HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-10, Page 15th. -Year 4, # , 4) • • > 4# < OVOMArt,9031etropeE EW LIN T( CN 1 g11.2 I I SPRING SUITINGS Last week we placed on our counters the first shipment of oar new spring suitings. All the patterns for this spring are entirely different froth what has been shown: We have a fine collection of Scotch Tweeds, Cheviots, Viennas, Serges, etc., and at al- most every price from $15 to $25. Just three weeks till Easter -so if you want your new spring suit for that time we would advise you to make your selection soon. . . The New Hats . You must have a new hat.to be in style, this spring. The • shapes that are correet for the season are noticeably differ- ent than have beep worn. .In DerhyS the flat set brim is "right" We have them in several dimensions in black. Those who prefer a soft hat will find here several' new shapes in curl brims Fedoras with raw,eclges and wide. band in both black and the popular shades of gray. , • Superior values at $2 and $2.50. Hats that will wear best • and keep their shape and colors. No other store will dupli- cate the quality and style for the money. Why not save 50 cents or a dollar on your new hat, evorib/onomfriwioi. The J Newcombe Co„ Tailoring- -,--Men's and Boys' .Ready- Furnishings- ---IVIade Clothing, Hats' --------CLINTON---- . OS 7,v474,131oncr,?w4ex, Nctoloix,loiciariff,rr 319boe4efelo " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0600000a, * SAVE ! ! ! 0000.000 • *440** > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SAVE! Begin the New Year by opening a Savings I3ank account in • The Sovereign :Bank --,- • [incorporated by .A.e.t Of -Parliament] 0*0000000000000** 000o0o00000•••0 The Bank endeavors to make their Savings System the easiest and most agreeable medium for all classes of the community to eave their earnings by depesitilig $1 or as much more as they wish. Every de- positer's money is secured • t. • o 0 0 0000000 Since it's establishment the Siivereign Bank :of Canada, has • had un- precedented success in the financial world, and its stability: is be- coming more widely known everyday. A comparative statement en- ded Oct 31st last is here 'appended which discloses facts and .figures:' never before known in baulking history... . . . . Assets Slit Oct 1902: 3fst'Oet.'1903 Clash and Bank Balances • Bonds and Stocks Linens and Discounts Bank Premises, Safes, Etc. '. $ 383,097T 622,774 439,363 i713,397 2,988,668 :5,821.890 44,(75 52,359 $3,855,203 $7,209,920 Liabilities Oapi tal-Paid up • $1,173,478 $1,300,000 Reeerve Fund and Undivided Profits 240,000 Sovereign Bank notes in circulation 759,995 Deposits •1,681;730 $8,855,203 ‘04C<> 00.00*0409 40040. rlanager GO 0000000 111.1 61.1 -1-1-1-1 III!! 0000000 362,838 3,237,650 4,309.432 $7,209,920 000 0000 a) .(4,2**0.0-0<>0000000 0**444 - AFTER • NEW CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 10th; 1904, READY • TO RECEIVE FRIENDS. Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. -Plemsteel " have got comfortably settled in their 'cosy 'home en Townsend street an are now .prepared to receive their friends. "LAW AND ITS PURPOSE." At next Monday -eiening'S meeting, of the Ontario- street Epevorth League the subject for Bible study will be, "Law arta Its Purpose,". Exalts 19-24, The Leaguers extend .at invitation to you to attend. BIBLE, SOCIETY CENTENARY. Them was a large congregatioul , at the 'fleeting heldin the Ontario street church Sunday evening to obserse the centenary of the Bible Society, Ai- iresses were delivered by Messrs. A. Ilooper, J. C. Stevenson'R. Rointes, 'W.' Q. Phillips and -Rev. Mr. Utenry.' MEN LAID OFF. . ••- .• The results of the blockade • on. the railways • are far reaching and extend to -almost every • branch of industry. Locally all lines of business are more or less .affected, the organ factory most of all, for as the flmshed stock can- not be moved out the place has be - tonne overcrowded. On Friday last fifty per cent. of the men were laid off but it is expected they will. all; be at workagain in a fev.v claYs. THEIR PATIENCE EXERC/SED. Pecple residing along the L. H. Se B. have had .their patience exercised this winter re. the mail service, bat more last '.Week.. titan ever before. At. • some p.. o's • n01'1 -flail matter whatever Was received the whole weal through. On Friday evening Mr. Young came clown from Auburnand tool* •be.ek a big bag full of mail .natter which Postmaster Munro distribmted on record dine to. .the waiting. villagers: •There are few Postms..sters just so • efficient and se courteous invariably as Mr. Manic,. On Saturday a livery rig brought Clown several .travellers. from ICiricardine and on its 'return. took Mail for several plaeca en"route, In . the afternoon mail arrived Irani the south., by.a con- veyaxece . which salaplied several. poiats pn the. way.. • • ,• .• • , ABOUT, .'1'11ERLCISIRARSIIIP - . • . . • The sactiana asked, for by Mr. :Either re -the arpointmeat 61 • Mr. Coats . to, the • registrarship of Huron were Isar before the: Legislature on:Monday .a:ncl consi,st .of ;. six letters, The • first is 'from' Mia Coats : making application .for• • • the pc:sitioa. :Sehsequently. the late ..111, .Jamea , Fair yerote sttoligly aecortoriending Mr. Coats:, He is said Fair, k'.19, pr.Letical eountant, ' of .gertial and. obliging' disa pc'sitian. aral all his:life a consistent,. laithful and •energeticatippoater Of.the Liberal patty.? r Mt.. Holinea wrate in. kart. of the., appaintmerit of Mr.. The letters. of • the tinsittecssiftl can- didates. • are :not given' thoitgli. they would ,at.least .be interesting and are said to heye. been quite. numerous.• • . La- : • DIED ::AT litiNTSVILLra # • 1 •vi lkherC passedwin life unto :death: at Muskoka, on Wednesday, cf last week a former resident of .Clinton in the .porscn of.• Mrs, john , Civet, aged fifty-three years, .It. is seventeen' years . since Mr. and Mrs, Olver.• left, this town•and, Wok ups their 'residence in. Maskolti Which, has. ever .since can- to be theirhoano. Mrs. .0Iver is surved by .her Etishand and their 'family offiye sons. and two dargaters, The remains were.. brough't to "Clintoa and on Sanday the - funeral .toetk place friar/ the hoine of the..deceased'a. hroz theta Mr. E,• SaVilic, • The • setvices: at &Mae and graveside were condacted. by Rev. C. R. •Gurine.• The 'pallbearers were. : James Twiteleli, jelia Scruton, V. W. 'Watts, • J.. Copp, W.. Cahtelon and. Dayrnent, Among the mourn- ers were. the •bereaaed. husband...and hit; "three. sons, :3. W., ddie . andSaville . and Mrs,• SaII.• -Mercer of Woodstock; Sister- cf deceased. Mereer. was :enable to attend Garin to illneas. • ,THg RAILWAY BLOCICADE. Considering the. tempestuous seasan and the prolonged blockade 'on many; of the G. T. R'sbiainch lines throughout .the 'province, Clinton has riot fared, so haeb, this Waiter. On two occasiofts the Buffalat'llivision was tied ttp for a dayakd a half, bet when this is. -com- pared with tlsa. mast 'tater& blockade on Write of the branches,. Which a has' now eXistod.fpr alincst a fortnightage merit with great fortrtede. • She was ,La 4•1444•1444+++++++++++++.•• have little to Complain of. , • memberof the Charch et England mid ,•••••••,11,1. TUE BRIGRT LOOKING NEWS. A copy .of the first issue of the Sea - forth News is to hand. It's a six column, nicely printed and, true to its name, briMfulof news. The News -Record extends . fraternal greet- ings. and wishes The .News success. "WORK AMONG nig NATIVES." Rev. H. C. Priest, the returned, axis- sionary from India, will give a lecture in the Baptist church thisevening un- der the auspices of the Wornen's Mis- sion Circle, His subject "Work among the natives," will be beautifully Dios- ttated by ,stereoptIcan views. A silver collection will be taken up during Jhe eveningud ie to aid Mr, Priest in his work In THE NEW SEC.-TR.EASITRER. • On 111anday evening the trustee.board of Willis church eleeted Mr, G. 1). McTaggart to succeed Mr. William Coats as seeretary-treasurer which po- sition he filled with the utmost satis- lactOn for twenty-one .years, Mr. Coats' predecessor was the hate M. MeTaggart,.• father of. the present in- curn,bent,.. who for • a score of years n/arnaged the finances of the church. cowvAixse.nstp. GOLF CLUB MEETING. A ineettng of the members of the Golf Club will be held in the coancil chamber on Friday evening kr the purpose of organizing for the seasore. A large attendance is requested.; A VER'V, SUDDEN DEATH. Mrs. John Smith dieei veryaudtlenly yesterday. afternoon. She waain alicatt liet usual health and the abrapt call I'as intensified the grief of the stricken faanily to whom the deep sympathy, of tha community goes out. Mrs. Smith was a sister, of Messrs.. Thos., Roland atter John Jenkins, so well a.nd favorably known. in Goderich township. A SACRED CONCERT' On Wednesday evening of next week a sacred concert will be given M St. Joseph church for which the excellent dioir la now diligently Making prepar- ation. It will be assisted• by Mr. Louis Gravelle of Stratford, formerly leader. A lecture on the "Life arid Work of St. Patrick" will be given by Rev. Father Nortligaave of Seaforth, editcr of the Catholic Record. The ecncert will begin at 8 o'clock. Tick- ets may be procured from A. Collyer, M. Graclis or at Combe's drug store. Postmaster Scott has been cat the THE LOCAL MARKET. sick list for several days. $ l*. 8. Townsend is inn:roving raid -' Wheat stood at 1 on the local mar- ly after ails serious illness. ket for several days, but has again taken a tumble and is now down to Mr. G. Davis, whc has been in poor health for some time,Ventured out 90 cents, with a still lower tendency lvethe buyers say. Those who held fora a.st week and had another re at- tack cf his. old coinplaint, sse ciatica. , still. higherprice have apparently. miss Dr. Hamilton., after atiffering severe: ed it this time. ly for several weekn with rhetianatisna • Cautelon. & W.Uis, R, Fitzsinion$ is airj attendirg to his practice, Aria Ford & McNeil were put to much` ' trthable arid eonsideralale expense by . ANNIVERSARY' SERVICES. ha.ving to• take care of stock delivered J them on lIkeday and Trearlay, and ' IVesley churth next Sunday, when Rev, lc until Friday.. Anniversary ,services will be- held - which the railway was unable•to hand- . William McDcnagli of Stratford will Wheat 9oc to 92c peach both. a. rn, and evening. Mf. Oats 31C to 32C ' McDonagt, is too well known to mit a %putter 14c to 15c citizens to' need any introduction. Pas- Eggs- 16e to 17c tat Mannirg intimated on SuateayLive Hcgs 75. evening last that a collection: of .8250 4. . • was requested by the chureh manag- STILL QUITE SATISFACTORY. ers. The choir. Will excel itself 011 .15 I. ., ' Ii Lis report presented tci the Palle occasion.' ' . .• school heard last Thursday evening,. ',A CANADIAN. DAy.". ' . . . InspectOr Robb said : . ' : . • - On Taalikclaya, a'fiernoah last the Col- • •• , As uStral I . found 'the. heating, Yen- iilatioft . and cleanliness iliac. saltisfac-: legiate ....Literary .Societly Met as usual at the assetnbly remit.. The introdec- tory, - I also found the toachera doing: quite , satisfactory worlara • • ' tory mukiaa. *Was given by, Miss Mut- Principal 'Lough .reported L "The cai- dock: after , which Mr. Lougheed• took erage attendance far January was 294, itp the allfe of the. poet Datanmond„ rendering a couple of hia• poems in an far . February 282: While the winter I inimitable manner, An account of the tt:. rolleeenitillis Icenyli:rillycold. and .stotaiy, been 1..carafortable •"ex - a. life: of Bliss 'Carina/1 was given by John' Rriin.b.all; :.E1clon Siddall sketched the cept-: car rare occasionk and the drafts career of Miss Wetheraid . and Princi-• lave . betai. closed the greater Part of the time. Our supply:of, fuel is. now• Pal Houston, aploted fram the wiitin'gs getting love'. The classes in three cf el Roberts.' • Mr: C.- A. Tebbutt • was critic. . . During the ceurse. of •the pro,. the rooms have .been. re-aaranged -mid gram. Miss. Jennie Jones 'tendered . ' a now the, p,rianary .division is teak -for the influx of: the pupils in April': Miss •solo . which mach pleased he'r. hearers, . Robb has charge cf Miss' .0'Neil's' • Wont, .• Miss O'Neil -hcpes to resume • . work in April." ' . • . - . • L. k'ApOlcloc.,-.talfer in the Toton.- . „The board ordered the following. ate - to branch ..af Ilolscris 'Dank,...shat him- wants to be paid,: • • . • . - ' • :self at the head: Ofliee in-Mini:treat On • : W"-". Cac'Per• Co"' :' .• '.: '. . $4'° lle. lIandakillietuama. Ile got: behind' in '. • • '..mra-*,,a, .. ' : , -his accotnts`aad went to headquarter -a- '. • L: ...14.§-14.e.. •':' .•.:- '-," '; ,' .'''' 1•50: .:. to :.eenfeks• a shortage. a f ,83oo. Apple: MEETING- OF 'MB TOWN COUNCIL.' HE SOW RIMSELF. ton saw General.. Manager gniott in • • the , nu:truing , and. was told he could. 'The • 'March .meetiag . of the .town .bank. .; He returned .in alie affair:Pon. but there was reot much:business • to- wn/lei' was held, Oa Monday eveiting;. not be retained in the sen, ice, Of the and ,asked to see atipther °racial whc, transact .so the session was a- Shoat wag, haweiret; too, buSar to ...talk to one. .1I1a, -S: S, :Cooper was green per - hint: Appleton CV/Wendy-took the niata ritiasiOn to ase portions of Mary ••,aturl' .. tet • -very , :niter' to -heart. as he -shot. Isaac .streets while' erecting. . the- new himself: and died almost imitnerliately. tote', hut he .mtist keep las suatilles He was native of .Clinton, a 'son of oll• the ..grarsolithic walk, • which is for Dr.- Appleton :who practised here for pedestriaris. So said the'eouncil, • several years. He, was teller. in the . Tifc park. .comzitt... was instructed Toronta, braneh for aa'nteinber Of years to report at next meeting. It is una a.ne# lived With his wid wad titother o derstood they ha.ve. in view a Plan Spadina avenue. • • • . 1. h 11 - ^Ice avit a ark in more than name. If so it should be finder - AFTER MUCH 'Ea I, 1. ERING. taken at exec provided the expeftse is 7D, e."17"1 11 . . • ORD. Whole Number 1309' • Varna. Bayfield Miss Lizzie Ferguson returned to• Toronto last week, - Engineer Brough cf the Public .Works Department was in the 1 ilt ge. • Saturday on., business in .crantectian One of the tiTst successirl social gatherings of Varlta. circuit 'look place last Wednesday at Temperance hall, Varaa, in which all three apointimints ureite4 to spend a social eacning with the Vaster pf the Methodist chime')." Rev. R. alt.. Miller,' and to partake of a. social feast, Much to the surprise cf the pastor lie was presented with- 150 bushels of oats a few days before and the frienids. now rescrted thither to practically.: demonstrate their sociabil- ity. After partaking, cf the g(.od thin- gs, aC) amply provided by. the laeiesa. splendid program was given consisting of speeches, songs, sclos, choruses,ete., and though" the elements were at war outside yet a perfect calm and areity reigned within .and all prcnounced the -evening a Most enjoyable and enter- taining one.- . Mr, Jahn. , C. Reid •shipped• a•carload -of cattle to •Toroato last Saturday.. 'While Mr. IVm. Rathwell was going to Goderich township for Lis daughter Stella.- the tore broke through .and got so overcome in the- snow. that 'lie had to leave the horse tc) retain to• Varna, to secure •slicvels andassistan- ce. to -get the anima' out it WLS nat much the worse. This road is in a. terrible condition since the thaws. -There has been no London • mail throngh. •••tri .Varne since a week last Satorday, this being Tueaday, so it is .quite . probable Mr. 3. MeGea will, need a span Of reirdeers •t6 get through with. the .hig. kat' • awaiting • him,: • Special services. in connection • with the • Bible Society Were lieldlast Sala bath and thank offerings were received in envelopes aistributed, for that -par- pose. 'Rev.. R. A. Millet . teak :.for.his text I,The .Seedaik the Word cif 00,(P1 • and delivered: Very interesting aria spiritual- .cliscotase in which he Shelved:. the -great • good. "accoMplished--- in: the translation and distributicn DE ' the Met' per adjoutnineill ort .Monday ,with all •the •Inenihers present. After reading mid 'adoptirga the.. minutes . of the Pre - they pioceeded to a'- vitas . meeting point pa:Oita:asters, peuriclkeepers'-• and. fenceariewers..• . Severalaccounts weir: paid. Much discussion arose from the _abundanceel snow on the. roads • and the, best Way to keep, the roadsopea, ete, another Subject ail, discessienwas the :aasessing of the • clogs - as the. assess- or- IS row-•goinghia rquads.•. • All.. the 'errors- in • :assesarrient-..•af Stalamast came- up at -the •eolirt,Of. re/dais/ft. The conncil.adjOurned. to .ineet, at 1 p. m. firat -day laraanwell, Clerk.. • • • • --. Afteta a veryapainfrl illness of two 1.1c4 AG° grcvs't• ' • ' ' . years WS, Eliaa Pethiek died at the- ' - The maycr, eltairm,an of the street honte of. her cl a hter , Mrs a, , io Committee and Clark were akipointed a Baer; on 1VIonday morning, 'aged Sixty cammittee to purchase theyear's suP- eight years. • Mrs,' Pe thick was ' born • PlY of cement. The priceis about • • .a • . , • g : '. 25. per cent, lower that: twelve mcntlis Port H since which will lessen the expenditure c: ramtr re sid ec1 nt c4te , . Marys. and Walton. It: Was r..t the lat- ter placeher- husband died and for the greater .part. of the. decade tyl ich. has since elapsed Mrs...Petit Lek Made . her home WI th her .daugh ter Tbe remain- ing merribers of, ker 'fatally are .: John of Winthrop, Geor'gc, of SeaTortli, Levi of Orillia and Mrs. Willeat-n. Hewitt -of Algema. . Mrs: Pethick was a sincere Christian afiel bore her diStressing , ft• the services at the funeral were can - 50. YEARS H. & rrom Iltenday ftiorning• * But it has bran otherwise 'on the L. 0- pallbearers.. were a 1). K. Priori IV. dueled h3r . Rev,' C. R. Gunfte. The last week until Tixsday evening last the' Rabb, R. Sit -Atli and .N. Baer.' . 0, Old Father Time greyer' tender and melte*, As, roving the round earth, the sturdy old fellow, Year in and year out -keeps going and corning, In winter's wild wreck and summer's green blooming. We are not yet by any means through "winter's Wild wreck" and it should be a good time to take advantage of unheard-of prices. Lower Than the Lowest -in ReadY-Made and Or- - dered Clothing. To few men is it given to carry on business successfully fcr half it century and after so long a period of honest, faithful toil, :one begins to think of enjoying his well-earned rest. Such is our condition and after 50 years of successful trade in Clinton, we have decided to offer, at surprising reductions, our $4000.00 Ste* with a vieW to retiring from aetive t)usinese as soon as disposed of. Sale began 11.1 X - -SATURDAY, - FEB 13th .... _ ... We have not time or B ace for a detailed list of prices. A ,! .... 4. wng has said that "the proof of the pudding is the chewing of the .-:# string." VVe offer a better and pleasanter test in asking you to • • see our goods, learn our reduced prices, and compare with '-• bargains elsewhere. It is easy to say the prices wEaE se and •t• so; the important thing is WHAT THE PRIGES ARE, i • • We specially invite bur old custotnera to do themselves a • • good turn, Ily seeing what We have to offer them It will be like ...."' ..... a belated Christmas box. Si milary we invite those who have not .. ...• been regular customers to examine geode and prices. We make ... ..vessels rnake most Soand, but we 7.1. • NO Mere BION8"-^1"613PtY promise guanine reductions in all lines .1 .. . .. .. .. HOYS' SUITS ORDERED SUITS ORDERED PANTS ... ... ilATs, CAPS. ITC. GENTS' FURNISHINGS ''' .. READY•MA.DE CLOTH/NG, ,, • II WI .. Oome one, eome all. Ask, see, eXaraine, eompare and you will buy " ft. wormlift...• 11•1 .5.......eftftamft........ ft -i ft. oft ft*aintOn, : TO Jackson, Sr., • -...1.4-14-14.14444-4-14,1.1-441.1.14,14.101-1-44-14.144.44+4+1.4.44014 line was completely alert up notwith- M d M B vi thro 1 n CODS alembly, . The following accounts were ordered to lie paid .A. Seeley, repairs to engine tI2 oo 317-.14v alibi LCUIE1,11ig'- New Era; prihting oo , G, T. It:, tent • ' x oo Ridout- & Hale, iitaitratice 2/ ocr Municipal World, supplies 4 2$ W. Steep, teaming 11. ori J. Steep, breaking road 1 po 0. Crich, salary . ax oo '.. R. Cee, 'snow plowing . io 75 Dais & Rowland ' 'a 18 Electric Light Co, 76 51 W. Cooper Co., supplies 2 517 • Wa .rluker, work . . 21 45 . .r. an . aer ). Blyth. .• standiag . the herculean- eilcirts of the News-itecore, to thank their. friends for Company to clear it: On Wednesday ' . • -night Stperinteredent Mitchell of their kindness in their affliction. Tor - • onto cattle up with three engines, a i7TT TT CHURCH ANNIVERSARY, • • plow 'mid his bridge building ataff of • • • • . • . The first 'Passenger train to pass ov- sixty men. On Titursday'morning, tin,. Last Sunday' • had been set a- . started rprth and 'got through rot- side by the good people • of Wit, rester'i tut: disappointingly easy, lis church as the day of their aiiiiiver- and then thoughttheir trotbles were sary services . and ,notwitlistanding the over 'bra they bad really only begun scinewhat incletramt weather .. there The Superintendent found long stretch- were large congregatiofts at.both'Inprft- es of drifts several feet .deep. On top.- ing and evening services. Rev. i Mr. was loose snow, underneath that from Henry of Knox church; • licanilton, Was one to four led, or "snow ice". and present and cleliveren two very exeela, then from two to four Malta of solid lent and profitable sermons. ' rib the iee cn the raila. With this the alow morning he addressed his remarks to could do nothing attd was sooti put. 'Christians and church membera in a out of busiheap, Mr, Mitchell's crew practical and helpful • manner mat in was stratthened hyl arrivals iron the eveniltg. addressing young men and Stratford until he had about one bun- young women iti an earnest and prat- dred men at work.' The difficulties he 1,1ml 'Way. Rev. lIft. Henry will be had to elicouater may be imagined heardwith pleasure by large emigre - when we say that sin men worked with gations should he again visit • Clinton. , picks to one with the shovel. Ori Fri- The chair was in excellent form, raid .clay they cleareo one mile and on Sat- aid very efficient work at Loth ser- tirday one. and 'a half, On Sunelay. af- vices under the Oirectioti„of Mr, Camp- teritooti Lordesboro Was reached and bell, --the cegaitist and musical dime - next day Myth. On Tuesday the force tor. The special numbers at the morn - which had been workiftg south from ing service were au anthem, 'Not a Wiltgliaan and Mr. Mitchell's 'Met . at sparrow lalletli,'also a mixed, guar- IlelgraVe and.. ott the same day the tette "All Hail" 'coiriposed by Miss gang from the south reached Clinton Mend Goodwill. At the evening serl. and. the line was declared °Pen,' ror Vicetite numbers Selig were "Recce - nearly a week the Grand 'trunk had "Hark 'My init.1," quartette iloo men and /4 engines at Wcrk.on the "Praise Ye the.' Vather,"• Anthem "Ile & 11. alone. Part of the tittie teadetli Mc." The quartette andlast some of the 'engines were Stalled, anthem were sung unaccompanied Within a radhis of twenty-five miles which sltowed much thought, care and of Clinton fifty ett/ittes have been en- interpretation on the part of Mr. Cant. at one point or another, As a sitnilar the high stardard rroficieney ,to gagbd clearing t le way or were dead who is to be congratulated upon g ' .1 , co • brou ht this eltoir &mit' "gistriets, the G. 1", R.. is just now the past nine ming:Its Of his etigage. very weak in MotiveloWer, ment4 er this roster for weer a• week arrived at the station on Tuesday, • , • . The thaw for the past two days has somewhat diminished the rpitattity " of the heatitiful . but is leaving the roads in a bad coadition. • On Suaday evening the. rector' 'of Oh ivnglish. church 'announced to his con- gregation that he was about to resign. this • parish which he regretted; very much tc, do but his health was faillng him and His Lordship the Bishop of Huron bad offered him a nittelt 'easier parish to do, his Master's; work in lits declining years. The cougregation was much taken bY surprise at •the atm- ounceinent as they have become lunch 'attached to lurn since he ha's beee. here •atal will he very sorry Meted whoa the Wee contea for the• separation. Mr. William:Johnson of Bast Wawa.. - nosh haying disposed 'of his faint a short time ago, has decided to ;become one of our citizen's, having purchased this Week the residence of Ur. VV. Notary for $floo. We understand Mr, notary ittiel family intehd going ont Weditlite ti. number of our citizens are about out of wood and dorrt know where to get any more. It is becom- ing .a scarce article in this sec- tion and what little there is to be got the farmers are asking ex- orbitant prices for. Mr. Sohn CoWali, having srott the winter months with his parents, lit thi'S neighborhood', intends leavittg for his 'home in North Dakota on Imlay,. • with repairs to .the south pier.. At the last meeting' of the cotencil the clerk was instructed to correspond with the general manager af the AI.- gorna Central Steamship Co. with re- gard to' the Kiag Edward calling, at • Bayfield Ile. X t St,'WtiOlt. Mr. George Chesney cif Seaforth spent Saturday in the- village, . Miss - Chesney; returned' with him. . Mr, Haines of Hollytarid visited his daughter, MD rs. ralanann, a few clays. last _week., His daughter, Miss-Satah, who bas been, visiting here; retureed. home with kiln. . . : Mr. George.Shirritt of Stephen spent Sunday in the village. • • . Mr. 'Joseph Dirateuf of Detroit was visiting Mr, George Greet/sled,: of the River IIcuse the past Wea.. i Miss Grace: •Ca..neaori entertpaned a : few of her baerals on Tuesday everiing. Miss lllaggie.Vanstane of Benmiller ! is visiting her sister,. Masa Thomas :King, at. present. . • .! The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist . church drove down to. Mrs. Claves of ; the Sauble• Line last Thursday :after- noon and heldtheir monthly -meeting. , The social given by.. the Ladies' . of St. Audrew's church laat Tuesday. evening was a sums's, it being at beataiful evening. quite -a large . crowd. turned eat. Lunch was served frofta. to 9 p m, , after._ which the eveniag,.. was • spent .ift anusic and gameS,.. Gedh. 'Township. • blaiiy ehbarpallyed. , : rtchtetirl, last:C-1 fillf:ftiverlkelahryn 011 118 lilithclay en. Friday lest: • • He may almost be sale, to he a native of this • to/au:lip fea though bora in En- mskilleh Ireland, he waz only nine weeks old when his. parfaits carne . to• this country 'and after liti.ng for a few 'years On the 7th coacessiaa of 'Gotta- ich: taxa-ft:hip they, took up. the lot' on the- Mayfield' coOesaion ythich - has ever .sinte _a -remained in the .possesaien .of •the.,frimilya. •bears: his ' ty-three vats 'lightly. - a- a' big,: 'hearted • .man, ever. ready: te -repadi . a • -friend .service, OVen to his • aria, •cmiveattatee. a That .hi in a a have many happy .• returns finite .dia•-• is a he Wish of his numerofra. friends. • . Mr. 'John. .Fair • of. hear • K. iitcardine., accompatied by: his• aistera.aa 'visiting . friends in this vicinity. •.• aQuite •a- anmbet of the' farmers ',are •engag d in hauling tvood f.19 Stanley TOwnship. Cliaton•this week, • . • • . • • On Friday 'even -fag • Gs week•Mrs• John Gilmour- • of the 2nd. eoricespion gave ai. reception 'party in...at/tor of • her son, Mr.. Jahn Gilntore, and bride,. Whose Wedding tor* .place on Tuesday.. About , 'eighty neighbors; and' kieaas. were present whe,k speat • sev.eral '•hotif.X. very. ples.santly in gantea and danctiag. The violinists were Messrs. Adam and Fenwick Stewart who plied• the . how with ' theia'.old-tinie skill aarl'the dait- cers .expreSsactilie pies:stare . which the mirsic afforded. theta. , Mr. ana Mrs. Gilmore..leave. for their new home near Moosejaw next week ••• and will take With them. the. hearty . good wishes ..of their many' blends. „ ' . • ' '• Mr,- "John Sparrow returned. last, Week from Manitoba.. whither . he • had gene with Opal of horses.. . :The season considered, :he made 'a quick' trip, hut he had to drive al/ train Stratford, preferring to do so rsahet Dian remain there. uncertain When the railway line. should he openalgr.Spar- raw leaves fot. the: West . again 'rail week With Carloads of horses. A number bf. invited guests assenibl- ed at ;• the hame ,Mr. sx.d: Mrs. AT.1-• dretir Reid, of the Parr: Line one even-, -Mg recently to. help them celebrate the • 25th anniversary of their wedding, c4,•,,y. After 'partaking- of tha ga.4 things of the table • w act ass: had 80 .hoUntifully, provided and tc, which am. - plc justice was. done, .a few hours were spent , with games,. music ano scale' • chat... The, cOmpanar enjoyed theniselVes Very media irideed; 'old before they departed they wished host andlicatess long • coatinuocl ,• happiness and. Pros- perity,- . • ' John Sherrila, P fit' ath aliedlescx, .spent one day. recently • the guest 'of Babylon Line,. friendS, ••, it:plith Stephenson .of .Virden, Manitoba, called at the home Of Mr. Wm: Sharp. of . the •Babylon.,. Line rh Sett -a -clay . • Mika G. Graham' of 'the Babylon Line was the guest. of. Miss Lilly Peek' at the )3ayfield 'Road Ott Saturday and .Sunday last, • • . ' A numbor of young pe,op1e -of the Goshen Line spent very .. enjoyable tithe on Friday evening as 'gtalsts of Mr., and Mrs. DoWson of the: 4t11 cov, of Hay. • Mr. Chas. Logan . of .the Parr 'Line celebrated his 84th birthday:on Friday last, a Member of guests being present to. wish him malty happy returns. ef the day. Miss Sturdy of the Goshen Lille was a guest at tie home of Mr, and Mrs, W. L. • Keys of the Babylon Line one day recently. . • Alt. and Mrs, Wm, Dickson were the guests of Mr, George Johnson on Wed- nesclay. Weclering bells have been ringing oa the Gcshert Line. •Mr. George Stephenson was Jriarried Pei). 24th to one of Settforth's fairest maidens in , the rerson of Miss l'cla McIntosh. Their niany • 1. I I hie • , prosperity. throrgh life, ' Ur, Andrew Armstrong wearing a T g tl • days.A little son has arrived there. Miss Rachel Reid was the guest of Miss 'co gi a o -8 "d' Mr. Wesley Peck ,a.ceompatied by his sister, Minna, were. the guests of Miss TAUta nortter last, week. . Mr. and Mrs. L. Clarice spent num- day evening ,at the home of Mr. Wm.. Mr. and Mrs.. Wellington Johnson spent Tuesday evening under the pare rad roof. Percy and Randal Cole <if Gait:rich tcrwaship were the guests of ,Mr. 11. Peck Stutaity last. Mt.. and Mts.' Win. C., ri it; gave an oysttCr Srpper to it..nain).,,r of their • friertds last:Monday evcnina. • ' .111ra. Jarnes..Mose, who has e.eitu on.. the • sick. list .tliepast few. weeks; is recovering nitely, .: • • It is -repeated. that 'Wedding bells will semi ring ea the 9th and .7th. • . Mason 'Sterling. plialeaud a fineclt .. laTshtOalY'eceko.aPin: and 'his '.ter,Miss .Agnes,' *left for the ,Wfat: Tuesday mon-ling aftea a. Couple of Months"' Vikit. 'with parents •• and irk wig, Tor 118 des- tination is • Killaraey .while MisS Ag,. hes goes 'to. Brandon. • • Mr,„rletelier, .alcCiirtnae los:: tine • of ' his horses this:: week: The aithival kit. •'arid broke its leg above the fetlock, Auburn. • •a Mr. _ Gardiner., o Cljrton was. Oat: here for a' Pleivs.A107' last week. , • Mr.. . , • Nieltolaoft of Belgrave we:a thci .gft•ea.t: of .• hia uncle Tints. on ,. e day Mr: jolin Talib went halite to the Nile a 'Week •ago,Saturday night ..ahd took sick. He ltas- net lie:n oy able, t .retnrn yet to.. Mr, -.T.ohn Haar's. , , • • gi.,-„Henry.-frparihis home.' Yorkton, .Assa„ ., . ,rea Hehas, been maxi -aid tecentlY, let • did tut :bring- his better hall with. him. ;He was • held. up.bythe atom.' for about a day on his way kerne... He intends ..takiag back ...seine .horses. He- , las done well since. gcloig.,•AVest...... ..illr• Bert reveler ef lien„•411 is .ing ,at• Mr. Jas. MA:dd'.s: • P • • . Mr.' :Wm. Maker Sy. at ery.aida• One clay 'ast- week Mr.- Baniford: ef Westfield Was; drawing a large clrnlcg to- .the • mill 'and. when •conong •dowft the river the ice gaare .away: • .tble• horse Ltd .oac 'side of tln):'sleigh went down, • and upset • the lag Mir,the Wa- ter, HapPlly:.•the water was ... only •a•-• :boat- three feet cleep, it, was Where there _aro rapid:a eat •• the binder . Poll and hitched 'the leani to the side- -01s ard 'drew, them from under' the log, liteakiag them somewhat. It, took aim • about, three . houts. - to get them mita a The log is st,11 in the river. It is worth about $r5.•itt'the itiiIl. IXe Only, had •• about 1;%.'intles to go.. We' hapo he Will succeed in getting it Out Lore the ice breaks. up. • Messrs. Witt, rergesoit and . Arthur Marsh returned' to the West. Tuesday after'. spending the winter undo: the parental roof. Mrs. (Rev.) Gensmere • is very kW 'at present._ •Dr. • Gunn of -Clinton was out to see her last Sonday, The Rifle Club bat) an ovso,r suaper last • Wednesday tight. • ALL it • were about too an•escitt. • They saint an 01. ji.iyable 'time, !laxity • a .;,.1;Iti The Epworth League oaWcatfield spent an enjoyable eveuira last Friday, at the parsonage. • \Mr. Sohn; Sherritt M. P., North Mid- ' dlesex, Was In town on Saturday. . West . Tuekersinith woo .bees have been the cadet of the day through the west chit the past . wraith, .11:Ir• Antos Townsands bong, alining the latest. They of efairse al- ways end wp with an evening's enter- tainment consisting of games, Lest IIeir and a social. 1161). ' . • Mrs,- Whitfield Crich gave. the youlfg• people a' party on PriCay. evening. . A pleasanttime is reported. .. • Mr. Fred, Dustow awl the Misses Dustow nI Ilehnore have limn 'spend. ittg the past week among 'elatives thrangh these parts. Mr. R. jennisanhad sanall gathera hig rthiav Mr. Joint Watt of ClitOor viaited among friends on the Londour Rcrld last week