HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-01-28, Page 24)
2 Thy; Clinton Nows.Rocorct t1C4
L. I/.731.t.S.,/qPIrrACIrrn"&"""'"Dinsirr"""'"'4, •
. " ,J110. 11,111.1.s• .• ••••• • .0 114/ N4 +.0 M, •'. • • A 4,14,11 11, •••
• ••
Pains in the Back
Are Symptoma of 0, Weak; torpid or
Stagnant condition Of the kidneys or
liver, and are a. warning it is extremely
haserdouo to neglect, eo important 10
a healthy notion of these organ,/
They are commonly attended by loos
of energy, lack of courage, and soon -
times by gloomy foreboding and da-
4.1 waa taken 111 with kidney trouble, sod
became no week C91110 Pcarcely gee around.
[1 took medicine without benefit, and finally
'decided to try llood'a Sareaparilla. Mtn
. the first bottle I felt so ntuch better Met e
leolatinued Ito use, and six bottles made me
A new women. WhIn) nty' little girl wee a
baby, Ole could not keep anything on het
etoraach, and we gave her Hood'el Samoa*
rills Witch cure4 her." Has. Moues 1s
me, Wallaeeburg, Ont.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Cures kidney and liver troubles, re-
lieves the hack, and builds up the
whole system.,
arsaam.I.Uirragamo1.400111111411411" IIMMION14,*
14` 4'04444.64 464 44444-0
4=). •
!bout the 1st -of Feb-
ruary we will move in- •
to ou! new :tore inthe
risdale hloek w.mre we
wt11 ue pleased to meet. •
all our old - mtomers
and many dew one.
Our stock is all new
and comprises every-
thing in the drug line,
tiny goods, etc. . .
U. B. Combe,
Chenilet and Druggist
Behind the Mask.
: 4
"Nothing! Where did they carry
her to? What did they do • with door, and 'Orintstotthe heart wild,
down to ger°. There being nothie r
• her? Go on! go on!"
for it but obediertee, however, his
"Well," said the watchman, eye-
ing the speaker euriouslyg "ren go' elowlY and reluctantly tented itevae.,
feeling in his MAN that if ever he ng to. They went along cicogn .to
came to the bliss and cestatty of call-
elia river, both. of them, and I saw Mg La Masque 111re. Oriels:on, the
a, boat shove off, shortly after. and
/MY retire in his sta.tee would be by
that something, with its head in a
Ahawl, lying as peaceable as a lamb,
with one 4 the two beside it. That e,
water -side. and he des •eneed
long odds the better horse. linen -
1 I ter ed to the
tentional y stepsn
.nee --e wont to sleep about then, till' flight of stadetermined to tree
you two -were shaking me and wale- into a, boat and watch the alua.iaa-
ing nte up." tion from the river.
. • .
"Where ie that?" ' She orfestened her mask, aetised It, :
fore; it, was associated In .hie mind and wnh it tho proftseon of long
'About o, oeieen yards from where '
I stood when, You called um- 1 with a, slouched hat and a shodowv fiwpoping bits* lutire
ewho are her loudly?" :continued ; cloak; and by the fastgadine; flicker Ormiston did look -- in muell
the ettrl, wittrie•ebeil poeliessed of a of the firelight, he saw both were the same witygperhepe, that4ttlinkre
deem.ritto eurioette. here.. The speaker woe Count TAT.S. looked at the Veiled ProphRe The
"SI 1 tl et I knoW of I trunge;the figure beside MM. Slender next moment there WAR a terriiie. . .
It, ISA 110tILL
clee. nod he fell heediong with a
imagine Adetrees 1 eoline Is on .orphati. • and boyieh, was unknown.
I know there .was, not a liting soul ' "YOU have the odva»tatee nie, creed), as if a bullet had whizzed
lott ourselees in the Itotse I brought s,,11,ri..ey ayffoeuetainregr,Ignorance. throus.h h s
her to."
"And you left her there alone?" "Vertainly. A gentleman by
exclaimed the etrl, half starting up, ' fest' arta the grace of God."
And your name?
48 If about to order the Leaman to i ..
. "Count L'Estrone•e, at e'our ser- I am not 'aware whether feinting
• •roW hack to the lending,"
was ns much the Whim ainong the •
. Ormiston looked at his • exeitetl vice,"
Ormiston lifted his cap and bowed,. fair vex, in the days or Tether the
face with a glance of golut malice. ;
With it feeling, sornehew, that be , nigh's) of whit% I have the honor
my. lord, met suite; igir . Nor-
. Was a man in authority. . to hold forth. SS • at the present time;
man leineeley was with per."
' "Hr. Ormiston assisted In doing a Mit I am inclined to think not,
"Olt!" said the earl, 'falling geek good deed 'to -night for a friend of (110 simple fact thet 1 Pane, thoutili
with a look: of thagrin. "Th•ea he mine," sped the count. "Will he -add like John Butte.an, "grievonelv troub-
will probably in d out ber IMMO be- to that oblifettfon by toiling me If led' and, toned about in her mind,"
fore. he comes away. I wonder yott he has not tom:at:viva her again and did nothing of the' kind. For. the
;Amid glee her up. So easily to Iden, brought het: back?" . Mgt few inongrat,iles18111,1(e11(it,t
Ittil.'ete°gort t thick; '
afeer all your trouble." I ''Do you tefer to the fair lady in too stxtnned
"Smitten, my lord?" inquired Or- ,yonder house?" . glutei; to cry out. or make the least
utiston, maliciously. "SO -SIM 18 there? I thought so, reeistance. and was conseinee of no -
"I topelessly t " replied the earl George/es:kohl the count. addressing • . t I, ' n g but of being rn pi 0 1 v beetle
with a deep eigh, "She woes a. per, hiniself to his companion. 'Yes, I re- 'aloes in gimeleitiv's arms. When. this
feet lfetle Leauteg and if con find, fer to her, :the lady you eaved fro,tn •hazy slew of things passed awitts
111.1- oew seneal ions WAS the "ini meetly
her, I warn Sir Norman Xingsley to the river. `You brought In there?
"I broughtelwr there," replied 0r. itreolutortaltl ore of • being on the
take care. I beets already sent Hue
ndston. . :verge of suffoce I Inc. She wade ona
bort, out in s.2arch of ber; and' by •
'frantic but futile effort to free herself
. Sir le.orman and Hubert looked at o ,.the way," saki -the earl, with a stid- "She is there still?"
ate as was the hour, the Thames den inereaso of *animation, -"eghat "I presume so. I have heard noth- and serene), for helfe bet the strong
Ing o con a y." Arms Med Per witli the most lovitor
each other, one bet:wool deopair and seemed alive with wherries nod. bate.' WohlIvrim, meow.' larce she in to
rage, the other with a, thoughtful, gas, a.nd their nultierous lights cintrittl • Hubert -I could almost swear they "And alone?"
1 "She may be now. Sir Noonan • tightetiss, but her ery was drowned
half-ingeiring air, as it he had porno alone; the surface nee firelliee tiger a were one .ancl the seine." .
tongue maketh a wise head, and matt:within it, "Wit° lenned over arn1
lamp. be was recognized ey a 'gentle- :self, but I stand a .ehence of having
should • hate to take :well an oath,
l confess I ant somewhat curious, toy-
""Elte likeness is marvelous:. but I
" . .Kingslev was With her -when 1 left : in the hot. atandspbert, 2» idlin, the
lug," pa* id Ormiston, administering shawl, and never paseee beyond it,
the fact with infinite relish.
mist on could not ape the count's face; their journey • been much longer; but,
There was a moment's silence. Or- .113:n smothered Olen and there, had .
Host assuredly lemlirie weitile have
secret . to toll, and was mentally marsh.- A gay barge, oi!ded and
i' questioning whether it was safe to cushioned, nets going slowly . ;Iota:
do so. On the whole, he seemed to , and as he stocid dirt•etly under the
- come to the• conclusion that a isilent
, "There iS it, light withirt," he Reid, 'animated voice of the . iearl of Ito-
.. 1,to•eger,t,t,tifted.before to -morrow, I elate
..,», », nagthe house in• which Leoline spirit, again moved the count to dip of the oars in the wa.ter, and
"Ilow those fires blaze! It . is . Sweet. The wild, rush. of the storm river.
'he fancied its expression Intuit be few. yards between' her house ancl the -
but, judging frong his own. feelings, fortunately for her, it wio; only the
She knew she was carried .
I nodding and eaying "Thank you" to hailed him: -
the watchman, he passed his e rut " 0 rrniston 1 I say, 0 riniston 1 " • 1
titre:nigh Sir NOrmatt's. and drew him "Well, my lorcl," said Oredston,
briehler than at noonday, Alone broke the silence. until the clown some steps, tend she heard the•
. back to the door of Leoline's house. • receguleing, the • handsome' WM and touch
speak then her bearer pans.ed, and went
looking up. at it; how comes that? cheater. .. lives " .
"1 foUnd the lamp burning when "Hari*. you • any engagements for 0 rmis t on eaSily pointed it Dut, "By. what right does Sir Norman ehrough a short dielogoe whit some -
I returned, and everything undis- the •ocrtt bali-hour?. -If pot, clo rne and 'showed the earl the light:still .Xingsley visit her?" inquired. he,. in . body• ilse--weth Count L'Estrange,
, goiee betokening not the least par- she rather ftlt titan „knew,. for noth-
garbed. They 1111.1St IMVe entered .the favor to take agseat I ere. end burnieg in her Window. .
Male qf emote:M. . Ing was titulibie but a low murmur.
noiselessly .ard carried her off. ivith-• watch London • in flames from the • eel 1.; 224s' in tl at room We. found
131 the best of rights fehat of 'rile 01,1y word' she weld melte out
..out a struggle," replied Sir ...Norman, •rie tr." : her first, dend of 'tile Plague!"
• ."With all My heart," seed Ormisg ."Dead .. of the• what?" er.C•d the fler preserver, hoping soon to be Mg was' a .low, eniehatie.gliemember:"
witle a soft of groan. in the count's •voice; and then she
. "Have 3'ou gearched the housce- ton, renning clown to the water's earl, erittest. • lover,"
"Thoroughly -from top to 'hots all this huetlo of life around • ettur lordshl hate. it, WW1," /Mid or. broken again by the count, In the' • wa" shavea e'ff, 41."0: "it'vf"g dawn
"S LLIU d 1 h 0 . and staTiWatitut Was dreatbel, etted as
...knew elle .wees. In a boat, and that it
searched it 'well?" • . • edee and. Wailing, -into • the boat.. •
"Omit! • feign tee pltiguef I'll tail ' There was .4Oother belef silence.
(ley inetea of uti nig, t. utiston, who forthwith - commenced • 1 he midi e I t er , The feeling df heat..
bete, one woold think it were noon- . . I • same composed tone.
. •
"It. eeerns to nte there -ought to be
. • awl rehited the story of their firole abate. tor . placed . her on . n woe
sortie trtice, Woe you collet) back Phe evhole. city . is. astir . aboot, : • • e „ . . , late, I. •too, must hage a word woe 11"r
cusliems see:. made another deeperate
With •nte and look again?" ..„; • .these fires, Have you' ally idea they . - - • - t-'• her, when tide deluge permits gne to. '
mg exotote; to toe reseseita ion at •
• but fteble (Tort to free. herself •froin
. succeeeful?" • , . , . the plague -pit; ef the Flight from
.,.. go abroad without danger of drown-,
"It is no, use; but thereeisenothinee. . wil.1 be
"Nde the least, You' kno•iv, iny. Slr•Nornie,p`s„bges.., told ef 'the deli .
else I caegdo, s9 collie along." - • • ••
• tliio sinotliceite; •shieg 1, bat a • hand'
Mg.." • . . .
-eves laid 1e1, el on Mrs mod a voile
"It shows symptoms of. clearing.' ofT .
plague will ettge till 'the. living are • • - •• alreadysaid Ormiston, wha, eri his . ...
eculotes cure. .
Norman led, the page -direct to T.eo-
no longer able to bury the. dead." "A itro...t-elrmo story," cononente,1 secret heart, thought' it would be 'an .- eleitly, le is quite .ue,ee s• for 3•ou
line's room, Where the light•was. . '
'and here 'the lamp Was burningeWheri : .. .c.nn sto 1.e ...gi ,...;r:tig• ..to ;ace in the lady's presence; • gee ifie` 1)"."('1., hilt :1` 3" W i 1:I'l onli4e
. ."I left bee' here when r• went aevey,• • .
the earl, shuddering slightly, 'elf. 'it '.• beeline seems to have as mator liVt'c;
IL " . continues. inereaeing. much longer its
it doe,s now daily. ROW do the• bills ettisa""a• 1('''n't(11.1ge:'‘;11''‘e°--el'i ()r''' 1st' ' "v"
. • - • . 'ro. which 'observation the count. re:
you Will not have to Waft long." • egthoilt. MA t(/' Wilke. • erg. ourtrY, •
:than I lie, o . age: 1 ,, e • ntirtinifg
end VI. iii iillbtllit .L.) •iLC! billiCitOit:Lni, .i
I. canto baek; so it ontiet have been
. lord, the • prediction • reins thett • the etoUseplunge, entle the• ri en, and 'entre
They entered the. hOLMO, :and Sir
". .11 • ' • t " i • the earl,. • • 'torch • in t erected: • et, 1
"-- r- excellent joke to bring the rivals fitee to Wm:vele, as'yoe ewe irrevocably in
. front tliis rotten phe •was ta en.
bet ho' s tn lie a prereeete. ee plied. not; .4nd the three stood in , • f I
. ..
of,:mortality !lin to -day?'' '
. . I-Tubert was gazing.•slowly. and •
.. -Ile had pt4t tell v rain d the Shaveg. denily larelinee at .sorne • • ithexpectee •
The walking sick, what
a crow( of tam there are:
Persons who are thin an(1
weak but not sick enough
to go to bed.
"Chronic cases" that's
what the doctors call, them,
which in common English
means -long sickness.
To stop the continited
oss of flesh they need
Scott's Einulsion. For the
feeling of weakness they
need Scott's Emulsion.
It makes new flesh and
g'syivseterrin.ew life to the weak
Scott's. Emulsion gets
thin and weak persons otit
of the rut. It makes new,
rich blood, strengthens the
nerves and gives appetite
foc Ordinary food. :
Scott's Emulsion can be
taken as lbng as sickness
lasts and do crood all the
time. • •
• There's new.» strength
and Iles n eve y dose. • •
• .
. • We wit! be glad
•-to.. send you a few
doses free.
' Toronet:iern- lOsitsliario, ----
• • 14.,:t1'..2•:-.....,1 pee. anl SI, all druggists,
,...............egeg.....ege. l•Wa......i: .•..". '
•Ile eure that thbs ekture irt
tha form' 0(8 'ram! 1.4 •or; the
wrapper of every bottle rA •
gnittn61011.y.4 buy.
JI .
criticelly around, ,taking note of • I have not heard. Hark! There an• te'ter el •e• 1 ut :yeur • lore. . loom; watching the fury . of the i e tan Matt. • .1 stigma if se tot will. . • • • • • • . •
• wont - • • •••
St tollin 'twelve."' • knee LIS abOUt. her. •ifew »s• • 1 . storm. • • • • . preittise.", •
• everythiege • Somethlriggglistened and g
"And there goes a flash of lire-- do-" • • . . . ,Gradually it cleared away; a-nd as • .
and a gii, to' fr,e ate vatee revis ir g-
fle:shed on the: floor under' the matt- the first furlong. many. Look, look; • - the moon began tO struggle Met. he:
How they spriog up into the black • een ri• s C 011($. t le • '
. -• catint, saw .sontething by her pale • (Alt LI: faint •• onto • •13;11.'•
IV ill • and enableti I eat it to
• . breleeeehow tesite, .that.??
darkness!" • . • •.: •• • .
"Whet have you 'there?" asked Pir erg,hoy wiig tio it ion • k tenoi .telie • eves- to be -light th 0 .• t ••• t • peokie. it wee • g lt .11 oef elt oeetlior,
semi. soy ,phe. WLIS 003SPLi. 218 , A t v ti 6 •ft • the 1 1 1 •
• •-• tel, and he went oger afid picked• it
Neiman In. eurprise; for the lioy not
** 11. eltirleell to. -111..1 le had sbe t,fteen • at rill's ()n saw no ' 'a • Hilo
elle' ettleTeti eent gel:epee' • oi tee •
ho..... p., •the sky, niv lord. • . '.. • e • , e ..... , , i g. 1 , t i *II • 1 • .
.. 0 ee :se eteell"0.....0"1'-- .41444.° - eterted . go • eutltleidy and flushed • Theg eael glanced etp at: the midi- •••!'''et •1•""e."(3 1"8“•"(4••• • g ' • ' ' back to file haus() of LeOline; and hie I leer, Hen del ; ;et and eat t eq. . en • . the •
• , eittlently that it .neight hotie astong . gf ee •
.g 1 sky, o. . u an , • ng ed . ..; • , , . s • • , - • ..eace to that of La, Masque, • did .nca, • . , :. .. • , g
i idll ddi Yr '. e"eltirrie.le - ett y * 1 titouget ee u :•• - • . .••• • • • • .' • moontiolite of the brigets blue Pkg. •
, . ,
• color, except where black and heavy.. '
ea 4' "lee le few 11.1.1111. WS. 46 401(!. ' W.," . ' 'observe • the return of Sir . 'Norman 4(11111110(1 'S4.1:11, C01.1.111;101R.,Otars, toot tit •
ggegereigees...-- • - --s• , •-•• ' . ' lolled ittlyone..... : ..• , • •: • . • • • • . . •
:elouds: •Were heaying like- ringry: bit- • ''' 1.ae..e ''' 41" 1;1•1 gs1q.: It set 1nii 1.0.
--ni.ei SO% I.) (.114.8 t • II; yt)ttl. ii..111..i.l' 8 till•-•froin si, .I, 1, • , i • • • 1 i soiree tam 1),,' ber eidt.' in the Ore
• "etitly a, shee • buckle -a • gen.tlege
TE:le C01"12:41t.S Ole STUDY IN: TH1 • •rnan a. Do yoti recognize it?". . i
LOWS. ' all 'dingy with :ketiolte and
a ' tee. e ineensi •t, nt," sad the earl; • We. be rode aat•Niv.s, tier look after . 1 m . : ,
ay. But the count aid a court 'pi. let , V.'1!f.l.,1! .61.1.4.,-.\.:4÷,p...4-fet L.
• . • 'Mouth he spoke in his usuel; virile' • Str k 1 'with bars of 110,g red. • •
ea et . , both; teed ten . minutes aftee•e whet' ly eatenoivn• to 'her. ...Ile. TIOAL ill -
lees' Way,• end halfehtumeed the air • e'l we. There is a ieterm..comirigg, I. in a tone of . US, oidel.ed ills. et.: e 1 le the• rain lute entirely ceased, and -the steel a Moulage evas bound tightig '
of • one • .g of Torsi glocheeter'S. love .. •and se eteaSy one. Our Wert he bur- '' • .eletteereeelieg • 1.111,..v.:• e •.. r1.•ell•• .e•oteigge and. Stars got the better of t1,*, 4120) A;Ver ill'I:.-L!:0(• ll LeIllaillg IIN I I:.,: E:ItY 01
sOngs, he Watched - 'hi keenly as. 1 e . gheig'Stind most "egOeselpoo lord. _olio,. • tree: *. logger, is gegoter was- to he . ..cloado in • their strUgglO for iiii.)reie -light; witilte' the-'s•rangt.-t‘tri'et..-- again -
spoke tepplegaz Welly! :: . • • • -
•••extimieed. it. . . . It was .4 ellameed -or \VIII see their fires . eseloguished "Makried,. e.g. I: told .you; Lot, elle %%gee ' .46-, he .beheld - I.e. eheeque flitting . :.. - •
hueltle; ' extoriSitely set., and •• of gree t .. shartlY, and • theMseives • eient. Melee; • 1.1.i 11..3. V.: - ,11:1•1.;..141.1,• tiee' .,.,ei.:14i, ..L.• ..1 e lige: a. dark 4hadOW in the mime di-• • ' 'Pardee, lade ,• Dui de' exty ordere!
. - .• • knew Slot:etre., of ie, . • And for : weeks; • .aiendst it -tontine, . habit . of. evageetng Hineeley go east; ddor. The seines ins,tant • OrmistOn •
., . . • .. r. • not,. hoeself. • She lied...ton in- elie . reeetegg•god.ostossfog ge,..et I ,„,geete • I ane eontinaiided te• teetee you . Wit4 •
. ever.y.reepects but • - not to let- eou
lateuty• :,.c,ed •Vfklue:, but. Sir •Norman 'with ..teet jackets."' •
• "1.1;ere - &MA • initials upon' it -,eats" there -has not. fallen a- drop of 1aiit,''.` : her et inclow'e anil 'the' way l'shi: 1.ilash.;• staxted. to g ' . . ' "
o: . , • gee where yo,e are borne' to." , . :
•• ------------------------------111.4.30 nietions, convinces 'en* that his . be. said; 'stele -Ping 00, antt with tee
L 'Estrange commit' :thin .outragei"..Igg
. de .* d . Count I 'e •
I In ,
etell wateehnig Ili.O N;.11..13 Lee etterote : e.A. •remarkebtee
Are t p 1;
C( 11tge
I le. le el eet etendard of ex -
4111(2 that is 0151 reason oby
• •
ti is lops
sCit.)01 iS ItOW eti;OpIT a
.elterei" sato.
' • '
remarked.Orrniston, gravely. • •••.- ••ed' • aiid went throligh .180 other' • "The storm ,has entire/Y.' ceased ,".• •What g it oes,
. •
1)1,/ " .44; 14,LLU ol There steams to. be a fietaiitv hettg•ng
000150 of • true love: ivill • run us profound air of one- making a ;Item .
gan toollne, almost* as imperiousle•
, sitiooth this glassy -.------------ •at disenteery, "and We are likely • to as eliranda, her self, .and makii.e; rise
4• 'lite. 4:a a' *tank. tor 1.,4-1 t. L.- over devoted oty..
..reesterit. ' • of her tOngize like the .true women,
• • • have fine weather for the remainder
• "I Wonder' your lutelehip remains." -1.
'record-breal Ina'. attartlance, You Estrange." •
want the hest training Niel we gibes e,r ,,,oeeeang ioaeing et hint sIgnificantly." • •
• in the Matter or is he' such sine. • "Farewell," said the counts as he
first:moinent eeargae lair
• 11 e ls• lee fe 1 ' of the eni rathei, •rnoming. the serY
2'v ho therg. can .it stand for?" ing • -The cart'. ehrugged his sheittlders '''1"'"••••' 1 •/ Y ( • -.22814 g•
010 (11', 1(1(14(3 stair have go voice Good -night, toting" ' claque -O. Hew ditie he caere me. oef
I. •
14. quirccl 0. • In this ttereciteeti :gay? Whoe1;gr You•
, exotily, and.:Irif..11 :forewent 1' 14,- .,"Ie is. noe se•ealiy leaving,it •ae Yea .
• sir,- if • 32(20 ' the t Of a
tem then the .• iu t. tinge • had et . ea • think, Air; Urine:too; but ant to • 3)14 1.1212 EIS' to give . her up • at . and hie :COmpanitin eanie out froni the
• *shadoett . of ehe archway,. geld turned - nom; yoa- \VI lig Ire clireet!Lback •
therefore voter at once, Ciromars . •
hint credit fere : •e/ ant Certein .e ea t urn rug • be& to it Le (grew for a •
• . •
• t at 0‘511 house . •
free. Ara:ague • • • • . .
. • -LnoW," - • • • • .. • ief, period. 'You ere eyelet, 1 'MT... • ! be sure;,-eyhat
count Nay? And judging from some.- g.•Ormiston, . thinkiew.:the hone toe!....vety sorry, laelyr.. but I have
•I'valterircl,• I should.bri•
\vat ing a e apse , anc fee ing
ricetveci meters that-inuet be obeyed!
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal • suspect," Bahl •tho boy, . foie. ehat the edut.t leavee.befere • . .t• h d 1 d 1 • l•
bitheee. lege ill . bring 3•Ou mete s . .1 le liege' I Mgt heard soillethillit • 's
" 1 • •
need fear nothings Yeat will.' be 'ag.
. "nethitig More:. aloe if it: . break 'for 'Oglortl?" . - . . •• ou must come. se it Ins, but you
• • t ' id , tt ti• n• t 1.9* eafe Eind seeereg as • in. yoter own,
• ••tolentl - in love with .her . • much More •Interegted in. the •conting...
"Count. • 'who?" esked ..11ocheitere • Meeting; than. in Leolinet pr. her vise-.
422.ZiaildiAiLVn "2121*42gr321"* Leolitie before you.. are two hem's.. -„cit it-g-liote. long AO reeittinri • ••• -•
• • . . • '"111 Cie r eS•taktogit into leis head -"Or hs liee his •lecly-lot.e, no. • • ors,' Pc' velY • (.• °.• °•11. • ignite. „
. .
• • 'older..." " • . ,• • two' ttoptaintanees.- He sager •thein, it ,;,.,; • • . • . , . •
. "How out I• to kiniev 3,ou are ngit •• to come bete,- iteralitI" -said the earl,,,..; 'o ----------------------- .true; entet Leoline's liouSe, but al. • • • cure en ottegg • no doubt'. '.• said
. • , "et:W.0h Will.. la tenably ..13e a weak , "Oh, n The !tattle oe• the' gentle- . •
•deeeleing me, and 'will eot betra3. her .
.83 . . le • tine instant he eook Up' his poet • Leoliee, never.. did., like
• tl
„pittee..• :. A ..1 eel le natural ; ., eereare of....
terror was repressed 'on Mg lip); 1»' 21. -.
Multi h.i. tag placed over •tlfein, and tee. . . • •
., .
d et ermined bet. O. iee,ctly . resgeet ful . . . . • .
.1 .. ... .
tones of! elie .perSen ...beside Mr- epetaite.. '
/lige'. • ; .. ... • • • . .. . . .• -......• •:
. • • .. .
- :.....‘genitanber.egmegereentiee, holy, Caul..•I''' '
.clo:eot, intake a.•neese.. We,•haset are • ...
.•; .
1 ieett. at • Our joartiey's end, and . i f•
-yeeeewelle Sete -grey aerie, -.L. wile lead- '......, • ••
yetialeng Igs."ead Of.garreing. eteige • • • ' •••• . . •
. 1,061 ine iv:gee-tither' sneer feed to- find ..., . ... ...
' the, itiornee• .so 'shtirt,. but •8110 aro es'..••
glireetlyegwIth siltrice tend • cligilliye•-••••
• at- leaet, Wien as • much'. ed the .11.-111 t 1. ..
.eontItgalley aEi (squid get, ....tette:Oily' -:
.expeeted -consideriteg that .boat- • on • • •
- •:• •
geretcsr are rathee .unetetede• . throw -4 fa
be. el iguleed.. in -ii id was".led • gentls,• ' ".. • ...
and with.. •care out of - the switeeng • e. . .
vessel; tied gip. • another flight -tie:: •
•stairs..- •-Then to••a. few» moments, ehe ;".•.
- \NILS', 'COLISCi011g Of - gasteifig trete . the . ..
. ..
ft•et night-. air- • into the --eloper 4ttmos- • ' .
. .
peeve of ,a ' lumee; , . and in going; ••• • • :e:,•",: 7
.4 ....rough an .. endless 1 be x 1 il oi
sronals-, 'and flights: of- stairs, ontil• e ..• ...- •
she. became 32) -0'(r(218013' tired.: eltat. .
.etee•e, 0N -eel with -epirited• abrupt/les:gee'.
-nerd iri -the. plaines.t. possible lengliele . -,••• .-:
gave' lier _conductor , to- .undetell mei •
• that. she had gone •abont far •enowth . •
fo1 •••011 .practidal purposes; To . \eh i ch
eh at • pat lent and -respectful • end i v id.. •
1141 replied that .he Was glad. to: el.-•• "••
• ••••••••
• .
efeem her they had bat .a few more
*••• •.' • • • • , ' • -se. -4=ee '
1 .se.• • / • • ' • , Ogont L'Estrtinge, hue. I never knew • •
' .', .. Into. tee poWer of the. Her' of •Itech-• or two: .:14icrie .g.„ 0 ;et, sk.y, all black '. man whet was so nearly blesScd, foe ese •
. .
„a -I. asgoes doorway,. and ... cone . ,
ester ---if,: intieed, she .be••not in heg. and pearli.t; and lime et thqee geoila . ,I lei and .oniestecl-fe iS Count L'Ese :1St
eent.rated his -whole. atienttioii ' on • he wee" a 01)21 1.1(3 sal•I'd ..4%...: V111111/1 "11 • . . .
. • •
• •..
power ogreagyer, .. ., • ., . .--1 : scarcely ehotight, sure. \etre 1-olf .. trattge.:" ; .
• . ..• . • .. • . ' . . .. . .
listlessly. .....- that p1008 of architecture.. Eiory mo- , - - .. , . .. • , .....• -.- •
i A Oil .!, I;0 . ids hat r,. co t o , to- • hack,. ooly half In ent upon his glee ..'::...ce'.cct . el 'eh- :tett - cont 1.
• ' be through me. I' feel: an odd intake :•" nand, seemed. like a, 'Week 119•Wg.. anel ; .1.1•Ial 641'1)0116o 11/1•I'qe '11° reldel
bofoto ho 1 1 stood t 1 - t gt,g Aide fereible addresti, 'and. tinge...eves .. , • . • , e. • • .• ....
• coneumpeon.. . . • •
• • the, netaber lett. Mtge i a 1 ondon.• .. • ' ; '1314* 4011 :lied l'irn. lying. . to . •
••• • e•Site. is. not in ..et, it.nd never . will.. • 4, c. 1 ..
eight'," etc! ' °reel:quit. .. . %elf • tio ' *221 01, •• es he.' writ: hed the :fires; but • . et, 04) 18 s milignatit *211(12 1. on Igoe • ,
(if 1 00 I .adies; 00 at • 'ells • • •• , , • - ' • IC:4-i trica en • in ' the e tY have' . leit. ' • now he :Seg.:lege fel: :1'1,4*.' up, ono .star...,. minutes, he had worked himself .up .. . . . . .
-I- • ' eet in this Matter And 1 Wiel-he tree . • .
.•theh • !Atom, ege ot. negehoiet It0ile. eii thenietemeiti11 in the fate. • into a perfect. : teeter of impatience.. . Ige....s...parte ..Ineiliee• only • by •the dip . . . • •
prefer Rings• tu any other should • be 1 really • doielt • know. • r . • •ild tl it le it was A carnival " ' ..'"Ceuni what. did You ettY?"• i•vos" • Stametintes. he Was inclined: to. kneel: • ge • ' • • • • '. 1 Pm - :11, -
w -
. toe. oars and the rippling• of the (seeis e • • ' e. . ..
• to .you. Sir Normien-though Why I ' ,.' - .,' .,, , .,
afar, tfien: " .• • • 1.,),:s1e).1. 0 •r/ tg)
give you nty word of honor that • 1 ..
hope Orntiston said the earl, look- • more eager than his Voice strote • 1 h' I d et
kind of Jewelry. fur thL,
Jetteoll we pay .tolieetal atten-
tion to. this line. •
• and see e. a squo. e• -Will t .11 nie at least 'where
• r *
eit•-ieLga,... carnival Of Oentit: • 1' :his eager" gees t ion, a line 14.• eyes,
Yon. ore 'takiog .bie. to?". hateghtely.d.e- 'Obi
- will: edo what I. cair .find Leoline „home': •.bot ae Often 'the fear •of •it 7..i; •
ling rebuke para ems is tan .4 11.
and.. to restore bee 1.6 you; and T).,,,», • 'e hi •itit light laugh' "the • t d .the relay before it was. re- he raised lie He was so sure she was
. . .
never yet broken my word of: honor mg' a .11) •NS '12' ' ., ' • - o rot
tie any' nian," said Hubert drawing. front the•river is uot One of the sick • ' ' (loon t L'ee. • Y ou knoW ' thought of looking for her elsewhere;
You will find all the favor-. !Veil I will. trust yOu;.becauee "l• • I Ortniston looked grave„*. •
Ito 6tunet and conibinations •eannot do .anything better," ea . .go„. my lox d,.1. 0 lel. h
• not let me go wieli you?" , •
-lb" whY .I left her saftgand secure." e • • . • ,
Norman, rather dolefully.;
-,ogee no! gbat•woted reeVer dol 1.1to is' she, A Inds on " c . t. .
eT the earl, laughingly. ::' 1 ekian, Ineal.
malt go- alone, and you • must trust dotOt make .a utouotain . out, . 0,4 *2 .
• , •
' •
-pretty little white fuiry. ran:tied • ocattd.. • ----------- • Within • the house • that he • • tievet.
himself tip. mending the streets." •
" ' • " a e is not.
at their hest With US.
A t' I 1 RES. 0 PA LS.
°LI V leslieS, TURQUOIS,
Every Ring at its very best
both to value and quai-
me••froplieftly. . Give me y Our.; a,nci mole -hill. 1(11 mo. het nume:
ttpon it." . •
•tord.o' said- ,,Ormiston,
quitgly... • . ,••• •
• • • •
said .the oa rt. •AMI . then
a strange smile .went '•tvanderiug
abaut his face, . "I linve tint geld
that! Set ' hie name is Count.
•tritege? Well, I de 1104.. WO (I r • hoW
and..when; at the expitaelon :of what •
. • seeineit him' ae century or twoe but
. he reality was,about. a .qtaiiter,
• •of itti hour, there was a...lista •restie of..
drapery behind hith, and....the sweetest
• .of Valdes» sounded in his ear, .it fairly
.•:• made him •.botend.' . • • • . •
. • "flee name • is Looline.-,'.• •'.,' . .,
. • • , --at. the girl's beitity," " . ..
' • They shook hands silentlY; Went.. "What else?". ... •The earl tank •back into' his °former
nonchalant:- pesitieng. raid full Inc a
downetairs.and stood for a ntontent •• • "'mut. is joet what I woald like to '
.. , moment • or • two into • deep musing.
'tee the door. • • - . • ' • ' have soMeotte . tell Me.' 1 givo. you
lend then. tts if tile 21h010 thing •Ited ••
- "You'll find :me , here at any• hour my.' honor, negloiel, 1 de not, know,"
between this and. niorning," said Sir. Th * .1' f g half hid! merit half struck 311212 in a new and ludicrous
lii;ht, he broke out into ati inintodere
. literman. ''Fareevell now, •and home. incredulour, . • Wholly eurious made
, . ..
etc. fit et lawebterk Ormistott tool:- '
• . : en •speed you!" . • ' . .Ormist•on emiles . •
ea et hint curlotisly. .
e . . Tile boy wa,Ved his hand In. adieu • .• "It ie. a .fact., my. lord. I uskhd
"1, t is my turn to. ask c,trestions,
6.....T. Cr)rigg .atid etarted eel at a. sharp pa,cei. Sir her her name, and she teed Me LW-
Norman turned in the opposite dirge," iine--4. pretty .tiLle ettouge, littt .rae, lord„ Who, IS Cotint..L'Ese
• tiOn far a short walk, to. cool the. thiir Unsatisittetory." . : trang•e?" • , ••• • .
JEWELER A. 01 e 10IAN. • lever In ekii hlood, and think over ell .• "now Wog' hate:you, known her?" • - "I "kriow of me such persort,
....eggeoe geese: . -e"...""e•"'e"e""'"•""'"'-`1. • bloody etIong in the ehadow Of- Igo °retie; on, musingly, "abeut. ft. g. t;illsti.:t; ‘Ntic(s1,41,14.1tv 1,0C‘(!eiril,.15(1 nnt;:flinUe?t,C)..iti..3'4.)1I.
--'.-.7,---.--- " hcruses, he suddenly •triptie4 up oeer • 'hours." .. . . •
.re, • • ' soniothing•Iying in 3115 .1150, e.,.,. IA Lti, ' '",4)1114011.$M1". sold the earl; -entre •. "No; i heard it by• mere: accident..
Stooping " dowri to 1,eamine 1..) is getically, "What' 11E0 yUll telling . me, from another person. l'' am •oure if
; - .•.'"Ji' IC -.1 1.' nearly precipitated over it..
_. Ormistote? ieu said she evas tut old.. Infiloslei,neheieien.,ot, a, perionage in' ' -dist....
stumbling -block, it proved to be the 'friend*" • . • ' .
' ' rig.ld body of a man, and that malt
tan: *wee thinking. ot..sottiething
that had happened.: As he went • • eelo the of . My belle•,•'" .s.eid,
.beg your pardon, my lord, "And mhy do you think so?" . t
Was Ormiston, ptark and (lead, with said nu such thing. Itold you ithe "An InWarcl conVietion, my lord. t
• hio face upturned to the calm night had aeaped from tier friends, witich So you wit' not tell me who he le?". .
-..... , , "'hen hoe, the 'demon had yen.. the no such person es Count ItTstrange?
impudence to come Up and carry her You ought to believe me. Oh, here
off in that stylel I certainly had a, , it, comes e I
. When Malcolm Ormistem, with his better riglit to her than you ---- the Iv 1 1-, *
.105 allev WO.S addrel4Sed tO Et great,
(ritual good sense and penetration, eight of clisepvery; and I shall cull drop of rain, which onItuthect heavily
, took himself off, and loft, I.00line and upon you. Lo deliver her op." „ en his upturned face, followed by e n.
' sir , It °rind n , tete-a-tute, his steed ' ' 1 1 elet belotigegt 1•0 ine 1 '• shoilitl et her awl aapthar In (la felt maws -
turned as mechanically as Ilse neet.10 • only let too happy to oblige emu. wog. . . .
to the North Pole toward La Mao- lortisuip," laughed Ormistom "bat, "The storm ifl till011 118," Raid the
ek3r1 " • • was strictly erue." "Ilnve I not told yob. I keowe of
(meet; house. Before it he wandered, bee te tie Ma telt the property *if ir nittleg Sip tool wropping • Ilia
c oa •22
around it he wandered, like an un- eetirmult leingsley, and to him etre oser aroutu I 1 "onc
i easy ghost, lost in speculation about 3111011,
Our Studio is ex.. the htdden face, and fearfully Wiper- "Hal Ills inamorata, is lie? Well, Inc Whitehall. Shall WO land you,
Ortniston, or take you um., too?"
Akookt two', you ought to know .
Masque Raw him hoVering aloof and a nave a pressing engagement ter the
red for making it might touch her obdurate heart for being, the no ern on
e. age ancl cause her to shorten the dreary 1 tioa.a." deluge; fires Will be otit in • five
groiip Lphofograpn "Probably, to. 8110111d, my lord, ohly inInutes.''
inter% al, and sUMmen him to her
1, tient about. the flight of time-. If La I Intik. :say hie taste ls excellent; but "I must land," said Or niaton. "1
• unable. to tear himself away, perhaps her MUM', dillee OU and be are note
• mott half-hour. Tier° It. is, ct, erfect
•, presence at . once, .1wit then some- Tho barge touched the Metro and ,
Sir Norman, eadortunately, does tan
Don't, miss this Orn lato s ft out, \vitt "(I I
1 n pr o t a not -
Iamb • . one opened the ilk:7, and his heart 'clam hilus(41"'
nce of having .a. 1. beat *with an 1.1 cipo, ion; Someone `pro- "ins earl's countenance d t- night" to the earl. rain was
1 nounced his :tante, and, going over, terly blank at tbaS a.
isortily g'roup. es
, . that urnuaton was f
, he Riley the animated bag of bon
• .--- th , in a world of explana
fallen in love with her and, judbing before him, in search of tho attire '
tatiftweenent now in torrents, and he ran
reed to throw Upstairs and darted the arch.' I
• ' wa ol the brit! Reek the ahel-
"1 moan, Jord, that he has ter. ' Someone. olae 'had ;come there
You may never el and porter. a
together te;:lt'itt/tel:frASTAIt!o 14"'"begthrill Itil!'* front appearanceil, I should say his thing, for he saw twoefiguree with,
key, and
be all
again. 6ar hEdrlY itanrisd 6t11', (:/t aes though they have met to -night for "A Sudden Sterne," Walt OrMietOn'il
h t Os not altogether hopeleso, at- , •in it as he entered,
Mouth, "that ohe can't have any- , • Salutation, "and it 012er There
the mot time,
o y Muting about her house like "A rttpid passion. Whore have you go the flres.--Itios and splutter.
Its shadow; and she wants you to go
. left her, ormiston?" , knew how it would be."
awaY._ and keep away,. till the time_ 4...Th .her houtte..my_lords," _ ' "Then the Saul ettot Mrs 0-rtn2ston I
RE)1.111.3 mot] erunigi IIIISLOU tetanal, smiling quietly to Ara among. 60 prophats„o
cornee she has Itteettioned."
eayiug the akeleten 4114 tit Ortulatott had heard that voice bee
0(7 0 hotegee
"I-Teee'. again, 311r. Ormiston?.' Is
this the fifth or sixth time I've found
you in this plaee t42 -night?" •
La 11 asge he cried; between
JOY and surprise,. "But surely, I was'
not -totally unexpected 0.141, tithe?"
erhaps nat. • 'tot ar ai g
here forone to redeem my promise,
...'r'tythi'el‘)P.b:sbesn?d" desire the .light.". • -
Can you elollbt it?' Since I knew.
ott r t, have tlesired,:thi0. hoor as
. •
. "Alit And you will. find it .a.O sweet
to.look back:upon ite you_ have to look'
forward to," •Paid La Magritte derioivee
ly,.. if you. are wise tot soureelf,
Ormielott, •you wilt. pause here, and
give me back that fatal word." •
"'Never, .madittnel Arid 'sitrely • yoti
will not •be so pitilessly eruct as to
draev back noW?"
"Ne; I have promised, and I shall
perform; and let the consequences .be
what they may,. they Will eest upon
you e own head. You have been•
warned, anti you still insiet."
• ...
"I still insist!"
"rho» let 'tie move farther ever here
I .1 d NV Otte hoireg• thin
moonlight is no dreadfully bright!"
They moved on into. the deep shad-
ow, and there Was it, pulse throbbing
Ofmleton'e head and heart like
the beating of a muffled drum They
paused and faced ;each other silently.
"Quick, Inadnatiot" cried Ormiston,
-hoarsely, hit) Whole face flushed wild-
Ills airango companion lifted her
hand ea if to remove. the mask, end.
he saw that it shook like an •aspen,
Site made one motion .as though
about to lift it, and then recollect, as
if from herself, irt Raft; of horror.
"My Godi what is this man orging
me to do? Ilow can / ever fulfill
that • fatal promise?"
"Maclaine, you torture mei" said
Ormiston, whose face showed what
he felt, "You mutt keep your prom -
Jae; so do not drive UM N.v.atting.
Lot ma---" .
ne took a, step toward her, as if to
lift the =Mk himself, bat she bold
Out both aring to keep him off.
"NO, no, no! Conte not neat Me,
Orntiateml Mita man, Mute
you :trill rooli on your doetrt, lookl
awl "1.1. the sight Most you, if It
manded Leolitte. • . •
• "Lady; cannot., It ,tvao to meg',
. . •
Vent, yoie knowing that. You lotee been
bliedfolded. . • • .
'."0 gem master has a faithful-
geirvatit, I. free! ' flow leng am: • to •
tie 3101)1. 41 prisoper?'' • , • .
• • -1 t know- ,• • . • • •
-"Where Is eenintLeleetrange?"
• "I eannot tell." • •
'Yllere ant 3 to Pee' blur?" •
St enema en:Ye' .:
"TIa!" said Leatine, :With •Ineatite
Contempt and turning her back epoe
him elle relapeed:ihto gloomy •siletwo.
It Mut been allSo. sudden, and had
takeit.her so mtich • by nurpri te, that
she had not had ime to think of the
eonsegeenees unfit'. 110121, • Bat 110221
eht,y came ttrieet herewith IL ruSh, and
with disnial dietinelnees, and emet
dietinet arming all was, what would
• .
:Or •Norman 'say? 0 ' course, with
all a loge:v.5i impatience, he Witold be
itt his /Mist by simile°, would etett41..
tit look for his bride, and find hint -
self sold!: 13y that eitne she. \yenta be
enough ••itevityi. -perhaps a melan.„
eitoly corpse fend :at ..thissdreetry. pas-
sage in her meditati0119,4e01 LIM :doh -
ed. profoundly), and he Would never
know what hae become of her, or
how Much and hOw Iong elle hild-love
• ed Adult. And ON hateful Couut Te-
• Estrange, what did he Intend .te do
with her? Perhaps go so far es.. Co
..mitee her 'marry hinge and- Imprison
• her with the ri.st of his :wives; for
Leoline WE114. prepared -to 't•hinic tho
et oil st of (110 0011(11, at12*2(1:11(21. the
slightest deubt, that he already had
harem full 01 44.1)44.30(0(1 some-
where. Dot no --hl' never • could Ob.
that, In. might •do what he liked With
weaker niind8, but she lleVer woutd
bit a, bride of his While the plagne -or
14012*011 wto to be . had inLonden.
.Anci with this.invineible determina-
: Con ;rooted needle., not to $ay 1.28"
stinatelv in hyr mind; She was near-
s.. p ted °Nei board by the boat Sucte
• . Daily .tt oda
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