HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-01-28, Page 44 The Cullum NowsgRocewo nnual Meeting of Everyda) Ailments. The NewswRecord A ComPanY of Trav. Auburn. A llen Au Spent the Night M. John MnShannock of Manitoba, is publitshed runty Thursday at e has been the guest of Mr. Jaa Mutelo Agricultural Societies. The Nears -Record Printing Rouse in Snow Drift. Miss Pentlaial of the Nile was East Iruron Society. ALBERT STREET' s's CLINT°14. the guest of Mrs. D. In. Munro last co rot), Agricultinal Society was hold on sblikr, Ont., Jan ,. 21—The anger cd week, alsci Mr. II. Girvin. he annual 'meeting of the East Hu. Di MIMI has seldom exhibited itself in its Mr. Jain Ladd spent a few/ days at Wednesday in Brussels. Terms of enbscription-41 per year in highly developed stages as it did here Brantford lost week. After the tuirettes of last aanaa 24,14=0 ; $1.50 may be charged ifbetween 1 ar.d 4.45 this morning. The Mrs. Wm. Muth was up to Gerrie meeting were read and .adopted the sot isc paid. No paper diecontinned story of Prior events aa told by the attending the wedding of her niece, annual report WE.S presented by Seere- until all arree-rs are paid, mikes at enraged passengers travelling on the Miss• M. A. Match, formerly of Au-, irtaryeTreasurer W. IL Kerr. It showed the option of the Publfs'hor, Th° Buffalo and Goderich branch of the brn, ' ' . the receipts to be $oa23.35 and exoen- MrS. Patterson of the Soo was the diture $933•35, with eighty members cn date to which every su'beeription is Grand Trunk, reveels the fact: that at $ aid is denoted on the label, - o'clock esterday afteruoon a train was J i I f $794.35 was paid out in prizes o t of guest of Mrs. R. Stalker recently, the roll toward 1904 inembashin• Mr. Jos, nowson r. s mate or a \t ALMOST INVARIABLY THE RE- SDLL OF POOR BLOOD OR WEAK NP;RXES, If your health:: is impaired in any way, however slight, this article should interest you:. Ask any deetor and he will tell you than/ .unsost of the ailments from which men and women of the present day suffer are due to weak, watery blond, cr etisor- ders of the nerve forces. in your case the trouble may only be making a start—showing itself' in a Ural feeling, a derangement of the digestion, perna- t JO. Janotary 349th, 1904 I I , I I nonona;enenelon'enenonsneneninenensnensetene, ennenensiesO Onanenannanninenenanon.el'ene MoKINNON & 00 BLYTH „ )e iE 4100 ate Wi• NE SPRIN G PRINTS t. Advertising rates— Transient Over- made up nt Goderieli to rm.! between fe* holidays. over 59oo. There were 3.153 cu ries. ps an occasionol headache or a. feeling 4. too °Relit followed by Complete bre- o. okdown of the health, lit such cases ; there is no- medicine. which will bring .4 • back health and strength as antlitly n.• Dr. Williams' Pink PillS. thousands of weak and weary men and sta men t owe their present; good health f.,ntl .1. increased vitality to this medicine. et.. These pills make new, ..ich red blood .;* and' restore shattered nerves. %Ws is n• the whole secret of the wonderful suc- cess cif Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Here •t• is a bit of 'strong proof. Mrs. W. J. Clark Sr., Boston, Ont., says : "I std- y feted a .great deal Irma a complication of trcubles ;' rheumatism, liver trouble es: and paira about the heart all adding 4 to.. my misery. A thorough otse of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured tine and VOW at • the age of lifty-two all' ach- es and pains have left me and I atm enjoying the best •cf healtlol This is the verdict. of all who give Dr. Will- iam's Pink Pills a trial. Bet ycu must get the genuine with the full tame Wr:•' Williams' Pink Pills for Pale: People on the •wrapper around the box. If in doubt send direct fel the Dr, Williams' Medicine Cc a Brock- ville, Ont., ond the pills will be Mail- ed post paid ot 5o cent:tot. lic.x or six hoxes,for $2.so. r. . ou u . : The wet weather on first claycut down of nervousness. These symptoms are o; • there and Toronto. Everything went tisements, xo cents per no p smoothly until the train arrived c.ri St, the sick listo tlte entries in some classes to quite an per line for each subsequent insertion. train was brought to a staudstill and Mr. and Mrs. .T. Smith of Mildinay line for 5ret insertion and 3 cents Columban at 4.45, when suddenly the extent. There are no liabilitiee : Election of officers was the next er- Small advertisements not to exceed all progress was impeded by the snow. Were down to see the latter's father, der . od business and resulted as fol - .:me inch, such as i i.L4T ost , / / aserass. The passengers consoled themselves ws. Mr. Schultz, who has been very ill. ' th the thought that everything would Mr. Win. Youngblut of the Maitland lo 17e:silent, ,Jas. yerguson s' ed," Stolen," etc., inserted once be all right in a short time and the block is at Chicago undergoinoknenical for 35 cents and each subsequent in- time was possed in merry jest and treatment forhs T is eyes. 1st vice, Noble Milne 2nd vice, Geo. Thompson Thompson, the principal participants were Ur. Thos. wanace went tohis home ' Sec. -Treasurer W. II. Kerr sertion to cents. .. • about a dceen , Toronto travellers. But at Lonclesbona last week. Directors—R. !Corley Alex Stewart' Conammications intended for publics.- hoar sped on after hour and the con- Mr. G. Wightman went to Goderich .., ' ' • , Jas. Shedden, Thos. alenattonlin,1 hos. Friday eyeizing. Archibald. Oliver Turuhull John Wool - A sleighload of young people went ' ' cott Geo Jolinstaa and William to Mr, Wm. Campbell's at Inestfield ''i ' ' • tion must, as a guarantee of go faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. To insure publication in currents Jaime copy of advertisements should be sent in early. Contract ratee—The following table shows our rates for epecified per. iodic and space : x yr. 6 filo. 3 ino. 1 nto. t Column $7o oo $40 00 $25 00 $8 50 'a Column 40 oo 25 oo x5 oo 6 oo efiColumn 25 oo oo 8 oo 2 50 Column 18 oo to oo 5 50 2 00 x Inch 600 350 2 00 1 25 W. J. MITCHELL. • . Editor and Proprietor, Is the Laugh on Stratford? eFrom the Herald.) Stratford, Jan. eist—Stratford is becoming hc..unted by a suspicion that Mr. N. M. Cantin's electric railway to, the embryo metropolis of St. Jos- eph is nct going to materialize. A month or more ago Mr. Cantin net a committee of the city coun.eil and urged the most rapid action ; he want- ed legislation from the coming sessicm of the Ontario Legislature Ind it was doctor oni the train could give no sat- isfactory answer as to when the train would proceed on its journey. Dark- ness crept over the earth but there was no, one to light the lamps, At, last one of the Torovto travellers relieved himself of his anger by lighting up, ehere being no • breakesman or con- ductcr in sight. "Hold on there," said the conductor just as the traveller had lighted the last . lamp, we will ron out of oil before the night:lie , over, Turn out half of the lights." • "Let the breakeeinan do that," re- plied the 'traveller. The breakesman was brought in and he turned out three of the lights. • • THEY GROW HUNGRY, 'Abort 7 o'clock the passengers began to Led-hurgry and wondered when they would arrive at Dublin. At that• time there was no signs. of.a move and there was a gereral desire for •something to eat. Doe of the •Toronto travellers left the train.. and 'inquired hew far it was to the village, grocery store, "About half u• mile," was the reply. At .this titne the hall was petting down iu all its fury, assisted byi • a. strong wind, but the traveller ran through the snow until he reached the hotne of 'rather IVIcIneown, the Cathol- ic priett- Of the village. Other pa:dsett- gers followed and alt were directed. to the village grOcery. There six loaves of bread, five- cans of fish, five pounds of butter, two boxes of •bisenita, five, peunds of mixed cakes and one gak Ion jar of Mixed preserves was ordered 'for * the passengers,'• criativg. altogether •$6.23. • • • . . • .• The provisions were carried back to the Stowbound • train and a few ininut- es: after Father :McKeown with two la - sly members 6! the congregation, fon- lowed, bearing safiire-gellon urn. cd tea to make .palatable the feast -el loaves and fishes.-- The •Wants of the passen- gers were Well attended tooby the pri- est-, and the two ladies Who -had tram, ped. through -the snow drifts in • the. blinding storm, • -A .collectic-n of 2o cents per head was taken up to defray the expenees. of the supper and hearty vcte• of thinks was peased to Father McKeOwn and. the ladies. • There were only two wom- en passengers • on the train, A (Toronto lady: and. a Syrintr pedlar. The Tor - °rite lady was invited back tcate me . sof one of. the miaistering ladies where she :stayed' till the early merle, ing train left St. Columba...to • While the 'train was• snOwbound at; St.. Colutnban the breakesman had Wal- ked to Dublin where he telegraphed to Stratford, for assistance.' Two extra engines and the mow pleie,r were • setit down. When the extra engines .arrived the two engines which -started fermi Goderich had only JO. Old •• 6o pounds Cif Steam respectively. They were dis- connected and taken. down, to Dubliii the snow Plow leading the•WaY forthe four' engines. ' • The tRo extra engines then returned and ---conveyed the strand- ed conekes down to a sidingwithin 150 yards of Deblin. . Here the engines were disecniveeted 'id eionvey: the two digs:hied engines back to Seaforth for sunply. of water. Orid feel. TRAINMEN. COWFORTABIa- ..During the departitre Of the engines to Seaferth• the fan began ainong the passengers of the deserted- train. With- out. • any, steam: /ram the. engines: the passenger •ear, became very mud' like a refrigerator. Tliere was impatience 'imprinted! 'upon' the faces of tbe pass- engers.. and. there :wasn't a conductor, or . breakesman,in sight to give any Motion as to when's.' Move Woad be made. • . • • "We .were gettinn --desperate," Said one of the Tarmac,' travellers . •"and' I thought - would Make ' .serstrelf for scene plene where I could .get.some in- formetion ' Tlie peasergers *Were not aware 'how near • or how far' they were from a station. I soon found mit that we •were not far from the. station. and I',vient -Over there., Here I found cOnductor • and breakesnian stretched out on the seats in the waiting,' • room asleep. I stood there warming myself for a . few minutes when the station' master bronglit out a cup of hot water and something to eat for the conduct- or and. breakestimn, was not offered even a etip Of hot vvater. In the Mean- time scene of the other traStellers got impatieitt and fotuid their way to the station,: When they took in the aitua- tiont thereg was • sonic strong/ language Used andboth the conductor' and bra). la/turn were told of the half -frozen con-. ditioa of thn pcor ',woman Left in the car. They both hustled .out without saYing a word and•bronght the reit of the passengers .up to the waiting morn. to get worm. • — • "We were in Dublin from o'clock this morning. till 3.45 and during that time there Was not a bit of 'Iteot hi the cora.. "The engineer on the front engine of the two which started out from Goder- icn had had nothing for twelve hours when .we arrived at Dublin': . , "After the passergers shad osercOme their rage at Dublin the balance of the time was spent in the singing of hy- mna and popular songs, Two of the passengers were leading vocalists from Hamilton aud afforded, the rest of the costipany a .great deal of pleasure with the entertaitunent vital that Stratford should act quickly in granting .him the city franchise. As for a •Sio,ueo deposit, as guaraotee of his project going ahead, a little. thirg like Sto,000 would tot .be allowed to - stand n his way. Our worthy fothers caught on—most of. us caught . on to some extent and the city council gra- vely set out to try to -harmonize Mr, Cantin's scheme with that of Mr., II. M.. Sloan of Chicago, a real electric roilivay man. Mr. Sloan Omitted thit, it was nuts to him that Mr. Cantiv had bappened -along andovos prepared dr hand to give us. 'all our imagina-, tion eould ask in the way of a city service and so let Mr. Sloan out of the city service branch. Now Mr.. Sloan's scheme .Ls hitngnaposvaiting tor Mr. Cantin and his "deposit". and Mr: Ciantin's local lawyer begins' to he a bit restis e., confessing that he knows nothing of Mr. Cantin's efforts to pro- cure legislation, etc., • etc.' So far as he knows the projnet .is at a stand- still and he has heard nothing from' Mr. Ca.ntin since the den before' 'New Year's. The Legisloture met last week, with nothiug from Mr. CEntin before. „it. It looks as if he woolci Nam . to prefer a request to the rest cd the Pro- vince not Vale:ugh at. too••hord. • After all Steatford being in the public eye goon deal those clays is doubt-: less bound to provide a little variety now and again and Mr. Cantirns ne- gotiations bid fair to rank high onion the funny episodes of the season, Per- haps we had better blome the situa- tion on Premier Ross' call for an ear- ly session so as to hegd off the „ pro- tests. Let us •blame Mr. Rcss forr" heading off Mr.'Cantin, too.--Stratfen rd Herold. • • • Stretford, 'Jan. '53—Mr. N. M. Cain tin, the St. Joseph man with Whom arrangements- have been , iie progress. for a 'city electric railway service: in connection with the projeeted extension through Hensall to Stratford,. was the city this week. Mr. Candies pro- longed absence hod not increased the confidence Of lccal people in his pions, and his arrival was therefore the oc- casion of a prcanat proposition en the part of Mayor Heploirn. The Sloane agreement for city service. was•secitred with required alterations as to streets and this was presented to -Mr.. Can - tin, 'giving the opticn or accepting it ond putting up his Sioioto seeurity -or losing• his chances of a Stratford fran- cliee ghogetner. 1VInCantin stated 'that. he had the money ready. to deposit as soon as an agreement might be sf.- Mr. Cantin left for St. Joseph,. • .1Ie said before leaving that he arid lois so- licitor were trying to/ frame agree- ment acceptable to both sides:. He could not say, however., vehen, he would return to Stratford. • The Magistrate Not JUsiified. The fcllowing app,eared io the legal columns of the Mail atd Fanpire of Saturday: R. M. Hensall—Qu.—The road in front of A's farm became blocked with SUM. B. and C. were travelling al- cug the road and took dosve A's fence and drove through the field and took dowit the feriae \in another place to get back, unto the \road, in order teget arounn the snowclrilt. A han them served with a notice from a justice of the peace. If they put up the fence again can A. gun them for damages or prosecute them for damages ? Ans.—The Petty Trespassers' Act (R, S. 0. Chap. 120) says : Any person who "unlawfully" enters into, cornea upon ar passes 'through' or in any way trespasses Apon any land or premises whatsoever being wholly enclosed and being the property of another person, shall 'be liable•lo at penalty of not less the!' $r or not 111.01•0 than Pe, which may be recovered with costs be- fore any justice of the poet in a summery way. Bet. there are certain cases in which a trespass may be jus- tified by "necessity" for instance, a person may enter upon the lands of another to put out a fire; or Where a highway is impassable, passing lover in New York. the lands on either side is justified 3 Mr. William Britton visited friends Pollock on Torts Page 3/7. n and C in Forest recently, ston.. Friday night. . Auditors • F S Sectt and A. Strn.- . Miss Maud Ferguson, has returned ' • ' ' from Wiarton after spending 'a few ehan' . holidays with her sister, Miss Cora, The offer of 53cio from Grey Branch who is teaching school there. • Agricultural Society to 1 old the Theo Miss Robinson Of Nile is the guest Mg Fair et their park at Brussels in of Mrs. A, Robinson' at present. , 1904 was accepted:and the dates fol., The Methodist elmrch service has lowed for many years, Nis, the first been changed back., to the usuol time ,Thursday and Friday M October, this morning' arra evening alternately, Neal. Year the 6th and 7th, decided upon for Sunday in the morning,. the fair, Ma Buxtcn of Goderteo was cut . • Trickersmith Society, hert last. week, having in view the rentieg of the hotel, The annual meeting of the Tucker - smith' Branch Agriculterc.1 Society was . Messrs* Cullis are having u fish s'de put in their dam. held in See,forth. • T.here was net fO very large •attendience but the reports of the ollicers show the• society to. be Hullett Township. . io a goof', position financially tied oth- , erwise.. After paying all the liabilities . • Mr. Watt Murphy had hard lueko on a small surplus in the treasury. • Age • l'01 Saturday *while moving his- threshing following (talkers ant', directcrs • were machine to Mr; Soho :Watt's lei hav- elected for the current year : incitireck during the year there is still • ing a , complete ' upset ttn : he re.a.:n. A n president, Robert Charters, Tucker - engine . is a very, awl:word sh no to . ;smith • • .. right so they went 'moat or Sal.ornay Vice George. M. Chesnea., Seafortli night righting. it e • .• . . • . Sees!Tres.surer, Thomas 1.74. Hays , Mr. Ernie Best ef Laitlan spent cs AUditors, -W. .• Soinerville 'and 'A. . . couple of days at 'Mr. H. Allen's last ' . Young ." .. • .. : week.- • • - Directors, • John- M. Goveidock „Scams Mr. and Mrs. Mac. .Istet , l nrottitoba Evans, - orames Carlin, 1VIeKillep ; ' P. are -spennitg‘ holidays at the former's sister's, Mrs. Heovv Altai s: . . • Ilawthorne and C. McGregor„ Hullett; . _, Wan. Chesney, George Dale and George Mr. and Mrs. Thos. • Natal* Lin e Black, Ttickersmith ; M. •Broderich;Seaa gotten nicely settled down .p.-10. wen: . forth: • ' -- • • • ' :.__.—,— ..L.--. The South Huron..Soetety. •. • . the -recipients -I VL"T".,'1111-1—t; I 014:: • ' presented-• by a feee• ot ;lie Ilarlork beye. - . • • s • •.-. . . •• Mr. ,Robt. Beattli's sele Was- vene • largely attended inr Monday, . -cattle son' for , good prices, cows . bunging as high at $43. Mr. Beattie will let nteeh messed .hy his neigOt. ON. 'Ile intiouls. Inovieg • to Seaforoli, •but liaso'r. quite, mahe Ins,Mind What ...to niti.oge. • it . - F. YOungbhit fivished threshing dor Jas. Srell last week, noon* -been un- able to do so before cn account of • • brooklet his engine. Wm. -111eCool nelieere0 a good horde to McMann and Archibahl; Seeforth this week, • • . Joseph: McIntosh of Ilullett Met with a raitner painful' accident leapt week while assisting at a: threshing. While cutting :bands . the tinier slipped' and strikimg. the other anti at the . inside of the elbovv Made aback Wound, 'Sev- ering' an. artery. It was aerefolly ;at- tended to, by medieal skill, •otid we are pleased to state that he is practically out Of danger. • Morris Township. • The tountil elect for the- current year. met acnording to stake at the town hall, Morris, on. Jan. 1904, and subscribed' the necessary declara- tions of olTiceand qualification. The reeve oecopied the chair, On motion of Jackson pod Taylnr Wm: Clark 'was re-appOihtecl clerk, iolary $130. Oa motion .• of ' Code and Shaw lVfalcolin Black and Richard Johrsten were re- appointed auditors, salary sa each:Ouu motion, of Taylor and Code, W: .7, Johnston win appointed Member cf the biaard of health oed Dr. McAsh Medical Health Officer. On Motion Of. Shaw ma Jaeksou John Watson was re -appointed. asSesson salary n7o. On motion cf Codes and Jackson the clerk was in.. structed to send for eight cepiesiof the Municipal World for use•of council and officers. Ou moticn cf Jackson and Taylor W. II, Kerr Was awarded the contract. of . printing for the current' year. Moved by Shaw, secoraled nky Code that all parties are 'hereby for- bidden from cutting, titnber ' 04 the highways in this municipality without orders from this couticil, also that ali. parties bailding .or repairing. fences are hereby notified not to infringe en the toad allowance as this .cOttiteil complaint being made will be obliged to take action honing such, fenees removed at the expense. cA the parties infringiog. Carried. On motion of Taylor :and Code a greet of Soo was 'Made toward the improvement of the "Prairie" road south Of Wingnam, moviding Winghom and Wawonosh grant equivalent .sume. Accounts were paid as follOwS : A. Button port pay-. inent on lumber $25, M. Kelly balance oncontratt $6.36 oR. Procter salary $85, IL Praetor stationery aad receipts $3, W. H. Kerr balance on printing' account $15, Wni. Isbister weals oti Prairie fence $4, W. Clark nomination expenses and postivg financial state- ments 55, nnaricipal World subscrip- tions 56.50, S. Walker balance on gra- vel Si .80. The council then adjourned to meet on Vela 8th. The atnual enactingo --of-- Ana South Huron Agricultural 'Society was held at.. Brueefield on Wennesday. ar- fairs of the ioniety :are in very.sat- infactory. condition. • AbOut. $r,000 was paid to. prizes last year .and there is still a balance of •overinoo in . the treasury (after oll• liabilities are paid The .nollowirg officers bikej directors were elected' , ! President' II. Smith Hay' ist.vite,: Inn 0, lthirdnek; Stanlen • ,2nd Ed...., CliriStio, Exeter • . • Aitclitors, A. T. Scott and john Mc-- . , Intosh . • • • Directors, Peter- McGregor, Thomas Mcnfordie,: Wm, Dixon,'S,. Sniillie,oW;• DI Saunters., ..Thoirtaa'Runsa. en; James Patterson and 'John Ketch-. Mesart. Thomas Russell and • john Warnock were appointed as represerta- dyes on 'the Westero Voir boord. •At- a meeting of the'. no -My -elected .hoard of. directers Mr: An. Y. McLean was appointed secretary -treasurer. It was. also agreed. to hold the itentilospring. fair. it. -Brocefield. The next meeting. of the directors will be held at.Inen- sell in' March; • • . : West Huron Society. •••• The amino; meeting. of the' 'West Hu- ron.!;Agricultural Society was' held • in . Goderielo • • , ' Members. whose lees . were retained front 1902;o7o, .atoottnt, 579.; onernbers. ,whose fees havt: . 'been. paid durieg. 'oat*, • 74', ranounto 5135 feen have been retoined for 1904; .59, • Omount, 559-.15, • • ' .'• There were 1,625 entries at the '.i9o3 exhibition ; priaet; 'offered, •$,I1o4,7no ; amount ;aWerdein 6995, alt Of • which was paid.; . • „ • .• ' The eleetion .of officer§ 'restined in.: Dr, W, F. Clark beilig eleeted.presk dent ; Isaac • Salkeld .1st -vice-president and John Barr 211(1. . . • . • ' • The following gentlemen Were elected directors: .Griclenelt, A. 1) MeLeanC. A. Inumber, • 11,• T. Watson GoderiCh, township, 'Sohn Salkeld Sr., iJolin Sow-. ernyt John Newcombe ;' Colborne town- shsp, E. C. Attrill, John Yoting,jamea Menlaties: •• • • • . ; • . . Londeshoro. The regular meeting of Londesboro. 'council R. T. of T. was .oO Mondoy lost. •Mrs. P. W. Watts of Clinton was, present •and assisted in tie inia- tion of nine cattdidates.. Notwithstan- ding' the fact that the lodge has only been. .organized. 'somewhat over two montns it has a Membership of thirty While additions are mane at. • almost every regular meeting', the second and fourth Monday of each month. On Wednesday evenittg fast the Ep- worth -Leagne-Of-the-Metlio&st.ehurch was . re -organized with the folipwing ollicerso- • • • • . . Hon President, :ken. J. Kennedy • • President, A. V. johns ,ist vice, Wm. Lyon .2nd vice,..W. Robinson,. • " Secretary, Miss L. Seariett Treasitrea. Miss A. Bell, OrginistoMiss M. d3rogden •.Tne,•ottendaitee: an the anneal. eon- gregatioosa meeting of Knox ehurcn oat Thursday afternoon 'wa.s not sca'large !as usual. owing to • ti storm.Thelpas- tor Occupied the chair and Mr..T...Ane• anis..was chosen secretary of theancen. ing. The -present mein.bership is 84; 6 :dump acts pappe uaaq nuteen thme post year •and 4 removed from it: Tne communion . services', were. well • at- tendedo so of the mernbers being pres- ent en. all three cceasior.s. The visious reports ' shotwed that during' 1903 the congregation had raised for all'purpcS.- es; 5963.58. . 'Of this. sum the. ladies' cOntribitted 533.73.- •for missicti work amctg women and chilnien. The chur- ch collections orilinory. purposes' .edene• to: 590:82 and, the Sabath' school' gave ..$23.83. The. school spent $25.58 fcr. Supplies, $21.24 for .bcoks an gave $5 -to help ether' schoals inneedyl. dia- triets. The treasurer for the „young. people. reperts.:a balance• on hand- of 42.65, Tart.of tlai proiceecis of a festi-- van held in. aid of . the sehoolo• The conoregation .0. to lie eongratelaten on lia.ving during the past year couverted their open sheds •ioto a closedone,thus giving'. increased accommonation .and far • .greater comfort. This *provision -for their • ooraea . cost •tne. Congregation $354.,aod the..sunt • has been.. paid oitt• of subsernitiona and .frowithe proceeds - of a festival held on the mt. Of Jul -v. Knox: church: also boreoits shore of IL new cement . cistern and other Accessary repairs . for the manse. After all ex- pen.aes were met the treasurer reportee, a balance on 'hand of 585Ioa. practical- ly the. same as . he started. the . year with. The total cantuet given for ntissions. end, other benevolent objects was 5174.38- .This sum includes a Bi--; -Society collection of 59.50 ,• also Sj 195 ,given to help support -the child-. ren sylicim the recent Minim. . LAM.. has . thrown. 011 .the care of the misi- iornries- s • Hensall. . The annual tneeting of congrega-' tion of • Carmel church Was held 1VIon- day oign't of last week.. There was a good turn out. and the ittanost har- mony prevailed. Rev. Mr. Severson°. derator, attiring the vacancy presiden. The various reports presented showed the congregatiori to be prospering in all departments of Christian work., ev- en though deprived of the services of a regular. pastor for About half a year. . A vote was submitted to tho inetting and carried that after the'occessary COlIntallege two weeks' notice, that a meeting be held to moderate in al call to a minis. ter. The treasurer's statennern show - Mr. Peter Blair of Datcota, is visit- ed a balance on hand of $231. village. in rsir Ulnas entering the stable where he ing friends and acquaintances mr...Roianct siten and wife of yario. keeps his horses on Monday, -morning, ton, Assa. • are visiting Lis sister. Mil: Pat Murray got the surprise of kis W. B. CoOk; • life for lo, his best horse .% the goo Mrs. Albert Coates. is visiting friends pater, was tO•all detents and purpose gOrce, he kneW not whither. • Further incvestigaticet showed that his best cutter, robes and harness Were, also. taken. Then it suddenly dawned upon they had taken them &wit, /f they her father in Illuevale. Pat that a horse thief had geese off did so aral A cannot show any dom. Mr. Fred. Millson of Coteau N. W. cwoit hhiettitpttstioprerh,ii,s. pIrrocilearrtyonieneitstaavrtteod age the magistrate woad not be jus- T., is visiting at the hoinesteari. Dattici the, present time not a trace has iheen vi -ding they Call show they passed . sekeepet beek With hint. :discovered. 'Whoever took the outfit tifiecl in fitting theni for trespass, pros Rumor says he intende to take a, holes gene-triy.-4Will. -Until Waft in Londuni---re--• •hwaade -fteerkeltIwthoielloel Ifitttehtle tiroolr"14146era . through the field as to...Matter. ofottetee. - -1vr nevi* - . shoeld have • put up the fencet where Miss Mild kande has been visiting . It- was decided to haVe a 'two days'. fe..ir •and that .it be held on Tuesday • and • Wednesday, September 27,th • and. 28tIo.ono4. . . .:.There. has been ho 'service in the choral here •for :several weeks ard so far as . we knew -there is no prospect of an early appointment :to the -pas- . torate. Messrs, • .W. Nesbitt and C. Lowery' were .in Searcath on Saturday: The former ,bounlit a fine horsa•whielo he brought home on Monday. • Mies Gertie Thompson has_ beenon. a visit to, her sister, Mrs: Iniltnn, in Michigaii: The latter Iota been itt pocr health lately and 'We hope. to'hear •Of her improveniern. • Mr. David , Barr returned Thursday alter . spending several, days with Mr.• IL G. 'Reid of Stanley. • • Mr. J. Wright is home again after visiting, his daughter at Beniniller. BABVS DAEGER.• The fact that so-called.soothing medicines put children to sleep is no sign that they. are helpful. On the contrary they are dangerous and Ors- tinctly hormful—the little one • lira been merely drugged into • temporary inietsibility, the seat of; the trouble has net been reached. Never give child an opiate • except under tkie watchful ey.e or a competent physic- ian and remember that all "soothing" mediciiies contain oriates. 'When your little one is nbt well, when it has any little stoMach or bowel trouble or any of the minor ailments •of Iittle ones give it Baby's Owo Tablets ,and it will be .safe. The medicine Is sold nuclei' a guarantee that it contains tio opiate or horniful drug. Ask any inother wit° has used thin medicine and eke Will tell you hew her little Directors, e, C. W. W0110,1118 Oa George Holland, Soho one hos thrived awl grown well and Saltin strong alter taking the tablets. 'Mr, John Lindsay Auditor, N. W. Trewartlia. T. 11, Mitenell, the well known drug. gist, Oshawa, Oat. says : . "I • can Mr. Geo. G. Ludlow, who has sue safely rut:unlaced Baby'5Owls Tablets cessfully tnatiaged the Holniesville fito. from the splendid results they have tory for tie past two years, has holt- given my customers and from having glit a, cheese factory at Proton Station used them in our Mil lionie. You can of which he take.possessicet id a -get the tablets from any druggist or kW Weeks. It was rit this -factory that by mail from the Dr. Willionts' Medi- Mr. Ludlow learned tic trade SO Well( eine Co., 'ilistiekville, (hit, at 25 'cents cui" to ettitle nint to rank- artiotig the a bOX,i, heat tnakere of ellteSe and buttery It may seem like foreing the season to show NQW Spring Prints in Jemmies when the therroorneter is ten elsw zero, but our customers like to take time by the forelock and get their Prints, Shirtings and Cotton Goodieearly, and have them made Up before the spring work begins. We ordered our wrote 80100 mon, tits ago before the edvence in Cottons, which enables us to sell them at last year's prices although they, are worth from 10 to 15 percent- more. We will be pleased to heve yon call and examine. our New Prints whether you are prepared to buy or not. Below we quote a few price; Orum's Celebrated English Prints,. wide width, soft finish, .guaren. teed fast colors, now worth Inc for r2ic Canadian Prints, wide width, bettyy and light weights, fast. colors in new patterns, now worth 120 for 1.0e. English and Oisnadian Peinte, . now worth 8c, for 5c. WINTER..GOODS We are running off our Winter Goods at slaughter pi -ices to elem.. Drop in and see the bargains we are giving in. Wrapper. ettes, Flannelettes, Wool Blankets, Flannelette Blankets, Ladies' Oloth Omits, Ladies' Fur Jackets, Men's Fur Coats, Men's Beaver and Ohevoit Overcoats, Men's Stub Proof Rubbers, Men's Home . made Mitts, Heavy Wool Sox, Shirts and -Drawers, Ladies' Fur Caperines, Ruffs Stoles, Caps, Muffs, Etc, lt you need anything c*. • in Winter Good': you should not ofiss this chance. X Blyth. Mrs. P. . Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Jones hiye.talitt ..their • resi- dence in Blyth,. • . •• • • Mn. V. Robertson his eomtnenced business in the 'stand, which he recettly purchased' from R. Douglas..• • • . Mr, Dap. Kelly, who has beer/ living retiree, in this burg 10- the past • two veers,has -.returned to his farm in IVIorris:' •• • . On Tuesday evening tne Wenieres Guild and Y. P. ossociation ,of Trinity 'church and friends Spent a very en•10_y- 1 abinme' ti, .at the residente on Mrs. F. W. Scott. All Muds of aineactnents were indulged: with delight -after whichrefreslatnerits were.partoken • of before all returning t� their respective homes. • . Mr.. Will Crawford was visiting fri; ehhs itt LucknoW for a few days.. Large ccngregations were preseut at the anniversary services in, St. At- drew's clnrch. Rev,. Duncan of Toron.. to preached . eiceellent discourses. The collection was a. liberal one. • Hohneaville. The &meta meeting c r the Holmes - vine Cheese avd Butter Mfg. Company Was hcid oti 80.11111111V. reports presented were of n gratifying nature and the trospects for the coonlog sea- son are veal. The prejudice against nutter factory has been overcome ao tnat it is expected the number of pat - rang will consideratqly iverease. Mr. Seines Ross of Lonheeboro has been engaged • as maker, Mr. Ltullow' having resigned, havitig:bought a, cheese fate - tory at Prot en ' e- • • Grey coal,' ty. Tin election Of officers resulted as follows : President, James Connolly AMINO & CO. 1ES JUICIV_Ell ot,o .40 4:* •jo. yt: 4•••••••••44*******•••••••••••••••••••••••••• J. B. HOOVER. NELSON BALL FURNITURE 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 The latest is "Keppel Oak." We have I . • • SIDEBOARDS BEDROOM SUITES_ EXTENSION TABLES EXAMINE OUR HALL FURNITURE IN BRASS: • IT WILL P.r.Ausg YOU. • • ALL ITS , linANCHES. • UNDERTAKINGiN OVER & BALL. • Night and ceinswered te residence of Mr, john Powell or ieitaoi.piocTas. , I •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ..,t4.••••••••0•.***•••04••••••••••••••••••••••• f• &REAT. LANCE: :All kinds'of Felt Goods,RUbbers,MOccassins, Ladies' and- Misses Overshoes, Ladies, Misses and Children's Cardigans. • ' Every pair must be cleared outregardless of cost:. SEE OUR BARGAIN COIJNTERS.. ' Also several liUes'of Fine Shoes including Men's, Ladies', Boys' .and. Girls', going at less *than Wholegale Prices, It will pay you to come and see what-ticm are 'doing. Our aim is to please every customer. . Watch this space for the next few weeks TO RENT: A seven room. ottage on Rattenbury street east. • We -7M Reliable WM. TAYLOR 8r: SON. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ow 00000000 e®y-ix**(t® gaiAS 00000000 E GREAT CASH STORE The Big January- $410 Sweeps forward with greater force thrift ever, Every de- partrxient has caught the contagion of cut prices and crowds are taking advantage of this big sale. It will pay you to visit this centre of business as thousands of dollars worth of goods will be rushed out during Sale days. Everything in the line of winter goods must go regardless of p threi c sIe et. days. will surprise you how far you can make a dollargo here Ladie's Dress Skirts, Ladies Coats, latest styles, Ladies' Un- der Skirts, Ladies' Wrappers, Waists and Night Gowns at sweeping reductions. All Furs will be cleared out tegardless of cost. Military Flannel, Grey Planner and Underwear at clearing prices, . Men's and Boy's OvercOate and Suits at less than motif/sec turers price& ' A. snap in large heavy Robes. Several hundred pairs of Boots and Shoes to Thmi,soid at tre. endotis reductions. A snap in Lamp Glasses. Fresh Groceries always on hand, Any quantity,of Butter and Eggs taken in *action or goods. aa (11) etrigligillafiltta=7"/=11grillriliwationco_sor 114.7 mai ,eesSISSIfinlitigif • M. McBEATH - BLYTH . 0000000 • 0000 Pretoria 131ock tinn(tntin! 00 0 000 • 00 • • • 'kti)::•X.k..1)_ Progressive busmess men advertise in, the News -Record. • • • e