HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-02-18, Page 86112. Clinton Nowsi#Rocord
The New
Dress Stuffs.
. one of our customers,
If You
Are not already
The first of thenew Dress, Stuffs- are here, in
fact the bulk of our importations for Spring are now/
wewill be pleased to
on our counters. From every - standpoint we think
it the choicest collection of Dress Fabrics that it has
ever been our pleasure to show our customers. How-
ever we are willing teslet you be the judge as to that. ave the favor of
One thing we feel sure of is that no perion who is
going to buy Dress Goods this Spring should miss
seehig this great collection. your inspection.
Having two storeti we are able to dlylde all decided
patterns and ol them show only small quantities. The
very best time to buy Is early before assortments get
Fanoy Woollen Drop Goods, light weights, plain ground", with
small flake of white or Nine oontrasting color, niake yery stylish kik
dresses, creams, brown'', blues and grey, Veda' Value at per Yard • • ulre
Plain Etamines,, Voiles and Panatela Clothe, guaranteed all pure
wool, 42 'ache* wide,' very rinioh in fayor for Waists or Drente; a
blaoks and all the leading shades, per yard .
Fancy Voillaa and Etamines, two -bone effects, which are veryst
new and make cffcciiive costumes, special at per yard .. , ow •
All witol Amazon Clothe, good weight, broadoloth finlib, all
pure wool, blsok and all the leading *alone, per yard OW
Fanoy Scotch Baiting, very% small pattern", two tone °thole, will
make very stylish suite, apeciel value at per yard 941e
A magnificent assortment of high -lieu Suiting., entirely different
from anything we have ever shown, choice designs and color
combinationa, no two alike, per - -
yard Shoo, $1.15, $1.25, L.
Fashion has set the seal of her approach on Mohair
tor the coming season'. For a aists, for skirts, forj shirt
waists Salts it will be worn more than for many years.
Here are tew ot the many lines we show.
1"-- Plain 'Mohair and Linares, bright lustrous finish, in black",
greenelnavy, browns, greys, sto , per •yard
Panay ,Mehair, navy and black grounds, wish...Mall pattern in
white, very effective for waists, or Shirt Phalli ,. -
Snits, per yard 49C, '50e.and 610c
Pitney Cream Mohair: raked. -Cord, with fine thread of bine, duk
ble* wor green inlet woven, 48 inches wide, suitable for Welds, per ydip IMO
Heavy Mohair, for Skirts, 44 inohei wide, bright finish, . 6
extra [arcing weaye, per yard . SI. and$1.45
Good V81111118 In Cottons,
These Cottons were good value six mouths ago.
That's the same thing as saying that they are bargains
to day, tor the prices ol Cottons have been on the jump
ever since then. When these sell out we cannot get a,
good value again, at least not until the mills eall bit)
raw cotton a good deal cheaper than they canto -day.
Factory Cotton, good weight, not quite a 'ard wide, very epaiiial
Factory Cotton, made from fine even, thread". free from black a_
speck, will wash and blew% well, epeeist vitae it per yard OC
Heavy Factory Cotten., 'tillable for Sheets, Pillow ,„'
Cases, eto. , 'strong and free from drerating; per yard..-,. 014 OC sad liOe •
Bleached Cotton, full yard wide, good weight inequality,per r, •
yard OC
Fine English Cotton, bright cambric finish, which It will Te.
tain after being waahed, makes up well ead will give excel-
lent wear, per yard ...... . . . .. . . .,......... e
Fine Bleached Cotton. soft finish for easy sewing, fall y ord wide
could not be sold at thia pries had we not bought them month. ago, • A
epeoial value at per yard ; .. • . UPC
. • .
Fine Cambric and Queen'. Cloth, materiels
suitable for extra fine sawing, per pird rgicooe and 18e
Twilled and ,plain Sheeting& ,,both -bleached and
unbleached, every widthmade and a good rangeor
qualities always in -stock.
The Reinnani
The remmant tables werediusy spots Iasi Saturday.
We are clearing out all remains, broken lots, etc. and
price is a secondary consideration on anything you will
end on these tables. Value or cost did not count when
we made these prices.
Itto. 1..1Ohoioe ter.
111111.1r1g0. 2..Oholoe for
TABIG111 No. 3 . :Choice for
TABLE No. 41..Choloit for Vie
1711114113 No. 5 "Choice for $1.00
•••••••••••••••• Itt•-•••••••••••••••••••••••!••••••••••
.1 The $3.00 Niantl.fres 1
j. Do not forget the Bargain Mantles. -They
are this season's coats. V. e have just a few, a
very few, left, and all we ask for any of them is
$3.00 -no matter\what the former price. You
will get the worth of your money if you only
wear it the rest of this winter. Your C
choice ot any Mantle in the store for WtJAJV
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4411••••41•4.4114141*
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
B, Fair Go.
Often the Cheapest. •Always the Best.
We Know
Barrister Beattie was in Goderich on
Monday. • • -•
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Mitch of Seaforth
spent Sunday with friends at Stap-
leton. • • •
Mrs. Brownscoinbe of Petrolea • is the
guest of ler daughter, Mrs. W. H.
Newcombe. , •
Mrs. P. W. Watts is in Toronto this
week attending the meeting of the
.Grand Council R. T. of T. • '
The Misses Torrance attended the wed-
ding of IlLes Cook of Hensall which
took place on Tuesday of last week,
Mr, Chunk Fisher was in.:Colborne
yesterday attending.. the funeral of
his grandinotler, ,• Mrs. Hannah
Mrs, William Knox of Harlock spent
few days of the past week visiting
Mrs. D. Reacoin and Mrs. Whitehead
• CI town. •
Williajni.Lee mei sister of Indian
Head, who'. have' been spending some.
time .* in town,. are visiting friends
in Listowel. • •
Mr., H. Bean, of St. Thomas: mune' ro
on Saturday and spent Sunday under
•the Parental • ro'of, retained to the
•city on Monday', •
'Rev,' Rural Dean Hedgers of Seaforth
• was in 'town Monday. He: was on
his way to fill • an .engagfewent at
but the L. II. & 13. being
blocked he returned honk instead • of
going north., .
Mr. anci Mrs. Henry Cook of Souris,
•(.1feano;:iiwtItiaivoe ,bseeol tcs),Itirnifbat Mr.
shiP, left liesnee.y "t0 visit
Cook's , sister, Mrs. A. Cantelon of
Miss Nettie Corribe, Who had been vis-
iting her sister, Mrs. .W..17, Lator-
nell of Ridgetown, for a month, has
returned .hoerie, • accompanied by Mrs.
. Latornell who will remain for a few
.Weeks, . • , _
Mr. Alfred Cook, who has been
of • Mr. W. Glen Campbell . for the.
• past two years; has 'been, successful.
in obtaining so Toronto, Conservatory
certificate and has . now, organized
classes at. Dmigarton .and Goderielo
Miss Bertha Armstrong of the Brown
•• son Line, Stanley, spent a few clays
of . 'the past week with her sister,
. Mrs, E. Laird. 'Mist • Armstrong
• slipped upon.the icystreet on Frieny
and severely sprained her wrist,
Mr. 1. P. Snyder of. St. Catharines,
who established the Clinton branch
of the Sovereign Bank and resided
here for a kw- months, has been
appointed inspector of agencies. Since
leavingFere he has had charge of
the branch at St. Catharines. „
Mr. Arthur Cot* returned Janne Tues-
day Morning' from a business trip
to Portland, Maine, •Alt along the
route there was a onperalaunearice of
snow • and , the temperature of. Maine
ranged loafer than. Ontario. It's a
prohibition state, says: Mr. Cook;
but clrinking places seem to be . as
riumerout as in states where c lieen.-.
se law prevails. , , •
Dr. 'Giant retUrned' on 'Saturday 'kcal a
aiolitles holiday in , the Southern
States. The major part of the time
he spent at *Galtrestoni Texas. The
, terriperature down there has been, av-
eraging 80, very much different from
• what we have been having., here-
abouts. The holiday did Huron's
famous surgeon, good, in appearance
it has Made him five years younger,
Mr. George . Baldson of near Langdon,
North Dakota, was the guest c,if Aar.
▪ Peter Ker over Sunday. He former-
ly lived, near Exeter and is spending
several weeks with friends there-
. abouts, Ile has been in the West
sixteen years, owns r half section
and talks as if the climate suited
him as well as the soil which has
repai� hitn. well. His acquaintance
With Mr, Km- began with the
latter's residence of two years in
Langdon and he came -up from! Exet-
er expressly to learn for himself if
Pete is as merry a wag at home as
abroad. He found him, here just as
iollY a joker as ar Langdon.
R. 'I'. of T. Londesbor0 Coencil No.
r5o, which is not yet four months
old, has ree.clied a inemberthip of forty
and good 1iterry rogranis have been
reneered at the last itteetings. A slei.
geilosid visited Loyalty Council, Clin-
ton, last Thursday evening. Beside
gathering new ideas a most enjoyable
time was spent, -
Miss Maud GoOdwill of Clinton has
again rearmed her teathing in the vil-
lage on Ttietday and Wechiasday, of en..
ch week, Ma 06061vin has It Istrge
clase but has been unable to get here
for 14No Or three Weeks owing to the
February 18th, 1094
It will pay you to make this store your principal shopping centre, liecause its prices aver-,
age ten per cent:lower than other stores' prices for Merchandise of 'equally high quality. And
we dare say that during this February reduction Sale the average saving; Is more than double
that much. Winter Goods.of all kinds must go quickly now. Spring things are crowding them
out. Every department has odd lots of Wanted goods at less, than lima' prices.
The Last of our Winter Coats
to 'Furs
Go at These Prices
Children's $3.00 Coats for $1.50
5.00 " 2.50 '
Ladies' 5.00 " 2.50
6.00 " 3.00 .
6,50 ." 3.25
8.0Q . " 4M0 • •
10.00 " " 5.00
Every coat is made of the best cloths and is strict-
ly up-to-date in every way.
New Spring
Prints,' Gingharns,Sluirtings, Cottonades; Flannel
ettes, Laces and Embroideries are here at old 'prices. •
rople Who have seen our stock. of these
goods claim them to be the finest assortment
and best values ever seen in town. • •
are Selling Away Below
Makers' Prices
$ 2,00 Electric Seal Ruffs at $1.25
3,75 • 'f " '‘ 2.25
3,95 Astrachan daperines " 2.65
7.50 " " 5.00
12.00 Electric Seal and Astra-
chan, Caperines at 8.75
Just two Black Astrachan Fur Coats left to •go at
these prices :
Our best $28,Black Astrachan Fur Coat,
34 inches long, size 40, to clear for $20
Our best *37 Black Astrachan Fur Coat, -
.34 inches Ring, size 40; to clear at . .$26
• • • .
These Coats we fully -guarantee for one year. These
prices are away below the cost of making,
Here are a Few Bargains . for Friday Saturday
And 1VIonday
. Best 75c Bla,ck Fingering Yarn at 55c Our best 50c Silk Collars at 350
Best 50c Factory Yarn at 40c 75c and 85c Collars at 59c
Children's Wool Gloves, reg. 25c for 15c 75c and 85c Belts at 50c
200 yards of i.00 Silk and Satin Ribbon. at 3c
Goderich Township. GOOD PAPER."
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Connell and:
three children of Owfen Sound are vio-
iting relatives in the toWnship. .
Dirt. Cooper. coricession 9; was
confined to her bed for a .few days, Ler
illness 'acting shiliia.r • to t stroke, but
we learn she is able to be up again,
Mr. Morris Switzer recently spent a
very pleasant evening at the konie of
Mr. L Peck of Stanley. .
tH•tMcncicigsresiiingsE..Bvraos.B, tfgoolieang,rii i•lit,htoe
• Owing to inclement weather quar-
terly service in connection With the
Bayfield Ciretnt was held off until
next Sabbath when it' will he held in
the Bayfield church at io..3o a. rn., but
owing to so many stormy Sundays the
pastor has .thought it better to hold
tie usual afternoon service in Cole's.
church. •
is 0ns
Week . visitinim
g ; at her ele's On; the
-BaMyifis6sld . Clufl ofClinton
Miss tOttie Robinson, Brucefield, is
visiting at Mr. Alex. Welsh's.
'The le grippe has taken a severe hold
on Mr. George Cantelon of Concession
7, but we !hope. -to her of his old
strength being renavect
Mr. G. W. Strirdy has bought a Short
horn •bull, It is C.1 thordbred, two
years old and pronounced by *ages
to .be a superior animal.
Tuesday's By -Elections,
The ,result of the eight bye -elections
Mel Tuesday should afford satisfaction
to the Conservative party. of the
eight seats the Conservatives carried
three. lit the general :election bf 1900
they carried but two. The gain is the
City of St. John, N. to which Hon,A.,
G. /3Iair carried in 1900 by a ina.
jority of 997. Th. Conservative can-
didate carried the seat Tuesday by
285 majority. The two Ontario seats
are held, by largely increased inajoilt.
Mr.Armstrong won East Leanbtoil
by over Soo, while Mt. Donnelly was
the victor in East 13rute by 209 ma-
jority. The Liberals carried all of the
font. Quebec seats by reduced majorit.
ies. St. James &vision of Montreal
defeats Bergeron by 636. Ili the gener-
al election of 1900 the Liberal majori-
ty was 1641 while two years ago Aid.
Brunet carried the teat by 720. TM
most surprising result was the redne-
tion of a. Liberal majority of nil in
St. Hyacinthe to 195. Hochelaga re-
turns a Liberal by Sor against 635 for
Mridore in 1900 and in 'Montgomery
there is it slightly reduced majority.
The otter seat, West Queens,
remains in the Liberal eolitinn by 170
Majority, llon, 1,. H. Davies ,hatli 735
majority in 19o0 sad Mr. FarqUharsoli
475 in the by -elation of 1901,
Mr., S. B.' Long of Cordial, Assa.; in.:
sending a sub. to The News -Record •
said: . • • '
."The News -Record, is a geode local
• paper, I 'know of no. be,tter, =A 1.
would .notdo without it
Colborne Township.
Died. -On the isth inst.; Mrs./Pannah 7
'Fisher, formerly of this township,
'Passed' away in Loneton.'from the ef-
fects of acute .bronchitis. Deceased -
was born in. England in 1825, coming
tothis conntry at an Carly age with .
her father who •settled in that portion
'of the . country known me ..the Queens
Bush. Later she married Michael Fish- .
er, one of the pioneero of the Huron. -
Tract., Three sons Were, horn, to her,
tWo of whieli, Plenry. of Benmiller and
Ira cf Wisconsin, survive. The funeral
took pl'ace on Wednesslarto Colborne'
cemetery.' " •
' ,•
Children's Aid Work.
The Toronto News ill a recent edl-
torial commended the work of the
Children's Aid Society Of: that city,
which hae. dealt with forty-eight cases
in that city during December alone,
and speaking generally of the scope
and objects of the Children's Aid
Societies, said :
"It is e impossible to estimate the
good that is accomplished by this
society. The officers are in reality
State -appointed goardimis to all the
little ones whose parents neglect them
and whose example would lead them
into vieioos courses. It is not only
an instrument for the rescue of the
children from conditions that breed
criminals that they may become useful
citizens, but it is an 0.0t1V0 agency for
the protection of tociety. The inethods
adopted In reclaiming the children of
incompetent parents is the best that
has been devised. The foster home,
where the child is treated as the son
or daughter of the family, takes the
plate of the institution where the chil-
dren are brought itp by ruie and spec -
jai treatment is impossible. Personal
affection an individual care are the
strongest cords in a thild's life. These
are supplied in the. foster homes, "(Wi-
er such conditions the unfortunate Waif
may rover learn from what it escaped
and has opportunity to develop newt -
ally as a healthy child' in vod envir-
onment. The p pose of the society is
to Perstiade parehts, where A. is pos-
sible, to lcr.k fter their offspring and
in 22.4CS whrc that cannot be done,
to take them away to better surround-
ings. The sceiety deserves the support
f thoinevelyr.efils, for what it is eapable
y Your
The earlier you buy your Spring Suit, the
better the asssortment you have to select from
There is nothing gained by putting off, and
you get fust what you want if you buy early.
Our Imported. Spring Suitings are here: We.
just got them opened, up last week.. . They
• are nobby; they are correct in patterns and •
colorings, and cOming from the -best mills of
England and Scotland, cannat but give satis-
factory wear. Of the best there is but one
Suit to a pattern, so the earlier you buy the
wider your choice.. , • -
CANAMAN TWEED SUITS $12.50, $15 and $18
SCOTCH TWEED SUITS $18. $20 and $22'
All made in first-class style and good .trimm-
• ings used throughout, •
!White Shirts 50c. -
f. ....:...:oioLiAtorth DoubleA
IWe haNte'twOnty-five White Shirts that are dust
soiled. ' That means that they -cannot stay here,
I-sCr out they must go at once. Some of them
were 76o, most of them were $I.ocq. all go at one
price, and that price half-a-doIlar.•
' 2.5 White Shirts o made from good quality cetton,50
• with re-inforted linen fronts, statidard 75e and 51 c,
line% clearing at h.
•••••••••44•4•••• 4414 etio44•40110.44404+nnio4s4nnon
odgens Bros.
elootos and Kale* Parniehtaso OLINIT4.