HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-01-28, Page 1TRF
25th. Year
t • 0 ,111, •
, *Abs. • ' , • , assaa,
41, • •
Don't Miss
This Chance
Do you know that we are selling Men's . Made-
„ To -Order Clothing for leSis money than you are like–
ly to buy them for again in the next. year. The
> whole tailoring stook of A. J. Holloway has been
> sold to us at a very low rate on the dollar and it
will pay you well to Order a suit NOW. Many peg–
p.le took advantage of the bargains last week, • The
best patterns go first.
PLEASE NOTE—That all the tweeds are being
sold in Mr. Holloway's old stand. All the men's
ready-makle clothing and, furnishings are sold in, our
> furnishing department at the rear of Neweonabe's
Dry Goods store.
Men's Tweed Suits worth $15, made to youtoitieasure for..$10.00
Men's Tweed Suits worth up to $16.50, leave your order for
these at
,,..•..ra. • 512•50
We are showing a large assortment of Fine Scotch and Oenad-
C) ian Tweeds that always sell from $18 to $22 a suit. We
will take your measure for these and put in first class lin-
ings for per suit . $11115.00
48c instead
of 75c for Men's Underwear.
$1.25 for Men's Underwear.
• $1.2b for Men's Colored Shirts.
• $8.50 for den's Persian Lanab Caps
$4.50 for Mena Blaek Astrachan Caps
50e fpr hteo's Silk Flowing End Ties
Saturday we want to see the last of our Overcoats. These
prices wil clear them :
5 only Men's Heavy Frieze Overcoats, regular price $8 and $13 •
each, for Saturday to clear... ...... , ...
5 only Men's Heavy Oloth Pea Jackets were $550.tof go at.. 5:1513
The W. Newcombe Cm, -
AalC101<,10MCCTIO's- ^ ;
latissies ^ ^ ^
4 t
The Past week 41as sea% the most ex
pensive blockade hi the hietory 4 th
Grand Trunk Railway. loot severe:
days trains have been few and far be
tween—on some branches there • wer
tiara at all—and for cue day at leas
the entire system in Westera °uteri
may be said to have been tiedaw.
The Stra.tford-to.;.Palenerston lir
was blecked at Newton pit Friday and
it laving been 4ourid impossible to ope
the line cu Satercley a •train ws:
made up for Ncrthern points and d.e
epetelted viziiClinton, The intentiot
was to run it up the L. IL ta B. t
Wingliano thence a.eross to Listowel,
to Palmerston anti from thence by the
different branches from that point: The
trait reached. •Clinton about two .&cio-
Suaday morning and atuck a
big . drift on, Ferregter's farm. • The
maim; of the regular train on the, 11.
& G., which followedit op from
Stratfora, went to its assistance and
they two worked at the drift ell night
:but in vain. At daybreak two more
engines arrved from Goderich and
pulled the train and the two locomo-
tives back to tae yard. Two •of the
engine a were, dead by this time and
the latest two to arrive were 1:malty
able to reacji the yard, when they, too,
•ran out of water.
fq • goo a manager,
four "rooters" have been rather en•• Mr. D. Canteloh, is having well en to
toying . their enforced stay in Clinton 15e barrels .of apples made into apple
an lt being enthusiastic hockeyists a butter at Andrews' Bros. mill
Arncld, two members of the team and
where a
Match was gotten up on.IVIonday even -tasty, good-leapiug. and much -in -de -
fug. It was a tolerealv lively game mand 'article•is ;turned out, Part of
t which, R. (Vielter will have best cause tae supply goes to a county iustittaa
• to remember for lie was struck over tion and part tc. afuoiteint,
the eye so hard vvith the peek that the
A vunr,
surgoon had to etiich up the woued, ,
a Mr. and airs. John MeNeseghton of ' The long continued storm, and rough:
$ Walkerton are a aewlyonurried couple roads ie causing a, scarcity of fuel.
_• who were • returning from the honey- With wood -users in 13:articu1ar the sup -
more prolonged than they had expect -
I moon trip Which was thus sofnewhut . aPilruo•isstriz,extinultelodw, ' TInhesmserireviecristiiitthie8
ed. .. .. . . Ontario street church last night taai
Thsto be abandoned owing tc, the fact
• e eowbound Passengers who out
up at the Rattenbury were a that the wood boxes were empty.
- merry
• cowpony who, did, not find time lagg- DEATH OF a. PIONEER
ing upon their kande. On Monday ev- . . s
ening they all gathered in tle parlor . On Jan. -4th Mr. Win..Cole, oft
and had a ',Nicht Wi' Berns." Colon- . loss, father of Mrs, Shier Of Clinton,
el Belcher of Southampton Was master - met with an accident that resulted ii.
of pereirionies arid was isnite eoual to - his death, r He • climbed up on tte
the 'occasion. One a the principal en- scaffold to throw down some hay and
tertainers was Mr. W. J. Conereteal- fell through it to the -barn floor 2.1
• This was about 9.30 and -the passen-
gers, numbering some sixty, wno had
speht the night on, the train, were
taken to tb. ••'(1 :era hotels where
they were lodged as the guests of the
Grand Trunk, Some of them had been
several days on the road: One left
Lohdon on Thursday last for Tara and
should have reached his destination'
a that night. They were all tired of
Stratford, anxious to get 'home and
fully expeated; to -teach their respective
destinations en Sunday at least. They
-have however put Up with • great. in-
coovenience with good . nature and
) most of them appeared to leave enjoy.
ed theniselves w.hile in, Clinton.
The knowing were aiming those
registered et the different hotels :
so cf Southampton, who rendered a
manlier of Scotchstags in good style,
aIe was accompanied by Mr. William
'Simons, wto first saw the light ot day
• at Southampton bat is now a resident
•of Clinton.' The concluding song, in
which the wholecompany heartily
• joined, was •")3'�r He's a Jolly- Good
Fellow." Presumably the. reference
was to the Ina.stex of ceremonlea. If
the, Colonelis as popular . in North
Bruce as among the belated passengers
in 'Clinton his fight kr a seat in Par-
liament, • to which he aspires, ought
to be eon easy -one. Ou 'Tuesday
ing Dltr. W • D.' 'Fair gave the company
E4 gramophone concert Whica tley much
enjoyed. •
As .on instance o thetrials of the
train hands it may be stated that it
_ took a sniall'train with three' engines
attached forty minutes to teet out; of
the Clinton yard yesterday, The•same •
- train was three hours coning, from
, •
44444, 4.044114.44444.404444344+84:
SAVE ! ! ! .SAVZ ! !
Begin the New Year by opening a Savings Bank eceount in
0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 O 0
=--The Sovereign Bank----
[Income:rated by Act et Parliament]
04),a0 0 0 osso 0•14aoaoaaaasi
The Bank endeavors to make their Savings• System the easiest and
most agreeable medium for all classes of the community to save their .
earnings by depogiting $1 or as much more as taey wish. • Every de-
positer's money is secured• .
Since it's establishment the Sovereign Bank of Canada has had Un-
precedented success in the financial world, and its stability is be-
coming more widely known every day: A comparative stateinest en-
ded Oct 31st last is bere appended which discloses facto and figures
never before known in banking history. ,. . .. . . . . . ..
0 000 0 0 0 00
O 0 0 0 0 0 0
Assets 81st Oct 1902 8Ist Oet. 1903 •
Clash and Bank Balances • $ 383,097 $ 622,774
Bonds and Stocks •439,383 713,367 -
Loans and Discounts 2,988,668 5,821,390
Bank Premises, Safes, Etc. 44,675 • 52,359
$3,855,203 $7,209,920
Capital—Paid up $1,173,478 81,800,000 ,
Reserve Fund iind Undivided Profits 240,000 862,888
Sovereign Bank notes in circulation , 759,995 1,237,650
Deposits ' 1,681,730 4,309,432 '
0 0 00 0 00
$3,855,203 87,209, 920
H. T. Rance,
000 0 0 0 000
0 00 0 <>
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 <
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
At the Commercial Hotel,
'J. R. Schwalm, Chesley •
• J. II. Bra•un, Aytete
J. •Sehinidt, Mitch/lay
R. Boyce, Durham •
E..Boyce, Durham •
\V, A. Stubbs, Listowel . •
C. IL Winter, Listowel.
. W. H. Sayers . Palmerston
Miss S. lirsunag, Bressels
Mies C. Dou,glas",. Tari.4
Mr. and Mrs. Ross, Gladstone, 11feet.
Mrs. F Agnew, Xilsyth: • • _ .
At the. Mason case.
W. Spears, Listowel
• A. BroOks, Listowel: .
Ed. Hayden, Listowel
•• lVfooreheed,• Listowel .
W. Fritzley, Listowel • • • .
W. I Arnola, Listowel ,
R. Fisher, Listowel •
J. Macdougall, 'Alpena, Mich
JO Hutchison, Blenheim
' Al. Jospeia Stratford • •
• Tim O'Brien, Owen •Sound
E. •Birk, Palmerston. ' - : •
•' •At tae: Waverly Haase.:
.11. Freeborn, Listowel •
M. Finn, 'Owen Soma
P. 'Levan, Stratford
: J. Artkill, Peamerston
M. Durst., Stratford.
Green, Palmerston .
At • the Ratterkury House
Lieut. -Colonel Belcaer, Sciuthampton
C.H. Witthuii, Hanover
George Reichert; Hanover ' •
W. M. }lush, Walkerton,
W. '3. tatnerott,'Stalthesinpton
D. J. MeXihnon, Port ,Elgin
. A.. Rankin, Paisley
S. S. Nash, Chesley
Miss Sean Harkness, Owen Sonnet
Miss: Gertrude Lembertus, Walkertoit
Mr. •and Mts. John aleNseightort
• • Walkerton
'P. Haley., Breattford
Miss Annie E. Dull; Wiarton
Miss Teal, Wisaton
H., E. Burroavs, Listowel
J.: N. Pull, 'Detroit
A. E. Thoitias St: -Thomas -
T. E. Walker, Winghatn
The four ' dead engines ley in the
yard all aia. Sunday and lit the mane:
- ing-osact_feet-of fire hose was Fan:awed
from the 'Own and stretched from the
organ factory to the etigines cad in
ads way two of thin reeeived 51.1) -
ply .c.f water, Six members of the lo-
cal fire brigade aieistect Mahe work
Which lasted from ten o'clbek a. in.
until five in the Mewling. The Weath-
er was 'bitterly cold and the men suf-
fered severely. Onalloncla,y the factory
switch was shovelled. • mit • and • the
third •etlgira was true tip and watered,
the fourth eogine bed been deniaged."
On Sunday C, double-header and
plow started out front Stretford to
break the blockade but ran off the
trade near Dublin. Two more engines
sent out to their relief also left the
track at the same place so that an
auxiliary had to lk sent to their as-
sistance. Towards evening the track
was :cleared 0,td early Tuesday Thorns
lab triple -header and. plcm made, its
way through to Gaderiely but that
was the extent of theltraille that day.
Yesterday the line was again' cleared
raid towards noon the snowbeintd con-
•-• tingent left by special train. Before
departing they limited in a vote of
a.. thanks to, Agent Pattison who did all
that lay in hics power to make theth
comfortable and the Ratteribury Hou-
se guests allot only iiidividuolly thanks
ed the genial. proarietota but all joined
with. great enthusiasm m singing "For
He's a Jolly Good Fellow.'
On Sandia/ communication by tele.
graph Was interrupted, atid Ageht Pat-
tison had tot use:tat telephone to keep
mn touch W th the ofliciala at Strat-
- The Listowel hockey team played in
4-0 Woodstock Thursday night And expects
▪ ea to get home the next dav, but the
- stolen tame alt and several feet of
• Seafortio .
The L. H. &B. w&s blocked from
Saturday until yesterday when a den:
ble header and plc* drove it NV10/
through the drift? It was two, days
going from Looden tr., Wingnaml
. •
• The members of the fire brigade met
Monday eirening and elected the k1 -
as officers for reoe. The Hat is
subject 1» ratifieatioo by the .town
4-1-1a1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 1 1 .1 1+14+ •17+
Men's Suits
to Order.
• Ready-made
• Department
Our Tailoring Department
has been too busy to say a good
word for itselt since the
rush began, said it is only now
that we can begin to ake
Have you ordered your
Winter Suit yet?
We invite you to come and have
- a look at the largest and finest
stock of imported Worsteds,
Tweeds and Cheviots ' the
fs now complete with all the .....
newest designs in ,Worsteds and .
Serge Suits. .....
in Tweeds all the new stripes, ...
Winter Overcoa in the very a*
latest styles. ....,
Youths' and Boys' Sults in ell .1.0.*
• +
Small boys' nobby tiito-plece
yoke New York suits, made
from a good serviceable all.w001
county. tweed, dark grey ground, in a
neat stripe; pattern made yoke- ...,
Our pfices are moderate, while hox pIeiits and belt ilnished,with
we pee you all the style, fl(, and fernier s satin linings.
finis to be had in any city. SNOB 23 to 28. (Price.
T sy k
ac son, Sr.,
• •
MOW 4On. the track blocked the train
at NeWten,'tivelve miles from Listow-
el. rather progress north was Int-
PosSible, but rather thaii return to
the classiceity five members el the
hockey team tramped home. They
didn't enjoy it at all arid they missed
the opportunity of living at the ex.
Pease of the, 0.2 T. It, for several
distance of fifteen feet. Although no
boles . were a•rokett he suffered severe
internal hijuries. He suffered ireense.
pain for threc.. days when ho passed
away. Mi. Cole was in hia asth yeer•
and was exceedingly vigorous and en-.
ergetic. He was a man of pronounced
opinion, sincere in his.belief and an
enemy of all cant and hypocrisy, .
HURD& -01,13, BOYS.
At the annual meeting, of the Huron
Old Boys of -Toronto held at the Xing
Edward •hotel last Friday nialit the
fojlovsing officers were elected : •
Hon. Ptesideras, •Col. W. Otter,:
Mr. •justice Robeitson; Mr, Jue-
• tice • GarrOw, 3: S. •Willison,
, MaeMath,• Flood,* J.B.
• • Duncan
•Presiaenta G. A.. Smith 13. At.
• Vice,. 5, T. Cauca .
Secretary, A. A: 1VIiller
• Treaserer, W. 0. McTaggart •
' Executive Committee, R. A. Walker,• .
W. Grey* Geo. Deacon,. C.
S. McDonald, J. S. IlleXinnon,
Dr. Duncan, Rothwell, X.
McLeod, . 3: A. McLaren', Dr.
Stanbuay, W. Prendergast, J.
•• ,. Mr; Essery, Sloan,
Rs Lyon.
The assoeietioti.cleciapd tp hold en
At Home the. datato be' settled later:
• •
council : - . • •
• . ChiefaaTeSeal:••Wheatley• •The- eraertainment given thd
,. :Captain, Charles :Mayer ' , . Oddfellieivs in 'their hall It Friday
, Lieutenont, Bert Kerr - • • eaming was a Most eajoyable affair,
:Sreecarestuarr4 afarerry ;lefzeiyer.__ ,__ .a._ _
meMbers•atel theirafnends. ' Mr. 'E. J.. ;
their lodge room being welt -Killed with
Howard., P.agt Grendecenpied the
DEATH Or MRS. M. BaaGlialaSON„
. . . chair ". ot his .able and,. gemsa manner. . N
Mrs. (Maggie Eagleson, eldest daugla Both sides ' of the room were lineal ;
ter of Mr, Alex. Mescheneie that ao, with stnall tables •where the vsaious , a
Readings, Messrs. Lesigheed andTeb-•
'clay, when. she fell arid fractured her eheage..was cea•ried on. After a couple'
.On Wednesday of last week Ur. El
Bott Dayment of town and Misa Mad
go • Murphy, daughter of Mr, IIenry
Murphy of Godew
rich township; were
united in marriage. The ceremony wa
,performee,t. at the rectory, .Seaforth, by
• Rev. iRitral Dean Ilodgeris. The .haPay
couple,' will take ujiltouseitieping on
Queen street, The News -Record joins
in extendiag good wishes to Mr. 40.
Mrs, Elliott Dayment.
Pum4I0 svIRIT Nucl,f;b. -
An exchange soye : "A town can get
along without a fire =gime a• • street
sprinkler, an opera house, electric light
and waterworks (better' than, it can get
along without public spirit. Give us a
town ,nmde up of citizens, with no puck -
spirit .whatsoever and we would
trade it off •for a graveyard and ask
for nothing+ to boot. Publie spirit ' is
„to a towr: what blood ie to the body.
anti:oat it you hove oaralesis end
atrophy of trade.
Whole Number 1303
Goderich Township.
Mr, George -Gotae, was in Clinton, on
▪ Wednesday where he bought that. fine
yearling Durham hull "Crimson Prite
ee," It is $•, superior animal and cc
DlrGould a good fiure
Mr, GuY Ilicks has almost recovered
Met Rita, int the woods some days ago
. when the limb of a tree fell, and struck
from the, effects of the accident lieN")1/4
him on the top of the head. Jia wa
had to dress the wound ai couple of
d for a tinte.and the deetor has
. g,
Mr. George W. Acheson, leaf retuired
from a visit of several days to
sister, aIrs, . B.albiek oll Wood -
of the farmors turned nut :ast
plowed till roade 'which ',eve
since been more,passa.ble, uctwithstan-
ding niore receut storms. But turnina
out is altnost imposSible fool is ets
tended with great danger to hoots.
A certain young Ansa of !he raylin.d.
Line east took a merry load of young
people to a lospitable home in State
ley -township OM evening last week and
through, the night were enjoying theme
selves in their youthful hilarity heed-
less of the blockade of roads but in
their vain endeavor to 'return holm in
the wee suit.'hours found they tad to
remain till the next eiterucon when
their kind friencls helped thein out.
Wedding bells will shortly ring on
the. Bayfield Line. You will hear dein
bells,• - ,.
A sleighing party of Stanley's fair-
est youtts drove to the hospitable
heme of Mr, P. ' Cole of the Bayfield
Line on Fridayevening last and: spent
the mi
alting e. music and panes ' of
,various kinds nail the wee ma) houre .
when all parted fOr their. respective .
IVIessrs. ,J, •B. Hoover, Vela B.
3- Gibbing's,. W. P. Spalearg, E. C.
Downing, A. Porter, McLean
and R. Agnew loft Clintou 3..13 p.
irt, our Thursday Ink for Stratford' to
take part in a •bonspiel. Their iraen-
tion was to play as game or two and
return home by the loose train.. As it
so happened :they did•not reach Strat-
ford until rext morning, being stnaa-
lsound, near Dablin all tight. An ar-
ticle cat psomewhatge four deseribes scewhsomewhattheir eeperierce. • •
The •game of basket ball is pow
played at the C. C. I. end n eliTbhas
been organized with the following efil-
cers .' •
President, W. J. Lougheed
• Marsatgoenr., R. V. S.toddart
Captain, 3. Cameron
Committee, C, Mustard anal X. 'Hou -
Sec. -Treasurer Aileenhead
It is proposed to'llave match with.
the Goderica • C. I. team. A debate
between the two C. l's is easo expect-
ecl to tala place this winter. . •
The social•teld. Willis chuicha on
Monday evening . was a, pleasant • and
successful affair. It was gotteh up hy
the boys of the Caristion Endeavor
•Whei • deMongtrated what thy ate eapr
able of doing in .that line. The "cup
that.' cheers but does not intoxicate"
was :brewed by .Charlie Wieg from tea.
nought from his, native China. .Tlida-
ei prorounced it excellent. The chair
vas aecupied •by . Mr. W. J.. Loughead
ti the absence of Dr. John :Gum and
lie program WEJS as follows : •
Friday evening .lasto aged 36 years. popular games of the Season were en -1
She had been in poor health for sot- J9Yed by all, while at 1'.1 lar,ge{ table
eral eras and an accident te
1ur the cornet the favtirite stock, ex-
phoelder.,blade.,:;Was too great a cheek of hours' :were thus 'Spoil- lunch.. was •
for hats system to walistand.' The luto served., followed by. programs •con.: ,•
•er.61•••tcolf • .place..oe .Monday,„ the', cereo siatitig •• .of muste,sinstrionentala•and
.thony at house and greVeSicle oeTifiza .aro.calali5,..itnr:ewitatir15:atrod.ispeeetes.:
• f " •
pallbearers Were 'Tans: Bee -coo -a ,Wil- everongs Xer, 116was and.
Coats,..• Thos. Hollow y, Daniel, Hill' gave eeleetioris guitarg and
'MeCorsiea Itobert Aeraw' and A: Arm-. thiaotaillso,.Belsrrs..S.riTn: onzligoarvdeilcurcr Sleniselic-7.-.
isItArPlan".T.O. '111+1LOAB: • ' • • • • ' ' tions •from- Shakespeate, while eafriend
' • :er• a'dcitesses anal- .11ft. Howard
. . , • . from • Ooderich. „sang .•in good'. voice-
. • .
shipme,nt of hogs .w.as delivered I o .After tl-e.progrant'• gaMeS •
Cantelon :as • Wallis 'or Monday astd, • , „ • • . .h
• Solo, Alf. Cook • •
• Musical Selections, Charlie, Wiog
resses, , Grigg, • oun ,
C. Tisdale and K. I-Ieueton.
per ormed by Rev.. Dr. Stew rt. h aPi as 0 got rig during tk
P . Y
order to get the stock on the brOke .as the clock chimed the mid:
_ .
kLjJ they had to be driven oVer alt iuMre night holt, Lite I. 0. 0, 1`, is ai very.
vised gang -way. The hcgs.romained on :popular Jodge and has flourished giest-
the car until' 'Iliesday when they had ly ,:the 'past few years aud at its un-
to be unloaclea and taken to -al place nual '"Sfecaer" the inembere . are al,-;
of shelter. • . ways assured a picasatt time:
• A number of cattle and sheep for..
Ford & McNeil had also to be refloat- HIS WORSHIP TilE IVIAYOR
ed from •the stOcloyarc' and. giVen, war- •
mer quarters. _
Hogs delivered to Mr. Fitzsimons on
Tuesday are stilt on h;s hand:i and lie
has been put to Considerable expense
proving fcod and shelter for them
until they can be shipped,• •
The ;;annital meeting of the :District
Couneir Royal Templara of Teinperance
was held' in Seaforth on Friday last-.
There was a lair attesalance consider -
leg the inclemency of the weather.
Mr. araftel et Gixlerich reported on
the mernitership of the different lodges
in the district as follows t Clinton. 84,
Seaforth 52.1 Exeter 33, Londenbpro 30,
Goderich 45, Winghain 6o.
Mr, . Elliott of Goder ch Said
there should be en acceenry 01
each lodge rendered, its ups and;
downs, ate, • This woulden:coin-age
others, Goderich Lodge, he said, had
been almost dead,: at least sleeping
very soliodly, tot of late it had wak-
ened. up. New triettiberg are coming 11,1
and bright prospeets. are ahead.
• Mr. John Cooper reported that Clin-
ten Lodge was reakieg progress and
tholes it has Pow tile largest mein-
bership in the 'District it is still grow-
ing. Itt shoaVi what a few aCtive wor-
kers cart accomplialt.
Mr. Johnston of Varna tould not
speak so encouragitely of the lodge at
that place, which is ouly kept alive
by the select degree. The prosaects
axe not very bright.
Mr. 'stollens represented Seaforth
Lodge, °he of the oldest in the dis-
trict. Ile' wee it schoolmate of Mr.
W. W. Baehasian, the prohibition war
horse, and it is only in late 'ears that
he has taken an active -interest in the.
a member of the governing body, the Thursday last,
R. T. of T. Ile thought temperatite
At •tke . meeting of . the Collegiate
Literary Sraiety held on Thursday
last the election officers'rlooa place
which resulted as follows •
Pion. Presieent, W. Lcegheecl.
President, C. G. Dunlop• ,
Vice, Miss Pearl Macdonald '
• Secretary 11 Colciau ' ••
Executtve n •
r.,,prneinfzmultss •mute,' 601.31;;
.. 3, Miss Maggie Wiseman •, 2,
. -Hugh Fiewer ; Wisliert Hos-
•• ton.' . •
At:" ixieetifig Thersday after-
noOn next there will be te &beta •on
the. sullied. : "Resolved that the' fOrm
of Government in Canada is preferable
to that of the United, States." The
' priblic is cordiallV invited to attend
these meetings which begin at three
Dr,. C. Brown, sectiot foromao
•G. is' laid ep with ao -attack
• of plehrisy; aggravated. by his contimi-
•' anee on..duty when he 'eloeuld have been
• in bed. He is improving!,
. hlx. R. Holmes is confined tz):' bot
suffering 'S roan a bad :(1b1c11. Hid con.
dition is mit at sericus,;but it.wW
be some days before he will be able
to get down to his office. in his pres-
ent state of health it muat be a relief
to know that the Coeernment deeieed
efoarinfi'aai.gsne.ssion instead of at February
J..13. ilOOVER •
Mr, 33, Hoover was born Ayl-
met, en Oct. tOth, 1363. Itt x892 •he
became a resieent of Clineoh, coming
from $t. Marys.
Shortly after his arrival he was re-
quested to accept ed a nomination TOT
school trustee aud was elected: by a
large majority. •He hos filled that
position for several terms and has al-
so been a member of the Collegiate
Roard. He sat for two yeats the
r. John Jackson is. also cn • the
sick 4ist and for the first time in his
residence Lif nearly fifty years in Clin-
ton, he has had to call in doctOr.
Mr. William Ste* Sr: lies been qui.1:e
• Mis. E. Ball, • Mrs. •W. Cook;
lVfra.• Dihsley and Mei; A. MeXeown
are among those who have .been• sea
feting with the prevailing epidemic, ,
Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Plummer heve
been tinder the doctor's care.' IVfr.
Phiminer is somewhat . improving, •
• . •
town council and is new mayor Whig Mr, Alf, IVIeGavirt of Seaforth visa,
the winner of the three-consered fight ed friends around here Sunday and
Which, took place receraly, • MOnday of last week, •
ITo is prominent in the Order of the The W. P. IVI, S. held their regular
Woodmen of the Moth' and, has been •montillY meeting at ti: it manse 011
Boatd of IVIariagers, for six years,, for IVIessra, 3. Miller oaf' J. 'Cook , of 1
men should be pushed, to the, front itt
four years. aa chairman. Ile -is it Past Irensall were in the. village on 'Salem- •
in a membership contest and in the camp.
emplovment of, an organizer..
intinieipal affairs. Mr. Isreflons believes
Will be. IVIasonie Lodge
Councillor Commander of the
He is a Past Master of the , Cliuton
and is oso toornecied ltere attetuled * party at Mr, D. Cam- t
. e
• lova day week en - business.
.. .
A number of the young people from
held in Clinton;
The next district meeting
with the C. 0, F.
. , obieliltisstiiiNvI03:kii3Oefield oat Tuesday evening 0
- The dection: of' officers resulted- as
Shovelling -snow off the roof al buil-
For years be ita.s takd Am active in-•.
follows ;
dings occupy the time of a good Many
tereSt in ontdoor sports, basebE11, eri- •
Select 'Councillor, F. 0. Nellans,,
persons the Past few weekS. Otie Mail
oket,,boWlfrig astd curling, it was Mr,
;Vice CSotifntilorr, Miss Burnett,
anow mind that there had been over
Hoover and Dr. AgrJeW Witet W011; ila
doubles at tat London bowling Lomita. •by measuring after 'weighing -a block of •
Clinton• Inent in •AO/ ,and 190. . - ••
Chaplain, N. Chill, Senfortit twenty tons on his 'reef b
Secretaries, Mrs. Crittenden, Mrs, naltristIferitivreerlit, is attloattar 0i the
V, 'WI Watts, Clinton The congregation of the Presbyterian
Treasurer, W. Johnstch; Varna Ile has a, fenial kiielly • intuther &melt held their annual* <meeting on a
, 't
Iferaid, O. M. Elliott, Goeerich which has woe rim many Wenn per- A/1°11"Y " last wecka •
Sentinel, .1. Cooper Clinton sonal friends. /le 1Y08.1CSSOS much abil- At a, meeting of the ratepwers of t
Press Reporter, F. 'G. Nagasaki, Sea- ity and is a cleVer speaker ; in shortS. . o. 16- it wag ecided to build
he is a rising man iti the municipal the new sehool on the Sante grounds I
' Sile0
Trusterc°sr,t1X1 cite!, Beatty and Spatting and political world. that the old school stands on,
The Mani, friends of Mr. • Charley
Middleton of the irth con. will be sor-
ry to learn of serious illness. but
hope to hear of his speedy recovery.
'Stanley Townsliiii.
Mr . w. G. Elgie delivered oats in
Kippen on Tuesday. which tested ,
poitads to the 'bushel,. It, is needless
to say they were of a superior qual-
• . .
Mr. R. .W. 'Penhale, our popular
rier, is • ort. lis rounds gethertug up a
load Of furs vvhich he intends shipping
to St. Thomas: •
Mr. ,Archin Armstrong .haS been, rant-
er uratiaky this winter, having.' been
upset in -the snow _ severgl times, but
without . serious darnige. '
• Mr. W. Scotehmere and sister, Mrs.
W. Herd; visited und,er the parental
roof on Sunday. • •
Miss Ethel Watson was ,the guest of
Mrs, J. Ward of Varna a. few days. • •
• Mr. P'. Douglas of 'Saskatoon; N. W. : •
T., visited .at Mr. James Campbell's •
one claylast week."'• •
Messrs J WatsOlt and, A. McGee are :
• teaming logs for W. Mustard. ' . •
Mr, p. .MeNtlitAtton'• is recovering ;
from a serious attack of. la: grippe.
Miss :.' Olive Penhale vigitiog her
Miele; Mr. R. Watson of trucefield.
Mr. and Mrs. *Jas. Dewar 'entertained
nunber of their friends . one, evening '
last week when e very elijoyabIe: tithe
was spent. • ' "
-Misa Ward of Varna! whtle, on a
visit to her am -44 Mrs; R. Penhale,
received a,: very painful; fall on the
slippery walk but happened With rioth•
ing serious except a severe shaking up.
, A very successhil meeting of the
Women's Institute was held at the re-
sidence ef IVIrs, ,Toha CaMpliell on
Thursday, the ieth lust, when. •a:
splendid acdress on "Sysieniattc Hou-
sekeeping" was read by .the president,
Mrs. J..Spackman.. Amoitg those pre-‘ .
sent were IVIrs. Ja.S. and Miss Moggie •
Campbell and. Wis. Jokn Campbell.
Mr, Sant Milner was the guest of
Mr. R. Pesthole a few days last week.
The grippe very preValeut:hu this;
section at. present, •
• Th. Misses Brownett .were the guesta*
of Miss • G. Johtison on Monday.
lift. and Mrs. FL: Peck cntertarned
some of theft. old'friendS the other qv -
ening, among them being Mr'. Win..
Davison,: Mi. and Mrs. R. R.ouatt,and
Mr, and Mrs. 1,... Clark. .•
A tritinber of yoeng pi ople -around
here spent on enjoyable evening at the
henie of Mr. John Reid Sr, last
'• •
• •
.. •
Mr. and 1VIrs. WM. Rathwell and
family.spent Thursday evening at the'
home of Mr. las. Spackman.. •
•IVIr. • Win. Davidson and Mrs. John
Div dson Miss la Richardsbn and 1Vliss
M, Walker were:the gitesta of Mr. and:
Mrs, Wrn, Rathwell Moneny,
Mr. Morris Switzer Was the guest of
the Mises Peck Sunday.
Miss Ida. Reid has returned from
Ooderich township after speuding feW
weeks there.
Mr, $, Bates of Seaforth spent • 'Sat-
urday 'and Sunday Under the patental
roof. , .•
Mr. and Mra. Jas. Switzer visited at
the home of Mr. atd Mrs. R. Peck
cae day last weekf
0e,• Wednesday Mr. and Mrs, Joan
Torrance of Clinton were gueste of
their friends, Mr. and Mrs. L,
1<eys of the 'Babylon Line,
• s n kl
few days recently at the home Of her
n.andfatiter, Mr. Henry Bowson of
the Goshen Liii4, •
Messrs. Thosa and Itichg..rd kohinsini,
of the Ocishen Line,' accompanied by
heir sister, Miss Maggie, were guests
1 their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Neys of the Babylen tint.
Miss Lizzie Campbell or MeRillop
at present staying with her aunt, Mrs.
John MeItinicy of •the Gcslien, Line.
On •Friday Bliss IVfaties Dawson of
te yos fine had snetess id rag
ee. •
, Mies Sara AM: 1<eys spent it week
mong her cousins of the Babylon
Miss Adak Ita,thwell el Gederich
owlishly', • who has bftit at thehome
Mr. .Tota ll'Itaittley of the Goshen
Alto for the past few months, returned
One on Saturday last.
„. •