HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-10, Page 4•
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The NewsirRecord nohnesville,
Mr. 0. C. Willson of Seaforthl WaS
publiShed *Very Thursday ia our village on. Monday.
The NeweeReeord Printing 1.10uSe Bliss Logan of Varna is the pest of
AL13ER.T Sl'REET., • -,- • CLINTON... Miss Pickard.
Terme of subscriptiene.4x per year in
advance ; ,Fx.5o may be charged if
not s< veld. NO paper discontinued
until all arrears are paid, unless at
the option of .04 publisher. The
• date to whieh every subscription is
paid is dented on the label.,
Advertising rates— Transient adver-
• tisements, ro cents per lionpariel
line for 5rt insertion and 3 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion,
Small advertisements not to exceed
one inch, such as "Lost," "Stray-
ed," "Stolen," etc., insetted once
fur 35 cents and each subsequent in,
sertion 10 cents.
Communications intended for publica-
tion must, as a guarantee of good
faith, be accompanied hi', the name
of the writer.
To insure publication in current issue
copy of advertisements should be
sent in early.
Contract rates—The following table
shows our rates for speeilied pet-
iods and space:
x yr. 6 nio, ,mo. x mo,
x Column $70 00 $40 00 125 oo $8. 50
X Column ect oo 25 oo 15 oc. 6 co
' X Column 25 oo 15oo 8 oo 250
Column 18 oo 10 co 5 50 2 co
Inch 6 oo 3 50 2 oo e 23
Editor mid Proprietor,
The Ross Goveramea .
Censured by a Liberal PapeE
Wheu the estimates of the e.S.!dendi- •
turc for ?he current year are . beine
put terough the Oetario- Legislatitre„
which cf .the Huron:members will hav.
the courage to stand up and oppose
the payment of $9,218 to. Mr. Pete':
Ryan for a few ho.urs' services. lei con
nection with the recent .eaSe of • decibel
limits. It is simply a job and. shotde.
not be designated • by any milder' teem.
A clerk in the Crown Lands Depart,
mere could' have eone the Work just
as well as Mr. Ryan and at .little ,ci
no cost to thel country. We do' no('
blame Mr; Ryan lor getting all ;M.
can. It is the Goverement .evhee pro
teose the expenditure and.. the Legista--
time who senctiou it, who ere JO
blame.--Seaforth Expositc.r.: , . •
Mr. C. Hoare :of Clinton -was 'in mu
neighborhcod for e few days recently ,
selling musical instruments. ,He iS. 'a
hustler in that line, -
The Auburn Ride Club' took 'Sta..rie-
with the Goleroh to:mishit) clubin .a
shcoting contest which was won '
the letter by three point*: ••
Ora cley recently a hardware matt
frren Goderich was exchanging .6 Coal
stove with Mrs. Wm.. Symingt.90. .1.1e
had the stove .in the rig and ..Secedped
it Mr. Riddell's store leit did itotetie•
his horse which started clown the hill
arid turned the corner so sudden it
upset the tig and broke' the stove.,•The
horse. was s.lso - thrown off its feet
Soon there Was kelp on. the' scene- end
they got the horse 'extricated •from the
rig and got iton its • feet. It stetted
for Goderich without • the rig .and :went
about two miles before • it war caught
The animal cut. itself 'badly andeVetera,
inary Howson was called �it.. • -.elle.
driver had a. narrow escape for' :the
-horse plunged in the snow and alanost•
fell on top of him. ..• .. •
• •
Mrs. W•ne • Kellorgli .of Clinton:SWIM
has been • very illfot . the' past , leer
months, was able to come to the add.
homestead of her brother,.. Mr.. -.T.Ohn
Hoar, tc• reside till the warm. weath-
er. We hope to soon see. hr. around
Miss Ella Tindall also returned'hoine
frorn Chilton where she had .b.eeat wait-
ing on her aunt, Mrs. Xelloughe •
Mr. and Mrs. Fre& Searles raid .f
ily of 'the Northwest; who have been
visiting under the parental -ewe for
tle pest few months, •reternect tei their.
home last Friday.. •
Mr. Charley Ketting •�f Westfield
spent a few drys ht . the village last
Miss Walters of Carlow is the •guest
• cf Miss M.. Small this week. ,. . •
Quite e number cf the young peonle
from Auburn • took in the enteream-
men at Blyth last Friday night..:
Ale, S. Leutenslager intends .geing
West in the spring. ,
' The Rifle Club lied .an oyster -stAdper
on Wedeesday nigrt of }e.st week.' .
Mrs. R. Jones of- Poderich is 'visit-
ing under the parental roof. .
Miss Riddell of Sett:forth has been,
the guest .of her brother..Thornae. •
Mr. George Davisoo „Tr. of • Parry
Sound moved' his .effects down a .few.
weeks ago. He WES three days lOuger
on the road then he should have. beet'.
He Ante moved on to the Neaves 'farm -
which he bought heat fall.• •
Mr. N. Campbell 'of Westfield is
going to Torotto as delegate, for the.
A. 0. U. W. the middle of Meech.
Mr. F. ,Doyle moved to the other Side
of Belgraee Tuesday.
Mr. Ell. lielwig has returned •honte
from Goderielt. •
Mrs. • E. Phillips returned :to.; her
home in Whitechurch. Her mother,
Mrs. IL Medd, Is improving,
Rev. Mr. Couplatel was ht Cliaton
last week.
Miss Kite McMan is visiting friends
in Leadbary for two or three weeks. •
Mr. Robert Armstrong •tef Wallace -
burg ealltd on a kW of kis friends the
past week.
'We imderstand Mr, Edwin Baton-
leaVes shortly for the West.
Miss Anitie Millsot leaves this 'week
for Detroit.
Mr. Thomas Adains is improeting lett
very Slowly.
Mr. and Mrs. George. Wheatley Jr.
entertained a fewc•if their friends from
the villege on Wednesday evelting.
31r. F. B. Hohnes of Goderiele vis-
ited at 111r. J. R. Holmes' on Satur-
Mr. Rat. Holmes eA Clinton will
' take the serviete _Stiudey marring end
• Mr. 'A.. E. Allin of Tuckersmith in the
. evening.
The W. M. S. held their sewing. eir-
e on 'ec nes ay e etimen e •
(Rev.) Hussar's.
Miss, Cooper of Porter's Hill was
the. guest of Mrs. W. Pickard Saturday
and Sunday week. •
Miss Pearl Hanley of Cliaton visited.
Miss Lillie McCartney. .
Mr. and Mrs. Eicoat of Tockersmill
visited the •fornier's sister, Mrs. 'W.
Stanley., ea Wednesday week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. IL 'Howell of God-
erielt . spent .Weenesdity as guests of
Mrs. Holmes.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Acheson of Goder-
ich visited Wendt', here ore day last
On Thursday evening . recently a
sleighload of young people drove to
Mr. Martin's, Tuckerstreith. very.
enjoyable time was spent until the wee
sma homes when the cotnpany left fax
hoine. They declare the-Maxtin fatuity
.are expellent entertainers. •
The following is the report of the.,
prpila of S. S. No, 3, based on
tality, good deportment coal general
prceimency : . • •
stits-envalena McCartney, • , • .
• Sr. ethl—Aibert Pickard,. Oscar Teh-
butt, Egerton WillSon, Maitlesed John
stole Herbert Ross. . •
.Ir. 4th—rid:ward Treevartha, Muriel
Willson, May ..McCartney, Myrtle Care
nett, • Peak]. Huller, Ida, Huller,- Leila
Ford. , . •
• Sr. 3rda-liklitb Levi's; Arthur Sturdy,
Lulu . Mulholland, Minnie Stercly,.Peerl'
Messer, Clifford McCartney,' . 'John
Sturdy-, . Clat•enee 'Potter, . Myrtle 'Tee-.
.wertlee, - • • • -•
Jr. 3rd—Alex. •• , Ross, 'Ella Unvee-
aegis • . • e
Sr, end—Charlie ',vise/Lorne Jervis,
!Homer Canteloo; Rata: Roes. • •
Jr: 2iecte-N.Orm•ait Miller, -Percy Mau-
r:dugs, Napoleon Orsarell, ;Albeit •Proe•-•
eoe; Ernest Huller:. s ' •
• Sr.. Pt. 2nd—Jessie Reis, : Stirling
Dempsey, • • • .•.
• Jr. Pt. '20—Lox McCartney,: Blan-
ch flume, Lulu. :. • • . • -
• .Pt. ist—Ferri Elferel,
Delbert Heller; . 'Annie Roese.• Joedeh
Painter. Average -33,!—N. W. •Teewar-..
tha, Teacher. .; • . • • s
e •
McKillop .Teitinidy• •
Mr. Noble Forbes, . who was . it i
haspittil.. for.. 'several , • Weeks suffeting.
from .- a. diSeaserl... kir' has . keturned
horrie, We •are Pleeeed to Say he is
somenhat: better, •
.Mr. MeCluskeye.'is• getting 'materiel
teeth', with the jotentien . of. building
another: barn this taming seaSon. .
We regret .to stay ilie.t Visa Seynel,.
who hae heft quite ill for same time,.
15 not improving:: • ' •
Mr: Herb. Bell' startedefr :ListoWel
.one day, le:at...Week but after getting
:three 'ranee Irani home 'broke .4.. shaft
of the ''entitne and had...to retrien.' • , •
• MrS• Bells'we.s dime. in Stratford
Iaet week. in search of a home: • •
• . The, men. wi h • the . different hay peas --
see ..are.. having hard time inotriug
fican piece to .. place.. owing to. the great
depth, of smile ..•. •
. • • . • ' • •
Morris Township.' •
. Township.- eceineil will meet On 'Mom
clay .. • ,;:. • • •• •
1 -lector • McNeil end wife, whe were
visiting reletives..and frierale in Grey
trade Morris, .haee,!sreteraed to eheir
koine in Manitoba: ' • . : •
' , Last week MiItan *Shaeleie5lli . Line,
had' the eniSfOrtene tO cut his foot
chopeing 11 .the bush arid. he hire
beete.la.id off .aetive duties since, ••
'.Robert. "5:!:e6 Jr.. of . Morris has pMe
chaetedejelin Paelfie'liVe farm on the 8th
of Ternberry... Mr. Padfield- • goes to.
Hfcaviek: to. 6. tarui ol Theenae Dare,
his 'lether-halew. • .
• 'ant's -Mrs. , 'Garden have returned.
frcim their :Weitcliag trip to Englande
Mrs. Garden- is t',1 daughter 'cif elVtIliani
•Teylor, Otli Mrs. will 'go; .to
. their hOnie..in the . Northwest :after a
visit with. •f rienda in this locelity, .
• Clerietinte the'third daughter of John
end Mary Shortreed,. 9,: crossed
the. river.• of death at 8 o'clock 011
Wednesday evening, ag-ed 36 veers ard
8' months. ,She took with 'paean:ion-
the •I'riday night. previotie aid • de-
spite all. that could be ecne she passed
*veer': For . the past 12 • or, 13 years
Miss Shortreeil ws.s • bothered • with
rheumatiem ceitteened• • its era
croechments as the year, en* by. She:
taught scheol successfully .fdr a 'few
years prior .to this end wee a bright,
Intelligent.lealy whose demise Will be,
sincerely regretted. • .• •
• The burning Thecdore Holland's.
'barn, con. 9, Places hitit on •awk-
ward siteation in a .stbetny whiter like
this. ' eedieion • to the barn and.
stable he lost a driving horse, pigs,.
iiiiplements, rigs, beefless, hey oats,
straw, etc., very little being saved.
Kr. Holland was out doing the.chores
Sunday night riud lateg the lantern:on
peg • behind the l'orsee. Ire' went to
the pionp for • a cotple of pails of wat-
er said Ot1 returning. found one of his
horses outside the stabh• With the front
of the manger attached to the halter
shank, the stable. • being flames.
Whether the lantern exploded cr wes
enocked off is not known. There was
rut insueence of Sego 012 the Dino $250
en the stable mid $400 on• the core
Help Your Child. •
When yonr child—whether it is a
big child or er. little baby—euffers from
any of the minor ailments which come
to children, or is nervous or fidgety
end doesn't sleep well, give it Deleon
Own Tablets. This mullein° is the
quickest and surest Cl.re and the safest
bemuse it is absolutely harmless. It
will help the feeble new born babe as
surely as the well groun child. Mrs.
P. B. Melt, The Barmy, N. 13., says :
"I have wed Baby's Own Tablets with
most sa.tisfactoi7 results and do exit
feel safe without them in the house..
- lied that one dose is usually seri.
cient to cure the sinall ailments ef
the stomach or bowel's" If you do
• not find ttese teldete at your medicine -
dealers wrote direct to The Br.
Medicite Cc-, Brockville, Ont.,
and they will be sent post paid at 25
nitre. Batton and family have return -
dents It ,
«1 to the village tote have taken up
their residence hi the same place ae
Porter's Hill.
A few from here were atttnefing 'the
meetings Iteld at leoitcludier(t. More Mr, Willi:am lilliott`e sale a Goder- e
would have 'done to but for' the had bolt on Saturday was a sums, the a
The Clinton News -Record
• March 10th 1904
),. 1.
Sunday was MissiOnary Anniversary
Day in the MAI ()dist church. • Rev.
Daneels of Clederielt, one of the mest
elocelent Ministers in the London Con.
ference, preaehed mornirig and even -
int. The choir rendered( speciel. music.
and the male quartette sang at the
evening service. •••••
Mrs. James 'Weeny, while up town
shopping Saturday night, hed the nth'-
, fortune to fall on the Icy sidewalks
near the post office and break her leg
}Mew the knee. 'rile- accident wes
Particularly unfortunate one as the
injured lady has a large family of
yotteg children, the youngest of whom
is but a few inceithi
Mr. S. A. Moffatt of London, the
genial traveller for the McCormick
Harvesting Co., spent. Thursdey • and
Friday of last week in town on busi-
The Seafcrth Milling Co. have not
been able to teterete the ;mill to its
fullest capacity owing te the scarcity
of cars.' They are now;runeing but
eighteen hours a day. .
Jchh Abel, drayman, made a record.
for himself last 'week, deliverieg
7,000 lbs, of flour at one heed for
IVIessrs. Carno .Bros,
Mr. 'Fred, Harris, who has been in
*employ of the furniture •lactory for
a number of yeers, will mov,e to Stra.-
Von'. this Week where lie has secured a
Position in the IlleLreggat factory.
A very pretty wedding of unusual
interest took place• at the co ntnodioue
residetiee of Mr. John MeIntesh . when
his daughter, Ida Marie,. became the
bride of Mr. George' II. Stephenson, a
prosperous young farmer* of the Gosh-
en lane, Stanley. Promptly.' at • four
&clock to the. strains of Mendelssohn's
wedding march, pleyed, by Miss Etta
Stephenson, 'Varna, the. bride. entered
the drawing rem leaning on ttic Arm
of her tether, The ceremony, whieh
was a -Verk pretty one, was performed.
by the 'Rev, Mr. Juncings• of Bayfield.
and tools. place ender an arch of emits
ax and carnations. The bride. looked
therming in a goveri of 'white siikvoile•
over white taffeta' with the cenventi-
anal veil and orange .blossoms. The
bridesmaid, Miss. Eliza Jane6Stephen-.
son, wore e., becoming gc5Sen of brcead-,
ed. white lustre. .The•groom we.e al-ly
sttpPorted by his cousin, .. Mr, Ralph
Stddhenscn, While' Miss Elsie Lynch
made .• very pretty ring hearer and
Master. Gerald MeInto•sh acted as page.
After • the ceremony • and 'congratula-
tiersthe company repaired to the. div-
ing rocanwhere all pertoeit of. a. dainty
hitcheme In . the eveniaig it. reception
was • given by the bride's: father • :to
.which, a number. front the • Surrounding
country. mile to show their 'esteeta•
fair She bride and groom end•all spent
a pleesant evenitg. The presents to
the briee were beth costly and e num-
erous, amongst them being a crescent
of pearls front the groom— We. join.
'With their tneely frienes inwiehing
.them a • loeg, hen y en.1 peonperous.
inarricd life., .• • ' ' • .• •
• • • • •
1+ •
• • •
• •
• • -Po rter s Hill
Mr. Ben. 1.-eo has Jewett. Store'.at-
Siinimerhill. • We hope ,t see 'lain,. do
o gocd business,: „ •
. Fe.eci.• Itlorgae has &night
'Stewart . McDcitigarse team ,of driving
harsge for xi:handsome. figure: • •:.
Mr, ,Jaines .11amilton of : Ocderich.
visited at Me....Peter Mcroceigall's last-
Sterlie McPhail hae sold: his
:pacing .mare, ressie M., to IQ buyer in
Seoreten. • . • • . • . • •
ileiInitecst.Grece. McDougall. is home froin
. , . . .
• Organized March 7th, itioesehis 'ven
•ereble socnety. celebrated e Its first eene
teeary • hot. ' Stionda.y. In '. all. lards
where its. work is carried on the.clittie
ekes observed elest Sunday a "Bible
'Sunday," .1fOlding ipe.eial seeeite.. for
prayer. and, theirs:reit hee, • special • See -
Incas being preached on •the work of
the society arid -offerings made towards..
'the. centenry fund. e les grend celebra-
Um, iS..wortlif:of the iliterest of every
,Christiait • if they ,•will coaslder ' their
relationship' atid inclebtedaess to this.
hcaored ergenie.ation.. • ;.' •
Derieg the.one hundred years of its
existence it hes receSv•ecl. offeeings'ste
the amotint'of $67,b00000i the offeriegs
of 1902-3 being $1,200,000, and has Iteen
iestrutnental in the translation, reels -
jou, printing and circulation of 18o,e2
ooceocio copies. of the Wc•re; God in
370 ..different dialects' and languages,.
When Oft. soeiety had its Origin the
Bible Was translated into eo. different
dralects ; .in 1e03 it had reached; • the
nunilier 0(4 00, this .seeiety holding the
key to, 370 of thee. . •
Thc. week and. expeases of the societY
heiturally falls under three imads
xst—Srlaat of translation and revisiori
in order that each tribe may have a.
correct translationof the seripture in
their own lanottage. In 1903 trai.S...
latiOns of eight tie* dialects were ad-
ded • ter its list, viz : Xikuyte
Shann,bala, Xoraiiga Noacent Lavo,
Ilaflins Bay Plslruno, ax-'. Madurese.
Together with, these cae .hundred
dialects were undergoing revision.
21ellender this 'head we itote the
printings binding and shippieg to' all
parts of the world. reht year the
society . printed and .bourd 5,943,coo
topics of the 1Vcrd .of God ineehole or
in Part, 'ter about 19,0e0e copies es.cf. -
working cley durieg the year, •
30—Besides translation, revision aid
prineing •the society bears largely the
expense of eirettlaing these books. • In
this work they .employ the agency 'cf
850 dolporteurs and 65o Bible women 111
the mission fields.
When the Bible is printed, in foreign
dialects aed at great expense the boolcs
have to be sold much below their cost—
in . Many iestances they are given away
free; free grants being made to relig-
ious awl philanthropic agencies and in-
stitutions at tome. and abroad.
Tlie seeielee.knows • no cletioneinaticea
al 'lines hut is a Willing ally of all
churches and niissionary • societies.
Caton Armitage Robinson says. "here
in the Bible Society we are met to do
the common work • of eireulatirg to,
Bible, I helieve in this common work
we shall be promoting the cause of
Christian unity better than ,it can
perhaps, be promoted in any other
The committee is composed of an
oqual number of men from the ,Ustek-
lished Church; and the various other
deitoninettions. The Marquis of
Northasnpton is president and the
Arch I3ishops of Canterbury and York,
with Molt twenty other Bishops atief
leading ministers of all denominations •
are vice-president:S. '
The field of usefulness before the
society is yearly inereasfrik so that last
year, notwithstanding the 'large am -
cant received the society had it deficit
of Stoe,33o. Not only tte they desire
this removed 'but also it cc:V.401st fund
of 131,25o,etio to form a hitsS for
landing their operations. Of this
mount Cando. will etidegvor to raise
• C • browitos hriligitig good prices.
Iikke March Formats, Consumption Curalbe.
The first storm. period for March
will be central on the rst, sod. and
3rd. If the moon were cn the celestial
equator forty-eight hours earlier we
would put the first day of the month
dewn as a dolor day. As it is vio-
lent seismic and equinoctial pertut-
bations need not •surprise any reader
of these ferecasts any where from the
ist to the 4th. These storms will be
of tropical character in all southern
directions, with probable danger on
south coasts', while rain will turn to
snow via blizzards over mc,st parts cf
the country narthwerd. A sharp cold
wave for the season with, high. haeont-
eter will follow the storms at , tins
time. We admonish oar readers again -
et possible drawer to life and the
stock during this and other March eine
The next Scorn period is central on
the 6th; .extending front the 5th. to the
8th. The barometer will begin falling
end the temperature rising western
parts by the stk! end during the 6th: to
with nine wied and snow will take up
8th inclusive, more active disturbances -
their march eastward across the. unlit --
try. Do not be unprepared for severe,
dashes ef late winter out .of the north-
west „along with the rising barometer
0001). ;upon. MAKBH THE LUNGS
The time to cure consumption is
not after the lungs are helplessly ie -
volved atel the deetor has given you
eep. Consumptien preys upOtt weak-
ness. Strength is the only measure
of safety. Do not let the blood be-
come ehin and watery. That is an
open Invitation to disease to take
Vssion of your system. Dr. Wil-
asinses' Pink Pille are the best toric
and strength builder known to medi-
cal science. The. record of this medi-
cine proves conclusively that taken
when the syneptonle of ccnsumption
develop it builds up, strengthens
and invigoratea Abe.: .potiont to a
Point where .the, .tlieereen disappeers.
Ilere .is a, bit 'oc. positiad.. sreaf. Miss
Blaine e Derrand, „ clnicucl, Que.,
says "While 90t. Writing in Septem-
ber, 19ox,t1 got ,itty feet.wet and took
cold, I treated the.eold'in the esttaI
way but the cough seemed to cling to
nte. As. several months passed by 4n4
I was pet. getting better, I went to
lector anuery, 1902, an te
:; (04 eeneAlleat . my lunge were affected
. and Was in, consumption. Returnaig
hcane ,a friend in whom bad much •
confidence urged me to talo Dr. Wil-
, liam.S'. Ping Pills. I began taking' the
. pills and soon. found they were helpieg
me. The cough grew less severe, my
appetite improved and my streugth .
began to return. I continued' ts.king
and westerly tangents behind. the ilea
stages of these storms, •
A. perceeitible softening of the ,ele-
inents will return on and touching the
nth, 12th and. 13th. and 'narked storin
Conditions, , followed by.2nore rain,
turning to snow northward, will be
most natural on and about these days.
The mercury -period whech is central
on the loth may precipitate sleet
storms at this period and threatening
cloudy • weather will most likely be
prolonged. into the storm period next
following. For more them twenty-five
years we have annually celled settee-,
tier; • to the fact that.our' globe passes
a crisis of unlaorbetio'eleetric,seismic and
ccjuinoctiaI t I ^I' .. *th' f ty
eight holies of March the ilth: The
raw and fuli. redone being remove&
from this 'period this year, this veined'
period may. be modified this month and
its .eisturbances largely deflected into
the periods next before and • after it.
We will natim the i6th 2ISt.S.S. one
of the most general, active anti; dan-
gerous periods of disturbences March.'
lefercerv, Vulcan ard Earth will -all
centralize. . abler perturbing influences.
into this period while the moon will
b• 'new or m conjenetion with earth
•and sun on the 16th :and cn. the celes-
tial equator • . on the.leth... • Thunder
storms, • equinoctial gales and tidal
• waves, seismic phenomena; all follow-
ed • by. Alatch blizzards, northward, and
a sweeping higle hexameter and cold
wave are the thins to. lie looked for at
this l•inie. •General and destructive
sleet will , be most nattii'al northward
during. this Mercury .period. • ' ". • .•
14.0001,40•0144":+1..:40.444 614447 ,.. •.:.c.4.:400.44.0.048,40 0
M. .0KINNON & 00.0 -. BLYTH•
.s. .
y Every trala .brings us. large quantities of New liming Good B
.1:' Ladtveeit.lhDRoreszus SankiLite:,:niFytefityttlks:pefgeilfti,tlih .71,14.eMiv4Vrnelies bong, t."1-11;uvi we
it •
. ,
A. Ladies' Drees Skirts, in habit, vial), in colors of black and navy, tritntned .2.
A with three clusters of cording and ,satin strapplege in all lengths ..t. '
t grent I $2.75.
.4, Ladies' Drew; Skirts,. lit fine Vieunint Chttb, in colors of •black and navy, lo
4. -
trimmed with buttons and 10 row of cording, II. vei,y stylish garment is:
1-• $3.05. • • • e.. .•. : :a . .." ' • . - ' ' r
.y.,14Adaete Dress Skirts, in litnirvpuiis,' venatiline broadcloths and fancy -
A 'flake goods, made up' Inc thelatettstyl e:. at $1.40, $5, $0,50•and Va. :
& Lace OUrtaine, 2i Yerds long, 49. iptaide Wide, We. .
A Lace Ourtaine, 3 lyarda lornr, 45. wiles wide, 75e. • • a
.t. Fine Nottingham Lleo. f)prtams, tit inches wide, in either plain, spot or :.
.!. ' . scroll centres, very epe4,14141. - •
. t Swiss Lace Curtains. line Way etfect lii and 4 • 71.
yea ds long, .54 to 00 inches I*
. 4.• wide, at $1.75, $2.25, $2 50 and 3:E.111 •
• ' Bobbinette Ourtains, hilted edges end embroidered, 3 yardSloog, at $1.25, k
? ' end 52 per pair. . .t.
t Tapestry Carpets, in new patterns,* it large stock to seleet front, at 25c, 50c. •
• .
,:. 05c, 75c and 85e. ea
: Union Carpets, in. new. patterns and colors at 25e, 35e and 50c. ...i..
X Wpol Carpets, yaid wide, new patterns, at'Ofie, 75e ant/ $1.
' II 0
emp arpees, in stripes and floral designs, at 121e. 18e and 20e,
„ a d yards wide, at 25e per square yard.
Liooleums in black and floral patterns; ne very close prices.
.41'apaneee Mattiugs, in new patterns and colors, yaid wide, at 12e, 18e, and
a 25e. •
" All Carpets for 35e upwards will be gut and matched free of charge.
• •••
M0K1 N ON. 00. . .1.:*
. .
•• 11.• .
4.40,,04944. 4.4.,..4.1.4..01.4.+0.: +44,
. the pills for oboe', two months, when •
I found my health fully restored, •anS.
• I' have not since experienced any
'weakness. I am sure Dr.. Williams'
Pink Pills saved my life."
Such cases as. these prove the power
of Di. Williams' ellink Pills. frhey .
mahe new, rich, red blood and -in this
•Way cure all diseases due to bad bleat
. and weak nerves. You can get . tleese
• pills , front any eneclicira dealer or by
• mail . 500 a box' or six boxes for
$2.50, 'by. writing the Dr, Williams'
Medicene. Co., Brockville, •Ont: • . •
. . •
• •
Athfield Township...
The • 23rd and 24th are central days-
e react:one:0 storm' period.. On and
tottchirrg these, dates look. fee return of
inarleed storm et...edition; attended by .
heavy rain southw.ard, turning to
sleet, 'Snow and Nary- disagreeable,'
stormy. weather central and nCirth.-
:Vulcan' stenen. period
coverieg the lest, five days of Meech
and reaching' into Ain•ii, will culmin-
aee on the 29th, 300. era, 3ist in viol-
ent storms • and dangerous tidal wavee,
Moon en equatore'in erigee. and Mlle
•as the' first of . the' Month,' • :Will in-
tensify seismic shakes,. tropical storms
and blizzards: •-.Lef. our ,readers be - cn
. .
* Mr. Beatie Webster- 'of Lucknow Iva The latest is "Keppel Oak." We have
purchesed. the farm of Mr, Robert
Grah.aine., now occupied by Mr, Thos. . ..,•. •
. ,.
Webseer. • •- ' • -SIDEBOARDS - ..
0 • 00000
0000 • 0
Mr. Buchanan, teacher. et Se SS No.
13, Belfast,, has been confined to tte
Sense with a eotieb of quinsy.
Kiss SuSan Webster as just recover -7 . EXTENSION TABLES
ed from an attack of eins
Mr, Wm. Shecialton• has sold his EXAMINE OUR HALL FURNITURE IN BRASS. •
farm on 6th concession to Mr. Robert IT WILL PLEASE YOU.
Fitzgerald.. .
Mrs. Satnuel Phillips has been On:the
'for her speedy recovery.
' Bitei roads are the ceder of• the. day.
sic13 Hit for some time but We Impe
. .
• i
' . ' •
' ' 00•0-00-0-0-0-sacisao-ceo-60-2-00-0•6-o-00
BTown's Sale Register.
. , KO 0 V -.E R...
On Friday, Meech iith, at r me
°a concesSion 9, Stanley,,Fatrin Stock
and Implenients•--Thos. Dawson, Pro-
prieeor: . • . •
Monday, March xeth at p. m., in
the vAlege• of Dtiblin, house. and. tote
'and' household. effects.—M. Doyle, :pro-
priotar, • • •, •
' Night. . and • Sunday. ea Ils a tis veered AS• t•eside nee of Mr. John • Powell o .
, either of ths principels. • • •• • '
••••••••••, • ••••••••*,.. +•!*•••••••• **** ***so.
the witch. , '• -
ties y March x5the . at p. • •. . • . .
s lot 25, Huron Road, neer Alma, • .
. . 1?.oad, Hibbert, Varna Stcelciand .
• On M nr1 M h t t
• •: ' oie lot 24, concession e Huron. o••••••••44+4,...44.•••••••••••••••••••••••
Benmiller,• pleinents,-Jaines Hart; proprietor:
• IVIatthew .-lVfairis of :Londesboro ha
rurchased a • quantity of .rock , elm
trees •frotii • W. Anil", 3th cencesiieli
c tee arc .2is , a x pem„ • •• •
extereive 50 of heeses and cattle.—
Frank Taylor, proprietor.
and hewers are 'now patting ;t ready
• for tbe Quebec market. The high price
that . is paid for the cpiality of tiiriber
5223 per .thousand squure feet, is a;big
it:di:tee/tient to sell, and is in riterked
°outran to what ite•was whet.; lumber-
ing operations were going:011.in the
early days when.$4o, wai considered a
Ingle figure for the settlers. •
The success that our brick triarreirec-
threes had last year has. induced them
to make extensive preperaticnis . for ei
large business this season. The, pro-
prietors have perehasec:, a large quest -
On Tuesday, Mar,. 22ne, at p. •
orb lot 21, can. -9, Stanley, farm stock .
and implements —John Da•vidsen pro-
, Great -
Wednesday, Marehee3ed, at
lot 12, con., 3i: Meteillop, toxin •st(iek
and impleneents,eePeter MetehowelPta-
'Friday, March. 25th, at i p.m., 011
lot 23, can. 3, 'MeXillap', extensive
sale of farin.'•seock•aed implementse—
Thos.: Adeline, proprietor. _ . .
tity of rough wood from - Ches. .• , Lew:1411:17.
urine 500Cords or more, and are now
engaged in hauling it to their prentis-
eS: Last year they lied to refuse the
sale of many thousands of bricks ow-
ing tc inability to triake them but this
Season they hope to 'be able to • meet
Fieher . • and. Herbert • Fisher,' beirg
all .demande for they pui-pOse..ereeting
. .
tax) 'tow kilns right away. •
• ,Speculatidit is • rife as to •the probs.-
hilities of tie break tip of the river
when the freoliet takes place in r.i.few.
weeks, The ice. on the river liel,which
en SUMO places is .over four feet in
thicknesie coupled With the depth' of
silo* which Mocks' up the • ecncession
roads,. indieates that When • the thaw
takes. place the volume of water must
oeceesarily be one. of the heaviest , ,on ' ..r. 1 ola
den one it may wash,. out some of the a
low-lyiug embankments, to sayenothe .4? • .
114e.,E. Webb, Of Gra:tithe: • Was. the '
guest of Mr. Seirlett. ' •
Mr. •McGregor of Wiart'on is'visiting
friends in 'Walton:. ' , ' •
Mrs, M. Morrison, who has hem un-
der the dcetcies care for a long. thne,
died on Saturdav. everting, it her resie
. ence unera tcok place .
Monday it Ice o'clock' to the Bruseels
. .
cemetery: She *ill be .innelt Missed•by ' • •
• her friends end relations. .
Walton.The- 1
learing Sale 1;
Our immense stock of .22.
Men's Boots and Shoes must .s.
be reduced. The sale is +
now going on. Call in 3..
t and inspect our goods..
99.94,.:”:.•+:.•999••••••';'••• ;•9.0.440•••••::.0.0.4••••••:.•••••
• ,
record and, shcitld the• thaw •be stie'e
hog of the datiger that bridges may 4:$.• • , . ,
be weshed away. It was just such a ' •
winter as the present one, some twen- X
ter-Iiie years ago, when Hart's grist A
mill at Piper's Dam was carried away
and there is grave eppreheasion that
low-lying structures like the HolnieS- $ ' •
We have just received anoth.
er shipment of artificial flow-
ers whigh will be of interest
to anyone who wants some.
think pretty for decorating.
They are correct Imitations of
the real and are used very ex-
tensively for decorations of
all kinds.... ........ . .... ;
Call and have tt look at them.
Easter Lilies 4 for 25c
Roses in red and pink
4 fOr 25c
ville. bridge may share the same fate,
for the hIaitlaull has the reputation of X
being a wicked. river during freshets,, a ,te
eeputation it hes carried since the days .t..
when, the Quebec hunbernien rafted •
square timber for the. English; niarket; eee,
'net fine tract of land on both sides ie
of tte Maitland riVer belonging to the ep
Canada Centrany has beep surveyed •••
into lots •and parts of it have been 4.
sold. The largest perchaser Scseph es•
Goldthorpe of MaitlaneWille, • wko has y
secured about 200 6.00:4 Oa the Callao- X
ne side of the river, the greater part A
of 'which is ,still in timber and is just A
nni,v. the scene of Ittniberieg operations 4.
that reinirid us forcibly of the' time ese
when the tete Samuel Platt first coin- y
tnenced Cutting thither for the sawmill 4C
he erected some twenty-five years ago, ele
Aftdr lie left the. property fell into the . 6*.
hands of Xavier Booklet,' who built a 4.
bridge across the river, arr extensive y
barn and, ran lime works for several X
seasons but .eventually the property - ete
fell into the hands of the orighual own- A
ers. Por some years the whole tract .
on both-side:1 of the river (Aleut r000
acres) has been rented at different./ t
tietties to Messrs. Dick and Winters y
logs, timber ea. elm planks Mon. X
Sedorth, who occupied. it for grazing A
purposes only. The other purchasers A
are Manuel thirty -at acres, 4.
and 'Mrs. Stewart- of the Bentniller e?
nurseries, • who has secured forty-six y
acres on the west side (A the nursery •ete• •
grounds which will be devoted to the t -
Oarnatioes in red, white a
and pink 20c a dos.
Chrysanthemums in
low, pink and white zs
4 for 2,50
--Easter Soott--
Have you deckled on your .•$•.
Do you want advice?
Visit our pattern department se
and you Will Mid in the Delhi- .
eator and -in the Butterick .t.
items 11, great variety of up- of.
to-ditte styles..." 10611,".11 44:
But stre
i :se
do ot
raising of nursery stock. Al preeent .*** 1 i .$
ris is in charge of the mill and we y CL,INT()N. ..t•
ttliderstend that he is going to Inane- •1. .....
facture GI iot Of maple rollers for ex- A •:•
Mr. Goldthorpe lits his portable saw- +
mill on tho premises and it large Nom- y
bee esf choppers engaged, cutting saw -
lo s, tiniber and elm planks. W. Max- 1
Cr t tradeA
. • I. it040104
• .
The Old. Reliable .
An immense consignment of Aress Goods just received: .9
New Wash Silks that make up beautifully.
New Fancy Blousings in the very latest designs. •
New Prints, die kind that wash nicely.
New'Carpeis in great variety. It will be to your ad-
vantage to see this range before buying.
New Felt Hats for men and boys.
'New Dress Shirts for men and boys.
Another large consignment of Bootsjust in.
Any quantity of Butter and Eggs taken in exchange tot -goods.
Pretoria Block
D0 o 00000000 0, 0000 0000
0000000 • 0000000000
Progressive business xnenjo
advertise in the