HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-02-11, Page 44
The Clinton Newswitecerd
to 1)0Minieo politics, the idea Of
Brandon is ebliorrent. Rainy Ktver
and Thunder Bay looks cheaper and
much more cot:taut The Hon. Clifford
has, therefore, derested his henchmen
to arrange for his candidature there.
The "leg for life" by M. Siftoa
shows how disturbed the leaders ol the
?excrement are as tofhlithat the decis-
ion of the people will be when. they
are next appea1e4 tc.
he NevvswRecor wevding from 5100,000 to 16150,000
published every Thunder st
The Newe-Record Priating Howie
Terme of subeertption-e4t per Yeer
advance; 11.50 may be charged if
sot so paid. No paper discontinued
until all arrears are paid, melees at
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date to which every subecription is
paid is denoted on the label.
Advertising rates- Transient adver-
tisements, to cents per nonpariel
lines for first insertion and 3 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Small advertisements not to exceed
one inch, such as "LOA," "Stray-
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for 33 cents and each subsequent in-
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Communications intended for publica-
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To inure publication in current issue
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Contract ratce-The following
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% Column 25 00 15 00 8 oo 2 50
Column 18 00 10 00 5 so 2 00
Inch 6 oo 3 50 2 00 1 25
Editor arid Proprietor.
A very quiet but 'pretty wedding
took place at twelve o'clock. on Feb.
3rd, at the residence of Mr. George
McGonigle onNorth Main street, See -
forth, when . his youngest dauehter,
Nellie Scott, was united in marriage
to Mr, Harvey F. 1VIcGowait, a pros-
percus young farmer of hlasiStoba. The
knot, was tied by Rev. Neil Shaw of
Egmondville. The brithe was prettily
attired in cream Tamiline trimmed
with white. satin and all-over lace
• and she tarried a bcgeet • *of white'
carnations.. She was assisted lae Miss
Jennie R. Brownlee of Seaforth who
locked handsctne in white crgaadie
trenined with applique and medallions
and serried a baguet' of pink carna-
tions. The groom 'was assisted by
his nephetv, Mr. James Janson of
Fergas. To the strains of the wedding
marchplayed! by Miss Grace McFaul
of Seaforth, the groom tock his place
followed by tke bride leaning on the
•arm Of her .father. After the con-
gratulations were over the, guests,
nuanbering abaut shay, moved to the
dining room Where a suraptuotis dinner
it d tl ein The preserits were nune
The Cartwright
Family's Graft.
Mr. A. D. Cartwright has heett. • 'alh:
-pointed secretary of the Railway Com-
mission at a salary of $4,boo per An-
num. Of course he is sow sof Fir
Richard Cartwrignt. So fee, ..so goods'
Mr. Cartwright inakes .the third son el
Sir Richard to receive a 'government
position. The others are .1,teeteCol.
Cartwright .of the Meeketry team:Ole
awa e .
eraus. and costly, showing the high
esteem in which the young couple are
held, The grcom's present to the
bride was a gold chain and to thn.
bridesmaid.. a handsome gold brooch',
Mr. and Mrs. McGowan left on the
three train for 'Orangeville where they
intend spending • a couple of . weeks
with Mr. MeGowan's . friends. •*- They
carry with them the gocd wishes of .
their many friends.
A few al the • le 0.14. members
spent. Triesdev at the county. meeting
it Exeter. They found et quite Selli-
cult to get home throrgh the . storm
but owing to tke geed driver, Mr.
Scarlett, they areivedehomek.. . •
Owirg 'to the storms a umbel. of
peohle are suffering' fcr. the want of
fuel, • ' . . •
-The At Home at the Collegiate JaL
stitute Wes: decidedly a success. . •
About seventeen. from here attended
the 4:eel:tie-a at Mr. 'Wm. Sproa.V.s.'
Miss Hazel Winters is. sat present
Ottawa, salary 52,800 e and hispectisr very ill.. • •
Cartwright who resigned his pos.ition •The • Eeworth Leagee Of the Metho-
as Inspector of Mounted Police selary
51,200, in order to secure a. Mot& ha
crative position as yet unannounced. .
Then there are Ceetwrighi net:St:eves!,
ccusins, etc., which are "reckoned .by
the dozens," who have heen. 'looked
after by the ,Minister of Teadel: and
A large number have been e.t.a ere
eaffering from influenza.
McBeath, who has been ill with
bronchitis, is recovering. -
Little Mertha Dinsdale is seriously
ill with meningnits of the brains
The literary society met the evening
ot the 29th Jan., and a V. fed tittle
was spent. .Axt interesting debate wes
orl the subject"Resovd tbe ac -
men ehettld have the frimenise."
the affirmative sideMisshl
haren Miss Lottie Grassick, Mr. W.
11. Joihnston and 11. Aikenhead. On
the negative side were Messrs. B.
Penfounde D. Canteren end J. Forrest.
The decision was given in favor of the
affirmative. The Misses Grassick,
Murdock and McBeath ecntributed some
excellent mtssie.
The following is the January morah-
ly report for S. S. No. 14, •Stanley,
manes axe in order of tnerit :
5th-Mery Johnston, Ida Diusciale,
A. W. Johnston.
4th -Eleanor Hood, W. H. Jones, E.
Sr. 3rd -Jean Grassick, Arthur Ric-
Jr. 3rd -Etta Jarrett, Mabel Me -
Beath, hi. M. Visitor.
2nd -J, Kehl, Hannah Diesdale, Ode
Mc/teeth, s,
end Pt. --Arthur. Jones, 13ritee Logan,
Lola Bothwell. •
The best spellers in the monthly spele
ling matches were : 4th, Mary Jelin -
ton; 4th, Eleanor Hood ; Sr. 3rd,
Jean Grassich ; Jr. 3rd, M. M. Fisher;
2214, Sarah Rathwelt ; 2nd Pt., Bruce
Commerce. .. • •
The public will naturally feet shoals -
ed. that Sir Ricl.ard, who was . once eci
viaorous in his denunciation :• of -e the
Civil Service,is filling so many pub'
lic offices withis family cennectione
but when it is remembered. that Sig;
Richard himself entered the Laurier
government as the occupant of en allie
ce which he declaredwas whe4la
necessary, and has since been draiving
a salary ca $7,„000 per aunium. It is
not surprising that the Mithster hear-
ing sinned in his cwn behalf is. now wil-
ling to pi.t himself still deeper/he the,
mire. Then, tco, he is shortly: to be
placed on tie shelf ot !ministerial- "has
berns" ana. Canada in the meantime
may expect to see nuaty„brancles 'of
tte Cartwright faniily .placeet •
Liberals Still Phoing
. .
With Electors..
The Tcrcisto News Las been publish-
ing a series of interviews touching on
the 'question of tariff revision.. A-
mong prominent Conservatives from
the Atleutic to thP
e acific ti
here s a
unanimous cellfor the presesvatioe
end encouragement of Canadian in-
dustries ty giving theta aadequate
pratecticee" In the Liberal ranks no-
thing but disorder is to be .
Some cry out for increased protection,
others want free trade,' many clamor
for no change at all, and a. fourth
group will be satisfied with anything
the Liberal party oilers.. The reason'
for this 2.rbitrsay,.. lack of hatinony
among governent suppoiters eariate
traced to the failure of Liberals.Sitiee
1896 to lend support to any: flied pie.
inciple. Mr. Prefontaine was : free to
presets protection in. Montreal. at the
very moment that Mr. Fielding, . -Was
assured the electors of Yarmouth that
the Liberals had headed• the ship 'to-
wards the open sea of free. trade. It
is not sarprising, tterefore, thet the
rank end file of the party have taken
their cue from the leeders. Mr. Char-
les Mama, M. P., Benaventure, frank-
ly states that he cic.es not know that
his ,corstituents take a great interest
in protectionand feels at liberty tc
rest his case there. And his =ewer,
may be taken as the meat succinct re-
ceived by the News. The Literal
party has erprealed and will apheal to
the country as opportunists pure sad
simple. A Liberal may do anything,
if he has a chance cf fcoling thepeo..
ple. Such 'mockery cf prblic opinion
'should be resented by Ceradiens of all
classes when the opportunity is afford-
ed the people to say their say att the
polls. ,
Mr. Sifton Saving His Skin.
The Hone Clifford Sifton, has shown
his corlidence in the strength of the
cause he sepports by deserting hie
present seat in Brandou, Man., • to ac-
cept the nomination in the now riding
of Rainy River endi Thunder Day, On -
taxi*. Like Sir Richard Cartwright,
who leee forsaken South Oxford, the
Minister of the Interior sees the hatelf
writing en the wall. In the Manitoba
provincial elections Brandon, returned
two Conservatiees. 'that, to Mr. Sir -
ton is an unpleasatet eirctlitistairce. So
a new field is to be graced by the ere -
settee et the 2896-04 millionaire.
Mr. Siftan's jump hens one province
to another is unprecedented itt Cana-
Ivian polities. The .Minister of the
TritCrifir is 1'Ma111 LOWS' MiltiStOrt" To
hold a seat in Ontario seal represent
Mae:tuba: in the ettibireit is whit Mr.
Siftatt aspires to a feat only possible
ander such a government as now holds
sway itt Caticalts.
There is an explanation to be *heed
in Mr. Sifintee .belielf, however, In
ti e election of 1900 lie cartied Iltatidon
by an expetulitute of $75axse. To-dey
Mr. S;f ton would almost have to deo-
ble that mount in order to win: hie
election. To hitia great et; hie
lartiate has alleaSeed siffee his entry in
diet ehurch held a soctal in the base-
ment.. The prcgram. was excellent and
everybcdy reports a good time.
Mrs...Ichn A. and. Mrs. Gecf..Brown-
lee and soli of London, vvlet. were guess
is at Mr. Geo. 'Browitlee's for some
,lefe on Saturday lest -for . Lon -
A limber af our young people gath-
ered at the beam *of 31r. ;Parks Of
rsocaulaille Said joyfully- gent the
evening deeming and playing games.
. Holmdsville: •
Quarterly sacramental services were
held in the Methodist ehereh co Sun-
day and service was held. in tle even -
as usual. The board will. • meet
Monday afeertiorst.
Miss Carrie ;Wetter has had ariflata-
metion of the bowels. Mrs-Win.Seen-
ley is laid up with congestion of the
lungs, Mrs. Geo. Tebleitt has an at-
tach, of elehrisee Mrs. E. Lions:ad hes
la -grippe. • ., •
Mrs. 'ruder of Constauce spent last
week with her mother, Mrs. Stanley.
Lewis Tebhutt las hired hvith. Dlr.
J. R. -11clines.
- Miss. Emma •Courtice is leid up, With
la grippe, a .
• The G. T, R. lies putere ccel stove
the station here. This has been needed
all winter and has not been done too
On alcoday rimming the fruit wheels
of the -melt train • rea off the traek
West of the village. irhe Water over-
flowed the track on Sunday and froze,
thee causing the accident, • Atter 2.
.couple of hours bard wc.ek things were
righted'and the train proceeded en' its
Misses Emma and Clare Proetce are
suffering`lfrom in grippe. .
Mr. Gehrge Ludlow carries mi. broad
smile these cSays tom- the arrival of a
buby girl. Catgratulations.
Mrs.. W. Tebbiht is laid ep Ulth
. .
, r. and Mrs. John McCartney heve
renamed from Souris, Manitoba, and
are .at present visiting their daughter,
Mrs. G. W. Healey Of Clinton.
- Millen Township.
Another Pioneer Gone.
• I I
Goderieh Township.
Another of the pioneers of the coun-
ty has passed away in the person of
Mr. George Cox, who died on Jan.
3ote. Alr. Cox was born itt the
county of Fermanagh, Ireland, ore
Navember 24t11, 2826, and Cane to
Canada „a 1833 with his •father, the
late John Cox, his brother David Cox
end three sisters. A fourth sister 're-
mained itt Prebend some twenty years
later. Two .other brothers, James- anti
John had tome out ths; prea ions year.
The subject of this obittfary notice
was married in the early forties to
Jane Hamilton of Yorkshire,Eaglend,
awl their four children survive : John
W.. of Holyrood, Bruce County Mrs,
Clem.. Newton., George IL and Sarah
at Porter's Hill. Miss Frences . L.
Roberts, an adapted daughter, • has
made her home 'ivith tile other 1:lent-
bers of the family since infancy..
David is the only cite of the deceased's
brothers and sisters who is still livingf
Mr.Cox wss in his eighty-eighth year,
-bat notwithstendires:Ins advanced years
was in fair health up to about the 8tk
of jamiary. He suffered considerably
but retained his metal facultiesen.-
impaired till within n very short( time
of his -death. -.Deceased bad been for
many years a Member of the Metho-
dist - church wad was, a loved! and - re-
spected - citizen. He had beets a!
atauncir Liberal ever slime Conledera-
tioa days and for nearly • fifty years
had been a jeatice of the peace • for
Heron meaty. •Fier over seventy
years he hadresideei in this district
and ever situ' his marriage has twat
on' the. tcenestead. The funeral tcok
place on Tuesday, Rev, Mr. Steal of
Bayfield conducting the servicea.
The pallbearerswere six nephews :
John Alexander, eleatnes
Thomas and Roliert T.. Cox.
'Theta 'died iri Egmondville on Jane-
ery 29th„ Mr. Leopold Oita VanEg-
mond. .He was one•of the mese re-
inarkahle el early settlers cf the 'Har-
m tract. His father, Colonel Aran-
Eginoud, Was an officer in thdarmy
at •
Napoleon Bonaparte. • Calcnel Van-
Egnosid and family came to Cenada.
in 182a. He had -a large contract with
the ,Cariaea, Conipany for opening the
road -through the bush from Stre.tfctrd
to Gedericht He tock a pramineat.
part with . McKerraq i11 1.4 rebellion of
187, :by which it is now clehned, • we
secured the 'benefits . ef• responsible
governmeato Mr. Leopald Varbgaiond
was a 111£.11 of greet: self-reliance, per-
severance and determinatiou. .' He had
wonderful inechanital talents. .In..c1d
times he built a SWW-111111. CT.. the. Bay-
field river, .doing, all the work himself,
both hen 2,rd woodwork evecessfully,
and, me le kr eneny. years. At that
time this. hurt. ef the- country eves de-
pendent ions Lis mill lot -hotelier for
.building' purposee.. As .a machinist his
gepetation. extended ever the canary:
;He :made his WW1' tgO1S allY1( his ex-,
cellent . Workmanship was .mose sur-
prising • .
A number of Yaung people gathered
at the Noble homestead on the Huron
Itoadone evening last weele to :say
good bye toMr, George Shade prior
to his departure for iVlinto, Men. It
was a gay party and kr severat hours
all went as merry as a marriage bell.
• On. the way home one, young couple
met with a misfortune, their • cutter
tumbling . over the side of a culvert
and ht the mantis the young lady lost
one of her eabbers which. .on being
fcund. next- day told the tale. f
- • The hollowing is the repcirt of
No. 7 for Jav. based on daily marks.
Those marked x attended every cley
stli-x Maggie Elliott, Chas. Sunder -
Sr. 4th -x Win. Tamblyn, x Wm.
Siethereocla x Jas Brighatn„ Alfred
4th-exhrOrtnan Kuox, x Frank
Tamblyn. • . •
Sr, 3rd-4leema.rt Sundertock,
Jr, 3rd -Elsie Lear.
ist-Pearl' Cenningliam, Kelland Mc-
Vitt'e •Curaningliain, George
Perfect epelling-ist S. 13righr„tn, 2rel.
W. Tamblyie '
We contributed $2.85. to Hospital for
Sick Children. -E. C. Wilford, Teacter.
• • .Constance.-
Mr. Valiant. Hatham a( North -Das
k_ota vi. 'led. his brattier., Richard Hce
eliasn, 1 st Week. . • _
ewitt of Brussels spent: Ines
day ith his. scn, Reiiben•Jetvitt.. .
The Ladies' Aid have deckled to hold
a Leap 'Year sccial c.o Tuesday even-
ing of next week. It: w:ill be held at
the tesidenee of Mr. William Melee
tosh There will be a smell admission'
fee ancla good program.
. Miss Pattie hfillsolt of Detroit is
Oho week th-e guest of her inothee!
3trs 311 lison..
We understand Mi. 42.,ines Stanley
intends: building a shoeshop : fella post;
Olflee kcal -it -shied in our village n the
spring: •
The quarterly meetittg services were
nct held here- on Sunday owing . to
the bedroads,but we understate' it
will be held next Suriclr_y. mornine. •
• East Wawanosh.
A foie; but Petty hoine wedditig
took place at the residence of Mr.
Devid Ccok, on Tuesday When his
eldest deughter, Estelle, was united in
bonds of matrimony to Mr. James
Kelley of Toronto. The bridal march
was played by Mr. AL Cook ot Clin-
ton, brother of the bride. After the
ceremany the hostess led the way to
the diniag room where z11 partook of
a sumptuous repast. The happy cat-
ple ,left on the afternacit train far
Toreato accompanied by Messra.Chas.
end Will Kelley and Misses Ada and
(Susie' Kelley, brothers and sisters of
the groom. The bride will be inueb
missed by bet fitiany friends hero.
Miss Maggie Kennedy of Toronto is
visiting friencls itt East WitwaticsIt at
present. She Will spend inftat of the
winter in this vicinity
Annual Meeting of North
Huron L. O. Lodge.
Distress After Eating.
g s rpm •
There is only one way to cure in-
digestion, the medicine 421USt, $.43
upon the digestive cegans-not upon
their contente. Medicine should net
do the stomach's \Yak, but should
mehe the stotbach tlu the work nat-
ure intended it sheula do. Dr.
Williams' Isithe Pills do this as na
other Medicine can. 'they _tone• up the
stosna,c.h, restore the weakened 'diges-
tive orgaus and promote uateraa diges-
tion. There is ro ilcabt about titis-
it been pixoed in thousands, of
eases that Dr. Willie:Ms Plait Pills cure
indigestion when ell other snedicites
fail. . Mr. Elcear Robidoux, St, Jer-
ome, Que,. offers his testimony to sub-
stantiate this, He says "For some
years I was a, great sufferer frcao
digestion. My appetite heciond irregu-
lar, and everything a ate felt like a
weight on my stomach. I suffered
Much from petits in the stoinech aud
was frequetly seSted with dizziness and
severe headaches.. Natifing 1 'tried •dier
.me a paatiele tot good until I began. to
• ewe Dr. Willismis' Pink Pills andthese,
niter 'taking them for abc•ut two -mon-
ths, coinpletely cured me. It is nearly
two years since I discoatieued. the use
of the pills at.s1 I haseSeet •since _ • haft
the -slightest return of tie trouble,"
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure riot
only indigestion, but (teary trouble
due to pbor blood and shattered ner-
ves. Tbey will not fail if the treat-
ment is giveis a ilek trinl. Den't
take any .pink colered substitute -
don't 'take -anything but -Dr. Williams'
Pirk Pills •for Pale People, Youwill
find .the " full name printed
wrapper circeedbeovxeilutrryo.hox.
all medicam • dealers
B kville,
The aenual meeting' of .the /4. Ch. L.
of .North Hitron was held in Wirghaen
.Tuesday of last. week. • Nc twith-
standing' the enfavorebleweather aud
irregularhreits a .goodly number of
the • brethren.. were • preseet. Ceen.ty
1Vfaater W.. J. Greer presided. Much of '
-the time: was. taken .up with reports
and routine .work.. •The County ' Mas-
ter's •• addreaswas appropriate, . com-
prehensive and instructive.: A .utuni-
Mous resolution passed deciding -to
celebrate 'July lath in Wingleem. .The
officers etect are : • . •
County, Master, M. Meats
• D. C. M.,• R.. ,Leislanan;
Cliephou, Rev.' V. Lowe • •
• •
Ree.. -Secretary, J. J.. Mehlialees
FinaSeeretarY,..AteX, Leishinea
Treasurer Jas. Jas. Galley •
D. of 'C., hT. Johnston
Lecturers,.... J. Brcsidway,
.• ... • . .
-The rain ol lest week was quite
acceptable to those i. Iii :0 wells were
getting low as well au tc.. the Swamp-
ers who complained oh ihe (.1..ap snow
hitelering their work. a • .
Owing to the condition of the roads
there was na senate hist Sunday. .
Same of oer young people drove to
Brueefielcl last Friday 0,ening, when
Mr. Allan Douglas Was teed& the re-
eihicat of a handsclue ptesent,' front
Blatt: ccngregation. : ..„.
The scarcity f coal is *causing those
who heve be fausingit. to try , the
woad again. • . :
' Mr. and Mrs. William' Dowson en.
tertained a few of their friends* last
Wednesday evening, '
IVIr. George Peck is aieiting his tas-
ter, Mrs. Wen. DoWson. - •
Mr. Devideon Irani North Dakota,
has been visiting .friettls in and arouild
Blake, .
Mr. Robert Iloyee wee in Goderich
last week on buitiness.
Mrs. Thomas Sherritt is getting bet -
Miss \tiara of Valeta returned 1.0 her
home last week after fi pleasant visit
to her ec•usins, Mr. arel Mrs. Boyce.
Mr. John Johnston, we are sorry to
say, woe; unable to return to scheol
•ate, accolott of la griptie.
A Mother's Praise.
"From the thne mybaby. wan born."
says Mrs'. Robt. Price cf Comberinere,
Ont.,. "lie was alivitys sickly and cos-
tive until I began is
tam 'Baby's
Own Tablets. Ile es now well, • strong
cad growing nicely and I cat hardly
say how thankful 1 auk for my baby's
cure.". In every hone where there are
young childtetm this inedicine should
always be kept on hand. The troubles
of little ones termwhen least expe,cted
and e dose of • the tablets prceriptly
given may save a precious little life,
1$24by1s OW11 Tablets cure all the Minor
ills of little ones and an Occasional
dose will prevent sickness. They are
guaranteed to contain nol'opiete or
harmful drug. 'lime The tablets are sold
by all medicine dealers or sea post
Paid at 25 cents. a box by .writing
'the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co'.. Brock-
ville, Ont.
Hay Township.
The township wand' :net 011 Veb.
Int itt the town hall.
The auditors' report was on motion
receNed and passocl, The folks:Ong
sums were ordered to be paid ;
Moses Geiger for grasel $6.88, Muni-
cipel World for Weeks and stilearip-
tions $12.251 Herald for printing $13.-
50, Tp. clerk registering births mar.
riages and deaths $13.20, T. & M.
:Solinson goods for Mrs. Ilse $11, Tp.
'treasurer for pOstage $2.87. Jceephi
Gribg cherity Se.
Council adjourned to Morday, the
7131 day of March, at a cileleek lt. ser,
Gladealek. .
'We felt ..eeey: Sorry t reeding die
ftmeral 'card laste:Weekeeuagehleing_the
.death .of • one of. the..01(1 pioneers 'of
• Mr. Gecage Cche who Was call-
ed to rest ficeu. his lielicure Satur-
dey., Jan...sett'. In our schcol days
and before hewas the assessor .of the.
town -and. town:hap:- , • •
lovliest. aflair of.. the ;Seaecn"
was the Verdict .pronounced an the
pleasure given. tlie' imeeditts Alai bach-
elors at tle assembly given by thoth
on Friday evening. The Blackstone
ceche:stem- Catile, in for Many eaconite
pis... The enesic of the . Ilute was
simple.. bewitching although,. every
members. hla.yed with . great skill.: "The.
time is • •so swell marked" Was heard
en all 1. _
Ma,yor. Lewis presented • the. rink,
with sonic extra:: 16 etualic;, power
ligh.ts 'which very Inueli • 'adds. • S. ‚the
onlcokers' pleastre, ; • e
X. Leish-
5250 by
cents a
Mr. W. te- Hort= piesented... the
Wire screen which we •acted . with plea-
sure at the easteeed .of the riak:•which
odds. much to the safety of the .spec-
tators and • adds much ' to 'tighten • 'the..
play of the...hockey "clubs, • • '
Thelate Mr. Peter MeEwan cf,Salh.
ford sank . to test early ,on 27th . Jan.
at" his Itseiclsoine residence, Creinbria
Read. • The casket was covered: with
floral • tributes by his relati-ves 'arel
Many. well wishers .11 town and 'oetsi-
de, chief among theen•being a large
and handsome wreath,- tabote from
his employees at -Saltford. • The funer-
al took place on Miescley, nee; sge,
Anderson officiating at .Itottse and cem-
etery., „ Quite a, large number of aelieti-
vee of hie family and friends Emu .a
distance attended the. hitneral, notably
the follcwing : George IticEtvan-IVI. P.,
.1-Ieneall and Mr. J. Catimelleel of the
seine piece •, Mrs, Lainoni, Cromerty;
end Mr. • Mimi awl Miss - Margaree
McDonald 'of. Croinertv ; Rev, R. Pet-
tigrew, Glea Morris,Mr.. James Mor -
tee, Ihemilten and Inuerkihr .all rela-
tives cf the deceased gentleman • aid
his. life -keg efrimids, Mr, Sperling ef
Wingliain and Mrs eleGarvie 1.1 Clinton.,
Mr. 'Kalamai "McKenzie (Veep ilectigh
from Lucknow ia good time tis t mud
the funeral. The Rea. A. Andereon
officiatecS at house' eaftd, gfave. The
pallbearers were Mesers. Jame; A.
McIntoeleJames Bechannan Sr., John
Elgin Tom; • Williete Wetnock, Alest
Saunders aid David Stallero The
late Mr. -Peter 'Itic tS, wan was boi e. -near
Glasgow, Scarlet:el, in .illeo reel Came
to Canada w,th nal fa.t.iia in 11151.
In 2871 married ,Mise Clirit.titi Mc -
.Kay of the township et thaborre.
came here frein Hibbert township, and
drilled the Tecumseh fella wall and lat-
er he was engagedi et the grale busi.
tiess at Sea.forth where he also sank
several salt wells for file late • Dr,
Coleman, for the Merchants' 'Sett Co.
and for the Gray, Young and SI arling
Co. He else, drilled *ells itt Dublin,
Mitchell Imo Brussels. ltler.:wait
also put down. the Inteetational Salt
Well by the lake, also the Harbor
Sell Worita For twenry years he has
'oeerated the Saltford Salt Works. Tit
1888 and 89 le drilled six artesian
teeth.; for which he had the coittract,
for the water works system ,of the
town, of theltrich and- in the same
year put down the fartesiait well tet
Mhnico Aeyltim. Ile also While ()Pere. -
ting tlie manufacture of salt at Salt -
had was engaged in the sawmill and ,
tooperage stock business, and became
iri later years it ship owliet. Ott at -
count of the &tultine itt Canada. and
the U.. N. Mr. McEwitit met with litany
reverses, his salt well it theitford fell
it victim to the flatiles which would
erippk almost any business mate but
-he Was able to restore the works and
for the laat two years he, with • his
two sone,: Peter cute! Hugh, haat been
'able to pet their mantiketured salt on
a firmer basis than heretofore. Ile
was 1630101 to his many entriloyee,
else intereetcd in their welfare!, a goad
honest, upright men itt leininese, fond
of hie home and family ani worked in
ecateert With his st,41s h,,aIt leisinesa
• Dr.
• Sold
sent • by
, boxes
February 11th, 1904
411 I I I I 11
• • GoderIch.
St. . Valentine's Day • falling', 'upon
Stmdley next the nosteiffice staff will
get a rest. for. that .d.a.y. at least from-
oltice work, . . • . •
Mr. end Mrs.. W. Franklin (nee Miss
Minerva .Baalie Sof Goderich) . tired of
the...Yukon and are spending the .witt-
ter. at their home ia Vancouver; B. C.
•wir, Thames Poselewhaite, who with
his family.kft • last fall tc spend the
winter season with Mr: Ceding, his
fatheraialeag, .well known to the citi-
hens of Clinton„ is spending his -thug
cutting eawn trees. it! Mr: -Ceding's.
bush for timber and firewood, '. ..•
On Wedreeclay evenirg, 3r6: Veb;opli-
te 'a large. progressive ' euchrepatty
was given by Mr. • and, Mrs. A, D.
11CLeae. Oliver .C, Whieely. *on the
'prize which.. was a *pair .01. gold call
hilltops. and the secord prize fell to
the tat -at Mrs. 0. C..Whitely•andelVIre.
(Dr.), Gallow, .Mrs: Gallaw wiehing
handsome 'Crochet ••dcyley7the• SeCond.
" ' • .
• Ash • Weeilesesy -Calls-DTI Pell-- -17t11.
Allthe ga:ety narst end adore th's.t.
date.. . .
Mr ClattdaThahe-of-cmntcii,--wh-
was la 'town • Oit= business last week,'
'wa,s. Utken ill Lad had .to •temaie loeg-•.
crethan he intended.. . • , • .
Wilkin of North Dakota is the
guest ' Miss Harris, who 'gave a tea.-
hi her lamer ou Saturday 'aftetnoon.
Beatrice MeColl, was, <smite a
sufferer front la gaippe .Iasta week.. :
Mrs. ,(Rev.), • Mark • Turebuil veturued
last . week from a tpoialtia vis't to her
hot and his wife„ Mr. •and. Mrs.Carey,
Petrolea.... • '• • .
On aSuaday 11 m on coining! down
Vittoria street,. chureh -after ser-
vice Mr; EOnie ,Young.. tiassea bis foot
and fell With Pis. head agaleSai the
gtanolithic steps,recuvmng ani ugly
.wounaf in his .heath tlerelia: :Dr. Tay-
. ler was sent . for enclthe wound' stitch-'
. .
Mr. W. A. 'libyties received frcim Bide
tato 'last week the announcement of
.the inarriage'.of her nephew, Mr.Frank
Mortis, clay Son' of Mr.: Kenneth Mor-
ris, •fermerly of, Colborne, .hfut ,cf.
Beffalo, to 'Miss Ida Isobel toraileis. of
thel same, cm5y ItIr Frenk. Mortis .is•
.en•old C.. I. • etedent.' • . • '
MisS Attrillwas in Toncetol last
Law ur
04,:.+0#####•:-:••:•4,-:-:•####### ###4.4#•:•:a:•##•:,#•:•#•:-:.#•:4#
We have finished stock -taking, noel on awning everything
up we find the year 1903 was one of the roost successfol
years in the history of our Big Oash Store. Every month
• shows a substare ial increese irs sales tivel. preview: years,
and we take this opportunity of thanking' one mutinous
. customers who have pattonized us 81) liherallYi And sigh (.•
ninnher or new eustoin el s who have east in their lot with.
us doting the lest year, who tell us they find it more set-
itifactory to trade in a big store where it large stock le kept
to select front and where they can get 'nearly everything
reggired without having- to run around from place to
place. 13u1 we are never satisfied, we want to ineke 1004m
. harmer year and give our eustonters better goods and
better values than ever before.
Six Months ago we begnn to place orders for Spring Goods
berme t•he advance in the price of (kittens and with few
exceptions we will sell you Cotton Gonds • at. last .year's
prices, although they ere worth from 15 to 20 per cent,
more now, Stock -taking hangs a lot of goods to the front
which Must be moved out regardless of cost. We can give .
you some great bargains in the following lines if you get
here before they are sold) -Remnant s 01 Deese Goods, Led.
Cloth •Jeckets, Ladies' Astrachan 003 LS, Men's Fur
Coats, Men's Beaver Overcoata Alen's Suits, •Men's Fur
Gans, Gloves, Kitts, Eta.
Irk ft FffiNTial 1
- •
• Miss.. Beatrice .1Trakees .19 eery .hats.
emits+ AIM. proud pesseesor. cf aasfisete
niedal.in shape ae a shield surmetinted
by a crown. , Hia• name .s engravdel
upon it, as.. alSo the vadne of the
thottattful dc.nor,. M. Stanley. M. D.,
Brantford, • fcr Entraece examinatioti
.work. .
Miss . :Hattie Harrison and • Miss
Arid . Van. Valkciibtrg will leave for.
• .
orwich next week, '
40 • 4 I 4: II:. 4. 4 41 4:1 44 I :44 I + 10:4
• A
FEB. 14th 13 +
Y in stock at from
2c to 50c each.
A •
4 Fancy . Valentines
:k Comic valentines 44:
lc and 5c each., +
Call and gee
I* our large
1 assortment.
a- see-
• op r Co
4** •-•
sahaes fee+ hoh•Ss as+ asehhalethas4o4oe:::
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The latest is "Keppel Oak.". We have
_El Q*()_.11.. ::.4 pALL 40.
• Night and, Sunday Celli answered as reaide tics of hle. John POwell o. et
• either of the. principels. . .• :
••••••••••••••••••••••:•••• •••••,•••••••••••••••+
... .
0.,reat Stock . . • . .,
• • Rp.O.u.i.104, -Salel
. . . .... .
$50.00.0_ ftrehe class Boatseand-
. Shoes at slaughter prices.a--
. "
We are determined to reduee our stock, in order to do so, We are
' •wttliug to sacrifice profits for the next two oe three weeks
Special Bargains in Men's Fine Shoes
Special Bergains.iti Ladies' Fine Shoes
:11.ei:sv'slleib.bere:, First Qiuility, WorM
th 8ffo only c'
Ladies'. , . 00c 1.14e
40e . 25c
goods. Let es quote you .our priers. "
45e• 20c
The above are lege that the Manufacturer's prices.
3thefairs Childreihs laid But toned and Laced Boots
worth 90c and $1 goieg at atie. '
You are invited to our breat Annual Cleating Sale
lslow is the opportnnity to secuee genuine htirgains
mali kinds of Footwear. No trouble te show
The Old Reliable
W211. & SON.
i) •
(titt,ii\s\e\a‘,..t,„actsf;',,:i4t.t•:NCIK•,ACt •
•....THE B107
Sweeps forivited with greater (twee then: ever. •Every
partment bus caught. Ow contagion of ritt prices met erowds
are taking advantage ot (his leg sale. •
lt will pay you to vieit this centre Of hesinesshe thoesands
of dollars worth of goods will be ritshed outdating Sale days.
Everything in the line of winter goods must go regardlees of
It will surprise you how ter you can notke a dollar ge here
these diva
Ladieh Dress Skirth.Ladies •Coets, latent styles, Ladies'
der Wiese Ladies' Wreppers, Watela and Night elowne at
sweeping reductions'.
All Furs will he eleatred out regardieSa 11'cosh.
Military Flannel, Grey Elneuel and ihederWeer at clearing
Ahin's and Iley's Overcoets and Sntts At les!; helm trouttlfde*
tureArsstlilpeetii largo heavy Robe%
Several hundred pairs or Mors and Shoes to be sold at tre•
endows reductions. A snap in Lamp (41asere. •
Presli Groceries always on hund,
Any quantity of flutter mei Eggs taken 10 eitchnotte for goods.
- •
riists't or la U1osk .
• Qt.,*
iha.)20•Afthe)ShaNhae 'Sheehakhahekessitw..?,,..eosaNee_e.
diCiArilrAL..17410•11,0.1717Y/Algertnr . 7". r: rrtir-wessorettorrir
Progressive business men
advertise in the