HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-01-28, Page 3January 26th, 1904 The Clinton !C*,1•Ivs..Recoiil
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I• • I -
"Of coUrseI 4ids--of course. YOU don't•
filluippoae 1 had 'era shall away from Er
shore ot Mrea do you? ou wouid
ed and shelled and finally landed le
Florida. That brought more applause
of aPplanse. Shome men laughed
till theY had to hold er Sides."
••"Mr. Bowser, aid you had. those PII-
grim tethers in Florida?" soleranly woke
ed Mrs. /3oweers
He IS Elected fa. Member "Shertiuly, It was in the winter
of the Club wod Makes a,
time, and they wanted to get ayarm
on as they could, and they wanted
Historical Speech og colternuts end bananas, and so I land-
ed 'em in Florida. Yon wouldn't have
• thought of that, would you? It wee er
best 'Whig jn er whole speech, and the'
all shaid so."
"But they landed at Plymouth reek,
on the shores; of Massachusetts."
"Wornan, don't •dispute me. If you
had been there and heard the aPPIellse
You would never have disputed me
agein. Tau tend to er housework and
NI tend to er Piigrhp fazzera."
"Well?" she queried as be folded bis
arms and looked up at the ceiling and
nodded his head.
."Next great hit I made," he eontine
ued after a bit, "was when 1 shpoke of
er heroism and integrity of allies
Washington, their leader, Applause was
tremendous —positively tremendous.
Mel: Jess got up and•whooped and yell-
ed and slapped each -other 000the back,"
"Mr. Bowser, you didn't call biro
Miles Washington, did you? - Yon (Mill
mix Miles Standish and George Wash-
ington up that way?"
"I shpoke of Miles WaShington, and
what I said went," replied Mr. Bow-
-sea "Don't you try to learn itte any -
ng 'bouts ory. It you nk
don't know Miles Washington from
George Standish you Will .get badly.
left Yea:, the applause Was deafen-
ing: I had to wait for five 'minutes,
and then I went on to tell about er
hardships net • oysters, champagne,
roast lamb or angels' food—no nozzing
• but johnnycake and kat pork gravy.
Made 'poorer hit there. Shaw •more'n
ten men break doven and weep." • ..
"1 don't wonder at it Then you fin-
ished?" •
"No, alr—tee, zip 'Then' 1 went on
and shpoke of throwin' er Coffee over.
hoard in Piyraouth rock."
"You mean the tea and Boston hars
bor. You couldn't have made add) a
mistake as that."
Copyright, 1903, bY C. 13. Lewis.]
m AM going out this evening." Said
Mr. Bowser when dinner bad
been finished, 'Sind I may not he
home before midnight. At least,
you need not sit up for me."
"Is it politics?" queried hire. Bowser.
"No. I got word today that I bad
been elected a member of the Pilgrim
'Fathers' club, and I have got to show -
up tonight and make a little address.
I've been running things over in nty
raind all the afternoon, and I guess I
can get off something that will do."
"Is it about the Pilgrim fathers?"
"Of course."
"Hadn't you better outline to me
what you are going to say? Perhaps I '
could give you some suggestions. You
are apt to get tangled up on history
now and then, you know."
"Oh, I am, ant I?" replied Mr. Bow-
ser as he bristled up. "If you can men-
tion one single instance where 1 bave
got tangled up in history, ancient or
modern, I'll give you a five dollar gold
piece. You know it all, of course, but it
doesn't follow that all the rest of us are
natural idiots."
When he was ready to take his de-
parture, Mrs. Bowser said:
"You know where the Pilgrim fathers
landed, of course?"
"Madam, do I know my own name?"
be asked in reply as he drew himself .
up and folded his arms and fixed her
with both his eagle eyes.
She had no further words, but tbe ,
cat looked Mtn one to the other and
loudly purred that there'd be a hot
time in the old town that .night. Dur-
ing his walk of bait a mile to the club
Mr. Bowser thought of Plymouth rock
and Plymouth hens and Plymouth
equashea. Thoughts of De Soto, Cicero,
Miles Standish,. Napoleon and the May
, .
flower chased one another through his
brain, and when he arrived he was in
a state of perspiration. A friend who
' had his best interests at heart advised
champagne in liberal quantities, and
;when the time came for the newly
elected Pilgrim to get up and speak he
was feeling that he had a mortgage oo
the whole earth and that Mrs. Bowser
didn't know beans trona broomsticks.
As to what followed it is best to take
his own story for it.
A. quarter of an hour before mid-
night Mrs. Bowser, who felt that her
services would be, required and had
not yet gone to bed, heard some one
fumbling and fussing at the front door.
She passed down the hall and opened
It, and Mr. Bowser somehow got in
without falling down. His gait as he
progressed toward the sitting room was
a combination of wabble and wizzy-
seamy, and he was real glad when he
finally brought up in front of his rock-
ing chair and managed to drop into it
in a heap.
"Well, you are home again," said
Mrs. Bowser, with a smile.
"Yost:, my deep I eta home," he
thickly replied, -and I am happy to
shay that my lizzle speech was a great
shuckeess—a great shuckcess. I told
you how it would be but you thought
I would break down. Nevee heard So
much applause in all my lite. Shome
of my friends think 1 orter take to er
lecture platform this winter."
"I am glad of it, and as it is now
midnight let us go to bed You can
tellme all the particulars in the morn-
"But I am gain' to tell all er partic-
ulars now. 1 might target 'em bi
mornin% It was the speech of my life
—of my life, and you orter be proud
of me. I brought down er house as
much as ten times. ShOneetimes they
laughed, and shometimes they cried.
Never shaw nozzing like it
"But I'll hear all about it While We
are at breakfast. Of course I am proud
of you, and cit course I want to hear
the full details."
"You'll hear about 'efts tonight and
!right now," doggedly replied atr.130W-
ser as he brought his fiat down ob his
'knee. "In the first plaee, / got to er
club. Got that doyen?"
'Received royal welcotne from all er
members. Ail of 'em ahald 1 aveuld be
er honor to er club. Then 1 got MS to,
speak. Never felt cooler in thy life.
Didn't shiVer one shiver, What's er Sort'
lot husband you've got. hitf. BOstater,
but you don't know it -you don't knOW
it. You joss think a eoOper 01
blacksmith and that I don't know orit,
tory from blackberriett."
"Weil, you got up arid delleered your
address on the Moire fathers?' she
)sreas field.
• "I did. Bad applattse the drat thing,
hadn't hardly geld that the liaele
band of true hearted men and Woinen
shelled away frotti the elleires tit tlgypt
before there Was entlitielafitie ap.
"Good lands! But yOu didn't NIX
Sirs. Bowser- are you er Pilgrim,
tazzer?" asked Mr. Bowser vrith great-
' graeity... ' . • . • . ' • "
. .curse- not" • . • • . • • - •
eDid,you help throlv that.coffee over..
-board?' • • .• .
•"Nes but"— • • :
, "Men' swhat. YOU know .'bont it?
Don't try to correct me in history; Mrs.
Bowser, 'cause you • can't -do it-s-eisn't
* do j, Zhe anoint:se Wash- shoneethira.
tewfuS and 1 bed to.Weit five rainits *to
go On. Zheo 1 was ready to Wind up. -
I had.sbaved she bestlor er-last. Want-
ed to Make !mai cry and lettgli togezzer,'
you ktiow." •
•• "And You Probabli dist". •
"Yeshs I did, • Wleti 1 kihpolce of
Bunker Forge and..zhe way portent}
Botiaparte' suffered Stint we. might be
. freaLsvheri 1 shpoke pf"ss • . •.
"But You didn't call it 'Bunker Forge.
instead. of Bunker She inters
:rusted. • •• • •
• • "Itrss• Pgvi'S`,'-ri 410S 1 tailein' or are
you?" " '• •' •
. have •the fiber, • but did Yon
sneke General' Bonaparte -the leader of
.9ur =weer • . •
• "Shortinly I did—shertIn1Y, BO' yen,.
think I was :fool !nuff. te make Cider)
oholeitiler?• Birs. Bowser, took. here.
join er Pilgrim club. I became a
• pilgrim lazzer. 1 make tellin' speech
and bring :down er.housebring er•
disivn ten timeSa 1 come home. Yon
are Med and jealous and begin to.
• sneer. -Yott think I'm a fool .end ddn't
'know notzings, • AIL . vie% Mrs, Bow-.
ser—all rite, 1 shan't -shay nomings. ,
more-7hota Werd. Sou—yon go er bed, '
:and, • • • .
And be laid his head dime on the
table arid began to attore, and-lidrs. '
-Bowser turned off all the gas but one
jet and went oft to bed and left the
at 'behind to hear the rest ot the par-
ticulars in case he woke .nb, •
. • 1St, QUAD. •
• •
Fire Delves trohobitonto of Milo-
ound, Norway, From Homes.
siVsere fltollialig MOO the afeesatal Pete
te.yeel-e0falli4rea Were 41•00,54 'reiso
puerilea oho ihereb of fferStutf"
ittOle-Striefion froviest 11.4 le Poolot
I t Atessets os Tailor goats so
sieve shot mese.
Troadhjen, Norway, Jan. 25.—The
email towo of Arden's:Li was practi-
calls. • destroyed by Are Saturdest,
Two portions periehedone eteamar
was burned, and • it is feared that
others will be destroyed. Sopliett of
money, clothing and provision e are
being sent from all parte of Nor-
clomp .1. the. Open. „
Aoleouad, NorWeSit Jan. 25. ---The
fire which :swept over this town yea-
terday destroyed every building in
It, ,with the exception of the hospi-
tal. The 11.,000 inhabit.ants ot Attlee
eund were compelled to •caran in the
open. The children were housed tems
Porarily in the choreh of Dorgan!.
. The panic among the people was. set
great after the outbreak of • the
names that ali attempte at- leaderehip
or discipline became out of the ques-
tion; -no excesses, however, were com-
mitted. The people first endeavored
to save some of their property, but
they soon found • they hag cant*
enough to do to eave their. own
--lives. •
The •deetruction of the town was
complete within a couple of hours
from the time the fLre started. Over
20 steins fishing boats and. tnallY
. sailing entacks were sunk in the. har-
bor to save thern from the ileums,
but theee iteamere and many other
boats •were burned. It is new, be-
lieved that only three persons lost
their lives. Succor has isrrived from
•Molle. Bergon and others places, and
provisions are being distrehuteid. Re-
lief committees have been formed and
have invited publio subscriptions.
The King- and .Queen 'of Sweden and
Norway have eontributed •S1;500 to
relief fund; and .slf. the other mem-
bers of the royal faMily -have also.
subscribed.' A Xnajiority ot• the in-
habitants Of the" torn loot, every-
thing they possessed- Thousands of
persona had to :spend 24 hours in the
°Pen" fields, where they. were withbut
feea and exposed to a. bitterly Fold
Wind and a, driving roanstorin..
. Oyer 2513 Saildlotts, Burped. •
• •
Victoria, B.OS jan, S.S.
. Victoria arrived sresterdaY frees the
Orient, bringing, news; lf. a Cire.at
• l''afiYedas Japan, in tthiph the Mile -
:ego horror, west nearly. *repeated. Fire,
starting. in a store Optima to t,h4
theatre, which bold Ithousand wee-
, tators, •and a panic • resulted. • 'rise
• crowd surged Sigainist esseh other' and
-several persons: were itoVresa,but 'no.
lives.) lest. qvier 2'50 buildings were
deetroyaci, including the police etas: -
lea; some temples, ivc.storehouses
and a isanics-TwO. Persons were burns
ed to death and anen/02er of
deets reporthd, ;, • •
:.• 141,‘ Iftre at May mitts • "
'Sault Ste. • Marie,- Mich., Jan. .25.i
e ---Fire started 1.n . one of the big fac-
tories of the Hall and . Munson Co.
at' Bay' 11.41s, twelve Miles" •h•Ora
here, at- 6 O'clock -Friday night and.
spread rapidly- to the' box • facteey
and saw -mill. Title loss is about.three
hundred thousand' :dollare,. at nearly.
as ,ean bi :estimated. • :.The mills will
prohably not he rebuilt as- timber 14 •
getting ,seaece„. :Three thousand men;
will 'be' thrown but • of ..employMent.' •
• ssis, at .OstojeSii.. • •.
Winnipeg, Males Jan, 25s-7-Dauph
• in
was visited by .teio aria yesteeday..
The first destroyed the 'Wallace
block, with 1314 lkwell's and liamfOrd's
general. storees Lee's laundry aad
Sutherland Ss. etelik'e .imsiletnent and
the Second the town's 'firehall. The
fire, engine, Said hose waif,' saved.
Total: loss abo ut : • •
istieelre, Ot 3 I aiionia• Tent life. • , '
Chicago: Jam. 25.—Fire in the •Mis-
sortie Teinplo 1Siettirday .caused a pan -
le anieng the esq00 'Occupants of the,
building. and , 1k1 $20,000. damage. .
All the °mop Sults of the. buildlog .
eseaped • throukh the .bravery of 'the.
elo7tas.tor men Vabo rem:. mini, at their
p '7
' nave& .
Chicisgo, !Iran's 25. --Upon the man-
airemeet aod Minders ot the Iroquois :
Theatre has been placed responsibil-
ity toi. the sweat. horror in -report.
by Fire Chief ?assailant Saturday. The
rqnort is t) iat •prepared by "rire • De-•
• pertinent AXtorstey. Monroe Fulferson
after examissetiOn ‘;,$ 4searly 10.0 Wit-
nesses. .• . • • .
. . net 'i•ralrl‘ Irlre 10 "t•afte,
Varedo.4., . troc.,„ Jan. 25.—Reports
received here by, several large ranch -
men areta the elfe t that: • '
allver and gold galloon% tattle
and ornaMents give et: especial charra !
to thin Winter's
veleet of chamois or ot deeper yel-
low gold- tint and in a banana Shade
are constructed Softie of the finest eldtla 4
COStiltneff of the full dress order.
Single tower ornaments for the aline
of the heed are eharming. •
. sumptuous season of velvetti, hien-
and feathers is assured.
aannty little mutts divide favor with
the larger ones.
A, plain moleskin set minus salt *4 -
deficit), of ermine and other garniture
has a softness of color peoullarly Itz
oseli and is deeidedly uttettlE,
IAliger10 trine are ' the moat otigtott
note Of the season's sleeves.
There IS a growing liking fee aimpla
skirts, topee4illy when the nutteriai
eat and adapted to flowing HOWL
Crush girdle belte are One of Olaf
• popular items,
The Eton jaeket, nntheniftnod Una
*mud to- tumor wnys I* atiii af.ritf,
table prairie firersis raging on • their
pastur es, 50..m11es east of this' eftY,
Over • 100,000 acres- of :tine grazing
land , aiready hat been burned ever,
Losf Ltfa sAViroi WIPO. . •
014 leerente. *tessera Zflled or
• par Saturday ./41abt.
• '
Tormoto, Jan. 25. --With just, 'suffi-
cient tanse to throw his aged wife out.
of hartn's way, ,A.ppolas
stunabSed and fell and met almost m-
ittens) death ander the wheels of a.
street ear on Saturday evening, The
retail ty occurred on IfeCaul street,
neat Baldwin, about 10 o'clock, Mr.
Chur chill wits on hie way home ac-
t:ono panted by his wife.. They pro-
' One he litreet, not hOtte..
itlig a car coming in an oppoeite
Re shoved Mrs, Churchill
bask to eafety, but Was unable to
re/trace his own steps in time and
,kn�aked down, his skull. tractur.
1.1, jaw broken and face badly cut and
Detairtised cattle to Toronto 80 'Yeare
ago front Pourh Cote NM wais
yeare of age, and leaves a Widow,
the same- age, three eons, and three
casegliterta all of whOm reside in the
city. dbroner -Powell will hold
reeliess *Lest In Goa*, Sterile,
Torotitas an. 215.-411colai 1(aap-
sa Itegiast laborer, employed its
the. G.'1,.Att. yards, Was killed at the
toot ot brook street Snturday Morns
ing., Xamappit Was cleaning snow
froth • switeh. /tts titePped out of the
way of oast erigliti in front of anoths
er,intsi we instantly killed. The body
tons tailten its the morgue. Ile had
$102 in a loather hag strapped to
his leg. An bequest May be held.
Meths lave,: tees ta Wreek.
blew Yorkii Jan, .26. —night live*
:Nyeto loot h* Iths *reek early, A.eini4
..A.11 this month we are having a sale to dispose of what is
left of our winter goods and make room for our new spring
This will be a splendid opportunity to save money,
If prices will sell winter goods it will pay you well to give us
a call
, 65c Flannelett 'Gowns for •• 50c
756 , 60e
$1,25 $1
40c Flannelette Drawers 30c
506 40c
65c . 50c
75c • 65c
itCoe Flannelette Corset Covers 40e-
25c • . .20e
ODD LINES IN CORSETS -Sizes .18 to 24 worth
from 75c to $1,50, your. choice for SOc
Children's Black woollen liose,sizes 5 to 8., worth froth •
25c to 50c, clearing at 20c
No' is the tirbe to buy an Overcoat cheap
Tweeds, popular colors.. 50 yards reg. 60c for 37ic
50 inch Homespun
' 25 yards grey regular 50c for 40c
20 yards black regular 50c for 40c .
20 yards Wile regular 50c for 40c
Still have 50 yards left, all good patterns, splendid val,
ue at 60c, sale price 37i
15 Dress Lengths -Oto 7 yards .in ea3h len9;t1i, black
and fancy 'Colors, regular $5 for $2
Only have few left and will sacrifice to clear.
Black Astraahan .Reg; $25 Coat sale price $20
Reg. $30'saIe price 025 00 • Reg, $40 sale price $32.50
Reg. $45 sale price 35.00 Reg. $55 sale: price 45.00
Regular $3 50 Coats for $5 :Regular $7,50 Coats for$4.50 • • Electric Seal ' ' ,--------- . ,• . ° .•
Regular $9.50 Coats foi$5.50 • . Reg, $37,..50 sale price $30 ; ' . Reg, $50 sale price $40.
23 others to go at half price - MEN'S FUR COATS
READY-TO-WEAR SKIRTS . . Ca,lfRegular $22 sale Priee $18'
• All fashionable -colors . • • Regular $25 sale price $20
\ Reo'. $5:00 •Sk ii t Thr. $4.00. Reg.. $4,00 Skirt for $3,00 •
3.00 • , 2,25 - . • •• 1.75 '. .WallRlbeagtular. •$25 .s.ale . price $20 •
. .. .
• • . .
Regular $2 Skirts for $1.65
...Regular $30 sale price $25
........... ..,,,,;.....,:•."..........,... ......,..............."...........;,........:........;"............,....4.,..4,‘,....,.......,....................... .......i......,..................................„
. .. .
• " •
* day off Quogue,• LJof the four.
ooner A4gUit Hunt.
. masted coal 'sch
-.boon* for Boston from .Norfells
of the crew of , ten only two men• ,
were .saved. • During a •sienicr: fog the'. •
seltootiers stranded. soon after' :night . a (Ow .htindred feet fi•ozn the '
beaeh and about, a !tine west of the
Quegue, Life -Saving Station : For
ho'Ors' the livessavers were lielpleis on ,
the beach ltetening to the atiPtials ••
from the ehip which's:though near at
hand, was buried in the foe: •Tlitt.
life -livers Were unablis to put on to •-•
Successors -to R. Coats -and Son
• "
Manitoba White Fish
therescue betause of the eurf, that• , . ' •• s • • •
tossed their bditt :on the shore ae
fast it was launched.. , •
• !turfed Under A.yalanebe,
Sloestn City, B.C., Jan. 25,—Jos
Dacron, a miner, started on: Tues-
day on skit; 'to visit hiS brother at is
neighboring mine, lie did not ars
, rive. and a searching party has dis-
cevercel traces leaving no doubt , he,
perished under a huge snow slide, a
quarter of a rnile wide, at a point
•between the tWo•
. Irrezea laeslete II Fire.
• London, Jan. -25.---Mrs, Mary W.
an old lady, residing at 4e0
lelizabeth street, was found at her
home yesterday afternoon huddled un '
-beside the fire frozen stiff, iler only
daughter, Ilea Richards, residee in
' Grand Rapids, Mich.
Great .1,'Utic of Life. •
" Melbourne, Jan. 25,—A disastrous
hurricane 'has blown over the. • Fiji • ,
Islands, resulting la great loss of
life and property.
Ssa,d XIS nye Remove .•
Hamilton, Jon. 25.-1.• ;Atkins, the,.
Lyndon school • teacher, Who was
gored by e. cow • Saturday, had his
eye. remoVed at -the Otty. Hospital
Crushed lty As Elephant.
London, Jan. • 25.—George 'Lock-
hart, the woll-known elephant train-
er and- circus proprietor, was ac-
cidentally crushed to death yester-
day by an elephant while he was at-
tending to the unloading of eireus
animals at the Moe Street railroad
station at Waltham:stow.
Tented*** Vietitna Number 43,
Birmingham, Ala.,- Jett. 28.—
The total number of -dead sie a, re-
. suit of the tornado Friday is 38,
els of whom are white. The onitiber
of injured is eittintated 68'of,
Whom about a dozen at, expoetedto
die, The istorm also struck a skittle-
ment hear Sumter mines • In the
southern part of 'this County, killing,
four negroes, injeritig, several others
and damaging mueh rnlislng .property,
• •
ffrihaee asset 'Vatican Agree.
Rome, Jen. 26, -..The Oneervatora
Romano, the Vatiettoi boron, announ-
ces offielally that a toolutien of the
question between Frauds and the
Holy Sea, regardirig the appoirttnnerte
of k ranch bishops, has bean retie
which, without dimibishing the privi-
lege guaranteed to the French Goys
ernment by the Ottneordal to appoint
hishope, leaves it intact and ineurea
in the future a tress expreiseion Of
opinion on dation dint:tette la*.
Slits **here sireirrie Ares:dotes
Toronto, jets 25s --The VaCtriee, on
tho Teiniskatning 4f0 Northeto Coterie ,
Railway Commiesion, eausted by the 1
resignation of Mr. A, Id. Ames, the
a:airman has been tilled by the ap
pointment of Ur. Ilebert Jaffray,
Ss„,s,,siaiesseaess., '•••; • s set • "
• • TENDERS 'WANTED. ;• . 131II,I4S;F0R SAT,E.
: 'renders will he received by the -cone-
• eil of tte tcwaship oL II:ole•tt uuLil
Monday,. she ati .Veh, at 2 p ni, ;Int
'the, adalStY • of a carload of Ehos
•Iirst-ehiss Taincirack; 'plank,. 300o.feet
of which is to be k4 feet• -long, the re-
thairder .•:6: feet long, and all of it to
.• • -
he 3 -Inches thick,unless Rock Elm is
sup)lied•which oii.y he 2!; itsches.thielS,
' The lowest' et .any tender slat. necessar•-
ly • accepted. - . . • '
..• ••.!1.,citatesbor.o.
Tosynship-,cleries ...offices 'Jae. 15, 1904:
[: untiersigned . has for' sale- five
• Polletisangus loille from to Months old •
epS. •• Three - ere thorebreds and •two
g'!"ade• • ,
nyrr, Clinton P. a
^ •
• •
. • „
, . ' •,
1 am .prepared to: doall kiziels of
Cleaning, Dyeing : e..04 Pressing of •
Clothes, All work—done ou short t
ieo ond satisfactionSguaemiteed. '
a mon rout . ..
. • • FOR SALE OR TO RENT. .. .
Finnan Haddiecotnf
- •
orta,blo house „titaated
. on
, rner of i'rell and Osbortio streets.
• •
: Ciscoes
Yarmouth Bloaters. • A.PPlY. to
Clinteh, July etli.•
• Oyster's
Applie4M00A marked ".A.pplicatious
,, I for office" fox- the positions af Clerk,"
. Tretstirer; Assessor, Chief coestable,
1 etc., Colic:der, Night Watchman, etc.
•I Cemetery Superintendent, Poundkeeper
' will he received by the undersigned up ..-
- to is citeloek p. en, on -Thursday, ' 28th 1
1 Jan. Igoe. Duties to begin t5t11 Iseb, • . ,,,. ,, •
.. I 1
L 1904' and i to continue instill S3111 Feb. t„)„.is,4 eld Up - .
ii ,. th, %WS
, i9o5 or until sec's other t 11
:. COG -It itu.v. ce era: o . ,
. . ' • WILLLSSNI COATS, 'Clerk.
• • :;•-•••'•;s:s....'S
t i
• for. ihsPectioe is no style of shoe
from• the many ;varieties we have in
sLok, It fairly represents (the des:
• gance of all our shoes. Tley are new
anti right up te the minute in, point
of style. They are just Of the last
and look well and wear well. Unlike
many hatelsotne things they have last-
ing qualities. I/ you wads to be well
shod, put- Our feet int A pair of our
.$3.5; shoes, the. best ever sold at Pe
Our Groceries
• • . • . . , The undersigned often; for sale north
art of lot se on ;the tetli 'does of
110TECEr. Or rotrit, OZILDSSIV;
The trustees, secretary, and • othes
efficers of the Free Kospital for Consul:ass'
lives at Muskoka are daily in receipt of
Many piteous letters.
A few days since Mr. W. 3. Gage, of
Toronto, Chairman of the Executive
etentnittets of the National Sanitarfum
Atssociation, reeeived a, letter front a
resident of Quebec, pleading for the ad-
mistsion of a victini of the dread white
plague, living _about ft hundred Miles • ---
south-east.of Montreal, and asking if it
werebot possible to admit her into the
Free Ilosoital, The ivriter says: " The
applicant is a Mrs. 'Wm. Patersbnio; ?it)!
farmer in a place called Goshen, in the
oderich towfiship, coetaining 20 acres,
Good frame hbuse basil • with 'Stone
, stahle; Good. oreilierd with all kinds
of fruit. mile from 'coil/Oration 01.
i•Clintott. A mile.from school. Apply
Irohnesville 1', O.
1 0.e. 215 5. •
Will sell the entire 20 acres oispart
lot 'to suit purchaser.
that her loft lung only is troubled. She stairs. r or itirthie*17:4riticitiaas apply Cash for Suttee aud Phone 13
mother of four children and the Ivi 0
A fremd eottage on Omen street is GRAHAIVI
1 for sale. 3 bedrooms aud hall up- -
township of Windeor. The doctor earl j stairs) 3,,,,rom,us, a id smutty dowu Ogle Cooper's (ASS stand.
"-are always freali and, lest:edit:11y
suitable tot tie.; seasons of the year, er:•14
well as the staple goods required ev-
ery day in the week. They fill every
shelf ane.seorner in our stores It is
--hardly ueeessary tO, state that these
goods are of the highest quality mid
no-osse. ygis prices ere very reasonable.
very, bad,•• believe aia could be ads • It, WATKINS,
If you are in need of a
mittea. into the Free Hospital for Coss Clinton) Bee. 29tb,
stimptives she might be aired. She could
not 14y much, if anythinf. Kindly id
me know if you could receive her,"
We are told by Mr. Gage that appJic-
tion for fon to the Vtee Hee 'tel
reach the socretaryfrom all points in the
Dominion, and potients have been re-
ceived from Prince Edward Iiiiana on the
east to Albetts, on the west. .,Two
hundred arid. twenty-ilvti patients have
boon admitted in oighteenmonths,
not a singlo patient has been refused
because of hie or her poverty.
We can hardly think of any charity
that eppeale More pathetically for the
support et the Canadian people.
Subeetiotiond lofty he sent to Sir 'WM.
R. Meredith, /rt., Vice•President of the
National Sanitarian* Alsoolatioho Or tilt
W. J. Gagra
Tie undersigned offers for siale lot
27 , cor, T, Stank'y, consisting' of 97
A.cres; • 5. acres bush. All sed Sown
except ten acres which ' suffinierfals
lowed. Prick dwelling with frame, Isit.
then tout woodsliesl, frasne harts with
stabling for 9 horses and sa ea.ttle,
also for 25 hicgs, Also 'leftism:so. Ti:-
.teutiles front Clinton. e`st. ters crop
No better range, whether
• art or common ones, can be
seen in town to choose from
$5.50 takes the best—
implements, etc.: may be 1 la !Lei': t v. i a Shier's Pair
riot:co.. rot. further 'nfilein stion opFIy
0'1 premises to CLINT( .5N
Cl/A ISLISS A V iti Vs Clinton ?.0, .
_.Litt.,_./.2tb.. _,_. __ _ _ _. Vpoeite the 11105011 Ilonees