HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-03-03, Page 1NT lamrporm. 'NEWS...RECORD. 25th Year petesolovaXnelefekle19491910108C . Q YOM0101.70tMte+PrrifeteieHOWiete0oewootototorvostaiststee* c,< (-) 44 4 4 • • 4 ) < > <.? < > 3 doz boys:cloth capS, winter ' weight regular 25c 35a for 15c. 40 pr boys wool mitts arid gloves, 25c 4 35c qualities.for 19c.* r, • r First Bargains from the - NEW CLOTHING STORE For Friday: and Saturday, Feb. 26th and 27th we will place on stile at our new store opposite the market the following lot of Men's and Boys' Wear- ables at the lowest prices ever heard of -6 for seasonable goods. 5_F) 75 Mens Shirt and drawers worth up to 75 for or 43c 1= 20 pr Mens overalls worth up to 90 for 60c. Mietwmiota c 2 doz pr boys mule skin and black leather mitts:regular 40c for 30c., < >Z > 4 doz Mens double Band Collars, 15c & 20c each for 3 for 25c. 50 pr mens all wool sox, 25c qualities at 2 pr for 35c. 2 doz Mens 75c caps for 50c. 20 pr boys knickers size 22 to 26, 75c qualities at 50. 10 only Black Silk Mufflers 75e qualities for 50c 20 only Mens colored shirts, 14 to 16, $1, & $1.25 valuesfor 70c Besides the abovs Bargains we:are opening up a fine assortment of boys' and xnen's Ready—Made Clothing and paices you will find to be the lowest. 10111011•111.11. AbWIONI.0•411?1,11/41Vfbe•04.414,010, The J. W. Newcombe Co., Tailoring— —Men's and Bore Ready - Furnishings— —Made Clothing, flats ;14)Itieseet,c ,eterreet, otafgsqxxe,Aeictoic,..3ete.4itetemeE NSIggics1P0100,47:ViC 0 0 0 0 <> 0000 0000 00000 SAVE! ! ! I CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH ard 1904. A NEW SCHOOL. • A SONG SERVICE. The trustees„ of the Sumenerhill eche A song service, entitled "Christ for ool Lave nieen, Mr, S. S. COoper the Me" will be held in the Ontario street contract of building a. riew school on church next Sunday evening for which eon. 16, Goderich township, Mr. the efficient choir is making prepaxa- Cooper informs The News-R.ecorcl that time. These seri ices are always very he will commence operations es mon interesting and invariably a:derided by as the spring opens. large congregations. MOVING. A MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE. In giving the names of the county Mr. Hugh E. Rorke is moony this councillors who are members of the ween to the 'residence on Victoria. Hotne of Refuge committee that of street formerly occupied by his Iwo- Mr, John MeNatighton of Stanley was ther, Mr. George A, Rorke, which vvill cverlooked. Mr, MeNaughton is the be . more convenient for him. The hole, se he is leaving will be occupied by youngest Inearobet of the &emelt arid Ccnsigney of Goderich who pur- one of the ablest. He is looking well poses embarking in thlauedry busi- after the interests of the district which e ness. This will Inaba three laundries, he represents. a sufficient number, we would think, ANNIVERSARY SERVIC fcr a, town of 3,000 inhabitants, ZS' Anniversary services will be held in g MARRIED IN MANITOBA. Miss Addle Rathwell,datighter of Mr. 5. Rothwell cf Gbderich township; left Clinton station on.Mondayt after- noon of last week for Winnipeg where on her arrival she wais Married to Mr. John Mackay, fotenerly of the i7th. con. Grey township, this econty.The happy couple have tokeri up their ab - code in Elgin, Man. Thebride is a sister of Mrs. W. Beacom of town. May success and -happiness be theirs. A NARROW ESCAPE. Mr. Jarnes Carter had cause for <=i thankfulness on Saturday Ltd We be- lieve he was toiler grateful, the ause of • which rimy thus he set forth : He Iiats hen sinking a well for Mr. DA. Forrester and when at a depth of twenty-five feet the bucket broke as it was being larded. Had this happened a -fraction of time :sooner,. Jinn, it is altogether likely, would have had to be brotight up on. ai 'bucket himself, Accidentslike this would daunt scene moo, but not so Jim who porsueohis allirig iO•the bowels of the earth as eheerftrlly as on the surface. • , • . • „ Tgn BRIDEGR.00M WAS LATE, > Mr. • William Moser of Blyth 'spent Mioiday and • Tuesday in town, sone- what-. oupatientlY it nivst be . confess- ed; , but. that was quite excusable" the eireuitiaeatees •considered, When, • -• a young man, the day and teem of. who- se wedding is .set, •finds himself • ca.ught. •in . a stow blockedo . and .unable • . to reach his, 'deities:0On in -time he win— ce .wellbeconie at least as litiapatient as Mr. Moser was, His ,wedding was to O leavetaken place int • 'Trenton at six o'cloek last evening, but as •lie..did rot. get away .from Clintoneneeil Tuaday. eveningeroidi the •train -remained in a• drift et 'Dublin all :night, ehe.cereentny had to be postpbeed, but will probob-- ly take .ploce this evening: The lady to wheen he is. to be married is • •re Miss 'Jeri:dimple formetly of /Myth. THE WORST °BLOCKADE. •The. worst storm of. ehe 'season, so far as it afiecteil thorailways„ Was that of • Mondoy .which. tied .hp trallic• completely. - „ • - • ' • . ) < > te• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 SAVE ! ! ! Begin the New Year by opening a, SavingsHank account in The Sovereign Bank. [Incorporated by :Act of Parliament] 04**00000.0"<>0.0'00+040.0 0 0 0 0 <> 0 0 0 <> • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The Bank endeavors to rnake their Savings System the easiest' and most agreeable medium for all classes of the community to save their earnings by depositing $1 or as much mere as they wig'. Every de- positer's money is secured : Since it's establishment the Suvereign,Bank of Canada has had un- precedented suctess in the financial world, and its stability is be- coming more widely known every day. A. comparative statement 'en- ded Oct 31st last is here appended which ,discloses. facts and figures never before known in banking history.... .. ......,... . ... Assets 31st Oct 1902 '3Ist 00.1903 Clash and Bank Balances $ 383,097 $ 622,774 Bonds and Stocks Loans and Discounts Bank Premises, Safes, Etc. 48063 VI13,g97 2,988,6685,821,390 44,675 52,359 • $3,855,203 $7,209,920 Liabilities p i d up $1,173,478 Reeerve Fund ar.d Undivided Profits 240,000 Sovereign Bank notes in circulation 750,995 Deremits 1,681,730 $1,300,000 1,22•1,8.53g 4,309.432 $3,855,203 .$7,209,920 00<> •00<>0<>00.04>000.4>0 o004 rianager H. T. Rance, Clinton. 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 •.;><>4oc):<><><>•<>0 o 0000* Willis .church next Sunday and, as usual, there will be special collections. eral support.. of the various schemes of - though than those county publishers who use. a ready teriftt, and who owing This congregation is ncted for its lib- - the church .and its contribution on its to the erratic train service have been anniversaxy is always a 'generous or -ie. on the. ragged edge of uncertainty for the ,occasion. more than onee. - The choir will tender special music.. . THE NEW SERIEL. . , Otir new seriel, "My Lady Peggy Goes .. to Town," begins in this issue. It is rather of a dillerent style from the last; but will prove not less ioter- estiog, The heroine keeps the reader guessing all the way through. . Inex't miss the opening' chapters. Be in in time for the, prdlpgue and oott will stay trail the curtain rings dawn on de last act,' ' '. . . THE 01.,D BOYS'...CONCERT. A REAL ESTATE TRANSFER. Mr. A. J. dlolloway has sold his residence on IIiiroo street tot Mr. J. W. Irwin, who gets k>ossession the first of April. The purchase price was 511oo, a considerable advance over witet was paid for a a, couple of yea- rs ago, since• which several improve - meets have been made. HAMPERED AGAIN. The blockade or the railway has a - pen interfered with de work of our correspondents only a few of whose budgets have reached us in time for this issim. The News-Receed has not, therefore, its6usua1 quantity of news froni various points in the county,, Somebody hes said the worst is over but. not being in the prcphesy busi- ness at present we are not hangiug out alto probabilities. The "NeWs-Reccrd is faring better A , snow pinw, Went up. the L. H.& •Ort Stinday and, returned t before daybreak, but not being able to force its . way south returned to Clinton.' Conductor Quirk's train rnede good time from, Winghorne 1;ut While 'it was being held here ,the sm.)* plow and two ergines tried to.force their.. way up. tei the •tarik tci tithe on water, but stoek hi the drift. Quides eigines went to -their assistance and: when 'hundred yards apart they relSo became fest, couldn't ' budge one Way .or"the other. :, The drifts were in the mean- time increasing in daptle and the soon', poured in about as last as it could.. bp. shovelled out. The four engines were kepi alive with sneiw and rein -memo in the cut until the next afternoon:* , The 3.23 train lVfonday canio down from. Goderich bet was held here, the - line being blociked further, down. The. 'engines running short of water a force of men was put on to ilig • out the organ factory switch so that a sup- ply: could be toking, on. ' lOti Tuesday efternoon shoW:plow and three engines' come through. froxn In its report • of the • Huron ,Old - Boys' ,concert at Te•ronto on Friday evening the World had the following : "The singing ••of.a. Nightingale song by Miss • Irene Jackson of Clinton was rapeurouply • applauded and, marked her, as e Vecalist cf 'great Promise." • The assembly. was the. greatest in the history of the Old' Boys' •Associatiou nearly . four' htindtect sons oxide daugh- ters of Huron being present. . Those •p,resent from Clinton include& T. Jack- son Jr, and Barge. TO 00. TO OTTAWA.' . . • . meeting of the executive of the Domittion Draft Horse Assteiatipnewas• held • at the Reetenbury • Llouee • ;On Monday.- Owing to. the storm' and no train. Orl • the L. &.B. from •• the' south there .was uot a full attendance, only these • on • heed being Junes Thoirriae • . McMillan .. of :lunette. Tlos. .Geeeir • of Mitchell mot Jennie 1\eiechell Coderieli. About' the -or.•ly business *transacted was the appoint- ment cf, a' delegate to attend -the .first annual ineetieg of the National Assoc- iation of •Stock Brat:ars' to be • held in -Orriiwa.' froiri Marr,11:.7t1... to 12 1.11 Mr. -Mitchell. will likely represent the • D: D. It Association. Mr. Thos. McMil- len goes •as a delegate ftom. the. East Huron Formers'. institute and -Mr. S. •Sinellie• Or Me. ..1,. B. McLean from the South,,- • BAND RE ORGANIZED ;.• Tlee' Cit'Meits; band is now in a mere . • satisfactory condition. than. Mier before at • this•-seastn.of, the year. Practice - has been -kept op steadily .411. .winter with a good . attetedeme and by and. • by when the.- season for. -open-air .cc,ne ceets -.begins .ottrecitizens will be emelt pleesech ,. with the high --state 'ofprt licieoey whieh the band -hove° ot- . The 'band Would bettet peOperly uurfernied and w tit oth pee N iew. the- orianeging Mentnittee ..is ntW eorie. aideringe Ways ..and means. it has bcen suggested; that. what is keown 7the "Celebrat.nn Fund"' could not ' pet, to a•beteer, Use than expending it in the purchase 'of. unifcrmee Clinton The Popular Candidate LACROSSE' MEETING. A meeting fof 'the re-organizatioo 'Of the Stratlicone, LaCrosse Club will be held itt the ccuneil chamber of the town hall on Wednesday of next week at 8 o'clock. All interested in the national game ere, requested to attend as business of importance to the club is to be discussed. BIBLE SOCIETY' CENTENARY. Whole Number 1308 THERE ARE OTHERS. Several of our subscribers have re. spondee' to the call sent out last week and we have had the pleasure of working their labels to an in -advance date. But there are still mann more who are in arrears, for from one , five years, and .it is for them thet thie paragraph is intended; A REAL ESTATE TRANSFER. On Sunday 'evening next, beginning Mr. Be Kemp has sold his dwellieig at 8.15,, a platform meeting- will ,be co Ontario street to his son, Mr., S., held in Wesley church to observe the Kemp and purposes moving to Lon- eenterory of the foundation of the don to take up his abode there. Three British and Foreign 'Bible Society, of his sons have become resieerits of Mayor IIoover will preside while add- that city in the past year. There is resses will bo' delivered by the resident now quite at Clinton colony fa Lon- don, . ministers arid others. The let.iblie is cordially invited,. GOING INTO BUSINESS: Mr, MeClore, a gr. eduate. Of the clothing establish/bent of. Mr. T. Jacksoo Sr., has bought a property io the thriving village of Dungannon. and Will at once embark in the clothing and gents' furn.ishing business.If lee develops into. es good an allatotind tailor as is. his teecher, the pec -plc .of Dungannon Will be. giving- Min more work • than he can attend to. HURON PRESBV.VERY 1VIBETING. • Owing to. the difficultees io travelling the attendance .et Teesiley's meeting of the Presbytery oe Huron was very slcn•TahleL rua.in business consisted in the discussion,. of the reports 'upon Sabba- th ,echimple, and church life • and, work. These were liven the whole satisfac- tory. ' • Messrs. McNeil 'of •Dayfield, Devidson• of Varna, J, A. Hesnilton. of Londes, borce together with the .representative elders of Kippen :Auburn .and' 13ruee2 field, were epeoint'ed as eonnoissioners' to the. Mixt general .asseenbly to he held in St. Joliti, N. 03., in the month of 'June, . LOCAL . . Sin& ' Thursday Morning last bee dollar hes been paid for wheat en the 31o.2.eaclonntisarket.‘ .0ata haere advanced to This is the first time wheat las MR. E• N. LEWIS crossed, . Slum Jette 1898, when 'Joseph. Leiter, . after honing semi Moll Mr. Be N. Lewis Was elected mayor wl:eat totOli 1:3 T.Se. in Chicago, • saw it of Goderich in 1893 by the •largest ma, P•gam orPss• it! a chmieward course Which was. hardly checked until the joriey; 2176., eve; 'given •a ' ineyoralty candidate there ma he pushed. tne price broke 66 cents the ensuing tiewo's . interests so vigorously 'd,uring Deliveries. of hogs were Made tot*Can- his terio of office that lm wa.e re -elect - cd by ecelametitio, The .C, en R, ex_ telon &. Wallis on Monday 'aid to It. tension, would 'peobeblye hove beat Fitzsimons . On Tuestlay, but in! .bOth made Sooner cr leter.,* but if it • nties cesea the 'stock „has - had to be ahead " this year, „ now means eleiee held in the. yards.. .., Cattle '' for likely, oo small amount or credit will Ford &,:eleNcil 'were similiarly clelay- lie due Mayer Lewis, a feet which the edwhir000lshe,sofopontt.0 $ .1.e.r?. • . People of Goderieh ard those Who' will years CrOwn Attormy Of Huron, to : are -Oats 32c . • be served' by the proppsed• route nett .1i e y • to ceget.. . t. Lewis', who was for over forty:two. aliit stock and a son Of ehe late Ira Mr, Lewis is of United Emnire hoe,- Poe°, 65c ' • ,, 4. Li..ye 110gS ', $.4.75., • outeer 14e to T 5c. Egge eoe to 22C . which office he was :appointed by Sir -o-ETTING• stritovo: AgAmq, . , 'San Macdonald in 1-859., :In .1875 .he • 7.• becanee Clerk of the :Peece.. • - , • Mr. .Thos. A..' Walker, witty', hail been Mayor Lewis b.egan tlee studyeed the confined • to 'the home sine -code New •quest.on of transportation • at Close, Year, • was able t:o take a drive on quarters. For fine. years he sailed fee= Tnesday. It evae a pleasure ta see him Buftelo.to Chicagc, and •Collingwood to abroad once •ntore. ' • ' Lake Superior', .but gave up the' lakes Mr. W. Alexander is around again. to study law; as Well as taking charge ,as active as ever, but he weighs fifteen of the Clerk: of the Peace . office. .Fcr pounds less than wh'en la grippe ttiver,ty-flee - years he ,handled • all tne seized non, , , voters' • lists in the. three ridings • of Mn. .A.rthur Cotich will snonlea able Hur,cri and for this reasonehe tells to atteitd to business regain and even Os, he felt it hia duty to refrain from now his :deep the Old postoffice, is taking . •an active interest in 'politieS Ming 'made ready for • him., Sitio ando• therefore, the Ce,uservative coin Cassels Will. be his assistaiet as of veoeito held in Auburn in, Dedeinber yore. .• • lest, at • whiCh he Was selected iie the Mr. Seem .Sac.ksOn, . has oleo' ;ihnost candidete for the Cerninons election, recevereci, but has not yet venture: 11 washisfirst appearance on a pOlitecal down. town. • • . . . has abandoned celebraeions, who keep • When the sky Clears anO the.. sea Where Mr. Lewis is best known he grews bright our citizens, whose ' re - this fund ? If " the fund is letairied, is most popular, Which is in itself a covety has been retarded by the ,in - then why not have a big deirionstra- tion next Empire Day? Which ,,s. it to, good 'sin: He is a staunch friend and clemencY' cf the, weather, will get back it. necessaxily 'follows, he has numerous to their metal heattli ageip, . . be ? ' — . warm friends. •He has the .courage of Mr, Jositph Allenson, the "Boss Thursday his corivictions and is'act•iveo able and Gardener," has been confined to the At. a' Meeting of the band lield. on evening last officers . Were genial, a strong candidate arid, p4bife house by•illoess for a month past,. but elected as fellows : • i ri he inning' t think; a i o V im rovin . He iS such a fain - 1, I Barley4e Stratford after havirg been a day on President, 13. Gibbings. the road and meeting withomany mis- • Secretary, R. A, Downs, haps, The engine and plow started for • Treasurer, W. H. Newcombe Goderich but when ' jest east of the Representative of. Town Council, the plow ran on to a snowbank • land ' ' A. Ford. ' was thrown completely . off the track; •• ' • t smashing e piece of Bill THE FIRST DEBATE. op on rs pQW g o s cut p winner. . • . . iliat'- figure art our streets that his •The press hat this to say of hint' : absenee has been quite noticeable. "West. Huron ' Conservatives.. haVe Mr. Dat id •Diekenson M able to move• nominated art exceptionally •good man :about town again after his long add ' for Parlioment in "Mayor Lewis of •serious illness. ' Codericit. Mr, • Lewis, judging from ' p. his intelligent handling of and zeal In .Robinsons fenceTwenty 'in= were 0.11 Friday 'evening last the first of "iire promotion Of Goderich railway aiid , '. iri the plc,* ,and they had a fire,. The two debates arranged between • the harbor interests,, has shown himself . ' 11.1"*.!ret•rm*P4`.-----•-•''''"! stove was upset ancl the Clothing of Giederielt and Clinton Collegiate Liter- to he a fine type of men for repreeene : . • some of the MM.' Wag scorchedc.'n1C ary Sc.cieties took place. A sleigh tative daties."--Stratfced Herald. • ANOTHER ACCIDENT. Mr. Harvey McBtien, met with an accident et the organ factory on Thu- rsclay last whereby two of his fingers on the right hand were injured, the nail on one of thetn being torn off. A saw did the wiichief. Mr, Marten is a careful mechanic, but accidents, you know, will sometimes laippen. HOCKEY CARNIVAL. A hockey carnival will be held in •the rink this evening when there will be three rnatehes, three teems from Sea - forth eo,topetirg with as many from Clinton. The games will last frcen 7.30 until after 9, after which the skaters will have the rink all to themselves until 1030, an half hour Inter than • THE 'DIFVERENeele, In the days of the "effete" Tory goverment if the train service was at a standstill the mails:were sent throu- gh by some other means. This Week this whole western cOuntry has been , withput mails for three days, Same more, and though the roads were good fOr driving the mails were oot thus. despatched. FIV1•CARLOADS OF- STOCK. ,• Mr. S. H. Sinith has five carloads- of Stock ready for shipment mid. ex- pected to get them away, this week, . but up to thisoriorning he mold . not • get . any satisfaction from the Grand Trenk. as to when could- get cars. 'Under the circumstances Mr. Smith does net consider he has a, grievance . against the comperry which is up aga- • lust •hard liick this winter. •. THE LIVELIEST KID. , . ‘., Itt , its report cif the hockey outdo • played recently in Exeter, ithe AdVo-'- cate said : . • 'The game Weis anybody's right up to the last aticl the game Woe ekeit- 'ing, all the 'way througn,, neither team showing ony inclinatioo to lag., The Clinton defence did marvellcue work and tots cf .te, as there was a regular boionardment of their net. Shot ,after shot was Stopped on a clever reamer :11v Forrester and the mau Pi the nets. •Kkieppard wus the particular star dii the visitors' forward line. 'He is little fellow but certainly' is about the ' liveliest kid we have ever seen. in. the game. Clinton's 'score Was mainly; the result of his good play" 4-1-1+1-1-1-1-1 I II! ! ! ! I ! I 144-141-141-1÷1-1-14+4÷144-144-1-./4..; of , t.heni, too,. were more or Jess nit; •\! more serious . was; indeed, fortunate. •-• The pion, was put out of •busieese but the engines were ordered to push through to Coderich if possible. They ei j. only got a mile met, striking+ a drift on the r6th con which they could not 4.penetrate so that they had to return • to de statiort. For a thne they were We are not yet by any means through "winter's wild wreck" and ...." fast on the 16th crossing and .$)t. least it should be a good time to take advantage of unheard-of prices. ... one farmer found.,his wa.y hlotked o. end hed to drive arcend the block. 0, • jack Connell had just cleared the ., I.* crossing. when the train came along Lower Than the Lowest—'n Ready -Made and Or- I-. and he thereby saved an hour. ' , dered Clothing. To few ' A passenger train was sent east in and after so long a period of honest, faithful toil, one begins to Dublin, spending the night there. wen is it given to carry on business successfully fcr hall a century ii the evening but it did not get past think of enjoying his well-earned rest. Such is our condition and .; Yesterday every available tme.n about after 50 years of successful trade in (Minton, we have decided to ., town was. engaged 0,nd sent out with offer, at surprising reductions, our $4000.00 Stock with a view .... the two ernes. When the engines • • to retiring from active business as soon as disposed of. Sale began • • 1,at fast the men dug them out and • —SAT1JRDAY FEB. 13th--- — they had a lot of tinging. he Buf- 41E7, li r.• • • • jilted.' That the results were. riot mac • • • • IMP - AFTER 50 YEARS 0, Old Father Time grows tender and mellow, As, roving the round earth, the sturdy old fellow, Year in and 'year out keeps going and corning, • in winter's wild wreck and summer's green blooming. Owe 1-1 falo will lite clear Ode? but there We have not time or space for a detailed- list of prices, A. n tills week. Will be little traffic on. t .e L. H. at: 13. war has said that "the proof of the pudding is the chewing of the .,, The hotels have again been filled I: • ba,rg ns elsewhere. Itis_ --------------------- - Y he WE '" Trunk, Tall tight e hotel ail, str ng." We offer a better and pleasanter test in asking you to with delayed passengers who are see our goods, learn our reduced prices, and copupare with boasted ing at the expense of the Grand en. so; th important thing is HAT THg PRICES ARE, • en doe men., butchers, bakers and grocers, We specially invite our old custoniers do themselvela a • . hut this item alone their expendi- . good turn by seeing what we have to offer them. it will be like • • tures is beginning to cense the than- , • •••• a belated ahristruas boX. Sineilnry we invite tholie who have not ' • • tigers elem. All over the sy,stem bills been regular customers to examine goods and priees. We make aft — No Mere 13frow*Empty vessels make most sound, but we •-• a. — promise genuine reductions in all lines : ... 1301tS" SUITS Ottnnitell SITITS ORDE,1121113A/ITti •-• 'HATS, OAPS, ETC, GENTS' FURNISHINGS •-• of the Sallie nature are pouring iit. The affable Sohn Quirk and. his creW program consisting of instruinentals, bout a great cliar:ge and the place ;$ have spent so much time in Clinton aolos arid readings was given by the ilow very neat min bright. the past couple of •ftiontlis that they Goderich C. T. stt.dents. At the close Newcombe's big store lies also been lord of Clititon supporters, chaperoned "Mr. Lewis, the Conservative cantli- • by Miss C. Chielley,.• drove ,ep ta en- date in • West. Herm, is a good a courage •their represeritatives, Cherlie :ermine, inah."—Seaforth Expositor., - Mttatard and Kirk' Houston. The pier- .(kr, Lewis) has never taken an ty arrived in .Goderich without. any active part in political .afietire, but le settee§ Mishap, but just in time • to .regarded as a good . candidate and will Fear the debate. They were most cor-. doubtless' . pet up a strong welcomed by the ecderich stw- Clinton New Era. dents, wha all vied witIncue another in ,.".fh.e ce,Gixtetich • die, a wise doing honor to their guests: The litho' thing in electing Mr. N'. Lewis eipal feature of the program • was the mayor."--Seafretth Expositor, . debate, "Resolved that Cenada should • be independent," The affirmative was ably championed by Citorlie Mustard ikfmovungnNTs. and -Kirk .1lottston . and the negate • upheld by the Goderich tepreseutativ- Hodgens Bros.- had intended enlarg- es, Mr.' Bowles end Mr. Matheson, .A11. Mg their store by tultiog in.the whole - the iiipeakers acquitted themselves ere- block, but the other leaseholders being ditably and put forward molly .atgue reltotant Move, they have the ear- ments pro and eon. The judges were, potters at . work on the second, lltor Dr. Holmes and Mr, W.' Prondfoot, 'inaltiog some changes that will efieble who. acted for the Gocicrieli strdents, thein to display their carpets, , ete., • and W. 'I'. Lougheed who en account to still 'better adve.ntage, of 1Vfr. Brydone's intibility to be pros- Tozer & Iirowii are transforming eat acted in a similar capacity .for their store one' when their alterations Clinton. With two against one, and in are complete it will be vee-to-Oetee in S.ddition having the popular side of evere, respect. Their new miter, Mr, the subject, the decision, was given to Combo of Toronto, arrived last Week. Coderiele although both of the Coder- He comes highly recommeedecto ich judges conceded that the pahn in -patrons a Mr, S. W. Newcombe's oratory was won Clintou's repos- elothing store have to look a seeorid entatives. ,"The leader of the affirina- thne to matte sure they aro. in the tiVe, C, Mustard, reeeived warm words premises forinerly occupied. by his- commeittlation from the judges and predecessor in business. The painters, Goderich, stinlents for his -able. speech. .kalsominers, . carpenters on& eleetrie In addition to the debate a very line light men have certainly brought a- • • tc."Id flow v"Y 't1"alifY 16r 'of the program refreshments were pro- undergoing repaire and is now mere •eo zettehip. vicloed by the Ooderich strdents end a than ever a popular resort tot shop- • • tiSA.DY.MADIP, CLOTtlING, • • No mail from the east or south social hour was spent. All the Clinton per - Come one, come all, Asam k, see% exinevnompare and you will buy. 4.4 . reached Clinton from Saturdoir night students speak m in warmest terms of W. Taylor Son ate tuakiif sOnie postofhee overflowed. !When rim don't Ooderielt societv. • y • artchterin.intrairritirigimiroriiimaamm•epoomuthlirist. • ▪ • get what, roe Walot wlienyon aPPre- The return'. debate will be held in to its contenience. leartted bat littis 'wlisit was It14)* of the debate and a cordial itwita- painters who made quite an improve - tail esterday ofterhoon ' ten the the receptioo they received front the improvements in tht rear ot t.ieir big slice store which will add still further T. Jackson, Sr., Clinton mate it t most, It was thus witt Clinton a week front Friday night. Mr, J.. C. Stevenson 'recently fmI Lad • the daily papers. Without them we .rtirther itrAiee will be given tiott weeh his preinises brightened Oki by the 'poling fro the ovitside warid, tido iseXtended to all to be ptesett‘ Aber Amor 1f1.11 111 Leg Broken In Two Places. MR. JAMES sreveNs • Bayfield • br,' Smith paid a .short vieit to frie eitds in Barrie last week. He Was ac- •conipanied borne by his sister,Miss. whO will remain for a few • months- ' • • 'Messrs. Win. Da.viderni and George • . Peek,•Who have been sperdino the win- ter. here, .returned to •their homes- in Dakota. on Maneay. • . ...The party' 'given by the ,yormg ladies • in the town hall on Friday evening; was well adeoded and all report an enjoyable time. . - Mr. William Fergitscri left on Tues- day for Cleveland,: Varna, . The .meeting of' the ?sinners' titsti- tute which was held inde townshiP hall recently, was fairly well attetided, 'especially the evening meetirigti The addresses. • in the afternoon • by Mr. .• Sheppard Of °Kingston, ;Mr. Elliott of Guelph, Mr. Innes andothers, were to the .yeint aid well .received. At the evreing- meeting addresses.were deliver- ed by Messrs, Sheppard, Elliott 'and Re.vs, Dayidsou and Miller. The solo. by Miss Annie Foster was warmly . applaudect. as were .also the songs .by Mr. t.ilieppard, bat the eicellent niu'sie ' by the Dowsin• orchestra was a leading ...feature of tlai evening. . • ,. • . The., coritract" for the new. school. has been awardedto Mr. J. yatterson of lIensall. Mr. Petterson's •tender ,*as not the loweit but he seems to, have the best pull with a majority of the trufatecs.• Ar.N. Purdy of Seaforth • spent Seniday at his home here - Miss M. McKay 'and IVIi'ss E. Staples of Sealorth spent a day recently gt Mr. A,. Foster's. - Mr. Joseph Troster h,as disposed of • his house elle! lot here fcr a good fig- T.Ire, the tuiteltasers being 11 aity Bros. Mr. Fcetereputposes gottig West lb a kW weeks. , • Mr, James Stevens Met with, , alt accidett. on Saturday evening lest which will confine luni to his room for several weeks, He was bedding one el his horses when the animal kicked Itim on the leg ,just above the knee, breaking the boile in two pieces. Mr. Stevefts was alone at the time, but Managed to erawl the forty yards or SO tor the house,. Drs. T tompecet end Shaw were summoned and Old What they could to relieve hie suffer - lege .and no he is progressing as sat- isfactorily as could be expected. Amon, ntl hv witotit Ito Is quaint:was, liitevene is much re - and he has a very. wide circle of ac- speeted for his sterling worth, as is indicated by the Mucous enquiries which are daily being ;nude regarding his condithm. That his recovery may he rapid i.nd complete is the earnest . Wish of ells • Sumni• erhill. Mr, It, Miller bee rented hie fine place on the Base Line to Mr, W, J. MeBriert who gets posiession at an early ciao. Air. Miller wilt' sell his elleets by attetion about the mikleole this month. r.. . Pr t r s ent Sunday on the 16th con. Miss Olive Trill spent Sunday at her twine., She Was V...vccoittp.s,liied by her frlend, Miss Rathwell. Missett Lear and Lyon of the r3th eoneession Ituliett hilve been visitors ci!nayst.his vicinity during thc past few We are sorry to report the illnitsd Mr. Isaac Rapsen•itinl oleo Mr. Sas. RapeOlt who is also on the sick list. Miss M. Mains is the guest at her cousin). Miss • A, Tyner, •