HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-03, Page 88 " NEWNESS" A11 over - the Store Everywhere you turn in the store you will see signs oaf the changing Seasons. Bright, new Spring goods are taking the place. of the duller Winter lines, and each day sees` fresh arrivals take their place with the stocks that got here early. We are planning and preparing for better and bigger business this coming season and have the goods and values that are bound to bring it. We are ready forspring all over the store, each departmrntdiscounting every past effort. New ---mow Dress • Goods. Not just so many yards of Dress Goods that are new be- cause they have never been in the store before, but new styles, new colors, new fabrics, that :,hake what is .by far • the choicest collection of correct styles in Spring • Dress. Fabrics that has ever been in the store. New Voiles, 60c, 75c, $1.00 New plain cloths, all colors, 50e, 75e, $1.00 - New Tweed Suitings, very. nobby, 65e, 90C and $1.25 New plain Mohairs, blacks, colors, creams, 30c to $1.25 New fancy Mohairs, blues, "Welts, creams, 40c, 50c, .75e. New Panama Cloths, blac s and colors, special value at 50c New —"RP -- We We will be ready for "business in the Millinery Depart- ment Monday morning. It will be under expert management: the coming season: Spring stocks are now being selected and next week we will be ready to serve early buyers. New_ Veilings. This is going to be a veiling season. Fashion has set the seal• of her approval on Veiling -s. : They will .be worn, more than for many years. Some new French Veilings that came to us direct were opened up this week: • They are. good quality and exclusive designs; hrench Veilings, new weaves,,atnd plain wets with .chenille dots, 30e, 40e and 50c -per yard. ' ; 44*.e•44006•fN0•0•*N *O•O>/N•••N••N•N••N•4 = A Special R. 200 yards black Veiling, strong net., 18 ince es wide, special on sale �pwar • rz�ur�lzl;� at � per v �... ,.. . The 'Clinton; News.Record Ii You King Edward Talks Are not already t our custom rs one o e , we will, lie .pleased to have " the, favor of your inspection. Agents Parker's Dye' Works. if. B. Fair :•Co. Often the Cheapest. "Always the Best, *About People We Know • Mr, J. W, Newcombe was In London 10c, .i ssso,ososssssss•ee4•,•••• ••4•H•••••••NteiH,.N • +kw New - Corset Covers .March 3rd 1904 About The.ott ii Shoitage In his speech from the throne. ming Edward refers to the shortage incotton throughout the Bir'itish Empire, as, follows "The insufficiency of the supply of raw material upon which the great cotton industry of the counp try depends has inspired me with deep concern. - I;strust the efforts being made in various parts of my empire to increase the area of cultivation may be attended with a large measure of success." The Newest. Wash Fabrics At Old Prices Below we give you some descriptions and prices' of our splendid • new stock of WASH GOODS all bought early before the advance in raw materal. Take a pointer from hisnlajesty"'s reference to the cotton shortage and buy nowbefore our present stock is all gone: - Gingham, s and • Cha.mbrays Ginghams` in unusually large and well assorted range of beautiful and effective stripes and checks,all are "the fine sheer qualities 'so much in demand also chambrays in.. the newest shades, all of which we warrant fast colors—these are. very suitable forchildren's. wear 1Oc, 12%c and 15c, and Detroit this week.. ,..� Pieces .New . r r • Arthur Cook, daughter or Mr. Lrlf`V Arthur Cook, is very ill M Toronto. • J Mr. Arthur • E. .oh,n5ton of Maisons olscns 200 pieces Grafton's Finest Quality English Print, made Bank staff spent Sunday. in Toronto.' Mr, and. Mrs. 'W. Herd, • ofB f ld made of extra fine cambric finished cotton and dyes. that are atcy spent Sunday at Mr. Albeit Town- absolutely" fast'in every, color. We • have .a most: complete shend's. • Messrs." J. B. Kennedy and ..'Janes 'assortment of pinus and blues for children's dresses.and pina- McClacherty were iii Gcderich on ,ores, white ground with stripes or polka dots,. beautiful .pat - miss Olve Murphy and little sister terns for shirt waists, also blacks reds and navy in -all, the � 1 iiilda, cf . Buffalo a.re "vis;ting their .newest designs. iOc 12/c sister; ,Aliss Ida: Murphy,, Mr. 'John Joluiston• of. R. ttenbur ' Street: . spent a few- days last. week:., - • 'with . East wawanosh`friends, . Mrs. _J.. Patteticitry.''spent a few days Mr.,S•.H.trry ` (.Incas :of Toronto.' - �" Mr hnd Mrs, George Swartz weregu $ S'pr'ln. Mil""hei;ry_,_. osis ut their son, 11Ir; 1c?Iiu; F • Swaris. cf Wingham; last tied.,. Miss' MVfary Hama, who had beer,:the. : Our Milliners are now getting ready • for :: our. Spring guest of her sister, Airs.' S. S. Coop- O eniu which :.will be. announce d later: 'er, returned to her home atMilver: ... • -, :.. • ? . . '.toil last Frieizy: • �. 'Judge v e teiaa Af ".earlyorders will be given careful attention. J . ge 'Holt dro a to town y s , y :. . Of the past week with her sister, • • afternoon and went to Exeter by the ` ,� �,r �,� r,�► �,� �,� �,,� �►,� �,� �,� �,r �,� �,� j holding court there tociay. " Mr. ..n. Mel3urney of Castle Blaney, A very special list..: "Come and "see' how :cheap Count M tta hHry.Irelaud is the Bar" Gins 'fo:r. Frida .rid Saturday- g g y seal; the balance of "winter Coats and Furs IL . ii.i NOW . 1 A Great Stock of Staples Our stock of all linesusually: found in • a well ordered staple department :is.most complete : Sheetings, Linens, .Tow— - • els Towelings of all kinds. Grey and White Cottons; Sateen and Draperies, Lawns, Shirtings, Drills,. Cottonades, etc., ' are " all here at old prices and again we say buy early "Buy early while our stock is complete." ' - Best Shirting • ' l Oc and i2%c Good Cotton - at per yard. 5c Extra heavy, pure Linen Tabling at per yd. 50c All Linen Toweling at per pard 5c • These are just a few of our•many'good values to be found :. in this.'Department. Ready -to -Wear .Department Our ready-to-wear department is now.located at the rear of our big store,• and is now one of the " largest and brightest departments to be found anywhere. Our stock .of Tailor-made Skirts is the largest and finest :' we haveever shown. We 'would be pleased to have you call .. and see our skirts: Prices $2.50, $3,50, $4, $4.50, $5, $5.50, • $b. "to '$12. • guest of his`cot:sin, Mr. S: S. Coop- er. 1 -Ie may _ remain, here fqr tkte" summer .. Mrs:• •(Dr )' Steep, who 1 as hcien'oit an'; '.'. :extended visit With Iter -mother•1',Mrs.- H; Andrews•, left. for lien. home":,' yn:. \1`innipeg; 'Alan., 'nit Saturday last, accompanied by . her two children: " Messrs. Josh. Cook, Henry Huller and "Cap" Cook, were in Brigid and I-IatiibuTg last :week packing • and sltippieg apples far Mr.•1). Catitel*ui This week .the' two former are at : • ewtrtt Mr. and Mrs Thos, Beacom cif town, Xi.. anti,' Mrs.W. .T.AIcBricir, and A'Icssrs Smiles .and R. Miller, of the • $ase bine • atter.ded the. ,funeral • of the- late: Jolt Mc(yrtttan :m Godcr ich on Monday. Mr E. A.ttrtll of Goclerich`drove to Clinton .'Tuesday to catch the 'east- bi;itrd train, ` but 'arriving a. little' late he continued the drive to Stratford;.. hoping by this means to • arrive earlier at •itis destination,'TCr- Registrar Coats and - 1}arrister Dry- Just a hint of our Whitewear values for 'S � rin . The ad- dpne" went' to. Gcaleriel:, Uy the io.t0 p a. m; train oii 1VLor.clay. 1VLr. 13ry-` r Spring. callre •r ri r to reach vancc guard of the season's stock,ood•enou •h value to a done' .Hired :w ii e z; guard g g. home on Tuesday, but the Registrar, BARGAIN'. not being very. well, remained' a - day . longer. Mr, T. H. Jackson went to " Portland, • Maine, :last week with two carloads cf apples for Mr, . D. Canteloti. • .If the winter keeps up' much Longer Mr. Corset Covers, made of fine quality Etygligh Cotton, bright;, ' cambric finish, new cut, trimmed with two rows fine cambric embroidery. all sizes,. special value each.... - 15.0 New Cantclon will have a whole carload• ,...r�- � � � . of stoves vs t Portland fcr ,one stove. goes will each car and the railway Cotton Wastin s companies will not return them'uit- • til the freight blockade is lifted. - Mrs. R. Adapts came down •froin Lott- desboro tri Monday' on her way to A stock of Cotton Waist' Materials, such . as has never attend the millinery openings • at been shown by us before. Fabrics that you will see in no other Toronto,' but • owing to the suspett- , ,hey are.well worth seeing, even if you do. not esten ofrite trs.fi:� service site remain - until in town. Td until flew evening the guest care to buy a single yard. Not much of any one pattern. ' '. of Mr. and Mrs. James Fair. She 25c,35c,was anxious to get tothe 'city airarid 50c and b yard. Oc per. p New — Prints More new Prints came to hand this. week. They are the famous Crum Cloth, wide and soft,with colors absolutely fast, Theprice is 121cper yard. v New• Belts A few very nobby Belts among this week's arrivals. They are the latest New York styles, in leather or elastic, very nobby, only a ,few of them. 5Oc, 60c, 75c and $1.25. 'Iodgens Bre CLINTON 1 S. left byy the train which was spade up at Clinton • and despatched east Tuesday evenit•ng but which 'did not • get further than 1)ubiiti. Mr. Alex. Smith " of Stanley, quite frequently designated the "(limey Icing" from the extent of his opera- tions in the procicict of the bee, was tc»vn yesterday ,accca:npanicd by the Misses Smith, Fie.. is always reluctant to talk "shop" so has lit- tle to say ort the sweet subject of honey.. Ile retakes it pay well, su;- ficcnt proof that he twclerstaiids the business. Tliis has been a hard win- ter on ices and .he looks for 'heavy losses by some raisers. Mr. lata. Gliddc.n, who lives out Tor - tees 1•iill way, , came into Clinton yesterday a. in. tc. meet Mr. Willis c,f 1VIi•tchell froin whom he some time since purchased the John Sheppard farm on the nth eon. Bit Mr. Wit -- lis couldn't get tip for the Grand Trunk w .s not ' running passenger trains that day abet it' was not un- til last evening that he reached "town..•Mr. Glidclon passed the time very Pleasantly, though, spending part " of it with. his brother ort the 2nd coir. of Hallett. Mr, and Mrs. P. 13, CrowS of Ring- stoat arrived at Gaclerich the fore- part of tire- week where Mrs. Crews will remain for a wed,' car two yet. Mr. Crews tv:ts. in Clinton 1''riday calling on old. friends here, all of whom were attach pleased to sec him. Ott Monday he Deft fooi'I'oronto, ex- pecting to visit New Vork before re- turning home. '1'Ite Dews-Itecorcl, was' glad to hear that Mr. _ crews is do- ing a splendid bttsiiiess in 1{ingstot"., lint Fitowing his ambition, His suav- ity and ability • as a salestnah, it is no more titan wo exj?ectct%; Personal. Mr :fames . Mitchell of the Goderich Star carne to town', Monday to at- tend a meeting, : expecting to return liome•that same evening,- . but the stormdecreed otherwise and he had to remain. until • Tuesday night. ` whenhe had to erive toGoderich. Now, mach as he likes 'Clinton • and the Rattenbury House bill of fare, yet there: was his 'ediitorial, work demanding. his attention • and he was, so to speak, on nettles until he get into harness again. n Goderich Township. • 1ft. Thos, Ilayter, of Greenway, alto had keen the , guest of his daughter, Mrs. Janes Mose, for some days, re- turned hatne on. Tuesclay Mrs. "Hayter remains for a• mare lengthy visit. ',Misses, Stella and Mabel 'Ttathweli of Stanley. are- this week visiting% at Mr,' Bdwaicl, Rathwell's, . • 'The many • friends of Mr. George Cooper, concession 9, will be sorryto learn he has been confined to the house for, over , two weeks,1aaring a gather- ing on his leg. We hope very soon to hear of his being a1.1e to be out afgrain,. Miss Mary Clttlf is this' week visit irig friends in Clinton,' - Mr. R. G. Cole returned taSeafortlt on Monday, the foundry having gob ecal again, after being closed for over a week cu account of the coal fanzine. We are sorry to note the illness of 'Airs. Jas. Mose of the Bayfieffd Line, but sincerely trust site may ''soon be herself again. . Mr.:George Cautelon has had colt- sic',crable anxiety concerning his hors- es which have been very lra d with-. the ., istemper but owing to the veterinary skill of Dr. Premien of Clinton the worstrs- Mr. 'font. c•uper and 1Vliss- Agnes start again for the West next- week. • Two young attest •1:api:encd with a catastrophe ott,Suttday last and one of thein in particular had •to be repaired considerable,. • ,.Don't They Riad It? - If you ask sodic men for an adver- tisement they will tell your that no one reads weekly papers iimvadaysi and that Ow would not. pa? a ecni for a column. ' Let that sane matt be caught kissing the hired girl and if the print- ing office in ;ti the toll of the seven- teertlt story building he will daub all the way up diel ask the editor to say nothing about that little affair,, that it has been greatly,exauggeratecl', can be explained, ete., ane", here's EJ good ,i,eigar and how' much is my bill up to a year • from next January. But no rine reacts a weekly paper. Oh 1 110.—' 1',acltavoe;, 1 - Stanley Township. Mr.' J.as. Johnston and Mr. Chas.' Johnston visited at .the forrner's bro- thers, Mr. W. Jol:rston of 'Exeter, a few. days Last week, The horde cf.1 rr. A. Armstrong has been brightenedby the arrival of a little baby boy. Congratulations Att- 'eirew. - A sleigh -load of young folks . from Vartia .spent,:a- very enjcyable One at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scotehanerc ,on- Thursday 'evening; •• Mr., i-Ienry McClinchey: delivered seven -months -.old pigs to Cantelon'at'cl Wallis iii •d%inton oii ..Monday for which .he received' $zoo. -';Mr 'William. Armstrong got 1530 for 'twelve. Mi. Hoary .Peck, who has diilioscd •of , his 5o acres on the Goshen bine to. Alr; Tisa. Stephenson for $.3Joo;: • was ire Clinton .on .Tuesday Completing '-the deal. " Mr, " Peck has -still a goodly farm of .16o acres left. Mr. Jolui 'Davidson • speaks of going West this spring, The lsta.ny•friends cf the genial John will he, sorry if. lie really leaves, but they hope • he wont. e -We to .H ve'More Such Ar �► Winters as This. The sharp decline in Americr.ii Mar- kets has had 'its effect Upon prices here and fearing a batch of these foreigners might land here by express at any mc- ment, receivers here rather than 'hold shipments over night Itasc let them go at 320 to 34e. Limed eggs ,are pretty well all sold out and prices of saltie are. non -dual, Quite a numberof contracts made last fall .will, espire at the end of titis month, but some we hear run on till the i5th cf Marclt"which makes it rather awkward; but things are be.ttg Straightened all right. One weather prophet predicts that we are in for a succession of three •severe winters sim- ilar to the 'present . pne and :should his vrticina-tiott prove true our. dealers had better -be careful next ,sell about mak- ing contracts up to the end of 1''ebru- ary and March is, unless they intdie the figures high enough on their pick- led stook. A; Montreal dealer :trade a, splerKlid investment last fall whets, he purchased five carloads of eggs upon which he.'matle'a clear iirolit of .$S,000 and produces the proof thereof. --Tracie Bulletin, 'Montreal. Brown's Sale Register. On Tuesday, Mar. 22[IC., at t r. tn. on lot 2t, con. 9. Stanley, farm stock and ilitpininents.-•Jolu't Davidson, pro- prietor. On Monday, Mar. r4tls, t.t i p. tn., at Dublin, dwelling house and lot.— Michael Doyle, proprietor. ■ UpFur Coats Satu da Clean o " f � Y. •, We would rather sell these Fur Coats at "away down"prices:than pack' them up " and next season,That's Why we' •.keep•tlleni until lie, Y are going to make Saturday, March 5th, Fur Coat' day; for this" big Cloth%ig Store.: Lots and lots of Fur Coat weather ahead of us, and lots of money to be saVed.buyingthe. 'Every garment" absolutely reliable 3 oil .':Australi Australian Coats, " lined; tbronghoitt with first-class linings, soft, pliable skins, • regular $30 00, Clearing iinturday at. b .. 41110.Q, ' One only dark. Calf Skin Coat, to gooAn n Saturday at, . ........ ' l4f.VV 2 only extra fine Canadian Coon: Coats; thick, close fur, skins soft, first class linings, an extleptionally good garment, regular $00.0.0, Saturday ip g �Q each ., .. ., ..... ....,.. .,... r.• • - Oriaa. only Canadian Coon.Coat, . good skins, and first-class linings, regular -.:$55.00, $42.a� Saturday.... . . One only Canadian Coon Coat, fair not quite as. - thick and glossy as above, regular $47.50,! you can buy it on Saturday for, , .. e40D.y! . we, wil. 2 only black Bishop Coats, no better Coat towear, made, will stand any amount of hard Usage,. regular $18.00, for Saturday'. • $1X+.00 One only Rocky Mountain Bear, Coat, one of the , best wearing Fur Coats a man can buy, regular $25.00, Saturday for, , $10. 00 " rarYour money a invested in any of these Coats will make you a long way better in- terest than you can get in any bank. It's not our policy to carry goods from one season 'to another and we want to turn these into the ready cash on Saturday, We will get the money and buyers will get the BARGAIN. Would You Buy A $io.00 Overcoat if you got it for $7.50? We have seven of our famous $lo.00 ,Overcoats left. They are the best Coats for ri ten dollar bill that- we ever sold. Nov, we want to clear this last seven out, and they go on sale Saturday at your choice for........$7,5O YOU OAN *AVE $2.50. Bodge us Bros., Clinton.