HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-02-11, Page 8The Last Calk •
The CHAO* No.wskeRe.catit
. Valentines
Your choice ol all we have lett
of this Season's Coats $10.
On sale at.this price on Saturday morning;
A few weeks ago we told you we did not intend
to carry any Mantles over. That was not an idle
statement. We meant every word of it. There
must be no left over's to. put on our racks when next
season comes around. To make the clearance sure
we will put every Mantle in the stove on sale Satur-
day morning at the absurdedly low price of
.46„, ,Th tee Dollars
There will be two or three months of Mantle weather
yet. These are this season's garments, just the last few we
have left. .The styles and values at the original prices were
good enough to bring us the best and biggest Mantle business
we have ever had. Now there are but a few• left and we are
willing to loose some money on them in order to clear the
season's stock out Completely. Eighteen or Twenty. people
can get a great bargain Saturday morning.
Your choice of all we he left of this season's stock of Mantles.
Every garment stylish and .up-to-date. Not ..one in the
lot but is worth double the price.we ask. • Some sold. for
more than threw times what we are willing to take for 3 An
before at each
them on Saturday. On sale Saturday morning and not • VU
Remember Saturday morning any .Mantle • for $3.90.
The earlier you get here the better your choice.
Stock -Taking Left Overs.
Stock -taking brought to light a number of remnants
and odds and ends that we want out of the way in double
iluick order. We have gathered them to-gether, divided them
into five lots and will, place them on five tables on . Saturday
morning marked at prices that should clear them all before
night. On these tables there will be remnants of all . kinks
from every department, short, medium and long lengths, also
last one and two's that are left ron-i different lines all over
the store. This is the way. we Alvin sell them.
Your choice of any article 15c.
Your choice of any article .25c.
Your choicelof anyfarticle soc.
Your choice of any. article 75c.
Your choice of any article $1:00.
- New
The first of our new Spring Prints are here. Now is
the best time to make selections before the assortment gets
broken. They are the same whit; soft, fine cloth we have
sold for so manryears. Patterns.are all new S and notwith-
standing the heavy advance in Cottons, our price is still
Am.„.__Tweive and one half Cents per yard.„,i.m&
New Cotton Dress Cloods4111.
We opened up some. very handsome Cotton.
Dress materials this week.- They are suitable for
Waists or fnll Costumes and see the choice Of this
seasons importations. We will have them displayed
on Saturday and cordially invite you to come and
look them over, whether you want to buy just yet -
or not. Of course there is no better ti me than •now
when the stock is fresh.and the assortm ent un -broken.
Two Good. Cotton Values
Here are two good lines of Cottons that are suitable for
general use
Iit 8
Good quality factory Cotton, fine, even thread, free from black A..
spots, soft finish, will bleach easily, per ..... OC.
At 10 Cents.
Canadian and English Cottons, fine finish, free from dressing, itgi.
full yard wide, special value per yard . "oho..." Albnirif
The New
The first of the new Embroideries are here. Not all,
that are to come but still enough to give early buyers a good
assortment to choose from Dainty and delicate work on fine
Lawns and Muslins or the more substantial heavy Cambric%
Values as good as we have ever had, which is saying a good
deal this season.
Hodgens Bros.
that touch the heart deeply
but the purse lightly.
St Valentine's Day falling
this year on Sunday we here—
by and herewith by tb.e power
in us vested declare its due
Observance and celebration to
be heldon the day following.
On that day it will be the
proper thing to send and re-
ceive some message bearing
Cupid's stamp. We carry a
unique line, large in assort-
ment and dainty in design.
Lace yalentines are popular,
styles are new and more at-
tractive than ever. All prices
and all kinds.
Comic Valentines—The ad-
dition, this year are numerous
and fully up to the usual in
raciness and vigor. Many
kinds and some hit hard:
Agents Parker's bye
. •
Fair Co.
leaf/ inn &Cully ';sodinsgo vnl unn.
1 We Kuo.*
Miss Annie Naylor is viSiting at het
• home at Belgrave. •
Mr.., Jelin Newcombe. of Exeter was in.
tow n over ,Sunday.• .
:Mrs: • Shier -and her little ..son spent.
• Sunday- With *leads in Oadericli.
Mr. • Jahn • Sheppard of 0Oderich has
been 'visiting • 'Clinton 'friends this
week!: • • .
Miss May Re:claw-ay retuttia home
this week 'after a. lengthy visit with
Loadon friends. . • •
Master George Gook: of Hodgens'
". staff has gonetc 'Toronto. where he
• has secured a• situation. •
Mt. • R. ..Halines • was able to resume
lus. office duties on Monday and is
•noW altruist' lifinself .
- Mr; W. Fo'ster, who has. been spending
- " his holidays With • friends -1n Clinton
and Wingliani,. ittitrned tc Preston
this. •week. " • • ' •"- •
Bin: Jack . Moffatt Of Hodgeas Bros.
. stall was in Goderich •• last -- --week
. helping to. take. Stoek jat • the firm's
store • there. . •
Mat • • Uthel ColvkielL: who.. has heeri
--..-yrisiting. Mends-- iritoivni fors same
.. time; returned:. to ter :home in Her.
salt last' weelc;••: ••• . • • . . .•
Miss Olive• Hill, • Who las lieen spend-
. ing aconpie of 'weeks' under the par-
ental • •.roof at Sitnimerhill, returned
'to iewn Monday. •
•Mr. JameS••••EagleSen was in town
Saturday on his. . Way. to London
. where. his .still reside,. Thy
• may 'move . to Godetith. •
Mr.. T, H. ,Cook; who hs.s: been at
• Meaferd in the:interests , of • the Apple
• King, returned Larne Tuesday "-and
leaves. to -day .for• •Tatorito.
Peter Kee, was in Goderich for a
.-••couple of -days last week, his . Stay
being lengthened by thecantelling. of
traits owing to the blockade.. .• •
IVfr; Clattde Fisher WAS. in •Goderielf.
last week. and while there was for a
few • days :on the. sick -list but is
again actively. tngageol.in business. ."
Mi% Josh Cook' retui ..hoine on Satz.
urdiay after lia.v frig been ..tOrnista:id
at Stra:,tfOrd for a eal..ple; of days
and.. the gueSt of tbe Gi•,:aid, Tr; .01,t •
-Mrs., F. W. French' of •.Toroil to, tlafigh..
. ter- of Mis..W, Taylor; town, • Who
has been in very poor...health for
' sonic: time, is tow improving, ler
many friends, will be pleased to hear.
Misses' .Mary and Liizie Haritin
Milverton. , are oli'. a. visit to their
sister,. Mts. 'S. S., Cooper: • They
brought with thein thea little niece,
• IVIA'ss Beryl • Cooper, who had been
with, thisii Since Christina.s. •
Mr. 'George:Zeigler, for some niontlis•
accanntant at the Sovereign Ilanh,
left • on Saturda.y• to iont the staff •
.at the Milveracii branch. Mr, Zeig-
'ler wts very popular. with our citi-
zens.. In .tni,sieal circle's, too, he will
be missed, '" . • • . •
Mlsa Aggie,
. Porter assistant at the
postolliee, Was offditty for :a couple'
;of .days 'last week owing to illness.
..The va,car.ey was well filled by Miss'
' lloWSon. Mr, Scott is fortunate. in
-seerring the services, of two such
capable ytititg ladies whose courtesy
is unfailing. • • .
Mr., -Arthur . left for Portland,.
Maine, on ,IVIonds.y with three •car7
loads if apples for Mr, • D., Cantelon,
cOitsigtied to the Old Country ttnar-,
kets. In each ear Was a stove anc'i
by 'a steady firing Mt. 'Cook endeav,
• cored tc keep the temperature above
the frost line. • . • .
Mr, W. Stewart, who was the guest of
Mr. W. D. Fair for several clays,
left this Week for Ayr and has since
sent Mr'. aj'air a souvenir of Alaska,
a walrus tusk beautifully eteliedo
Mr, Stewart has speat Several years
in the Vtilvon'at Name and else -
Where,. and .reterns thither in ,the
Mr. and Mrs. John McCartney, who
went to Souris, Man., in May last,
returned on Saturday and are stopp-
ing with their daughter, 1VIrs. Geo.
B. Hanley of town.. Mr. McCartney
likes the 'West but admits et has
several- drawbae s one of them be-
ing the el iinate•whicli is rather se-
vere for people over middle age who
have been accustomed. to a. higher
temperature. But it's the country
for . young men, especially those
with some "Vrioutledge of fanning.
Land has been advaileing rapidly in
value and in the :•,otiris district IS
noW.selling at as high as thirty dol-
lars an acre, Mr. McCartney made
an investment in the village of Sour-
is which paid him well. Ile would
in all probability have remained
there but for the infirm state of
Mrs. McCartte3r's health. The train
upon which they started on their
liotheward journey raft iiito freight
west of Winnipbg. rortuhately . it
was running AA f,.; slow rate so there
were no lives 103t, but several cats
were wrecked and iloy were delayed
thirteen hours. Mr. McCartney, Who
is looking well, gained twelve poun-
ds ift weight during his residenee ca
the prairies,
rAbrstarY tith1 1404
atur ay and Monday
Brialness has been 'almost at a stane,-
still: the past two.'weeks owing to lx.4,
roads and snaWstorms. •
' The fee hatcestlas cottenenced': and
is of a good . lquarity ain't thickness.'
Large supplies are being pet in,for. the
Mintier uSe. • . • • • • • -
The 'serVeyors ate once more
in town Worliing their •way: from lAu-
burn to this burg. , • •
If a freight or two wauld•• Pass :over '
. this • road it would be t..1 blessing as
. cur. store-keepers.•are getting. -short of.
suppi os,•aild..the coal bins ate. about'
exhausted. • . ' • . • .
" We are sorry iebear that the wife
.0f- Mr, . John Mathieu of A/orris is
• Seriously ill.. Her ineny • friends wish.
to hear of her speedy recovery. •
On Friday'. - a[leIIwon. a .meeting. of
the farmers was l•eld .in Industry hall
toi discuss the raising of sugar • beets.
We understand several .ef our farmers.
have :promised to give it a trial.
Alex,.McCreight is taking, a few
days' rest from his laborsenclhis two
sons,• Thes, and William,: are rushing
the ehoPper: • • .
• All the .eirtirches were Very slimly.
•Otended.. On'Sfinday c -wing to the
favcrable state of the weather. •
Divine :service will be held; in the
English :church during Lent.. and' every
Wednesday evening. . • -
Mr, Charles Hamilton., the assessor,.
his entered on .his le.tics for the yetir
1.904. Be careful Charles. and' do • not
pinch your friends too hard. r you.
limy not as great a 'favorite, AS
an assessor as you are an .auction-
eer. •
Wcod, 'either dry or green, has been
quite a Inxiiry during the past weeks
but ice,and snow are fount.) ht
daiice. Any , oxie desiring either can
easily lay in a long sitininer's supply,.
Mr. Adam Wettlaufer, the standard
brickirraker4 has the contract to sup-
ply the brick for the flew Presbyterian
aunt., at ArMirrt which it -Is proposed
to build the coining season. Ile also
has supplied, brickfor two new bonSes
near Belgrave.
The evs.ng,elistic services which have •
been lielcl in connection with the Meth- I
odist church, have beeft brought to a
close. The attenderee was good eon -
:We -ring the state of -theweather and
roads. No outside lielp.was proeured
• by the Rev,. J. IV:lines, minister in
• charge. •
Myth 'was Isst week in state cf
siege, but not so bad as was Lady;
solid -6 for we had the use cif• the
telegraph and telephone wires to learn
somewhat of the doings ai the eutside
World. •
Colds are A e(AulliAti complaint and
tio respecter persons. Rich and poor
are coughing.
Mr. J. Livingstone is tuaVing good
use of the roz.d grader Cdt the Gravel
Road north of the Village. They say
it is mailing a good job levelling the
road. As Mr. Livingstone has a large
quantity of wood and, logs to get into
the V1110401 StiMethitig has got to be
Our very best 50c Silk Collars at
Our very best 75c and 85c Silk Collars at 59c
Ladies' 75c and 45c Silk Belts at 50e
150 yards of our very best 30c Silk Neck Rib-
bons at 20c
100 yards of Silk and Satin Ribbons, regular
10c, for
Children's 25c Wool Gloves in assorted colors,
on sale Friday at 15c
Ladies' 30c and 35c Black Cashmere Gloves at 25c
Ladies' and Children's Winter Coats at exactly
$5.00 Coats at $2.50
• 6.50 Coats at 3.25
8.00 Coats at 0 4,00
3.00 Coats at 1.50
Just a few Furs left all of which we are selling a
less than makers' prices.
Such as Prints, Cottons, Shirtings, Ginghams, C t-
tonades, Etc., are here at old prices.
' TOUR. iholvirr MICK
McKillop Township.
Mt; J. J. Irvine has been away cni
a three • weeks' visit Toronto .and•
saw 1.146 'careinany ,connectiOn
the opening of Pariramett
-Mi. S.. J. Bell, who -sold • Ilia -.farm
a- short tinie ago,. intends having an.
auction .sale .of hi s• stock and'implem-
eras in the e•otitse al e•ouple., of
!Elder • Bennett Of the 14ai,tter 'Day
Saints intends. holding -meetings in
MeKillop. 0. • .
Tlie ,vot.'ng on the bylaw to graitt a
bonus of $6,�o> to buy the right of
way for the proposed Guelph-to-God-
erich railway, will telt piace on the-
istb, of this .nionith.• : •• • ' •
' The the.* of Sati7day ands Sunday
last settled the snow sortheNvhat in this.
section, preVious to whi it was . the.
height of the fences ev.n'where. ., • .•
•Much regret is felt on. no•etfint of the
• death of Mrs.' Stitt- whi...11 took place
a short time ago, She was an .amialle
and kind hearted lady. who heal a host
of.friends who now mourn tteir loss.
The bereavo.6Ansband and fa.mily have'.
sympathy Of -the. commitiity in
their' sotto*, '11.1rs. Stitt was 48 .yeara
cif age. 0
O • St. Augiiitiae.
. " Feb, mid • tho. handsome neer
Church at St, Augestine was opened
and ded,icated to • divine warship. The
eereinorly was performed by His Lord-
ship, R ght Rev.F.P. MeEvoy, D. D.,
13ishop of London, assisted by several
of the viSiting clergy. . The celebrant'
cf. the mass Weli. Rev. .C, 0, Ble0ee,P.
P .; Maidstone ; Rev. .f. S. Aylward,
rector of St. Peter's cathedral, being
deacon, and Rev. Father Pensonneault,
Clinton, sub -deacon.. The preacher' en
the otcasion was Rev: M. S. DradyLP,
Wallaceburg, Rev: F. McRae, God-
erich, ••• aiid the pastor, Rev% rather
Hanlon, • assisting Ili 'Lordship.. he
attendan.ce . was 1 considering' the -
threatening wea , many ,visitors
being present Iron Wingliatn, Clinton,
Gleria, Teesw er and Illyth. The
church, is of Gothic style, was
designed by R. Clohecy, Ihnitilton
architect, .S. S. Cooper of Clileton be-
ing the successful eontractor. It is
built of quarried liniestone ta.ken, frcM
the batiks of the Maitland river, being
handsomely trimilied with Credit Val-
ley freestone. Oh the whole the church
is a eredtt to the pastor, Rev, 3. A.
Hanlon, and his energetic congregated
and from an arehitectutal• standpoint
a credit to the county of Ifitroit, • At
the final compIetien of the Wathin the
spring there will be a re -opening when
opporturaty will be giver t to all WT.,
inapect the Ile estimated
cost is about $1.5,noo, The free will
offermg orl the day of declieotion was
done. about $o6o.
Tile New no.
O 'Perhaps it is a little early to talk spring
Hats, but the first shipment of 0 new spring
styles came in lastweek, and we have 0 them
opened out and reacly..for early •buyers. They
are the nobbiest, 0 most popular, American
.styles, and sustain the reputation of. this
store for being thc leading Hat store of .this_
,section. Come in and have a look at Ifieni
*whether you want to buy just now or not.
O The Saie of
"Ordered 0 Clothing."
Ourspecial Mid -winter sale of made-to-
order Clothing has been an un-qualifiecl suc,
cess. In a week or two it will be over. You
O know our reason for holding it—because we
want to keep the work -rooms busy between
seasons. We are doing it because we are
• Miens $14.00 Suits made to order for $10.00.
O Mens $18.00 Suits made to order tor $12.50.
O Bens $20.00 Suits made to order for $15 00.
O liens $3 00 Pants made to order for $3.50.
These are all made from good Tweeds
and Worsteds, good linings are used and first-
class workmanship is out on every garment.
You have a chance to- save money
on a Suit of Clothes while this spec..
ial sale is on.
odgens Bros.
Clothing And Metes Punt -mono