HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-10, Page 5March 10th 1904.The carton News•RIgecord
I ,I,
Manitoba. White Fish
Salmon Trout
Finnan 11 addle
Yarmouth BloatersShrinIps
W. T. O'Neil..
Effective. daily during Morch and
April, cheap one way Colonist tickets •
will be issaed from all stationa in
Ontario to all points on. the. Great
Northern Railway in the states of
Montana, Idaho, Washington and.
Oregon, also all points in Briti'sk.'Col-
amble. On March 1st, 8th, 15th, ?and .
and 290., and April atla reth, sga,
and 26th one way second class tickets
will be issued from Chicago to points
in North Dakota at greo.tly reduced
rates. Full information as to time of
trains, berth rates in Tourist sleepers,
also literature on any of the above
states on application to Chas. W. •
Graves, District Passenger Agent, 6
King street West, Room 12, oronto,
or F. I. Whitney, General Passenger
Agent, St. Paul, Minn.
The Farmers'. Handy Book for 1904,
issued in connection with the.Farmiag
World, Toronto, has just reached ...its.
The book is a neatly bound,- attrata
tive volume containing 256, pages of
reading matter.On every one of, these
pages something. of vital interest to-'a:faner may be found,' no matter what
special. branch of agriculture he tats.y
be pursuing. the sectionsdevote& to
tl.e soil, dairyieg,:.liee stetk, poultay.
raising and the orchard, ate laartieu,
larly practical and. -interesting • and -ad-
apted to present requireinentsa. Every
farmer should have this • book, for rea-
dy reference at all. times.. It.. is; se
Well indexed that no time • need -be
lost • in looking for the :information
-contained it the work;
a wishto neforin the citizens • of
Clinton that I san doing a first-elass.
laundry business in the Stand fortnerly
occupied by Mr.. .Tolin Hays. on Ontar-
io street and will gliarantee sat:Isis:ea
tic)* or ycur money refunded. ShtrtS.
ironed so that they will not hurt the
neck. Stand up collars frenetl. without.
being broken in the wing..
Shirts ,5e
Collars re
Cuffs 2e per pair
Mouses ioc to 2.5c
Family washing, plain, net starched,.
25c per cloz.
Family washing, starched, 50e ..per.
Goods called for and clelivere6 in any
part of the town. • • .• . •
. Charlie Ming.
- HeldUp -
for inspection is ono, stylo of shoe
from the inany -varieties wo have
stock. It fairly represents .,the
gance of all our shoes. Theyare'new
and right up to the minute in poirt.
of style. They are just off the last
and look well and wear well. Unlike
many handsome things they have last-
ing qualities. If you wish to .be Well.
shod, put your feet'• int a pair of our
$3.5o shoes, the best ever sold . at :the
Our Groceries •
are always freeli and ospectally-
snitable tot tie seasons of tne year, 40$
well as the staple goods required ev-
ery day in the week. They fill every
shelf un6 corner in our store; it is
bardly necessary td tate that these
goods are of the highest quality and
prices are very reasonable%
Ogle Cooper's o16 stand. •
Cash for Butter and Eggs.. Phone 23
it Will Pay You
TINWARE, onn rnslys, GAR.
Mrs. Shier's vAATZ
Boaeorn's Old Stand
opposite dr Mason liontet
"SAV -00L" DDT -
Some one has reckoned that the name
ai the capital 01 Korea -Seoul -is it
tered at least a .hundred million times
in America alone Siace the war broke
out. If that is so it is well to know
that the name is pronounced. like the
English work "soul." The authority
is Archer Butler Hulbert, former cali-
tor of the Korean Independent, who
contributes an itteresting article on,
"Korea, the Land of the Morning
Calm," to The Youth s Campanioa t.f
If the Companion etoes not reach you
regularly let vs knew.
FARM FOR SALE -4,0T 31, CON. • 1,
'Stanley, about 2 miles: from Clira
ton, a spler4jd fartn of too aorta.; in
good state. of cultivation.Coinfert,
able. frame hottse nearly new; new
barn and other out -buildings„ notir
failing well. For further particulars
apply on premises cr xuail to
CALWELL, Clinton P. 0,
ises of the undersigned on the oth
con., Goderich township. • Owrar
will please prove property, pay ex-
penses •and take the ,arrinia..1 away.-
.. GEO, A. COOPER. , 24* •
and implements,- The undersigned
has been instructed by Mt, R. J.
.2filler to sell by. Public Auction. at
Lot 30; Col. 5, Hullett, on Thurs-
day, March reth, the followiag :
horse rising four years, 1 horse ris-
• ing 6 years, 1 aged dri-ving horse,
spring foal,, 4 /lowly calved cows,
3 spring calves, t cow suppose& to
lie in calf,. 3. y.oung calves,, 9 Rigs
•. about. 3 monthe ole, r. sow supposed
to be in pig, I birder,' / imower,
seed 1 hay rake, r set .'
111011(1 ,• harrows, 1. disc 'harrow, r
, single plow, i pea bervester, 1 twcta
fairow plow, I land roller, set
trucks, x lumber wagon, 'top bug-
gy, i spindle buggy; r open buggy,
•clottl•Je. buggy, i cutter, 2 sets S1U-
gle harness, 2 sets amble harness, i
' sea bobsleighs, 1 pest -hole." auger,
turnip punier, i 'hay rack, ,x. gravel
box, t fanning iniIi, i Melette cream
Seperatore 3 Set avbillietrees;r wheel-
barrow, 2 :Ian kettles, tt quaritity of
bay, hens; turkeys geese,. forks, ,rak,
es, etc.Terms-All stints -et. $to and
under ca' sh on over that anicant 50
Months credit will be giVen. on ap-
proved joint notes , 5 Por cent. per
alumni • discount on . credit ,amounts.
-. Side .at x o'cl'ack•Sharne-R. M11 -
LER, • 'proPeietea ; T. .BROWN, auc-
ty of good •honey for .sale. -HI. DODD.
land concession, Godericn' township,
aboutmile from. Holinesville'con-
•taining ioa-' acres more or less. On
the . plade is a house, -kitchen and
•woraished, barn ar;t1. stable, orchard,.
and about 8 acres of bush and • a
neverefailing • creel:. ruaning. through
the place, about 5 acres of fall wheat
and •anaitt ' 20 acres of :fall. Plowiiig
done. Will 'be sold 1.t2 .6'c16ck p.
tn. en April. rat. For partientats
.E.Pply to the taidersigued executors-;
ELEORD, GEO. ilf,13B1....'TT, Hole
meaville P. O.
e •
steer strayed, onto the premises .ef
Jas. Bayes, Let 20, cou: Tr, Stan-
ley, on or about Nov. 23rd. The'
owner. is reemeated to prove nroper-
ty, pay damages and take the eiti-
mil away no'vEs: . St.
wort,.Smell Highest wag-
es paid to eel:table:person. Apply: tc
' S, H., SMITH, Princess St.
years : of age to help with general
house work. -Apply to MRS. _WILL
HARLAND, Princess street, .Sait.
01d; ir.t foal to Sir Walter. Also 'a
• filly, colt : so months old. -FRANK
*.'g; powELL, clinical :P.. O. '
. .
have for 'sale a splendid theirobred.
Darlitan MAI,eight months.; dark
red, he is t. very promising, anazial
. 'and will be • said clicap We have al-
so for sale a quaetity of seed oats,
barley alai peas. These oats are of
splendid variety an la Feat yielders;
• having n'town bashera to the
acre last year. Address, TYNDALL
TIROS,, Clinton. • •
signed las for sale a n months old
Grade- Buil. It's a goccl
5. APPLEBY, Lot 211, eon. 8, Hal-
lett, Loncleshora P. O.
fortable house situated on corner of
C Utah and Osborne streets. -Apply.
to CHAS, OVERBURY, July 16th,
organist of Ontario street Methodist
-church. Teacher of . Piano, Hantiony,
Form. Free Theory lecture to stu-
dents every Tuesday evening ahetu-
dio. Over Newcombe's store', Clin-
ton. •
undersigned offers for sale north part
of lot 36 on the 16th colt, of Goder-
ich township, containing 2o acres,
Good frame house, tarn and stone
stqble. Good orchard vvitit all kinds
of fruit, )4 mile from co/Toro/6On of
Clinton. 14 Mile from seltdol. Apply
le V, 0. Will sell the entire 20 acres
or part of lot to suit the plirchaser.
Dee, 1st,
pared to do all kias of elcattilig,
Dycitt and ,Pressing of Clothes.
All work done an short notite cord
aatisfaetion gue.ranteed.--4. T, $re
111 1: NM ail lir II
(7)(4)q)Clo* ITC11)$(1
000 00 00
The News of Goderich.
Alfsa E. A., Skinslogot • Correspondent,
On leaving the registry rate, town,
to take another position in Toronto, •
Miss 'Gibson, for some years one of
the staff, was presented 'with an Ideal
Waterman pen by Registrar Coats,
Such a snow storm raged upon
Thursday a. in., March 3rd, afterthe
preceeing heavy rain of Wednesday ev-
-en,ag that we thinli our weather pro--
phets mast have found themselves. • at
- their wits cud, although the suu shone
at intervels. •
We had an ineipient blaze on Thurs-
day a. m .': while the' winds warred wi-
th it, but it • was soon extingaished.
The house is occupied by the Rev.
ADM and his sisters.
Mrs. Marslfall, formerly of Auburn,
• came down, from Q'Appelle to visit her
mother at Aul-orn .and Mr. and Mrs.
Alex, Glenn at. Dunlop. While i-12 town
• she was the guest f Miss Collinson.
Mr. Lawson of the then of Bachanan
- & Lawson is building a very fine large
,house: on. Vittoria street.
Ors Wednesdayof last week .11,In: Har-
ry Videan drove down to • Clinton w,th,
the mail and rot:noted with the mail
from that town, •
The detainAl mail brought us a large
andwell taktn photo of Government
Hearse, Toronto; presented 'us by King -
stores member, E. J. Vense M. I'. P.
We prize the honourable gentleman's
ceurtesy vety highly..
• • Mrs. '<Mg of the King Edward. hotel
• has :quite recovered from a very ob-
stinate ease of pnetanorlia.
• Mr. George .Thotuson was -coidlned to
• the house .some' days last week.- •
Mr. Consigners ..goods and chattlea
were driven down te Clinton on. Wed-
nesday aftervoon of last week. 'Little
Miss Myrtle, became -.quitea' pretty
dancer setae here- arid. played very
nicely taaon the' violin. She is clever. •
On •2114 -March.. at the t. George's
enareh a very- fait 'attendattee was not-
..ed, .and we ....ninat. Say it Was for:the
meter- part a. -congregation of . the
fair, •Rev. . Mark Turnbull preached a,
very practical -sermon. Irani. St. Mark,
and, chapter, and. 11 verses, whi-
ch" beatitiftaly deana'with -our . lives on
. St. Patrick's Day,. relit March, Will
be celebrated .by a 'sacred ecneert , and.
lecture at St, Poter's. Rea, Father
Stanley , .�f : St. Peter'a ',Cathedral;
Londan, will deliver his fanione ad-
dress ea "Si. •Patriela. Ireland's Patron'
:Saint." "
The Victoria street ladies' catartette
composed.. Of% Misses Emily Whitely,
Drew,' ' Nielrelson -and Fcrden, kindly
'gave their services on Sunday aftera.
nowt., . • .
Bread is .price, A 1,1. poand
loaf i - y: at dents, which.
is ,at the rate. of Itt!.; ecu Ls for a pound
Mr; Ies • Port 'Ilu•roti son-in-law
of Mr, „Lesvis.Elliot:t, itt 'serioUskY
..DaVe goin to Winni,
peg, .•
How :foci; • Year subitertntioa to The
Newsritecord 'stand ? ' • .
. . .
,Mah. Chong, the Chinese„ „iaunney
Mara is fitting. up his premises in line.
styl.. • . • . . • • '
• Mr. :IildeSsVart4, nreprietor:' of the
'British •-gachelige, is' settitqC;thc ace:
He • had a• team , at his libeel all Fridny
afternoon and: Main ;Shovelling the
snow ante the, sleigh to be carried. off
eoinewheee. We said as we pasked
•mtest think you reside.- in a
city, IVIr. Swart." "Ire Worked .away
hiinselfas if he enjeyed
anow, as it boyish pastime,
.Mias ,jean Rhynas Wee. • , the past
two weeks with a very severe attack
of appendicitis.. . .
Mr: . al:award Edwardr
dve totawn
tin SatirdaY with' his hither, Me.: Jos,
411 EtT_Watd, and looked :wonderfully
improved in „health. . • • '
It is being advocat«d. by the powers
that be that teachers and parents -will
be - asked. to. anew' their children to
,correspond with schoOl. diiidren . in
Great. Britain for meteal. knowledge...
;Mr, Blair .cgaye very fine addrees.
en Sunday In the. Tem ierance
41s -subject \arta the most: fitting:. One.%
for Surday' temperance. lectures,..•Life.'
Kabec. church .quart tt Messrs." Leith -
bridge 'and S. 1 Jamison end 'the MiSSes
MeVittia: and :Clarkartnderial •
car se` Mast Win.'! '•
Mrs, Henry llanapstm end daughter:
Mamie ef Kalamazoo,' Mich, have
beim the guests .of 'Mrs, Robert Orr,.
On Saturday .the pretty .*English •
collie owned by, Mr:. DeLouge-svaaspoiee
-MACDOAIX-At the 1.e-
eidence of the bride's parents , on
March and, by Rev. Mr, McLellan,
John GI Imore of Moosejasv, Assa ,
to Maggie, (la/Water bf Mr. Gilbert
Mace:Quaid, 21:d con. Stailley.
JACKSON: -DICK. -At the residence Of
*.the hride, Blythe on Mareh ist, iy
Rev. • Dr. MeLeari, Mr, John Jack-
son of Mane, to .1Vliss Hannah Dick'
of Myth.
FLYNN-In Hallett on March . 6.0,. to
Mr. and. Andres' Flynn, a
• (laughter,
11.01,MESie-In Bnissela, Vela 28th,
•t Dr. W. L. and Mrs. Holmes, a
AIBURV-At Melfort, Sask., oii Feb
'• .180, rilia and Mra..George Ante
bury; formerly of Auburn, OM:,
a daughter, •
• Deaths;
PETH/CIC-In Clinton or,, March 701,
Inas, Eliza. Pethick, aged 68 years.
OLVER--In Huntsville on March 2hdt
Mrs, jonn Olver, formerly of Ult-
ima, aged .53 years.
MeD01.70.A:LL-111. Turnberry on reb.
25th, Iltigh McDougall, aged 81
GREEN -In Fergus on 14`eb, 28th,John
Green of Wiagthani, aged 84 years,
MORRISON-In Walton on Feb. 27th,
Rebecca McGill, wife of Matthew
Morrison, aged 63 years, 9 monthg.
and i day. .
NoTT-At Clay Centre I:Ca:Uses, an
, Feb. 190, Jelin Nott V, 5„ for-
'„ 'Italy of Brussels, aged .62 yew:a,
math and 5 days.
SHOP.TIMEI)-Xit Morris on March 2,
Christina, ,third daughter of ..Tolm
and Mary Shortreed, aged 36 years
and' 8 Month:a
WINTER -In Leaden on iMarch 1st,
SasPer C, Whiter, formerly of Sea -
forth, aged 34 years mid 8 months.
SELLERY-Xii Titelerstnith on March
1st, Thomas George Sellery, only
, son or'bit, W. 3. &Dory, aged 20
, 6, letter to her mother Mrs. (Dr.)
• Herald (nee Miss. Ellen Ralph) says
that her husband, flr. WilNort Harald,
has two ranches near Mediciaa Ilat
fenced in, one rombering 3000 acres
and the other Ism) acres. He .is rais-
'Mg cattle and A.Inploys le very large
number of men.
Mr. C. 5. Miller, who was born in
. Galeria half a century ago, died re-
cently in Draridt,n, Man.
• . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott drove
to IIttron township and were the gues-
ts for a couple of. days Of Mrs. El-
liott's mother, 11,Irs. John Cox, win;
. has reached her 85th year.
Mrs. Shelton,. sister of the Messrs.
William and Jahn Proudfoot here, is
spending this winter at Baltimore.
..• Mrs. Dave Reid has been confined. to
, the • house for some time . from an
• attack of la grippe.
• We collet'', upon: the Misses - Munro
and Baldwin of Ottawa .at -their elass
room in Hodgeas' Bros, establishment-,
square,. and found a very large, claSs
in attendance, all workmg at beautiful
Idevices on old gold linen, huek-aa'back
and. davers fancy materials on which.
. these devices were being done in silk
embroidery. • OM lady was working
sone exquisite batterilied. The
creeper with its red -berries,
Inong theoutronn . tinted loaves was
beautiful. The class up to Saturday
evenirg,• 5t1t Mardi, numbered
Mr. Wood of the ith concession Goti-
erich said the .roads . were
in fine order cm :Saturday for driving
I upon, His wood, • toe, was in perfect
condition, good sound maple, .
W. Elliott, 4th conceSsion Goderich
tawnship,, is quite an 'euterpriaing
member of that well etiown
On Saturday. he held a *sa,16 at • the
"Red •Barn" of horeesthat his
brought. down .from. tie West,' They
brought.. fair .prices and. were ptjrchased
by the following- persons : P. la Dean,
town ; Isaac- Salkeld. and Chris, Jelin-
stoe, Bavlield Rind ; Willi( • • ]tToor,-
Beiiiiiilber Dr. Me(10,. W. IL'. Wilson
and D. Glenn, Dinigaution.
.. Mrs.. Jouethan...Mill r.of ,Seefertli
*Was .in toven on Satutchia.' ' • •
. At Nnea church on Saudavlast there.
'wore at the morning -siErvice more
eelmannicanta than. Oiler before' on SaC7
katnent .SUnday. •
Mr. Dave • Yule h.ft. per excarsima
'train on Menday. fcif Whir ipeg.. - • '
• :On Wednesday .of . last . week' •Mr.
.:Johu• Bropliyreceiveda telegram front.
:Cleveland apprising bini of the -death
of his brother William .freara paralyeia..
We were , sorry to learn that Miss
Marrow, :second: daughter of
Mr, • faecrge Mornay, has been ill Jar
the past couple of menths 'front tin
obstinate attaek • of la grins% • :
My. Charles Whitely; Inglewood;
brother • of Die .7. B. Wit itely, • ga.ve•
delightful . parta:at his reshienee.. • on
Tuesday: cveiilig. Quito alniinber . -of
the r 'fair' sex eteeept(d his initntioil to
apend: the eve niag at inglearoad. SO -
.(1 -41 ladies and' getitlemen 'from ,
drove out 'aii6 the large •gatlieringliad:
•delightinl tinie with. masie,. song•aud
gaines. Whitely is no • advocate ot
."stae" •paries, he iS too !gallant to.
. the fair sex for that,,,, A. lovely. 'supper,
Wati prepare& by the
sisters 'of Uie host ,of the . evening, •
Mr..' and Mrs. J. W. Elliott 'of Clin-
ton arriCed by train on Saturday afa
ternOon„ with their -lovely little:. son,
Master :Mervyn, and were J.11t1 , guests
on Smiley of. and 'Mrs. .Pebert
Elliott. 7. • : •
Dt. 'Hunter's pretty lox terrier was.
also poisoned and, Messrs. koht.:Me-
Lean. an6 Jaek. •Yule :lost •thefavalnalile
'dogsat the setae time. a .••
MiSs Mary,:GLIArY-31cts gOne'' to ViSit
'friends ..acer Ottawa. She Will • ale° en:
route.- :Ica that • eity visit friends
Toronto and King -stem! • . •
A -aumber or boys with clog- Sleig,hs
are snAilying.sa.r eitizetS eVery week
with :nice fresh:herring:, • •
•• nIeBuritea, Who ..latela arrived
from • Irelaile, visiting his cousin,.
S. 5,. Coe -per of Cliriton,„ at present,
atter. Spending a; ecniple, .01 Weeks with.
his GOderiel: .eocisir:, A. 3. Cooper.
The S.. A. made their tirkt appearan.-
ce.ost :Sunday' evening' forathis.niontla:
The • .einteertita, • which: ate/AM/aided
theireSinging, was Wenderfally striaaga
Captain Fife, • -a former ..S. A. officer
here, and Lieut. CloSe: Were:With
sign Poole holdieg'se'reicee' on Sunday
last at the barracks wed went. :out Sr
the evenitg anarchaartated the sentare.
It was a cold wet night for them.
. we wonder if the, .people of Lanark
Co, ever dream how Much. they are in
affinity. with ''West Mina.... We eap re- •
member in our acheel daya.of 'the nunt-
her that eanie frein :the rale. of •Tatiti
(Amherst Island), frotn .KingstomBath
and'. •.N.apance, and their descendants
are afinierous. Captain John Bailey .is
alMOSt: the sole survivor of those who
cone. but :their' families 'itt Most cases
are all here. There were the Girvins,.
Pentlands, ; Gilmour el et; rat tan ; Mc-
Caujity; SaVagea, Pettersdas, Glents
and front. Napariee ard Bath Ballan-
tyne, Sinnaens, Johastetts,,MeIlwales,
and Mealy .others: • Kit -gator; is no.w
represerited by. Squire Goald and
McsSrs. ,Con, Murphy and .
DODD'S KIDNEY 1'n -4t4,5 emit)
Port nope, Ont., Mar. .a---(SPecial)--- .
It lasts been long admitted that what
Will tare Diabetes will cure any form
of Kidney Disease, and Dodd's; KiditeY
Pills have cured the long! standing
diabetes of Charles Gilchrist of this
place. :
Mr, Gilchrist is easily one of the,
bo.st known -men itt Port Hope. . For
fifteen years he was .Chief ,of Police
and for twenty-two years Vishay Ov-
erseer of the Dornimott Goverament,
When LAO, regareting his cure he had
no hesitatien in saying it was Mused
by Dodd's Kidney Pine and nothing
"2 ho.al Diabetes mul Kidney Disord-
er for ten years," he. said, "any • urine
was like brickitst and I had a terra
lde baeltache. I tried doctors , tried
everything, hut ecold get no 'help till
I was cs6vised to try thald's 'Kidney
Pills. 2 eminnebeed taking them, Sooil
Ibegan to get better mid F.-111 quite well
"If / had not used Dodd'a 'Kidney
; Pills I alp, eure I would have been in
nly grave."
I Sound kidneys take all impuritlies
' old of the blood Dothnt Kidney Pills
make sound kidneys. They are the
greateSt tenni of the age,
Pelquvraa Cures Catarrh Wherever Located.
'=-0, .•-'77--..„, -.-..-e-aa-ali .11,-,ea-----.-..-ea-ee
„.---.•-,-""ka-iii'-'eat.- . att-a
._.......... '17.,.'::-..;:. ..:,;•,,, :: - . • .......
..,...."' :::: • ,1,.......,.. .........4
.., ,..„,,,,,...2_,-,447....,...,-----n.., ••
Listen to What Dr, Hartman Pro-
poses to Do for You Without
Charge -
Doubtless hundrikls of thousands of
Woneit all over the United States have
seen Dr. Ilartmaills offer in thopepers:
how he has undertaken to treat everyc
woman suffering with • any form of
female disease who will 'Write to hint,
free of charge.. . . • •
To those who have not heard of thia it
may he said that Dr. Etartman is a phy•
sielan and surgeon of great renown in
mall:cal circles especial* in the treat-
ment of those ?diseases. Vadat women
alone have to bear. ' ' .
•Ile has arranged to answer all letters
that are sent to him from women
troubled with any form of female weak-
•ness, free of charge, giving. the *benefit
ofknowledge Which has cost him forty
'yearii to accumulate.. ,
• The rziedieines Ito presoribes are.with-
• in, the roil:Ch.:of any Wentart, and she can
got them atany drug store. - . '•
'.A1.1 she is required.,to do Is ton send her
;lame and address, :together With her
.symptoms; duration of sickness antiage.
Addrose Dr. 5. B. Hartman, president
irregularities, which_ brought on
teria auctinitdo mo a physical, wreck. I
trietl d,ecters from the different sehools'
of medicine, but without any perceptible
change in my condition, In zny. despair •
I called: •on.• an old nurse, wbo• advised --
mo to try Perdue, and promised, good
.results if I Would persist and take it
Mss Iviuriet e a
Arnu g
.t regnlarly. I kept this up for six. Months,
. and steadily gained Strength and health,.
and when X.had used fifteen .bottles:
considered inyself entirely cured.. am
happy woman . yWoman te-day;"-Mtga
' /tfiss Luity Bt. Itlioy, 3.3 Davenport St.,
C1evelaad,..011.1o, Writes: •
‘,1 wish to . add my indorsement to
that/Saida of other women .who havo.
been cured through the uso of ..Petuna;
I suffered fek five years with severe
backache, and when. weary or worried
in the least I had prolonged. heads/elm:
I am noiv.in.perfect health,. on -joy -life
and have //diner an =he or. pain,'Shanke
to Peruime"-e.1,,a(Cy M. Ri1oy.. '
If you (le not deriVeaprompt and satise
fictoryaesalts. from tilealse o Peruna,
writeat Once to. Dr'. Ilartnian;, giVing a.
fii.4 statement of year ease and he will
be pleased to give yo.n..4,s valuable ad-
vi:ded:gdi;e4stsis:p.r:' n. 'President Of.
The. Hartman Saiiitariiinc 0O1vt.mbut4 O.
e9fhte Hartman Saniteriuna.Columbas,
i Mrs. Sonator.Reiteh, of' Larimoro N.
Dale.; Mrs..Sonator Warren, of diey-
wino, Wyo.; Belva, Lock -Wood and isles.
General Longstreet, of Washington, p.
C., are among the prominent ladies Who:
I. Miss Helen Rolof, Itankanna, Wis.,
woterz: •
. •
"'Several times, during tho past two
years :or moro iny system bas . been
greatly in need of a 'tonic, and at those
tiraesTeruna 11li beeni:Of great help in
building apathe -Kyst&ni restoring my
appetite. and Securing reatful
Helen. Belot. . ' • .
MOS Muriel Armitage; 36 Greenwood
Ave.; Detroit,: Mich,. District Organ -
iter of the Ro.yal Tempters: of Temper
ince, wrlits as followa: , . • ,
"1 suffered for :axe years with uterine
On 21a1 Match, to : • .111r. anM
d 'eta.:
Beckett,. twins -a• eon. and, daatglitine
Mrs. . J. • Pridliam has • rented . thea
teams. .in•Betlford block formerly oci
,eirpied by Dr. Wiiitelea
Potatoes were ..S1 per. laishel in athe:
groceries -last 'Week,. • . •
Ars: enihnsiastie company 'spent a
delightful , • evening eat thee no•spitable
resalenee Captain and Mrs: Tam:
•Tretheway ear Tirersday . evening
.• -being .the evening on Which' the -
March'. 'meeting:. -of! (-he. Wonien's In-
•stitrte: ..was held, "..0,11c-:. regret
that anidng .the ...tsetit was . the
detit, Mrs, .1):..Cantelolli very
The .vice-president, • .. :Mrs. -..I.Tarry
Morris, presideil; . in Iner -plate. very ,
arectitably. .• The: Meeting, •optnid..with.
selectionof instraniental erats•ic, . given
.by :Mist; ,, ,Skinaings • ard
aftee which 'the .ateetieg :Was -called , to
order and the' gentlemen withdrew to
Captain- Tretlieway!a,alibraty and
dalgedeJh :gairataand e 'eorlyer.sat,!.! • a's
theeGaelph Mercury lea it.. • Mias.
rendered -h fine style an
strUniental eel eetion .`"The. Promenailee'lite'
,. panty little vc.eal• sale ..-"Put
in. my 'little. bed" was 'admirably ram- :
derect by •Miss Nellie Tretheway. The :
venal- scio "Eaccato Face" waS ren- •
dered . very well ..by: Miss X111c after
which came tbe address of . Mrs. Colin
Campbell.' entitled '.'Knowledgeof the .-
seiences fa poiiltillgl (vat .
how a knowledge cf • the .sciences is an
i.id• to 'cooking. 'Mrs. ...Camplaell
."There. are .inany things we all require
which ate neat really „nee6ful -for. 'life.
Fried ' we -Must. have or .we. die.. Food
is for -.the body: syliat .ftrek° iS,for
All -foods' of whatever
are.Ina& .delinite• ;eon:Ail:dents
known. .s ..foed principles, the.•
iniportant of NitiliCh • are the r•itiregen-
Otis' 'foods,. the fats• and the carbelydr-•
ateS .or starches. • Each article • of food
has a • ,predoininance;, of one • of; these'.
00Wkhiiticigt,• nistitsatrlges • c
sitlere(1 hi the 810
render0 more soluble hence More di-
gestible by slang coOk.ing. Of the
iiitregenotis foods the albuinen present
in. all Annual and vegetable organisms
aie. more digestible in their nominal
state, however ,it. is oftea necessary to
coca them ia order to aria,ko
palatable; ' Examples' ' of 'these /tibia • .
meatus • foials • are :..white, of :eggs, eas-
ein af niilk and ;Oaten •of•.wkeent.
cookihg cereals it is the cock's duty .
to -ascertain which Of the food •
(lipies ...predominate in tire article to be
cooked, This is a simple matter for
Ore; Who is cotiversant with the natur-
al sciences: irlie• girl . who his studied
plants .bas learitml the gra;itts from
which these .foods are prepared . •are .
compel:sett largely Of starch and cellia• •
lope, the latter being a woody. fibre,
cellulese is, never digestible in Lily
form but is reneered more palatable
hy lotig cooking, ao. few cocks 111.4a --
stand why .vegetablesslictilet be cooked
itt boiling salted, water„ salty meat .
should be seared before roastink„ why
cereals require. long cooking, why yeast
soda, cream of tartar and baking Pow -
tiers are ilsed to raise bread and cake
batters. When referrmg to the nitro-•
goons food alburnert, Mrs. Cainpherl
said. that tke egg, compesed largely of
albuitiere is tt go•ocl illastration t°,,f tf.is •
fpod. A1butnen coagulates at a teni-
Perot= of 140 degrees and it is they
a creamy jelly like mass, almbst as
digestable as the aibutileit in its -raw
state at.d having the advantage of be-
ing, palatable -If the egg is srhjected
to the hoIling temperattiro the albumen
becomes tough arid iveligestabie.. There-
fore. to receive the :greatest digesti-
bility the eggsare put into boiling
Water and allowed to 'stand at a tem-
perature below Mu degrees - about so
rurnirtes. An understanding of the ac-
tion of heat on al111,1111C11 is titejty to ,
the proper Woking of meats!, When
' . , ..
. .
. .
: ...Gocterieh.' •-• -..• . -...- 1 ,.• • .: ... :GP4erich..
. .
. . . . .....
„.1ti.:,,,,.ti?Lbie.,,i:ii,i....its..itito. irsetscriiijeteltleccinc,t)(u)ri•ashi;i.ct-rit::
i. -.,
Iligh temperature. ..for.a. short tinie iii
'circlerete. coagula.te the albuitienacn the '
'outside,. thus eltaang the pores'..and .
• • •
protecting the juices' iaside".thuPieta.; '
or meat. A teinperature jiest below
iSo degrees. is •eirtilloyc& during the re- ;
Mainder et the time. neceasasy tea .the
cooking: When the titanic:tit • is itt be
ltScti in broths or 'stews the :object is
to extract the .ntices front the meat
and • t1etLr 1111 'p}lOsite coursti gnvese;
the. dtateed effeeta In closing . '
:..iena.e.iiiIrp(1)>fe 1 01 i.atitiiadatv. (tIorie '
lei:11(411i! se taatiel:(11.
mary imPartarwe of the aetiestitai cora
ceraitig the feeding of a nOryous,-encr-
getie race, .depender altipen varied. Undi
eiourishing diet and theY Wil1. not le
slow . to tineke the -nue:Alen of: the 1.
hygiene of food the. anost popular
Manly' Of -the .age.': MasterGernet
tilt:11 tipon tanl
he gLofe. bis ' "OCtting.
Aetittailitiii", in: ntrulv criqiitable inane:
tier, for. one •se veting. ' Bella
dal Fed.' the- Ilighlancl Eling -to tiie.•
• pleftsure. of all, after which Mrs. Tn.,
theway plaved11 itinaithit"
lolian Fantaisie".'.aecompanied
ttr J ol iiFrethrway 'on the bones.
Margnetite Voir:gest •daughter
of • Engineer Milley, • • recited .nicely
"'The Del:tartan. Plea." • An addrese frora '
Mr, . Harry -Morris ft:flowed,also a
few remarks from W. Blake and Che r-
ies Varcoe. Miss Laura Salkeld recit-
ed. 'Wash v ' Doi lie": :and 111a11-'
ter Willie •Carteloa tolil . story. al,teit
"Pat and Mike," Miss Skiiniugs read
''Roses and. Cleinat ' ' a :Poeta dediva-
ted e to Mrs, .Tretheway,, After the
meeting's besiness. was • linisned re, '
'freshmeats• were. served and *sandwiches
and. diffeeent „kinds ttt lovely cake weve
:handed ..aroand the .e(ympisay with tea,'
Qaptaiii '.frente . • the. '
.:11c y. g 4,1d. linni silvee seta'
:vice saes used: Dtring the 'tea the,'
Missvs• Tretluwav. Nes ill o and Katie-
MacK4 sang. to 01..
Mental 'dilute and selos, Which
"Auld Lang a'a ae.:' and ..t;i)e, -Save • .
•the were ,siing. I,y the,. ataliceice„.
A heart y f , thanks was Offered"
Mee. Traiteway....foa•lier.kin6aesa.. and,.
... •
• :
• .
• .Colborrie
• •--- • -
.1as. • Bi...ggs; late •
alma resident of Carlotta::
Thy • Coanolly haVeilairchased '
the sta.iii(1 s'in the' Eieigaie pro.;')erty• an,1..
wi tit /hair port able sass.i I Po
.chltilt (16; it big artesimess.
•We are pleased ta • Seca Th' -t. il-
ton ...• tilde to. 11e .arotoid a,in after
being .laid ill? ttith ' fortwoor.
three!, Week Ale° -Mrs. .Jas.
Who itasbeeti ontiii itause fir
seine iliac, 15 ':iniprov ' . ,
• !Ur. ard .11rs. Scarlet; and family:of • ,
SaskatCou, • N.. W. '1%, liAt last week
on their return home atter epeneing •
the wiater with Mies...Searles' father, -
tlerdon Young, other' friends.
They. Nay the whiten;nt 'Saskatoon. • ,
are rid worse than svliat experien,'
cedhere...tine 'winter. .
Ono. evenieg hist' week .as • Air... Potts'
of, 'tialtford was re.Oriiiii.g• it. tne with .
his de:-IttlIter,. in a antler his hurse (Yana!
.too near,. asit( tv: itugk t
'Mitch causi.(1 the c:utter.. to
eapitize, throning the :Occupants' .
the snow. hitt(' was steasneet to
.kiadlipg....wood bet .We tire %happy • .
state'. that. the occupants .receivcd, • lie
' - -...*...------ ----
.4.4•48.4.4..X..:..).844+,•:444.444:44:44..:44.,:.4.8±4,46:4444;44.4,44.4++ ; . :
4 0'
. . •34
.•.t;.I.:,... ..ew...S. Spring .
Good. ,s
. . ..
y: Having deeidedto continee fle Dry Goodbusiness
latelY earl lea .y•.l,ee.
- on ,b37 PlUmsneeland Gibbings 'in their old Antal, We have been+ buying ..t.
.t. largely in all lines of Dry Goods usually kept in stock and having. et:
+ bought before the late auvance in prices we Will lte in it position Co sell .2. '
•• at very reasonable Prices. We' have teeeived so far abont one ear load ..*-
t. ef Oct& and'are.now ready foe busiiress, . . . .
., . We haves& Well line of New Drt:ss goods with Trimmingato mateb, • .r.
$ Silks in all the -various colors. . .
X ' Prints in the,different prices, beantiful patterns, in English and t
.S. . Canadian makes. • 4
y •
. A
FULL LINE -OF STAPLE 000D5. . . •z,
..:. - Ladies Wear, flioneee, Skirts, ATriderwelti,, Gloves, thud 1., etc, t -
4. + likady•rolule,Olotliing. We haVe.only a part of otir (nothing itt asyet,
Wo are ex edit; e in a fess” de, 'if 'I r1111 linoof ,, "si s
y eto Caps, 411 new stuff suitable for the spring and summer ti:nile.,
•t• . Carpets, Oilcloths, Linolennis, Lace Curtains and House •Furnish.
y' Inge, • .
't.: • We intend to carry good goods and sell them at very close prices.
4 our expeoses will be small and we think swe will be able to sell as 'close
. or a little betterthan anyone in the teade, . .
4.• ' We are grateful to our old, customers foe their suppoet 'daring all
.41. the years we bttv,e in business -in Clinton, and we think we know pt etty
40 well the requirememuts of the trade is We nave been longer in the
4. dry goods business than anyone in town. We cordially invite you to
.t enli and aee our stock and prices. We will do what is right and treat you
• 4 wdn,
Boys' Knickers at a loW price. These area bargaitx that we got and Y
are alt new ."
A few lines of our old stock yet on handAbout 20 Latliea Jack
etS from 5 % 0c toto titian- A lot of Childrete's Hose at c per pair: . 100
44 L: •
4 44
+ I 4::
44 +44 4+4444 4:4 444:4 +484 4:44:44:• 0:4 44 4:4 44 4•4•4:4 44 1X* 4.4 4.*4+4.444 444 04,04 44+ 04404 44••••44444• 44•44,444 4.