HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-03, Page 7March ard, 1944 The Clitito,n Niniramaltigard, .tsteeee 11.790,Drol • rq111)"1,31,7r1., Molsons Bank Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855 Capital authorized, $5,000,000 Capital paid up 2,856,420 Reserve Fund 2,720,778 Total Assets 27,000,000 : Wm. moisou Macpherson, Precident James Enloe general Manager -NOTICE - We hope to occupy our new premises cor. Victoria and One tario streets, (opposite .1, SV, Irwin's grooery,)- sometime elm - the present month. A call frone public.generally is solicited. 1-1. C. Brewer, Mgr. CLINTON. G. D. McTaggart BANKER, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUN- TED. DRAFTS ISSUED. INTER -EST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, - - ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. NOTARY, PUBLIC, ETC, OFFICE -Sloane Block- CLINTON. HENRY BEATTIE (Successor to Mr. James Scott) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC office formerly occupied by Mk, James Scott, in Elliott Block , MONEY TO LOAN. RIDOUT & HALE conveyancers, Cominissioners, peal Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to Loan. C. B, HALE - JOHN RIDOUT. DRS. GUNN & GUNN Dr. W. Gunn L. R. C. P. & LeR.C.S. Edinburgh. Dr. J. Nisbet Gurn M. R. C. S. Eng. L. R. C. P. London Night • calls at front door of residence on Rattenbury street, opposite Presbyterian church; OFFICE -L Ontario street -CLINTON. DR. SHAW • PHYSICIAN .AND SURGEON. • OFFICE- Ontario street -CLINTON, Opposite St. Paul's church. eiwormasismassiumiollimmloolIai • . We know what all good doc- tors think or Ayer's Cherry _ - Pectoral. Ask your own doe- -!• - tor and find out.. He will tell _ e Cherry • Pectoral _ you how it quiets the tickling --_ throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the •hardest of coughs. 4. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is wen known in ; iiar family, We think it hi the hesonedtoine In the world for omens and wide" BA.,xna Picricasou, Petah:ma, Cal, 256.-, tee, $l,00. J, AU druggists.. - - for flard Coughs -Da° of AYer,e Plils at bedtime will taeten recovery. Gently laxative, 04000,00000000 000* 0000 F.or an up-todate HAIR CUT ••. -ND- CLEAN SHAVE try the leading barber NEXT DOOR TO IRWIN'S GROCERY • George D. Roberton. .440**00 sA44's 00 Cie) Phosphodirie, • The arced Hestia Remedy, is an old, well ;Web. lished and reliable Preparation. Has been prescribed and used ()yew 40 years. All drug- gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend an being Seers and After. the only medicine of • itseind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weak,. ness, Emilsions, Spermatorr' haa Impotency,- and an effecer of abuse or excesses •, the excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental and Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity, Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave. Price $1 per package or six for $5. One will p'zfase, six will cure. Mailed promety on res ceipt.of price. pend for free pamphlet. Addresii The Wood Company, Wiridsor, Ont, Canada, Woods Phosphodine is sold in Clin- ton by. Watts Fe Co.; H. B. Combs, R. P. R,eekie ,and J. E. Hovey, Drug- gists:, Tflg Tf101p1101) Mutual Fire Insurance Conitjanu -Perin. and Isolated . Town Property- -Only. . •Oely Loured.-- • • • DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHYSIereiN AND SURGEON. Special attention given to diseases ref the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . . -Office and Residence - ALBERT STREET WEST, CLINTON. North of Rattembury St. DR. G. W. MANNING SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office formerly occupied by Dee. Pal- lister on Main street. IJAYFIELD, - - - •-•-• ONT DR. AGNEW, . DENTIST, • Office adjoining Photo Gallery. • open, every day and Saturday nights until •to o'clock. CLINTON, ONT. R. G. ERNEST HOLMES Specialist in Crown and Bridge Wore D. D. S. -Graduate of the -Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeos of Ontar- io. L. D. S. -First class honor ,graduate, of Dental Department of 'Toronto University. Special attention paid to peeservation of children's teeth. Will be at the River Hotel, hayfield,. qyery Monday from io a. ni. to 6 Pt lee DR, J. FREEMAN VETERINARY SURGEON, A member of the Veterinary Medical. Associations of London and Edin- burgh and Graduate of the Ontar- io Veterinary College. °Prier,- Huron street -CLINTON. Next to Commercial Hotel Phone 97 JAMES- A. SMITH, AUCTIONEER. ••••••••••••••••• • • OFFICERS, J. B. McLean President, 1(ipperi P. O. ; Thos. rrasee, VicosPresicient, Brucefield P, O.; Hays, Sec. - Treasurer, Staforth P. 0. • . • DIRECTORS. Williain Shesney, Seaforth .,; John Grieve, Winthrop,; George Dale,Sea- forth ; John Watt, Hello& r- John Bennewies, Brodhagan ; James Evans,. .Beechwood; James Connolly, Clinton. ' AGENTS. * Robert Smith, Harlocic ; E. nIin- chley, Seaforth ; James Cummings, Egniondville; J. W. Yeo, Relines - Parties desirous to effect insurance or •transact ether buseuess will bel promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective postoffices. 1-00-"a inspected by the direttor Who lives e nearest the scene, Marriage Licenses ISSUED BY J. B Rumball Clinton mom Fruit Growing in British, Coluonbio. Sorrie interesting facti regarding the f; uit industry in the Prairie Province Were brought out at the recent meet- ing of the British Columbia Frnit Orowers' Association. The growing 'commercial importenee of the indus- try is evidenced by the increased ehip. moots by freight and exprese, out the following liguree ehow ; There were la,rk3d by the 0. P. R. during 19027 1409 tons of Ala, while in 1008 1087i tons were carried; an increase 00 35 per Cent. The Dominion Express Co, car- ded in 1897, 70 tons of fruit; in 1001 378 tons; in 1002, 483 tons; in 1003, over 07e3 tons. The eetablishurent of a fruit cannery ie New Westminster is whtch will employ forty to fifty bandit durinerilie season. This will give growers a market, for their sur - pips beta.. MARKETS. At the present time Britieh Colum. b;a, fruit prectically rules the markets ae far ettst as Calgary. The markets of the Northereet, though vast and valuable, are very scattered ; Winni- peg ie thegreat wnoltaale centre, atid is of mice importance tbat, it enters in- to the ealcelations of fruit growers alt over the c:ontinent, consequently the competition there is keen. Orders are beitig received from Australia, Hawaii, China, and Japan, end efforts were made last fall to get a • foothold in itritaiu, On Oct, lath last" Meseta. Stirling and Pitcair u ot Kelowna ship- ped the nest, emitted of British Colette; bia apples, consisting of Spies, Bald- .. YOU MAY HAVE KIDNEY TROUBLE. If your back aches aucl you suffer from dragging paella it is an evidence of Diserered kidneys, Get Ferrozone at once and take it regularly. Ferro - zone mekes kidney sufferers feel better at once. "1 was bothered a great deal with my kidneys last year" writes S. G. Denton of Everett " but got quick relief from Fen ozoue. My trouble manifested itself by pain in the back dull heavy feeling and constant head- ache. 1 quite recovered after using a few boxes of Ferrozone which has giv. en me inin•e strength and better health than I ever had before. I can recom- mend Ferrozone as a positive 'cure." Price erOe at all di itggists. • • wins.Ontarioa and Celled& Reda to the• • British market. .They arrived . in Glasgow on -November Oth, in first.' 'class condition and were sold at an *vertigo price of about Os '• per box, „while Eastern Oanacla apples were sell login the same place ai, about one don ler per bar eel less, *.figurfrig three arid one half boxes 'to the barrel. How- ever Whenthe extra freight charges to Montreal were deducted, the nee returifs were hardly satisfactory. - En- nuiries are 'now • being received froin, -other, firins who saw the. SHOO Col- umbia -fruit ad learned. that „ it griee . fleet -class' eatisfsetion. so •that it ib though t that if rupee and larger ship- • ments were sent forward, betterpekes • would be .realized. Concessionsein the. way. of freight rates wiil eviden have 1.0 beobtained, if ehis export trade is tobe developed. • 'DRAWBACKS, • . . . ••• That-thahritieh Ooltimbia growers labor. ander disabilities sia,ilar to those of the -waterer fruit men is shown •by • the following liet meneioned by •Preso dent Metcalfe in his opening adroit : First : The lack of.. ce-oyerationqn the part of our growers in ,shipping, • marketing • and and, maintenance of prices; the purchase of packages,paper spraying materials and , redress. of - geievanees: ------' • •• ',Second.: We suffer as fruit growers, - from, the general lack- of knowledge,.; want. IA 'Confidence as to the benefits of'spraying.: . • .* . •• .• • .' • Third.: We, need canniug and- evap- Prating factories to. take pur surplus ,fruit, -the ripe and lower grade variet- ies that will • not -ship -long -distances, TIME Trains will arrive at and depart from eliuton •Station as follows : /311FAL0 AND GODERICII DIV; Going East Express ' 7.38 a.rn. 3;23 P.M. Gehl East Mixed 445 Pin. Going West Mixed •nen, Going West Express ' • 12..55 p,m. • '4--..,' 1/ 7.05 3-01. it so • 1042 pare. I am a licensed auctioneer for the 'County of Huron and will sell by per- centage or by the dollar. ReeidenCei lot 37 and 38, Bayfield Road, one mile south of Clinton. Satisfattion guar- anteed. Orders left at The NeWs-Itee- ord officesor my house will be prom- ptly attended to. JAMES A. SMITH, Clinton Pt 0.. 1/LIPPINCOTT' 4 MONTHLY .MQAZU1E: A FAMILY LlieftAnY .; Thi Bat In Cortent litcratara 12 COMPLETE NOVgLiti•YEARLY 9I-10fer STOAlt12 AM° 1 TAPE:1'3 ON TIMELY TOPICC o..C14 VT an; 2.6 C711. A COPY i feeiNtr74L1.4:0 srot.mmt h Want* tee yettInt toe take Medicine nine be 416 LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE DIV. Going South Express 11 Mixed "•North Express ') Mixed A. 0. PA.TTISON, Agent. V. R. HongErrs, Town Ticket Agent. 3. D, IVIACDONALD, District Passeti- ger Agent, Toronto, q.47 adn. 4.15 P;arte • 10.15 sem, • 6.55 Pthl, 1 (4 .tee Vilekrie1' 0(4,e:et,Piersint4cr. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS ,COPYFOGHTS &O. Anyone Sending A sketch and description MO reekly Ascertain our opinion free Vvhether an venuon is probably patentable. terturitinice. ns strictly confidential. IlitudboOk on roosts soot ire& °Melt twenty for_iieenring_Petente• Patents taken .through MOM & CO. mem remelt notice, without emelt°, In the SdentifiC Jitutricau. A hendsonielY Illustrated Weekly, Leraceit_ela Cidation Of any soientlec Journal. oernuesa year ; four menthe, $1. field by ailpelted MUNN tiColgaisted-v,rnset Yor IrrAmm, r. -le.• "' 74, WI KM, 191*. 14.42, ,.• . TO *QUICKLY CURE . • ' BeLL1OUSNESS. Urie Dr. Harnilton'e Pine of Many drake and Butternut. They; cleans- • the stomach and bowels, assiet the liver; ineernoving the bile, and cure thoroughly. Us only Dr. Hsenilton's Pill's. Price 25c. varieties that me suhject to the attaek cif fungus diaeases, thereby relieving the markets of these qualities of.fruits and leaving the Iiigher grades and bet- ter fruits to sell at increased prices. .1? (41'1/Minn e,"." *". "*1" IN tr ?ALP Mired di croup,wbooping cough and coldt be0 . • .% 1 loins Vapo-ereselene'lliee breathe it. i Foul th We mitrei froin the Ink of a proper titstrtbutiott of tan meta II, the different tnericets we are shipping to. Fifth ; We also 1 equire better facil- ities in transportation and lower retes. The express ratee are excessive and the care and attention given to the handling of frnit on and off express cars are careless and unsatisfactory and ought to be discouraged and. cor- rected. Delivery of Butter • to Railway Stations. Every precaution should be taken to see diet butter is delivered to the stations at such an bout asikto make the closest poesible connection with the refrigerator cars. An hour's ex- posure to the heat ef a warn' summer day !nestle positive injury to the butter and shortens its lite.; It would be better to have all, the butter carried to the station by contract,so that some man would have a properly equipped wagon, with a cover for protection egainstemn and rain. It would be possible to insist on having suet; a wagon always Clean The manager would have authority, and control over a vontractor but be has very little over the independent patron, who takes the loadwhen it suits his convenience, very often in an unsuitable wagon, dumps it down at the station without any consideration except that of get- ting rid of it as quickly as possible. The cost of hauling the butter to the *Melon should be considered a part of the operating expensee in all creamer- • Yours very truly, W, A. Cleinous. Canned and Evapor- • • ated Goods Trade. • Mr, A. W. Grindley, Agent of the Department of Agriculture in Great Britain gives the following informa- tion in regard to the trade in canned and evaporated goods during 1903, in addition to the extracts from •his an- nual report publisieed last week. • • • FRUIT PULPS . There is a good derriand fur the fol- lowing fruit pulps which can be put up in Chteada eStrawberry,Raspberry, Gooseberry, Black Currant, Peaches, pears, Apricots. • . The above fruit* are largely used in jam factories in reat Britain. °arum:lien packers of fruit pulps thould observe the. following, points :- • .1. Us 6 a heavy grade of chaecoal tin plates for notking the rims. 2 Do not use rozin for soldering the inside seams as hthe least portion ONE OF THE VILEST DISEASES. . . • , 7Is catarrh Which Arst attacks the nose endthroat and finally ,spreaes.all throughthe syeten. The one sure curets fragrant healing Oatarrhotorie yvhicrh. is -sent by the ;erre you •ineatha direct to the root of the 'trouble. r: • T. YesM ad Vieer of Yarinotith, suffered' 'for y'eare frcirsi: Oatarrh says, .." In my.lonK:experience wit li , this lothsome' disease 1 nev,ernsecl any remedy 'thee' relieved and :prised • so .,proraptly as Spat arr hozone. 'When • y nostrils Were so .stuffed up that 1' •couldn't breathe t. found a few lehalation, of Oeterrozone was . Mifficieut to clear away the mucous, -1 ,arti perfectly eured by Cataerhozone end tree from the dirreaseentirelye? Use only Cater- frhozpne. -COMplete Oath $1.90e trial size 25c.' ' egesounemepalialleatingstsempripearemeineueolevarisleielle. Canada. fnrniah the tin plates from ch the Calle are made and Mau have an export representative to supervise the packing of their goods during the season, the reeult being general satis- faction and.increased demand for the brands. The quality of Canadian beef and mutton is preferred to the imports from other countriee, the packs which countries are often Ililecl with mean from which extracts have been taken to make fluid meat preparations. Most of the Ca,nadiau tinned beet and tnutton is put up in tins holding not over two pounds of meat. There is a good demand fOr tins holding six p_ounds especially for War Office and Naval Stores. Whatever sized tins are packed be surd they contain strong net weight, TINNED LOBSTER. Tlaere is a gond demand for Cana- a.diten tinned lobster if properly put up Only heavily armed plates should be usrd for making cans (Lobster works quickly on light pletes) the inside of which should be lined with heavy parchment paper and the lobster pack- ed while thoroughly fresh. This re- quires large packing frietin les, Small factories do not as a general rule em- ploy skilled labor and as they cannot pack as fait as supplies come in during She packing season the result is that stale goods are packed which go off flavor very quickly. DESSICATED VEGETABLES. iniparte a bad flavor tolthe contents. 3. One gallon thiseare preferable to .cariz.boiding . gallons chiefly be- cause there ie less loss in case of, pun- ture or ether cause of damage. - • 4. ; For colored "pulps i an nternally lacquered tin is very Much prefeered,- 5. NO coloring matter or preeers- •tivei of any kind should he added. th. Have cases • holding ,crtne rinide strongly and with tight "covers not elats. •' "TINNED-. MEATS. • There Is a good demand -Greats Britain•for tinned mente but complaint are Made that clanadiren tinned meats 'etc'. are often petered ;beta the tin by some acid; action. This eility.tre'raused • by using eight grade --tin plates fOr making the cane, Tese .pletee • are rolledafter tieing tinned arid so much of the tin being taken off the ,iron is • exposed in epote and a chemical action • gets in shortly after the .goods are peeked., Some British. firms who im- port heavy lines of panned goods from Auditors' Report, Stanley Township. .SUMVARY OF REOMPTS Balance on 'heed 'Uncollected tai and 4percentage , Referel from m Bit Dra• •Licevee fund ' ; Withdrawn from bank and intereat • LeViale.tive grant - Borrowed. money Refund froni 'Logan Drain Loan from Logan Drain Non-resident tax Miscellaneous • Township taxes from collector Total receipts • and interest • • Roads • SUMlYIARF South hdundary London Road • hayfield Boundary Charity Gravel Timber and Sewer Pipe Printing Board cf Irealtb Schools .11M8sains4:ckelleantous Comity rates I,e.an, to hig Drain Loan to Schwitlin Drain • Taal Payertents balance to next account halante on Dee. ,arst tthcollepted tax 1903 Preceptage thereon 'Loan to 131g Drain Loan to Schwalm, Draie Township hall Road grt.der Pile driver I'lough Sewer Pipe Salaries for Pig Drelin 1962 LIAML/TIES Loan front 1..ogan Drain PAYMENTS ASSETS *36198. 164 71 40 10. • • 8o oo • • tor3 95 256 oo 50000 217 21 197 64 39 93 .• 19 25 . 10269 42 $13250 19 Seer7 68 • , 168 51 20 55 50` eo oo 334 '89 680 82 75 30 48 30 4767 oo 61960 484 54 507 40 2445 05 IS 59 84 47 $12255 30 1004 89 *1326019 •CeitORGE BAIRD, SOIIN DEA'I"rY, Auditore. Dated 3aittary 30a6 ON. 51004 89 88 36 d 65 A72 59 84 47 100000 oo 4000- - 12 00 240 00 95 90 $297 64 There is a growing demand for Des. sleeted Vegetables in Great Britain, not for borne consumption; • but for Naval Stores and the War Office. Yours very truly. W. A. ()lemons. THE GLOW OF HEALTH. When the blood is rich and pure there is ahalthful glow to the complex, ion which speaks of the vigor atid vi- tality of the system,. There is no more certain way for pale, weak peo- ple to attain the glow of health than by the persistent use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, the great food cure which forms new rich, red bleed and creates new nerve force. Hon, Edward Blake has been named as one of the temporary chairmen of Cerninittee of the Whole in the -British House of Commons. It Would give the supporters of any Canadian Min- istry a fit to see any Oppoeitiouist similarly honored. Mr'. Stephen O'Mara, ex -M, P, of Limerick, Ireland, a joint treasurer of the Irish Nationalist Parliamentary Fund, is, a guestat the Queen'm Hotel. Mr. O'Mara has 'ante to the Dominion With the Object of establishing a pork packing house somewhere in Canada.. He says peace and bermeny now pre, veil in the Green Isle. • The Insurance underwriters place the less by the Rochester, N. Ye fire of Friday at 2,500,000, and the amount ofinsurance in the regular stock insur- ance companiesat e2,000, 000. . . . • New YOrk State Republicans have endorsed President Reeseyelt for re - rumination. • . Hugh Amos: has reported to the police that he was relined of $25 in Bo w land's Hotel, Toronto, Fiti d ay afternoon; The deteetiveis a.re in vesti gating. , ' LET OTHERS. ,EXPERIMENT There ie always Something .,neer in the way of medical treatment and you tire:constantly invited ter try new -fan - glad, unproven remedies. .Let ()there experiment and so risk health and lose time. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills have been tried in the crucible of time won the aproval of public opinion and demonstrated their right to a place in every home as a family medicine. " Some Plain Truths Abotit: Congregationalism: • - _ - Rev, James Carmichael peer:tetrad from the words: "That ye be like. minded, having the same love, beifig of one aceord, of one mind." Phillipp; lens. 2nd chap.', 2nd verse. He showed that the Congregations of primitive Christians were like families in their internalrelationships, and, in comae quence, they labored • harmoniously, and were as a unit in the prosecution of auy work, and became such centres that the riotous, quarrelsome heathens gazed at them with astonishment. It was a mournful confession -but, how, ever honesty forced it out -that this family idea had been largely lost sight of by Christain churches at the pees. ent tiny; and, in Consequence, the chueches suffered everywhere. It must .bo admitted that the size ef many modern congregaticins was an °Wiwis to the carrying out of the fatally idea; some of them were .s0 large that they formed tribes rather Shan families, St. George's was fer too large for the fanaily idea to be manifested, yet their was much to be criticised. Modern social arrange- ments Wert supposed to be unrest- rained mingling of varietal members. The head looked patronizingly at the foot, hut the foot would not be patron- ized, and. in due time ignored the head altogether, and he could net blame it naucb. The head would kneel for • twenty years, perhaps, side by side with the foot at, the frame communion table, and never recognize it as a torn- panion, and the foot mocked at Bitch conduct and called it a farce. Mein - hers of the seine congregation have Mile to the Church and sat there till their hair was white, and never not, iced their poorer brethren, or even 0044, Established 1579 Whooping Cough, Croup Bronchitis, Cough, erip, tio Asthma, Diphtheria CREW -ENE 18 A SOON TO ASTHMATICS Cessounni is a long established and standard remedy for the diseases indicated. It cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased onetime of the bronchial tubes with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treatment. Those of consumptive tendeney, or sufferers from chronic, bronchitis, find immediate relief from coughs or Inflamed conditions of the throat. Deseriptive booklet free. MIMING, Mind de CO., 1611 Notre Dame dt.. Montreal, Canadian Agents Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets ^ dissolved in the mouth are effective and sofa for coughs and irritation of the throat. too & box. AIX 0111JOSISTO .The Wert or Xppreqiice. If clerking in a store or learning a trade, why.not prepare youreelf to reach the top of your business . A bueiness training combined with your knowledge of your work gives you the necessary advantage over others to; make this possible. The Forest City Business and Sh'orthand College Course includes Bookkeeping, Financing, Higher Accounting, and every ' modern principle and method used in business -is not hampered , With old-time systems and. method. ' A complete course in Business and Shorthand can be taken in one year; the cost ia small; the results are quick, renaunerative and permanent. Booklet, containing complete information of courses, costs, ete„ sent to any address for a postal. • W. 'WESTERVELT7 Paw. Y.M,C.A. Rummel LbNDON: , - 1I 11.1116 1,1161.1111N11119. asked after a sick • member of • the; tardily, though theyknew .of the sick- ness. Seale of this class would no doubt like this, as it kept every one in their place, but it was death to the great familyidea. The system of mod. ern churches was, he • confeesed, gninst it. • People said, "My pevi is my private chapel; I may -open' or shut the - door; I may scowl out of it et stran- gers, 'or frown them 'out of it when they enter." In, Ulla manner -tad some members' newly arrived in the •city been frowned out of their churchinto .Methedism, receiyed them •witb smiles and open :trees, and be thanked God that they were not: for- gotten. He subsequently showed how this lack eta • joint igterest artiOung, members' militated/wail:me the financ- ial prosperity and workof the•church, and held that churchee should endeav- or to work out the family idea, keep- ing clear of selfish congregationisneon the one Menden& of no "ism" on the other, The friendly' relations of St. George'scongregation, however, ow- ing to its great •siZe,:unist he tram], and he believed tient a eery slight per.' mend gent °nth& part bf the mem- hers Would do Much teivards ipae,boe them 'live np to.the. -spirit if not the 'letter of .thistext. Betouehrdon its, position, foreniest 10 very good work, but he held that thia bed. been riecueed hy the efforts of 4 few, and 'thrit it could' do far noire. if . the whole . tribe would rise tip tothe bittele; aod as re- garded the wiping out of theietlebt; . they did not %went Mr,,. 'or111.r.D. to contribute liberally, but the ,Whole alphabet frorenA to Z should bo repre;• meted -on the list. ' 14 was 4 duty in. view of the Inerrie.s of the past, in She light of the blessed roinietry 'which for- ever twenty .yeare.lea,s been exercised for them 50 do no. ' FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS, Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If die-. turbed by night and broken of your rest by a ma child suffering and, crying with pain of cutting teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mts. ••107.77701, Hon. Mr, Anson, formerly on Or Lensdowne's staff during hie Govern or Generalship, has beeafotroddead. Frightful Case of Protruding Piles Doctor wanted to burn them ^with a red- hot tron-Cured ey hr. Chase's Ointment. Mg. Amex. McLrear, Tarbot Vale, N.S., writes: -"As section man on the railroad, I was exposed to all sorts of weather, my • health failed, and. I became a victim. el protruding piles. Though • a doctor treated me for • piles, they,only grew worse and I was* forced to give Op werir, and 'go home. My • sufferings could seared)! be • described, I could not walk or lie down, and while the rest of the family, slept. I would. be groaning with "" excruciating pains. "The second doctor told me the piles would have to • be burned with a red-hot e_ iron, but I could not think Mr. McLean of undergoing such an oper- ation, so he gave me a box of salve, for Which .• he charged me two dollars, but did me no good. My experience with.r, ChaSe'S Oint- ment is that the first application did me more good than did the two doctors, and finally made me as well and free from piles as any man., Since being cured I worked during the wilder in the lumber woods mad had no return , of my old trouble. Dr. Chase's Ointment was worth one hundred dollars a box to roc.",. The Hamilton, London & Lake Erie • :Electric Railway Company are apply ing to the Legislatttre for incorpora tion. •" N. 1 .MOTHERS ,RIVLY .0. N Gray's -Syrup to keep the children safe from C1SQ11P. It disolves the thick onsitinn- cleers the • • throat- breaks -tip a cold and dlIRAS COUGHS. :Keep sS ru of Red Spruce 6un always in the house. A. bottle of this fainoile remedy lsyourbest • protection against those sudden night attacks of croup. ' • Tonally good for all throat and lung troubles- for young and old. 25 C7.77. bottle. 44441744414,114417474,44i4'4•44+4+).,:.,10+4••:7,4,8 tit A.1!..0',41440:0404:0+4.4i.MIA4'44,..)44,4n:ntnAiAil8MMtenAi,440.4.&A;441744. . $ • , • • • ,* • • • • • ,0 • g , • 47 • ' 4, • e • • • • •$• • ...g4 t X, Y . . lease Notice + .•$. y i Y • * .t • . , .. *$* •*: t. A • A' • aerwerie*weesweiev • Many. accounts were ); + recently sent out from this"! office. •Inclividu- T. ally they were small laut in many cases there has not yet been , a response. Please let :st: •14, 1 . ne .0.1e J.• i. us hear from you at s• x once. 4, X Winslow'e Soothing Syrup" for child- •y ren teething. It will relieve the poor •e_ little sufferer immoddiytely, Depend *pm it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It mires Diarrhoea, rept- tales the Stomach and Dowels, cures . + Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces •t• Inflammation and gives tone and en- • orgy to the whole system. "Mrs. y. Witislr's Soothing Syrup" for child - ten teething is pleasant to the Mate .te and is the prescription of One of the .S.. oldest and best female physicians and 4. nurses in the United States, Price 25 cents a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the world,. Be Imre . and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrti10," iever's V.Z (Wise Ilead)Disinfeetent Seep Powder is better than other soap powders 2s it also acts leia disinfectant, *4,044DoDO In remitting do so • by express order, pos- • tal note or registered letter and address ZD X X W MITCHELL 4. The Newsaecord Ont• Clinton ;is% eade•eerea•••••le *toe* akeeeenee,t, 44;4 •eoreon•eanen ele•ne4,0,14eeereeeeleoe+nenee • 0 44, • **7 0+0 ies ee• +44 4•40 4•44+ .e• ee 4 7 ;1..44 ••te •ese:o ei; eoee recie• 44 44 *84 ee• re 44 lielemeuelite ..•_welONI Mee_