HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-02-18, Page 7ar;lileittil,
111.01sQns Bank
• Ineolepereted by' eeee Of
rerlialmeet 184
capital atttherle4.
capital veld hp
Renerve Fund
TOO Aseete
Wm. Nelson Macpherson..Prestdent •
- James Wee general Manager •
Nstes Discounted, Collections
Made, Drafts issued, Sterling:old
Aenericen Exchange Bought itiid
Interest allowed on stuns of $1
and up from date of deposit foul
compounded half -yearly.
Money advanced to lannera
ow rates. Sale notes collected.
LH. C. Brewer, Mgr.
• *
OFFICE -Sloane Tilock-a‘CLINTON.
(Svecessor to Mr. James Scott.)
office formerly occupied by Mr.
James Scott, in Elliott Block .
Lonveyanecrs, Commissioners, Real
Estate and Insurance Agency.
Money to Loan.
Dr. W. Guen L. R. C. P. & L. R.C.S.
Dr. J. Nisbet Gurn M. R. C. S. Eng.
L. R. C.P. London .
Night ca▪ lls at front door* ol residence
on Rattenbery street, opposite
l'resbytcrian church:
OFFICE-- Ontario street -CLINTON.
OFFICE- Ontario street -CLINTON.
Opposite St. Paul's church. ,
Special attention given to diseases of
the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . .
-Office and Residence --
North of Rattenbury St.
Unice formerle occapied by Dr. Pal- nearest lite-. scene
Lister on Main street.
- - 9NT
Peed yOur hair; nouriali it;
give it something, to live on,
Then it will stop fall AS
will grow long and hcayy
Ayers Bair Vigor is the ouly
Ar Vigo,
hair food you can buy. Porte,
years it has been doing for
what we claim it will do. b.
will not ,disappoint you.
hatr toted ee he vsn' sisest. Altar
Dales tyeta legwir tifilteri=
rbilii4nts a selesteld result ta
Lamest wakens say lune
1.1. Pinta, 17elivailatiestaimeele.
Intit a 'bottle. it. A_
utuivorugiii... for peon
Short Ha
*• • ••• 412.***Xik . 1 I .1111411,
0 0 0 0 ..• 0 0 e. 0 0 0 0 0 0 e• 0 S. •;.'• < •
For an .uptodate
- AND —
try tb,e leadingbarber.
tisitr000e vo IRWIN% eiegERY
George D1 Roberton,
• Wood's Pboarphodirxe,
The Oresf English Revak
fe an old, well estab-
lished and reliable
preparation. Ras bean
prescribed and need
over 40 years. All drug-
gists in the Dominion
of Canada sell and
recommend nit bell
Afore and Alter. teekt`inl'ateggellia
eves %livered\ satisfaction. • It, "prompt' and
pennon ntly cures all forms of „Nervous calc-
ites*, Em(asions, Spermaterrkwo ime0feaca,
and all effeetsof abuse orexoesses; 'the excessive •
nee of Tobacco opium or Stimulants, 'Rental
and Brans Tro;ry, allof which lead to Infirmity,
Insanitf, Consumption -and an Early Grave.
Price *1 perapackage oral: for $0.
',Yeast. six wilt cure. Mailed prompt, on re-
oeipt of price. Sandier free pamphlet. Address
.The Wood Company, .
Windsor. Ont's Canada
. • • •
Woods PhosPhocline is sold in ton. by Watts & Co., H. 13. goatee,'
Its P. Reekic and -1. E. Hovey, Deug.
gists, .
Th8 flIGKIIIOD flluival Fire
Iriuranoa Comaalu
--Farm and Isolated Town Property-.
-Only Lisurede-
, . •
J. B. McLean,
President, Ripeen P:
0. ; 'Ches. Fraser, Vice -President,.
Brucefield P. 0, T. E. Hays,
Treasurer,' Seafortie P. 0,
Shestay, S'ea.ferth ; John
Grieve, Winthrop ; Georee Dale, •Sea -
forth ; John Watt, elarloelt ; John
Bennewies, Brodhagane -Jairies•Evans,
Beechwood; "James Connolly, Clinton.
Robert Smith, Jearlock ; • E. elin7
chley, Seaforth .; • James eniumings,
Egmondville ; j. W. Yeo, • Holmes-
Partle's desirous to effect insurance
or transact. otftcr business will, be
Promptly etteneed to on application'
to any•of .the ebeee officers addressed
to their respectiVe pOstoffices. Losses
inspected by the , director who lives
Office adjoining Photo Gallery. open
every day and Sater.ety nigets made
to o'clock.
Auburn every Monday.
Dungannon every Tuesday.
opecialist in Crown and Bridge Work
D.. D. S.-Gradeate of the Royal Lol-
lege of Dental eurgeone ot Onteee-
. io.
L. D. S. -First class honor gruduate
of Dental , Department of eta' nue
University. '
r Special attention paid to eseatiett
of children's teeth.
Will be at the River Hotel,
every Monday front so e. itt o
p. m.
A member of the Veta.nary tte.ecal
Associations of London and iedin-
burgh and Graduate al the Ontar-
io Veterinary College.'
OFFICE- Huron street --C.LINTONe
Next to Cemniercial note' •
Phone 97
41/4.1...,* •
I am a licensed atietionter for the
County of ,EIttron end will sell by per-
centage or by the dollar. Resie.ente lot
37 and 38, Bayfield Read, one mile
south of Clinton. Satisfactiou guar-
anteed. Micro lett at The News -Ree.,
ord office Or my hotted will be proin-
ptly attended to. '
Clinton P. 0.
•,,,..=a4., -4.W.„.... ,
0 mosirmur,triiiitsiitzirO
FAM r,.
1 A tt.iitLiOnAnYf
1 Ms Bost lit, Current' titerituri
, i 12 Deatiol.irrt NOVel.* VitAiliat 1`.
PAPtilta ON TlIVItLY Topics
$2,60 ',w00% 28 eti• A tiefec.,
NO OONIINOZD 4910itialig. 4
rtVSAYlitiattlitet el:3404.01v IN felliEll
seee. e .%eive. , 4cetteollty
J B. rtuniball glintOn
Tan!), TA BLE.
Trains Niv111. to ris e at and d'oParl'i,
froin Clinton stat e.$ .ollows
Going East Pee less 1.38 aeit
3.23 pen.
4.15 ext.
10.15 a.m.
12.55 P.M.
Going East leieed
Going West Mixed ,
Going Weot Pater..ss
, • 1-1 so.32 p.m.
Going Smith Express , 7.47 asst.
" Mixed 4.15 p.m. •
" North Express • 10.15 asn.
11 " Mixed 6.55 p.m
A. 0. PATT/SON, Agent.
R...110DGENS, Town Ticket Ageitt.
J. DeMACDONA.LD, • Dittrict Passes.-
. 0 get Agent, • Toronto.
Ph •
to eefee•
'fli'Z.0e) 4 't .L• IKPMelltsts•st.
' COPY00414111 tie.
Anyone -Needier a sketch and destitiptiort may
Lv*tow eacertain our 01010/00 free Whether an
entton is probably pateintable. Cerimunice.
one strictly oonfidentd. tiineisdhOok on rateatte
tram. Olden o stentaissenirincesulius. ..•
Patents taken unwell mann A GO. Welts
*Wen tiotire, Without chtive, in the
Sdentific Runic
it himisamely Illastatted wsektr. tamest ale
enfant:in of anY *entente runlet. Timm', is t
tea I four inontue. el. So d by ell ele.„4"1.,,,,
MUNN en2,411"6"4149' RO....Ytirw
)11***e.f. MINI. 'QM 1'1' ,If IV 0011111*U* : 11.1
Th* *nw,iiiiltrskaPPRO4
DECORATIVE WORK. St Peter- at the Gate
Ind*** ctiato Emir te Pm***St. Peter stood guard At the golden
aosoa riesseltsig ta Zang; VP** gate,
Pelatr vromoa win appreelate Oar- VV,itit. e. seiletres mien end air ties
'Stiehl; the Padded and eeented Coat date,
hanger or modern inaent1011. Take ti e Vir1200 uP. to the OP of the golden
OrdinarY coat banger, pizeferably the
naan and a vvoroa.n ascending there,
One made of Wire. end cover it thielsly Applied for adreissiort, They came and
end Weil with wadding wbich, ban been etood
plentifully sprinkled With powdered Before St, Peter, so great and good.
Inelet or with any other scent Povatlen in hopes the city of peace to w111 -
Outten this firmly on by twisting Atte I fro atilt $t, Peter to let thelot in,
cotton rounn it froM end to end, Then ,4 The women was sAn and an and
malte a moo for tide of eatill rilibON thin,
WItich will slip ever the elm half h7 With a, scraggly beadle': upon her YOU' DONT sr..E.Ev WEL/j
sewing the edges Of the ribbon together chin.
and•can be sewed over the second halt The man was short, nnd thick and
._1101AseelliA Sols
JAPAD Expects Long War,
Tokio, Peb -Subscripthinst have
been opened •for the Arse hundred mill.
ion yen ot war bonds. The euhscrio.
tione will ,glose March If/. It ie antien
pated that the issue will he oyerseun-
ecribed Many times, 'The country Is
preparing for a long war, and seems •
capahnkof sustaining Itself financially
for twZryeare. She poeseeses vast mil.
itary and naval *Ores and •,exellent
home credit, tier soldiere and eallore
are ready to give their services free rf ;
after it has been pinned ita place, The stout ;
hook must then be %rived by tvviating 1110 atxubacia WaS bUilt ib rounded
the ribbon thickly round' It, and when I-118 fe!etelt! tees pleasant, and all tbe
this is done the ends moat be tied to- while
getiser at the bottom in handselrie He wore- a kindly and genial smile.
how. Plitee the hanger through the The choirs its the distance the echoes
sleeves of the oat and hang it bY the awoke
hook to a nail in the wardrobe, anew. And tmhaeousiapt: kitzt !still while the era;
Ing the bow to be in the front so that
the oat.looks as though it were bang.
Ing upon the 'shoulders of a PersOn Per-
fectiy appointed even to the tie.
.• When once these hangers have been
regularly used they will be found to be .
absolotety indispensable adjuncts to
the wardrObe, making -of 'one -
coat hanger one and a Self yards of:
cotton:wool,' one. ounce sachet powder
and two and a half yards, of good rib-
bon about three inches ;wide: are r*,
•%iulrod. . •
•Anothelydedrible ittringeMent . Is e,
pair of selasorit that can 'bangin any
ronnt .without being :lost. and at • the
sante 'time add to tbe• deeetrative effevt
ot the room. If balanced at the ether
-end cif a pincushion they can 'be' hung Pve done enough -A saint 1-ve keen: • S t P t If f
4 We have. come hither beseeching
'Oh, thou who guardest t he gate,
said she,
To let us enter the beavenly land t
And play bur Ifisrpti vvith the angel
band, comparing. Churches.
There%) nothing from heaven to bar
Pm been to meeting three times a
Of me, St. Peter, there its no doubt,
me out,.
week, .
. story withal) obvious moral. It is iif
ere liking. In the town to whose spir-
may he located according to the read.
the Minister of a certain claurch whic i
The Manchester Guardian tells e
itual needs be ministered there Was a •P
And alinost Always I'a rise and speak.
strong difference of opinion between
the members of three several denom-
inations as to their. respective merits.
The clergyman in question determined
to eettle the matter once and for all.
One Sunday he arose to deliver his dia.
eourse holding a fresh, green walnut.
in' his band. With this be, proceeded
to instil 40 object lesson, 'My friends.' ,
because your nerves are in a
weak irritable condition. Ferrozorie
will make them strong and correct the
trouble causing your ineoninia.
fell into a stute of nervous exhauetion
last fall" writer' Mrs, .T. Stroud of Dexs
ter. "I was run down. couldn't sleep
and felt perfectly miserable, -tried
Ferrozone and was quickely benelitt-
ed. I can_ recommend Ferrozone to
anyone suffering from over -wrought
nerves and sleeplessness," No tonic is
better, .try Perropne. Price 50c, at
'I've told the sinners about the day
When they'd repent of their evil way;
I've told my ceighbors-I've told 'em
all, •
'Bout Adam and Eve and the primal
I've shown them what they'd • have to
If they'd pass in with the chosen few, he said., ' this rind, which I now re: •
I .11.111,
.astalisfutif 1879
Whooping Cough, Croup
Bronchitis, Cough, Orip,
Asthma, Diphtheria
Cassotsas &tong establiehedend etantittrd remedy for the diseases indicated. tt
Immo becauee the air rendered strange, antiseptic le carried over the diseased surface*
of the bronchial tube with every breath, Issas; prolonged and constant treatment.
Tamen' a °consumptive tendency, or %Merlin; hoot chrome bronchitle, find immediate
Niel trona ootnthil or inflamed cenditions of the throat; Deseripme booklet tree
-ekleitlilleg, MEWS 4 C0•010$1 Notre Dame $t., )11butrem, Canadian Agents
Cresolene distiolVed la the mouth are efieetive and safe for
eaughe and irritation of tlie throat.
Antiseptic Tablets x00 hex. DREGGISTS 304
24.40,41**&•••.41.4011•01. 11144100104
Pay of Young „Wen.
The best positions with large Commercial gems are now
filled with young men. from eighteen to twenty„five years a age.'
. These young men reach their positions by keeping in close
towel; with the insmagers.
To get in tonch with the heads a Finch concerns it is iseces-
sary to have a thorough businesii training..
• The Forest City Busies nod Shorthand College gives a
coMpleteend preetical training in stenography, financing, book„
keeping, higher accounting, ete.
Has the best organized and most capable staff of teachers in
Canada. • •
Write for 'booklet civinss full particulars a courses,•costs, etc.
I've marked their path of duty cletwee move, se soft, useless, and unprofitable. J. Ws WESTERVELT, rstst. Y,M.C.A.BultrUNG, LONDON.
Laid out the . plan for their whole It is like the,Ohurch. Now ti•corne
to the shell, It is hard and• Strong. Allitlial ,;. s • . a .r 51,41121220-6111t ...„1 *...1 A ik I Alleilli;1111001160ded
difficult to crack, but their is moo taste
'I've talked and talked to 'em loud or nourishment in,it ; it is valueless, ease. e • ' • ....a% -.-At• • • ...-
For my lungs are good and my voice othendenomination.) ' Now when we A WONDERFUL BOOK ' MRS. OSBORN 0
. • . It is like the—Church, ' (namitirtn- ,......., • sess----• s
and long t '
is strong, • -- are rid of dad shsll we come to the ker.
' O'hase's Receipt e*h^". the 'isisps Stain tliose of the last
he newe t k* t has. less • fulness
The gate of beaven ils open to me.
So good St. Peter, you'll clearly 8 e 0 niweri,uweilicIht, was
oruorttoetwi,n...0,h7ch, is-' Book
ku l.tt b0workokBesidestfohra 1 foola.onntrit41.yi raenfgeretnhcaestyhmerpe., s.,..;7:17.43 t)tit• .19
But my, old man, I regret to say. He broke the shell and took out the was probably never compiled a more.
extreth ely voluminous
Hasn't -walked eXactly in the. narrow
. tons of disease, their cause end mire belew • it is rather dike the nrobrella
He smokes and he swears, and grave •• n`CIL' OVER ' SIXTY YEARS, and 'the great prescriptions gathered ek. • . e
faults he's got,
It t of five or.six years ago. The•full
-has together during balf a century of med-
round skirt of todav calls for a closes
Mrs, Winslovv's Soothing Syrup
ical prretice, this. hook is replete. with fitting round underskirt, cut on lines '
And I don't, know whether he'll' pasts been used by millions of mothers for ' recei ts for cooking and has •ft coin. '
ain't Mix tO those of a well shaped' petti.
or nut. • • thek children while teething If dis-
, plete aep
coat. Its purpose is to keep the ful.
P' artruent deeotece to the care
4 Lie neesettevriwnio,uld pray with an
rest hY, a' siek child suffering and t p f a + . 1 a•P jo • oess in place around the bips, rattier
earn. eurbed ey ,night and broken of your of farm stuck, bees domestic lanais,
So had to leave him in sorrow there, At once and get a bottle of ' give the skirt: The, charmieg little
While. I Witli the chosen, united in Winslow's Soothing. Syrup" for Child- , . . . shirt- waist dresses so universally poP-
prayer, . ren teething, It will relieve the poor „. . • • ' 'Aar are the legitimate oefgrowtb of
He ate What the Pantry chose to 'af. little sufferer iinteexliately. Depend. •Beer goes up in Milwaukee Mareh ftahneloi
Iniacre'euombighillniti17,itolso.5.ohfil'at-wwhIlts,:.'s:hTirhte! *
- d, ' xpnn it, mothers, there is no mistake 1 --in price., ft well doubtless con -
While I, in my purity; 'sang to the • about it, •It cures Diarrhoea, .regu-' Untie -10 g0130Ult in 9.041itieq;
ttraqi tiOstniOnash4 a thing' : of the past.
• Lord. , . Iates the Stomach and Bowels, • cureo, , .. ..,4
;yes: :ii I fdy 'd resasrmks :11,ei rtbeing il7de: •,' on as
WS a chance .if merited them or Inflammatien
And if encumbers Were all be got, ‘4-.- Wind Colic, softens the Gums, redness -
and gives team and en- A GREAT LITTLE WORliER 1
• , , and they are 'cut on ex tly th
the simple plan of the Shirt waist snit.
not ' '
' " • •lines Long sboulder effects pr (-1
;le e same
ergy to the whole system upgr$.
. .. • . inate in ever garment. an e i
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" :for child- During 'a long life time the heart • • ' • • °-°m'
signs promise to prevail for sortie time
oldest end best female physicians and blood is in a healthy condition le will I the'
•But oh, St. Peter. I love him so I
reit teething . is pleasant to the taste will propel half a million tons ot blood • ' :
to cOni ' Th' ` 1
Y d t rtiu all
To the pleasures of he/siren pleese let , • ,..
' ' him o' ' • • • and ts the .ptescrip ion o one o e toug 1 Shebody, an so long as t e
" • t' f f th tb • 1 tl d ' 1 ' h
e . coats are now of al
u neaten at's write Ed -
a to revival, 'or join in a bymn; crying with pain •�f cutting teeth send e
irtailSOn, Bates & Co Toronto.
Ciao foe ffie support it is stipp,osed ••-
a ere rorn ab v
Utd ta es nce re r•se a at t e
.round the neck' of a needleweman so Won't that atone? Can't you it !him nurses the e
that her tools never need .be lost . ' in? , ' cents e, bottle. , Sold by all drug- keeping up the Play of its valtee-
• PM
sure and the rhythm of its • throb. If tlse'
s s as 1 was es,
Besides the scissors, three and Altair BK tn grho.,NeePel I•knose *Us 60, gist* througnout the world.. Be
e tinre•Pent•ail44"1" nd ask f°r 1114".
Winslestios. Booths,. notion theheart gen.; weeks irre
yards of good ribbon three-fourths 'of at •Lh• a' '
an inch wide will he required and•three Bat isn't there some way you cart see ' . • q t es en seeps tes
dozen braes rhige theTemallest faze: That he may enter who's •oo deer :to .
A loop at the top ts first made; and ••• Lee ? •
• lar and fluttering the blood is tricking
ing Symp.". ' .. •
iti nourishing is tiiii d i • '
. , .
. ...... justsucli•assistance 119 19 best supplied
• ‘; b Dr'. Chase's Nerve Food' the great
• • •• Tire losses of the British fire insur- blood In:alder and herve restorative,
•then thirty-four of the rings are thread-
ed through with the ribban, se that A . It's ntiiirroti.gospel by. wbieb ...r pray,: ance companies by the Biltimor e lira . , . • . . .
But the chosen expect to find some are officially Placed at 21,400,000 ; . . , . • . •
bottom. of this two pieces of the ribbon Of &Mainz nr fOoling or bribing you „ The Q.siebec Govertihrent at the com„ Generallk Yen Wilt -find that whin a • .
'firm and heavy chain Is inade. At the way
thessvaistlinesto below tbeisnee. 4Those
designed especially for day wear are
generally short, stopping either at the
:waistline nr just below It. Perhaps
be smartest of tbese are the loose and
always popular box •Seffe'ats,',IsIthough-
coats.'fittesi in to the • deuce' are alga
. worn,. Thesleeves are eery large near
•the-bottotteete Ot.der to held • those -01 -
.the. gownH,Frotn: The Delineator • for
M h . •
each . about. a Ouarter of a , yard ii; SO that itatei,r ..r,elatiptis can funble 9rig,f.iesumgn of -the Legislature will pro- man agitates, in public dissosine,,eee. •
.pose an export duty upon wood pulp' • self:to the.intereste of others at home
length, are added and terminated bg. through. . ' ' " • ' ' - shipped to the United States, but will nobody sitein the easy chairs.fer fear •
the two remaining rings. • : : And 'pair S*. Peter it seenni,to••• •
The handlie ot sebum:in, are. tbrea
ii.: Thia gitte isol kept .,4.:1 :onkhf to exempt exports to Great Britain. . • . he should *ant them, ' . • -
. . .. .
• ed by these ends,. *Welk aro then timed - . -: • • . • • : Mrs. . GuAlco, of Minireal, who hits ' ,•••• • •
up and hung by the ''Ingig 611 -0) a hook .. . : bY .- - returned from a fourteen months' so.;
fastened -at -the back ant d ... lug there, •
You ought to right the •onen-
chain Of ringe.• The *ginning and end chair, • • • • .lourri at Sao Paulo, •Brazil„ talks inter. -
.en of the And, never 'alb down .in :that:. e
of the chatn,are then iiniebectivith full
bows orthe ribbon. ' • .. .:
made, that it can be used. by lin: in- • ers ere'trinuned.; • ' ' 52,200s !
The. Chain' ii GO Iiretty When it . lis
' And say, St. 'Peter,: MY s'ig' hS, is di i; .14
But I.don't like the. way: your erbisk.
Inert „ ' , - ' • . . , .
ltsr estingly of that eity and and its .p..ro- -
relet:. Frank - Ford has resigned the
'genions .person for. •till• skirts .of things. They're tut too wide vvith an outward. , •
If lerge ringsand a' broad. „bandiome • .. loesi. - • ' '
ribbon are usect, very -handsome tie 1 Tl-ey'd look better narrew,cutetreight
backs for enrtainsi an thins Ise fOrMed.: woo; 4',;•vere°14'net. be gong opi; erowhe to
Vett pretty eat and dog collars' can . • wiri, . ' • : . ' .
also be. easily Made.. of the innaller , &toper, St, Peter, andlet us in:
rings and. nariewer .rilsbon. " ' . .
••• ' 0.:.BAATLET.. So St. Peter sat end stroked his staff,
• . •But in spite of his office he had to
. Jeweils, Gold and. eiliver. . laugh., , • ' . •
' Beads have rolled in -like ii: reSistiess Then said, With a• fiery gleam - in hie
itotrAds.it 0.f ,111dy. pinte:0 It'l .,1 thins• to. '.- '''WhoelPte d' ' th-% ' • t ' i?
Andthen h: i:t?oRse iilts flit. rhIlto,:es!'rt.till,
delight the 'feminine heart. : 'And PrOgentr a button upon the wan,
u.eint rportitdsti
cace nev...f And Erma to the Imp' who Answered
fere of floWer sprayakt the gokl trainee belowi • . • • ": •.' .
., - the bens .. • ..
Very handsome .is ii: line of rings in
.. 'rscert this lady around -to hell l'
blued. , . , . . .. . piece o
• which diamonds and. emeralds are cotn-• , The : inan' amid there Is 'a ' '' 'f
• . . , • stone, •
:• Ivory or ether combs, gold Monnted:
are wonderfully • becoming ' to blend'. Stood aridly, gloornily there alone.
beauty. . A life-long settled:Idea he'had,
. • . - . --- - --T-hathissw_ifeswassgus4 and he was
• ' had. ' • '
Precious' stones are Hunk in tiny dins- Be thatigh6. if the .wortian went down
of bags, . . 'That he . would certainlY hare to gm
Pearis still Make tittractine '13tUrl. That if she went tsi the resines dins
fasteninge on suede leather, pocket- There 'wasn't a ghost of a charms for
books and cardeasets; . ' - ' '' .. 1.:0.i: : . - ' ' ' ' • '• . *•"
Gold belt buckles of the harness Slowly he turned by habit bent.
. form are mtich,seen,Antl Many et them To follow Where the women went,
are be/0May jeweled, . • St, Peter en duty there,
and very taking desiglin Anted in the Otithat the top
bare, •,ofhis heed was
' The snowball ns nne of the neWest bserved
4enoration a eilvervrare. uLe' called the gentleman back and
... The beauties of Coloreg : T'rhi ii ateti:r, yade!:ydde?ha: or- t iv ' longwI t, 1 II t Whaveer "y youe el .1- Itm e I ? '
'1301431)310°.nnulgirePltiriteestithelel' ansutZicribil"edb:O:hanidh-
nixie easily in this front rank.
eitiamei Jew. Andth, owtikkhIsrthoughtfully aeked him,
elry are well represented in many • . .
dainty email dower broochee. -.
• Some POW signet rings; for men are St. Peter was silent, With head bent
dawn ;
fle rad his finger and scratched' hie
horeernan, thncTrt.
and he anTen hiemea a thonglit to take,
trier. • .
eed In the silverware of the serition...as S. lOwly, half toblinsalf, he 0410. ..
Viotti ffeets are beautifully deveaell:
wittiest% La Prance rose, lily and Air• No wonder the man haen't any hair!
Thirty years with that Wensito there ?
Swearing is ti
articlee for the dolt, the toilet and OW wicked ; smokee on good: e smoked end swore -••4 abOttid think
0.11d patterns exquisitely executed in
Pashionable *Omen who folio* fora
be would I
'Thirftrbnyroestrs with that 'tongue SO
digit fade more.or lest Closely are now, ,C4t*AellItt°11.itlifirpbrviceilth4golden i Gietitiieltfil aaterhtItigril
affecting the use of white ovAi.l
al. Whits . .
Gloria str,onett In where the ItTiffeitt &Mgt
cotrwitta Vett- tamer uo peauftstr ramie-, tone with a ,enehion, up neer the . 4
CM! 11:4 1 (411 '1.;tlea..111r.,_°111,. 4 ebit,11111"g : 614htiel give hint it seat -tit seat alone-. ,
Piltilg fire. tp; Jewelers'. Clireular, , . throne!
livAsTutiasevetat versons .bi chart_ -, Laeltlubipms:ntrieorthiselstoeinointh
1 aoter-and g.00d reputation - in eat& , see filet on fitteet ambrosia be 'feeds t
,. .
state (one in this county, requitecIsto. Bee kind about all the hell he neede.
represent and tultnertie4 old establish- It iett!t beefily the thing to do- ^
.•.ed wealthy business house of soh& To roast him on earth ; in future too.'
front head °glees, not,* and earflap, A glittering robe and a, pair of wino 4 ' Chese".44.'s Ithitthlef.°11,erretillit 41;16d°d11.atitinettt°11M14
Able in, Oasis direct every, 'Wednesday. stringy.
fernished when teetotal, itefereheec ' And bsagyithim he entered the realm of Mat these medicittes worked togetylioer takinostett
' • , satisfattorily in my cue. I halt
ctiktelrer,•, 3:•{2861)1?ttrabdott6dst.,".-cvivitleltgeco'... Cg* , liy.elivo, ittvhje hltata eticuMbers, any altogether Severeiboxerefthelterve °Wend
• atit now entiody coked. of my Old trouble. tit
very eleverly designed to please the
• Whin he wakes up with headache
and bad taste ie the Mouth. , Some.
thing is needed to settle the. stomach,:
clear away the dull heavy feeling and
creat little asipetite., Just get tum'
bier of water, some sugar, and pour in
a stiff dose of Nerviline. You'll pick
up immediately and: feel tip -toe in is
fesv minutes. Nerviline• hasn't an
„ .
••••. kgwalzwolto,
For - Coughs and Colds.
equal for 9, con d tion. of this kind' t'• .
stimulates,. curets the headache, re • • -
• • t •
neves the tick feefing and fits you for t *.a• * •
a 'bard day's +Nark. • Try . Nerviline.
Large bottles -cost 25c. • •„e,
If thnse breakfast foo9. people will A, A e • •
* • • • $
ship the-stnile-that.Won t -come -off to A •
ase 0 e A
A -
Japan tee woold be. 'plernied to Ys A 4
• • 4. y '
Now, that the frog has been itle. 4. -
clared to 1)(3 a bird. watch nut for 'en 4:tv
official . announcement that •the 'tar. 5t:
nacle is a peach. •
• Mile others wear a look of woe and . $*.
sneeze, and sneeze and cough, theetat
men wears, with ruddy glow the 't
smile that Won't tome ole.
- The British and Amerkan nierchant
shins Seized at Port Arther nave been :ts
released by the Russians.
The Boman oatitoilc Bishop of Herrn A •
• J.,
ilton has forbidden the use or flowers .s.
411. .s.
• Many accounts were
recently: sent. out from j:
this office. iudividiies
113r,they were small • ‘11:
there has not yet been.
a resrionsei.. Please let
us \hear from you at :Is....
• x
• •
rennt lug do so
. .1:
dances under the auspices of the ,e. ' but _in
at funerals, the holding of bazaars and . -.4 cases
• Nervous Headache •
and 'Rheumatism
, .
Iloth thereaShiteured br,* course ettreat• - • •
meat Wish ne, Chnie e Nerve Need +
'These two great remedies of Dr. Chase are 3:$*
and Kidney -Liver • 4 •
.41.4.01*....*•104•111•40.•***;*16.4**Seilia**9•11******111. 10
used together With great success by many per- tt: ...
Solis. While the Kidney -Liver Pills awalcen ste • •
the fiction of the liver, invigorate the kidneys, )
new rich blood, creates new neve force and
builds tip the system.
rind regulate the bowels, the Nerve Food forms s:
MRS. b. 111.tradr, . expripss o
• - rd r
, 6 - p sift
tai "
- 373 Murray StsOttawat e , •
Ont., states: -"For e or-regis ere •
, .
ness. neraella headache - letter and .address
the rheumiftio pains:foc
about three years. Sev.
deaneial standing. Salary g2r week- etal weeks aite
ly with expenses additional, all pay- They gaeti him harp With golden •4- ,00r the tue of Dr. maws
from nervousness,. diels :to
.,„, • .
And so the fteripture has eortie to pass know 'dealers who hos used. thetottepire. • 5 • .
Want% too yount to Woo ridoolattatis tefarter.06CitieThisd)Theinfeetent first obeli be last." Seartily,reconstriend theta. • —
••-•elattair 'That the lest shall' be flat and 04. dont and heel; eiiireds • wad tal .44,30‘.40, * .„• , • . 4 * • • * • • • * •
ttlf`ed ereitfitWheettlint •
tomtit andcolds hr Po/dolt better them'other map powders, „
•:ax 0, , 7 • 0,4 NM,. „44,,,•yy4„•••••••4,44,•••••,44.44:444,44„•••••••••••••
—gtobango, The pottndt tha open** of Or. A, W.. •
nn ovety tex«
tains Vapo.Oreseitee-thts breathe it, sall It 4100 aeta as a diolidectszt,
• ••
4:4•14444:40:444444:44:444444444 *:, 40444- it• 444:4 4044 •••• 144 !:• f:4 044+4 0,4 444:It+ +44 e‘•
^4 •