HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-17, Page 7March 170 1904 TUB-- Molsons Bsznk Irene pereted by At', of Parliament, 1855 • Capital authorized, $5,r19,000 Capital paid up ;4,420 Reserve,Fund 2, .0,778 Total Assets 27,, Jtk,000 Wm. moNcii Mitepherscri, P• kident James miler. - General A NOTICE - t here. ti,ecetipy .s peewit e. coo . Viet oi la, a - tali.. sl1 eels, (411)))0allti - ftwi '. gioote y.) sunieti. be 1, esent mom h A c. publi • g. nerally is :solicit • H. C. Brewer, A gr. CLINTON. • ; 11 G. D.- Man i -,art BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUN- TED. DRAFTS ISSUED. IEREST . . ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. - - ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICI1 OR. NOTARY, PUBLIC, ETC.. OFFICE -Sloane Block- CLINTuN. HENRY BEATTIE . (Successor to Mr. James Scott.) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. office formerly occupied by Mr. James Scott, in Elliott Block. . MONEY TO LOAN. RIDOTJT & IIALE tsonveyancers, Commissioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency... • Money to Loan. • C. B. HALE - JOHN ieIDOVT. DRS. GUNN & GUNN Dr. W. Gum L. R. C. P. & L. R.C.S. Edinburgh.. Dr. J. Nisbet Gu•rn AL R. C. S. Eng. . L. R. C. P. Loudon • Night calls at front door of resi•dence on Rattenbury street, oppoSite Presbyterian church. OFFICE- Ontario street LINTON, DR. SIIAW 1 . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE- Ontario street -CLINTON, Opposite -St. Paul's church. DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHYSICIAN AND SURC.140.N. Special attention given to diseaSes of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ;.. -Office and Residence - ALBERT STREET WEST, CLINT.O.N.. North of Rattenbury St. ' DR. 0. W. MANNINGSMITH PHYSICIAN AND .SURGEON• . Office formerly occupied by Dr. Pal; lister on Main street. MAYFIELD, - - O.NT DR. AGNEW, DENTIST. Office adjoining Photo Galkry. every day and Saturday nights 4o o'clock. CLINTON, open until •ONT. G. ERNEST H(JLMES 4Dpecia1ist in Lrown and Bridge Work 1). D. S. -Graduate of the Royal Col- lege of Detital Surgeons .0.1. .Untar- io. X4 • D. S. -First class honor gradnite. of 'Dental Department ot. tiwouto. University. • Special attention paid to ; Servation of children's teeth. • Will he at the River Hotel, hayfield, every Monday from to a. m. to fir p. DR. J. FREEMAN VETERINARY SURGEON. ak member of the Veterinary INfedical Associations of London and Edin- burgh and Graduate of tlio Ontar- io Veterinary College. . OFJ!ICE- Huron street -CLINTON. Next to Commercial Hotel Phone 97 JAMES A. SIVIITIL AUCTiONEER, am a licensed auctiOneer for the County of Huron and will sell by per- centage or by the dollar. Resideuse lot 37 and 38, Bayfield Road, one mile south of Clinton. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at The 1News-Re4- ord office or my house will no pro/ra- ptly attended to. JAMES A. SMITH, Clinton P, 0, - • . . pp; r„1 r „iita • ez, MONTHLVMAGA' , A FAMILY LinnAnr , The !lett h Corrait U.strtritro Comet ere Kavete -not t.:1401P1' , PAP:fe."4 -tiN1 tecti Ytatl; 2S Ott sesty eV:4%1111%1i trES ST• muss. see,: 4 t. • est ir" t'• II I , I I ers - If your blood Is thin and itni. pure, you are miserable all the time. It is pure, rich blood - that Invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know _Sarsaparilla the medicine that brings good health to the home, the only. - medicine tested and tried for 60 years. A doctor's medicine. "t owe my life, without doubt, to Ayer's' Sarsaparilla. It is the tnostwonderal modl, eine in the world tor nerroutneas, myelfiltelp • permanent, and I cannot thank you enough.' LIALLs. btoWzi.L, Newark, N. J. lase a betas. J. 0, Alms MN. All drug -Mete. Lowell. Mass.„ I Lor Door Ilea.lth kaxatIve doses of Ayer's 11111e each eight greatly aid the Sarsaparilla,. 000 \S 0 0 (;(/*•c• <>0<>0 0 0 00 For an up-todate : HAIR CUT ANI) CLEAN SHAVE try the leading barber. Nan twoR TO. IRWiti'S alleCERY George D. Roberton. Wood's Phosphodine, Tho °rest English Remedy, is an old, well estab- Milled' and rellabio preparation. Rae been prescribed and used over 40 years. Alt drug* ghats in the Dominion of .Canada sell and rec,ommend as being Before and Afterthe only medicine of its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forms of ATC11701.43 Fireak- ness, Emissions, Syermatorrksa'Impotency, and all effects of abuse or excesses;the excessive use of Tobacco. Opium or Stimulants, Mental and Brain Worry, allot which lead to Infirmity, Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave. Price $1 per package or six for O. One will please.•sixwitt cure. Mailed prompty on re- ceipt of price. Send for free pamphlet. Address The Wood company, . Windsor,.0at', Canada, Woods Phosphocline is sold in Clin- ton by. Watts & Co., 11. B. Contbe R. 1'. Reekie• and J. E. Hovey Drug- . . gists. Tlia:111C101,1011111uttial.Fire Insurance "Comaana -.-Farin and Isolated T.own'propertyL- • Insured.- . . . J. B. McLean.; President,. 5S-ip1)ee , O. ; Thos.' Fraser, Vice-Presidept,- Brecefield. ; T.E. Hays, ..See. - Treasurer, Sealorth • P.' 0: ' , . . Sheseey.,,: Scatorth ; John ; George Dale, '''Sea - forth t John -Watt, • Harleek ; • John BennewiesS Bredhagan Jainee Evans; Beechwood Jaines Connolly, • • . • AGENTS: • Robert .Smith, . •Harl'ock E. %lin- cliley., Staforth ; :James Cumniinge,.. Egmondville J.. W. Yeo, Holmes.- • Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other • business will bel prOmptly attended to on • application lo any of the above cifficers • addressed to their respective postoffices. Losses inspected •hy thc. director who lives nearest the scene. Marriage Licenses ISSUED BY J. B. Rumball. Clintbn. • . : • • A Iry ' e TIME TABLE. . • • Trains will sarive • at and depart from •Clinton staCon as. followS • IITIFALO :AND GODERICH Going East Extreas • 7;313 a.m. 3.23 P.m. e.zo • tO.I5 12055 P1P, 7.05 pan, 10.32 pare .1 • Going East. Going West• Goin.g Weat • Exprees Sc /1 LONDON; HURON AND l3RUCE DIV, Going South Express • ,7,47 aan. )9• Iv 4.15 P;h1. " North •Exprese . •tosts tem bs • i.55 A. O. TAVTISCN, Station Agent. F. R. 110DGENS; Town Ticket Agent, J,„1). MACDONA.LD, District Passen- • ger .A.getit, Toronto, EXPfeitilalf.)11. TRADC MARKS Demons C altO Anyone sendieg a sketch and description May Moldy ateertain our opinion free whether an L1is strictly sentldenlial. FlandbololOM Patents 4311 t SP711 e. itt • sent free. Oldest agency ter iteottrIng patents. Patents tom through Munn sr Co. rooeive 'pedal nonce, Without enara0, in the A. hmulsomety Illustrated wessie. ettretst„rer„ easn a an ittey selentille ssirsat Tern:kir 1, eert fens menus, St, ettid byan nowedeatara 1 yop • , • The Gunton Newsokocorli • ••••01111111110010100111 ' . ISM They Were Not Satisfied (The Durham. Chronicle.) A meeting of the citizens interested in the cement industry as stockholders was held in Calder's hall Saturday af- ternoon last. Ttie principal object of the meeting was to hear the report of the delegates who atteuded the annual • meeting in Tomato. The editor of title paper watt elected to the (hair and Mr. Ramage acted as secretary. The first delegate celled on Was Mr.Arthur Jackson who gave every clear and to every appearance a very fair asei hon- est report of the proceedinge, • The way. the concern was managed was not, 111 his opinion conducive to the hest insereets of the stockholders. The managing hoard, he claimed, wet e not willieg to give information and there 'tweeted to be a arcing desire to con- ceal the clia ractet ot the umnagentent. White Mr. Jack eon hoped for better things in future he woe not et all eat. lefiect with the way things were now gsneg end he had vet y little hope of she industi i being a benefit to the ltiltIllb Ilidiettl change in the management. Ile had great confideuce ia the business ability and integeity of seem of the new •menaber e elected to the hoard and hoped they would be able to man the ship more sts'illfully u flames The report sub- mitted by the company' y) as not, what it slitailct he, Its thief feature being its ebtence•of information. • The lose for the yeer, the initidiugof the cowpony and the watered stock were' touched JAI til the course" of Mr. Jackson's re- po rt. s, Alr. 'aimless 'Watson of Normandy, *he was also present at the meeting, IS Premier Ross Again Th THE LIBERAL •CA.t1017.S. AND .. ITS OUTCOME , MUCH. 1)15- ' CUSSED. . . (The Toronto Ne.)- • Affairs at the Path:Orient, buildinge,. from treine'reaher slow and sleepy, • have staldeuly essinued a: tense' and stormy character. , One of. the reasons for this is the I8viviiied inteiest insle• ltquorqtiestion caused 'by the Liberal. caucus. 1 het.e .seenie IitUe doebt now bow that discussion proceeded. There Was a drastic proporition to 'wipe out existieg lictmees •and to:replace 'them • by one thepeniatry sea acmtinicip- , . tufty oesward -ot a city. AS, to- the • eeaSune • foe this . drastic legislation, vet y different teasori.s ere giveq. The met:Mere of the Opposition do . ept, hesitate to say that.•. it was _ for the 0011)0beor allowing the Premier • to ay that 148 ., had • in tisid.uced. to his -petty. adv.uticett legisletions as prom-. teed but, that.the reek -And file . would ..not agree -to; it... • Another...is that the Sievert, men t realizing that, smoothing • ..iiiust be•dtioe. introdueeds this to !.1.4q, or::(11.0...,':DieDitce'lli•to seelt : -the ,partrand .country;Were ready fin. • Aliaccounts rig' ee that the -drastic peopoition.. got short.: shrift, Obe sayeig .that. there was 40 to 1. against,; another that the peep- • Med was steleuted lay at leest a -two- thirds vete: - 111 .fact, the . opposition. to the -hell' .lt• y ineasui.e was • such stich 1 bat it, h4alsto the ..statethent • yeterdaY; which was .rePerttedseVeral.- thues-lo.day,* • that the liquotssitete bed nothing to fear from -nay iegisla. Lion. tO be 'brought doWir .this seSsion. This is taken to Mead a higher, license, fee and increased restrictions. , Thediffei•ence between the proposal. .tO submit the triatterto the ratepayers differs . •feoni the pt•eselit• _localeptitni law net:his thatthe latter Permits the irtunicipality,.te tltke a .vote- if it so cte I 'Willie the!. present' ;proposel ir»tke's the takingSif tee vote.compiii. sor•r• hod Up01I the day Of: •the iper eleetiene. to the•Giereronient twine into dispensaries, thrxt Is -felt by maily to be: as yet tuu fat away to lie taken up practically. The plan has only..beeu -tried in South (leroliert,• and • perhaps .one other.State, and opinions. en.St are : Ato the .G0t... heel:61.g systetie'Coutli forts'are ers 'ereht thus, the ..tWoS cannot • be coflip. • corroborated the remarks of Mr. Jackson end wits also tweed tote vet y Pessina lotto 1 egardiug the ettening pow. er of (he comnany to produce dividen. ds for the stockholders:. Siegner spoke briefly along the same line expreseing it at; his opinion that Mr. Jackson', was a fair end bon - est etatemetit of the proceedinge. Mr. Oehler was the next speaker and the only one present who under- took to *champion the post vent's man- agement. lie attributed ihe lack of suceeee to inefficiency in the dredge, damage caused' by lightning. loss in the porch:tee of coal at a high /lime owing to the coal strike and endeavor- ed to eppear hopeful u vgat ding the future tut the cement company. Mr. Calder had a good many questions put to him and though he wane an attem- pt to answer most of them it was evi- dent his answeis wcre net satisfactory nor did hie teniarks carry very much weight With the stockbolders present. Mr: Poker could nut see how the Company, would ever pay a dividend, when eoheavily bonded at 0% interest, and A merica,n competition so stiong in the eeteent industry. Moreover, at number of I18W Canadian concerns were Km inging into existence and would 'text year have an output on the rum ket. It was his opinion Soul the opinion of nearly all pi esent the cern en t industry vvas overcione. Mr, McNiece, Mr. McKinnon, Mr. Ramage and a number of others spoke briefly on the subject, but the meet- ing closed without any very high hopes. Humbugging e Temperance People? "Why, we will knock these temper-. :ince -people sky high at election time,' Don% think that.we feel timorous .a- bout the wetter." .„ "Have you been fighting•for 'your -intevestariu the House ?" • • • "No, we are out of politics -that is. till we decide what to de at the meet- ing tb is. a fiernoon •• . • ..L,7 114 tiv111 be the.effect of the naea• stire if it should earry." • • "Ole I thin't know. It would probably put sortie of 1114 (int of busineete*' Mr. McFarlane's further conversa- tion did..I1 t. indicate touch confideece iti the outlook in that eeent. • , "One thing •I .db know," he. .said; "that, if they clbee the bare, I will sell onts Pe:A:ably 1 cell raise 'enough money to get out of the city," he add- ed: "The 'tar is the life of tbe hotI- tlie only part that. pays.. AlmoSt every hotel 1101 1)1 the meetre•of 'the city and s(nee of the largest central ones would 11,1 VI' to go out of imairiess." • "I•clon"t think the travelling public would .1tolerate.. that. AM -over th4. eatintry hotels would 'he .clOsed autL traveller's would have ito place to stay. encept 'bitiirdiDg.houeed.". • . "What do .yett. think Mr.Rossehoulcl I0 in view. of the 1 eferand ?" Mr• afcFarlabe was asked, • . . • . • .. Favors •Pewer Licenses. • Pcissible•Loss to the Provinces : The loss to the Province:lb pointof revenue is :deo being canvassed: The total revenue frdruslicensee to the Pi'os vince and til'unicipalities Was last 38)11 $555,000,.tlf 'Which the' Provinee got $305,0(10 and the municinalities $250,- UOU. Whether this or any part of this wonld be lien iu evenuot the *PrOviiiCe, 'adoptitig the new local option system ould depend tipen the itituuut Charg- ed for Lim. eettraining licenses. These ;ale now about $400 in tbe maxi 11111111, sind sorne'propositiptis have been made Lo double them or piste the 8(1(011111 111 m1,00(1. lit fact, underlying all the dis. cussieni there seems to be a feeling that in any e%ent the license fees are slated to he increased if they tire allovied to retbaiu. Preteier sRosa' .proposal for ,dealing •with the prohibition (laeSti017.; LOS Sub. mined to it caucus ef the Liberal mem- bers yesterday, viz., that aconipuleory Meal (intim: sheuld be taken in each' municipality at the next municipal el- ectiort, tete slit redinto sudden activity the two opposing camps of the liquor interestsand the temperance reform. . ."Liquor Men Aroused. • . • The b otelkeepers, par i. icularl y,real ige that their very exietence is imperilled, :lord a special meeting of the Ontatio Liceireed. Victuallers': Association has been called at the office of the riecre- tory, :Mr. T. Dickie, Wellington Se: eases this aftertmon to deciee what will be the joisition Of the association with refel 81480 10 me. Rosie action. It is probable that "outset; not loud but deep" will be in evidente Wit Meet- ' meeting. The brewers are also deeply nitereeted, though professing oot to be alavined at the late developtuept ; the Sreviers' Association will likely meet soon to discuss it. The Positions Of the two sides may be ascertained from the following statements inade bY representative leaders to a News reporter this mem- ng. They were in answer to a query as to the etateMent .published in this morniug's Globe, that a compulsory vote was proposed on two questione : Shall the hotel license in the inunci• polity be aboheited and shall liquor be solo iti packages tinder GoVerriticient, control ? The license law would at the Name tinie bat tuade,more stt•ingent. I President McParlane Speaks "Whitt will we do if this idea is car - tied out?" repeated Mr. James ItlePar. lane, presideut of the Ontario Licensed Victuallers' Association in reply to the rape* ter% quelltiOn. • Infante too young to take mediehte miss be cured ni croup, whooping courrh and eolda tqr tieing Vapo4seettlene*ther breathe it. ,• ONIt IN POUR PERSONS. • Ono pereon in every four, slit -fere More Or lees from itching piles, Sortie • do not know the Angulo of their all, merit, and otliere have not heard of • Dr. Chtime's Ointment as the only absolute and guaranteed tore for this trouble:mine dieettse. If you are a , sufferer. atk your neighbore about this • great preparation, It bite grown pop, ular as a result a the news of its merits being pg.ssed frorri friend to friend, .1 tide k the.. only -preper .solUt ion is •to eeittrict the ntimber of licenses and 'enforce he' licenee lew etrictly., never 1111) kc- the laW personally audtim' willing to live subject to thitiaw." "1/o 'yen-Li:link prohibition would be enfoiCed if local LI p Lio 9. were Adopted." "No, it would' be disregarded tiiiiver- • sally, just is it has. been diSregarded in every place where" they have ti le' en ferce. 11. Hotel k eepers, w hewere not sertmul(itiawould take' the 'chance. Whele. armyof dethetives w•taild be ye - q wed 'to prey:eat it." • . . . . 'Thai Brewera. 'Object.. . „ Jarnea E. Ocisgrove, seeretery ef .the Cosgriive Brewing Com pan Y, 'wa.s. lieked how the brewere felt about the' proposal. "Well, it ivopld haVe a .Very had.elfect--finartrially,'- Ire said, :.• • "Put 30e1U01..tif.hus5ibe5s1",: • "You practically.. The worst feature Is that the brewers have mortgages on the buildings of nearly 11 1 of the Small hotelkeepere the Provine. it they . NEWS TOO GOOD TO KEEP. Persons Wm -have. used Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills are uswillY so Well pleased With the benefits derived that they 'tell the goad news 11) their neigh. bore.. There is.no medicine ivhiCh ea prorupilY. awakens the' :action' Cif the liver, invigorates the kidneys itnd regl ulates the bowels as Dr. Chase's Pills. and for this reason they are unapproa cbed awe, family medicine, ' One pill a dose, 25e a box at all dealers.. • . • all went to the wall at once, as they doubtless would, the basike, who hold this paper, would eat us up," he said. "Do you think the Proposal will be adopted ?" ' "No, I think Mr. Ross is willing, but his followers are not ready." 4T.2m you think. the local option vote .would carry V" . "In the cities, no; in rural districts, general Speaking, yes." . "The plan Wouldn't work long," said, Mr. Cosgeove, "I Would be jnet anuth. er repetition of the experience of the Scott Sot." •• THE OT.HER SIDS. The attitude of the temperithce peo. phi seemed to be that the proposal was not drastic enough. Not h m g but total and irretrievable destruction of the enemy, in other words, "the abolition of 'the public bar, the treating system and drinking in clubs and the iteposi- tion Of such other restrictions on the liquor traffic as shall most effectively curtail its operation and remedy its evils," would eo. This was the policy the members of the Ontario Alliance have laid down and they do not care about, accepting another proposal that falls coesiderably short of this, * Mr. F. S. Spence's Opinion, Mr, F. S. Spence, secretary of the Dominion • Alliance, referred to the trolley in favor of the total abolition Of the bars quoted above. N "That is the policy we have declared for," he said, "that is What the people. hy an overwhelming majoriky, say they want, aed nothing less w II sat- isfy them." "Supposing you cannot ger. erelTyou accept the partial measure." ,, • " Halt a loaf is better than no bread," ho said. "Temperance peePle have never refused to avail themselves of any legislation whatever that tend- ed towards the acennipliehment of their ultimate end." "Do you favor the Governhlent go- ing into the bustneets of selling Nino, as is proposed P" "They are in it now,* They are part- nefs with the liquor Mett through the license law. I (10 net knew hut that 1 they would derive greater revenue un- der the present system than they would under the new. The system of Govern. meta cootrol of the :sale of liquor has worked satisfactorily in other places, In so Me as it has curtailed the amouot sold, North Carollnals an example." Secretaey /Mate IntervieWed. Secretary Dickle, of the .Licensed 1 moanerte,kasocintion,Wha was about the Verhameat Thilldinge this MM. 1110101111 114)g, was very canny about giving any statieInhtltil "Vo you think Of what is said to be the proposal of the Government tod bring own a bill to have w general plan of local option ?" he was asked. "I want to see the bill before I make ny et:gen:tent. Theie may be zreat diffet ence between a bill brought down and any forecast of it." "Would the Licensed Victuallerss.sk for compensation ?" "I cannot say what action they would take until they considered • the question,' Later Mr.Dickie added the general statement, that it seemed a reasonable proposition that where a lieensee lost his licence through no fault of his own there should he Kane coalpensation, • Wln at the premier said. The Opposition base a belief in little being done this session upon the Pre- mier's reply to Mr. Whitney last night, just before the House rose. Mr.Whit- ney asked if they might expect the tempo ance bill down on Thursday. Premier Ross -I don't think so. Mr, Whitney -Then 1 presume the hon. gentlenaan can indicate when it is likely to come down? ' Amid a good deal of laughter the Premier said: am sorry 1 cannot indicate a day." - Mr. Whitney -Can you say:whether there will be a bill at all or not? Premier Ross -1 cannot say, • This was a signal for an outburit of applause 5.nd merriment from the Op- position benches, Mr, Eugene O'Keefe. 1Mr, Eugene O'Keefe, px eitident • of the O'Keefe Brewing & Malting Com. pany, said : "The proposal is absurd. It simp- ly Means Wholesale confiseation of Property throughout the Province. In Toronto alone over two hendred men rt. business would be ruined. Brewer. les would he included: There are mil. lions and millions of dollars invested Chet would be rendered. absolutely useless.. • Men would be thrown out of emplOyment by thousands we alone .hat e a pay roll of over $0d,000. The prospect is to horrible to centernplate. •• Mr. O'Keefe said the Government •were well adquainted with the brew. ers' views. The liquor men were pre. AN ASTIIMA'TICS, STORY TOLD. Sleepless'nighte.' suffocating sense,- tions,tlifficult to even breathe. • " can sceircely describe • all I suffered from asthma," writes Mee. E. P. Cav- anaugh of Colborne. Sptiates elf cook;-. hWienagkw,°. Vodthwinugledi°dIliniel•igaotralmnidmetlitneI used the fragrant, healing Catarrh°. tette. 1 am delighted to recommend this remedy which etiSed me of chronic asthma fter.scores of good physicians had giveri me up. Cat tarrheoone 18 better for asihmasgives • quicker relief than any remedy I know of. My cure le a perfect one." Try' Oat arrhozone.' it never fails to cure asthma. Celli- plete outfit 51; trial size 25c. • • . pared to Assist the Gpvernrnent in any attempt •to restricti. she trffle within reakonahle hoonda. That . Was the proper : remeclv--not. 'suppression.. .f4upnession had been tried and failed, The Duncan Act was teittou, and .ev, eryrine knew Whet the Scott ACt was Barrie passed it.by 3500 triejorit,y .and repealed it three yerirs later hy the seine inajoeity. The proposed legislation would not prevent, the'use' of liquor. It voiild cense 8 retuen to t he conditions et' the Scott. Act:. Peoples 'would get it. in frem Mcintreal and other places and wattle!use. it, in their borries. : Corn- inerbial travelers would carry it with; them: Dives wohlif he opened tip that did not, exist before hod the law wotild be lbroivn into 'general .disrepute. It Was an aft einpt: to keen Mr. Roe's in the sedate that the people, *Mild not tohrate fni t mornent. • „r9R OVER 8IxTv- YEAR. • Mrs. •Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by • millions ...of .mothera for their children while •teething; •11, •turbed liss night and broken of your rest .by a sick child suffering • and trying withspan of cutting ;teeth seed •at once : and get a bottle of • "Mrs, WinsicrtV'S Soothing Syrup" for child- ren teething. It will relieve the poor Halo suffero inunediately. . Depend epee it, inothers, there is no- mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea', regu- latc5 tbe•Stoinach and , Bowels, cures Wind Colic; settees the . Gums; reduces Inflammation amd evesione and en- ergy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" or child - reit thething is pleasant to the taste and the preieritition of one of • the oldest and. best female physiciatis and nurxes in 'the. Beited States. Price SS cents a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the •world. Be Sure antiask for "Mrs. Winslow's' Sooth- lug Syrup."• . No KO for Twelve Days. It is simply Outrageous the way our village has been treatedhy the Post Office authorities during the past two vveeks. We do not blame the railway company for not 'keeping • tile track clear,for they have done all that butnam power could to do soNbut there is no excuse under heaven for the Peet Office Inspector, or the other officials, whose duty it may be to look after it, for shutting our village °et for twelve days without 'mail, while Belfast, a little hart -deb of a, couple of heuses and blacksmith shop,thres and a hall miles distant from here received a daily Mail service via Gooderich.-s-LucknoW Sentinel. Had Been in Four Hospitals Mist the doOtors did not cure blin-They - said be would never be well -Or. Chimes Nervisettadoloand wolider‘f011 M. SIMON CLOUTIER, shoemaker, itcl Lagauchedere St., Montreal, Que., states: - "For six years I was not able to work, my herves were all unstrung and my digestion bad, 1 had severe attacks of headache, could not sleep, and suffered with shooting pains in the email of my back. I was in four hospitals but the doctors could not care me. 'They said 1 would never be well again. In spite of their decisiort 1lbegan tit:test of 1)4 Chase's Nerve Prod some months ago, and 1 aro convinced that I owe mylifetotbismedleines Mr. Cloutier 1 have now been it work for Over two weeks, and believe that My health has been fully restored. It isapleisure for bus to add my testimony to the hosts of ethos from rtelsOne who have been cured by this wonderful medicine." To,protect you against imitations the portrait rskometteligntilibaktet°KftP14,44ilitsiWaa' ?ray' tlillo6x111:0:rh.111: 7 off ..weereseseece ,.... „,-....„:.„ AA -_, .....,- ie.,,,m,/,,,e .i.s-,2 WhOOpleliln Cough, Croup ...14j Bronchitis, Cough, Grip, , Asthma, Dlphthcria • CRESQLENE IS A BOON TO AOTHMATIOS ORE804Eng le a long established and stanOrd rollet. for the rIlrasoo Indfrated. 11 cores because the air rendered stromey -mica (Nor rho in. -caw' serfeees of the bronchiol tubes with every bretth, gain.; trchtreent. Those of 4consumptive tendency, or sufferers front .itroolo find ionuetliato relief from coughs or Inflamed conditions of the throat. 1k.:eo11ti10 booklet free. ',SWUNG, NILES asz CO., 1661 Notre Dame Kt., Mouniteill, Canadian, Await+ . • . Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets dissolved in the ninuth are effective and safe for coughs and imitation of the throat. 10c 11 bone AIX, Dill'OGIKTS 201 Hannah Stri.et Methodist church, Hamilton, will build a new parsonage.. There is prospect of a steainer rate war bet ween Toronto. and Hamilton the cotning summer. Herbert Findlay, formerly of Orillia, wee frozen to death at Fish .13ay camp, Lake of the Woods. 'Napoleon Gingras lost his life in. a fire whieh destroyed much property in St. John Street, Quebec. Jean B. Paquette, an employeraf thti Poet Office. Department, Ottawa has been arrested charged with steal: ing checks and money from letters,' THE EVILS 'OP • . CONSTIPATION ARP. • Well known and the nexthest thing $ to know a reliable cure, Mrs. W. Eddlesof Stony Mountain, Mae. says : Dr, baniiiton's Pills 411.0 illSt the thing. They go rigbt, to work itt. once. I use oely De. Hatuittuit's .P.illS.". Price 25c per box, • , •.•„ FATHER.WOULDN'T • "Xister" said the little boy to. the .farnner leaning over the fence,. "the mule hes run away and spilt my.lnact o' hay. . Won% 'you_ come- and:help me put it on the wagon again? . • '- .• "I .Will," sitid the fat mer, "if ..yritt will Collie over here fuss git Iny eows out ei'• the pnstur."- ...:470h".-said the little boy,' "Pitm afraid • father wpuldn't like that?" ' "Why .wouldn't ..be?"..grtityled' the farmer.- _ ,"Becattse,"..sitid the little _boy; "he ofwertnaight me to look opt 'foe him tirst • .4`Wherels- 'your father?" • asked the 7. • ' • "Please, sir," said. the -.little. boy,.'. "lie's Milder - the hay." -Silas -xevier. .Floyd,in Mareh Lipids et,('s. . • It le repot tedstt Montreal that 1); A.' -Hattiel; Corporation pey'reaster,"passed a forged.check for 510,000 on the•Barik • af M.ontreal and disappeared. 1.te .' is Also said to-liaVe taken several hundred .• .dollars dtte to corporation litharera ,Sid•fierbertMorray, ..forriter. GreVev,.- noe-of Newfotindland,18 dead, aged -75 , years. • .".• • • - .. • ' •• •POSSIELY YOUR syibm look St) young andpretty as .she used. to. If bee cheeks al e bellow .811(1 pale, if she. Is- tiled and nervous she needs Pertozone, which is • noted • tot teetering the bloom of health to. sickly.gii le and women. Complexion quickly incomes rosy, spirits rise, and strength inereas,s - and • • v imop ),,011 Eel 01 ((1 your wife en' daughter if •Eetrozone is tekee, the hest tonic mile, mut costs 500 at • druggists. Indigve,nt Constituent. • A. et:it:et of Melia -went hi Aust- rm alia ieeently receiv( d 11 4.tu anindigs: pant- voiistitiierO %%tar hod asked' him in' V84)) 10 1i."141110.0' (it 1nb 411 politics),'.. .StItirr -11;i4.1.itt'% il:airD}.1 (1411i111111((111( 111(41, -Itiettutle31.;l'D you k'neo4w.r it. 1 tiCri'), 171.0. a lap for the -billet or for tile 2' 14.414 WWI', • but 1 objet. to 14141' infernil fool of.- Soon ati 31.11 by my hat dmork- tug our,. ,t lb e,,intiel ,me that sou 100;:(111t... -•“' 411 ••tlie house (IlIlO011a•wsek 1.,4.10444• yUll made an ass of •Vtint;,-11 • I %bet him a 'Vow on that its I tle,t01.1.1.441 was. worth then. got you:, mite, sayitt' -you &Alined to ackt trie "ratter 1 (tree 4,he .0:WV ()VOL'. tothe refire's place an?. tole him : }):i .Tlott'h -ovI I golste-gs_Ss l3,(1t1) 1. 34111 ifljLltO him .bviiesis yew take a • .103-1 friends, ' but wr.t..." till the fiptais ..*rollby tut, ,t tit. 'y cli---jtis't.." behind. the Flare • • ty'litere 11.e butt../qq...ents the pig...Ynre no. utaii, Yule only a tule. Go to 1.440 re-eself_ritit."..to a skunk . • even tiro I lova 122.1..11 a mem bersof Par- . • 11441114 nt • • • Theeee T.7, (Wise 'Rea 11)Disi nf cetant Sonia • Powder is b' t3(' thun 4341180 40111) powder's, .as it deo acts as a tiiiinfeebtirt. 24 • • Ed Wet Slii tighter ;i 814 cbm mitted for. rriat:a .Cbarg 0of . nivirder: • rime ...John • Ris &Jen s with 8 I,i1111d (la' shiatly berate gud. • 'dews ••• - • • ray's yrup pruce Gum EFATASSMint. .?; ,p urea C....01,71311s QR2..v.''S.SYRUP does that one:thing, • and does it well, It's en "cure411,'..7 hut . a cT:IRg for all throat and lung trouhles. GRAY'S' SYRUP OIrliAn $rp.uQu. Gt.TAI Stops the irritating tiakie!-- takes ' away the soretiess-'-sooths and heals the •.throat -and CURES COUGHS to stay., . • None theleis effective bec•ause it is • pleasant to ta.lte.• , 25•cts. bottle. .1.4••••••••••40.6... • Gone • ..qb•zs;.46.16.41*4a49.'•• Owing to another ad- -- vance in the price\ oi news print, stereotype ,.plate and the other ac- cessories which go to make up a riewspaToer9 the expense of gotan • it out has very much increased: No cmith- standing this .611e price of TheNews-Roc-ord still - - remains at One Dollar per year, but in order that there ina boa fair - • margin of pront it is necessary that every subscription be Daid --\ advance. Our. friends who have neglected this matter will. oblige by giving it their at- • tention promptly. The date on your label tells the tale. • Renew by expre8s order or pmtal note and addrebs • W. J. IVIreCr7 • The Newecordi, air*. ...mi....