HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-02-11, Page 1•
25th Year
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Order a New Suit Now.
If you want to save trorn $8 to $5 on a first
class tailor-made Suit we would advise you to leave
your order at once. The values we are offering can-
not be equalled enywhere near here. We bought
Mr. Holloway's stock at a. low rate on the dollar and
ake selling suits made to your order at prices you
will not get pgain for a long time.
Men's Tweed Suits made to your measure from
fine all tweed, Canadian and Imported, good linings
throughout and a guaranteed fit. A pod selection
of patterns at $10 4& $12.50.
Men's fine Scotch tweed and Worsted Suits)
made to order with first class linings and best
workmanship guaranteed. These suits sell in cities
and large towns at $25, We are offering therm goods
till the first of March only at $15.00.
Bargains from the Men's Furnishing Dept.
For thics week only we place on sale about 38' pairs Shirts
and Drawers in i3ne all wool; that are worth tip to$1, sT5
each at
Boys Black leather and mule skin lined mitts, regular 40c for 30c
50 Men's fine colored shirts, our hest $1, it $1.25 qualities for 00c
12 pr Men's horsehide driving gloves,the best$1,25 quality for 130c
Just a few of those 50c flowing'end Ties left at ante
3 dozen Boy's fancy colored all wool gloves, 25c quality for lee
. • •
$ 31 doz. Boys' Winter Caps with peak and poll down'
hand, in all sizes and assorted colors, our best
25c and 35c Caps for this week only... . . . .. . .....
20 pair Men's Overalls in stripe and .plain grey:drill, worth
85c and 90c a pair, all at one price sU
Just about 4 doz. Men's Collars, mostly double 'tend style, C
regular price 15c and 20c each; at.. ' 3 for • L
By Saturday we expect to place in stock about 200 pair .Men's
Pants that we bought for our new stole. On account of being near-
ly sold out of other lines , we will place thein all on sale at, a say-
ing of about 25 per cent.
The J. W. Newcombe Co.,.
"oistesolowIcrAlc4€4.9temioNem-1( mesmi*efeistaemeo9k„„
00000000 0 0O 0 0 0 0 00
SAVE ! ! !
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 a 0 0 0 a a 0
Begin the New Year by opening a Sayings Bank account in
The Sovereign Bank
[Incorporated by Actsof Parliament]
0 00 00 0 0 000 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The Bank endeavors to make ;their' Savings Systera the eluded and
most agreeable medium for all classes of the coannunity to save their
earnings hy depositing $1 or as -much more is they. wish. Every de-.
positer's money is secured. ... se.. .. . ... .. . ........ .• ..... . .
Since it's establishment the Sovereign Bank of Canada has had un;
precedented success in the financial world,and it Btaibility is be-
coming more widely known every day. A Comparative statement •en-
ded Oct 31st last is here appended whieb discloses tacts ,and figure
never before known in benking history... ... • •
Assets Slat Oct 1902 31st Oct.'1903
Cash and Bank Balances $ 383;097 $ 622,774
Bolide and Stocks 439;8(53 713,397
Lnans and Discounts 1,088,688 ' :5,821.390 '
Bank Premises, Safes, Etc. 44,475 52,859
$3,855,203 $7,209,920
• -
F Liabilities . ' '
Capital—Paid up $1,173,478 $1,300,000
Re4erve Fund and Undivided Profits 240;000 382,3.38
Sovereign Bank notes in circulation 759,995 1,237,850
Deposita 1,691,730 4,309.432
• $3,855,203 $7,209,920 . •
0.00<4400<X> 0 * *000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
H. T. Rance,
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <
0 0 0 0 0
aseatelinstaeseleaSeensels • .
.• 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-14-1-14-1-1-1-1-1-1+1+144+4+1-101•+
• •
0000000 • 00000000 000
This is to announce a
. Clearing.. SaIe.
Clothing. Partieulars
Next Week
T. Jackson, Sr,,
Mrs. William Tozer will receive cn
Thure.da.y, Feb. Otte and not a'gain
this seasc.n.
Wheat 8oc.
-Oats eoe,
Brat* fdxs,00.
Shorts 32o.00.
Butter eee to es.
gg•s 200.
A, Novnr, SNOW PLOW,
1.4% "Seotelt Social" will be given in Mr. John Hunter •sent a double -
the basement of Willis claerch cm the deck cf sheep to Toronto yesterday
evening of the 23rd inst. for which the and Mr. T. Mason two loeds of mixed
Missioer Bend, under whose auspices A stock, Buyers liner sellers alike will
will be held, is now busy making pre- be glad when shipments can be freely
paretions. made.
The attendance at Wesley church last Mks. DinsleY is suffering because of as
Sunday was not nearly as lane as it broken limb as the result of a fall
would have been Lod the weather beeu the other day:
at all ifavorable. But theese present 1VIrs Milne li d tal f n
s pie)
a. e on ues-
very. much enjoyed the addresses
bY day evening and was so badly shaken
Peoetang, Feb. 6-'The-'The'limes] says Rev. Dr, Hentiersoe, the Miseicoary up that she will be confined to her
The township of Tiry has been using secretary, who is widely knoWn as one
disc -harrows with provounced success of tile most eloorent %ministers of the rconi for o few days. •
in making the heavy snow roeds pass- methodist Churele. DIED IN WOODSTOCK,
able. They cot down -- idges
work the snot; to the sides, sc. that • ' 1". There eepartcd this life in Woodstock
Wesley chrele hria always eorribut- •• '
horse teams eats jog along comfortatbly . 1 nd .1
ed generous y to t ze support o anise -
without danger of cutting oil, which er on Satierday last en old-time resident
io us. a .t. a eenbtlieotrisitaurns for the
Ye— of Clinton os the person of Mrs. Isa-
tow: scnnewliat hazardous. i rat'f 'n
years. It, is about two decades since
makes driviog on the ordinary roads are in 1 will e f i g 1 yi ge .
bella Macpherson, aged about sixty
. ' she left this toWn. Het deeth tock
THE COLLEGIATE 130ARD, : The Presbyteriens of Seaforth have place at the home cf her sister, Mrs.
decided to' modernize their 1 church Butgess. .
The Collegiate Institute Board,which : and have let the centract to Mr: S.S. •
consists of Messrs. M. D: MeTaggart; .The rerneins wore brought to Ctn..'
W. Jackeon, D. A. Forrester, J. Rause - Cooper of Clintam. .In the past. few
years se ooper .0...s eree co sorne o
M C • • r• t 1 1 ton - • •
on Voiulay for interment, The
ford, H. •Plutristeel,.' J. Scott and W. funeral was ottended by a number of
P. Spaulding,. met one evening Irse:t : the largest butleengs in the count
end the church meet:gars are bo daub); cid friends. The services were ecn-'
week and. organized for the year with . ducted :by Rev. Dr. Stewart • mei the
pallbearers were ; W. $e' Harland, D.
McCorvie„ R.• Irwin, J. Shepherd, W.
Robertson' and • J. Smith. Among the
mourned were c' A. Fuller, Toronto ;
.j. Forbes, Gunn, Mrs.. Burgess and
Miss -Burgess of Woodstock-, ,
the following officers :
Chaim/at, J. Scott
Secretary, M, D. McTaggart
Treasurer, W. Jackson
Property Committee, M. D. McTag-
gart, W. P. Spauldirg, IL Plum,
Quarterly services' were held* lit :the
Ontario streetchurch last Stucky
when owing to the state of the wea-
ther it was observed that the male
members ,of the 'eongtegetion were in
the onajority, some .pf -whom Walked
quite a. &stance. . At the evening air -
nice Dill Cook finished .a series. of•ser-
mons • on the "Youth David." Next
Sunday evenings he Will -commence' a
series.. on "Daniel, his .frkiids• " •
taking . as the litet. of the series' 11A.
•Young Man's, Purpose."
The especial •qUerterly meeting of the
W. M. S. 'of ehie church was held • at,
the %home of Mrs. E. G. Courtico . on
Tuesdtiy• evening: Tea was served at
6.30. „followed by the: regidar business
of the sceiety and E.; special study'. of
Chinaand the work there:. The. W. M.
S. is one of the most ilainishing so-
cieties in •connection with the. church;
having doubled its membership during
the last six snonths.;•
Anexplesien *sad by gaaoline gics•
tools piece in the basement of the,resi-
deuce cd Mrs. MeTaggeat about
seven o'clock Sunday inOrning. A kale
was blown through the.,flcor in the
hallway, the carpet was torn up raid
in other ways :the forceof the • to -plo-
sion was showu.• Mrs. and Miss Mc-
Taggart thought at first that the re-
port was 'causedby ice falling , intim
-the roof, but soon the inell of smoke
mused 'e hasty- investigotion. The al.
arm' was sounded 'and soon assistrince,
came, but fortunately ,the flames _had
died: out and about the: only damage
deft was that ioentioned above. •
_ . • _ •
' What caused the explosion is ete cons
undruin.• • The. residence -tee fine years
been hglited with geiOlenelges; but
it has not been used since last' fall..
The ' gasoline tank was some distance
from the house, but ehe' pieles had' net
been disconnected: NO one Was in the
cellar at the timeof the explosion.
The fire alarm .had been setnided and
the, brigade .scon appeased upon the
scene.. • An .early arrival, net .one • of,
the brigade, started :the fire in the
engine; too soot es- A turned , out for
it was :foetid impossible to get 'the
steamer 'out of the hall Owing . to a
snow drift at the door. Itsnick in
the .doordsay :and hertn the sparks from
the smokestack the building had
narrow eecepe, .
The • -Rev. M. Turnbull Of Goderieh
addressedt the A. Y. P. A. • of • . St.
Peel's church co. Tuesday evening, Lis
sul:Oect being "Incidents.in :a Uruguay -
en. R.evoluticut."The' lecturer recouns
tedsights and •seenes which', fell within
his owe: experience and he was it:stetted
to wAle •the closest attention: Mr.
•Terftbull told of the high tower • of
observed in Mootevideoe .. the • ex-
cellence of -theeyesight possessed. 'by
the natives and of leaving been'. emu-.
Itioned tothe tower of cbsereation to
see a commotion scene fora or fie
miles ,e4stant. The inhobitants of Ur-,
ugoay cant tell the nationality- of a
horseman three nines away by the
manner he sitsin the saddle, so it
waseasy to, diSeeni a hared of 2;000
of the revoluticeusts coming with all
haste towards them. This mealt -loss
as the tompany iit .wbfelt Mr. Titrnbull
was had loo,000 cattle and lined.°
sheep, besides horses, Mules and burr-
oe. The lecturer pee a clear descrip-
tion of the appearance of the revoloo
tionists, their neete • to • get supplies
and be away ar.in as they were pur-
aware that no cootractor ..canpush
mark ' through with ' greater celerity
than - Can Mr. ••Ccoper. . .
.. .
• Mr. IL Little of • Serifortir has let
the contract to Mr, Cooper . for the
erection cf ei brick reeidentee. in. .4g-
mondville. •
. An exchange says : ."Many -ace:dents
on railroad. How cotild it be other-
wise •? Roadbeds -aee. froeen solid and
there •is no flexibility to the tees. • This
conditiots together with frost • in, the
rals CatiSent travel to. be exceedingly.
dangerous. • Extreme •hot - or cad Wea-
ther Ofiects •or • beast, the earth
and :everything thereof. ' The eleinents
are not. Nvithin • the control. of little.
tra.n.. •
The: weather. during •the past week
has; Moderated. in . so•far as tte show
fall .apd high. wituds are. conteented,' het
or: • Tuesday.night the thermometer
registered the lowest point this .sea'
Sone 36 below .zero. .It has,' .indeed,
been.: re .celd. snap, mosteeeverely felt
by thcseeof our. citizens who begiti to
.see the bottom of. theie 'coal bins;
Concliteter .John Qt- irk's traito7which
was snow -bound heee 'on Wednesday of
last •• week, hed :to remain' until
Saturday.. when: the.. track. was'eleared,
Rut .the jovial John: appeared to en -
jeer .his erforced detentioe and* be hes
Istree tam heard to spea.k tery flatter-
ingly .ef Clinton, While. here he was
initeoted into. the mysteries of a new
fraternal. •serciety, which . has grown
rapidly in • Canada : and the Uriit
States 'during the past year., Mr.
Quirk • Wes: so ,ple%e•see: -With the ritual
that he-reqiiested that 'the 'ambers of
Itis crew be alsc. achnittid to tho mys-
teries •cf the etc'er. This was done.
The, officers of the local lodgi: are :
Master; W. Jackson • •
Warden, D. A. Forkester •
Conductoo• W. 13rydone:
Tiler, J. Rattenbury" _ .• ,
Since Saturday passenger trains have
been.running but not on schedule tittle: !
Freialtt is begiiiiiiog eo move Slowly.
SO congested has the traffic become
that it bas beeri seinp:offiaany
stpunced•that the Grand .Trunk
fc,r the present accept .any freight' (in-
cept rive stock' and perishable goods.•
If this is correct amuch more serious.,
state. of affairs, Will soon develop. In
many towns the itteply of grreceries is
funning short Mid neerlY. everywhere
there ais a shortage of coal. There is
a fuel •leiniee in Seafoeth Which 1 as
caused ;MI6 discomfOrt." if rot •actual
suiffering. Clinton se far haat fared
well and thieve is new, a 'stillicitat :Oita
ply of anthracite on hand to lest- for
some , time. dlerland. Bros. got in a
couple of carloads this week and have,
distributed it aniong their custOntera
in ton and half -ton lots.
• "
sued, the roue ing ,up ect or 60 head
of cattle for them, their mode. of de-
e-. spatching them. and•roaSting them -
whole, the teedvity of the negroes• who
were little better than slaves and of
how the invaders were persuaded not
to molest the horses of the company.
o• Prom this Mr. Tornbull passed/. cee to
as a description of the eirconietancee stn.:
4.-•• rounding the death of Juan Vendne,
- spy, and in relating these eireunisten-
: ces the lecturer madd several disgres-
e sions peculiarities the inhabit
• ts eaine to his mind, each containing
some interesting information of the
life or habits \ of the Vrikgttoyans. •
Throughout the tettetre tkhere was an
undercurrent of thought expressing a
generous recognition. of the many ex-
&tient traits possessed by the peOple
of 'Uruguay, their unwavering` hospitei-
ity, their regard for truth, their
extreme politereess and their simple
faith. Mr.. Ttirnbull cencluded‘ n very
attractive address by iinpresSing upon
young people who wish to get on in
the world the necessity .of practising
in all their dealings truth, honor ar.d
Politeness, These (1141ities. make Mr. 4atts thanked the members fOr
ore acceetable everywhere,. A itearey their handsome gift and the kind woo.
On • Thursday • evening; last, Loyalty
Council • of! Royal Templed ledd a
sctiae gathering ,at their - some
Sikty -members being" present, .The
early part of the evening was spent
' ie. • playing ,rennerouli *games while Mr.
S. Andrews uunepulated. aline graino-,
phone,. Mr. V. J. Fleker occupied .the
chair and there. was a sl eat program
of music,. Lustre:motel said vocal, by
Mei: Watts, Miss Grecteio Mrs.. Seale
aOd the . harinctica orcheetea, after
whiOli Mr. and Mrs., le. W. Watts were
called to the • front end oo behalf of
the council Mr.. Jelin CoOper. presented.
handeonte easy chair rend Miss Beti.
trice *Green 'read the. followingi ads
dress : • ,
Mr, and Mrs.• F. We Watts
Dear Sister -andlleother Watts,—We,
the members of Loyalty Council • No.
tete, decided to take ,advantage of this.
sociel eveilieg to express to you the
high appreciation , we feel for your ef-
forts to advance the pod of our or-
der and to pro note the CE,AlSe of teine
.perrince. .our community. We ell
throughly• realize that yot were of
the first members who foutteed the
coupcil . here end we have observed
your zeal % fa everything pertaining to
the order both in pow social duties
and, securing taw enetnbers . since
that time. We think it hut right thet.
you should know that we regard your
indefatigable labors as having( con-
tribute.' very largely tc the upbuilding
cf our lodge tee its present, prosper-
ous coreclitico. The members teust
thot you • will accept this chair as a
slight tangible tokcit of' the gratitude
and good wishes which ell held to -
Wards you and IIS an index of the Lope
Which ail feel that you may long be
spared to lend your assistence to our
noble cease.
Yours in Hope, tc..ve and Truth.
Signed on behalf of the members,
13eotrice Greene, Alice Burnett,
' W. S. Flukey, S. C. Andrews.
Thou' taken -completely by surprise
To the Editor of The News-Record—
It. . was with fecerfUl...and treinbling
hearts that many •ref our citizens hut-
ried to respond to the• fire alarm last
Sunday • morning. • ThOse that • were
familiar with the situation knew that
it watild he an Utter •iinpossibility to
move- our -fire engine. any distance
through the...roe:01p thaeondition they
.were at that time on accottit of the
recent thaw. I sjocerely hope that it
will not take a serious cOnflageation
to alwalnii our .eitizens to the •fact;
that entr• fite equipment is entirely in-
adeeprete to fight a lire of • any very
large proportion. Our present systeto
costs us each in
quite o .suni
nieney to keep in refining order. and if
A were ,the best obteenablee .woela
not raise any' clejection; .but it is not,
and. it,hes.'been demonstrated.. in knany
other.towns in our near.vicinity that a
system of • water works operated •• in
connectien with the- electric light:Plant _
not* Only would give us 'the protection
we 'require for fire perposes •but .also
provide . the citizens. as re whole • . with
pure artesian, waeer. for . our daily Use.
This, T am _positive, eared, after being
installed be soperat.Cd, and interest and
sinking • fund .provided for •froin the
revenue derived therefrozn. We know.
.that some object • to this...plan on ac,.,
count 'of the initial cost and these are
-the 'Ones . dot should look the 'elfin...
tign .foirly in the face •ared use every
'oppoetunity afforded to get better in-
fcrnied the:.qtiesticn.. for we. know
by experience that it ..alwaye take's a lot '
df edueation., irkorder to get the -peo-
ple. , of any nuancipality , to mike . a
•cleeided%-move where the •eiperditure of.
c. large Stan Of *money is involved. Out,
'advice to thOse. Who •arc .favor of-
Xe:einge•• our pi-agree:dye town go still
'further 'aheed. by having • er completh
. eystetii installed,. would be,. to coutinue
to tolkeit, up -and try to conviatee. the
lukawann . ones as well as thoSe. op -
Posed' that this Will*be the making. of
our town:: --S. B. Hoover, .Mayor.
bttllvote cf thanks wat the close of his lecture. the of the determination of Mrs. Watts
as' accorded leneTurn- de accomparying it, essurofie there
evening's entertainment was also en -
and' himself to stand by the council
livened by seleetions from Mc) duiy and till in their power to as*ist the
OrcheStra whose efforts woe highly present Omni:hers to largely inerectee
applaude4 by thelle present, their nwitibereltip (L3111preeperity,
A GoOd Citizen Leaving,
The finishing tcuches are being . put
upon Captain Combe's new drug store
into wliieh he will incve this week,
It's one of the handsomest drug stores.
outside the large eities,'
Postmaster Scott moved across to
the new ollice en Tuesday night and
now leas everything ne working order.
The building ILI several respects is nct
just 1 it b • it
is such an imeriense improsemene over
the cid shack that we pass. • by its
imperfectione. , •
Tile farmer who is out of debt and
has MS corn erop the.cribe his stock
Well hotised and larder 'sueplied . with
buckwheat flour and fresh sausage is
in a aceition of greater independence
than . -Pierpont ,Morgen, Chauncey. De -
pew, John, D. Rockefeller, or. any
other feller. There Iney be titres when
the lot of the fanner is , care%
rend anxiety, but most of ill sre
content .and very endepend. itt these
cold daya.—Loganspoet Mateo
• . . . .
Ailsa Craig. weAl the hoel•ey 'nat.&
Played in the rink. 'eat night by
score of 7 to 4.• The local tecern,which
not p/ay as well as usual, consist-
ed ni • .• .
Goal, Percy Cauch . •
Elliott Payment •
Cover, -John .Fc>rrester
Rover, C. Shepherd. ' - •
Centre J. Doherty
• Right .1Wing, W. Arinetrorg.
Left Wing, J. Meckeneie.
. .
The regular •meateng of the- Ccdleg-
lite -Institute Literary Society, was
held on Tinirsclay last. The prograin
was very interesting caw. * The ite.
trciductory music was • given by Alias
Fibien Dcherey,and wa.s.much epprecla-
ted.• Miss e Lilian Coats rendered • an
excellent S610. her eisnal •good style
and Mise IVIcEevon .read the essay after
whiele cailie the Most: important lea-.
Otte Of' the prograin, the debate "Re-
solVed . that. •wcnierr :ore. intellectually
sitperion to The ....• a.ifirmative,
was .adin;rably upheld by Missee Edna_
Messrs, Percy • Keys, De C. Gre.ssick
Esed -Patera., ,The decision. was gala ,
en in: favor of • theenegative. •A couple
of selectiens Were welt -rendered by the
glee •cluls after e bed. the. reettorke • by
the critic, . Mr. R. Stodclart, were
given. . The meetinge closed.'by .singing
the National •Ailthem. s, • • ..
' On Thetriclay: next. at . peen. a
"Mock Trial" eakitee Sono Of a.
breach of promise case; •wilr be given
in the. .a•sseenbly rem to .which the
public ere cordially incited:•.: •
Whole Number 1305
Stanley Township.
The quarterly official board of Var-
na eirouit met in the Varna 1VIetlaxlisr
church on the first Monday en Febree
ary. After transacting the business
foe the quarter the board extended* a
hearty and: unanimous int' ite.tion to
the Rev. R. A. Miller to remain for a
third year. The Circuit is in a pros-
perous condition both spiritually and
linens:jelly tatder Mr. Miller's pastor-
- Mr, George Peck of Grandino•North
Sorry to hear of Mr, Joseph Hayter
'seriously theinking •of takiog the; same
Marrison of .McKillop. It le reniore,d .
ehet •there is another bachelor who is
being laid op 'h. a sore log.
week. All report having a very gocd
°II' Misses Armstrong 91 La Rivieres•
of Mr.. Wto. Taylor, . • .
home of Mr. John. Davidson. .. '
ed daughter of M. John
saaittrIvteecili.i.ses!,4r...s°.Dc..();n.liN''Lga, es• irnatrispect.laciec,)rtlikercaeblycrhear'rucelek
number of his friends one evening last
Man., spent a few days, at .the home
keeping batch and last week Ale was
married •01:1 the 'quiet to Miss Lillie
Morrison, thi
ing the parsonage debt :to $9o.
visitee., . frienes in this vicinity. last
Dakota, spent a day last weekf at • the • '
Mr. WM. Taylor pore a party to. a .
Mr. Morton Elliott lute got tired*
Mr. .Tol.n.Roitatt of Moosejaw,Assa.,
. ,.
Ogar; -entertained, her .fri-
ends' one evening recently. •
A yodne son has ':arrived all the '
home, of Mr. and Mrs. George*Mcclin-
ehey,. Congratulations,' George. . .
Mrs. R. MeCiinchey visited- at' the.
parental hoine.-last week.. • .
• Mr. • Valeutine .Wilde and Misa . FlO
Wilde 'gave e. delightful dance to eebout
one hundred al their. friends .on. Friday •.
evening. last ittetheir beautiful home ...
isear• Ilaytield. The night was not hive'
orable. yet _the scene within Was in
contrast to.e. the night% without, the .
inany• bright faces and _gay. . laughter -
revealing .that . all were.. enjoying . life"
to its:. •itillest extent...* The- dancing
commenced at eight .0.e1ock and lasted .
till. 6 a. in. 'Me fleor . Was: in perfect :
coneliteoe 'eucl the 01i:riles "Miele fure• •
, .: Profse.•
riotierh,e:h by. : Messrs, lti'ill • Taylor, and s.
bible Dowaon would.tempt • thq. ,.zpicet ,.
'conservative. • These gentlemen certam
.1ydeserve the. . higbeet •
s ', • - • '
<excellent •naitnier . in ...which
they exectited... the different strains .
neceseary:-•-•Anotleerererynecessary fea- . •
frre cfthe eeening.1s. enjoyment' was
'Ably elOoked. . after 1),y.. Joseph Archer.. .
This. 'Otter ,gentleman showed las sleill '
.in•the. Management. c4 the 'teeny differ.. '
• enti datees':. It, the parlor 'genies were
indulged in, by these ...wisi hag ether .
forms. of enjOyirient, while rtiesie :and •
singing. offered other 'attractions, At
tive ;to the .guests.' comfort, after whi- • . .
ch denying begot agent • When . the. .. • .
last sweet. .strains of.' theaiolio died
away evreps were donned' and 'all Went ,
forth after expressing" their' . Warmest
thanks t� their yery, kind:haat .and •
kesitese. fee tlie most enjoyable evening
vent since Many deys. . - ' • .• : oc- •
The •tcwaishie Council mot oit Morden '
with all tie mebers
mprescot except
, . ._. , . .
gi . rs;
Thero•alifesar. s. .
John 13eatty and George Baird, . was
.presented.. It Was a cempsiete ..report,,
ted and was .e., ecepted by . •
Mr: Sohn Dailey:was stwnc.ncii to
Detroit on Monday as a witness on a
trial between the owners of two ves-
sels whO• had a *collision last
-1111Ss Leona Erwin wae :Visiting fri-
ends in Seafarth last week; , • • .
The .young people of -the vjtlage
gave alt Iloine in the town hall
last Friday, eveniege A 'large .number
were preeent .who..spent the dycning en-
joyably. in games and cls;reing. . The
ladies furnished •the lunch. .
• Mr,
R. McDocl. is muelt improved. at
time of • writing. • • • • .
Rev. 13., C. Jennings has had a mild
visit.' from' ea: •grippe. . o • •
. Mastea•Perey• Cook; son of Charles
Cook "of .Goderich township,i' do ng
nicely sin& undergoing a painful oper-
ation some time • ago'.. Dr. W6eds has
the MSC,. • *.• * •
Mr.. •Sain,..leleore was in London ter.,
cently'. .• • • . •
Miss .Etnily Osmond has bad' ar.severe.
att.ael,c• of la, grippe, . .
Tice stage Maii-has had a hard time
of. it this winter, sometimes •ooly one
• • . •
GeorgeA; Rorke. .•
' *Mr: GeorgeA. Rorke, who for the
pasteeight yeare has been foremen of,
the machine room at the: orgao face:
tory, has resigtied to accept the 'po-
sitron . of 'superintendeti:. of the farm.-
ture factory at 1Vlealorth'Iht it, being.
known that hawas leaving the win
ployes in his derartineot „presented
hini .with a henedsome •pair of field
.glasses accompanied by the following
To. George A, Rorke :
Dear Mr. Rorke,—Wo, your fellow.
workerS; . have assembled to express
our regret , erour departore froin
our midst. Duroig the leng period
yon have held the posaion of foreman
of the machine room, we have had rea-
son to eonsider you fa.ttliftd. to your
employer axd a. fritilcl and helper to
-.the fellow workers in your charge,
..While we regret to lose you m froour
midst we are pleased to know you
have . a pleasant and profitable situa-
tion awaiting you. As a • token,- -
remetribrance we • ask you to accept -
this pair of 'field glasses. May it res
call pleasant meinories of inS all..
Signed on behalf o -f the 'machine room,
l'arker Foster,
. Alexaoder.
Me. lec•rke, who was visibly 'elected
by the• exeresets Of regard contaiited
in the address tend by the presentation,
Made a suituble reply.
Mr, Rorke is a good eiliZelt and a
heetty sympathizer with elle good.
works, Ife is a stamich and active
Conservative, He was • 41 member of
Wesley chinch and indefatigable itt
both church and Sunday school' work.
He offi
was an cial of the church, a
class leader and o Ililde dans teacher,
The va.caticice which his deer -entre
makes will be hard to fill.
. Mr. Rorke leaves today foe Meaford
to enter Oda his new dales. Mrs.
Rorke and the boys will spend a. few
weeks with Moats lit Mt. Porest. We
are all sorry to rose this estimable
family, but hope they will find Mea -
ford a pleasant and profitable adaec in
which de. live.
We are sorry to—To-sii
Bruesdoetlicre• oar vellage,•••He •wreit
Ostler 'at selling implements and se
good citizen. We wish him success. He.
goes . back to Londesboro. '
'ffr. George 'Snell of • Carlc1v nitencled
to loeate ii Auburzt but owing' to Mt.
Bradford giving nip his shop 1a. Lon-
deaboro Mr. Snell will, go there.
• Rev,. Mr. Couplsind conducted the ser-
vices at the. funeral Of Mr.Wtn. ItOW-
•ett's child last. Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. lyre, Lyon,. Londesboe
ro', drove through here last 'week from
visiting at Dungannon. • •
There were not manyont.to church
Sunday on account . of the thaw.• Nei-
ther of the preachers was ableto.reaeb.
his.'other, appointments. .• • .
• The Methodist quarterly hboard.' met
at the parsonage. • .. •
Miss C. Slater has. 1st grippe and of
conrse is not able to teach.
Mrs; liowett Sr. fell on tr, pail while
Mrs. Diatr has also been on the sick
goo tert niilk attcF broke. some
The funeral of the infant of Mr. C.
Beadle took place to 1341's cemetery.
Doyle has rented' his farm
to Mr. Wen." Johnstoo, He reserves
the house and one field for Itis father
awl uncle Ileery, %who intendgiving
up the l'hoinpsots farm. Frank has
rented a two -hundred acre farm out
near 13elgrave mid takespossession on
March mt.
Mr. 'eleChire has returned from Ber.-
miller to Mr, Jae.. Medd1a after a few
weeks' illness. •
• Mr. Albert Willf.ns has engage& with
Mr. Geo. Itaithby for • the summer..
Mr, C. lIelwig was on the sick list
last week. Mr. Gabriel Sprung is also
an the peck Eat.
Mrs, Wm. Xing Sr, apd Mrs. Henry
Wagndr, who has ribout recovered,were
also en • the sick list.'
Mr. Herb-. .1{riox is lunne from Sett -
. Mr. Harold Sprung is ;AM improv.
Tito end of the stove 101 out at the
- school house ott 1101 3rd and schod had
to be &Aniseed Wittt they got it fixed.
The assessor, • Mr:, Sohn TOtigh-,' has •
ecceitred his roll and wdlbe -starting
-on his rounds' again ehorely. He hes.
luectsome toienteetwo years .experience
end' knows nearly every foot cf eitiled. • .
in- theetownship.. Hes rt 11 oltealvarce .
. .
'tensed fn good. shape. • . • ..:.• • •
'Pic • veteran :ereasoter, ,tfre - •Jliit
Reid; MAIL. lailds • the. keys id the. town-
ship treatatry. • Ile.• lies witined- t� rer '
Ore 'from .• office these 'three .; years
bacia, but as .the- end • of cad- eteno.
aperoaeliek etresig ;pressures is. -hroeght
to beer' and he ,consetts. to. act (Me..
year mare. -• . • • •
'The 'council disciissed snow.. fences
entil. 0cy.. almost wore tte sine:act , • •
threadbare.. It's .e secesoneble estate
.•The next meeting of ..theedelourtiroi:Ittylialrl
be lgid on lefarch 7th. , -•
Mal lelea. Ma Etie-tt 1-eatre re-
- • •
and Will.: take 'up': housekeeping • -cm ••
what. •WaSe fcemerly -knowo as. Alec •
s' lar, . east cf Verna. , •
Mr.: :.
young. comic' are descryv.
and .0 very large circle of friends is .
.wishing titian many happy and pros- -
peiottS years.. . , ,
Fanners .are now earnmeneing to get
their wood out- so that bees tney
expected .to ba -•the rage for some -
time to come. - •
Mr. ;Chas Logen. 'has: recovered - • from' •
..ii!1.11,rl'Itc",:cenItletelleitnier'Sr.. is. able...to 1e -1111 "
again .after her Airless.
",,..013 Tuesday of last Week ral 'very •
pleasing event tock place at the • resi-
.cletice of Mr. T. .Detinison when his
niece, Miss I4l11att IVIorrison, Was unit-
ed in marriage to *Ir. Elliott, Rev.
Mr. Miller tied tie kuot, itt the preset'.
• co of a few relatives only. The yourg
. couple left in the evening tr. . Visit the.
bride's parents„ Mr, J. C. Morrison of -
eleinillop, and • other. fronds. Both
beide 'and 'groom. are. well litowo aiid
highly respected in thie vieiteity 'and
we wish them it happy and' prospeeous
journey through We.
'A renuleer af the young people spent
very enjoy-or/11e titne at lie. Woo.
Teylor's ott.Mooday eyeteing aud this
time the7. got home befcre breakfast :
time. . •
,Quetterly services were held in the
Methcilist . church on Sunday week,
whea quite a- large cengregationwas
in attendance. On Men:lay:the quer.'
terly board met when the. 4E401 of
the church twee fonitd to be in a •
tiourishitig condition.
. 'Checkers is the favorite .ganie this
Se. IiIr.c41.Win. 33eatti? lia,s returned home
lueving clieposed of Wes stoek in Brueee
field. Ile does not know at present
just what he will de. .
Aliss Lottie Weeks has re9ignee. her
• position, as ail:twist in the Presbyter-
Miss es has been - laid iti) with
the grippe.