; Owing to bad recale deliveries on the local market are riot heavy and pries remain unchanged from last weeltee quotations, a .Tais does. not epply to live hogs for which 485. was peed on Tuesday,. bet the tendency is now - downward. , A NARROW D.,,sc..!.4.1-qi. • Several young ladies While taking a walk up the railway track through Forrester's feral on Sunday, had . a narrow escape from being run over by gf train which carte dowu the line - imexpecteely, They were peeping through the big cut and, as turning out places are not ranterous, they had to scamper, as they probably neva did before,. to resell. * place of safety. GIVEN A THREE MONTHS' REST. - • The many friends of Rev. Mr, Jen- nings, --rector ef Tr eity chrrelie Bay - acid, will regret ecey meek to learn that his health has failed and on the advice . of physiciats ' will take athree• months'. test and a sea voyage. Mr. Joni:dugs is a herd and perseverme weaker -end the affrare of the parish over waich.he eiesides are always la good coneifign,, , . At (*.meeting of the executive cf oie; Synod, held last week, grant.. was made .forathe patimeet . ea 'a SuPPin darine Mr.. Jennings' absence.. OV:rle.ADV.,OR..evI.aita:cD10'.2.1'.1•v•a-s S tratford on Tuesday c.nd endeavored to neacinl, tat: where 1:e has eoo barrels 'of bevies stored. . Ile has tried, for • weeks. to ship the • stock, • but in vain, andas late eee:Teesday, evening' the railway offiGals wee unable to say whee they could a.ceonanodate him., .They. elated that they- haver 600. loaded. cars. on the. lie:ahem • lines waith :Lacy' meet: (lest cope With: . • . • • ,• It is .peicl that there were ninety Iteight Oars; nat. empties either, . tweee •Clintoii, •aucl Stratford' on Tees - A IBIG prspLAY,61.' Newcombe's einem" millitere <>peeing took. place .on Tuesdey when ;tee big :store we's thronged With. ladies who went lato raptures ea2r the large <1.,•se eglay beautifie -ertistic creations of the fear milliner's and pronounced the operfing one of the most' seeeeesfel .they had ever attenesaa aliases lianen, den. and Ferguson, 5whe are, ehofie 111 charge. of .the clepartment, have. made a decided hit and. Judging froin the many' domplimentery •• remarks made 'upon their handiwork, there is a prospercuis .seaeoe &iced of. them:, : Hoeigens Dros, oPeniretek- ae „ Piece on einduceday Thureaay of inat wall:. • , • • . : • . • . , • , THE, COMING CONCERT. ' .• • ••, • : .The Bewail -Graham .trio, who 'Will give, a emicert in the . °Mere> street cleach azie April 51.1t, 'ere highly tteaken of; Among the pros notices they luive 'received. are .the following . Brateatotr..Conservatera-eAnna 'Wet-. eanneetvell met .-with an enthusiastic reception and ,we lcea forward 'eagerly to her -'next visit . to Branyton.'' . Termite, Globeaelalr. newel', was heartily encored for. the splendid. ren- dition of .hite. sonas.".•• • . • Osiville New lere..—"A pleasing rea.- 4r is. Mn, Wallace .Grehain. He has a strikieg preseace, a splendid. vaiee and the ability • to . picture in a graphic =alter'. any Scene he, wishes to aepict. H.'s recital was a treat.'' • ASKING FOR CHARTER. • . • W. 1341, John Ile Hatraltori, John Martin Bond, John Crowe, Robert . L.. . Torrance, 3 °Int A. Scott, • C. Kloep- fa, ..L..Goldie and *.A,..II, McDonald •-• Guelph ; McCrae of 'the Town4iip of Guelph end E. N. Lewis, of a Goderich have usktia to be incor- porated :•as the Guelph & Goderich Railway Company with leaver tor, build a line "tom Greelalr Junction . to Gotta - felt aria branches. to Listowel, St; Mary's and Clinton, The ,paitioners ask 'fee power to 'take over the rights, franchises, bonuses, right of way, ete., •grant to the Gtielpi unetioneetatiway Company and tle tight to enter. irit0 an aerangement with the C. le arlie bonding power . is preposed to amount to $25,000 enile' anal the eapitalatoca of ehe company to $50o,Ooo. The Cate" - ph Junction Railway Company also ask eor shnilar poWere aria for rata - fication of an agreariene regarding' routing. and traffic with the Cane:diem Pacilie.• Wit/J.110LO THE notrou CUP: • The victorious Hough Cup foot- ball team enet yesterday afternoon. . for re-oegan.izatien tereparation • for the spring •genies. Considerable en- thuteasin was inainfested. OA it is ex- pected that three 'or even four con- tests. Will teke place this seesen for .the pee:weskit of the Cup. Gmlericha Lotidon,.. Scala:halt and Owen Settled Collegiates purpose competing. Hare • riston and Listowel nigh School:" won - id also like to cotnpete. The officers for the ensuing tam were elected as knows : • . //on. President, It. F. Stoddart President, \V. .T. Lotigheed Ineeeger, E. M. "lleLean Captain, J. T. Mustard Sec. -Treasurer; Kirke Ittestort Illataging Committee,' C. Initstera, M. Aikenhead tied n, -McQueen •• Field Committee, E, Iladottr, • la .,Tobestott and J. Cameron. • Curator, at Whidden, Mt. Charlie Mustard was appointed the delegate to attain to. Clintotiat in - Meats at the W. A. meetetig 19 he held in Berlin on Good 'Fraley. A junior football Wt111 is alga 1.0 be °roared on Monday nett in order that materiel may be had to te1t! the place of tle old:veterans who leave the .school this summer, By this means the C. C. L hope to cart' out the force of the adage i,'What we hate We'll holoyi IVIOVING TO CLINTON. Mr. laobt 1V tkin sold . • ... . s, as so his hou- Seam Queen. street. for in the ne;ghbor- hoed of If.soo to airs, R. Miller el Srannterhill,.. who will .telak possession • at : en early date. • Mr. and Mrs. Wat- kins purpose movieg West where they Vent last summer. LEAGUE; BNTERTAINIVIUNT. The etitertainment given on Thins - day eveniag lest, by, the Junicr League of 'Wesley 'chetah was leeg'ely attenaled eml the proceedS, at. a smell eduitneion fee, .rieriounted to $25. The program was well. rendered ancli .consisted, . of a number of dialogue:4 together with Asorirewsb,y Carmen Turner and. Gladys Centelon and a recitation by Clifford. WILL po To voREsT, Mr. R, le. Stoddart, classical master at the Collegiate, has resigned to ac- cept tke, Principalship of the . High School. at Forest, salary . /two. He will enter upon his new duties after Easter. Kr, Stoddart is a conscien- tious, painstaking teacher and the Forest sehool ouglit toanake good progress under hie management. . 'alas makes . the third- ;needier of the C. C. I.. staff who has' Mt -tallied a•prin- cipalship in less. than . two years and •feurth now heeds a :professorship in Manitoba *aersity. • • It 1 Le4notnyitet known who suc- ceed Mr, Stoddart, STOCK • SIIIPMENTS, . • • Stock shippers.. have bad a • hard tarre • a it this whiter,. particularla those an, points on the L. In • &' B. who heve in consequence seta out very little.' On Flighty Watson & Emigt: of 131yin drove two carloads to Clintou wham -it . than board the cars where they remained until' two eaclock Sure day morning When a, stoele train, pull- ed,. out -for Toronto. N. . Johnstone, elect. of Blyth, brought •down 'one car- load Saturday. ,.• Cantelon .& Wallis' loaded a doable - decker welt bone on Friclayneepeeting to get them away that day, but .the company' could . Lot hanele them until Sunday. a. ne ' • . • . • .• C. Reid of liracefield end ?loan C. • Reid Stanley.each got oli carload of fine butchers' cattle. . On Tuesday R. aeitzsimens eliipped Tee Logs to .Peteelea.,e - . . ^ 1 . Personal. • . Mie Wilson Cnok, the Varna l:beniface, was in Clintee on Tuesday; e The lenge 'Weaty winter has not reiteteed .• his stack of theerfulness. • . Dr. •Thompsat. was called •to 'Apit Ar- .. bot, Miele, an Friday by it telegram stating that his atother George.; who is :taking a special course in; the university in that city,' was aerious- . ly with tnatheria. He left at orAce and. was pleased to find that it °was 'a bad cane of <piney instead al. 'tliptheria as was at first supposed, and that . the edflerer was improving • rneely. The Dr. .visited ,his father At Grantee On his way home. .Mr.: Joh* Torrance drove up to Dun-. agieurot • an Theredey last and on his return wes aecompanied by las geed: •wife. • Mrs. Torrance left three weeks ago to 'pay a short visit to friends ' but a day :at so after her .Earival the storm. pocked up de • betereen Whighain and: Kinder- ' dine weieli lengthened out ber visit fae» beyond what she hal intended. Finally her frientle drove her to :Dungannon where Mr. Torrence met - her. ala.a.• she welted for a train site woald not lia,ve reached heme lut- tl Moadayateeraihn• . Rev. C. Genet: attended a ineetaue of the executive al the Heron. Synoce lest week , in Lendon and jelt that city 'ridgy afternoon: expecte*» te reach home the same. evening', Ilie L., '& B. being closed :he was sent around via Stretferdeard spent the night in the train which seine in a snow bank at Dublin.' . Pt was • six clack Saturday morrang when the Worthy rectory arrived- at hien hone. Mr. R. J. Cleft while on .way .hortie from, attax mg the annual . meeting of the Greed. Lodge A. 0. Ile W., had similar ceperienee.. • Mr. W. .1..Marien had a very suc- cessful wood bee Or0 'Wednesday of last week. The boy a cut n flee lot of wood and to show his appreciation of their servieee he eatertaiiied diem and their fair mates in the evening when the time wee spent inerrily in trateeg te the beautiful musie of the' violin, etc. By the way, Mr. MaBriett is moving 'this week La the Miller farm Which lie has rented fora term and wile work it ie addition to his own The young CellPs had epartY at Mr, R. Heck's, 'zeta con., on Titescley evening. A number of invitanyoting+ people . eiijoyed attoyster sepper. at • Mr. C. Nesbitt's on Weatnetalay evening. Mr. C, Lowery and sister visited Lendesbcro on Sunday.. Mr. R. Meier lied a very •sitecessfel sale oh Thursday laet. Mt. T. Browit wielded the hat -liner and secured peal - prices.., Mr. Miller has moved to Qin- ton. • Mr. I. Brovettlee had the misfortune 'tante fib itgly gash in his foot I while netting Woed in Mr. C. Beaenzins woede„. This will lay him off for sucie time. There pesseci away last week onie 'of .the , °idea residents of this vicinity in the person of Mr. Isaac Rapson. ILe was a man of retitaig disposition and was highly respected He had been Ealing for e, year or two. His remains were interred in 13111's eeinetery, W. Mr, Dunlop olliejating, The family left are his wife, James and Markt at home, Mrs. r. Lensing . aucl Joseph itt ThIllett. .••••••••••• Biyf14. . On rriday eacnieg a» Chineee social miler the auspices of the lEtaWorth League, le to be held in the school room of the Methodist church. Messts. lames • Den:holm and Oeorge /trading, Who have been spending the winter with relatives and Molds, le - turned .to the West oft Monday. Stanley Township, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. nowsor, have moved from our midst .autt are Low :residents of the fait town of Clinton. We were indeed, sorry to lose them, but what is Our. loss will bc Clintca's gain, They are anestimable ectiple • very popular among' those who know them. Among those Who essisted in • moving theer household effects to Chef- Dtoonwswoerilie : G. R. Keys, John Raethwell, S. Janstone arid William. end John Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Dewar and Miss Ada Rotted spent Friday afternoon at the home of Mr. John Davidson. A party' of the fairest oi to.wnRseita> illdwreoivilast drove over to heevingneineof vm All report a. good time. Miss Charle,tte Broivnett of Goilerich eientsarreloigifig a few days under the par - Mr. L. Clarke *spent a day, in • Sea.; forth last week, Messrs. Sam and Jahn. Johnson ated. their sister Mary Johnson of Bruce- fle': spent an eve:eine, lase 'week at Mr. Wm. Rathwell's home, . Mr. and Mrs. John Devideert spent Friday in Clinton. For Stanley newe you must reed Tlie Nell,,V4Se-RfoeiCiOcrweii.tig . • from the township .ee- livered:bogs to Fitzsimons & Son. •• in. Clinton on. Tuesday.: James Menne- n:ant; 'Frank Weekes,'.Williagn Stephen-. son, W. Cook era We raster. We are glad to report that Mrs, Reber": Keys of the Bebylon Lire; wt o has beaten' with; pleurisy tot the past week, is ampecrving tend eope she may soon be teetered to her usual health. , Me, Lied. Mrs. George Mates of • Sea - feria • spent la couple of days last week, with relatives on the Babylon Lir,e Mr, Wilson •Campbell of McKillop accompanied by his sister, Miss•Leti- tia, • were guests of their sister, Mrs. • John- MCIebiley :Of the Goshen -Lineeen Friday last. • : .= : . A sleighlead' •of young people from the Goshen Lite .spent en-enjayable alineone eVeniiielaet week at the borne ot Mr. and Mts. Wm: Hatt a of the 5th con. e • . • Miss' Laura Dowson of Egueencleille.. is spending 0,, couple of •weeks with her iterate, Mr.. attl Mrs, George Dawson of tae Goshen Line.• , .• • One ' day this week gx: J. T; ',Keys Mofest.1*.A.ParebeYyice:l.'iritsillittleci,tc44s .1ia,t4nrd:'stlir n'l phew, •Mr.. Vern. .Dickson, of. Mayfield, who is ill. . • • , Miss F. Sturdy . the. Goshen Line accompanied ,by Mr. and Mrs. ,jaines Steplienscee spent Saeureay erica Sun - clay at lier home in Goderieh township: Ott leursday la.st• Mr; and Mrs: JEW. Dewar l Of the 'Brawn:ion leien and Miss Ada .. Rcealea. of Mayfield' were guests :of .the ' formens cousin, .Mr, Nelson Keys. of the Babylon: Line. . • • C. J. Weltis et Clintone was around, this week1toking after • drie- . MesseenParcy Parker and . Dave Lee- ch left en Tfiesaity aor, •Osnabreak, North . Dakota. • . . . J. Seotchteere.ef Kelso, Nettle Daketa„. is' Mane on a visit to friends. Mr.. A. Atinstron'g feta-idsrenovat- ing are berite this summer. Mre eV. Herd hae..the'contrecta .• eleisrs. •D. -Dewar and,pael Cleeve • have , finished- up the season's. fishing and bath pronounce it to have ,been:the best season. for a numfier ,cf years. • alias II; Penhale is at aeeseet vjjt- ing friends le , Seaao•rtli•, - ..IVIr. All. .Secrechneere .piteeliesed • . . new team, • .oue MeEwan Bros.; end.; ore from J.. Sparrow. ' ..;We euderetand W. 'Atwende Sr. intends'. going West next week . With Mr. Jas.. Johnstcen Suerees.leillyi , .1 late: , .Misses. Are-tette:mg, ' who bave• been yisitieg, at' the :home (d Mk. and 'Mrs. Rolbt, Arinstroeig..tor. the » past few temente, have retunieee . to their home. at La Rienere, ,Man, • . - The Stanley Literary Society met Fraley night. Week. Tliere was a good attendance end r fare pragram; cone .siseing of speeches, music, readings and recitations. Al. the next meeting there will be a debate,- "Resolved.; that it is. better to •remain in Canada 'thanto go 'tothe tali led "St tee.'Mr. j rest is:captain of the alTitinf,tive. arid Mr.. 'Cameron a f the,. negative. -Mr. and Mri. Gilmour left on. Tees- day•of last ••week lbeetteir home in the vicinity of eleosejaw, Asea. Mrs, Gilmour will be neesed by her Many friends in Stahley. • Miss Alice Whiteeitai haceter Was the guest el ha taint, Mrs.. of Kippen, over Sunday. . • Mrs. W. la. Johnston of ICippea vie- itedle• the home of her friend, Mrs', it. Satseplieetteset.!.o(the r. Line,. 'Coe day Itw Assessor Tough is again Making his annual totinds, 'Mr. H. lVfeContiel is seriously ill wiith iopneumonia and pleurisy. . pe for a ttocedy recovery; . • • • 1 • I , • . . • • . • • ..1-Iillsgreen., • , . alul 'Mrs.. Thos. Coletnati of Tuckerstnith spent it few days recently with his brothers (n the Parr Lite cial other • friends. Mr. Ned Troyer has been doing quite a. business itt the horse line this win- ter. He has sold five heavy drafts to Mr. liandford of Exeter and purchased • ' a pair of very line colts wh'ich tip.the Whole Number 1311 Bayfield lVlt. Murdoch Ross, who is fishing 1:erring et Stokes Bay, was home for a short visit. Ile left again en Tuee- day. Mrs, IIugh IlleLeod and two children left on Tuesday to spend a few months at Ripley. ' ' Mrs. Green left 44_ week to visit her sem George of Moorefield. - Miss Ada Rouatt is visiting friends in Stanley at present. ' No servite was held in Trinity chena . ch last Suedey on account °top trains on: the L. II. &B. but it is .expectea service will be hold next 'a-011day - as DI144s-ael‘'nekleaoehl;t7on Tuesday. • • Percy ;Parker and - David • Jr, left for Osnabrook, North Mr. and • Mrs. Charles Biggart ca • MOunt rarest are visiting, thejorpierie. • parents, .1%/r. and Mrs. John Biggaat, at preeent. Rev. E. C. neer:lugs was in Iforelea e few. days recently. , Mr.. ar. J. Marks has mita-tad after spending the past two (Months visiting his daughters it, Oberlin, Kansas, anci hie son Charles at Colorado Springs, ; - Colorado. Messrs. Fred. 13alier and II. „Turner . left last evetik fot Owen' Sound to . ate. cet the• Govererrient 'serve). beet 'Bey- • -fluid,' for the coining season.. • •. Mrs.' • Hudie, who has beein spa:ding': . the waiter in Leaden; :returned, for short visit. • • . - • • • - .• „. . Mr.' and Mae 'Albert' Venstotiee who Were ntarrred in Detroit a Se*. months • „,.. ago, . have been visiting the latter's .. tuother, Airs. Green in the village.. Wtsbburn, aStudent of Huron College, Xiondbii,- .proached. adeeptably ir,.Trinity chetah. aunday. morning .. ' swe:eev,Mr, Snell has been preac ak' es.' of serrnon's On' popular evils . - R. hing . of theday, ha i; ing treated tho. subjee- , ts of etaribliirg„ dancing', cent pla,air2g •• •.. and e on Sundeyevening week delivered wina was . by many ccusideeed the - beet eermen of .the series, speekirfg on • the. Sabllath. -observance ;questibo, HIS. serniOn • sl:owed • careful 'study- and was .scholarly efTcrt. iVIr. Snell• is • Mewing an earnest woreer and deeerve . • es eivery 'eneourageitient .fron hi S mem-. erve s regret ve.r; 'Mach to :t:e atate. that.. •,' aetocat a continued „Inning...kit:41th . RLv. g,. C; •,TennIngS...has heen coni-• • pelled • to dzscontnitic. his... Ministerial t unties tor 'it time,. „'.1.1e, has been ed to .taice'• an °Caere voyage and o en- - peete .to leaveearly in, Aril tn „the. hope .of regaining his lte. During•. to .by ..eap.able student::: • . . • • • 1(1s work will be efttended .• • • . . . . • • Goderich » Township. Mr. George Connell, is: offering his 80. • , acre lot on the 9t11 concession for sale , or to rent as he purposes gilAing up farming hi this townshipr. Mr.; riagleSen of Aberdeen, . South Dakota visited the Anderson and Slieppe-rd families this week. Ott .the evening of 'l'ueSday of •• Test • week:. an ' interesting ceremony 'took • Plaee itt the residence. of Mr. Colwell 'when his yoUngest... daUghter; • Lettie, was „huited in marriage ,to D. 'Caintron Galbraith, son. of Mr. John Galbraith, Stanley. township, in the presence o ,the immediate, frierals of the conereeting parties: Rev. .T. Hain- • Mont cf Goderice was (Le cATiciating. clergyman. • A quiet tastefulness Pre- ^. vadecl all the' arrangements, the bride • - most becomingly but mcdestly attired, Mi. and Mrs. Galbraith will he At }Ionic to their Mende after the 41.h Cf: APrid and no doubt many good ' wishes and: • congratulations. will , be ", showered Upon them: • . ..• Mr. A. 'W.:Furry fell aeon the ice the other day and sustained Such in- • .jaries that: he was confined to the. • • house for seteral.. days, but we are .pleas -ed to be now able to: report that he is now ailicut all right again. Mr. Furry is an inchistrious man who takes very few .holidaya Unless' they are Some what (has forced tn)on hint.. • , , Mr. Harry Steep of the Bayfield . • Line has deeidecl.to. g0 Vv eSt ard will • first of all try the Indian. Head &S- trict: fie is a hard worker and knows how a farm can be .successfully con- ducted ' so we .have no doubt bet that • . Ite will Make allege go cn the amerce, Ile will have an ,ametion sale ne*t . • • Moriday, ' . Airs. Snell will preach in Cole's char - eh next Sunday evening' ceneineridilig • at 7 o'clock. • The afternoon, service .. • will he held as usual. . Mr, P, Cole and wife -were. to Sea- , • forth one day last week on business. , Mr. 14. MtLaren has beat slightly, ' indietiosed for a few days. Oh Tuesday evening of last week a ! merry sleighing party of the fairest • sons and daughters of this township • : drove to the hospitable home of Mr. Williniii-Rathwell of the Goshen f.,ine, Stanley. The evening was spent ' tilttSi, games, etc, Well nigh to day- break all returnee' honie declarltir that Mr. Rathwell and family are royal entertainers. Mr. Walter Rathwell returited front Toronte last week after a. pleasant visit with friends in the city. 1 'scales at over thirty hundred, Mr. Joseph flagan marketed, his clover aced recentiy, -Clover Stted Is gal& this spripg tor those who vitae fortunate enough to have it threshed. Mr. • lames Workman so4a o fine three-year-old, gelding to Mr,. Spatrow of Varna for the harldsome sum of $150e Holmesville. Varna. To. the Scheel noard Voa asked for tenders for the new selkiol -and receiv- ed -at least two tenders, One of them was from a, well known.b.tilder, a. rest- derit of the section, Who 'Would have finished the job to the, satisfaction of all concerned. fie, however,was pass- ed over. in favor, of a eitilen. of Belt - self whose figure; 1 ant creditably in. formed, is 5ho the higher of the two, • 'Such being the ease, / wish to ask the trustees two questions Why was the local Matt passed over in favor of an outsider 2—Why was the lowest ten- /Visa rive Rapson of Constance is the guest of Alias' Oshaldeston. Mr. and, MrsTudor of 'Constance were guests at Mr. Stmdey's eliSuit- -clay. On Sunday . evening Mrs. Itall Of Clinton. will take the service in • the Methodist. church.. On rriday evening a number of tke young people drove up to Mr. John Yeo's and • spent a very pleasant tittle. Mr. John Rans:old was in Montreal the toast week:. der .t aecepteti ? y We rebtet to hcar of the death of Mrs. Henry Makiits, which took place at herhome in 14xeter On Monday, nod about sixty years. She con- tracted it celd while attending the funeral of her daughter -hi -law, Mrs. Makiits of near this village the week erevious which de,reloped into pliettnItlif a that leafiled The skin Of lite doctors. Mrs. Makins li cd with her husband for several years on their farm half a mile east ni Varne4