HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-01-28, Page 54nitheity 2reth, 10104
I I hap
Ex -Lieutenant 1J n i ted Ceteirli of the lietel Widolt Atro4el
Ilearitel Cured by Peiru-na..
States Navy and Ex. .Mr, J, Etalle Tringtlay, No, 832 John
lieutenant Confeder- tZt
ing sporting (Aube in the elty. Its mem.
ate Navy 1Tses and Bee- bars sire composed of young men of the
onunends Pe-ru.na. be"lairdlle°' R°Tnittea:
• eLait winter I caught a edrere cold
re.,ru-na Is .e. Safeguard owatrlihdoetvichwePtartra °eve" ca" `4
dent to Incleineti+ :::::::ree"ddbayag::n:dallin:13;encdIgiret:3ht.di:1614:x
A.gainst the Ills Inel- to
.4. ro 4 soya ce T m g
wee entirely.well.e.e. Emile Tanguay.
Ill'o, Adolph Koehler, President of the b .North Side Turnerschaft, writes from
Clark and Leland Ave., °Wager In-;
ogIt la with pleasure that I endorse
Pernna, as a first -clan mediae° 00Peci-
ally tor catarrhal affections of the throat
and Inagra I have wed it with much
benefit and, several of my friends have
been cured of catarrh entirely Where
Peruna Was used.e-Adolph ICoebler,
eta..7,11Se-w. r-3!
Twentieth Street, Washingtoo,•D.
C., Ex-Lientenant U. S. Navy,. Ex -
Lieutenant Confederate .Navy, and Ere
Consul General to Australia, writes:
Peruna Illedidne Co., Columbus,
Gentlemen :--“The use of your
Peruna as a remedy or cure for
catarrh by many ofmy friendS-who have been
benefited by the same, as well as my OWn On°
perience as to its efficacy and good tonic prop-
"NOthlog Better Than Pearione fer
Catarrhal Troub1e3," Says front.Vesman C. P. DMZ •
C. P.' Dorr, Hotel Johnson, Washing-
ton, D. CeEx-Cortgreasinan from Wyse
Virginia, writes;
"1 can cheerfully. recommend Peruna
to anyone who wants a safe and .perma-
nent cure for catarrh. Per throat, lung
and catarrhal trouble there b nothing
better than, Peruna.e-C. P. Dorr..
Colds Lead tti Chronic Catarrh. •
.A. common coki is acute catarrh, which
quickly, become:a chrenio catarrh if
lowcd,to remain. •
Every cold map leaves in its trail
thoirsandsof pease! catarrh, many of
whom forwent of an effective remedy,
will suffer from this disease the rested
their lives. •
Is there anything thatean be done to
prevent ell this! •
. In the first place, Peruna, need at the
proper time will prevent teklog cold.
In the second place, Peruna Will cure&
«Aden from two to nye days. • '
Peron& Will cure catarrh quick-
ly in the first stages, and finally Peruna
wilt also Mire chronic catarrh, if Maid
properly and persistently. •
• Parana kept In the house and prop- •
orly used Will thereibre not onfract as, '
anafeguard agairnrt the allmentswhk*. .
re,sult from -Maiden Mold .aseres, • but.
.willalso prove a sureremedy tor this
Class of aliments: • .
• If .youdo.net detiveprorapt andsallia
factory resulte trorn the nse of Periths;
write at Once to Dr. Hera:nine giving. a
full Saadi:lento* 3ronr eerie and he will -.
be pleasecl.to give you hie vabiable ade•
*ice gratis.; . • • • . •
• Peruna can be ptirchaaed at any flu*
cram causes me to recommendlt.toall persons,
and you are at liberty to .une .tbis endorsement and near photograph Address Dr. Her man. President 'at
• class drug titer° for at1.00 per bottle.
it will give an,y force to same."-Jaines M.:Morgan. •The Hatman8anit
CAROL E. NEWCOMBE A. L. C.. M. • • `Marriage& ,
O• rganist of Ontario St. Meth-
oclist Church
Teacher of Piano Harmony, Form
Free Theory lecture to strdents ev-
ery Tuesday evening at Studio.
Over Newcombe's Store, - Clinton.
East Wawanosh,
Jas. Noble of .6th line, who has been
spending a week with his mother near
Clinton, returned home cn Sunday.
• A large number attended the • wed. -
ding of Miss .Stella Cook of .E.ith line
and Jas. Kelly, a prosperous young
man of Torcntc, on Tuesday.
First mectirg of council for 1904
was held on Jan. 7 ith ; members pres-
ent being John McCallum, reeve, • and•
Messrs. Wm. Beecroft, Gain Wilson
and John Menzies Sr., ccuricillOrs.
Having each severally subscribed • tc.
the declare..tio.a.....of qualification and of
ollice, the reeve in the chair, the
minutes of the last meeting of Deceni.
her, 1903, were macand confirmed. •
Moved by Mr. Beecroft, seconded •• by
• Mr. Menzies -That P. Porterfield be
re -appointed clerk, salary 885,, and
Finlay Anderson, treastirer, salary 88o
• Resolved that James W. Bane. and
Peter IV. Scott he re-appaineal:andi-
tors, salary 57 each.
• Moved by Mr. Merizies, seconded • by
Mr. Wilson -That WM. Ircaaneen be
re -appointed assessor, eatery ',e9e, alto
further that the ratepayers be uotafird
that all clogs ana !etches "hen ele
plated on the roll 0r the- aeaealiat"
shall be kept there for taxaticn •milees
it can be shown that an error ha.d been
made at the time by the assessor -
Board of Health for 1eo4-the reeve
and clerk, James McCallum reappoint-
ed for 3 years, Jas. McGee am] Walter
McGowan for 2 yeLes and i year re-.
spectivety ; Dr. J. MeAsh, Belgre,ve,
M. H. 0. • '
The clerk. was instructed to order 7
copies of the Municipal World Joe use.
cf council, clerk Lnd treasurer. ,
Applicatioe was again made for
donation in aid of the Sick Children's
Hospital, Torcnto. Resolved that $5
be granted for that purpose.
Returns received from D.eputy Re-
turning officers re vote on • relliviie
bonus by-law taken on the 4th hist'.
showed that of the votes polled that
day 56 voted for the by-law and '.649
against, being a majority of 7 for the
by-law; but according to sec. 306,sub.
sec. t, chap. 19, consolidated Municipal •
Act 1903, c,ne-third of all the ratepay,
ers who were entitled to vote was not
The collector was instructed to cote
tinue on collecting the balatee of taxes
yet due and have his roll returned
to the treasure* cn cr before tat Feb.
The clerk was instructed to write
the various local sawmillers sad telt
for teaders up to 8tle reb. next for
2500 feet elm plank626 feet king, 24 ii
thick, not less than 6 nor more thee
72 inwide all lumber to be of good
sound quality, to be Odd for repairing
bridges and culverts throughott the
township and to be delieered at Mar -
nodi net later than 1st June next.
Moved by Mr. Beecroft, ,pecolided by
Mr. Menzies -That the reeve be l'aittlt-
orited to attend next meeting of the.
County .Council itt Godericlt it the
interests of the Tp. of East Neteivatica
regarding the repairing and otherwise
fixing up de Gravel( road small of the
town of Wiligharti-earried.
By -low No. 2, 7904, tallying the
poirittnent of clerk, treasurer, aseees-
or, ouditors and board, of health duly
real aml6passed.
The eouttil then adjourned till Thu• -
0613 Nth EttlY4 MiXt4
DAYlyiENT:-MURPHY---At the e ectory
Semforth, :on Jan. qoth, by the
Rev: Rural Dean Hazel's, .112e4e
daughter of Mr. Henry Murphy
'Ooderich toweship, to 3. Elliott
Dayment of Clinton. •
GALPIET-MUTCH-,At the residence of
the bride's Patents, Gorrie, 011 rath
Jan by Rev, J. W. \ll'olin,es, Ma.
B. Courtney Gilpin of. Wegreville;
Alberta,formerly of Carrie, to
Miss Mety A. Mutat: '• • ,
Egniondville, on ,January 21.1.11, by
Rev. N. Shaw, Mr.. Wim. a...ric , of
H bbert. to. Miss .Tan e Agnes His-
lop, da.iighter of Mr.. John Iii•slop
of TuCkersmith. •
• .
cop.xy.,—At •Se..rniei Tunnel' on Jen.
• i8th, to kr.. and Mrs. Henry Cot-
• ey, o daughter-. 1VIrs. Corey is a
denghter. bf Mr. Peter Cantelpn of
13ADGELY-Iri City cn .Tan. 5th, ' to
: Mr. and Mes. 13. Badgely, a, daugh-
ter. .
HICKS -In Goderich townstip on Jan.
211d, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. lifelCS;
5011. • :
•MeCABE--In. Goderich township on
' Jan! 211(1, tC) lUr. 11.1.id Mrs. James
• McCabe, a daughter.... . •
Deaths, .
HOGG-ein .MCKillep on Jan. retie *rat
. • mes aged 70 years , an.c1
KELLY -In Goderich on San, 19tle
Norae. Lundergcn, wife of the late
- --Thorne e aged q6 -years-
MentleFea•In Colborne township en
Jan. 16th, Almita Miedatigh, wife
of the late John McPhee, Aged 8e
HOLIVIES-Oti Jan. 15th, at tai tie,
Clara Isabella Hohnee, widow of
the late Devirtlohnes ana sister
of Mr. Corry, Port. /lope,
FOY-On Jan. I5t1i, at flte residence of
her daughtoe Mrs. J. 11. Coughlin,
807 Alwater street, Saginaw, (ath-.
dine Lidwe, relict of the late ,Totu
• Poy, • aged. 82 7.;•ears. •
MUNRO-1n McKiallop on Jan. e9, Wee
Donuie, only eue of Peter R. and
Maggie Munro, egad 9 mottche and
EAG4L,GdaSYs0X-In Clinton on Sao. 22114,
Mrs, Maggie Eagleson, daughter of
Mr. Alex, Mackenzie, aged, 35 years
end 5 months,
• Colborne Township.
The statutory meeting of ecolborne
council was held on San, trth. The
following members took the necessary
oath of qualification and &aeration of
office, viz : hiajer Young, reeve
Alexatider Robertscei and Levi
Snyeet, councillors ; Saab Moser be-
ing absent. The minutee of the) last
meeting were read and adopted. Mov-
ed by 11011, )seceteled by Robertson,
the some collector alai assessor be re-
uppoioted. Carried. Moved by MIL
seconded by Snyder, that Jam Watson
and Alexander Sheppard be aoditors.
Carried. lVfoved by Robertson, second-
ed by Snyder, that the collector be in-
structed to collect all unpaid taxes on
or before the first day of February.
Ca.rricd. The following atcounts were
paid, Viz : subscription to, The Munici-
pal World $5,75, &mations to Sick Cliil-
eon's Hospital at Toronto h. Munici-
pal tVc,rld election supplies, etc.,, 574,
tten et 8c Seal, shovelling Snow $7,
Mrs., J. Ituntv. gravel $2.25, Jas. Ye.
twag, lumber $5.36, Coderieh Lumber Co.
lumbere $34-50, Sohn Trot& *tieing
roads $4,' Alex, W. Voting, datnage- to
barrow brealtilig roalS $r, Aka,. W.
'Young Wood for hall $2, Abraham
Smith tax remitted. $2.4t. Adjourned
to Meet again on XOnday, the lith, of
lielto eft let o'clook ktiis
• Goderleh.
, we.,:'.fear that nate are drifting, drift-
• ing--me.ny of our citizens did net krow
• what ."Violet Day,' meant but inespite:
of the rain arid sleavst cent later about.
2oo persons atter:tied the • 'Violet Tea"
at OdeaelloWe' . Hall under theausuiees
. of the Florence Nightingale chapter of
the Daughters of the Banpire and as a,
reault $75 or: mores wereatoken im to
• aid in:furnishing a ward fersick
Scne of 'oet readers may have found
it a veey. lard %react to keep: their
plants. free from very minute insects
whiitLt Cover , in some eases • the under
side el the' leavesA lady of 'Otte ac-
quaintance here aNieunow in the winter
has .o pretty: eity geraniarn arid: even:
the reteptha •suds she was told"to• , use
has very little effect upon the parisa-
tes,' While we were viewing the plant
eiii American ladythee called- Said
"Take four or five-matiltes and. Plant
the sulphur cndcf them. alorgside the-
• protium, rot and you will find that
"a Most reliable .rentecty with which to
banish the plant destroyers." • A sim-
ple remedy if efficatiotts. •• . '
•• Mr, T. • Cutt will seen be able • to
attend to his business egaire
•• Mrs.: •Doe: .C4 Cticago, daughter ; cif
Hawley-, has rented s the resid,eita
On Soutb ' Street of. the late • James
Shepherd. • Mrs. • Waller af Chicago,.
daughter. of Mrs. Dee, is sp ndiug the
wixiter iti Goderich. •• •.
'On Tuesday next at St, George's
Sunday school Rev. Mr. Perkins of Ex-
eter will deliver ;his address "Odcls and
Ends" hoving inecl to forego the pleas-;
are of •addressing the Guile (V., P*
at their last 'tneetiog as advertised,
-thee Rev-.-gentlemairhatting to answer -ea
,call from St. Paul's church, Cliotora '
" Reit: Dr, 1VIofiatt was unable to keep
his promise to • preach in Knox: and
Victoria, street .cluirehes on Sunday,.
Mrs: ; John McKay, a sister of the
lateltIr. C1iiii McIver, 'arid her husband
both• of Goderieh, are prospering itt
Cockburn Island. Their sons, Captain
Dan and Alex. 3Ic1ay are owners of '
the fishing:tugs there. They amid not
get down to the funtial. •
• .
Mrs. LeVvis Elliott has en etteek of
la grippe. . We .trust that it will prove
to be it light one, • ' ••
'Vitae • CemPaign hag beeit a ettiferer
this month, too, from ari attack of la
Mr. j. R. McPherson spent Sunday• •
ond Monday until the trait went out
the, pest of his aunt, Mrs. Brown.
Mr. McPherson has a, position in the
i3eriforth telegraph office. ••
Mrs. 'rye, Master Reggie and Alias
Erin: atrived from their enjoyable vis-
it at Haysville on Saturday.
The • ice cutters Say the ia exte'nds
out ten miles from •the shore.
• Captain Dare McIver of Collingwood
spent all 'of last week in town.
In the February Delineotor. 'Mrs.
Theodore W. Birney has an interesting,
plea for allowances of spendingmotley
for childrett. The argument is reason-
able, too, for if one is um:storied to
handle money while young he will ear-
ly learn its value. The to:while 'with
too marry young: Men and wointer of
to -day is that they del Oat oppretiete
the value of their own or their. " par-
ents' money. Mrs. Itintey aetvotaees
increasing the allowroice as the child
grows cider until eventually it eovers
all tieeeesary expenditures except
:hoard and tuition thereby teaching the
child the putehasable power of matte%
attd inculcating principles of ..ecottonty,
for the allowance should not be extra-
vagant Whetetter the wealth of de
parents. In the artiele the subject is
discussed from many view points. it
Will be frond full of suggestions by
those who have mat giVeil this Problt
Ott of Childhood serious ectisiderationz
isostm Y.Aig "Rommo,
00000000 0000 00000000
The News of Goderich.
A. SIOntfulIst • Correspondent,
We found a silver 'near, on the str
•eet on Violet Day for which we found
an OWlier004 SatUrday 44 the person°
Miss Milian Macdonald,
There was a, fair congregation at
, Victoria street chureh Suneay evening
I but only three lady members of the
choir were present and five gentlemen.
• This is al week of revival at this chur-
At the regular meeting of the Chos-
en Friends' Cornell Thursday the
following offleers were eleeted
C. C., J. A. Serrnageour
• V. C., Jas, A. Strachan
Treasurer, A. Forrow
Recorder, H. W. Bell
•Prelate, N. 31celatley
31;arshall, a Sturdy
Warden, James Andrews
Auditors, H. 0. Sturdy and W. Mc-
• Auley.. •
Representetive to Grand .Councia Jo.
Alternate, A Egener.
The eternal "At Home"' of the Bap-
tist S. S, tcok place on Tuesday . at
Temperance hall. Ite Weimen's Insti-
tute Supper being held On that same
even rg way marred the pleas-
ure of the "At Home" 'which wes
well atteuded. Tea was served from 6
pthrog8rPafii. ntWasAfter a very well prepared
gone through the supere
intendent, Mr. Lewitt, called the audi-
ence to order Laid a well:loaded Christ-
mas tree was displayer' to the bright
and eager eyes of the S. S. children
An address wee presented to Mr. Lew-
itt by them accompanied bribe gift'
of a very handsome silk umbrella whie
eh we. are certa n the ettperintendenit
will appreciate. '
• At the annual business meeting of
the Baptist church. the firancea were
found' to be in a most -flourishing con-
dition. • A new church will be built
• this corning spring which shows. what
a.sinall .congre,gation can do.
On Violet Day .1VicKiin's window
.was • well decorated with bunchec elf
artificial vidlets. ' .
• Mr, •and Mrs. Ta D. Hawley. are
boarding at the Park" House: ••.
Mr. [Robert Elliott is still shipping
eeiplee across the Atlantic, this 'time to
England. • •• ,• • ,
The regular meetitig, of :the naught-,
ete of the Empire took place car Jan,
i8th, Mrs. D. alaeltonaecl praidinea
One sorra bit of news' was rteeive I by
therm. After Mr. Dickenson got ready
the • deed to transfer the Naftel pro-
perty actueSoutinetreet for at; hospital
site, that sonte,. One, feariaa to lose the
property •stepped .in and nut -Chased the
lite' en bloc• . '
The Weterloci hockey teani was hata
dicapped Monday eight by the late .
hour at which the train arrived. Thc.
gene eves lively and would. have been
a •grea4 enjoyment to ell latt ler the
accideet that befel one oil-th• e hOrne
tante.. Mr. ,Charlie Megew. •who, : not-
withstanding his injuries, played on, to
etd: •The score. stele(' t3 " to 6' in
f f I 1
.r-ippe' is steadily' on the march,
Registrar Coats toole • the 5 p. in.
:traie to Clinton. lricley which pre-..
N 64 doirg honcr to • the Viclet
Tee loa in Oddielloar's lath-
•' Mr. Forden of the G. T. R. • -.staff
and family of Stratford arn.removieg
to Coddle'', •
• Mr. George Smith left las ts viteekt6'
talce, eputse of cutting at the Notiore
re. •Cloak Co's estaiilishnnipt, . New
airotk. • •We.gave him an introducticri to
the manager •rif thes presernaker'S, Pro-
tective AssCciation of• New' York,
which we have the honor to represent:
•As •soon. as the spring , evens • Mr,
Mobile,- Smith ..will begin Wilding} *his
cleak factory.. • •• •
Mr. ;John Oke .has purchased the
house cn Albert street lately occupied
by the late Rev. Murcloca McKay •and.
family arid • owned •by Mr. Jeseph
Goldthorpe Of SaltfOrtl.• • • . , •
• Weed is still $5.5,0 per cord, .
The Messrs, W Iliam Lasham, jewel-
er; • Grout Forks, Nortk•Deakctee' e,nd
•John'of the Naticnal Bank, Hillsboro,
same, state, . spent lase 'week in town
with their mother, IVfis: W. • Lasham,
• The ' gentlemen, came tlitotigh to wind
up the , -business of deit father, the
1, te •Mr... 'Lashio/1. •they Said
.they tat nei cold in Delietet like what
they experienced here last . week.
• Mr. V.: T. -.Welsh, we are extremely
glad to learn; is making rapid strides
to xeceivery and we • trust will soon be
able to etterd to Ids leisinesee•
• Mr.. and Mrs. Wallace • Atther . after:
oteence frem Godcrieh .g..years
Came through from their homeaso mil-
es feorn Waratpeg to spat& the leo "day
season With 'VII'. and Mrs. Yana 'Mi-
lian and Mrs, D. Buchanan, o sist of
Mrs. Arthur. • They have flourishe
Manitoba r end are acceMpanied by their
family'. ••
airared. Swartz will take possessiOn
Of the eBritish Exchange oit .Feb. Jet,
having • happily given up- his idea o1.
settling • in the Northwest: The •citi-
zens and travelling public will. hen
Itis decision with inttch pleasure:
Mr, ' and Mrs, Tilt have given great
satisfaction to .all their guests aed our
eitizeits are sorry that they .xtitend
giving op the 13ritieh Exthange ibut
Mrs. T It hue been a hosteas for the
past 35, years and feels that she ovule'
prefer • ttf retire for a. time from, pub,
lie life. Me. Tilt, too, will be ranch
missed as he looks : vvell after theth
comfort of his guests. .
The installation of the officers •of
. Court Gocierielt 1. O. tooli place on
Mrs, Huston has spent the post two
• months at Euter the guest of her
daughter, Mrs. Huston.
Mrs, C. IL 'Williams has rentedi her
fire large residence on Market street
to Mr. W. Fowler late of Dalsota, who
will take possession of it on, the, zot
Feb. Mr. W. Fowler is a -brother-M-
Ilaw to the Messrs. R. C. 'tad James
The greatest problem of last week
was "Mat kind of weather are we
The many friends of Captain Milli -
gun a the steamer Westenoune • w 11
regret to leero of the /oss he sustain-
ed, On Jan, 7•6th his resieetice and
contents were totally destroyed by fire
at $t. Cathatittes.
lYfiSS Mabel Austio Kintail is the
g_uest of her aunt, Mrs, Hugh Me,
Miss Nellie Young of Loyal is vis-
• Wt.; her rele..tivee at Kintail
•T ie Misses Annie and Alice Gold-
• thorpe a Hamilton and their sister,
• Mrs. A. Secord. of the same city, ore
the guests of their aunt, is. T. B,
Mrs. Morrow, inother of Mr, W, J.
Morrow, who has been very ill the
past month, is now able to sit up.
Mr. Normen McIver, son of Captain
Dan McIver, was called to Columbus,
Ohio, by till death of his sister, Mrs.
P. W. Cook of that city (nee Miss An-
nie 1VIcIver) and just reached home in
time to attend the funeral: his un-
Mr. Jack MeGrattan is very ill at
his home of typtoid pnetuncnta. .
Captain Dare McIver left cn &Air-
• day for his home at Ccllingwood,
• lamicAr, woian. -
Collingwoocl, Prit„, Jan 25 --(Special)
-While Canada stands aghast at • the
terrible inroads 13riglit's Disease
making, Qn :the ranks Of the brightest •,
and best 01her citizens ; 'while the 'et•
medial profeseiou etaad helpless bele- I
re the dread destroyer or life, Colling-
wood has a:Meng her citizens one •who •
*lows all its terrOrs,, who has been .
carried down by it until the portal's a
Walter *Locke Rues, • lttIe scn el We were sorry to learn or.1 January`
IVIr. D. Ross, has been subject to some xsth, • 1904, at 221MeDonaldi street,
forrn of sickness the past two weeks -Barrie, of Clara Isabella Morgan,relict
but is improving most satisfactorily:. :of the late David Holmes. Her father
Mr. George Green, who has been 24 • was the first public school teacher
the best cf health of years, was Sett.- here, the setktol .14nifie being now the
c4 with, a severe attack of hiccough res dence of Mr. John Beacom, East
wkich lasted one week, but niedic0 street. Mrs. Holmes had a number of
skill overpowered the strange attacksisters and two brothers who all lived
Re is able to be out age.inf with their parents in Goderieb.
sof death were open to receive her, end .e•
who .to-dayi is a strong, heaIthy,happy
cw:r woman who knows Bright's
who fears it not because She kuows, its Disease ire all its hideovsness„ but
Mre; Thomas Adams is this lady's t
name 'and she ltae now :lieeo a resident :a*
of Colliagwood for o year and a het/.
Before that • site lived in .Ber.lc's Palls, ..
8diere she is widely known end highly 4.
respected, Mrs. Adeirie feels it her • y
duty to spread the good news all over )
Canada, all over the world that she a
has found a cure for Bright's Disease A
and that that mere is Dped'se Kidney
' . l . ;
. •
"Yes," she said when. ibterViewed re-'
gerding the ease, f.my friends. con telt
von howtariby ill 1 was, My doe -
at ...
tor pronounced it Bright's Disease and 3.
Sciatica, but I got no relief from any -
ding he gave Inc. It was Dodd's Kid-. O•
ney Pills that drove plivay that tertib- •••.
le disease, raised Me from my bed of t
1.8)113rilltilnigt:S.11114 id? 111.6.• de •Ine 14.1°11 a11', 114P -
"I was for years troubled • with. el
NIA in my .back, at times I •,would
biter Pay..
I •',5
• For the benefit of those who were snow
bound and unable t6 see our . bargains last
week we will continue our sale till the end
of next week.
. We will mention a few of the bargains
which are still to be had.
00 00 000 00•00 00
*Wiii1741.4 PAPER
• • The new 1904 stock is Waiting admittance to
our .Wall Paper Department and many of ourpresent
lines mhst be cleared out*before wecan arrange to
put up the newer goods. You will find among the
papers that we are clearing designs and patterns to
suit your 'taste and they are equal in every way to
the new goods, except that the quantities are -small
780 rolls of choice patterns in cream.; buff, blue, green and
mauve,aapers that are regularly sold at 10e per single roll, 05 ,
for _Bargain Days, per roll
(Border and ceiling to Watch)
860 itolls-nea•utiful paper in light and dark colorings -suitable.
for bedrooms'dining rooms or parlore. Heavy stock and
well printell face. 8 yards to ,each single roll. Regular 110
price pi to 18e -On sale Bergen] Days per Single roll... - AMU
.(Borders and ceilings to match)
680 rialls.beantiful gilt Papers, .suitable fur dining teems, hall;
• parlors and bedrooms, chola deigns andcolorings, worth .
' regularly from 20c to 25e per roll; ;on Bargain Days per I 0
single roll.; , . ,, . .. . '.• . • . ...„, • . . . ..
(Borders arid ceilings to matel). .•
180 rolls heavygilt and embossed payer;.suitable for the beet . 4
rooms of your. home, regular prices 25e te 4.0c per single I g.
roll, On Bargain Days per 'eingle roll-- • I• U
(Borders aod ailings to match) •:
Bundles of oda roils, containing froth 4 to 8 tolls of on' kindl !I A
• per banch.:.. . .. •. ..... .... . .... to, al u
.nir Please note that whettatvi‘ have complete combine,.
.tions kir side, ceiling 4714 border, we will not break the
. combination, '
• Bring withyou the exactsize of • your room and we will
• • tell yorellowena7iy-rblIS you need. :
All Paper (except small bundles) Will be trimmed free, •
. .
n Discount. off all dines of Fancy
•U China and Brie a Brae contained
Per Cent in our china department. No need
• to tellyou we have .the finest sel-
ection in the west. You likely know it yourself:'
•.Shet1411d Floss
hove to keep my bedi. . In "lV1erc1ex9oo,
' got so bad with pains in my beck
and hip that I was More helpless than
an infant and at times gave sup all
hope of getting well: .1 had no power
ofmy back or limbs."
"I wee for eight mOriths aai ilivalici,
and my sielleriugs during than time
. were something too terrible for words
to:describe, My doctor said I bad
Bright's Disease, bet he could do noth-
ing to give me relief."'
It was then a Weed of my husband
induced me to try 1)odd's'7Kidney Pills
I had no faith in them, for I riever
ex -
and I thank Gcd that X did, • They
brought inc • relief almost frOne tEe
first •and after taking three boxes X
was able to do • my own, , work and
look after my children." .
"It is three -vers since I started
using Dodd' s Kidney Pills nnd X have
net had a return, cf-roy trouble since, :
When I feel a little out of 'setts I just
get a box,of Docld's Kidney Pillsand
they drive all the pains away."
It is needless to say Mrs. Aden's'
friends .all tote Dotid's Kidney
They, find that a raireey diet cures
Bright's Disease easily disposes of all
e earlier stages of Kidney complaint.
000000 • 000000000000000
.s.. PaPetries
4. . .
: Fancy bcxes, containing 25 sheets of pap& and 26 envelopes,
.e..• • white and cohered fancy paper, good values at 25c two lots 1 g
••••: on Bargain Days per box..., ....... .. . .... ,..e........ e.-10 & a I Ur
t i
•• - . Note Paper
. . .‘ .
x 5
Quire pack ages of Note paper, lam.; and smell. sizes, ruled
. • and plain, also one line of choice Vellum thosh, per 5 quire
••264.• pac age . . . at . . • 0 a 4 • 0 • Il
...t • •Envelopes to match at Gc per package.
• •
X .
•;•-: ... -
Our eelebrated Orkney Shetland Floss, lull ounce Skeins, in
•white only, for Bargain Days per skein' •II
Writing Tablets, •
• • •
1000 Note size Tablets, Royal Victoria Viten. ruled both Sides,
.100 sheets t� the pad, rag. price 10c eaeh, on sale Bargain
• Days each. , •• • rU U
. ••
An 'assortnient:of envelopes,large and small,icioare and obloog.
05 •
• regular 10c.values, Bargain Daysper peckake of
pected to get better. But a tried' them •A--•
+• .
ave You An Old Watch
lf so let us give you an estimate of what
we can allow for a new High Oracle
tip-tomdate watch.
We guarantee our prices to be the best
obtainable for high grade watches. The
purchase of one is no experiment they
are made to last a lifetime. Delivered
to any address in Canada free of
charge. Write for one today. •
W. H. Hellyart
Diddlecotithe's Old, Steed,
Opposite Terwil liftW
Eyed Tested Peed.
1 .i:
Berlin, Wools
X One of our counters will be loaded With Eqrlin Wool (2,4 and
8 fold) all good stock, but colors of vvhlbh we have an over al
stock of. These will be cleared on Bargain Days at per oz. reJ
X • Book Bargains
.• A. large table leaded with bound and pati:r covered hooks,
Some of them have covers soiled or smoked, but there are
y a number of rare books among the lot, also , School Text ,
Books and Workchoice for •
s. of Pictionson Batgain Days all one price, ',0
'4 • • Bibles
4, Well Bound Bibles, good type, some have references and
• teacher's matter, the covers of some are Slightly rubbed,
the prices are in many cases mit in two, but all are largely
reduced.... .. . . f. . . Lot No I- Choice tor 750
. • • Lot No. 2- i g 4 4 $1.50
•, any Articles
A Window full Of fancy articles,consistaig of odd lines left over
' from theXmas trade-Ouff Boxes, Collar Boxes. Handker,
chief BOXes, Mirrors, Albinos, Booklets, etc. On Bargain C
Days, choice for,. ... .... • d•o* PAU
Lead Pencils
Good Cedar Wood Lead Pencils without polish or rubber, but nc
• good serviceable pencil, per &Mg sUU
• Hair Pins
• Dona of 100 beet assortedEnglish Hair Pins, regular price 5c, n
our tyke now is 4o0r.. 0.1(0- 0808 4.0*0000,080•860 ,33 bakes for r I U
.t. reab,,,elealevaeaeome eseelearreareemearaarioaesayearseereeateiteeereale.oiere
A calendar or picture
4 FREE free to customers while
the supply lasts.
• • •
W. Cooper Co.