HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-03, Page 5arch 3rd$7,1904 I I I11 1 I I j ARRIVING l'YllYgc7".114;S:r07TOAVIVIR Manitoba White Fish Salmon Trout Finnan Haddie Ciseoes Yarmouth Bloaters Shrimps Oysters W. T. O'Neil. CANADIAN PACIFIC World's Fair, St. Louis April 30th to December ist. 1804. • Settlers' Onf-Way Excursions, 1904 , To Manitoba and Canadian North- west, will leave Toronto every Tues- day during March and April if suffi- cient business offers. • Passengers travelling without Live Stock should take the train leaving Torento at 1.45 p. Passengers travelling with Live Sto- ck should take the train leaving Tor- onto at 9 p. rn. Colonist sleeper will be attached to each teain. For full particulars and copy ol. Settlers' Guide, Western Canada and British Columbia, apply to any Cana- dian Pacific Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAN,, Asst. Gen.- Pass. Agent; King St. East', Totontoe TWENTY ACRES FOR SALE. The . undersigned offers • for sale north• part of lot 36; on the 16th con. of Roderich township, containing 20 acres. Good frame house barn with stone stable. Good orchard with all kinds of fruit. in4e from 'corporation of Clinton. 14 mile from school. Apply. to JEPTHA HOLLAND, Holmesville P. 0. Dec. 21St. Will Sell the entire 20 acresor part c,f lot to suit perchaser. - Held Up FARM FOR SALE. -LOT. 8X, MMT - land coneession, Goderich township, about I mile from Holmesville, con- taining 10'e acres more or less. On the place is a, house, kitchen and woodshed, barn end stable, ea:eh-end, and about 8 acres el bush and a neeer-failing creek ruining throegh the place, about 5 acres of fall wheat aid about eo acres of fall plowing done. Will be sold a 12, o'clock p. on April xa. For particulars apply to the undersigned executors - H. ELFORD, GEO. TE13BUTT, Hot. mesville P, 0. STRAYED. -A. RED TWO-YEAR-OLD steer strayed, onto the premises ef Jas. Boyes, Lot 20, con. Ix, Stall - ley, on or :about Nov. 23rd. The owner is requested to prove proper- ty, pay damages and take the ani - mai away. -JAMES BOYES. 3t GIRL WANTED -FOR HOUSEHOLD worle. Small family, Highest wag- es pead to capable person. Apply to , MRS. S. H. SMITH, Princess St, AUCTION' SALE OF HORSES. ---THE undersigned .has been instructed by Mr. William Elliott to sell by Pub- lic Aretion at the British Exchange Stables, Goderich; on Sa.turday,Mar. 5th 12 Western Hors to 6 year's. 'draft horse 5 1 -ears, 1 general purpose horse 9 years, a, span) bay driving horses 6 and 7 years,) 1 span black driving .InareS • 3 :Fe 4 yrs,x, driv- ing mate 1e years draft colt 2 years?. eraft loafs, x blood foal, I registered Hereford- bull 20 211011t11S? registered Hereford bull ro months. Sale .at i o'clock sharp-. Terms - Seven months credit Will be given oir approved joint notes. A :discount of 5 per cent. per anurim 'allowedfor cash.-WM. ELLIOTT, preprietor ; T. GlINDR.Y, electioneer. • WANTED -GIRL • ABOUT -SIXTEEN years of 'age to help with general . house work. -Apply to MRS.WILL - HARLAND, Princess street, East. MARE FOR SALE -TWELVE YEARS old, itt foal to Sir Walter, Also a filly colt xa months old. -FRANK H. POWELL, Clinton I'. 0. • FOR SALE -.THE UNDERSIGNED • have for sale n splendid thorobred • Durham bull, , eight months, dark red, he is n very Promising anonal • end will .be sold cheep. We have•al- so for sale a quintity of seed., pats, barley and' peas, These oats are Of • re splendid variety and great yfeldersi • haying 'grown 715 bushels to the acre lost year. Address, TYNDALL • BROS., • Clinton. • . . • BULL FOR. • SALE. -THE UNDER - signed. • has for sale 'a II months .old Grade Bull: It's a goal anirnalee•• • S. APPLEBY, Lot. 241 Core 8, Hul- lett, Londeebore P. 0. • CHEAP ONE :WAY RATES • : ••. TO THE WEST:VIA --e0REAT NORTHERN RAILWAY:- .• Effective • daily' during March • and' April, cheap One way Coldnist tickets will: be issued .front Stations' in :Ontario to • all points on the Great Northern Railway in the states . of • Montano,. • Idane, Washington and Oregon, also' all paints. in British Col- umbia. • On March 1St, 8th, r5th; 221e1 and 29th, end April5tb, 12th, 'agtki and 26th one way 'second class tickets will • be issiied -from. Chicago to paints in North Dakota at greetly reduced rates. Fell inforniatien asto time .of train, berth rates ••M Tourist 'sleeper* aiso literature on any of, the; aboire. states on application 'to • Chas.;.W. Grayea, District Passenger ;Agent, 6: King street West, Rooni 12, Toronto, or F. I. Whitney, General Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Mien. " ;for inspection is one style of shoe . from the many varieties we have in stock. It fairly . represents ,the ele- gance of all our shoes. Theyare new and right up to the mi inute n • point of style. They are just off the last and look well and wear well. Unlike many handscmie things they have last- ing qualitieg. If you wish to be well shod, put your feet in a pair of our 83.5o shoes, the best ever sold at he price. 4 • • Our Groceries are always fresh and eseeefialIy suitable tot the seasons of the year, sie MeCLINCHEY-,-On the Goshen Line 1'012 SALB OA TO RENT. comfortable house situated On rner of Church and Osborne streets. • A to •• CHAS. OVERBURY, Clinton, July 16th. • • • • • • • CAROL E.:IN,TEWC:01‘113E A. L. CM. • 0rgani4 of Ontario St. Meth- oclist Church , Teacher of Piano, HermonY, Form ` Free Theory lecture,'to strdenta•eV- ery Tucleley evenineet Studio.• „ Over Neweembe'S Store, elinton. ghter. large. • •• ri 000 000000 00000000 00 0000 The Conton Newsokscord 0000000000000000000000 The News of Goderiche miss I. A., Skimingo, 0000 • 000000000000C Correspondents 0000000000000000000000 The Grand Trunk sent Al a 1ot of MIS and. Mr. Seaung spent last week cars last week to relieve the big mill at the reeidence of • Mrs, Spruegs sis- uf its great surplus of flour. . ter, Wire. Goldthorpe,. Colborne, who Mr. Wooten has severed his connee- has been very ill. tion with the knitting factory and Mr. , Chaelie • Symons Ferguson Of fills orders kr eue citizens at his Cleveland who las.s been nine years ab - own honie, sent from kis home t Buytiel,d left 131r. Sprung hauled in some • large . for Cleveland on Friday a. m, after trees again this season and will hove paying a liWt to that village in Feb - a train sawing exid splitting them for ruary. fuel. It is a good filen, though, he Mr, Inns= Fergnson of Bayfield can do the work at home and save brother of Mr. C. S. Ferguson,. left teaming expenses. , • • ' for Cleveland on•Thursday, Mr. Hillier has been very ill this. The following poem was written by season of ,peetunonia. • . the Goclerich correspondent of The • Mr, Charles Shepherd is spending News -Record to her excellency, the thia season at the Traci Bedford. Countess oi Minto, and lier letter of We have to thank the Nordheimer thanks subjoined' : Piano and Music Co. for presenting.= To • Her Excellency, The Countess of with o pretty little :specimen of the . Minto': • • printer's and engraver's art, entitled . $t. Valentine's Day, 1904 "The House of Nordheiener"'tot• coin- - Fair Canada should: crown thee coun- mernorate the 63rd anniversary- of the tess fair,. foundation of their great ITIUSie houses With a wreath. of bright goleen maple in Toronto, Hamilton, London Ottawa • leaves, and Montreal. As yellow, as the maple 'leaf, in the Mr. Junes Johuston and family Lcvely autumn time, for well hest who have been ill for the pest' three . thou gained • weeks, are now convalescent. ' • 'X -ler love and admiratioOlor zeal Mrs .0. H. Fowler, 13ayfield Ran el, In her work of soothing the distress. Las returned to her home, sater a vis- To which our frail humanity is heir, • it of three weeks to Mrs. Tames' J•ol• xi- Thy name will bo honored. while life tons. • shall last, . • Mr. ero. Mrs. •Hackett returned first And floreers of love at thy feet be cast, week in February to their home after • n two mouth's visit to their relatives Goderich, Ont., Cali's-Ise! S.ki.m. in. gs•- at Wiarton. ". , Go" errnment House, Ottawa The Auturn and Gederich township Deer Machem,-I ani desired by Lady Rifle ASsociatiots had a match on Fri- Minto tothank yen for the•ekarming day last on thetoweship rune, with tribute . you so kindly sent her on the xo Ricked members each. The Goderien x4th inst, St. Valentines".Day, end township won by re points, . after will- which Her • B.,'Iscellency greatly appre- eh the victors send the vanquished ad- crates, _1 ain yours truly . journ,ed to the King Edward hotel . „ Arthur Guise. where a banquet was prepared and to (Signed by Her EXcellericy's sectetarY) which all did justice • after a cold af- 1904., ternoon's shoot, • Turkey and oysters, • Mr; Filsinger,late a our 'town, • is jellies and sauces, puddings aud pies, agent for the Kelsc. fernace which has ere., were most acceptOble and Which been placed in thee Collegiate • Institute breright the host. oral hostess a heerty arid other places. • 1 • Vote of thanks. Captain. Laithwrate • Miss Beatrice McColl AS visiting her was cheirman. Tho. fleet teast e was relatives' at Blind ,River. to. the King which. --Was loyally e Mr. Consigney has removed to. Clin- sponded to by Ca:ptaineLaithweite of -tow. ' •• . the 0..T.. R, association in . a . right Mr., and Mrs. Wallace Arthur, who loyal . speech, after' whia all . sang • were the pests, with their 'clincher -4,0f "For • he' p a jolly good fellow:," The Mrs, Arthur's • parents, Mr. and Mrs, second toast was "Canada our eoun- • .Millien; returned to their home with -1 try," responded to be -Captain 'Howson. • out visiting. Mr. Arthttr's relatives who. of Auburn. The third tont was to lived nt seine point where the steamers the Goderieh Township Rifle Associa- were . unable to cut three& the ice tieee Mr. George Sturdy brought this season, so they went .straight to. dawn the house with a geoid old Leah their lenne. , song. God • Save the King ended the Mrs,•. W. J. SMith, in canting down first 0o1eric1i Township Rifle Associn- the' froet steps of her residence,, fell on tion banquet • held. in. this town.. May the second to last step end Mk:red:her it not be the last. They are .51 , lot bade, slightly. • . • • .: cf steady, level •headed men, and we Mr's, (Captain) Jelin Craigie', - has - • trustthey May long be able.to handle not taken.her hand out of the -sling their. rifles for manly. recreation. . • yet. The break. Was e compound • • • • MArriages. dee of Shepeerdton, not ')rogressieg•• • . , Pt. Iinycleh'e, grandmother, ,Mrs.l.reye • • ,•• • • - very.... favorably, , we: are sore. . to TINK-COUCH--At the Jaariesestreet state,. •• • • ,Metleadisti . parsonage, Exeter, ny Mrs. 'Prank' Elliott is able toile •out • the Rev. Dr. Hannon, on Feb:le, again: . after a. long siege of la •gripe . Mr: Reuben 'risk, Galveston, which took 'quite e. serroun -turn. Indiana; to Mi8s. Jennie: Cerra/ . of . Miss Jessie .Neilsee is the , guest •of • Hibbert township. • „ - her iniele, Dr. •Ternbull, •.. . • . . • ECKER're-C•012V.I1"Ta-In Maris' .ren; • With • sincere 'regret We are 'called, np- Feb, • '24th, by Rev. Mr, .Jones ' of on' te note'the death on Tuesday last •••13elgrave • et • *the:home of .the brie 'of Mrs. 'I', 13. VanEyery. •Since. the ., de's mother, Mrs.. joe 'Ciervitt,••'4th. death. of her hireband, the -late Mr.. T. .. • Line, 'Morris, Miss: Meggie Corvitt, J VanEvery; the deceased laely had: .. to Mr. Peter Eckert of London, her mini Mr. Edward VroiEvery.,•:. O'ROURKEe-ROA.CHE-At St; Pat-. wuys with her, who 'will deplore eery • rich's aura; • Dub1in:1 byeRev, Pa niueh the loss of 'his deteenied mother, . thee' Neenan, • P. P. .Mr. Williamfor she was Very :Much atteclied to • •O'Rourke of isiekiliop, to.: TO,ssie, him .andto all her family • Mrs:Roth- - daughter of Mr.. and Mrs', .P,• (y. well, •her only livitg daughter, spent • Rourke of Iiibbeit. : -weeks with her inothet every year. COOTER--;UPSHALLe-At the, Manse; Mrs VraiEVery was .heirn . in Mirnieo„ • Egniondville, on' ;Feb.: 221id, by I'Va COanity,..oVer 78 years ago' and' ' • Rev.. N. Shave, Mr: Charles • W....came te, podOich with her husband in: . Cooper • of Tuckersmith, to Miss e852 wh� here went bite the shipping of UPshall, Yeungest daughter business, • haeieg a warehouse at the.- ' of• kr. Joseph 1.1paliall of- Hensill. harbor but died about thirteesi years •,./ACK-ROLIF,RTS--At 'Zion ehurch , ago. Mr. T: n. VanE,very belonged to Brarttford, on ..Feb. retli, by Rev:. the welleeknown family of Goldthorpes,. -, A. L. Geggie, Parkdale Presbyter-• the 1VIessrs. G.oldthorpe, being her /ie- . ian churele Mieseelargaret Roberta, pliews. She was always brightand. detighter. of the late R. S. Roberts cheerfril. • Mr, 13.,: !Goldthoriie la the • of Seafortli, ' to 'Mr. Hilbert. 1-1,. 1•11V one of her 'father's' family ..who *Jack Of Brantford. • •• survives ker. ;Hii, home. is :in 1-1a:mil- ..sMITH•IvIcIVERIII: • daderia :On . ton, ' rout :Of :.1VIns, VanEVery's • cltflcl- Fch 18th, by Rol:. Jas. :Harthilton,, ren are living a...W. 0: of 'Seattle, Jos-. • A. Smith, son of J.,W. Smitlete: eph J: of Chicago,- Edward of Godete • Akres. McIver: •-• ••••' ick ans. Rothwell of Ter- KEYS--WILSONL-At 1VIinni' tonas.,Man..• d 114 onto. .Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Rethwelle : • : one/arr. 27tb, by Rev. D. Johnston. raid Mr, Joseph yanEvery .of Chi - Mr. R. 0. Keys; to Miss Nellie, : cage wereat the funeral; Mra. Rotht daughter •••of 1VIr. and Mrs. W. C. well being with her another, • in, her • • WilSon, 'formerly of IVIerris town.- last lillness. The casket Wei covered ' ship, 'Ont. . with floral tributes; ainorig them being • STUTT-HASTINGS-At the • manse, . a lovely large pillow., . r crescent end .Wrojetet, .on. Feb. 17th, Mr, 'Jas. .other emblems and many" boquets. Stutt oHowick, to Miss Eliza Rev. 'Mark Turnbull held service atathe' • Hastings of • Ternberry: • :.. • house at 2$0 p., in.: on . Vridey. and the. • • I • „ • • : • • . hitter:al took -place 3,.p. toMatt• - Births.' •.• • • Ian eeniLtery., pa • wer • • • : • ••• • •• . Mayor '1,ew.is and Mesarse W. R., Rete. CANTELON-"e1n Indian Hesid; ASsa., ertson, Alex.Mega:w, George Barry,T.• . on Feb. nth,- the wifis..of Mr. Wil- 'McKenzie and John Acheson. • Those liani Cantelon, formerly of .Godere e distance who attended the frui7 . ich'.townshiP, aesien. • '. be 'eral sides .her seer Jeseph ancl. KIRK4eIre North Exeter,: an. Feb, eoth, and Mrs: Rothwell, nee* Lizzie VanEv- - to Mr. p.fid. Mrs, David Kirk a ery, ' were Mrs. Ross Goldthorpe of. daughter.",Mireico, Mr. Will.. Goldthorpe and 13RIMACOMBE,'-eln' Exeter on Feb. b.22, Mr. .Secord of Haniilten, Mrs. J. • C. • -• to Mt. and Mrs. Wen. 13rimaecanbao Stevenson of Clinton; 1VIra. Toni. Young a soft, • ' ' • • • . .of Duegannorte•a neice,,IVIrse •Reeten- WILLIS,-.-In Stephen on Feb. a4th, to bury, . end her sister, Miss- Marks of• Mr: and Mrs., James Willis, 0..dttl., Brecefield, ' The funeral- . was very well as the staple goods required. ev- ery day in the week. They fill every• CLINTON' tVORICS. • David MeClinchey, a dangle shelf nee: corner in our store. It is HE'S A. VETERAN hardly necessary td state that these goods are of the highest quality and prices are very reasonable. R. GRAHAM Ogle Cooper's 016 stand. Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone a'3 YOUR ATTENTION -To a week of bargains commencing- --Feb. aoth to 27th. Prices mitlowee -in all lines of goods and all gtode-... -left over from Christmas sold at-, -cost. Suitable for presents. Bat -- -gains in Sundries Chinaware, Sta-e- -tionery, Soaps, L'amps, Jardinietes-4 -etc. Everyone ought to take ad -- -vantage of tivese bergains. Splen- -did opportunity for close buyer%) ett-e- Mrs. Shier's VANEZ Beacom's Old. Stand Opposite the Mason House, HOW DOES YOUR - ter. • , I am prepared to do all kinds of HAYTER-On Goshen Line, Stanley, Cleaning, Dyeing and -Preseing of ' • an Feb. 16th, to gr. and Mrs. •OF THE.CRIMEA Clothes, All work , done on short not-• Ilarry4Ilayter, a daughter. • . ice and. satiefeetion guaranteed. SCHIL131+,--- .• orich OU. Feb, aand, 1 J . t, SEW A.RD. the' wife of Mr. A141 Schilbe, of a AND HE TELLS WHAT DODD'S • son. KIDNEV. PILLS DO FOR HIM, COOPER -In God"erich oii Peb. 24th,to Mr, ard Mrs, A. J. Cooper, ve son, 1M 'KNOWS OTHERS TOO WHO WA41UNGTOINT-tri *est Wawanoshion HAVE BEEN TROUBLED' WITH Feb. nth, the wife of 3. 3, Wash- KIDNEY COMPLAINT, • HAVE 1 WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS • APRIL 30 TO DEC. 1, x994. 1.44.44.•••••• ONE WAY EXCURSION rAitus.. From Clinton To litilings, Mont. $35 80 Colorado Springs, Denver, Iteletia Butte, Ogden, Sett Lake City 40 30 Nelsen,' Rossland, 13. C., Spok- ane, Wash: Portland Ore Seattle W sh Vane Vt'et 13). C. ',S$ : 83o° o er, o la, Sea Vrenciscra and Los Angeles $43 7S Proportionately low rates to other •pOkittS. Tickets on sale daily March rst un- til April 30tb, 1904. • SPECIAL SETTLERS' TRAINS '1'0 • Canadian gorth-West with Colonist Sleeping Car will leave Toronto every Tuesday 'during March an& April at g p. Passengers without live stock should take the Paelfic Express leaving Tor- eilto 1.45 P. en. SUBMOR1PTION Tickets, reservations and full biter* Make frcen agents. Poi tickets and inforination apply to r. P.. lIodgens, Town Agent. . Ii., O rattiSOM) f3tai011 Agt4 THE NEWS -RECORD STAND? ington, of a, daughter. 'USED 13; D'S KIDNEY PILI S OD WALKER -In Wirighean, on Feb. 23rel, •AND ARE 'WELL PEOPLE, TO - Mrs, Wesley Walker, a son, •DAY. • Death niRireLT,, ONT,e-Feb. 29th (Special) -Testate-stet Henry Bird of this place HUSTON-la Port Albert ori reb. is one of the grand old men who ear - 28th, Oscar Hastert,- aged. 78 ried Britain's ilag over the walls of years, - Sebastopol. He tells many interesting MeGRATTAN-Tri Goderich en Feb. tales of thoSe terrible days and also 2601, John MeGrattrai. - how he eseapett the prang arid aches nights cf hardsZips and exposures. SMITIle-In Exeter, on Feb. 23: Cs W. brought on b so many days and ' VERGIISON-/n Teckersanitliv on Veb".• • "I have teen troubled for years,"he 23rd, David Ferguson, aged 83 says, , "with kidney trouble brought on BROM/FOOT-LI Mondove Wisconsin, Sbyebalsytionpgelhwl liteiriee thousands of my • trenches in frcatt of years. Alex. Broadfoot, M. D., avea 49 brothers in arms loSt their lives. llot years arid 3 months, son ,of the late Alexatider Broa.dfoot of Tuck. every time I feel my trouble eoming on I rae Podd's Kidney Pills. X have samerrssrholixt_h•xn 0 rey, on Feb. 24th, se8.. • found them to do in good each and sie MeDcriald, wife of Me. James ev,eirtyneIitnetre'tock more than one or two Simpson, in her 53rd year. h VA.NEVERY-Xn• Goderich, on Vabrli- tlit)exmes al -t cliaancleitnetoantilinr8It0enaeveectrtripglaevtee late Thos. D. VanEvery, aged 128 cure in my case. Bat when X feel my 3 ini"th , agcd 6 years. ary -23r6, Margaret, relict of the trouble coining back 1 shall surely use years and 8 month,s,• • Dorldts Kidney Pills again. Por SAXDFItS0X-In Wroxater, Pelt. know Dodd'a Kidney Pills can do evert 23rd„ Elizabeth Deachmart, wife of Dsivid Selideraon, aged 75 cars. knew goitre of •niy neighbors who have more than is claimed for them. :McKAY-In. Turuberry, un, keb, 14thi lased them for the same trouble as Johanna Morrison, relict c.,i the mySiOlf itird who are well people to. ' late Sas. McKay, aged 'go years _ • I I II II I I „ I 111001111 I II I I 1,1 II II I I I • 11 III II II I The Cnip Leaves Thousands in its Path Weak, Nervous, yspeptic, Catarrh Wrecks. 11( (Lel; •orr DYSPEPTIC,.CATARI314 - ArziA, .1 • plo flit • 'THE GRIP LEAY/ES "-• -4'i,esete 14"' r. ' THOU.gAND.:$ IN ITS „.. , WP rlh „ „ . „y-tz Front New York 7ournal. "During the receni Grifi efii- • cicmk, 'claiming a tims or more, the efficiency of Perunu In Quick& relieving' this malady and its after-effects has been the talk of the continent." • • . T IKE A PEMON grip has crossed our .14 country, leaving behind scores of physical wrecks. Victims oe catarrh of the head, catarrh of the throat, catarrh of the lungs, catarrh of the stomach, catarrh of the • kidneys, catarrh of the pelvic organs, • are to be counted by hundreds of thou- sands. grip is epidemic catarrh, and SO*S the seed of chronic catarrh within the aystem. • This is so true that fewgrip sufferers are able to make a complete recovery until they have used Peruna. Never in the history of medicine has a remedy received such unqualified and tmiversal eulogies as Peruna. •• A New York Alderman's Experience. Hon. Joseph A. Flinn, alderman Fifth District, writes from 104 Christopher Btreet, ow X orc Uity, " • "When a pestilence overtakes 'our people we take precaution as. a nation to preserve the eitiaenk,against the dread disease.' • • , "La grippe has -entered thousands of �n r homes this fall, and I noticed. .that • the people who used' Tortina, wcreqnick- • ly restored,,While those who depended on doctor's prescriptions, spent weeks ' in raccriering, leaving them weak and emaciated:: .. • •• • 1' "I hid attack of la geippeand •at *nee took Poeuna, wleieh drove the •• Goderieh.. • • Mrs. • James Breckenridge did •• net return home With her son • from her California trip but remained over in ChMidra.g6and Mrs. D. I. Currie ' -rie settended the funeral of the -late Mr. Jervis of Gederich town:deli:. •• • •• The Goderieh township rfile •assecia.-•• tien. ecnversazione and social hpp, at Oddfellow's hall on Thursday'night was a: right royal affair. 3oo petsces were •in :the hall when 'luncheon • was served.' A Tiumber of young men • sat •at the foot of the pillars supporting the dancing hnll in'regalar camp 'fash- ion no ether Seats at that moment being availoble. •However„ they tad their arms to; Wield if not their rifles. The Blaastern orchestra- played' coun- try 'dem-es to suit the,cotilliens. The G.. T.' R. Fire Reel end: Grend Tame phol March were lovely dances, Mayor Lewis represented the county officials legal fraternity, and civic authorities, Captain Tretheway, Township: Clerk Nixon Stbrdy, Mr. Herry Salkeld and others of . the' G. T. R. A. did their • I. -airiest to Make the converaaziOne a seccess. We owe our thanks • to • Mr. Harry Falconer of Bayfield and to all who *So kindly enterta.ince: the. corres-• othera :from 13aylield, and a large et, .c. s. Ferguson, E". W. Weston and paraket • of The 'News -Record. ..A.Aptibairtty of seventeen,n ineluding Messrs. Felcori- number, tame e:own with the Rifle Co:, bet- only a few remainee: for the hop. Mr. Munro of the opera..hou- Se blrought Mesars. McDonogh and Mit. elarionet ; and 'trombone players in the Jerry from Kerry Co.,, who assistedthe Blackstone orchestra -while • they remained, A lovely luneheon was served at midnight The conversaZiene and liop did not break up' until about p In, Saturday. Messrs. Neweenibe and S. Westhelre called'ont the deacee in• fine atyle. The Miaads' • -Ida and Pearl Ferris, • daughters of the Reeve of Tied:lett, drove up in company with hint that day and attended .the hop in, company with Captain and Mrs. Lai- thwaite whose guests they were dur- ing theft visit. The Ride Assr.eiation numbers 65 members, all.. tree and. Z,1':dr3irnietc.11'121e7rtj.sigMhZYJell!ilttesalnap sLLI•cTyve.r On Friday evening the auditorium at the Collegiate Institute was the scene of great excitement consequent upofl the visit of Mt. W. 3. Lotigheed of the Clinton Collegiate Institute' aud his 28 Students who were invited to take part in the debate for that el/ - ening, eiz : ThItesolved that Canada should be independent." • Clinton chose the affirmative and Goderich the nega- tive. : The ledges were Principal Lout - heed, Mathematical Master, Clinton C., 1., and Dr. Holmes and. Willicrit Pro- ralfoot Z C. Gralerich. The Clinton C. X, students were led by Charles Mus- tard first and Kirk Masten aceorid. The Ooderieli C 1. tftdebts chose All, an Bowles first leader eted Matheson seeraid. 'The negative won, A very fine program was prepared and ail': eiently carried out. The Glee Club, numbering eo 'members bays said girls, wearing the C. I, colors, royal blue arid White, reeeived great dpplause at every riumber. We feel very sorry to announee the death at Huntsville, Muskoka, on eXst Feb„ of Lucy Isabel Carey, sister of Mr. Oswald Carey and • Miss Rata Carey, Galeria. They were all lovely young ladies, datighterS of tlae late Mr, and Mrs. /pods Carey of Goder- ich aiid th deceased sister hvarej , the yomgcst tam of them. Her brother and sister here had iio knowledge of her itslispositierr being serious. Mr. Levr Cord, after s very suceess- ful patronage here, left on Tuesday, 1st March for Grand Rapids, where be will reloin Mrs. Cure arid family , who have chosen. that Imey Ainerican city for their future hic , disease mit of my system in afew days and, old.*not hinder me from purstring ray daily work. "I should like to ispe our Board of Health give it °Mae recogaition and have it used generally among our poor siek people in grouter New York" - Joseph A. Flinn.. D. L.:Wallace, a charter member of the International Barber's ;Union, writes .frorn 15 Western Avenue, Minneapolis; , "Following •a severe attack ofla grippe :I seemed to•be affected brid/y Allover. I suffered with e severe • backache,' indi- gestion and numerous ills, so 'I could neither eat nor sleep, and. I thought I woulcl give, up my work, which. I could not afford to de. . "Ono of my =Owners who was greatly helped by Toruna 'advised me to try it, and I procured a bottle the same day: I: used it faithfully and felt a Marked pravement. During the next two months I•took flYe 'bottles, and then 'felt Splen- did.. Now my head is 'clear,:my nerves steady,. Ienjoy food, end. .restivell. Pe- . . . runa hes been worth: a, della; a dos e to me.' -D. L. Wallace.. • . •• • Mr. , O. II. Perry; Atchision, Kensas, Writes: • . . , ."Again, after ,repeated trials of your, medicines; Tenina and 1VIaxialin,' X give this.ae my expiession:of the, wonderful resul ta 'of your Very'. valuable Medicine , . . ,•Itari4. itslseffeets in my case after repeated . . • "First, it oured me of chronic bran - chine of fifteen years, standing. by tieing .two bottles of l'eruna itt jannary,1894, and no return of it. ' ,• • • "After I was cured of bronctlitia I had la grippe every winter foreseveral •win, tors: But, through the, use of Perms, it got gradually weaker in its severity, until it dwbadled down to's mere stupor for two or three days. Now the 'stupor does Sot • trouble. me any mere.7--0.H• Perry.. . • . A Congressman's. Experience. • ••• Houseivofasitheipnreioseitptativiz jes,•4 Porting.. lkedieine Co., COliunbns, Gentlemen--kI ara.raore than satisfied With. Terrain, end • find, it to be anexcel, lent tomedy for the grip and catarrh have.used it in lny family and they all jleonint•rmeen4iendnrcTni. ,111, on. din, g.,14,tr in excel. ••••: • Very resp, .45ecetfalloreyg, • It you do not derive prompt and satlel factory results feom theuse ext,,.Taitualq. ' write at once. to Dr. Hartman,. giving a : •• • full stetement of your Case and he will be pleased togive you his -valuable :ThitAcie6d0..gdr.11)r.itirstnis. .].D.inr:. iania,rtratatiarritrnoodsiitandent*,- . . -•• .Goderich. • • • Trit .sunu.rai of t•:he late Mrs. . Alibi • took 'place on: Monday. The lady had left her fJr1.11at the. Nile aed with the ,Misses daughters; ard sOn; Rev. A. E. .Allin, • came io Gederich, . her husbarid,' . Mr. W. .411in, dying some time ago. .1,ast fall 'Mrs. .Allis fractured ore ofher limbseivhia ppasibly undermined: her health; • She , was , not:ill long birt pdesibly. :heart failure cetisedher death. ...The .• Were mueli esteemed here as they. were always ready to assist in chili -eh ivork, Master Walter' Mehitosh was. able Ix, sit up every day last *week. . has. had ratite a siege. . 1. • , , • Mrs. R. 'Jones acconipanfetleher•sis••• ter; Miss Helwig, home hist week .11) Auburn, her father net being very well last' month, .having had an: attack of. la .grippe. • • • • • . ; . • alr. AndreW Breckeericlge • • Jeft.: on . Saturdey a. ari, to pay: a visit to.his sister -in Grey tsrnship H wUl turn next: week: • . . . • • . .We are gladto.note that Mrs, W. „Smithhas returned after a • fileasant :visit in Chicago.' Iler daughter, Mrs. Fides of thatcity, accompatied her home. . • • • , • , • .. . Mr. A. M. Polley's Scotch, collie was ..poiseeed by, some miscrec..,,nt on Sunday, having eateri poisoned fish, but the V. 5. saved it; • ' : Dr. Clark had to go to Port Albert on • Sunday and drove all along the .river, for one and a half. railea. •.I -Ie knew- that it rallied pretty heavily in the morning and heesker". seine freart Le met whether he was 'safe in going. on theice, • r'Ob yee,''. said -the Iran,. lithe ice..is • 3 feet thick andyou'll su- 'rely. not be able to beeek - through that but if :yott clo there's' not enough wat- er under it to esrown Tie." • • '$1rs.- George Black has been indispos- • ed more or less the Past ireanth but we inlet ant the April sunshine .' Will • bring her cut again. • '• A clespa,teli arrived last week • from • Toronto advising the -friends .of .•Mrs. James Craig, feraierly'a•resident with • her faraily on St. Patrick St. ot. her , • death in that: ;city. •• :• IIete iS .eat• item of interest to our • Mariners and shipping meri here, The ma.stcrw and MateS' Associatien will • as thee the 'Milted States system of .• :•sigrials raid:Whistles be adopted in Can.• . adiap. 'waters. Other proposed changes • • were,cliseussed by the conneil seasien at Toronto.„ Do 'One hunters know how seine trap,: • pers co;teh the ermine ?••, They lay e large- keife clown andthe pretty bold little erthine conies • along, touches the : •knife • blade with its tongue and there • it rumples watched 'by the hunter who • thus :seetees his: prize.. Of cOurse •. has toebe on hand hidden; else some •passing animal would destroy the er•••• Mine. • • 'Mr. Speurig is one of the lucky how. sehelders having got' itt ari,Mones.y an- other supply of logs for fireweed, On Friday evenink a crowded church. • • was 'entertained by the • Se S. schelers ' • ef the Neth street church, it behig the eunitat feast. • Great credit . • it dee all wha managed the affair, es- pecially 'to Miss Sherman. The 'Special- ties were f alley drill, executed beintie fully by 16 -girls, a' chortle by .14 boys . itt uniforni, Captaie• Iiitekstep"s bre, gado:, Captain Iieekstep: in command. • A lovely tableau was presented ."The • march of the seasons” each yciing lady • • dressed to represent each month, also • presenting gifts tO represent the end- " t, big and beginning of the years. • • . • • • • • • • • - • • • ' . • • • - • • .• 4,••;••••:••:••:4:••:•.,:••:••:•+•:••:,*:••:41,...:•44• t.,••:••:••:•••:••:•::,.:...:..:..:..:.4.4...8.4...:44...:4;..: , $ , . 4. ew. .prin.g.. Goods cp . • . •.*, . . . . t . . Having cleeided,Wcontinue fhth e Deygoods hnsinesselately ' carried . el ' T • on by Plutnsteels,ndleibbings in heir old stand, we ave been buying ei, *$* 'largely itt all lines. of Dry. Goods usually 'kept in stock and having + .Y.• bought before the late advance in prices we will be in a position to sell X . y at very. reasonable prices. We.have received so far about one car load T ". of goods and are now ready for' businessl, • • e •. .!.- Wo have a nice line of .1k,,TeW Dress Goods with Trimmings:to MetaI. , 4. Silks us a e various colors, .• • 4 • ..t. Prints in -the• ifferent prices, beautiful 'patterns, in English and •_:: .• Canadian makes. ' • •:: -. • ••• •:' X . .• . FULL LINE 'Jr sTAPLE 0001).5. . • .ic .. .s. . / - Y . Ladies Wear, 131ouses, Skirts, Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery, etc. i• •.t. Ready.made Clothing, We have only a part of our Clothing in as 'yet. 9$•_ 4, We are expecting in a few &Lys n Full line of.Men's and boy's Hats ' ..r. t. and Caps. All 'new stuff suitable for the sprieg and summer trade, -,-. .,. . 1 Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoleurns, Lace Curtains and House Furnish. .s. ..i. Carpets, . . 4:.y. . We intend to. carry good goods arid sell them at very close prices. . *our expenses will be small antive think we will he able to sell as close or a little better than anyone in the trade. $ We are grateful to our old customers for their Support during an .A... X the years we have in business in Clinton, and we think we know petty •-, .1; well the recjouiremerunts of the trade as we have been longet in the 4, dry goods business than anyone in town. We cordially invite you to - ist; well, see our stock and prices.We will do what is right and treat you ''' • . I. , ..+• ' Hoy& Knickers at a low price. These are a" bargain that we gob and.. : - :to are all new. . , .• . ... .s, t A few linos of our old stock yet on hand i About 20 TAkdies Yak i` +, ets from 606.te $1 to clear. A lot of Children's Hose at fie por pair. 100 • X m la ____ , • , 414.4.44*.oriLLL_ __L _:_....„....__., . ......., ,:_. • 4.1* zo #: to . .0...i..• • . . . a. ,3ET4 koLumsTEEL \ ... . . , . \ THE OLD STAND . , OLIN'T'ONs * 44