HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-02-18, Page 10 CLINTON 25114 Vetir 4stemeieie6lestspeimekosmoiossemseemeterooreleteletetelesemetemoN seleoaercootesememoieseremeo > ing In about two weeks we expect to open a new clothing store in the Searle block which will be when completed nearly four times ar large as the.pre- sent clothing and furnishing department. Carpenters and painters have been busy for weeks making extensive •im- provements and by the 1st of March we expect to be in our new building. We intend carrying a full stock of Ready• Made Clothing, lia,ts, Caps, Furnishings of all kinds, be- sides carrying on a first-class Tailoring business. Hund- reds of dollars worth of new goods are corning" in for the spring trade and it will pay you to see our new stock. Do not forget that the big sale of Men's Suits, made to order, is still going on. Come in and have a look at our stock of Tweeds and Wors- • teds. We can save you from $3 to. $5 on a suit and give you a first-class fit. Best linings are used. in all suits at sale prices. The J. W. Newcombe Co., CLINTON— .iehMeietiel4elerolefaSieheeele-09taif 4 • 4 ft 40 44 40 44 40 44 41, 44 40 .44 44 44 41 41 41 41 44 40 4. it 41 44 44 40 40 44 4 4 44 4 44 • , e.„ 4.444~Soo • SAVE ! ! ! AI. • • NO .. •• . -.•••• . ! •• Begin the New Year by opening a. Savings Bankaccount in ---The Sovereign Bank-, iineorporatee by ActseaPartienientl -0400 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 000000 0 o e The Beek endeavors to make ;their Savings System the easiest and most agreeableenediune for all classes of the community to save their earnings by depositing $1 or as much more as they wish. Every de- positer's money is secureet • Since it's establishment the Sovereign ,Bank of Canada has hae un- -precedented success in the fleancial world, and its stability is be. coming more widely known every clay. Aanneparative statement en. ded Oct 31st last is here appended which discloses. facts and figures never before known in banking history-. .. . . .• . . ... - .. ....:.. • Assets 31st feet, 1002 8Ist 'Octe1903 Cash and .Bank Balances •.' •$ 383,097 $ 022,774 Bonds and Stocks • 439,303 i718,397 Loans and Discounts • 2,983,008 :5,821,390 Bank Premises, Safes, Etc. 44,075 52,359 $3,855,e03 $7,209,920 • Liabilities Capi tal-Paid up $1,173,478 $1,300,000 . Reeerve Fund and Undivided Profits 240,000 362,838 Sovereign Bank notes in circulation 759,995 1,237;650 Deposits 1,681,730 4,309.432 $3,855,203 $7,209,020 00000 • rlanager - 44N41,4 0 0 0 0 0 004)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1'. Rance, 0440.<0><5<>4><>0<><>0000S'Q • d %KW -14-1-14 3 1 3 I I 14÷.14+1.444-14.3 P 1 I 3! - AFTER 50 YEARS 0000000 • • ara Vt.* 411..• 111•11 4=1 .11•=11 il•n1 Os. YE. 110.1. ••=1. ••=11 ••,• 1\ OD 004) 0 0 Clinton. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > -6 z•-; o 0 0 0 0, Old Father Time grows tender and mellow. As, roving the round earth, the sturdy old fellow, Year in and year Out keeps going and coming, . ln winter's wild wreck and summer's green blooming. We are not yet by any- means through "winter's wild wreck" and it should be a good time to take advantage of untie:volt)? prices. Lower Than the Lowest—in ReadN'''Made and 6r- dered Clothing. To few men is it given to carte: on business successfully kr hail a century and after so long a :period of honest, faithful toil, ;one begins to think of enjoying hie well-earned rest. Such is our condition and after 50 years of oneceasful ttatle in Clinton, we have decided to offer, et surprising reductions, our $4000.00 Stock with a view Li retiring from active business as soon as disposed of. Sale began — -SATURDAY, FEB. lath-- We have net time or ewe (ora detailed list of prices. A. • wag has said that "the proof of the pudding is the chewing of the string." We offer a better and pleasanter tot, in asking you to see onrgoods, learn our reduced prices, and compare with boasted bargains elsewhere. It is easy to say the prices WERE so and so; the important thing Is WHAT Tan PRICES ARE. We specially invite our old cutitomers to do themselves a good turn, by seeing what We have to offer them. it will be like a, belated Christimes lama Sin:diary eve invite those who have net been regular tustemeri to examine goods and prices. :We make* No mere mov— tiipby yodels' make moat sound, but We promise genuine reductions in an lines: BOYS' SUITS 011,DBUDD SUITS ORDERED PANTS HATS, 0A.PS, kV), GENTS' FURNISHINGS HPADY-MADE OLOTIIING. Pottle One, tome all. Ask, Sae, examine, compare and you Will buy T. Jackson, Sr., Clinton .444441•114,44.4 ••••••••••••• ......9•••••••••1. • 1, CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRVARY. 1804 1904. ••••". • stoitn vALuNTains. Tkip local booksellers say "that the sae of the better class of valentines has been better this yeat than • ever before end that the caricatures are now eceafined ta the "kids" or a) very, few spiteful creatures. WILLIS CHURCH. Prenaretory service was held us Wil- lis church la.st Friday evening. The preether was Rev. Mrendaes.ulay of. Mitchell. The canutrimion wee 'a:detain- istered cn Sunday /nothing when there was a good attendance, notwithstand- ing the unfavorable • weather. Iti the evening Rev. Dr. Stewart exchanged pulpits weth Rev. 3, C. Dunlop of the I3aptist church. . . THE ASSEIVIBLY. Owing+ to the cancelling d traies the 14. 11. & B. on Monday the Lorelon harpers failed to put in an appearance for the assembly. held in the • town hall that evening. As i.t. was then tee. late tso enema another orchestrs, the piano had tcl be reed for the dancing. So far as mimic was coecerned the essembly did not equal others 'that have been held in the hall, but in oth- er respects it was e. very enjoyable 4:0NairDESBORCOR. T. of en VISIT. Last Thursday evenieg abort twentee of the members of Ideneeisbero Catena R. T. of T. visite, the local ,council. A large .nutriber of the Loyalty, • mem- bers also turned out and tcgether 'they filled the lodge room pretty well. Af- ter the councilehad finished their b s4. - nese, th,e .session was closed and rest of the evenitg spent in •te and social chit Lan& brought to ae: clase the evening's enjoyment and. Londeshoro loft for home much itu- messed aed greatly benefitted by. the way Clinton Council dces its work. THE FUEL QUESTION. The electric light works used 'up their supplyef coal On Sueday night,, but fortunately a earload arriv'ed that day . ane there has been no interrup. If oe of the seevice. The organ factory has been so shott af, • fuel that a ga.ng of veaodchoppere has been kept at work en order that the furnaces might be kept gonige Mete or lees wood has been offered for sale every clayso that there has been no suffering er ware of fuel. The wood has avereged $3,2s per coed. As the weather' -now premises ta be :bet- ter and the blockade on the railway is now being lifted all fear or a 'fuel famine will soon end. • , . ". ;DIED IN •DURAND.• • Mr. Hiram Hill returned home on. Thursday last frote Durand, ' Mich,, Where he Inel been atteridirg the fun- eral. of hie brother Adrian, who passed Emmy on Sunday, aged 38, 'years. The deceased was' .knoven• by several ,of our citizens, he having Made two visits to Clinton, the last about e decide since. He WES the third son of the late Jahn Hill, and was torn in Adidingtoe coun- ty, this:province; Ris: wife. surviees,. •tceether with their, three childretr, the oldest about nine Veers of age, • to the- erfew bleckide Mr e Hiram Hill who -was accompanied by his brother, Sandford of Parkhill, was only able to reach Durand ebout .an hour•befcee the funeral. • • •' ' THE VALUE OF ADVERTISING; The .greet sele by the Loudon Times of the Eneyelcemedia Britannica is a mighty tribute to the %elite of : adver- tising. When the Times took bele o1. the work in 1898 only 10,000 sae had ,been sold is in the Ueitee Kingdom, Since then the Times has paid out Sesenoo in circulars and 1$/e015,000 in newspaper advertising, the total space of the latter being the equivalent of 5160 columns it' daily papers' and 340o pages in weeklies and :magazines. The total' sale &mounted' to 1,5oceloo0 val- uenes, weighing more than 5500 tons. The average weekly sale has' been More than 5000 voluntee. The largest sales of one day exceeded lis5o,coo ate of cne week $soo,000. In gee day 503 sets, weilething over sixty:tons; have been, despetclted. , . • HAROLD SARVIS. COMING. Some time has elapsed since the citi- zens of Clineon had the opportunity of attending an entertainment in the newts 40 it is tititast safe to say that fthe Harold Jervis and Shalor context company, under the et•spices of athe golf dub, to be given cm Monday evening next, will be well attended. ( The. advance sale of seats is a liege one, Which shows that Harold Jervis, . the great tenor, is a prime favorite, ea While Mrs. Shefor is a stranger to tie e s yet the press notes speak so • highly of her at a lire entertainer that there 4... is tat any likelihcod of the petrons cf mi 44.• this concert being disappointed. The golf club are et as ibig expense for this coucert, but it is more than likely $ they will be nothing out with so good ee a program. No lover of tnusie will 6424 likely miss this opportunity. .. ... Mr. Jarvis is e man of lenPosing 41.• presence, tall and stalwart, Xis voice fills •the largest auditorium withi inel- edy. It is beautiful its pathos gala clarion. -like in mertehl sErtins, slienvirg marvelous power. -Lincoln iNeb. News. Mr. Sams is lityotid neestectis the best' tenor ever heard here. His voice • ie like a clarion, his style dashing .sed • superb, his votalization re rare treat His fiery declamation ia ,niartial sedge we.s not more praiseworthy than his ..... tenderness and rathos in ballads. He lan his unlimited rwer, yet eubduing his ee "robust tenor' to the delicate expres- sion of the tenderest feelings that stir .... ono the tannin heette-Dally Sete Bran. dote efra, Shafor gave a masterly inter- prat:floe/ cif "Romeo and anise" The. rsday toeing. She shows wonderful ,,L. originality in her svoile„---Sunday Free ,.... Press, Detroit, . .. The hearty encores which followed ..t. every number given by the talented .... Xt>talg eleentiOnist Spoke volumes as to tra 0, the Matinee iii width she tad eaptuXed ,... her Audience. Iter dialect renderings 0.-• were especially gond, the old Scotch minister espeefally so. -Brandon Daily Stm. AN ATTRACTIVE WINDOW.' Pi= O9A.T.4, TpZer Sr, 03n:we, weso are .having a "Lace Sale," have a very, ettraetive window display arranged by Clarence Jounson, who is becoming expert in this business. 'His work attracting attention and is steadily imi.oeing. IIVRON 0I4D BOYS' R.ECEPTION. The Huron Old Boys Asacciation of Toronto will hold their fourth' annual At Home in, the Temple ;welding on Friday eventag of next' week. The function will be cf the same nature as in the past, a receptien and reamion followed by a coucert and a deuce. .SOLD leo) CHICKENS, Par, Jam Porrester fattened and said woo chiekens last season, shipps ire enost of them to, Montreal. 'The der/retie for poultry such as he has been placing epcn the market is in- creasing arid prices have been good,. Mr. Voreester purposes, havvever, re- tiring from the busiuess. A PRIZE WINNER. - Mr. Williron Czater ef Hullett made tlarty-two entries at the poultry show held recently in Goclerich and every bird lie exlisbited won a prize. Thirty one first prizes and tale ,seccrels was a pre ty, gocel .showing. Mr. Carter's repu tion as the breeder or fine penl- tr well known all over the awn - t y.. THE TLD STANDBY. This cold snap is playing havoc with the waterworks systems en teeny farms and the services of that old st-andby„ Mr. Jacob Miller, are ahret daily an request, There is nothinla a- bout a windmill, or perhaps More properly speaking, -an air motor, that Le does not understatd and is able to fix, bet it's uncensfottallie week these frosty days. CLINTON WON, A snatch 'between the Clinton ard Hensel' junior hockey teethe wee play- ed' in the local rink cri Thurscle.y even- . ing last and tesulted, in laver •of the home septette, consisting cf: Goal, Ccuch Point,. D. Forrester • Cover Point, G. Miller Centre, C. Shepherd ' Right Wing, C. Mocee Left Wing, A. Carrick Raver, E. Seale.. THE SECOND 'DEGREE. The .0ddfellows' I,odge is *owing apace. More propc.saIs..were aeeei.ved en Tuesday night, while to less then five were permitted ta view the mys- teries of the second degree, about wIsich they now speak, amot,g,bietliern of the mystic links, in the meet: en-. eausia.stie terms, - • . 'The ledge room ie to be renovated by the painter and carpenters and when tley heve coMpleted their labors Se will be more comfortable and con- venient then ever. " , QUARTERLY ALERTING 010 NV 4 .1V1 . S. 'The seecial quarterly Meeting of the Went. S. of Ontario street church Was held. last Tuesday -Orating the home of Mrs. E. G. courtice. Tea, was ser- ved at 6.36, followed by the regular business of the society ane a special study of Chinas Thirty membere ans- wered to the roll call end their lum- ber was increased by, the addition of nye new mei-ethers. Mrs. *ill. L. Wade of •Westport, - Soeth Dakota, -sang a eel° arel •Misses Carel Newcombe and Sybil' Cleo/lice acluet, A profitable end enjcyable eirenine was spent by .. • tN FAVOR Mr. Jetties keys of the 'Parr Line, Stanley, recently ' paid a fertnight's visit to friends in Marlette, Mich., end while there thoroughly satisfied himself that the faxtnere of Ontario are netting better returns than ere those of that state, Live stock is selling better here and meet kinds of grain as well, Our oats have been lower in price, but tbe yield per acre Is lerger, Ihiggies and 'wagons and, stie kirie# of implements are Cheaper M Michigan. Groceries as a rule are cheaper Isere. The some can be said' of woolens, etc. Many of the:fanners of. Marlette .county heve been raising sugar beets but did not reelize any pro- fit therefrom last season and are not now so enthusiastic in favor of their eultivatfon. Mr. Keys' Mariette friends treated him right royelly, he never had a. bet- ter time in Isis life but they =hot now ecnvince hint beet a farmer es better off in Michigan than in Sten - ley. - MARRIED ON TUESDAY. Oti Tuescley Mr, James E. Reynolds of Mullett was married to Miss Mary Lamb, daughter of Ma Stephen Lamb of Seefortle. Tha ceremony took place in the Itom‘an Catholic church, Sea - forth, the ollicietirg clergyman being Rev. Father : Corcoran. Miss. Lizzie Lamb, sister of the bride, was brides- tisaisc while the groom was assisted by his brother', Mr. °wee Reynolds: At the conclitsiou of the ceremony the bridal party end their guests returned where the wedding hiecheon, consisting to the residence of the bride's parents c,i the season's delicacies, was serve,!. By the afternoon train Mr, and Mrs. Reynolds left for their honeymoon trip to Detrcit and other cities gad tai their name witl take up their abode oit the groom's cram on the 5th eon. &Hulled. The bride, who is a charming and popular young lady, as Was evidenced by the lenge member of handsome presents retched, formerly taught in the Millet Separate school. The groom is a native of the town- ship, industrious and much respected, The News-tecgrd joins the rannerbes Mende of Mr. aid' Mrs' Reynolds in wishing them a happy and ProsPercais future. Anteing the guests were Nfr, and UM 3'01.10 Flynn and Thos.. Reyrolds of Client& ; Mr. and Mrs. P. O. key. iiolds, Mr. arid Mrs. P. 3. Reyeohfe, Dontiniek, Jolt, Frank and Owen Rey- nolds Of lettilett ; S. IL Itcyholds of Detroit ; Martin Reynolds of Strat- ford: erre • The boards of trade in manly .plaees are petitioning tte Dorairdoe Oc,etnie meet to' place spit coal ,en, the . eree list. Vie Cliettoe"beerd of trade has not yet made any move en that direc- tione at least not 'that we have heerch TILE SCOTCII SOCIAL. The Missiori Band of Willis church, under whose auspices a "Scotch So- : Vial" well be held on Tuesday- veening of met week, is sparieg ,no pains to make it a success. If acu don"t nnoev whet a Scotch social is, attend this oue and be eclieinced that it ia geoid. COULDN'T GET CARS. Mr. S. II, Smith 4.4 three .care loads cf live stock delivered to him at Londesbora statics.' an Saturday but the Grand Trunk only provided him with. two ears. The balance a his stock he drove to his 'arra. at Clinton. and shipped to TOrOrlt0 on Mond. When Mr. Smith melees stocks delivered he takes it., TI -IE MOCK TRIAL. . The "Mock Triel" to be held in the assembly ream. of the Colle,giate this' everting has aroused considerable local, interest ancl.tfiere'e. beerd to be.e., big attendance of the student -and : their' friends. Two of the sniff will sit in judgmetit, the mathematical man will Let as -senior' toinisel fbr the plaintiff and sonie of the most elaquent stue cleats will aepeer in one capecity or an- other. It's a .brea.ch �f premise case, by the Way. :WESLEY Clet/S.C1/. Wesley church W. M. S. held their arnual crusade Day reeetitig onThurs- day. of lost week at the home of tee president, Mei. W. S. Harland, fifty.: •tivorinenibers being present. After the 'opening exercises leffe. W. R. Lone' vac an interesting and instructive ild- drese cii Pv.yee, evincing deep thought 'and careful stuay. • Mrs. (Dr.) Fowler then gave 'a:beautiful solo. Seven new members were received, A collec- tion was taken in aid of the West Fend *hide, with merriberAip fdes,. amounted to $37.• gate -am -ileitis • Were. then served, after *which the ,following excellent end highly appreciated pro- gron was rendered, 1Vike: es 'end Ielise Ida. Holmes kinceiy acting as accompanists : Duett, MissessReid ana Green Recitation, Miss Flora Curagrigheine Sac, Mrs. Murch • rnstrtimental, Mis IslaHoZines .• • Solo, MrS, A. T. Cooper InstruMential, Mrs.. (Dr..) Flohnes Solo, Mrs. French After spending a short time in soc•ial intercourse ethe mernbers dispersed to their homes, all feeling that they hate been ..benefitted, also encouraged to renewed energy in _the miens:Mary weak. . • • . • . Chairman for Many Years, „ • • Mr . -James Stevens • • .Ihe license canmissioners for West Huron met at Inspector Paisley's de lied last Thurschey and after choosing Mr, Janice Stevens as chairman trans- ferred the beense of 'the Britieh Ex- change, Godeeicla from We Tilt to Ed. &waste. The ectianissioners ere : 'James Stevens,' Clintan Hugh McQuarrie, Blyth W. Re Roberteon, Goderich 'rya will be Mr. Stevens' fifteeeth year as chi:innate He fills the cbeir so well that he is almost locked epest as es life incumbent. : THE, NEW DRUG STORE. The business conducted by Mr. H. 13.. Combe was the first cleug business ever opened in Clittote It was start - cd On the same lot as is now cecupied by the present business, by the late Thames Smith, in the Pattenbury House end has been conducted tnder the name of Contbele Drug Store for the last 47 vers. Coinbe's new store is without doubt the hendsomest end moet modernly fitted drug store west of Toronto. The whole tittin0',. itt- ctucliig shbw eases, wall eases atid dispensing screen are - the eesign and workanatiship of Mr. John Carter of th;s town and are a great credit to his good taste as a designer and also to his worleinatiship. The store has tvvo large show windows, . each being eight feet long, the top being lighted with six large prism lights, which metres the back part of the store as light as the front. The rorth wall case is ee feet long and eight feet high, ell finished itt natural Wood and glass. There are no counters hi this store, their piece being therm by three ave -foot silent saleerrien. The south wall ease or drug side of the store is t36 feet long by eight feet high and is Riled with sliding doors and hand- some rows of drawers. The prescrip- tion screen is probably the Intudsonlest, piece of workitiar,ship in the store. It is sixteen, feet high sill ten feet wide and has three large bevellet1 natters and very liandAoine carvings. Ati en- tranee to the laberator'Y on each Me itt hung with handsome mirrors. E9R •e`IIE MITCHELL TROI'HY, The sieth, contest for the Mitchell trophy taltes'place on the gun club gro4n,cis on..Tharseo.y oi ,ne4t ,week. Tlieseqhbete becouid 'date Inter- esting a,nd e unexpected has hap- pened more than ono., : • . TIIE REASON WHY. , The train service 'on the L. X. & B. has beee soriewhat interrupted this week which explains, no doubt, • why several or °sir correspondents up 'and down the, line have 'not been heard leant. A doubleeisuel-size budget next week will be in orders • THIRTEEN WENT EAST. • . leci. James E. Reynolds of I-Palletti Who was wearied cn Tuesday itt Sea - forth, is the thirteenth young man from that township. Who in the past few years has won a fair en,aiden frern IVIcKilloes or Seaforth. The thirteen include foureof the Flynn boas, the same ausnhee of Reynolds, two Car? beets, Dan. Shannahan end nos. Brown.,Fair are eh:. eleKil- lop maiens, stalwart are the Iron. ett young men, happ,y beve been the unions, A GOLF MEETING, A meeting of the golf Club will be held in a few, days to re-orgartiie for the coming seasonand it is eepected that there will be a manlier of new membersacleied to the iready good list, There is no game wbieb. prov- es so facinating SS 9. game of eolf Which cari. be played by lold seta young •and by both sex. Last seaserf was the first the genie wee played here and the Membership arthe club, is now over 6o who have' the craze so bad that ,at the meeting to be held the question of newegreiends and i snitable club house will tie discussed. They would further add to the pleasere of the game. Citizeti ?Latimer, .wko was confined tothe house, owing to sickness,. fora intnith,r was down toWn for Alto '•first thee yesterday. ' While not yet. .him- self by any mean? is recruiting rapidiy •• • ' : 'Mr, 'Arthur Couch itt. also itieprc4ittg and is now eble ta leave hie rocas, A little mete strength and somewhat more moderate weather and he will soon be . able to go abrc,ae... Mre..(Dre- Thompson, who has been i11foe the ' Pest six weeks, Stt. new ceuvalescing ia.picily. • • • . Mr. 1Villiam Alexander has been laid nee fer. the past tendays with atteek brcnchitise It's Werebee he is not reeking much ado about it, alluding to it tether 'With that droll imanor ckaraeteritic tittilett TOv,inship7:- mr, Thomas Meelyniert. of Netehez, efisee (breeher of Me. Jams Neely- niont of the Parr Lille, says : "We have had a fine 'winter, the thermom- eter not registerilig lower Allan /6 a- bove. zero, This is Jan., tatli nud the fa.riners ate plowing, for cotton. The sprinkling carts are tuntiing most of the 'tietiee' W. Grainger & Sone tile noted Short: leernebreeders of this township, recent- ly disposed 'of tsvor a:nithele from their fine herd. Their Shorthcinis are Of the dairy bred and excel as Milk givers, several of their -cows yielding from, for- ty :to fifty eauiele' per. day:. , They have ae.fifteen-eeeir-old ecee *lose average yield is .forty-five pounds: Stock tram. the Grainger farm, are prize winners wberever exhibited; • • ' 'Me, Sohn Noble of the Huron Road has bought aetherobred. Felled Angus bali from Mr. ' John MacIeriane. of Stanley.' It is e, Superior wheal, such as'auyers are always coneclent se-• curing froisi Maple (rove Stock Fern". Mi. • Noble prefers the. Pedled Angus -above all other breeds for beefing pur- poses. Tkey give ,quicker returns. • ' Mr. Thee: Noble of 'St: Pane, Mime eel Miss lean Noble bf Waleaneette 1Viate, who visited th•e Miller families On the 3rd cormasalon, aft the Noble homestead end airing abet Iris:ads in this township fax n Month, left- for their respective hams last week. . • Mrs. Geo: klesk is seriously ill' at present with grippe and: bronchitis; We, hope to see her around 'wan: Mrs. Wan.' Grainger of Markham is up to see. her mother, Aire, George Mr, Geo. Mem is all 'smiles owing to the arrival of a new. 'bey at his house. 'Mr, JE.ArleS Cartwright is else' wearing a pleasant le& for the Same: reason. ' • • "Mr, Roibert Rogerson has . •bought the so -acre farm from. Mr:. William Dunlop on the 9th concessica, Mr. .Dunlop iritends going West in ethe sPring. • • "Miss lezzie Connell. al Owen Speed is visiting her aunt, Mrs:"Win. Carteriat present. : Mr. James Ross has leaved to cl- mesville where he has the itamagement of the butter factcry. He isit fiesta chess butter maker and We ate sorry to lose him and his family; ' Assessor Carter started on his rorav ds �tt Monday. ; Mr. William: -Lyon d Landeshoro, who has been assistant e.e. the station ,during the 1st year, has been trans- ferred to Clinton. Louis Pringle suc- ceeds to his position, H. Jackson of the 0, T. R., Stret- ford, is home for a week, having, had one ;inn .solnewhAt • cruel -ad • while couplieg cars, Miss V. Ililes entertained a number of • her friends at at patty on Friday evening last.' • Beef Ring ,Oflieers.---At re meeting held on the 9th inst. the beef -ring spokenof in a recent issue ••eleeted the folloWing officers Secretery, le; Car- ter f Inspectors, 6th And 7th con,, T. Carbett, Jas, Southccenbe ; 8th taxi 9th east,' 3, Sinulereock, E. 14. Parra ham ; west, S. MeCeol, Win. Mair ; loth and ITO, Brown, W. S. Cole. They were fortunate in teeuring-the efficient services of Sas, mrnmi1iugtt as bettliet. The ring will open sni Mon- day, April '4th, and will continue till in all thirty-two cattle will be slaugh- tered. • ' Stanley Township. .• • W14010 Number 10106 'Plies I. Parke was ,/n•Gsiderich tow-, iiship last week visiting her sister. Br , W.m. Fee mei sister cif Zurich, accompateed by Mr. and Miss Fee of Assineboiaeirisited 'friends in Bayfield last week; , Mis A. Buis went to 'Clinton last weele fora aliert Mr. R. Bailey was in Yarns lest Sunday evening. The regular Ash Wednesday service was .held in Triuity church last Wed,- eesdaye • Sunday was Valentiee Day suet not many knew it. If some one • would donate ies all with a cord of wood it wouiel be the best valeatine on record.; •Mrs, T. Haytee of Greenway, Step., hen township, visited at the rectory last week. Next -Sunday will be the first Sun- day in Lent. , Varna. Uctsie 'roster has gone to 7.4021.- , don, te .study for another term in the Business College there, Mr. Fred. Purely was in Lardon business. Miss.Lottie Foster' spent several days recentlywith her sister, Mrs. H. Mee- soe of -the Babylon Line. • Mr. C. Pilgrim had a very suce.essful woad bee on Monday afternocn: Char- lie steads in well with the boys. • Sttinley. Township... . Mr. •Adam Stewart was cn the side list for a• couple .of -Weeks . but is now . about all right again. It was aliont the first time itt his lile that he heiew • what it was to be ."Under tha'wee- , ttxterr..:' • seames Barclay, who has been . • • • . at Michipecoten and onthe Monte. Centralfor several months, is essiting' . the Stewart fetniliee and other friends.• Ile goes West shortly and •anser settle . upcsa his faxen near Echo • Bay.. • Wr .. • D. Ai:NZ$/en of the end ponces - skin will'lave a barn built next- man- uleX: and -11.0 letthe ccarnet of: the. stone 'work eto.-Mt. Hiram Hill. • of Clititote while the .framer will be Mr. Meet Melee of Laridesboroe Both are fiest,cleai inachenies who always • do tDOd work.- • • . ' • • )'or $tailleynews, read. The :News,: Record: • • . , ' F.,- lid Mrs. Wrte:Clarke spent last Wedves,day at the home cl their dau- glace; -Mess , charies. Reid. • of Bruce-, 'Mrs Sartniel Bates of Seaforah. spent ' it few' elaya..6t honid last Week. Mrs. 'Wm. Itatt.m:ell is spending a fees . eiays with. :friends ie.i.Sealoeth, • Mrs. H. Peck was the ,gixest••of .Mrs;,• • L. Clarlse otie day: lest week,. . Mr. 'Haley Ilaytee is wearing a smile... ing face thesa•daye -beciese of arri- val of zu little girl at his hc.ane. Miss deoteeina: 'Samson entertained. , e few frieride last Tburocuy.. ei.ettingi !• • Sony toreport the: Meese of, Mie SatePh Riehaedscni but hope: to hear of , his ,epeeey recoeety. • : • Dr_ _Smith „mid wife arid the Misses Rouatt of Sayfield; Mee George Beek Of • Dakota arid Mi. R. • peck, Misses , Peace Miss' tiaerymele and Mr. Wesley Peek of Stanley wee the giiests of•Mra Rathevele on Wedisesdey, evening lase.weeke :All reperted en enjoy- • , Elliott, who has been studying 'studying *Isla.- under Prof. . •Glerr Campbell of, Clinton, retereed from. Lendon Consetentory last week . where she successeilly passed her Piano ex- amination; taking. first-class horipasi.. -We' are very sorry' to hear • of the illness of e Mr. le W. .leeid Sr. eand : hew: to eel* hear of hiscomplete. re- ,• A most- enjoyaible. time Was •spent cne evening recentlY et the home 'of. , Mr. George jbhaston: of the , Goshen Line by a: **beeof thoyoung peo- ple of the, Front Road: • : Jetnes Reid had, the misfortune • • to ,hava:one of his .horses' badly Mit one day lest week. e • , Miss' Bentna, Peek was the guest of e. Misses Albino- and Laura Riehardscse on Sunday week.. , •. Mee :Jeseph. Riettaretson -purchased a • fine toree .frcie IVIeelea,ved•Mcleacighton, for. Which lie paid ergo. : • : Mr..; Henry' Peck has diepased of his fifty • acre .farin cn . the' Goshen Line to Mr: ;Thos. Stevenson for a. ' good. figura.. • • ' :Why does "Mi.. Henry .'llayter • Wear such 'subrOad smile those days. .' Be- • carse IJLS 'better.' half presented him, with a, nice littleliaby giri oteTuescley, triaNtste itigi; Will. Stagdale is confined tie - • the hOuse, tlipiedays with an attiteht of In , 04)0, (therefore has ‘nOt .• been able • to try hie . ecev sew, butt • his many • . friends hope far his speedy • re• • • covexy.. • , • Mr. Robe. IlaOter 6f ,Steelieri is visiting his ncl Mr. Joseph Raeder, and assisted the leter to tliver at very superior animal' or :Saturday tof Mr., • ledwaircl Sahli:sok/tee. • Mr. Rohr, Stephenson .Was n Zurich last Friday, ecteleisitese arid glad . to say returned' home. sefely, • . Mr, Will, Scotchitere with his frieed Mr. Sohn Thompsons,of Sayfield,• quiet •Priday evetiing very pleasantly at the . . home of ISfie Chas. Yohnstort. The hoietaeof Mr: Wallace 'Sohnstori has been briglitened,liy"•the-sirriVal of • nice litt14 dauglitat Of whom Waite . ace• feels very.. proud,. . • • .1seet iVfoncleyeight soniewhere• bes . tween eleOtt and twelve o'clpek the home ef Mr. SOseph, Pfityter 'became a scene of great excitestieitt, The in- mates were aroused by a vigorous thumphig at the (live, Mr. and Mrs. Hayter *raking it tali -Ott was trying to foro his. way WO the louse called his best men, !. Mr. M. Retinetly, to assist himin driving the intruder aw- ay- from the plriee. Itt a few seeomds th4y'w.era lilted op with firearms, reel eildgel4rie . for their inctto IV • Sutra cr. Itut*to their surprise they found' out it was only poor Old Jack, 91 largedog, who had been. thought- lessly 'ached out itt the cold. . Mr." awl Meet Fee of Assiaehoia are - visiting at Mrs. Peele. Mr, Chas Ross of Zild con.„ Stanley, returned`froin Moosejaw, Assa., whith- er he went .laet summer, last week4