HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-17, Page 8fatorpormimmiolomimmo Leadership in Dress Goods! The magnificent collectisn of high-grade Dress stuffs we have gathered from the Canadian • and European ma rkets for this season's selling, will more fitmly than ever entrench this store in its position as the leading Dress Goods store of this section. Come and see this choice spring stock, note the great rangeof materials and colors, the good values, the styles that fashion has decreed will be correct and popular for the Spring and Summer of 1904. You will make no mistake if you buy early, as many of the choicest patterns come in Dress lengths only. New Wool Voiles, all popular co'ors, 60c, 75c and $1.00 New Tweed Effect Sultings 150 and 90c New Fancy Mohairs, for Waists or Shirt Waist Suits 40c, 500, 000 New Amazon Cloths, all colors, 50c, 75c and.$1.00 New Etamines, 60c and 851:: New Two -Tone Voiles 60c and 85c New Tweed Sultines $1.00, $1.15 and $1.25. ' • - • Black 'Goods . Handsome black fabrics, suita.ble •for mourning. or general wear, materials. that are servicable, that will prove satisfactory and keep their color until worn out. Corset Covers ,They at0 Go. od These Corset Covers are just in. They will give you. an idea of the values:we:show .in White Cotton Underwear: Make all the comparisons you like. :It Will satisfy. you that our values cannot be beaten: At 50e Corset Covers made from English Cottons, flyfront, pearl buttons .. draw sting, trimmed with two rows•Torclaon Lace and inser- tion each 50e. • At $1.50. .. • 0Orse1 Covers roade from very • find Muslin, neck and armholes • trimmed with fine embroidery, row of white insertion and bead- ing with silk ribbon arnund top, • bent of tucks and .fine inser-• 't A tion,whandsome garment, each 1.0V • At g5e .• . corset covers mule from fine English Cotton, pearl buttons, ' low neck nicely trimmed • with. • two rows fine cambricEmbroid- • ery. Also aline trimmed with • Cotton Torchon Lace, very ':.'Special value at each gOe. At soe- Corset Covers made from very Muslin, cut low front and back, neck and armholes trimmed with Torchon Lace, four rows ",ao insertion across front, eachwe it 75e Corset Covers madefrom Cambric' finished English Cotton, . fly ' front, two rnws cambric 'em- broidery and two of insertion down front. neck and armholes trimmed with cambric embroid- ery, each 404 At 37ic Corset Covers made from fine ' cambric finish English Cotton, , low cut back and front, arms and neck trimmed with good quality Lace and insertion, 1137 owe front with draw string, each... 0 2 *cid n,o e Paier A quire of paper and a package d envelopes ordinarily sold at ten cents each, now both for fif- teen cents. The quality is good, the color a pure whlte, la either ruled or plaie.. OUR REASON FOR THE PRICE REDUCTION Tke people from whom we bought sent the sgipment in duplicate. We received an allowance from thein and are willing new to pass the od- vaptoge on to our customere. Agents Parker's Dye Works. • IL B. Tito C3110411 irivs.11.*card AittiMgt 170it /OW 2••••••••• 46.••••,440/•..•••••frw 'S •, Easter 'Millinery Opening . You are cordially invited to attend our formal opening of $pring Millinery on 0 mi Tuesday Evening, March 22nd MP From 8 to 10 o'clock And Following Days oeivisesSese•ostiosi~oegoeseouseosiellbAsosoolleello Often the. Chrpesti Always the Best,. • • . • , • ' • , • • . • • •Millinery Opening March 3oth p*3iSt We Will make.our,Opening exhibitieli of -Spring Millinery on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and. SATURDAY, March 3oth and 31.Sti and April Od. In the 'meantime we are ready for busineSs. now and early buyers Can Make . Satisfactory selections from . present stocks. „ Good Hosiery About People We Know Mrs. . Frank. Arscott of' Londoe is the guest of Mrs. 11. E Andrews. The Misses . Johns Of Exeter were gues- ts of Mrs. B.. J. Gibbings over Sun - dojo • Mise E. Gordon of London is the guest • c.f Mies Flora Cnuningliame this week. Miss Flossie Stewart of See.forth was the vest . of Mrs, D. Steep over Sunday. . • Sties • Jennie Robinson. of Hedgens Bros.'. staff, is speridieg her holidays in Brantford.: • • • Nfri.. R. J.. Cluff .is in Toronto attend- ing the Grand Lodge of the •Arieeent ; Order of .1.fnited Wcrkinen. , •, Mr.. Aaron Cook has .returned hone :tp Bratrinton after 'ti.! few ilay&, visit 1.9 friends in tow u :atel Goderich town: ship: ' • . • Mr. and . Mrs. Peter -Ker spent Sunday' at . • Mr, • John Davidson's, Goshen Line, . Stanley, and also called :on • : Bayfield friend:4. . .. Roe, W. .1V1cDonageli . of 'Stratford,: who occupied- the, 'pulpit of Wesley chinch on Sundey, viaii.• the. Wiest of Rev. • Mantling while io town. . • , Mr.. J.- Leithwaite' anti giss Leith- " waite .61 Goclerich were in • Clinton. -yesterday afternoon 'attendinv the • :funeral ,cf the late Mrs. Sohn -Smith. Mr : Sid. :'' Sinith• .arrived* home from Man.,en Tuesday end .the fence:II .of his ' inbtler,' which ..!was held for his •coning, • took place yes- terdity. • • Mrs. T. M. Johnstone.' of the was. the guest ,of 'gra... Thos., East of , • town on Saturday while on her way to visit the parental home, Me. and . gre. John Joisistene's•i near 'Varna.. Mr. ..Tchn. SorLerS. of' Dlyith,. a member; a the C. P. R. "SurVeyieg stall,- Was • in toWn Saturdoy . having eeriyed Aram' Monkton; "the .Surveying *irk " having been *finished, we kr • under- stand. • : •r • • • •. • • • . Mr. :and ' Mrs. 'W, 'Eagleson, Were in . Bayfield Suroley, • They .had intended' leaving. .thiavita for their home Aberdeen,Sooth . Dakota,. hut , will , now rema.na eciuple • of weeks lon- Loternell of .the golsOns stall here ,his ;been removed to St. .Thom, as. 'His.. successor is Mr. Morrison, late 6f 'Owen•Sonnd. gam • regret „Mr; LatornelPs departure as, he was good eiti.z.en. M: every way.-e-Ridgee • town DMnition. • . :Mayor -Lewis* of Goderieh woe ifl.towli 'en Settirday makiug the •acquair...- .. tat= of marc • Of his future • con- % stituents. • His cordial. handshake sesd friendly manner • take well .with . the people. There is nothing stilted .`put-on-for-theeziecaeion by. his worship: • . Miss. EvaG rrell, who has been visit- •• nig at Mr. 'E.. Butt's and with.other. -friends- for er couple of months, left . last .week. to rand', hisme to Pilot . Mound, Man, • Since connieg to 'On- . "tario. her father.: Mr, jannee Correll, 'formerly, of the Base Line, • pessed. into Eternal Restoafter a ,very short • illness. His death took place oh 'Jan. *Loth, aged 55 years. • • Mk, li. Wiltsie was . in Toronto- last ' week• attending the annual tnecting • of the Canadian Ifinne Circle • and - While in the city had the pleasure of 'being • present at the opening . of the new organ in the Metropolitan. .church. The organ cost 1535,000 kind is one of the best in Canada:: • On .his way home Mr. Wiltsie was snow- • bound in Stratford where lie had to exercise. his Votience.. for twenty one houni. • The Home Circle is pros- pering. • • ' . 'Mr. .wed •IVIrs. • John Scarlett of Lead - bury, who had been v.Nitiog at Mr. Summerliiii; were guests • of .Mr. 0. 3. Stewart on Tuesday. Mr. " Scarlett las not yet fully recoveted from a severe attack of inflamina- tiom, which laid hint up fcr over a • fortnight. "The attack preveuted Scarlett from atteoding the annual meeting Of the Grotid Orstege -Lodge of Ontarici West, which met. at Bran- tford, • and ot the Provincial- 'Grand •Black Chapter: This was his - first failure to respond to the roll call for years, .lotit the bretherii knew bf the cause thereof and sympathised. with him. 'Die Black Knights elect- ed him Depoty Grand Mester'an honorable position inuch Sought af- • ter. • Mr. Andrew Stinon, a .c.tive of Stan- ley but which le left forty three years ago for Huron towiishin which has ever since beari. hie home, was in town a couple of clays this week, Xe Wos on his way home" titter a visit tc his son William in Seattle, state of Washington, where .he spent EY couple of Weeks. Ile also visited another son ,at Port William. Mr, Stinson is not at all iti love with the winter climate cf the • Pacific Coast where it rains or drizzles day and nigh: for weeks. Ihniieg his, fortnight's sojourn there he only Saw the sun for two hours. Mr. Stitisoil prefers even the tempestuous season we have hail to what 1.5 the usual thing on the Coast tTe leas' well and easily carrying his schen- ty years. tre iso brother Of Squire bthisaof the Sauble Line, staler, This is a good store for stcokings. We keep good quali- ties only. Sell none but reliable makes. Business at -the Hosiery Counter is always good, because we se'll good goods only. Here is a special for early spring wear, 50 dozen. or 600 pairs, our& quaiityPashmere Hose, plain or ribbed, sizes 84, 9, soft floish, high spliced 25 C heels, very special value at per pair ...... ....... Ladies' Cashmere Hose, plain Or ribbed, $5c, 50c and Me. Children's Cashmere Hodeplain or ribbed, 250, 25c.and 500, Buying Cottons Now Is better than Banking your Money Cottons cannot be cheaper for a year or more. Nothing is surer than that unless it be that they are bound to sell very much higher than at present, which is an absolute certainty. You will save money by laying in a year's supply at present present. These valuPs are good: Canadian White Cottons, 8c, 30c and gic. English White Cottons, 10c; 121e and 150 Fine White Cambric, 12ic, 1.56 and 18 Grey Cottons, 5c1 7c, 8e and 10e.: dgens Bros. • OLIN1TON .• . Easter. Opening of Dress Goods, •Silks, Gloves, Laces, •Embroideries, Dress Trimmings, Tailor -Made Skirts and Waists This store, with a record for many miles around Clinton of being the best o.11-the-year.round store because of its complete and large stocics at all times, need not now ask you to read about the regular stapldthings which, people know are always here—the best of their kind in every class of goods. The news this week and until Easter will be of goods the ladies are thinking about for the holiday and spring wear. •• Our store will be open Tuesday evening so that everybody will have a chance to see our lovely stock of Spring goods. Never before have we shown such an elegant range of New Dress Goods as we will have on display during our formal opening. Our stock comprises every new weave and color in the new tweed effects, all of which have been bought direct from the mills, also Voiles, Eolienne, Etamine, Knop Voiles, Veilings, Mohair Sicilian, all the lighter weight goods, come in shades of grey, sky, cream, cham- paign. The prices for these goods are 60c, 75c, 85c, $1, $1.25 to $1.50. Silk Lining For Voile Dresses We are showing an elegant range of silks suitable for lining the light weight dress goods. • They come. in nearly every wanted shade. The regular price of thissilk was 60e a yard, Our syndicate got a chance to buy , over 3000 yards at. a pTice which enabled us to sell this beautiful rich silk lining at the very low price of 30c,. • .. Dress Trimmings • The most beautiful assortment of Dress Trimmings we have ever shown are the ones we now . have ready for your inspection. Laces of all kinds are in great demand for Dress Trimmings, and everything that's new will be found here. YAK LACES of wool ancl silk are here in cream,black and champaign shades. ORIENTAL LACES in so many different designs. It is Lard to describe all the lovely things, so we ask you to come and see for yourself. Easter Neckwea,r - Now -a -days a woman's neck-fixings.,constitute a very im- portanfpart of the toiletee, dr every well dressed woman gives this subject much thought, always having a good variety to draw upon for various oectisione,, you can depend on this store to keep this supply up to the hour. Our collection of Easter Neckwear is magnificent. I, •, Prices 25c, 35,c, 50c,- 75c to $3: Opening Display of Embroideries • Our stock of New Embroideries is now ready, and our line for this season coroprises hundreds of new and exclusive patterns and probablythe best assortment of high class ,em- broideries that Will be seen in Clinton this year. • •As usual; our prices are very low. We buy these goods in syndicate quantities which insures us lowerieost and guarantees our cus- tomers extra high. values. Prices from 3c to 90c a yard. Our New Spring Corsets Are Ready- . We Sell The 5atisfactory Kind We attribute the success of this corset department to the fact that we handle only satisfaetion-giving-cerRets. We are pairticular.abou pleasing our corset customers. Very many women leave it all to us " as to the kind of a corset they shouid wear ; and we see to • it that they get a corset which combines comfort and style.. Where do you buy your cortets ? . Out best seller is the B. and C. Corset, having no brass eyelits, sells at $1. • . . Elegant fitting Steel Filled Corsets at 50c and 75c. Other makes at $4. and $1.50. . • Personal. TO UR. RONEY SACK • . • • • • • yoxi waster •sw , . . o• . .• . " • . • CIJIN T (?N 11 1 11 •Mr. Peicy Walton of Ccderich was in town yesterday, .• • . • • .grv.is•i.tAinTerftri'ecViciae8 s411:olti3i,2 4WhoOfiyasasbeeiin e town -yesterday. • • • • . • • Mayor Hoover aiui Mr. • R. A. Downs. are in Hatniltonthis' week attending the • • biennial .meeting c the Grand tamp of the Wocidmen. .01 the. World. • Mr. John Sparrow, - Parr` Line, Stan - bier,' vette in town • yesterday making arrangements . for . the „shipment • oil; . another carload ofhorses to • the Northwest. • ; • Mrs. Jas. Eagleson,„ Miss -Lulu and • .Master • . Wilber of Lenclon are Spend- - Mg a few days With Clinton friends. prior to taking stiP their residence. - • Goderiele . the fellowing from Winghenn arrived 'on . Saturday . be' visit the Andrews, . Beacom ' mid T. Cook .fairpilies., . Misses.. -Annie and '.1.,eo • Kerr; Miss . Zorra • Wade, Mr. -and Mrs.. •Alex.: Auldersoro. W: Kerr awl lioniiith. The inches still remain here but . their . eicorts 'have returned home. Mr. John Davidson of the Goshen Lino • .Stanley; was in tewn Monday getto • ing out the bills for the sale of his farm stock atel implements whieh • takes place on the 221id inst. - Mr. Davidson • has decided to go • West, . .or at, all events will spool the sum- mer prospecting ono there ande.f he likes A will make it his. liotne, The genial John. will Make :Murals wher- ever he locate:o. . . Mr. John Wlifoid af Blyth speet Sat- urday ixi town. • ITC had been. down attending the meeting of the Orange Graucl Lodge of • Ontario West al Brantford Mid owing to the blockade on. the L., H. & 13. he was held is • Clinton all day Saturday and after all had to drive. • home. Ile bore with the delay with adanieable pa- tience., Meeting with many friends who helped lihn while away the boa- rs: Blyth has not. o moreloyolciti- zen than Mr. Wilford who always heartily supports any measure which seems likoly to beliefit the village. With Mr. Wilford was that Stemma% Orangeman, Mr. R. Lenshniati of East Wavvenosh and the no • less redoubtable Sohn Armstrong. of Belbrav e. Irlillsgreen. • • Mr.• Chas: ,Stelck h busily.. engaged taking, out timber for Mr: Alex, IVIeBeath. "He is • assisted in the work by "kessrs. Levi Stelck and A., .Kain. . A runt/bee of one villagers are laying in a supplyof wobel. Cochrenie intends .leavirig. for the West in. a week. *or So. . . The igethcdist -congregation Of this' place :assembled at the home of Mr.. . Ed. Troyer • last Friday evering said Presested.. • Miss .Trcyer, who has been organistin the church, with -a heed- • ecnne. gold .watch. .The following is • the address ,Which was rend • by Mr. Hoggarth while the presentatien was inade by • Mr.: R. Parsons : To *Miss C. A. Tyoyer . . Dear Miss Troyer,—We, the members . .and • adherents of the 'Methodist .chur- eh, ..1-1illsgeeen, realize that for a aiim- 1er Of yeers. you leave. tendered: as real. serviceas organist of our chureit and that - gratuitously. but none the less: . valuable and while we eio not proopcse to pay yoo for the benefits we have re-• , 00i.v0, We wish to. inc'deste to you' In • some tangible we.er, cm- appreciation 01 7 'y ova. vo1es:61d and self • stictificing labor, - We would, therefore, ask you to accept this gold .watch as a token df the estimation inwhich yon and your see - vices are held. We trust and pray thet you iney long be spored Avon earth to - lead• . or join:in the servico of sacred scog and that when your singing days below are ended you with those • you have led in song may rise to joht in singing ;the praises of Him who bath redeemed us. Signed On behalf of the members and talherentso-T1s. Consitt Miss TrOyer in a few well chosen words thenked the congregation for their" kindness, alter which .o short • progrenn consisting • of music, recita- tions and addresses was rendered; In the meantime the good ladies .- bad pre- . pared an enticing lunch t6 which. alt . did ample justice. This ling over. eve eryone repaired to their respective . • homes having had a pleasant time. i • • . Port Albert. _ Bert Cunningloone of Goderich Sun- : cloyed at hmoe. Hugh and Willom Ganky of Brant- ford and William. 33rown are home at present. Mrs. ksaxial Gralaon is on the sick list. Air. Sas. Quaid Is confined to his- residehce. . Mr, and Mrs. Harry H. Howkins spent Sunday with her pareuts nt Sheppardtoit. Nat Cisiiiitigliame is again at work in the mill after n few days' sick,. 11055. Mr. Schotrilials has several teams hauling flour the past week to Rut- cardine, Ripley. Lucknow, Goderich, Dungannon and Lochalsh. Johk,is puttinW out a 4004 article and his trade ohoWs it! • Port Albert. David Martin, Goderich, spent a few : days. M the village this week, • Jacob McGee has an increase in his ' family, a scat, W. 11, Itawkins SinulaYed at home. Marry Xneeshaw, Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr. Thee. Richardson. Sack McMillan, Js. McKenzie,Sam. Drown, Allot and Ben Richardson ore home again from the woods. •- George na.arkilis in pining erown, his "Round Muse" in the park. Any- thing comes good for firewood fibs , winter. Raincoat. rill Styles • From a "luxury'? Ito a "necessity," is the story of the Rain, Coat. It is the most useful of all outside garments, and one will save its cost twice over in .a single Season.. Our new • Coats for Spring, are. here: They are made from good • materials, cut in the new- • est styles, with every little • detail just right. Values are good, .good enongh in , fact to make it worth your .• while seeing this stock be- fore you invest g Dollar . in. a Rain Coat. Our •• range at $7.505 very large, and extra special value. • • Raincoats made from strong double texture cloths, will not harden or break 'at seanas, newest • spring styles, correct length, the ' fashionable shades of grey, fawn and olive green, also coats made trom all -wool showerproof cloths, good weight for Oring, a stylish and serviceable gar- ment, compare these with higher priced $ • gar- Pe zit . ments and you will see just how good their ' values are, all sizes, each... .. . .. , Overalls that Wear. , Not much use taking up your time.making over- alls, when you can buy them ready to wear at prices. like theseHigh speed electric -driven machines that will make thousands of stitches a einute, have revol- utionized the making of Overalls, and to -day it can't pay any woman to sit down and make them herself. These values prove it. Can you beat these three lines for a dollar? • No I,--441111illioxr° Overalls made from heavy stripe cotton moleskin, seams double stitched, rivited buttons, strong „ p (lockets, will stand rough wear, all sizes, per pr, *WV o 2„---04001010-- •Overalls made froni heavy black rimy seams, double stitched, pockets rivited, double back and front, will out wear two ordinary pair.... 0.1.0A0 No 3 „,--0001■1111100.-. Overalls made from heavy blaek c1/r,, seams di Ak double sewn, patent buttons, high NW, par pr.. 0 I A.N7 110D1ENS BROS., CLINTON. ••• •