HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-17, Page 4•ie
. The Clinton NeiroolkfmorAl March. 17th 1004
,.„ iiiimommissorme_
Hawaii ilk. 11.1 HI Hilewariaraeoramizahiroil.
The, News -Record Every Safeguard to
West Tuckersmith. Hensall.
ja PUbli.O.h04 every TrItUrS44.LY at . 04 • , 'I'0 • P. Gone . 4
. htr. Hervey Johns was called to
The Nowa-Record Priatiag, Douse ' The secret of the government's .seere- Goderich to act as jurcr last wink.
Mr. -ellen. Layton moved to eleaforth
ALBERT STREET, • ••••. CLINTON. cy in connection with the • emend- ' the ; past week where he will be close
relents to .the Grand Trun.k Pacific to Ms duties as partner with I.Brown
as agent for the Deerin;Machine Co.
Terms of subscriptiOtennX per yea; in tract is out at last. The electors of Mr. John Avery had a wood bee •c
adv.ance -; $1.50 nosy be charged if eight constituencies in which bye -eh- - over
rdiwleansitv eettodrassucceeevtd
not se paid. NO paper discontinued tions were held were denied infonna.. _ -tf :eUneut.gtt•Irlii
until all arrears are paid, unless at tion as to e nature: of the couces, • evening the wood cutters and thei
I ladies were entertained. It is no
the option of the publisltetr.. The slims toMr. Revs and his associa,tes. necessary to say they lean a splencli
It is well fer
or the overnment that time as Miss Dixon is a popular liost
date to which every ,subseriptiele is. strict, • silence was 4-sleserviel ow this ' ess.
paid is denoted on .the label. ernestione Iu eighThe ye
t contests the . goy- ,ung people spent a pleasan
Advertising raten-e Transient adver• eminent Transient 01 f.41 everuge, was 576
tisernents, to cents per nonpariel -'
less there in the last. general electioneveniog at Mr. Ed: Jonescm. Wednes
. i
11ad the 0. ;v. p.• latest' deal ben kl11.- - eay last.
line for nrst iusertion . and. 3 cents nottneed it is certain the lees to the ' Mr. 0, W. Layton's Scotch colli
per line for cants subenettent ineettion. government would have been muck:. strayed away • ene day last week and
as not re new. . es he prizes t
dog he was sorry to lose him.
Mrs, John \Veen of ' Carroll, Man.
left on Saturday for tier prairie• hone
after spending the winter . with he
parents, Mr. :and Mrs. R. Jennison o
the London Road. Mr. R. Jennison
and Miss Maud Wiltsie ef Clinton. ac-
companied them. .
- bliss E. Jennison .spent Sunday with
Wean in Clinton. •
Miss . Sarah Nott is visiting her sis-
ter, ' M. H. •McConncll of Hey town-
ship. • .
One day recently Kathleen Blacken,
the little daughter of the proprietor of
the Queen's hotel, had a close call.
When going to set col she ran across
a ditch which we.s covered with, snow
but the crust nave way and she fell
Medicine For Men.
*x.> 04404418.
+ MCKINNON & 00 " RI V'TI.l
n into the water below wtrich was over Has it e•ver occurred to ou t
• en
g four feet deep. Miss. ROPensons, veto need a. medicine as men—not as old
4 saw her danger, rushed to her assist- men or young men, but as Men ? Are
✓ ance bat was enable to got her out. yen never conscious that the special
t She then ran for Rev. lnr. Doherty wear and tear of life which inen sus.
d who at once jumped in and lifted the tain need, repair ? Worry wears '
- child out. Tbe water took.Mt. Dollen. man out quicker than work, but worry .
ty to the waist and but Mr his timely is not an accident,. it is a symptom—
eersval Kett leen would li.ave drown- a symptom of nervous exhaustion. -
Other symptosne are nervous heedachee •
Monne' lazin•ess that rislt who tad 'been. the. glieSt S 0. get out of bed ; a weak feeling
i Every trair. brings as large quantities of .New Spring Goods. Below we
te. Mention it. few of the late arrtvals:
n e Ladies' Dress Skirts, in flake goods, 38,' 40 and 42 incites long, trimiseed
n With Roman satin, very special at $1.75.
.3. Ladies' Dress Skirts, in habit clue's, in colors of black and pavy. trimmed es.
4. with three clusters of cording and satin strapping, in all lengths
....;.• Ladies' vreitueskaitat.7ig.
fine Vieunne eloth, in colors of black and navy y
IT trimmed with buttons mid 10 row of cording, a very stylish garment, n*
Y $3,95. . o
X Ledies' Dress Skirts, in homee4pune, venetitois. broadcloths and fancy ne
ne ' flake goods, made up in the lutes Style, at $4.40, $5, $6.50 and $7.nn, ne
: Lace Cuirtains, 2n yards long, 40 inches wide, ine, •
X Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, 45 inches -wide, 73e. t*
X: Fine Nottingham Lace Curt:tine, 51 inches wine, in either plain, spot or +
sonoll centres, very special V- 44,
.s.. Swiss Lace Curtains. tine locey:etrecte, 3!/ and 4 yards long, 54 to 80 inches in
on wide, at $1.75, $2.25, $2.50 and $3. .?
esn Bobbinette Curtanne fiilled edges and embroidered. 3 yards long, at $1,25, y
• and $2 per pair. y
t Tapestry Carpets, in new patterns, a large stock to select from, at 25c, 50c. X
X Onee, 75e and 85e. .4.
: Union Carpets, in new patterns and colors, at. 25e, 35a and 50e. A.
*.n. Wool Carpets, natd wide, new patlerne, at 05e, 75e and $L
n Hemp Carpets, in stripes end fiftrai designs, at 12ies, 18e and 20e. • :7)
n. Floor Oil Cloth, in 1, le, ln and 2 yards wide, at 25e per square yard. :.
,.:. .Linoleums M blank andlioral patterns, at very close prices. • td.
.: Japanese Mattings, in new patterns' and colors, yard. wide, at 12e, 18e. and O
:sit: t, All 205acr:*p. e t s for 35e upwards Will be •cut and matched free of charge. • ..1.t.
.. .
, ...
..z. ' .
.:. • .
t •
Misses Fanny Allen encl.. Jennie Mor- --, at makes it dilli-
evlt t
e the Rev,: E. A. Slum and wife for in the back ; indigestiou ; breathless.
ninall advertisements not to exceed greater.
one inch, such as "Lost," "Stray- In ei.e. contract claten Februery 180,
"Stolen," etc., inserted once the government agrees to release . the
Grand Ttunk frinn- almost. every oLli-
for 35 cents and each stsbsequent
gallon it took smote itself the mat-
sertion to cents.
- ter of the - °rand Trunk Pacific. En-
ery boasted satieeeird to the people's
Communications intended for publican
tion must, as a guarantee pf good livnatsereisitannis sAveetie •,3.vivuaiere:icicelinstiracongt.
faith, be accompanied by the narete Of the scheme a year' ago, one
oI the writer. se:tousle wonners. if that geotlesnan's.
yonabriary would be. eqoan to present -
To insure publication in current issue lug the deal, 'as it LOW StalldS, itS
copy of advertisements should 1-)e. true colors. •
sent • in early. , In brief, the period of construction
of this • Western Section is extended
Contract rates—The following. table.
1. front 5 to .8•• nears,. with• S. further pro -
shows our rates fOr specified • per-. , vision agrist. strikee ;•• ties T.
iods and space : . • liability for rolling. etonk is reduced
frouneniin000moo to S15,000,000 for bath
- V. 6 ino..3 men nto.•
x Column $7o oo $4o oo. $25 oo $8,59 ilese,000tionoeco; Pi jit • ::rf
X Column 40 oo 25 po 15 oo 6 ors proved, securitifee, instecies of cash in
X Column 25 oci 15 cso 8 oo 2:50 approved ,governininit .seeeritieee and
••5 50 2 ca. will be repaid on the completion and
'4 Column 18 oo. oo
L Inch 6 en 3 se 2 06 1 equipmeat tles Weetterie Section arid
n not. held, as orignsally intender:, until
-the liestern Section is •completed ; the
W. J. MITCHRI,L, • G. 1'. may • lease the inaetern Sec-
-lion peacenical as .cpuetruction is tour -
Wined ; the guerautee of . the •bonds of
For The Grafters." the. Prairi.• Section is itecliange4 hrt
00 th Mr:entitle .Sectio.n the govern -
One f the features of the •originAl- ment • u itclertakes.. to• guarantee •e5 . per
Grand Triiiik Pacific contract which cent. of the- actual 'cost, instead -of ..
maximum of $10 000 er utile • the:
the government claimed 'would be of •gavernment linnet:1*a' kes- to refrain' front -
the greatest benefit to Canada was'the forelosing its: mortgage on the; G. T.P. •
obligation itepe•sed• up -On. the Grand •taitil .5 years' interest is dee, 'Anon
• Trunk • to take over raid heildi ae a wind' the goveemnent shalt operate the
company for a period of. •5o rec6teral itself, when the property will:
. .
S25,000meo of the 0. T. in enfinninn rey•ert 'to the .conipany.; .the G. Ten, is
Steck. Every minister who Spoke • c.11 g'iven permission to present to • the
the Measure dwelt at. leugth on the inn' Orand• • Trunk. $25000,000 in common
portLulc . stack- wHch. may be Sold in ope-n mare
ef this proyieion. • gen.' -W.. ket in place. Of - being held by the Or-
el. who analysed tlie inlander and Trunk es a company for 50 years;;
aspects 01 the coktract., said .of this 'running .• rights ever the.Bastern Sec -
provision, as reported oit page -8570, tion to be 'guaranteed. the Grand Tr-
'Hansard-, August:12d,, 1903 : ' • anklet' .5o years .after the expiry 'Of the
'We Is.aee required. inai . the Greed • leitne in • the enent of the ‘govertenent
Trunk railvvity will. not c ely -he behind taking over the road; end •the 0: T.
this etnnertak•ing, hut in it. and .of • it.. P. to .heve • the. •. night; .to sell to • elie
• We have proVided that common . stock. gOverninent; .at •expiry of the lease
et this compami 1(... the extent of $25,- all branch-, lines Which• - may not be
o00,00o shall be held, not by .p4xtib1.- corsideree. neeirenle *.by . tha cenepany„:
• ers, net even ny the Greeds Trunk; :. It . will be seen :at a.. &nee...that the
railway oilicialss i•ndivietualler . bon • lin. few features .of enenOriginal
the . Grand Trunk Rallwity • of Camino, agreement • -are wined Get:. TI:e cent-
. neny .assunteS no risk, the. be -
We ate ..not m-uch _collet:nod use to ing the gO.verinnent's ;alone. • '••...
what Penn the Green Trunk railway . • • .. -• .-, • .. . • , • ,
pay for the stock.. Tkat nes been: a
. • • .
• - subject of di settssien , but -do- • not . .
Postal Matteis; • •
- attach great importance. to ite• •If • the - . •.
Grand Trank railway acquired!' • ; that: . • .. „ ..• : ..• -• • •• •
stock et a comearetively : Itietentetientsehnve 'this week. been ren
and afterwardS- lioted • it • . on . receined. froth. •Ottaw.e. With. respect : To.
n.arket at a Menet. sum,: that wood.. ben •n•entse .• Tye- -follonving •wi.11.be • of
be e prcceeding' which Might be %open. interest • to the Inibric• : .cents meet
to objectien. Bet the Grand Trenk• be .6•01.1e.eted.ais ,a cleposit fee: each.. key
Crenpany must not Only take. this Futnislied to box:- 'holder's, .'the. monej.
stock lest lield it kr eosne• time; they. to' be refteiden. to brie holders if .the
cannot pi t -dollar -of it in. thee ein.a•r_. ,keys are' returned • eve' the : surrender:.
k et. it is absolutely imPossible eif .the.• Yearly .rentals. .arc to be
buy • a share of thee steels. ; it mese lye calculatee• either from :the. Int July or
held by the Grana. Trunk' Railway- est-janicary and .the rents for •ali.bok,.
Company itself and lic :person'. • cun eS let . betWeen times ere to•ne collect -
hey or sell -a; shete, . Where,'. there: ed.' 'Up . to the 3oth ,Innen or De-
eomes in the tea:rice espectiletine ..ceirtb•ee. ae• 'ease ibe:• Ste:k-
nit. Fielding's, .langn4e adnItts... : of ell' annual: 'nensee.
only pne interpretation—that the gm,: .ennire • On the same- dete, the adean-
ernment reco.gpizeil the importance • of.. One. .. of, which, he APPerent.• ' A
. snaking the Grand Trunk hold- the. postmaster may -rent a. box for three
cat -Innen stock and thus save' it from etiontlis snore but he •shatilin cenenin
'speculation. To fernier eafeguerdethe.• von tcn run over the end ofetne. year
interests of the pantie the opposition wither:My -of the ..yearly • telltale, • Rents
moved an amendment providing : that 'ere, :payable . strictly 'advance. if
tne Grand Trunk shoeld. pay. per v.alue the rent be not vivid -in - ep days from
. in cash for the' stock. :The. govern-. the date. cat encfneti, it may .becoine due.
ment. refused Ile amenc'enent . -and- tio-: the box ..infiat. cloecd. 'If the bon-
der the new contract of Fent-eery ;18th lie not c lona) the Posen -faster -Will. b14.
tnoe, the' *Greed Trunk may • receive the• held 'responeible... "Terthe Anne: •nritese.
$25,000n00o Worth cf cormirotineetock 'as regulations; an will be seee; innolve
a present- f ron.. the G. T. In ann •scirise .changes • in the systere • Iiitheito
Pose of 124,goo shares 'of ..it in open: vogue. "Air. -neposit • •for keys.
market, which . if geld at ,5 -world n.box, holders have paid only 2,5e attliou- •
yield the Orand. Trenk $9.174;925e This- -glintwes. keys -. are nein in the majority
represents an enortneres' re; a-011,- :hien:. of :cases, in smite cases three kens are.
watered stock .an which patrons- of ilin- orner to make' good the necessary'
0. r. will have ta provide interest.* deposits -M. such cages lin annentete
by paying hig•It freight rates.. 'it is,.. Will lie 'd•selectten •freen• the sews paid. -
perhaps, the most. wonclertrl ;ofethe O.; met proportionete sums credited on ac -
'r. 1). amendments.' It violates••a,i)ija, CC:1011 - of rent. The noetinaster wil1. be
c,ple which was uppermost . • Mr;
Fieleing's mind on Au -gust 12th, ±9o3,
It. puts inillions ef dollars hi the po-.
ekets of the promoters and .nlance on
tne, shorniers of • Catiediatin a burden
for years to come. •
• ....
St.- Helen's. . •
- -road • uutil 'such tithe as . it will .nave
ness after slight exertion • irritable
eight: .days at the Kippers. circuit par-
• en r aps s
tem ser—pe h
owe nerve pain such
scitage, returned home by livery
e former circuit, Beniniller.
'• rerun*. They -were •from Mr. Shaw's
• the trains to the north were not
aass nae aeldgiicai u, 8i:7:c:en, o„.r.c Ind ri pe :set:1:r
Paralysis, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
, upon elei source of eescomfort, They
rf T. Palmer of Wheatland, North Da.-
prove the ' . an one• up the
restore manly vigor and energy, ins-
kota., arrived here last veisels and as-
sumed charge of Mr. Spear's restaur-
Neil R. 1VItDonald, Estmere, N. B., is
nerves a,nd the whole system. Mr.
ant. IV is 'caning •well and is as
one of the many men 'who has proved
jolly: land good natured as , once.. %le
He says : "I ant glad tobe able to say
. in i e.
ses been
nmerillyl for
st o:i.w(...1 Incitaoyns.
Mrs. Penner, who armed last week,
that I have found Dr. Williams' • Pink
the value of D Win ' •
With grippe. .. Pills all tnat is claimed for them. • I
- It beats all what can be aiscomp:ish- was completely run down ; sny aline-
- and the inducements strong. Dick
inn.therhy,our rising young blankssnitn, not give. Inc the needed relief se. I
ed whim the conditions are favorable tite was poor and I, suffered much from
ate, a loaf of bread itt less than nine Se:eveekrieedlit7dt4CrYlieDST.Dwoicitioiarsin' st,npeclinic:nielielilcs1
minutes at the rink on Monday meet; • and I :used only a few 'boxes before lily
The inducement Wes 50 cents and the health returnen and now I feel like a
new' mein." •
. time .limit Ice minutes. ,
Weak, nervoes, broken dc,wn men—
. . .
and wafnen, t60—will find new health
and happiness in a fair use of •*Dr.
. Williasns I inn Pills. But be sure that
. •
:Wise Amanda Nethery has reternen •
' to 131nevale after a sojourn with fri-
ends here. .
Mr.. Jae, Vaveaum tin rented his
farm to Mr. John Coultes and in-
tends, reeving for Man. soon. -Mr.
Coultes will move onto his new 'farm
Kippen. •
'On the evening of the 2rd inst, the
tome of Mr. Gilbert Macdonald was
the' scene of very pleasaet event,
when his •youngest daughter, Miss Mag-
gie was married to Mr.• John- Gihnoor
a • prosperoas young farmer of Moose -
jaw, Assa. Promptly at Aix -o'clock,
while; MiSS Vera. Mercloch or Hensel'
pleyed the -wedding enarch, Ine young
couple appeared, the bride leaning on
her father's arm, and toon their places
•beneath . a bower of eeergreeses and
flowers. The Rev. M. C. .MeLennan 01
Kinpen perforates . the marriage cere-
mony, • Congratulations over, •the gues-
ts, numbering,oner sat down
to a: sumptuous repast. , The bride. 16o -
ked darmieg in a lovely cream' figtired
cashinere • gown, trimmed with lace
and riblvon, . The nunierous anc's beat:O-
ita presents ehonned the esteem. felt •for
• the bride by her. many friends. •• • Mr;
and Mrs. Oilmour leave for theinhotne
in •aesa. about the tell inet. They
will. be followed by inany. sincere wish-
es • fpr . safe and prosperous yoyage
overethe sea • o
• • •
. • • • .. • • .
-J. W. -Hill had a couple- of In
horses delivered to rim from the vici-
nity 01. Kinbern the. other day and Mr,
Geo...41111 also had one from elle
nenth, .• • ... •
The :notion,: ng leen. wood -bees recent.'
In • : -Menses. G. Tyner and
W. H... . next.: ;
It is reportenethat oar, store is line-
ly to .. change holes the near ',fun-
. Mr, Johnetcne.turd 'wife of
Porter's . Hill nvi-sited their • . relatives
here on Fricla;y: of lase week. ;*
Mreenoseph „Minn was visiting,' last
week a Mrs. S, .Lowerens.. :Toe has
just returned from :tem Englancl
where he spent a pleesaret two mon-.
the visiting relatiyes and friends but
neeins.•to • like .to return to the "land
Of the maple.n, •
The . followistg -'the report of Al�.
standing. of. the..pimils in Tn. S. S. No:
4 for snonth 'of February, based nn
demeanor and ettendencee •
. 5th class --Melvin .
Sr. inns—Alva 13enensu, Rtliel Lovett,
sini1.11,--Hatry Hayes.. • ..
4th--,John-..Haye.s,• Malan • real,
Ernest , nEcklie Inteenhain
Alfred Melninen, Clifford . tobn "%nine
Challenger, Fred. Inescsin; .hat Ar- •
'cher lentie, "(nettle Oaken. .
• Sr'. - .3rel—Annie Miller, Willie .
Butt, :Maud' johnstoa..-
.3rd—I,i‘.7ie .nolnieton, . Murray
Deeper, Asa Howard aniequtiar,
Ogle .Geo. nolininon, , Stanley
Challenger: • . •• : . '
• Sr: 221d—Albert Menneghlin„ Iiovvard
Hill, Mary .neniten: 'Fred' ,Earl
Mason.; . • • . ••• • , • '
.Jr,- end—Eldred.' Mc/trier,' ntrerius Le-.
nett,. Elsie ranpiliar.r—Je • R. Lowery,
you get the genuine with the fell name
'Dr, Williams' Pink Pills fcir Pale
People" printed on, the wrapper around
every ,box. Sold. by medicine &tilers
or sent by -snail at so cents a box or
six • boxes for $2.50, ' by writing 'The*
Dr. -Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
inimediately, , • • .
Mr. and Mrs. -M. Waugh left for
• MicItigan last Week where Mr. Waugh
, Seaforthi •
has secured a goon•situation,.
Miss • Celia Lei:simian 'was the guest
of Mrs. tend ,Miss Dunbar. . .•
Mrs. D. Dunbar, who has been very
ill with • pleurisy for, sotne weeks, is
reeoveringe . . .
Mr, Jas. McGill visited at Mr. • D.
Taylor's- of Blyth recently. .
Misses .Eva .and Lilly Nethery visited
et Mr. Jas. Nable's ofPnernock recent -
In. •
Live Stock Markets.:
. Toronto, March T5th..—Receipts'. of
live • stock at the 'city cattle snarket,
ten. reported niv the Messrs. Vox and
Hay of the C. In R. awl 04 Reovere
49 carloads, composed of • 718 cattle,
97 hOgs, r-'05 Sheer. 41114 37 calves,
With 424 -hogs to Peen, Blackwell.
The ' quality of at cattle nnlierelin
was .goo . .
Trade, while. -not' as brisk an at the
. close cf last week,* was good,' with.
prites . for 19.t. Rattle ' botle butcherse•
and enportere,, unchanged,
ise lie' sieete'by . the iinlividual. sales
giver): • ' . ; •
: • ,• Enentetern nein in -fair deinand, the
. .
. .bcst being' quoted at per ewt,,'
. At a meeting, 'of the board -of man-
agers of the nSenforth .Presbyterian
church • the contract .for the remodelling •
ready to adjust • acemints. with 1:ox • onthe church was awarded to Messrs.
,holders. Tlie postmaster will 'mare
the year :for rentels correspond witn
the calceilar. yeaf .
• .
Government's Most
Original Proposal.
The Le•erier government is a, Whole-.
warm-hearted and • generous in-
stitution. It never sees a friend want..
Senator Cox, Mr.. Heys and othersAn.
• terestee its the Grand Trunk •-.'Pacific
Will Willingly tear testimnny to•• Chien
The Grand Trunk 11/4.eifie, had ie 'given
effect to its first contract, would have.
pledged the Weettrn (11V1241011 22.8 ne-
ural; far the payment of interest • ea
its needs. Failure to meet its oblige- •
tions in this respect for three- years
would Lave meant governmene.posses-
sion itnd el:en:Aim. This would scarce:
ly he considered a liatclkhip in ordin-
ary basint ss circles, But so good and
benevolent an aggregation of phi -lain
thropists es the Dominion cabinet •coit-
ld herdly be expected to confine them-
selves to the hard and fast either of
mercantile life. Accordingly, .Senanir
Cox et al were given -five yeats instead.'
• of three to worli• up a bill against the
government. Moreoetr, it was decreed
One .by 6Iie the old' settlers are pees.:
ing .away. Mr. Wms'13arnotti (bed
on 'Saturday,' DeCeased .*as only only ail-
ing a few nays. .was 76 -years. and
to months ofd. The funeral took place
to Orme. cemetery, Leant:nye. cut
Mrs.._ Thos. Saunders and Mrs, jitS.
and. chileten lett for their home
in the: 'West the: past week. .
Mr. • Johe 'Johnston 0 f. Verna visited
friends around $t. Helens • last .week.
. Mrs. 11:d. Taylcir of East Wawanosle
.nisited at the Milne •cif -her father, Mr.„
Wine Hunipitrey last week,, • . - • • •
. .
The anneal report of St. ' Helerna
Presbyterian church is ready for nis-
tribution. The report covets. all the•
departments .of church work and,shows
not only progress but interest in all
branchee, of the work. Rev.. $. Al..
Whaley is the pastor and the suceess
of • the work is. largely :elite to his ,work
as an efileittit pastor. The total ren
ceipts for 1903 were •$1,648 an increase
over "1902 of $180.• Missimtary • aerd
benevolent contritettioes amounted to
$755.26,e the largest. isi the -history • of
the arra.: Ileere..ard 226 conerminii.
cants on the membership roll. The
that the governme»t should tot enter missionary .associatithi rased $535.57,
into possession Qt the 0, T. P. 'lines W, Itl. Society $84.73, Harris Mien
for some time. If hardship Millets it. eion Band $61,43, Young People's
self upon the promoters they are in Bible Cless $56,53, Sabbath school
cenjunct ion with the goveritnent, .to $59.1o, Inive 'members elan during the
appoint a receiver who will manage year, Mrs. I). McAllister,'" Ints: Sohe
good commercial venture. to pay off Meintire, Mary • McGuire, Sarah J..
the government. tt -will tners• have be- Smith and Jas. Todd.
Guttridge erd lenge of ..tewn -at. mars
thousand dollars.. .
. -A militia 'order issue, frents-Otinena
elven the narks of the net . shots -in.
connection With the Rifle. 'Association .
thronghout Canada. • Those' • in this -
.county are : Mr.. john Legosi,.0oder-
ich -• Mr. Thomas Lee, Lcnidesbore .;
Mr. F. Neagel, Airbus ; inr, Neil
Taylor, Blythe and Captain. ViInott,
Seaforth. • . ,
N.. J. • Terney' has purchased tl:e
Thos, Adanne farm. of TOO acres on LI e
3td .eoncessfon Melnillop aboot
mile .north.' of town, at a petite. en the
neighborhoon. $5,9eo. , Mr, . Adams
will 'shortly take a trip. to Alberta,
with a view of • locating in .the west,
-At a meeting 'of the quarterly offi-
cial board of the Methodist church it
wen' deciden to extend a tuianimounin-:
%citation, to Peen A. K. Birks: of the
Colburn -street churelt, Lorelon,. to be.. •
come pastor here for thus coming term.
Roble Jones of Deloraine, Mane for-
merly of Seafortle and nfiss Jennie
Spepat of Tuckersmith were 'quietly "
married at • the Iveniondville manse on
Monnay evening. of last .week by Rev.
Neil Shaw. . The .young couple left tie
following motning for Toronto. •
Troublesome Babies.
tabies are not naturally tronble-
some—they should be bright, active
and -happy and a joy to your home..
When baby is; troublesome you • may
-depend upon it there is some of the
many minor ailments bothering him.
These can all be overcome by the'
of Baby's Owo Tandets. Proof of this
is given by Mrs. C. L. Marshall, Venn -
land Inidge,• N, S., who says : "I am
pleased to state that n nave used with
ccene a property werth owning cold The many Menne en Mr. Thomas great suttees llenv's Own Tablets for
will in dee course be handed hank te (PLeughlin will greatly regret to hear my children. / {link the Tablets the l-ot 22) con. 3, McEillOP. farm stneh
Wilfrid will see the advantage of ogle residence on Feb, 22nd in his of - small chthlren and. would recomme
the Cox -Heys eyndicete. • Few but Sir ef his death which took . piece at the very best medicine for all the ailments and impleinents.—Teter Mattliews,ptcr • ne
becoming 4. creditor oily to have to .20(h year, aline lest he Was call. end them to mothers who. insne trctt- Friday, March 250, la X p. ..ort y -
pay oneself. the farmer with a eci home ny the /kali of ri, brother.' blesoine babies." • . lot 2e, con. 3, AlcItillop, entenstve. X. •
heavy mortgage on his farm cemld 01'. and at the close of tent December a I Baby's Ovvn Tablets eure constipa- . Salr of, farm stock and ieripleinesits;— ete
winch piece .. was paid for two leads,
..1.400. lbs. each, 1.• }Langan, •-• who.
topped the merkit. • • .. • •
• . Butchers' cattle sold: 'nenerallye sitn
about the same quotetiens PS- friVeri on
•Fridey last; 'with the: exception of .
few, extra cattle, good enough 'for • exe
port,. ,Which, were bought for butchers'
PUrpoSes. , .
Alior.t. co.ws %Sold. at, 1036 to.
each. ' • , . ' •
About: 37 ,veal calves -sold" at uneneen
lett. quotation. . . • • • - . • • .'
• Sheep and; yearling lambs; • of winch
there • was e light -rue, soni. at • firm
prices, The •Itigneet price for a Sriedn•
leo • bencle• of. lanibs • was $5.90 per
• Deliveries of IMO Was. not lar.geolot
More • than •t000 cne. tke matins -1n • Rep- •
reeentativeil of. the :pecking nottsen etill
tie:mist. in. giving out to- the. press that'
evrices are tuella:Iv:0 at •;$5 , ten per.
Cwt.. ine °rid' on: Saterd.ay last gaen
the'prices at $5.15nto $5.377, per evyt., •
fen ,straight loads, -and up to • the pres-
ent • we'neene feeeived no 'informa.tion
ta tense ue to change tlic.ee nuotatiors'
but -on. -.the othiir • nand' we , are 'more
confident • .that we are right • as had -
we been ' wrong why •clid not the pack-
ing Imusee contradict' mit' state's:tier:es n
The World'n reoresentative on the mar-
ket niter:viewed many .of. the drovers
dealing, in hogs end not one of. *Ahern •
contradieted: the report publislied in
the Worla of lent naturday. • Iire 'all,
with the- exception of one drover, ,ad,
Mitten paying lite per carte tonfarreets.
in . the country, nt.th .east and West" of
Totonto. • • . • " • • • '
All dealer's . lit hogs know .quite well.
that it costs .all The • Way from es, to
4Oc. per cwt try deliver' hogs irs the trier:.
net, according to.the distance: 'The
freight. a,tithe lowest rate eitoted is 9e.
per cwt., an n the drovers interviewed
stated the shrinkage at g t9. 12 lbs.
per hog, although semi of thous gave
much higher figuren Say that. the
shrinkage in To. lbs. *per. hog of
lbs.,. .oa the gyerage ; that is .514 per
.11)., would mean 2514 peo cwt., Which,.
together with the 'freight woold Mean
34e pereewn, as the dost of delivering
nOgs On .the Tomtit° market, when $5
per cwt. is this price in the country.
All of the .foregoing goes to slow,
that hogs bought it the country at $5
per cwt. could not lie sold at less tnan
55.35 per cwt., witliovt losing inoney.
Therefore, we quote togs as being wor-
th from $5.15 to 55,37. And we give
a quotation of a sale by Maybee &
Vilson of 25 hogs at $5.25 per, cwt., 3
SOWS at $3.75, stag at $3 per cwt.
Brown's Sale Register.
Satorday, March r9tho At 1 p. 211,,
Lot 91 Core 9, Indlett, farm, stock
and nisrlements,—W, M. Dunlop, .pro.
On Tuesday, Mar. 2206, at p. 111.
on let 22, con. 9, Stanley,. farm stock
and implements.—Johe Davidson, pro-
prietor. •
Wednesday, Marvh 2erd, p.mu
' Mr. and •Mre. James Jewell spent.
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J, Rapson
la,nitclic. Mr. nave Wreght of the Base
• • •
Miss Annie Wright 'spent Senclay
week with .her eister, Mrse•Jase Jewell
Miss Bessie Hedele, who has been
absent for a *couple onyears iMihi
cglzyn, lraestivi.rxescl_no her ,honse here Satur-
Building operations will be cerrice,
ens, extensively its this neighbernoocl
.during the coining simmer, Williani
Oke peeps:nes enlarging and remodel-
ling his 'nem, Wm. Long is having ,
his bern raised and 'a .etone •foundee
tion nlacen: raider the same.. John Mc-
Lierty contemplates naildiag a new
barn, These, with other. neinor Mi-
n:rover/Man will make plenty of work
for carpenters and stonesnasone.
:• Morris .Township.
'Saturday' Week Kenneth. McKenzie
and wife left for their mew Mime' near,
Gtelph where they Wan follow fartne
ing. They took the overland route 'ow-
ing to the snow blockade* on the rail-
way, Rothsay• was reached one
dey witle elierd of .his cattle,. a , good
John Bosnian of Rat, Pentage end.
family have been spending part of the
winter with Edward and • Ines. Bcs-.
man of Wingliam end ; other :relatives
in the vicinity Of 131tevale. Mr. Bos-
niarnhes returned to Ranneortage but
inre. nosinan will remain a new week.s
longer' in Ontario. ''
•• James. ,Sherrie moved to the' Tenn
he' recently. nerelaised 'from K. McInnis -
4th line. Some 15 Or more neigh;
hors gave nim a hand. on :VIondey and.
made the' removal a cOneraratively
'easy matter. WM. ni. Sellers, rd
line, is moving to nfrnShurrie's farns•
this week. '. A..ne* hosteekeerer will be
installed. " ' . •
:John and Cnarles listener% well
known young Men of the:6th line; who
have. -been farming* in. the Glenboro'
locality, 'Manitoba; are. enjoying a ho-
liday here with relatives. and friends
'before they return, to tlie West -tine
spring . resumes their son -tilling'. :
The 59 -acre farm. of names Moffatt,
4th concession, has teen purchased len'
Thos. and Robert Werwick.whoee feree
adjoins it, thereby giving Merit • 150
acres. Mr. Moffatt moved last week
to the hennestead on the Tureberry
*boteneary where he will noW mike ins
home. .
4•4•4•4••:••:••:••:••: • :••:• ••:•+•:••:••:••>
•.;* . ,
i 0 t 0
it * (h . .
.! t: i t t 1 ,,,,.: :
• ' liti,40111,41411440416,60Kb4Pqhmrmt. k
. A
. No
• .
'6 • • • THE .NEW " ' *(
fs: . . 1..
A ' ?
.S 4r.
1' IVall ' apers it
Conte along any day .s.
and we vvilt show you
the ballIpleS, They
are both numerons
and at tistic, represent -
7".• ing withoutdoubt the
largest stock and nithit 3ff'
es. beautiful papers we t
$ have atter ebown.
NS .t
. y
s. • all papere trimmed free. X
4 • , ..0
2 . • . 1.,
t .... .
•• in . .
.JUEI, er JO. :
:4 40
. 711
. .
. II
44 . . .
• .
*4; • .13i1LA"ArriClil.
4.7,••••••:••:•04,40 4•0 000 4“:•••:••:•4••:. $>•:••.:004•14.1“)+4404+:•••;•40460•34.
The latest is "Keppel Oak." We have
. .
. .
UNDERTAKING .4i4' IS. ' ii1141WITIM ;
. • -
I "
Night and Sunday.ealls answered 11.5. residence of Mr. John Powell o •
• • . .
• either of the principals . '
. . .
• . • .
• . • • . • . . .'. • • • .
I .
, . . .
..41-oeiiit•••••••••04."•••••••••e.i.*•••••.e.**4.• '
• In cii•cler to male Nom for onr immense
Shipment of Spring. 0904 we have arrang—
..fridag.tadfilttlat..i. moral- 18 $t 19 Onlu.
It will pay you to investigate. Every pair of Boots in our •
South Window including Ladies Kiel Buttoned Boots, Merin t
Pine Late *13000, Ladies!' Kid Oxfords, • Minxes Kid •Buttoned ,
Boots and 13oys and Girls School Boots..... ... ; ...... . . . .. • . •
There will some $Pecial Bargains °Ur North Window for • .
• Men and Brays. Don't fail to see them, for two days • •
Rubbers at less than Manufactures' Pricee. : • •
'Mews Rtihners nee, Ladies.' Rubberi 34e.
--. •
ketni pOSted in our Stock and Pies and you won't go astray.'
: Nce trouble to show good. .
The Old Reliable
0000000000. )00
We will hold our Spring Millinery openings 'on .
Tuesday and Wednesday, March 29t1:1 add 30pi.
inspection the most up-to•clate Millinery in the
iss Morrison, who is so well known to the ladies
o Myth and sorrounding county as a first-class
Milliner, is again in charge of the department.
Ready to Wear Hats now in stock. DON'T '
New Goods in. all Departnients.
Any quantity of I3utterand g 14 g taken in exchange for goods.
• . t •
Pretoria Biock
000000000000 0000
000000 00000000000000
ly arrange matters a a ays 2. all sister was taken and now Mr. Oneten time indigestion, diarrhoea, .prevent Thos. Adams, propractor• 4$4 Pr ressive s
have the mortgagee PaY Off the els.hu, ghillies death makes the r from croup. Lila), irritation at teething Wednesdan, Marc 30th, et / oennieriennexenkenee,,eeseaneenea. y . og
bow lovely everything would be for the thel dre4d disease consumption. lie time,. break up colds and destroy wor- Lot 9-, Count, Tuckeremith, adjoiliing• :e•
usi e s 111911
advertise 131 he
Castanet agricultura.list. The farther had bet t visiting till a short time ens. Ist fact there ere none of the mine seaforth, farm stock and istindelnentS.
exreetn such boon, but that is ego in Buffalo and arrient hoine on the or ailments of childhood which the --W. M. Habkirk, Probrictor• . X
exactly whet tin: Lantier goetritment Friday night before ine ,leatie The Telslets will not eure, Sold by drug. Saturday, April /r.,d; at p. ra
has Provided for the 0, T. /row funeral thole. place it Wednesday. • to nista on man be had at nn cents a lxix the Ccurmercial had,. Seaforth, a
can. the government justify such an St. Augustine .1I 't,'1'47 awl was vole- hy wng direct to Dr. Williams, choice dwelling witit lour lots.—MrS;
evirsa eoord
irrational initosal attesecd, ttedicitieCO., Erockeille, Robert Coleman, proprietress... 4.440+0004++++++++4
, -
# -