HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-01-28, Page 7ry 2t3t, 0;14
triesaseresteteiNVMQVPSIntli*Vie,WW*1011F7- I p , I
Molsons Bank ,
Ii,r*,tiIsi hV Act of
7 Parlittineet 1850
Capital aulhorlze411. $5,0%),Q00
Capital paid up z,ssoeizo
Reserve Fund 2,721./1,778
; Tote! Assets 27,000,000
1 Will. MoNon 'Macpherson. President
1 Jt4i111:6 UCUMMIllaIntger
NAPS Dit-cont,tetl, (14,11..ctions
NI lido. Watt Stet hnir end
.1 Aim -cleat' Eitel, time Bought, and
; Sled.
e S11111)10( $1
flfl ip ti 11•11•24 411.
1 44111.10.1111141e1.1 I•utlf- yearly.
oney ssivaneed 111 1 at tnevs st
ow rot..s. Snlo
h. C. Eittwer, Mgr.
er/AMIZZar.r,,T4 rM.." •=.'''3=X..• • 1=.'
i ■ 1111 Y I LI I•
G. D. A1c1'.71,5-alrart.
OFFICE -Sloane,. llock- CLINToN.
(Stiec,s.,or to 11:r. Jain s Scott.)
office formerly ca.:capital Iv Mr.
• lames i-,cottin Elliott Brock . .
myrf & HALE
..onveyarc n, Commissioners, Ileal •
Estate and Insorance Agency.
Money to Loan.
Dr, W. 0 arm L. R. C. P. L. R.C.S.
Dr. .1. Ninhtti. Ga, ' . Elg.
. 2 0 • .Eat
Night c ills at fits t (1444.r of r,salente
U2 Rattenly..ry strtt, 2 1)1,5tta:
resly,t t
OFFiCE- Ontario street -CLINTON.
• *-7 OFFICE- Ontar;0 street -CLINTON,
'Opposite St. Paul's church.
DR. C. W. THOMP,..20N
Special attantion git en to diseases 01
toe P.,ar, Nos.., and Throat. .
-011ice and 11.esidence-
North of. Ratttnbt•ry St: , •
Office tor.mrly d hy Di. Pal-
lister on jOU..11 stre, L.
VFIELD, - - • LiN1
DRS. .41.0NEk1' & FOWLER
(Mice tallotning v.:, •
*tery taty an Sat. r .a., tint(
u clues.
Aubrn eery Monday.
Dutigannt.i, e y 1 litSday.
1.2. 0. 1.1..R.NF.,ST Ill/1,111ES
Ina 4,4 2. r..81,; asd 1,r.t1; e ors
D. D. rad4.ete ui Li, e /COI211, Lol'
lege ol Letitka (.1c,)111.. .14 Ontar-
1,. 1). SI. tless grJduate
ot Dental Department 01 t,..
• TM.% erm ty.
Special attention paid to , s .rtra Lion
ol elnicren s teeth.
Will he at the kit er 'Iota hay veld,
every Monday from to a. 11.1 to C•
p. ln.
A Menil,er of the I'Ltsr
.3.550.,estiolis 01 tension and 4.1m -
burgh and tor,(ittate the Ontar-
io elefillary colage.
OVVICE- lit•ron street. --C LINTON.
Next 1.0 Commer‘ial Hotel
1'111)11e 97
I ani a li.:cused auctioneer for the
Cottnty turint anti wilt sell by per -
yen tag: by• the dollar. Residence lot
37 and hayfield Pond, one mile
$00t11 Lin.ton. batIsfection guar-
anteed. 1 r.itre le:t at •11,c News-Rec-
ur:1 Late or in 'KRIM! Will be prom-
ptly attended to,
Clinton 1'. 0.
• --.---
. • • - •
At"Tho Bect 13 Current Literature
12 Co m PLan NOVeLe YrAnLY
r*'JI.NV SHOAT cronits AND
E::111t OM TIMELY Tones
cr4 Vralt littS Orb. A aa•PY
For coughs, colds, bronchitis,
; asthma, weak throats, weak
: lungs, consumption, take
Ayer' s Cherry Pectoral,
"i Always keep a bottle of it in
the house. We have been
saying this for 60 years, and
i so have the doctors. .
61 have used Ayer's Oben," Pectoral la IrtY
• famny for 40 years. It U tout tuediclue
1 In the m1710.1. knoW, tor au, throat aud Wag
e mats Noitosose,Wilthans maw -
mosses, else. a, 0. rzi MN.
I drudrl!te: Lowell, Mass.
he 1ting
•.1. .141*4.1•• • *1
I .
Daily action .of the • bowels IS rieces•
- ary. AId nature with Ayer's§ 011111.„
• '1 ,r,A • P',777.#criTr.l.`,..4114r150f#10147814rili#N.
• <.;
1()I 11.11 it!)-tildate
liA.IR CUT . 4,
t •
- AND - •
ii-' * he leading 'barber.
0 0 0 0
George D. koberton,
Cook's Cotton Root Compoond,
• Ladles, Iravorlte
'tho only Safe, ,relioSie
regulator on which woman
can depend "in the hour
•and thee of need.', ' •
Prepared. In two degrees of
strength. . No. 1 and No. 2;
No, I. -For ordinary cases
Is by far the. best dollar
medicine known.
No. 2. -Por. special • eases -10 degrees.
Stronger -three dollars per box.
Ladles -ask • your druggist for C.001es.
cotton Root comnorroa. Tako no other
as all pills, mixtures and irtitations are
dahgerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are said and'
recommended by all. druggists in the Do-
minion of Canada. MaI1ed10 any address
On receiptof_nrice and four 2 -cent postaGe
stamps. 'Elle Coo* Comonsw.
• Vlanatior; Outs
Na. 1 and No.. 2- ar,2 sold in Clinton
ton. hy• Watts & Lo, 11. Couid.e,
P. Reelt;e ion! 3 Ittivey,..Drow
• -Farni and 1 st ed Town PrOPerty1--
.--Only InSured.- ••.,
, . .
t; •111cLeart, President:, 7nneri P.
;. Thos. Fraszt, •'. ViCe-President,
Ilrucer.e.111 1'. • 0. : • -T. E.•Ilays, Sec.-
rcastirer, Seaforth P. • '
William Sln svay, • ScacOrth ;. • :John.
Wir.throp •• Oct rge Dales Sea-.
ftirth. ; 01111 .Watt; ark. ek ;. • John
!ten newi, s. Ilrodhage aittes-Evars •
11cec12w0otl 2 JaliteS Clinton
• 'AQENTS, . • • „
obert Smitli, .
cltley, Seal( r It ; Jamea. -Cttinnlings-
i:,:pnottd.Ville• ;I J. W. Yen,. Ilolaus•
Partiis Acsirova to •-eFect. • insurance..
trarsact • °tilt i• • besiness• .1.10 •
rot -tinily rttendcd •to .011 .4pp1iOs.Vii.11
t() fl.ky of the abotte.'ollceri•addreseeti
"0 their r srertive pt s'42,11'eaS•. Lc s'eS'-
:tisoccted . by the •..cl:r.ctor. • who lit es.
teat est tile.. septic,.
/r • 4.1. aryl a Vo0
• B. Rt.aH Clinton
Trains- wil a r e 121. and itepart
front LULL!, slat. .42).,ow1I
Going Eastrem•:, ' 7.30 4.111.
)1 •3.2$ p.m.
Going East 11111,ed
Going \\5t Mixed 4.15 pan.
10.15 a.m.
(Ann W est Exi r.ss 12.55 p.m.
• 22• 7405
10.32 .P.M.
Going South Be:tress • 7..47 a.m.
" 4.15 P.m.
" North Exprt.ss 10.15 a..111,
" • 6.55 pan
A. 0. PATTISON, Agent,
F. R. nopoEics, 1.'0%sn Tie:et Agent.
.1. 1).,MAC1)ON ALD, District ' Passen-
get Agent, Toronto.
DONTiNUtD trrettICV #1,0b..nto tlb ymag to take:10616Mo was be
11;4' - LA:4 r3
111Aba MARKS
CoOvietteHro &O.
Aileen° sending a Skelat dud description may
dowdy escortsin our °Pinion free Whether MI
Vrrent1011 i21 limbo y mtontabio. Cortimuraca.
Liao strictlYeottadonttat. handbook on Patant$
bent fuse. ()most ogenoy for socuring_Oatenta.
Paulen; taken titholdb Morin ft. co, waive
testa edits, mahout ewe°, la tile
Scitittific Jfittricalt.
411/m00161r laudtrotAil St106110. teritth""Alt!
eatettep et nee erter.tiaa leurnes NooliteAleeele
ru.r. one mop tit* st. Poo wen. tt t
$14,,tr*fil r'e Ile from !t•.•..o,s, yrar
titsit,S t.
' .41, •
Tit?) Ci tn l'•"0---;Pec•••••4
• In a country of seen magnitude fol
OW all propheeles in regard to future
markets are liable to fail, even -if based
on apparently Round retteoning. And
ed.they have failed thes far in the cat-
tle market. Expectations- of. bnproved
market,a. after the •••,range' cattle Were
oat of the way have' been (Reappointed
by liberal marketing of term cattle
held back to be OW Of range competi.,
tion or kept In the vountry because of
the flne fall Weather, vritieh permitted
them to utilize 'paetures Wooer than
uslual. But now thet the bulk -et the
heavy corn fed cattle and the grassers
froM Mogen and farina are out of the
way Poultry and game are in the mar.
kat to it large degree, and pork Is eons.
paratively cheap and always popular
When cheap. But after, December the
poultry will no longer Compete to an
. unusual extent. Whet are the pros-
, poets for cattle? DUrIng the late sum -
Mer and early fail Months not so many
cattle as usual were ,put on feed, and
there should not be 4 burdensome 'sup-
ply of fat Cattle for midwinter. Theee
are plenty of cattle on feed, but most
of them will be ready later than usual
'•because they started later. This Is as -
Smiling that feeders . have generally
purchased the' thinner and cheaper
stem to feed and that the kinds flint
require a short feed are not n larger,
proportion than usual, ' It eeenuf that
,eonditions justify. expeetntions of some
• improvement • after this month, but
'there. is no cattle famine in -sight. • as
some of -our hOpeful .frIende believe..
There are too many cattle and too
much corn" hi siight to hope fro really
high. PrieeS for fat eattle.--Stookman
and Fenner, "
The , tine .110reford "bull Percival
eltoWn In the Inn:it/1100n took fleet •
• Premitut In, the sgt*C1 hitll elasS autl
was the • sweepstakes vvinner at the
an^ , •
Texas . state fair In. 'Dallas100:1.•
*15 1(2,4t at ,the , feft. was, e...40O pounds;
. age four Years. -Pereira lit (F the.
4.0d Of Colonel.. B. C, • Moine; Fert
_. Worth*, .Tez. • - • • •
• Ifiata#7k-co Ta •Ferfliair. •
'Professor iienry- et the Wieconsin..
-Statitni. -thets-Amerlean--cattle --
*feeders ertsgiving their keel: 'too roach
1,11(121 LIeI);stys. .
"1 • have . sPent considerable tithe In
• going'throttgla liteeature on She subject'
, and an SurPrised that the lirlthilt feed.:
er gives to kis fattening:bereiets but a
small .grein allowance.: 'You' 1,:noW
th. it the turnip. or rutabaga, tie we call
It , is. extertaively peed In feeding opera- .
iians in Great' Britain. OR searehing
authentic 'sourcetsof. Interim:Won rjo4
. that the newt' gran..ellevvence'.fer the
.fattenIng 'steer Au .Eligland and 'Seot-
...land:rinkesi from 'six to eight pounds
per head :daily. „In few '...easea it
. reached :ten pounds, and- in only • eine
case out of a score or More ,of reports
levee found.ii,stated that so much as
twelve potinde of gralo Were fed. to a.
steer in a single Any.. and thiS !moo&
enly at the eieee of the feeding period:
"The grains used.'.in Great Britain
• coosist Usually of ItatleY, corn, meal,
cottonseed metti 8.1.:,1 'linseed m.e.til....With
thesinall.geanytnim are fed troll". fifty
-ict a hundred imuudi of sliced turitips,,
four or eve:pounds of 'cut straw and
' dye to ten pounds of hay,' eithereent r.
• long.. Oti this ration the steer. �f Eng-.
'land end • Scotland , usually ;makes a *
gain of between one mid three-quartere
tie two pounds dully. or. Say, from fifty,
'• to sixty .pounds per month. There is no
.need.of sayinet that Stock-.
men does.' not -fatten his buileeks ,or
thnt they" are inferior to ours
they are sold .for the hiock: .The'Eng.:
itsli stockman, es a rule, •Ltas ,go.ed. cat-
tle. and he puts them en the market
ustiallY in a finished cOnditien.".
The Stoat Suetetiatal .Farmeriti:
• Every person who hassenough .jndg-
titent to.'go in .witen it reins knows..ele
titer front experience or observation
that our moat snecesaftil farnters of
staples are our live stock farmers, Says
Farm and Bench, 'That doesn't mean
bogs alone, cattle:alone or sheep Alone,
. but a jedieloas •selectioo of .dilrerent
kinds a Stock adapted to the twin and
the farmer, . some cases hogs alone
will work. ont ali right. In Other Cates
Cattle or horses Or sheep will do better
feeble farmer then tiny one kind. But
on most farms several elleerent kinds
will prove. 'move profitable than any
one:kind. Tinge may be kept, and itt
additien as many sheep as if no hogs
were kept: There le on the average
farnt pleet for hogs, a place fcir cat-
. tio, plaee for sheep, etc., and one kind
will. not litterfere With another,. and
properly tnanaged all will be 'found
profitable. It is an easy matter with h
dozen soWS, -t0 raise, feed and shin a
ear load of fat hogs, worth $800 to $1,-
000. .A.,t the Same time a lot of fat mut-
ton sheep may be sOld for, say, $00
VMS and nearly as much for wool.
. Then a few fat • steers for the local
buteher ettelly roil the fetal Up to
;$1,ra or $2.000. 'rhe manure from
tills stock will nay for all the labor Of
feeding and Marketing, and the feed,
all grown nt.botne.'eogts less then the
same eould he bought for by sofeeder.;•
WANTED--eleveral persons of char-
actsr and good reputation in each
elate tone itt this comity require,i)to
rspresent and advertise. .i4(1 establielt-
ed wealthy business house . solid
ittancitif stauding, 'Salary I Week,
It- with expensee sulditionedi all, Pay
till: In slt direct evety Werinesdas
'Nem Nod offices. lIorso and carriage
raished when eetessary, *References.
0,neleSe addirssed teselope. Col-
ottial, .:132 'Dear/tern Chicago.
• • Mr..* 4,411. V-s3:#111r: Matt" "11111ratiVt.,
It May Parlor, ILIviaa /100,4 or
Illelcrowa OX4 Occasilon.
A Montan vrho suPerintendlog the
building' of a new home is lidding a
Iran room to the apartments of the
house, When her friends have asked'
ber 'erbo is the invalid of the family
for whom it Is PreslUnably deigned
jibe hag repiledr,,There ,n�
and I am hoping, by means of this very
room, that "there may be none. We
build greenhouses for the plants we
love because they grow best in the
• sunlight, but the human plants or our
household, those We love the dearest,
are often ignorantly tucked away tn.
*oral, sunless rooms. and we wonder
that they languish. Thts sun room
which we have made is on the second
door, facing east and south, and the
erehitect has worhed It Into a corner
of the house plan by vvtlich the nue
raerous windoere that are eepecially
* large and close together are set In a
eloping roof.
"Wile room is arranged eo that la
vase of Hitless It can be cenvenlently
used independently of the rest of the
house. The walls are painted; and,
the door Is of bard WoOd and will, of
'course, have no earpet or even rugs to
gather dust and germs. Where the
floor and wails join; the builder has
melte n curve, as is done in modern
hospital buildings, inetead of the usual
right angle.
"The furniture Is to he very simple,
.sonie comfortable cote chairs end set-
tees and a few cushions with washa,
ble covers., t.'re mean to use the rooln
as mueb as possible each day. 'rhe
children can study there, and ln Win-
ter particularly. I hope for good re-
sults to us all from thuch living in ItnY
• sun parlor.. For this reataon I hare had• "
It placed near other rooms of the house
that. we may get In the wity of going
• there." -:-Table Talk.
••• .• .1 -4 'n'"" ttr I ,-,:,141”,l.telinOoltnt COU,v11 And 001di 11
....of 1 • ,1". * y Adttat' '''1121.1f breathq
tovorse7.2(tifiee iteeldltlisideetant Soap
"owrior s.better than other soap powders
• 44044. ao4 *4.sinfeetant•
; (lite of. the CoacoctIona of GeIntin.
So. 13asily Slade otserhts• Seerson.
Pare. quarter mid- core tiVe tipples,
Make a strop of one cup and . a lialf
' each *of sugar and :tinter and the thin
Yellow rtill Of an orange. ln.this sietfp
rook -the Idecee • Of tipple, 'a "few ist at
tithe, 'until tender. taking care to keen
Eatal Drortrintelr.
"How are you getting along in your
tetuperanee society now?"
"Fine! • Why. If it wesn't for my red
nose I'd be president."
137 Way or clitoris:0.
.A. pupil of one of the public echoide
In Chicago sends this eonnutititeat:nts
• Dear 81r -In our melont this mornie-:
an amusing dialogue took plate,.
A .primary teacher of Chicago. wie'
• Ing, to impress upon her pupil.; the v •
.cessilly of greater quiet, 1a!„1, "I 0
a great deal larger then any of yo..
yet I don't, make any uelse when 1
walk rouud the room:" ; . •
*".Perhaps," retuarked little ...sere»:
year-old .Kenneth, "you dou't wets.
• "Oh. yes. I do,"- quickly res"."0.1' •
teacher. "Just look, Did you ever ere
musy larger that) miner'
Kenneth surveyed theta
"''es," he replied s'aiw:s "csive-ni '0
show."-Thirper's Ai:twee:els
1 .
FOR St Y.INsre's esiT,Aes:.
r . s r n'
•(-1 • s I 1.) • e
,.21 t1l r.,11 w114 e• .1 .
▪ 221 ,111.1 .1 vo, et; of I ni
• t.2. •N• vl•t't1' t ::•.d
r'y If'. 1111 ; ill ..1 t it. t t•t•
1..:•• A •
t ..ticc •aval 4,o. a 11 til • f • ••.' r• ,
tt sloty's ,..0.24 • ,•• . v: " 'or 1-
0 10 12-.1! .1 v, I rolit•ve .1.19. tool
t.••1.• ,••• ;Iv '' t e
.11 011,,;1•,••s •lic..o•-• 8 ''12 t: 31 •k
Po' • 1 a'. • •
1, 14 1 11:,2sr
1.'.1•l•Irt; •te:.r
4 t,
' •
tl e Vi hole system. •,'111frs
.1 itislo.w's Fin:Oleg .5, rap': for cit.,'
• , t r 1. to 12. 1 s
" t• •t• .r.! 1,..••4, • ro,o .•
1,.s1 and 128!. 11021 • ph -Adam,
.• if* s.. 11.O V.Vi•cd Statect.
evnts.,it hot tle. • Sell! by 101 drit
• s• •., r 44.i t' e, n- r'el Pe •
'•• 1. Yr; .)Vicst. 81/4 S
' JazaarsP APPLIt a'1132 .
. •.
'then), wlmin. AS the epple'-,. becole.
teeder lift then) with a skimmer:to i
plette to drain: 'While the tipplee are
cooking ieta scaut ;heti oett tWo mince
paekage of gelatin soften in a cup':.of
cold waters Over, thia petitthe. epple
,There shook] now twit 4.111)3 and a
futlf-:-add water if neeessiwy to 211 Ike
this qutintitY.. -Have ready • a • mold
standing in lee and .water. Put in: a'
few spoonfuls of the llqUid IMO ar-
raoge slices of Smile on the bottom of -
the mold in the jelly. Turn en a little
sirup. then •add more knees of apple,
With here .and there a slice of orange.
and, if at band, a bit of freshly can-
died peel. Continue *until the =Idle
full. • . . .
Alien ready' te'serie.:turn from the..
mold and decornte.witli Whipped. crease
and Candled orange peel. Sweeten:and.
flavor the cream hefore:whipping. - For.
a cupful Of cream use a tiCant fourth
Of a• cupful of sugar and n. IOW drops
of. extract, Boston Cooking'
School Magazine,
'Chocolate Cake.
One-half (ninth] of 'buttertwo cup-
fuls of soft sugar mid tWo•eggs stirred
quleitiy together; .ette-italf -eupfal of
buttermilk, in which. disSoive one even
teaspoonful of soda. tWo eupfuls of
dour, one-fourth of a cake chocolate
disselVed jit one,linif cupful of boilittg
water. tee with venilla icing, •
The 'Very Sourte of ' •
In these .days of brain exhaustion
from continued overpreesuee fresh air
Is the very souree Of life to us, and it
I s far better for the neurotic woman to
run the chanee or ail oecasional •cold
thah to accustoth herself to become •a
toddle in hot roontS. "
. .
1 .11 ... t• t
,••!: SI 1: • fi
" 4. .1 ,11
't i.1 c1 •
••-• ' ' '-
'12 -111> a . •
,..••••tred •iLth 1 .4... • • ,
1 . • li' • •
• yr: .•.; • ,
••• 41. ••••i;44....n.• 1.• •
.241. • • ,• l•
f.i;•.. •.'1•;.• .11-1 1;6' 1:1211i •
• cult] c-.1.at"e. d .•
tliatt uih i -1.14.41.• a ( ca.
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• ,•;i1 jilt!! • 0 -,,•and,
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.21:1.1.2v dm(' .10 1 "Al
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• IT . '"f) , •
Vat At. . :
:„.1 • •-.11 1(-1 it•
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•Seqr 1. 4 •
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1):•1. yi:* .(''.11 1. :••-fitit.0....t) f •
-vo-r ca, .a.'
„really ..e,2 re. vo • . and 1 roy4.111.• ty.t (ti:-
.1- [2021'. reti 11. 1%, t • 1 as :
4.11 a.,-luttet.*1 • •1 0 o' 122 2* 1 Iton •' • ;
It...can't._ •-0 itl't
ti1218..1,,i • c• 25e; • ••• '
c 111(5*11(21 int •*nt • 1 (1.1, I:, ,4•1•:"
tem s foi'ec "stiri,riq .0 I G 11, holIV.:
t)f the •,1: 1N, Lir a h. 12 ti •
1,1 1 i•nt . '110.21/ • 1. A. 111
211•I „, ti.. I '.' I:. 1 ('22*
ntent t s an : 1 in .
111 :ass - •
Edaaka I„.79
Whooping Cough, Croup
Bronchitis, Cough:, Grip,
Airtinza, Diphtheria
Onesosese Is along established. and otateord routed* ter the throes indicated, It
cures because the air re.4,10r4stein& iaepto carded over tlie diseased eortao**
of the bronchial tubes aith eVory 1).011111 1: V111,.; prolonged told eonet.tat tfraute•ht.
Those of consamptIve tenclAncy, )4111r•l..rs (roe. ehroldo 1.ronchttis, and hainedotte
relief train coughs oriels:as,' conditions of the threat. Descriptive booklet Ire%
)02101MING, TAMES dc Citai tan Notre Dante ‘t., Minim!, Canadian Ateett I •
. • - •
Cresolene dissolyea mouth are °Motive and safe for
• coughs and Ur:tale:1 of t110 thrust,
Antiseptic Tab:et.; Ild 1014t 7.11)11'Ccl'il:.3
•°Poirva...m,..'vezr.crntz.,274 w1-14,•(..';--47.7a,12:%71.-===r1.7=3,,
e• C71 °Plc .('-e..7.ppreol e_
If elerleit•g i 1 a rto, 1 or 1.o ming ft' trade; wity.not prepare
yeureelf teaelt ;Ito top ol ,)1)111. lakiiness"?
A businesq t raining et led with pier knowledge of your work*
gives yeu•the isiSessary t ivntJese over o tliers Make this possible:
• The Ftn•est 031y Ennio:n-4 and ethorthand Colleg* Course
•i edudos 130olikeepiee, Aceuunting, and eeery
• modern primtilo otal tn-44. Via lati.itioss--is not hampered
with uld-tinto systen,s alai ut.i1 nods.
tenrp;e4oseeireo•iii tvel Shorthand can be taken
in ono year; the poet is mall; the results aro quielt, renueneretive
and permanent. • . •
-' l3ooklet, conta;ning eernplete in:or:nation of
etc., sent to athirees Sue pestal. •
courses, costs,
J. W. WESTERVELT, Pmx. 17.1',I.0. A. DDILDI1,10, LONDON.
11.111MVSZ=VIZi•Vallik*L..Z....L.4.4.7.Z.:':;4 .".1.4..:.:'3F.,171.n
. . ,,,,...,.....,.. .
.........**************44.*********3 ..2, .g***.' ....." • '. "". ..• ...******* •*******.•.*******.a.L.o•
. . .
. • • .
. .
.8 . TISP.A 1,‘T(_)`? '1" ' '''s" -1..' T1 1 '1...-"D\'• 'rioter cs . Wrurn.i-z! or . . . .
., . . , , .,-,-;
tv 211 0:11%! Ilt' Vent' ; tit 12 1 CcolsItyr. rt,I,L,
. 6 re"On ti7 2.... ,a.i e rl,r
,rtirrNL.. lry. 1,., 1,tulv.1 (.11-$..), 11i. or
31, .12.1 g ,: mai .1i'Cl w rut; 1. : their Inlet:-
. - .
11.1 1 el: 1 Vt•N ••••1 .; i> Ctt ••1 • tiVer 1
tt I 1j1! use af Dr. J[32a(jjton'2
ls P. 1 1..t1 1
ItYr ' 1.1 • r (2 it 111
11.'.i II • 11,)7ta t 1 I r• (1
• 11 (1 a tt ; (1v; 114 ;L.!' ..;1t1
1.1„ Vort,st. .
• 14.•(.24., • 1 t.
: • .7
I .1 i 1.. v itt.i4!'n... 1
tt rt ,1141 ; .t :•
3(1 41 .1 ( )1. It
1414; •/. --n; 41. V •-n11,1 •
••2 • , ; 14.• ' • .t.; 1.••(!' •
S. • •i; . .
S1.1..) I 1. . • 442,
) ;
tin .rt: tfi"- tit t.
-:•1 1,6 S It'•
.Str tv1 • ..1", 'If:. • ' $..
111ite I. ; . • .
-Tr.y 1 1.it•,•..
`. 'gait UT I tell• .saiti' ills .Se
clerk, "It is betthis ftit use
• • thing. No one .ever eaw' it est'
dollar bill. 1.‘,here is. no :ewe; thing, -
4j dou't WltIlt 7082' 11104117," 8:118 2110 -
leo •cocksure that I 'thought yes teleitt
like to bet.: They way nor':have fose.
dollar,- bills in S'ive C.orittirsz•but teey •
have them lit NeW York, all 11 14.2.
v!Ttikti pp• for 41.,,3.1.' '211(1 121
. stable' mails:Sand I'll' go for Inf..
same amouet."
: The -druininer tilioebed :In lila •
...eym .for anether... elsiPiceti In
the' storekeeper. ------ , . .
Nothlti• doing yv.ith this t!rtifloottr.:
''(lot him treed," sitiekeivil tile Wilk'
cipric. a net e ve ry body. I it p
-You , fellows menu 11.'1" asked the
. . ,
drummer. • • '
• Sure's eggs . eggs.7,- .rep I 1 1 Ite
stel,elteeiter,- . • • .
, too.% ;int
trird wifit ittipt*sitt'vi. 11‘;:iliert
raid, oDit , tliblt. it toiti‘v itothl of '
clothing coneern:
• ' , bIll..rendered 4
•'• • ' " • The Silenee was. nroreund. .1-
11:c tr, ct:V.r‘ -a nii•t 1-'1. • guess. we'll step . ero.48 Inv
t.11 a tt to.d. I • 11 t: -
(1 flt,S recei cd a • It 2.11 11 1 41
414:11 'is (:1;l I A)
. .
rottucl on 1111,.." Said 1::0
°and then 1. itiust 12.). 1..;ettlili; [AIM(' tO
suoner:”.--Nev,' York •Thalc's,
v•I x J • • .7f ... 4.-4*
r t."F.,^=i5,7"-Zds!=.774.MTrih.t 1,M7T7ktn:i47•7••
ft CfN4
. '4 ••• 14*d II*. • *111....tm11•14...6....1
ntrakrill1 Itant '4.1.1LIVSFC2r.a ` '.e.VirirealtidlrdraTZSMIkkid • 1414.4 CAM?, of
. - chronic Bran-
chitis,recemouiaR ON't111 dre$,(11,:i Con sutnption !feel f,niay be traced
'cli;ectlr ty oaty cu. -.11.; h. n "84 t".'. the first colt]; comes; start in en
11,1 • Cal',,P're IT, le: F.' r
.44 V • f"-i.g tp,
'1 WI a • Vr.z,J14
It cup couons. ,the inilimme4 Surfaces -- •
stre:tigtitas thror I 4.-- p 1:!,e 11211 '1 in the strongest
possible cOnilitiott to .4esiSt 11.4,2 . trying pl'ects of a
Canadian wiater. • . . • • • 25c bottle
;"•., "Ii.C11.11.1,4*11
- - - ••••:••••••••.:••••..rossea•••••=eireat•amm ftwepor:••••••••••rney ir:n;iir..e• • utsot4i..,,i4ririi/mial,t,•••ON:raellinif,i1411,LoirOYO.
. .
. . ,
.04, 4:40•4.4 :I 4:4 4:4:, 4:t. 0:4 #:1 •••••,:,•:••••:•..4;::*•:44:44:14:14:• :: .: • 4:4 • • 4 .4. . . . .....:,.. •!• 4:. : *:,44::.•:*•:01.•:••:•.•:, •:,.. .;.• ...
- • • .
: . ...41......."'.:.- 4' 4:":: 1.':‘ ..':".:' °:. .-‘::•"' P:i°,*".:* 4........:‘°:::••:i4:44:14:it•:44,:••;•rt r
•:••:4-•••:44>•:,,C4.4:•44:: .......fo.. . .
r:4 • .:. • . -'.-' . ; . • 40
..... . : . , • 4.• t ' 12.' 4.1: .. .• ,
:*. ,i, • t • '
4 4*
Eti 3 'I.
4. Ai
. •
hBf •
haw to Care. For rame riedateai
Brass bedsteads. fo prVserve the lee -
quer and its brilliancy. sitetild be dust-
ed daily with' a Soft cloth and oecas
stormily rubbed with a cloth Slightly
moistened with sweet oil. A polishing
with chamois should folio* the latter
treatment. '
Little- Evealtur,Drese.
This charming little eVentrue or dame
Ing frock Is suitable; for, a Child from
seVen to len years of 'age. Itis in 81111
=situ over 31- muslin slip. The- silk is.
.04. 4 0, 1'
• s. .e,
""," • i'l7f) 7.E. - .4„:, • ...4....•14..• .....c.i••••• .0 g. 0., • •• .0•,..?1,.••••$... 4.•••••2 i• .e. .6 .10.41..1).;0•010 0..4. ••••••••,0 .6-9.4a
1' 2' I, OW 111 11. S-1'21.V1i i . al 'an 1 •••
• . , . • •it
w.1 114 v holl 1 lit, 1 (1 1••,19.11..ti an wr.1.• • .
. ' ••••
. V 11 1 14 til • - cl 1 ct i wind off 1114 :;
32111.:IV3 v`I,L" tir, u 1, 1:1.1rf -Witt i,, '.11
: Llt ItItt it 2i0111:‘ V.,' !,• IA,' . i ....."0., . 123! r;
notice is intcnded,to call attenticm
• * to thr, floe that thihe s is ttime of year
kitv clip): 114' '1. (2, ,c1 : 111 r„ tag
i!ti• trfsliiti litse Nur% e 0;
Fool tvial I net*. 1 4. 11 4. II 4,„14
i .4 .1 ' 1(1(1 '
F:111 IWO; tei t. .11 '1,10 1 .e' '11.8'` •
h 1, 11 122 rig Li'o; grtat f
tt11 • 3*.
wlieVa. a :very large percentage of all •s•
• „ Y
: subscriptions to The 1\ ews-heeorct cm-
pire and we desire all our old friends•
a,nd subscribers to ssnd w enewals of
their subscriptions at once. By so •ts,
ing they will confer a favor.
There.are soinc, whose subscriptions :,.s.1*
, .•
Wong° Wirt r , ese .•s .11 , to se,
hese:. 0121•:(1 tf.• ' A ••
lies es. a Pr..e. id (1'esa • e
. 4• •
lieriattnass • •
X .
do not expire at tnisltime. None of these
and Indigeshon
1: friends need be alarmed at readrig this
notice ; it only rc.c,rs 'co those w.hose
plestaties, aria tiletelieadeehe cured, awl *
health hunt up by hr. Chn:tee ' •
Nerve Food.
°APT...WILLIAM HEN s kimaY, BS Lockman •
St., Halifax, N,S., states t ---"Before I beg -an
using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food t was irOdbled
1 a great deal with dizziness, nervousness,and
siek headache, which seemed to be cassecil s
from indigestion. Since using this prquat ion .
for a tinla, all these distressing sympemis have .
d;sappeared an 1 1 eon. •
sitter that 1 am entirely •
cured. ..ineverused any
rrigrrcine that seemed to. , •
build me en so thoreugh. •
1". snbscrip' tionS.ex4)irc d 1.8oPore the (late c 1 '4..
:.: this issue. The tic,.to to ry blob yot 1. ri::;.11. - t '
s. . .
scriptiori is .r.,',a,id a,IT,cars on the1.-;c1.;:tre,F,.- e.l.
s: sedlabel. Look a+.; the date and if !t, is 'J.:
4 • o:
e past: time remit I,.,y return mail, tizid ...4
., :.
...,,,...4...............a0.6..D.0.6.0 .41..1).5 st.,!..4* • •e•
oto..);*.r. * , Or•S , ..4) •04t. e.4,J1 • fo.c.,,, T 41
6 * 4,.' et 4o
Vat I , a *I • .4•.4 e 4** '4*, *0 4•01 4,I4 I*** Olikow
I it P A 4tek ,i,` 4 4 4 *
a &
11110 "' 0 l' 'T'll'i 3 ' 0 ' d
, - ..,.N. ,...) 44.41 ta. , I * ir°4 .1
4.1 ta•
44 .1.*
4.4 *JP
1 44 + ..s* 4'.1, in
41 i•to
T. .f„ 0)1
....:, „0:..,.,..!...:,.:.4,,, :.,:‘, ,,., :..:, :, ,..:1, :. l',1,.!. s. 4,,,, 4.. di, , so ,. 11. ' 0,, ,s, 0... A, 44 4, ti,„ 0:„ , %IV :4
• 0
,44 # 40 4.' V`ore'****'##•# v' :, 4/ t 44 e i 41' ; :" ';'• I' :''e * *
. . . . * * *,* * ••,, le • • . • •
A tattent0 etit *tont
. adorned with many ItillertiOne and soft.
1 17 ganged on to the yoke beneath the
ottaltitly Added tiehu, the graceful
°Deg 1:4e)74.640 are raided and ganged tO
Ty, and to.day r ani 13 '
been for several years."
.t.. 01.1.ge4
better health than I have
in weight while using this eie
great food cute, yett can y
prove for a rethfiety,tilat .$;
it is addin,,,, new,. firm•.t.
Capt, Iletriebertr Onsit and 114 4411 le' the, 4$*
body, Tlittegh the ntediiiiit of the blond nhtl *to y
PerVes Dr, Chase's Nerve Vend terala new
%Igor and energy to every organ 0 the lumens
tVitent, anti overelmcs disease. '$(11 tenni A
110X,, at all dealt:re, Ltireenson, Isnes n
• Ter ,nto. o }voted tett against 1141(14*
Lions the portrait atA signature et 1)r, A. W.
are on over" Ls*.
• * • • *bets*
• w •