HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-02-11, Page 5FoArgAry 11* 19A4
Organist of Ontario St. 11Jetta
ottist Church
Teacher ef Piano, Hermony, Form
Free Theory lecture W strdents ev-
ery Tuesday evening ea Studio. •
Over Newcombe's Store,
'renders will be received by the C0411..
Cil 01 tLe tcwasinp 4 lituklt until
illiondey, the 8tti tab., at 2 p. Jot
the sdpply of a carload of Mem or
first-claes Tana:trace plane, 3000 feet
of which is to be 14 hat long, the re-
mainder le feet lone anti. 0,11 of it to
be 3 inches thick, unless Reek Elsa is
supplied which rney be zet inches thick,
The lowest ex any tender net neeeseer-
ly accepted,
Township Clerk's office, Jan. 15, 1904,
comfortable house situate011
rner of Church and Osborne streets.
Apply to
Clinton, July tettla.
Applications marked "Applications
for °face" for the positiore af Clerk,
Treasurer, Assessor, Chief Constable,
etc., Collector, Night Watchmen, et,
Cemetery Superintendent, Poundkeeper
will be received by the undersigned up
to 6 o'clock p:m. on Thursday, 28th
Jan., 1904. Duties to begin Ieth Feb.
1904 t and i to continue until15th Feb.
1905 or until such other time as de"
council. 'mea netermine.
The undersigned offers for sale north
part of lot 36 On the teth con. of
Dederick township, containing 20 acres.
Good frame house barn with stone
stable. Good erchard with all kinds
of fruit. X nate from corporation of
Clinton. A mile from school. Apply
Holmesville. P. 0.
Dec. 21st.
Will sell the entire 20 acres 0r.part
ef rot to suit pareheser.
TI e undersigned offers for sale.. lot
27 , con. 1, Stanley, consisting of •9;7.
seres, 5 acres bush. All seeeed down,
except ten acres which is sammerfal-
" lowed. Brick dwelling with frame aita,
ellell and woodshed, frame Wells • with
stabling for 9 harses and 3, cattle,
also for 25 hcgs. Also heehosse. Th-
ree Miles from Clinton. Si. lee, - crop,
implements, etc., may be bought veitt.
place. For further •lnao u'. -on opple
on premises to
CHARLES A V1a a is, Cit nom P.O.
Jan. retle.
The undersigned has for sale • five
Polled -Angus bulls from ro months old
up. Three are thorobreds and .two
E. BUTT, Clinton P. O.
I am prepared to do all kinds of
'Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing of,'
Clothes. All work done on short not-
ice and satisfaction guaranteed:
J. T. SEW A.RD. •
lield Up -
Jar inspection is one style of shoe
Sircnn the many ;varieties we have in
stock. It fairly represents ahe ele-
gance of all our shoes. May are new
and right up to .the minute in /mitt
of style. They are just off the last
and look welt and weer well. 'Unlike
many handsome things they have test-
ing qualities. If you wish to be well
shod, put your feet in a pair of our
e3.50 shoes, the best ever sold at the
Our Groceries
are always fresh and papeciPIly
suitable tot the seasons a tee year, as
well as the staple goods required'ev-
ery day in the week. They fill every
shelf Lela corner in our store. It is
hardly necessary to state that these
goods are of the highest quality aed
prices are very rea.sortable,
Ogle Cooper's ode, stand.
Cash for Butter and Eggs. Phone 23
Different designs iti Bread
and Butter plates, ranging in
prices frotn $1 ti $1.15 per doz,
good value for tbe money.
--Please give u a Call••----
scorr PARSONS—At the U14/1$0,
Seaforth, by Rev. P.11. Larkin,
ion February 214 Mr. Roberti, B.
Scott, to Itliss Lillie Persons,both
of Tuckersmith,
AlcG0WAN-3711eG0NIG7E-4t the resi-
dence of the father of tte bride,
Seaforth, on Febrretry 3rd, by Rev,
Neil Shaw, Mr. Harvey Powlie
aleGowan of Glendale, Manitoba,to
Miss Ellen Scott MeGonigle,youn-
pet darghter of Mr. George Me• -
• Egmondville, ort February 3rd, by
Rev. Neil Shaw, Mr. William
Sproat, sou of Mr, James.Sproat
of Ttickersmith, to Miss Luella
Robinson, daughter of Mr. Richard
Robinson of McKillop.
PEAREN--RUSII—In Witigitam, Feb.
3rd, by Rev. .7, McLean, Mr. M.
Pearen to Miss Emma. Resit, both
cf Wingltam,
church, Wingliarti, by Rev. W.hoeve,
on Jan. 27th, Robt. Geo. Smith
• to Rozella E. Cochrane, both of
Morris toweslap.
odist parsceage, Hensall, ea Vele
3rd; by the Rev. E. Medd, Mr. An-
drew a otimsblet, to Miss Nellie
Welsh, dattgtter of Mr. Richard
•Welsh—all of Herman.
eist parsonage, Blandon, on Janu-
• ary 2ethi by Rev. Esnsley, Mr.
R.obt. Thompson a Rapid City,
Man., to Mies Lilv May Nixen if
Brandon, Man., daughter of Mrs.
Nixon of Wing:haat.
Balms—In Hullett on January 3oth,
the wife of Mr. Gecrge Bowes, of
a eaugeter (stillborn.)
GLOUSIIER—In Hullett on January
24th, the wife of Mr. John. Glou-
sleer, of a son.
Winghaln on jatt, 29th,
Mrs, Jas. Aitkin, a daughter.
MeCREIGHT—In Ternberre, lane.
31st, Mrs, John MeCeeightl a dau-
ghter. • . •
VANEGMOND—In Egneorelville on
jenuary 29th, Leopold Otto Vans
Egmond, aged 86 years, 5 inonths
and 26 days.
FU.NSTON--At Toronto on Jan. 3rst,
• Angeline Griliith Funstcn, wife ce
George Funston and sister of •Mrs.
John Terrill of Winghain.
GOODRIDGE-aIn Hallett on, Ftatai.
nannah 'Wood, relict ;of the late
GOe-ctridge, aged 83 years .
• and 3 months.. •
COX-•--Irt Goderich tows -ship -on Sat:-
11F.day, January 3otb, George 'Cox,
:in his .88th •
ALLEN—In Gederich or. Februery end
Mary . Tichbourrie., relict • of• the
late John Mien, In her '92,nd year.
MALCOLMSON---.At New Westminster,:
13, C,, on• 28t11, timid' Robert- ,
am, wsfe:of Sidney.S. Melo:ensue
�f Goiter:eh. ' •
BRINKER—In • Stephen, at • tae heme
of her son, Lottis Blinker,' on Star -
(ley, Jail. 24th, Mrs. John: J. Brinz.
ker; aged :e3 years, 6 Inceiths. ,
piano tuner of Berlin, expects tobe
in •Clinton. about the latter part of
February. ' • •
have for sale a splendid thorobred
• Durham bull, eight months, dark
: red, be is a very ,prottrising animal
and will be sold cheap. We have al-
so for sale- a •tp.intity of seed oats, -
barley E.Ad -peas, These eats are •of
splenelidavariety and great yielders;
' having. :grown • bushels .to the
acre lest year. Address, TYNDALL
BROS., Clinton: . • •
ders for the creation of a br•ck sch-
ool adjoin.rea thni yillage of Varia
will be received .by the undersigned
up .to.• the 18t11 clay of February;
• 1904. Plans . and specifications to be
seen se my residence.' The lowest or
any leader not necessarily accepted.
.iP teteAlaCY, •
Varna, Jan. i7th, • 3t.• •
COUNCIL.— Tne council' of the
Conety of JInron ivill meet in tit.:
. coancil thamber in the Town of
• Goderieh, to ec mplete the business
ef the eTentetty meeting and any
new business; on Tueseay, the 16th
diet Of Fehritary..--W. LA -t,
. •
•... , . •
signed. las for sale a 11 months 'old •
Grade Bell, It's a goc.d
S. APPLEBY', lett. 24, Core 8, Hul-
lett, • Loteleslene r. 0,
Manitoba White Fish
Salmon Trout
Finnan Hacklie
Yarmouth Bloaters
Mrs. Shier's STORk
Beaeom's Old Stand
Opposite the Mason Routs,
W Is 0'
0 0000 e 0 000 000000000
:Om 910001 ?4,,wargeporg
0000000 • 00000000000000
The News of Goderich.
Aliso E. A. .
0 00000000c
Plexiglas Steelton, nowtof Winuipea
is .expected home at 111V early dateS'•
Ile:old, son of . p. W. Currie, 'ha
been very ill the past three weeks.
Geo, . Iiettsbride„ •orgenist of K1101c
church attendee: the Oratorioeca Elijah
which was worderfully performed in
iarrinity ehurela - Mr.. Lethbride intend
laving the. Oratorio produced here,
Witile eperyone was. lamenting + the
stioW blockade preventing our .groeers
and othersfrom getting in Owe sthea.
ef Potatc,es Mr. Dean enet Mr,Willieen
Blake were the happy P0SSeSSOTS 0.
new ottes glowing. 4v their cellars e;17
in scene :ether congenial spot. We are
not surprised at Mr. •Pea's luck be-
catise be ie erish 1/11t. MT: B14140 h44
the biggest hill of potatoes and. Le is
New names have been Added to the
local A. O. IP, lodge since the arriyal.
of their organizer.
On Friday eVening last • a few of the
friends .of Mr, ande•Mrs. 'William Bailie
droae. from towntotheir tante in
West Wawattosh for the purpose of
congratela,ting then -on the occasion
of thet t ff 1 e .Czer
wedding. With. the host alio hostess,
their. daughter, Miss Bailie and Miss
Heater' at -roost ettjoyable • time. Was
spent fa eanversetian, playing .. games,
etc. _Mr, and Mrs, Bailiewere present..
Cc's -with• a piece of silver plate. to com-
memorate the eventi with the prayer-
ful wislies of. all that theytlight be
longstet' t o,.ch •tl*een
j .
oyment of health and -heppinese, .
Our oldest veteran now ie Mr. Thom -
es lauckstep, • late of the Royal C-nas,
dian Rifles., who has melee& •Lotice
from the -Royal. Hospital, Chelseeethat
. lie las been. ewaraqd •a speafal. compes-
• : sianate cateptage peesion of 12 pencea day in lieu of deferred pension at, 6
• pence. Mr, lauckstep just recovered in
time from his serious- illness to 4
little Meta independent.. and Wet trust
• he stray UVC Jone . to "erojc,y• the SS C.
SC.: - • • • •. . - • •• •••.e.
" Mr. .Weleh,' teweler; ta,s been; able to
walk 111. to itia.Place of .betsiness. sever-
al- days this month. .. .‘
i. Mrs. King, mine hostess of the King
Edward, has, we are very sorry 1.0
5 ..sity, Wen ill the pase twO weeks Of
Misses Edith and Effie McCaughan,
•Kettys street,. left lo.et week to attend
the Toronto Busittese Co,lege.
a McColl, Manager of the Niagara
Power Works, cante home last week
owing to non -supply of timber, at
the works..
The Poultry Show had an =Wallet -
ate ending 18.st weell in cOnsequence of •
the non -arrival. of *11)' owners of .
poultry, etc., on account of the snow
b•loelcatle. The town hall was profuse-
ly deeorated With Ted, white and blue •
. bunting end numberles$ small flags
What birds were exkibited were fine
speebnens of Canudian poultry. There
were 260 entries. Oily one etinary was
shown,: one handsome pair of white
- • turkeys, 3 pairs of geese, four pretty
, rabbits,eight cages, cf pigeons. and 40
bantams - were includeef in the entrees. •
The judge, Sharpe Butterfiela, ,gat. as
• far as Dublin where he renieineel two
days welting -1(.4" a train to take him
'through, bat the train came to late.
In his stead 11, 13. •Deuovare editor of - •
the Cetadian Poultry R.eview, who
i was in town ell week, was eito.sen1 as
e judge ind gave general satisfaction.
Mr. Saunders,agent of the 13theclers' •
• Adteeate, . was also in towa all week •
but he declined ',tee, honor • of being ••
judge. • -
Lots of -money beitg lose this matt- •
tn. Mrs. Johnsten lost two i15- bills
and another lacy, a taster of Mrs,
Difrua-f lost $2.50, Some one. has . got
a find. these hart) times. •
Mr, Angus. McDonald left last. Week
. her Ripley where, an entertainment is
•beim given teniget by the iScine of,
oat again, elter ins
indisposition of the 'past six weeks.
On Tharsdaylast all that was luta-
tal of -tae late atery Tichhentrne, relict
of the late John Allene.who died " at;
•the reeidenee ref her neice, Mrs. Wile, •
-1iain 11/eCaugham," was aid to• rest, in
her 92nd year. .111,• la4y was
the • third Wife of, the. ;late John 'Allen'.
.and .eafine from her native country, .
Fermanagh.:. .ireland, .when a- young
tc• reside in Canada, with hler
.brother, Etutry Tiehbourne, It:mg
deceased, ' alto was tlia lath:4r of the
late - Richard, Tichlacerre,, Mrs. •
'Cy:Afghan,. Mr', .Godfrey Nictelsonteer,
',Tecabourne and • eir..J. Tick -
bourne • cf •aselborne..• .The, late "' Mrs.
Iii lettere to Mr. Kirkbride and Mr..
Hall from Vancouver and British
Columbia we- leern �f the suildett death,
of Mrs. Lyons of Saa Francisca, eldeSt
datIghter Engineer McCallum of
Vancouver. Het :eister, Mrs, . Roa.
Clesholni, . a.ed her heel:41ml, Mr,
Chisholm left, Vancouver before, Christ-
• nuts to. visit her arid strange to say
Mr. Chjslt1th died of the seme thse.s.se
pneumOnia. •• Sad for Mr.14yons to have
Slleh an- ending to her visit, to lose
both husband ar,d Sister so suddenly..
Mrs. ',Yeas (nee Miss Minnie IVIcCell-
mn) was a great favorite here. a
• The G. C. I. students Will be pleased
1:0 leant that a former , student, lair.
Glen IVIeedonale Who after graduaterg
taught . some epeeTeesevater vety
-successfully but eteeferred 'accepting a
business situation and 'left Canada fcr
Detroit, what he first entered the ena
Ploy af Hannan 'and Frith, Real Es-
tate ExchangeeDalers. Later. he was
eflered a -more .1netative"-pcalitiare with
a firm in lereeinont 011ie, where he. is
at present but a Travelling Agency for
•the firrri of -Murray and Conway has
been offered hiqn_ at a greater Increase
in salary. Murray • Lt.jd Conway axe
wholesale manufeeturee of the Liacoln
Steel range,
• Rev. Mr. Perkins al Exeter, besides
having the • chance af not reaching
1Gaderieh on Tuesday evening cf Met
week ta 'give his address "Odcls• 'and
Ends,. to the •N.. Ie. G., was laid up:
with ari attack of la grippe, • .
" The trains were all at 6?e .azte Ve oii
Tantsday again, a great quantity • of
snow; having. fallen, but nothing daunt-
ed Mrs. Campbell and tte Mesdames
Joseph and Isaac Salkeld and Miss
Salkeld in their areciety to attend • the
• Women's Institut, whieh was held at
thespaciaus 'residence of Mrs, CernelI,
braved • the cold. 'fk. • letter Was thad,
by the president, Mrs'. •Cantelon, • Croat
Mrs:. C. Beek, who ec. •kindly igave the
St, • Lawrence la, the -Woollen's :Insti-
tate•• in • which to hold their • annual
cyster sapper ana with her two young •
lady d'aughters gave all the assistance
possible, • as she said in the letter it
was her .pleesere toesee tke Institute
flosaisa er.d iteiteen cif presenting her
with • a cheque for her trottibae she
wished thepresiderta to, bey More lit-
erature for the ,Institute e A vote
thanks was tendered. Mrs. Beck for her
Lospaality and the president suag,ested
Alley tees eery Jond of ell her nieees, •
anes nephews met • by tlie family the
,late. Mr.. Jean' .Allen every 'respect wee. -
shown her .cluring her Avifelidoel eand
wictowhoocle, See spout 'ell her . 'fes• •
since leneing tatirith• a
tOwnship, . except dye' years. that' •si • .
resided. Toronto; Foe -
Mrs. MCLaIrgq1S11 has •, every care, .
of :lee and it was elute a task -fcr '
ut of the four years' she' Only sat .rp
eight dnyff. Mrs. 'Allen...Was mold •41c-. •
vont to her chnrcli, :St.: George's, • all .
ler life aid wes most. geuereue donor
(0 it and a most eharitatle wetuaneill
throng* her ,life, Rev Mark Turnbt..II officieted et the 'funeral. The pall-
bearers' were the flee nephews of tl e • ra .
deceased :lady, Mesers W:. l‘fc,Cattglian,' itg ewer pupils . at,...
Godfrey. Nicholson, Jellies, and Geerge - .
11 we.. • • •
.4.1what it is, serving on pleblie boar(18
number of times. Ire endorees Peron*
, tri the following -words:
gel am yeare 0144 am. hale and hearty',
ena Pertine hes helped me attain it.
TWO years ago I had la grippe—my life
was despaired of. Perurra. saved
.7.1t. Quill.
Clelative or Abraham Lincoln.
MI.. Saes S. Lincoln, 'Who reSIdell at
Mai. Street, N„ W.,Waeltington, D. C.,
hoe the honor of being third couS4r o
I Abraham. Lincoln, Ire writes;
.4 "I had le grave five times before
usine your medicine. Four years ago
began the We of Peruna, since Whteh
i11110 thee° not been troubled vrith that
disease. I can flew do as znneit work at
my (Icalt• ae I ever could in my life. I
have gained more than, ten pounds in
weight."—S, S. Lincoln. •
Pe-ru-ti* Not Only Cured La Grippe but
Benefited the Whole System.
MIS ' .Mteo M. Dressler,1313 N. Bryant
• Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., writes;
"Last spring I suffered from Is grippe
, and was partially cured but the 'bad.
after effects remained through the stum.
flier and somehow I did not get strong
s as I was before, One et my college
• frierals who was visiting asked, mo
to try Peruna and I did so and found
-••I t all and more thatt I bad expected, It
not only cured me of the catarrh but
restored me to perfect health, built up. .
(be entire system and brought a happy
feelin,s; of buoyancy which I had not
• known for years,"—Alice M. Dressler..
An Actress' Testimonial. ,
Heft deuves 'ert.~
• --ae-.-se.
• fine world of
medicine recognizes
Grip as epidemic •
catarrh." --
Medical Talk.
b' llo�otGossJi
GRIPPE ie epidemic catarrh. It
A/ spares no class or•nationalty. The
cultured and the ignorant, the aeietoerat
and the pauper, the Messes and the
elaeses are alike, subject tip' grippe.
None are exempt—all are liable.
Have You the grip? Or, rather, has
thegip got you? Grip is well named.
The original French term, la grippe,
ho.4 been shortened by the busy .Amori-
eatt to read "grip." Vettecint intending
da so a new -word has been. coined
• that exactly describes the case. As if
some hiclacmaglintevith awful gore had
clutched; us in its fatal clasp. 'Men,
women, ehildren, whole tows and cities
are caught M. the baneful rip-ofsaa,tere
rible monster. ,
The following lottera speak for. them-
'rliontas Bailey .ancl her -
O1d friend, -Arthur" Cale eion. ' eta. sea. sea:aka.
The regitlar. meeting of the Public
se:111'1100r P.
alnersio)°11c,,IA>pirePsentIe'elll btilitec
Five cf .the teachers -needed substitutes
schoet• board was •Ifeld on 1st Fe.
following rePort to the • coinity council
in . Jorotioxy, shOwing that the past, at. its recent 'meeting ; •
Month hadbeeil oeyetat thtm, Tt e •"15: •' new slngle roomed brick. School
substitutes • tvere, Misses, 'Farrow,. liouee ..i•ve..s• erected M Sehecl Sectioe
ton and bradgees I. •• ' No.:4ti; Ile.teick, (taring (903..: It. is of
4n4 'pi planeetiaipmeet :arid
appeainfiee, is a 'credit • to the, lo-
eality. .It, eaet: aapet • • $1,660. 'All
• tact ,Sehoot houses, erected. this Ili,
spectearete „aerie*: the past thirteen
years haire been. af brick and cotlee-
qui:rely evilie test for long, time.' A
TO1111. • lliallAS
• few :wheal houee.s •lave beim lanprov-
by hay.'ng new flcors ete.,
mnAstrRED DAYS A,Ne s'eletol• houees Inspector-
selyes as .to tbe efficacy of Perunit In
Cases of la grippe or its after effects.
Alio!' Effects of La Grippo Eradicated
; by Pe-ruena.
• Mrs. Prod Weinberger, 'Wtesterlo,
Alban County,Y •
N. .7 •
eaeveral years ago a Lad, an 'attack of
la• grippe which left my nerves in a
prostrated condition. Then, I had ea-
t:alter attiaCk grippe which left• me
worse. 1had tried three good physicians
but ail in vain. I gave Peruna a trial.
Di a, short time I,was 'feeling bettor and
,now I,,ant as well as anyeae.'!--Mrs..
tired 'Weinberger. • •• , .
Hon. James R. Guillof Omaha.
ron. .Tentes Guill is ono -of- the
• oldest and most esteemed men of Omaha,
Nab. :Ile has done much to Make at
Miss Joan Conill, Griswold Opera .o
House, Troy, W. y., is the• leading lady
with the Aubrey Stock Co. She writes.
the following:
"During tbe 'past winter of 1991, I
suffered for several weeks from a severe
attack of grippe, which left a serious
catarrhal condition of :the throat and
head. •• ,
• "Some one saggested Peruna. As a •
bat resort, nftet wasting much time ,
and money on ethysielans, I tried, the
remedy faithfully, and in a few weeks
wits as :well ute ever." --Jean Cowgill.
• 4, Southern Judge :Cured.
• 'JUdge Horatio .1". Goss, Hartwell, Ga,
writes: • -
• "Some five ot six years ago- I had a
very severe spell of grippe, which left
me with eysternie catarrh. A friend
advised me to try your Perunn wbich I
dal, and was immediately benefited and •
cured. Tao third- bottle cempletect the
cure."—II. J. Close,.
'If you do not dex•ive prompt and Satis-
factory results from the Use of Pertmai.
writeat mice to De.- Hartneen giving 4.
full statement of your ease and he will .
be aleased to give am. his valuable ad,
erica gratis. . •
Addrees Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0.
In . • rage to- enjoy • the •:•greater ed:niatian-.
Ithe. Publid '4•e'3.116°'"w•14.416 also •katcl' that the class Of larger . boys
fir% oi. ,y,,,,,,,,t, at faelliti et4 (4 -.these t•eiftres, . I- may
• and girls ' who lista to attend in the .
•setu..01 Jots •,..te• ei..,,,e. eau .seppti,e4. Iv-. Neal:1.y ,te, attend -school taught by a
....• '
.thee. •ladY:: • • : • 2 : • .
- Wiyter, a 116W tbillk it beneath their •
deed too many trees are worse
eSpecial stress uptin
tooafees as tbeaatend to kecip. the yards :• •I•, Wish• to lay
the seepesk of ote Cortinuation Class
' (lang) and muddy . in s,pring,Aed • iail:
•and as :a shade for el:.ildren are of, lit- • selic,Ois.. The coinidele - wOrk for.
1,1a eee'• eseschaCI is closucl cif, ri no ' Litt,: teaclicies "ceetilleetes ' is. rum: 1:04 •
, • hattest. • Mantle of the 'yeae, Teecherse done; ' be' tie. Public: selsoole.,"or Wing-,
.aec .a.lea.: taking greater care -. of. • the .hain, Brussels, •ard "Blytai, • At Wing-
• outbuildings ' thee fornierly. : • More :heal 'ene' Pettsaels two teteclreee .ie-
eveilte are :nse.ded . teen, trustees feel ilia each selical " are 'occupied'. , in .; tea.cla
eli tad to pu t. di:wee, ' ' ": . • . - ire this .worlt *alone: .. ;1:heir -. ,success
At the clree of• 1903 eliere were". 'ea at. the . lest,' ' dceartatierttee examine:.
. . . .
•inale arel 85 -female teachers in this tione Was • perticelerly" satesfaetory,
•..irepeetorate, Taie is an increase,' of ;Wirvitany ' having Passed eight • otet of
three male .teachers over 1962 and a eettrteen . thae• wro.to ard . Breese's'
eorr.eSPOIlding • deeecase • of . . female.' e• eeenteen out. of •seveeteen, 'In. the
teachers. Tie.: great .Preponclerence • r• ural 'Peblie end s smaller graded
• of female teac.aers is 'te. le - regtetted:. sthools - very • „satislatettary captieirea
' tteacatic i.1 is di,ViAi4d ;111.0 Lilr(-2 great ••tion, Work ie also clone, _ but' • Ira at-.
Claesionse Pt.,...six:4).:,:erili,Caticn,• .• intel--' tenipt. is inside to, cater .'the hill .Work •
lee:teal,. eche:et:Wm , and: ethic:aloe; ' ...E.: IQ, ...ceapilis“ certifiticitese There • Were .
the' evilte Little, • ettention is visually 4e8a ' atiaile . taking. Up , Continetitien
giteet te physical •edtication as - the Clusie -, wara in elate inseeetarate . list
chores at • holm; and the ,eley iestinit. !tear, .. , . • .., , •
' treat. Otte. stalieiently. , The
prteetee of the teacher it.4.. to ode- eatisfactery . work and the teachers'
.41Peeial ...13(ah earatael'actoole are ; cloine very.
ciite the .iiitelleets end the. will. All'. training .. : ere iestree lee , ie. i h.; . latest
teecheree „mate .ana female, . era' SS a , impraved methods cf teaching,- 'rile
aule, , satisfactory ' traiettra Of ,the' p• resence of ,' the stedenta in turn -react
intellect, but I cle not believe that e oe. the :teaching cf these sthools . so
in.:lenity, or 'even' E4:" Mtge initierity, uthat thee; attendance is mutually ben- .
o,f the' ls"tuf y ..t.;ac.,1:fae.r,s„ are able ;.b.l,e. to.f• iitr_ai.,1,1. tidal and as • a consequence the Model •
'Irtli4eist,14ti'lee .. toif tt.. ,%,1,1•:, ,(1)_,iil ..c,e,„Ler tie. school'S. statutin the front • i-•.,nk of the
ical virtues that go to make ale 'e X titay' say .'that•'W.hile.•
te teliatitattid 1.Tailtitt'll'04riltly,• • 'ac111),(11.1. elle'''. .8''Vatieticarsiciallicall(8,..;a•
ti,e work of the Public, school' varies ..
getel tine, uselul citizen, Ike last twa
bet, little from . rear tta year, 'yet the '
'Yeats at'leat "cd a l'''Y''s r liblic sell°(11 prcgrese: dueine 'the attet .' sane has ..
(e.lue.ati.on .- elteald, be . saent . ineler ' a •
(gliosiceitinizirei.atiela. cher, Whe is also a geed 1-)cen . very ., satisfactory. , 1 believe
. . leiverervbesttealCul;cUit.uyiiiiecet sci.001e, fe.1101 ,1,1.11.rliS shtlriEt1
There were. .15 cluteges of teachers.
euring. tle' yeat and Oil their Ideal, yet •on the whale yery.
:to rhanges lit satesfactorywark •was done by. the
'the end, or 45 c11:4111:4's • ill 411'• l'^h.is. large et•ajority. All the schools were
means . data mote. tletit ore third of. ireipecled twice (keine, tile year.
'the selicole clanged t,eaelters - attrieg
'tbe year. ,The average selary paiel
reale teachers •iit rural. • seetices, was .
$388.48., an Meru:use, cf. ate over , last
' Treatets, ••;kith ,a,re 110W. neerly all in pied con;
. ••• ••• • ditiote:• .Teeee. ate 49brick,: ...seorie
DODD'S KIDNEY' pir,r,,s .11AD IIER• 37 friame school heases• in the"
ABLE TO 13E. OUT IN A WEEK. rit:1‘41116.1.1-6(ix.r Lre.
ANOT.110R REMARIABLE CURE awtisfac*ry, State, being level, well
• 'BEOUGIIT owl. BY THE • COL- dre nod, surrounded by trees and en-
.. LINGWOOD AND EGLIN'fON closed by n.eat fences. The only eit:
CASES. •- " • • . feneed lot is the .scheol yard of the
• Walten school. . A wire fence is the
• •
Toronto, , Feb. 15t11—(Special)L:- The best kind e• scheel kit as it. dc.es
ireareet in medical circles here over not . catch the snow: Male render • *the
the. cures . of Mrs. Mains of Colling-. school : yard itseless as a." play•ground
ehat she be made, a life enember, wield' wood and Mrs. Philip of ' Eglinton, of for Winter . a.nd wet kind inudey • .for a
wa.s passed unanimously. 'The. seere- Brigat's lases:se, . been given freeh tame in • spring. • There eare • wire
'Vary read some notes that "She' •made. 'fuel by another ane. yet, :striore.•.start fences • around . Certain 'school lots
When attelidirg some of the ineetiegs ling. cure of the seine terrible ailment, that, good• today kis " thev.. ivere
of the Irstitote in Jato :from niece
tare given by the head president, Mrs,
Cumming, who ' advised Ate fanners'
wieas . and. daughters : tr, save guar
strength Ouch they would actetire by
studying physieal..etilture, •Mrs. :Cum-
titings •gave 7 qttestions. that site wish-
ed every W. Leto. answer,' O'ne was
"Is the country a desirable, place to
live in.? Dot women in•ilk their cows; ?
Altai Oecepatimieedo the Yotieg wouten
talliete• •wheti ' they leave the farm ?
Scene " one said 'get Married' but oda
er$ gave teachers, nurses, dressmakers,
etc." Another question was. arlo the
. .
wceiten get the moitey that the celery
produces." One lady says. that ...Elie
*nen keep all that money and eky not
give the vsomen enottgh to buy al print
dress. We steel "the. tam/lees do Lot •
throW the Money away, they save it
to. buy farms," • New members •are.
joining r,,t every "meeting.. The, In:Alta-
te will meee et Mrs. (CaPtain) Trethe-
',lies latest case is that- of a; young ten 'peers '. age. . A few. were be.clly
gerl, Mary IVIalcolin win: lives' with put up • and lested but for a .shoet
her parents at 199 'Marlborough aven-• time, end this arevented• the leavers
ue.,. this city. • " . ' sal 'use of wire fences her school lots. •
DEATH SEEM1,1) SURE,'• • Some baards of trustees • have 'very
• Thai euro little sheet of iniracte thctightleesly strung barbed wire
Jens'. Miss Malcolm watt the clutch- alma; the: taps of tae posts: Of cotirse
esof Dtscase front May until they aid • this leicwing that'. if- a
Septeieber slid 'had Sunk so low child were to be maintedi in'. any Way
her life' w s eneasered by days if net through. the use • of this barbed wiru.
by hours. pe lad •fiven place to a . ihey• were rerelerieg thea seetion- 11-
certeinty o deetei am her 'feierds had. able *for heavy. dainages, •
turned to . • the 'mad. task of preparing The providing of a plentiful stip-
her grave' clothes. These' last ghastly ply of pert: driekeig . Water for school
garments exe now in the la.use• but use is the . most difficult taek td be
Mary lelalcohn is a strorg hearty mai- accomplished by trit"stees. The .
den.. who 'can look ,on them, without, dinary well contains too hutch ' water
.ON eh a :shed/der •of fear. Dodds Nid- for school use and is apt to become
ney Pills. effected tae 'change. Here is' bad . during the srentier ,vaCetien,
the story aS told ley the girre mother and tete pump is liable to get frozen
Mrs. •W, Malcolm : •• during the witter Isolitleye so that
" My eatighter, Mary, who $s now, most . schools are withoat drinking.,
fourteen years old, • wee teken sudden-. teeter for al part of the ecitoota year.
ly ill With Brialit's Disease Mr May," This could be remedied bv. makirg it
way's ori the firet .11eursday. of March, 1902. We had the doctor and emit -blue _one of tbe duties of the earetater
at 7.30 p, m. by special envitationf ed with • lain till 'Septentlene 1902,. 'To see that the pumps are kept in
Miss . McColl presided at the . piano when he•ouid he could do liothiegt more proper order and that stillicient water
very creditably during .the meeting, fcr her, She 'tees " so :Mallen with is pemped tett at intervals to keep
Refreshments were botintifully served Drcpsy as to be almost nitiecogIvie- the water fresh and sweet. Children.
by Mrs. Comet old her daughter able," . • need a plentiful meetly ;el pure •drina-
aley aed Hale graniatlanghter arel all • eltilete WAS QUICK, ing water as nitich abet even more so
enjeyed it most pleasing s o'etoek tea. "Front • a hock. dropPed in at • the thee they do an ample supply- of food,
We illid that The News -Record liroS• a. • door we learned Of Doda'S Kidney. Scene kw hoatds of trustees, .wishing
tiumber of readers in „Detroit wio Pills and t..s a last resort deterleirecl • to earn a• reputation. for economy by
eagerly scan the. 0i:deridh. news ard to to try them. They. gave tier relief creelneting their schools on the Cheap
whom we inust say that we try to froin the very beginning,. so ritual so John principle have- provideet snit-
• interest all the readers of those col- that in one week .we were able to take We, well, but allow the students to
emus as lunch as • lies in our power, her o it to Munro Park for att after- fight it out for a, 'drink with cattle,
which this year seems almost clefe.ated root, • sheep and dogs at the waYside spring,
by the inclemency of Weather ltue After taking- four boxes she Was rather than go te the expense of sink -
friends all We W:11 S004 have spring'. entirely curect atid -site hits ileVer had lug a suitable well. If these' trustees
The Lake linron and Maidtalta Mille the slightest relapse. We eau itever were compelled to sink a well on the
• ing Co. have neater steamer ilbr say t'o' nitwit for Dad's Eidney Pills, seltotA lot they, would mite a AO.
train now to carry oft tlieir flour, as they certainly savedi my daughter's low hcle in the ground just deep ell-
dra.vAack however, we will not want 'And' Mary4. the daughter on who n • ()ugh
and then ithld up cup of this water
to collect scum surface water
which must certainly be a very great life,"
for flour. Bright's. Disease Lea Dretionitced the for volt to smell as it trettaehant
' -Miss nciay returned front her sea- eereence , of (teeth, itow it Picture Of viinficatiott of the,r three:6'60e as-
soia$ Visit to Chicago. Iler many healthy girlhood, MHOS a cheerful sertion that good water cannot be
friar& will give her liearty Welcome assent to her mother's statenteut and ebtaitted ott :wheal lot although
holne chimed in, "If ant ever sick again there is A wed ,tvell at the next farm
Partello of Deteelt, tett, return- will tale: noth.lng bet Dodd's Eidney house but it few rods away. A tann-
ed in jattuaret front her home in that liills." • ber of seetiors have „valved., the dif-
It hardly necessary to Ada that Acuity, ltrAvever, sinUing drilled
city came up from Clintoft tbe, last
wells. These have all given good
satisfaction. .
The schools low 'celebrate Arbor Day
by a general cleaning UV of the school
honse end the school yard and the
planting IA flouter:4, Not tery many
tree:4 are flow ,111alite4 raS of the
weele, of 3,atittary and spent a couple of proof piled on proof has convinced the
days W.tit her aunt, Mrs. Alex. -Kirk. I ',owe
that Bright's Disease is curable
bride. Tim late Mr. rartello uI ever arid that 'Dodd s Niche!), I'ills are the
changed itie will hefere Ills second , cure ; that if the disease is ot the
Marriage whieh causes Allm. Dartello 1 Xidttevs or from the reCidneys and the
4 Much dehtY it' gettillfr the estate imitating remedy fs flude,'s X idoey
weufid up. Pills.
Morris Township: ,
year. 'Ilte. average 'salary peel its ,. •
ttese schools to ftniate• teachers wile • ate" ere . sorry te hear of the serious.
f292;81) an increase of about $1.2, Iit ilIreSs :of Dr.' 5. Caldbiek• at 'Grand,
urban schools the average male sal-: R Lipids; Mich. . lie is a sat of Samuel
ary • WAS $721 in 1903 ate; $683.34 . in.' Caldbiek, and line,. The doctor's matiy ,
1902. The average "female salary .in friends licpe lie. will .eocei be o. k.
these schools was $320,80 as cottpar- The. other day Edward 'Arinstrorg,
ed with $319.52 iri 1902. Thera 'has 5th line, in attempting. to drive Into
been a slight "aavattee • ea salaries Jae • Dive,' got hie team fest or ra '
good wee to rentain in the
sion, Yuma ie the rural and smaller the fciekets wore nc,t.. pbintati.:
!owner to tho Nilow barks. Voituttately
but they are ler We low piclat feitca which he did etote tic.tice
graded echoels" there te a . wattle:a
Chetige of teachers which • in many 1
a sent of Mrs, Ki.liJr.igton.,. 4th
A ,weletitite tisitor• is Jol,n, Ii.`elling- '
i ltictlell,, wile is ,Itere Irma British Cohen- .
ceses keep these schootlecs„.iat wailsivtia:ialicii;
sse,int,c)11(1): I. 1.,:tstseSxeit)listb. (Itee'ecalt;:n;eisili)ititn(yoi
is coesidered a good salary, - Yet in , has Pr°111e4 • well by'
iti:s,ow is this i 1,::::yN'itha:,,h:ti.01; bx:ebriise.fit.it inveetor and
pritteitui; • Oria. ' It fie 1.16 years siiiiIcles agItrn,itKise.ltiinIgit:
what respect • is the- work" . of let min- ,
$181:11.0,12.31rok)ttr(1).12($40I ,4t10111:(Q: 1WITITE STAR LINE EXCrRSION.
swisiitleritt.td.1).of ilrtee,11:01ig7t:t4pteihrlecsIseno
per anateit cad a :free
resiacnce as ' For our sixth r.Atnral excursion,God-
'show that maintentotee of the Public i mid). to Detroitt we wieh to- please the
agaitst their $900 in all e It seie):117petir: ligt'ir:,atitiledstit:)INIvimillrarny would me the I one
Mel take tide mettocl
.1t1;i1(1-31:eill t.rlic'lergili;scit'ilerlieect(1-1 tattxt ti:Zithe e; 8 i' it tt e 1 attY in Detroit mut lu•Av maltY would.
rural $01100114 has 'feller: front 4191 in ' like two days in Detroit mid we will
*902 to eeee in 1903 ar 'e decrease cf be goeerna by the replies received
225. The decrease for tile in:Teeter-I front this advertisement. We ask ec,-
ate is 137. The decrease of attetid. eryone hoping to take „tlibi exeursion
laolleti? iiiltlitittitle erlitillas':"It4c)rtt::—Illeillateletilta(i 131'1111‘':')e1) il0:e i 1 1:1 el' Li .k<1 :,- n :lit Ire) rja. a 't . II: ttlaal;Sair:e1;
edneation have shortened Oa' period leave Detroit Thursday afternoon.
rend sel.00l populatitet has decrease(d): ,etteway morning
ato ori
the return
in .D0151.11 ate will leave Onder,eli oft a
Second—The -improved ..imetitas f
lteillpnl)(.11stskti; will be the boat, the wend trial' fate
The same big steamer Greylatand
(?)filitavtte(titleactt,tett.ift '1.1`1114,1iteli-ii--;Jelitte
WWI:drawn both boys at•-tt 'girls .f,roul will be one dollar aril a special traitt
saom. hero.re the entrance steno:ern 115 1181101 butwict.0 sti,,,tft.ra awl (bull -
15 reeehee. Fourth—Partners living
some distance from their school often
rent their fallIS fer it peris el ti
yekta .014 ineWe Into a town or tli.
8. IL
Moe Ageal White Vier Line,
Detroit, Mieh.