HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-03, Page 4• 4 i at, • MIIIIIIIIII,1111111.11110Minst 'Fite News4Record ie published every Thursday at The Newe-Record Printing Houee ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON'. Terms of Sabseription-A per year in advance ; $1.50 may be sharned if not so paid. Ng paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, mikes at the option of the publishexa The. date to svhich every subscription is paid is denoted oa the label. Advertising rates-- Transient adver- tisements, to cents pr nonpariel line for Snit inadrtiOa and 3 ciente per line for each subsequent insertion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inehi such as "Lost," "Stray- ed," "Stolen," etc., inserted once for .35 cents ancleach sabsequeot ins sertion to cents. Communications intended for publicas tion must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. To insure publication in current isaue copy of advertisements should be sent in early. Contract ratea-The folleaving table shows otir rates for specified per, iods and space: Column Colume % Column % Colunae 1 Inch yr. 6 •mos 3 mo. 1 no. $70 oo $40 oo $25 oo 8 so 40 00 25 oo 15 oo 6 oo 2500 1500 8 oo 250 18 00 1000 5 so 2 00 6 oo 350 200 125 W. J. MITCHELL, ' Editor and Proprietor. Liberals Boom Grand Trunk ,Deal.. Wirignam, Feb. 2.61.11.-T1i6 Liberal, mass meeting held in the .opera liense this evening .and convened by the mem- ber for East' Herein thoegh extensive- ly advertised, proved rather ai distipa pointment to the party. &miter. Mullen vvas announced to speak. . but . failed te attend, having- met With. lin accident • by which several Of his 'albs were brobon. Mr. R. .Holmes,. member •Icit '1•Vitst. Heron, was the .firat speaker:. He iicl- • mitted: that the Government. Itail greata ly increased the expenditure.,- and salsa defended the Liberal policy • cf • appoint- ments tcollice ots 'the ground that the victors the spoils belonged.' :occupied cousidcrable • time -in defenec. of the Ineakhobota. •• Nothing Was said about .the Transcontinentel. Railway, though the meeting was • ostensibly called for. the discussion of that -Mania entoua question. Dr:- 'Ma.cdonale, referring ' to- •'. the'. • 11 1 11 11 11 1 1 1 1111111111111,11111.111111 111.1 11 II j 111 any public Institut:on tl' at, their 'bodies be buried instead of being handed over to the Inspector of Anatomy that re- quest was always complied* with. Dr: Barr sal that if the biU were pessed it would mean that the medical schoels wouldbe deptisred . of a. great many "subjects," and he hopedthat the measure would be withdrawn. Reatune agreed. that the law shouldremain as it was. Medical insti- tutions. 4bso1ute1y required 0, ,Cgrta111 nand= of Anatomical subjects .etery year and they would have to. get them by !Molt. or by crook . Mr. Clarice (West Northanfberland). supported the hill an senthnentel grontale. • "Would it not be a mintiest, ef the question to catelt these fellows. when, they mane bull to vote ?". asked Mr. Hanna. amid laughter, Hon. Mr. Gdsson advised that the bill be -referred to coinetittee to see if scum improvement on the measures preposed could not be des isett and ac- cerdingly this was done. Huron Old Boys' Assembly. - The fourth annual 'At Hattie of the • -Herm]. Old Boys'Aiisociation of Taxon - to, held • in the Temple Building last Friday, niatt„ preyed al greater sttecess than any previous affair of .the kind' in the histoey el the aSsodation, Althou- •gh the invitation list had been limited. to three hundred and ,fifty guests,near- ly two lamdrecl, couples were present. The association has never 1 ad as large a tarn -cut. The earlier part of the ev- ening Was taken with short ad- dresses by It. -Col. Weir,. Mr, J. S. Willisc(l ,n an Dr. oggia, Iestrumena tal ad • vocal selections we'realso reit- dered by Mrs. GUhes, Miss 'Corey,Mies Boyd,- Mise- Joie:son and Miss' Mac-, • • With the conclusian of the speeches and enterteinment, attention was. given to .supper• 'which con- tinnec hito the .early morning. Anieng thpae :preaantwere a great . Massy cif Hiirerna moetattiliiatit and accomplish., ed -.sena. and daughters. i, partial list f01101Vs.; Xesdarnes. Stewart, ,Walkers Groves, Corey, -.Boyd, 'Gillies, Warner, Bradley, McLaren,' . Clarke, J. A. Sarah., Sloan, Floody., Balfour ised 'Willison. Misees• 'Carey, Beyei, Mcflun- alcl, ,Jaakson, Defoe, WSWilsora • •'M.Wilsons Ross, AlliSom Cainpbell,Stobie Scole, • Goeide, Smith an Evanson., . .• Hens Jratice Ferguson, 'Hoes Justice Garrow, Col...Otter :and- Messrs; Ed. •Hegli •Menitith , .Dun - east, Thos.. Soole, in, :Silvans .Ion.• 'Preaddefas• ; O.. A, .Smith President•E, .T.• church, •. Vice -President 0:7 Mc-.• Haggett, Treasurer;• A'. A. Millets Sec- retary ; Messrs. Ross, 'Campbell; Beth- une,. Cuthbert, Dr: Duncaul, 'Graves, Maislicil, • II.a..7.ard, MenIttlklia- Deacen, Tugaian, Fletcher,•-Daltoe, 'De- foe, Phillips, Becker, Grays; Reids • Saunders (Goderieh) Whiteley: ••••• • • • North-West transportation' faciliti* said. Sr Wiil gun , k al.: Horne :claimed. that immigration . was inereasing- the• Itoigierwithout enlarging. the spoilt, and thin fertherfacilities werei neces- sary. The GoVernatent's tranaeent ental line would require. eight years for eamplet ion. The . Government • ita tended to btiald a comtnercial.• read without carves and. also a sonnet:a. road. Sheald - Britain.. be involned a war, e. lir.n running' back from:. the lakes would mean 'greater protection 'and increased facilities 'fair ale -trans- portation of.. trocps. The line \vapid be • hundreds of Miles from"the frona tier. The 'United States was .gatheting in autlying countries and might de- sire to acquire Canada.' .With theneca. plc as owners it wauld not be liable it., fall into, speculators' or,. . fOreign .• hands. The speaker referrea briefly. to the Oppesition's. alternative of • purchasing, the Canada Atlantic, Canada. Nordhci..m. and kiorticiiis of other drew • exaggerated compariscee favoring ., the Government line. He .wcand up.'•hy: claiming that the Oppesitiem road would . cost _eighty -and.a. half millions • from Montreal to. Wienipeg. The adop- • tier' of the Opposition •policy .would le, crease the Winghani debt alone .sixty' thousana .dollars, .said the speaker, by way of etrAdiasizing his orpiment, . Corpses Needed By Medical Men In the Legislature on •Friday last the bill of Mr. Hislcp of East Tierce erov;cling that the honks of , friend's less ta.upers dyirg iui charitable insti- tutions shcald net be • handed over to the Inspector on Anatomy fordissaca tion purposes, without the calmest cif the head Of the institution .andi a the warden of the county (who could, if they thought desirable, order', • that the body be buried) was given a sec- ond reading, after same diseaSsion. Most of the medical men in the. House c•pposed the bill, on the ground that such ana.tornical stebjects tely necessaryfor the treanings ordoe, tc,rs and if they conld not be legally obta;ned, there would probably be u. return to the s ancient ghoulish prac- tices of robbing graves. These who 81114,,orted ttebill did so or purely sentimental 0:Maids. On the advice of the atterney-General the bill •was sent. to the committee to see if 'some, better way out or the edlliculty ecuuld not be devised. • in incying the aeccnd readiti•g el his bill to amend the Ontario Anatomy Act, Mr. Hislc,p explaiiied that it pro- vided that when an inmate of a ntlifiC iustitution died and the bdely claimed withie twenty-four hours „it should be turned over to the Ittspeclor af Arattemy for transference to the Medical &hoots fot• dissettioia offly after the eon.sent isf the head of the' charitable institution alai the svardea or the other head of •the municipality had beeh Secured. These officials would also be empowered at their di. creticti to order that suelt Lay should not he handed over fer dissectioti but elion1c1 be buried. Dr. Willoughby wetted the Ineasure withdrawn. If it became Iaw it would mean that tte medical colleges' source of antomical "subjects", would be greatly interfered with, mai as it was absolutely necessary that medical students should have bodice for dis- secting purposes it would be wrong to pass the hilt. The effect of the Intl, if passed, would be that the ohl,time method of robbing graves in vague in his early days would be resorted to, Preying:4 Secretary Stratton was of the apinitai that the present la % if adhered to, wa perfectly satisfactory. Ire added that whenever a, re tett was de to tlie department by'irsuates of • Hensall. •Gteat tegret. was 'felt by all' elaisats 'of the community on learning that James St irtay had passed away on Senday at the hospital in Hamilton. For- two or three says previous to his c'emise he had :been gradually growing worse and his !Luther, brothers and sister & :were in a state' of,'great oatnrie- ty respecting him Sitichasymptather is felt for • all conceriad,' especially his mother, • who is completely prpatratecl by the blow. The deceased was born oil the oldliamestpacS, about two mites below Hens411. and :was •in his 24th year.Ile was of a, geiiial,' friendly dispcisitian, always ready to hell) a friend �r Co kindness fer a neighbor. He said- his farm last staniner. and kit ror. Detroit where he' remained far aa short time, then going to Hatitiltoti where,' he aequired u knowledge icf :plumbing. . The license commissioners for &lath :Huron are D. 0. Wilscna Seafortli ; Peter Douglas, Blake ; John Madden, Crediton.. • Thornae. Dick of Hay has pia -chased' the Elder areperty , near' the. school- house, now occepiea by' Mr. Keiser, He !intends moving to Hemel]. in Aug - test, The' price paid was in. the neigh- borhood of' $1,000. - By the death of jphe .D. Brintnell, which took place on. Saturday :torn- ivg; Tuckerapith loses another of its. old -settlers, Mr, Brinteell canna here from Belleville a little over 5b years ago and settled near Chiselharst, He was a framer arid carpenter and assist- ed in the erection of many of.the pIder barns dud rekidences in this section; Good hearted and genial he made many friefide 'and was well liked by all who knew -Elm .He we.s 'in his agth year .and had- an eaceptionally ,'hardy reb,ust coestitution. For •scene ; time he has been.' troubled with loss . of eye- sight bat ,bore his affliction with cour- age and.resignation. His Fife survives hen together' with several sons and ilaugbterS, all ma, tried. .• Zurich. . Mr. 'Fred, Hess Sr: intends setting • stg Ito seals flatus mina smear sec) park lot in the spring as alu. t'Aperi- merit in re -forestry. If •Mr. Hess' g ( Ante proves a success it wid furnish a good object lessori for others • ta go and 80 • likewise. • Ohe is ceraav farmers . cannot ee'gin to • early to stint to re,ferest part of their land mid it seems too gal tf ga minibus of them are still slashitfg dawn their um - beta. IVIr. Robert Broderick of Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting at Mr.. Fred. Schut- tler's at present. Ma Broderick is the inventor of an incandeticeat lamp wtich is claimed to be a great impravernetit on the common lump. With this lamp three times the light can be produeed with the same power, Mr.. Broderick is having the lamp patented in Can- ada. Mr. Barthol•Heavald of the ..Zurich Read, died on Friday. week. after . ari extended illness, consumption being the cause of death. The deceased! Was 1o... Witt fiffy:.011C years al age and has resided 111 thlS township for tnany years. Ile leaves a widow . and family to mount their less. Mr. P. Sipple captured three half- ' groWil mcoons near the lake this'sveek and iritends raising theni.• .To Rau made a shipritent of fist./ to •London on Thursday. They were a line lot of treat, twenty-thtee 'fa all, one cf thent weighivg neatly 22 poun- ds. On Saturday their passed away to the great beyetal, Mrs. Henry 'Pfaff, at the age of about 74 years. She had hem ailing for nearly a year but did not t#.1te to ibed until two weeks ago. She leaves to ittourn her, an aged 11M - band,* two sons .and two daughters. Mr. Oliver Johnston of Clinton Was in town Wednesday looking after some heavy lieireeS, The Price .of Paper Goes Up. The price of ems paper has taken an- other boost, while the newspapers sell at the same old price. Indeed; what the price of paper will be is a matter of doubt as all atotations have been withdrawn.. The Canada Paper Co. (Limited) ef Toronta, Montreal and Windsor Mills,. Que., has issued circus, tars to publishers of which the follow- ing is an extraet. Owing to the .shott, age -of POP missed by the ecatinued (brought and the extra expense entailed M having to isee coal for steam in manufacture instead of our usual Swat- er power, we are reluctavtly compell- ed to withdraw all quotations eat news print,. - Port Albert. • Miss Bessie Crawford, who has been visiting her uncles, jas. and Harry Hayden of this place, and her grand- mother, Mrs. W. Hayden, bhepax- viten, left Tuesday for her home at Nepawa,. Maw, after spending most of htle-Jerew. inter here. spent while this. syeek with her sister Miss Lizzie Faker Shep,parciton; • Mr, and Mrs. Harry .'Hawkins spent si few days in Kincardine neighborhood visiting friends this sveek and latter . part of last, 1VIrs. John . Berinett . is improving Thos. W. Graham, Toronto., was visiting in the village the past week. We are sorry. to chronicle another death in oar village, -that ot Mr. Oscar Huston, who has been a resident of this village for over tweray years. He .died on Sunday rnorning at the re- sidence of his sorain-law, Thos. Wilson Jr.,, aged 78 years, The Nimrod took place Monday. at a pssn. to. Port Al- bert gemetery. •His wife preceded him about two years. He leaves to.'mattra their loss three daughters, Mrs. Joss Young and. iMrs, Aligns Matherson, Gate Bay,' and Mrs. Thos. Wilson in the village. and -t.Wo step daughters, . 'Mrs. John 'Fritzley hare and -Mts. Smith,. Rondeau, and two step -Sons, :William- and. Sohn Deaden, Commie.. • • . Constance. • A Literary :fleeting of the League will be 'held on Tuesday night of this. week. .• Mr, John •Millsort of Gerrie visited her mother . for a few days last week, Mrs. • Charles DeGear and baby leave Taesde.y for their home in Saska- toon, N, W. T., after spending twct months visiting her father, • Mr. Henry Colelciugh. Mrs. Winn Sr. is improving nicely after a severe attack of la grippe. Mr: Fred. Millson left 'la'st • week for Coteau, :N. 'W. ,T . Dame rower states that ere long the • fair arid will go to the :West, too: • , East Wawanosh. • Mr. Willfam Jolinstone, who recently sent his too:acre farm to his brother. joe had•San auction sale on Thersday o 1at. week.' It'was' ascend data jaat -su'h a imie as wonld test the eadurata ee of 'an auctioneer, but the veteran IChardie!s Hainiltofi wielded the haannier Well and the sale netted Mr. Johnstone aver $25oo. 'Five calves, avg eraging fronts • nine 'months' o'ld' • sold Lan $i' a' piece, Caws went as high. as .$47.,. a: p4i.r.of 'ewes realized, $i8 and a pair ,pi sten-S.:Sig...a knocked -down at .13136. Mr. Johnstone, who. parpc,ses engagieg fit the cattle bey/Jigs , will Move to:Slyth. fpr the' Present: • '• . • , • . , • • . • " • • . • Eg111011dililit• • • On Monday of last week Mr. Win.- i,ocklia.rt and Mr. Finlay IVIcIetosli, representing Dell's church, McKillop, called . at the EgniOndville manse arid presetted Rea. .N: Shaw with arj ad- dress and purse containing ut sukstan, tial' Rem in gold , irate tl:c cougregea tion bit recce ionaof, his services as moderator during their late Vacs:nay, :Mr. 'Shaw, mat- active iethe sintereets: cf (he corgregatian, a itt. everything. clae Which he undertakes, was .unspar- ;rt.g. ,bf himself and it is ereditable to the .people Of Duff's elnach that they' have . time reedgnizecl kis Services. ' . . Morris. Township. • Geo. HOod was laid off 'work with a* 'very ,sore foot • • A, T. ede ig on the sick list. The other members Of the faiedy are. f;et- ting bettet,• A good many intend going' to the far West in March from Belgrave. Same intend making Weyburr, thelr . AcloniSmith of Lauder, IVIatittolsa,ii here on a visit. lie intends tak.ng back a feW Porses. S. Forsyth is also here atelsnartalie back a few horses, too. , •Adain Smith and Williard Forsyth . waited for several days, owing to the ;swim' hlotkade, to ship a Car Of hor- ses to the West. They are destined to !Lauder and Frobisher respectively, Misses Elennnieg at Sunshive are in, destitute circeinstaaces and: wood. cars mat be got, If the council gi Morris cannot get than to the House of loci- ttge soca as possible the chances: are that' they will be fotind dead from, cc 1cl and hanger as the house is not fit to live in. l`liey have got warning. enott- ,gh to go by the' farmers all aroural , here but always refuse to do so and the Nolo in this locality are not to ' be held responsible if anything should happen 'to them. No one sroutid can refuse them somethirg to eat but wood is so scarce besides difficult to get at and all agree that it is in the }lease ' of Refuge they' ought to, be. Safety For Your Children. , When a mother fluds it necessary to give her little one medicine she ,ca,nhot be too careful as to the remedy em- ployed. The so-called, "soothing." medicines always coetail poisottotts opiates and thee shoulei ii ver be giv- en to a ehild. Strong drug, anei harsh purgatiVes should also be avoided. An ideal Medicine for yeung children. is Baby's Own Tablets which cure all the Minor ills of childhood and tho mother has 'the guarantee of one of the fore- most analysts of Canada that ills medicine contains no opiate. Milton r4. xrersey, M. A. Se., demonstrator in chemistry, McCiill Vniversity,, says i "I hereby certify that .1 have 'Made a carefel analysis ofsllaby's Own Tablets Which I personally purchuedi itl a, drug store in Montreal and said analy- sis has failed to detect the presence cf any opiate or nocotie iti, them," An- alysis is proof, therefore mothers knew that in giving their little ones Baby's Own Tablets they are giving them an absolutely safe medikiiie. Sold by all druggists or mailed at 05e a box by writing the Dr. Williams' Medieiiit Co, Brockville), Onts The ClItttolt NewstRe.card McKillop Township. Mr. nary 13enzeweis bus bought the Drager fann, the purchase price being $8,000. The place contains 150 acres, The land is of fair quality, and the buildings are good. George Richardson has leased the farm of Mr. John McLaughlin for a term of years. It is George's first venture at housekeeping and farming on his own hook. The voting on the by -Yaw grarating li6,000 to buy right of way for the propcsed railway from Guelph to God - crick, took place recently'. The by-law carried by a Note of over three te ane, the vote standing tio for, 48 against. 'Miss Grace Ssnith has been on a visitof a week's duration at the home of her uncle, Mr, Greig, Morris towre ship. Mr, James Bell has been suffering with erysitselas in his legs far quite a length of time. Mr, Herbert Bell has returned from Muskoka and will remain here during the summer. • Dancing parties were recently held at the residences of Messrs. O'Hara and Clyne. Lovers of this pastime report an enjoyable time. Stock -Shippers Win. C013BAN V$. THE C. P. R. SETTL- ED OUT OF COURT -FACTS or THE C.A.SE. • The case of Cobban against the C. P. R. has been settled by the railway company paying 15475 in full of dam- ages. and cost, TI: is was a case of considerable interest to stock - shippers. The facts as alleged were as fellows : Last March Mr. Cobban shipped' a earIcad Of 20 horses from Middletniss to Regina over the Wabash to St. Thomas and the C.P.R. the rest of the journey. The licirses were delayed at St. Thomas by the cancelling cif it train that use went out, and very slow . passage o Taranto whore they -were againde- lay.cd by the company stopping the.'ear, 'it ta supPosed• for transhipment into one of their CFA ,cars in- order to save the rent of a foreign car on which they were loac'ed, The horses we're held hi Teroisto for about 16 ,houre. (wittle several traiiis that 'could have carried them forward went catt) and were ie a bad cond,itton, The owner, on finding them, demanded at once that they -should be unloaded, but instead of having tlis dpne promptly the railways eatepany shunted Ahem about on (he tracks for nearly four haurs and band- ied them very roughly, so that two of tgein eventually died aed the others' readied Regina very meth out of con- dition. The ceatention of the Qcritt- :pan7 was that the Special written the: - tract whip]: railway: cpi-npanias al- ways -require shippers of ateckto siga before' the company will carry.. their stock, . protected them, from liability. It provided that they :Should. not 'be liable for delay, name:her 'how caused atid alSe. that in the case of any ,Sana age liy delay the 'Shin* weul(1 have to accent :full. Compensation of any claim the amount it east .hlitt to feed aad water the aluring the delay. The defendants- atso set up that proper eotice fn conformity with the pro- visions of the written contract had not been given. .The .Company refused to do anythieg in the way ot • comperna- tion for the less till suit was entered and the case brought down to trial. .13ut 'theit . settlement of the matter now recognizes that a railway coin- pany cam.ot, by ,the terms ;of their • special '.contract, protect *themselves; from the consequences Of their negli- gence and itre1ess11es itt, .handling stock, if Proper notice of the injury is given to atlient in the time pro- vided ' in, the contract. Crothers & Price acted for the: plaintiff and Angus AlacMurchy for the defendaritp. Goderich. • Mr: K. Aastie of the Bark of Montreal has returned Item a two weeks' heliday visit to friends in, Mon- treal, Ottawa and Toronto. Mr., P. 13. Crews left on 31/f Malay for Kingston, having with Mrs. Crews come up to spend a few days with nIts. 'J. Peidlnum mother of Mrs. P. 13. Crews. Mrs: Crews will re.snain here for ai longer visit. . • • Mr. Dan. McIver, one of our most esteemed yotstig meta left oei Monday week fot Toronto where hit would re- main fot a few days, basing buSirasS to attend ; to there.before gcmg ,to Winnipeg where he has been engaged tb go out as a, traveller by an extensive Winnipeg. firm, • . . Mrs. .T. P. Brown returned, from her visit to Toronto last week. Next Simday is Sacrament Sunday Knca church. On Friday evening Rev. Mr. Hamilton will address the members preparing for joining the church 'and attending the communion • sexvice, Dr. LeTouzel contemplates paying his paretits, Mr: and Mrs: LeTouzel, isit at an early date. Ide has been in the West Indies the past season, . Lieut. Oundry will soon be on his voyage home from West Africa, We Wish him e safe voyage. , The concert given on Tuesday under the auspices of the Musical Setiety,in aid of the 1Vlarine Band, was exceed- ingly Well patronized. • Mr. Robert IVIeLean has taken Vic- toria Opera House tinder his own management and Mr, Munroe has char- ge of minor details. • Mr. Videan's ex- press busitiess extendinglias retired front the opera house inanagg• meet, We trust now that it will be toned up to look more like a city amigo hall. Ho For Summer Climes! The Grand: Trrak Railway System have issued a handsome publication en. titled "Winter Tours to Worm& and Califewitia," ate, which are now in their city ticket offices for freer dis- ,,tribraticn. The publicatioa deals 'tvith the attractions of the state§ of Color- ado ars1 California as winter resorts fcr eastern people and as the present season is the time to visit these Wes- • tern resorts cif pleasnre and the lid far health, the publkation is issued at an opportune time, Pt is hand- somely illustrated with views of Maui - ton Springs, Pike's Peak, Gateway to the Gareett of the Gods,, Grand Can- 3#pr. of Arizona, views of the Yosemite Valley and the Big Trees of California; also views of interesting, points on the line of the Orand Trunk. There is also a hind of information regarding Per• conally Ccilducted nxcursiorks to these Western Points, time table of trains, Maps, ett. Copies may be had on application to 3. D. McDonald,District Passenger Agent, Mcon aStation, Tctonto;,, The Road To Health. 4•4o.4.11441 TIIR,OUGli RICH, RED MOOD AND STRONG, NERVES. .44.4444,4. Debility is word that fairly ex- presses many ailmente under one name. Poor blood, weak nerves, im- paired indigestion, loes of flesh. NQ energy, no ambition, listless and ins different. !, Tidn conditloa Is perhaps the penalty of overwork or the result of neglected health. You must regain your health or seccumb ext- tirely. There is just one absolutely sure way to do this -take Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, These pills will bring you new life fill every veiv with rich, red Ino&I, restore elasti- city to the step, the glow of health to the wan cheeh ; they will inspire yoa with new, energy and stipply .the vital force of mind and body. There is not a corner of the civilized world. where Dr. Williams' Pials Pills have not brought health and, hone ard happiness to same Weak, debilitated despairing person. If you have not used the pills you -self, ask your veighbors and they will tell you these statements are solemn truth. Mr. Charles Saulnier, Corberrie, N. S., says: "I was very much run down and so weak I could hardly work. It seemed as though my blood was little better than water. I tried several medicines but I got nothing to help me un.til I began taking Dr. Williaens' Pink Pills. It was sitnply astonishing how quickly these pills began to help me aud how much new life and vigor they Rut into me. I ant at cook ,by profession aed the fact that I was able to cooli for fifteen rant last Will - ter is the best proof that the pills have nia.cle, me as sound as •ever. I was'' ' There is no Mystery anoutathe poises of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills toput new life and ,sttength into you. They actually make -new blood anc1. that is why they cure all blood, diseases like anaemia, indigestion,. liver and kidney troubles, headaches and' backaches atal the sPecial •ailenients of women. Thou- gh the blood Dr. Williams, Pink Pills feed. and Steady the neryes, strike at the root of nervousness; cure • St. Vitu dance, fits, neuralgia, sciatica. and partial paralysis. All thesa dis- eases sPraig from bad. blccd and dis- ordered nerves and they have all been cured positively and permattently. by Dr. Williams' Pink PIUS. Soldlsy all medicine dealers at 50 cen•ts 0 ban or six boxes for $2.50, or by Mail . frerit the Dr.. Williame' Medicine Co., BrOckeille, Oat, . • March 3rd 1904 . 01. .. 11 . 4•91,...:•90909099•994•909+4••:••:••.;•••.4910,4, •i, ,,,,,°4.4.9999,990+94 4? • MoKINNON & 00. f NEW SPRING . Wm.. Maedel and daughter ot .Goilerich.g have, been speniding fevi :daYa 'ia this neighborhood Harry Mew hasengaged with Aaron Fisher' for the cainigg: summer and conuneuce *ark in a few weeks'. • Win. 'Good is at present hauling stone which he Mimeses using the. coiling summer in. -building operatiovs. There•haVe been a :number of cases of sienness la this section during the, last few weeks but all are now on fair way to recovery. . We are informed that AN'illiata Blake Night and Sunday ealln answered at residence, of Mr. lakin Powell 41# has rented his farm to Robert Lasvseni either of the principals. . . . We welcome hint as an old neighber Titc•••••••••!************ ********************** of kereittith, for ea teningoff yeare. in: orm .midst. ' When he left these parts he was amen lad but. We have not forgotten him. 4. X Our New Spring Goods are coming forward in large quantities and on .4 Thursday, the 25th inst., we will show a full range in the following goods. sa Owing to the sharp advance in the 'aim of Cotton Goods of all kinds, we ? would adviee our friends to buy their Cotton Goods now while they can 14 got them at old price*, i any goods we run out of and bave to repeat will be from 15 to 25 per cent. higher, Below we mention a few lines which g ate extra good value. BLYTH. GOODS: ? Dress Ducks. in butcher blue, navy, white grounds and floral designe, now worth 15e, for 120. X Dress Ginghains, in new patterns. at 7c, 10c'lOte and 15e. . .E. Muslim',. in plain and fancy colors, tit 5e, le, I•0e 124e and 15e. ' 4 White Lawn, 45 Welles. Wide, at 10e, 12/e, 15c 114(120e. s".. 4e• Mercewrizeeadnfdda6otticl.aitse and Vestings, imitable for shirt waists and dresses, .2: in plainnd fancy stripes, very, stylish goods aY t 15e, 20e, 25c, as a X . e• s Vaiencienes Laces and Footings, a large imsortnieet, direct importations, sts Y' from 20 p • . per yard ut v .We offer epecial value ut Grey Cotton at 5e. de, Sc and 10e. • ' • , 4 es as i se Dress Goods. $ W . always take the lead in this line: ? Voiles, in black and colors, at 50e and 75e. •eslake Dress Goode. in black and colors, at 50e, 75e and $1. . Black and Colored Sicillians, .54 inches wide, at 50c. S Black and Colored Venetians, 50 inches wide, at 75e, $1 and 1,1.4§. White and Omens Cashmeres at 35e and 50e. White and Cream Lustres at Me, 35e and 5oe, ; Two smart apprentices wanted in the Millinery departmeut. mcKINNo .l. $: IF.3lUilt:"-i/ft .. ,:. i•*.:444.)+44444•88+00•44++0 4.•*•:“,1•440 4“: il 61 li li 10•:•00 1: i**************************40***************** J. B. HOOVER. NELSON BALL gs 4. 4. 4. 41. 00.00 • FURNITURE (Dera0s3 e 0 • 00000000 The latest is "Keppel Oak." We have SIDEBOARDS BEDROOM SUITES „EXTENSION TABLES EXA.MINE OUR HALL FURNITURE IN BRASS. . TWILL PLEASE YOU. UNDERTAKING-iN' ALL ITS BRANCHES HOOVER "& BALL. Brown's Sale, Register. On Thursday, Mardi iinh, at o'- cicckn. in. sharp, Thorobrecl and Grade . Cattle, 'and -other Fattn. Stock, Imple- Meet's c.nd Ilmisehold Furniture, oni lot 28, coecessigin 5i la R.. S., Teckersmn th.-M. McKay, preptictor. On ,Ttiesaay, March .8th! at r21 o'clock noon, eti lot 25, concessiOn1.• 11? s 3, Thekersmith; Farm Stock and Imple- rrieutal;--Edwaigt Cobwell ,ptorprietar. O koriday,- March: sth, sti p. Ina on lot 25, can. g,, McIUibop, arra Stock and Implemente.saW„ Buboli, • Proprietor, On Ftislati, Meath tath, at p. m., on cancession 9, Stanley, Vanm Stock dc/rm,plentee. Otat-Thos. Dawson, pro-. P6.nrient Ttiesd•a.y, March t5th, t 1 p. ma cis lot 24, concession n Huron Road, Hibbert, Farm Steck and Int- pleinents.-James Hart, atoprietar. On Monday, March aist; at a p. On 'lot 25, Iluren Road, near Alma, extensive be of borses and eattle.- Frasek Itaylot, proprietor. • . ' rti eia ••• •,•• 4. 44. .1• • It 4. 4,4 44+ 444 y 4$ . 9 4:* 4.4 444 45 4 9 OW 14 lowers We have just received anoth- er shipment of artificial Sow- ets whicliwill be of interest to anyone who wants. some- thing pretty for decorating, They are correct imitations, of the real and are used very ex- tensively for decorations of all kinds,.,. Call and bave a look at them, Baster Lilies 4 for 26c Bases in red, and pink 4 for12,5c Carnations in , red, white and pink 20c a doz. Chrysanthemums in yl. logs pink and White 4 for 2.5c Easter Soon - But are yott ready P Have you decided on your gown? . Do you want advice P VNit out pattern clepartnsent and you will find in the Celin- e atOr and in the Butterick Pa- tterns a great variety of tip- to4e,te styles JA • ro CLINTON. is X 4t4 X 4 E. .1.'4*************************"••••••••••••••• . . 0".4.144K'iv4K4i,v4441.4,0,440.,04.•:#,044,0.44.+4,P4', ar • 44: 4.4 t Clearing •Sale ; X Our itnmense stock of $4.4 .e $ x Men's Boots and Shoes must be reduced. The sale Is now going on. Call hl • • and inspect our goods. rc•c-:-44•:•••:••:•04•44044..c.•:-:•04-:••:•/.4. X Great 1 The Old Reliable WM: TAYLOR Sr, SON% I 00000000000 • 0 43® al! 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 He. GREAT GASH -STORE SPRING GOODS AR,E COMING sty We have just received a large consignment. of beauti- . • ful Lace Inkertions and fancy Lace Collars for dress trim- . ingin the, newest designs. • Also a large conAignment of LACE CURTAINS. A splendid lot of Dress Shirts for men and boys. A large consignment of Boots and Shoes. We can 88,376 you money as they were bought before the raise in price, Also to hand a large consignment of Trunks and Valises. We have still some snaps in -Winter Goods. Any cniatitity of Butter and ggs taken in exchange for goods. X t Progressive business men A . advertise in the •4$4' *$#: ••• -M. MoBEATH BLYTH •4 Pretoria Mock 000000000000 0000 000 000000000000000 0 $thZ.• • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,.'..e.:•#,:at#44.4:44:s+44.to:44:44:44:S.:4444•4#4:+414444S• News Record.