HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-01-21, Page 8McKINNON - MYTH
It may seem like forcing the season to show New Spring Prints
in January when the thermometer is ten below zero, but our cus-
tomers like to take time by the forelock and get their Prints, Shite
tinge and Cotton Goods early, and have them made up before the
spring Work begin% We ordered our Prints some months ago be -
fere the advance in Cottons, which enables us to sell them at last
year's prices although they are worth from.10 to 15 per cent. more,
We will be pleased to have youeall end examine our New Prints
whether you are prepared to buy or not. Below we quote a few
prices :
Crum's Celebrated English Prints, wide width, aoft Month, guaran-
teed fast colors, now worth 15c for no.
Canadian Prints, wide width, heavy and light weights, fast colors,
in new patterns, now wort h 120, for 10c.
English and Canadian Prints, now worth 8e, for 50,
We are running off our Winter Goods at slaughter prices to
clear. Drop in and see the bargains we are giving in Wrapper-
ettes, Flonnelettes. Wool Blankets, Flannelette Blankets, Ladies'
Cloth Coats, Ladies' Fur Jackets, Men's Fur Coats, Men's Beaver
and Cheviot Overcoats, Men's Stub Proof Rubber, Men's Home.
made Mitts, Heavy Wool Sox, Shirts and Drawers. Ladies' Fur
Caperines, Ruffs, Stoles, Caps, Muffs, Etc. If you need anything
in Winter Goods you should not miss this chence.
The latest is "Keppel Oak." We h4ve
Utz Outran Newspascom
0 1
.111 The New Magazines
Ind Some Old Ones
AU the new issues are on
our stand as soon as publish-
ed. If they are out they are
here. Prices the same every-
where. Subscriptions gladly
received for any publication
.at regular rates.
• .
9004 •990.00-0-0.
HOOVER ...'&
. .
. • . .
. . .
Night. and Sunday calls answered' at, residence of Mr; John ,Powell, or
etther of the principals. • • •
. . . •
About Some Old Magazines
In excellent condition,in mei:teases
complete for the year. Just as good
leading to day as when Published aed
at big bargain prices.
Scientific American 1901 for 75c
1902 for $1
Chanubers' Journal 1901 for 00c
1902 for 75r
Harper's Bazaar 1902 for 50o
Current Literature 1901 for 00c
1902 for 80
Scribners 1898 for 50','
1903 for 04
World's Work 1991 for 50e
100a for 75c
If you want good reading, in good
condition at ra very low. price. Come
•• Agents Parker's Dye Works,
D, Fair Co.
%ten the Cheapest, Always the Best.
•We Know
Mr. J, A,. •For' &was in Goderich
• clay.
Mr., .S: J.. Andrewa was n Goderich.
-on TueSday, . • . . • ,
Mr, -George Zeigler has- returned from.
Elmira and resumed his duties • at
the Sovereign Bank.. • • . •
Mr.. -A. W. . l3randenburger was .in
Stratford an Thurseav uttendingthe
-funeral . of the late Rev. Dean Kil- •
Mr. .P. W. Scott, Belgrave, Piesicient
of 'the West Hurc,n Lonservative.A.s-
• sociatiok was in. town on .Friday oii
. his Way bonne from Goderich;where'
he attended. a Meeting, of the.execti,'
tive. . • • . ,*
Miss Ella Maria; of. Summethill has
been • in . town ...the. -peat .week " With.
.. her. grandrnother,-:•Mts.• McBrien;
who.•had, beer.; ill with in.
. Murray McEwaii; who -- tame. -up
.from.r. Ailsa-. Crait-oct a -srtsiit;.•
accepted a ,siteation • on. klcidgens!
:Bros. tailoring staff. • .' -
The Rev ; •W. C.- White, inissionarv,:•
. C‘rib-40-a-at.
• . L.ceugWong,,Fultkieu, ;China, . was, '-ok
• his . way „lecture in •Kinearaine-
when the train frOirt Lcisdon . to.
lArtitgham- brcke down •at- Clinton:
Mr.•White thereupon called .upen the.
rector of. St: .Panl's sae, had in torn,
• pany • with the rector and . the Rev.•
.Mr.. Lowe of ,•Winghasn the Pleasure.
-hearing- the lecture- on Chita by
terian. church �n .Tuesday evening,
the Rev; Mr,. -Atkinson in:t.1.1e.-Presliy.-;
• _.
. . . . .
- • ..- • • •
. .
'18th Meeting •: 'Of....the •
. .
Huron -Pres4teria1..,•:-.
' . , • ,
1 : 4; 44.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••40••••••••
. • . ---'
A tia.rgaill Carillya:,
In all kinds of Winter Goods at
time to secure genuine. bargains in all' i
I Wm. Taylor & Son's.
Mow is the . ..
kinds of warm footwear. ' ' .
IWe have had a splendid trade, the past two months ;
. and what we haVe left in Sox and Rubbers,' Overshoes I
4, and all kinds of Felt Boots we are willing to let -them go t
'4. at a great sacrifice. Soon we willbe getting in PRING ;
1 Goods and we don't want to carry over any 'Winter Stock. :
Now is your time to buy them. We have not time to get .
any prices ready for this Week but if you want a Bargain
come in and see what we are doing. No trouble to show
The Old Reliable.
••••••••••••*••••••••• :0••••••••••••••44~0 .P
0000000000000 • 0000 • 00
D0000000000000000 D.)000
The "'Big January Sale
Sweeps forward with greater force than over. Every de-
partment has caught the contagion of cut prices and crowds
are taking advantage of this hig sale. •
It will pay you to visit thie centre of Weinman thousands
of dollars worth of goods will be rushed out during Sale 'days.
Everything in the line of winter goods must go regardless of
It will surprise you how far you can make a dollar go here
these days.
Ladie's Dress Skirts, Ladies Coats, latest styles, 'Ladies' 'Up.
der Skirts, Ladies' Wrappers, Waists and Night Gowns at
sweeping reductions,
All Furs will be cleared out regardless of cost.
Military Flannel, Grey Flannel and Underwear at clearing
Men's and Boy's Overcoats and Suite at leo than Manufaa•
turers prices.
A sumo in large heavy Robes.
Several hundred pairs of Boots and Shoes to be soli at tre•
endons reductions. Arnap in Lamp Glasses.
Fresh Groceries always on hand.
Any quantity et .Butter and Egg* taken in exchange: for geode.
Pre-tot:Ate 331003‘
000000000000, • 000
y 45t,
That Reaches Nearly the Half Price Mark
Think of 15c VVrapperette at 9c
Think of 25c Fancy Eiderdown at 12ic
Think of 50c to 75c Dress Goods at 28c
Think of 60c to 85c Waistings at 38c
Think of $11.25 Homespun, etc. 75c
Think of $1.35 Table Linen at
Think of 75c Table Linen at
Think of $4 Fur Caperines at
Think of $6.50 Ladies' Coat at
Think of $3 Girls' Coats at
These are most extraordinary statements, aren't they? Hard to believe, you say.
Yes. We are sorry to say such statements made by some dry goods stores do not always
prove true. All we ask .of you is to bring this advertisement with you and let the evidence
of your own eyes prove them.
Nearly everybody knows what a good business we've had. And now, after twelve
months of moking profit its our "clean" up titne,odd lots broken sizes, short pieces, backward
stocks, all such goods is bronght forward and fairly sacrificed. We don't do this to be char-
itable, but simply because its business to do it. If it were not for breaking our rule, we
might hold these matked down goods and get full price for them, but we prefer to stick to our
rule, and give you the benefits. Come to thc store as soon as you read this ad, and get your
share of the bargains.
This is Fur weather in earti
tem Most we -put on a Spepial
we have ever hel.cl: •
est and now when you need
Fur Sale that surpasses any
• • • • • •
$28 Fur Coats at $22.o0
.• 37 Fur Ooats at 29.00
• 12- Caperines at • 8.75
2.00 Ruffs at 1.25
8 Coon Ruffs at. 5.75
832 Fur Coats at $26
7.50 .Caperines at 85
.15 Caperines at 89.50
3.75 Ruffs at • 2.25
p Sable Ruffs at 86.95
. • : $1.76. Caps at 81 ... 82.75 baps at $2 83 Caps at 82.25.
. .. . 83.95 Grey . Lamb Ruffs at 82.75 . • - ._ -"
. .. .
-6.- to -6.50 Coati -at $3.75 $8X0 to 9.75 Coats at $4.95
$12 to $15. Coats at $6 95 •Child.ren's..83 Coats a.t $1.50
• ' Children? -e 83.75 -and 5.00 -Coats -at42.50 '
The eighteenth. anneal ineet-ings of the,
Huron Preabyteriat was held,:n Willis
Presbyterian church on .jan.
.Presbyterial i comp0sed '01 ;8 aexilia-•
ries and n .rnisSion. but -.ming
to .lateriess of trains Olily12.
.and .6' mission bands were represen-
ted. One delegate train 131, t,eld wait-
ed at IBrueefield station till 4 .; clock.
•p. in. •for a train; end delegates • front
Blyth bad the same experience.• •
,lVfortiing ,Session opened at u e'cloek.
and Mrs. 'Hamilton; from poderich
. conducted • the, opening. services,. Mrs.
Sawers of Brucefield -leading ir payer..
This ' sessionconsisted of hearing- re-
ports Iroin the Secretary -Treasurer and
Secretary of Supplies, also Minutes of
• last annual -meeting. The President, •
Mrs. Shaw. . of, Eginondville closed the
ineetiar 'with prayer, .Asthe luclies of
Willis church had•provicled luncheon for
all 'delegates in.the'lecture • room, ' the
• ladies were now invited to partake of
the .. vibe, things sethefore. them and
--had-lkeric; refreshed -a -short--
time was spent in social consersation,
' At 1.30 o'lock p. rn. the lades as-
sembled in the. bt.dy' of the church on-.
tnore and listened with. interest to
'the various reports front axxiliaries
and mission bands.c.nd tho report -of.
the. Secretary of Literature. The.total
membership0 of .auxiliaries for 19was
431, kr 1903 was 457; an increase . of
•2d members. The membership of inis-
• •sicri bands for 1962 was 431.,, in .1903
• was 327, making Ioss• of 104 Mein-
bers. We need to; bestir ourselves aae,
• lock after the young - people, as we ex,
pect them to fall into rank, when the
older Inetabers are- gone.. •
Contributed by Auxiliaries : •
1902, $1522.48 ; in i9o3.$153.7„68. greetings from the 1 resbytery -to le
'iricre 1.'he officers. for 1904 are 'A8.'0110%1/8
1902 $296.89 j 1903$ $299.60. ladies They are Pleased at tkeed
ase c,f funds, showing items
. cher, Thames Road
Contributed by ....shim bui•xls :
Honorary • President, Mrs. Colin net,
00 0 0 000 C.I0 00000000 00000
50e downs at • 40e. 75c and 85c Gowns at 40e
81 and 1.25 Gowns at 85e $1.50 Gowns at 81.15
. • ,
. $1 and 1,25 Wrappers at 75n
. • 35e Vests at. 25e
65O and 850 VeSts at • 65e'
25oatid 35c. Worsted Hose 19c '
• .
- 6ii1dren's DreSses. at 65C •
$1.60 Dresses at 81
. , . .
• • .
. . .
seen as the ,resulti. .To live for 'Christ. Mrs., Sewer's .of Brucefield gave sonic
is the milv Way to live. fcir humanitY. ',.cheite •elc.shig words. We are a fresh
A. needle in the hands of i conseerated. baptism of love, to' Himself and his
woman Won the • *ay into a Zenentia, erpaturos., . •.', . .•
z..,ittliloth4eanitiCel,u4s,ta.tsviaitsvopirveectselnieos1.6aSeeiririViceee, inheleii.sfus.; Morris Of Or;d4rich-closed. this
With prayer. The ladies' haV-
Pollow. el.rifit's exann.pk of sill denial, ing- finished _tea all guests Were invited
consecrate otir hearts and °lir lives to . to refresh thealSelves and have iescicial
HIP N.vork., • ' • . : "' ' . tilite:- • - '
' Mrs.. R. P. Rcekic-olId Milis •RiPINIY . Rev. Dr,. ,Stewart Of Clinton conduct -
.song very effectively,' "Caine •• to• . the id •the opeting ;exercises of the evening
Saviour."• . . : • , .. ' sessien. • The musical part c:if the pro-
. • A' series of prayers' for 'iniSsiens in grain was furnished by the•choir of
India, ' Chinv., elle., the NorthWest led Willis cnurch and 'consistee, cf well
by Mrs.. -Graham. of Egincedvale, Mrs, rendered anthems c...nd a quartette sang.
Stewart of- 'Clinton- and 'Airs. Carlisle by the _Misses Goodwin. elle; L. COLAs
of Hensa.11... All. joinad in singing- hymn ate. Blessrs. •Chc....‘vn and Coek.... Miss
233 "Forth. it; .Thy nettle" and during Gardiner cyf Bayfteld, the society's eel,.
the singingc,the collection Was taken; . ' egate to the. annual meting .of the •
Wis. • Larkin ' dedicated the gifts -.General .Society :held; in Gueitik, May
Of •the wothen in prayer to; God:. Bilsi... .1903; gave a very interesting. account
ness .a.ne, discussion, came- acid . iii' or- cf . the comention, Soc, delega.teS were
.eer. The nominating boininittee re- present. Auxiliaries 'members increased
Ported' Mrs, Shaw ;Ls ri .eleeted. ',rest, by:6.0o. '' This society by .its A.uxiliar-
dent.' After much de:miring she W.ES 1 ke and 'Mission Bands raised nearly .
linally-perseacre-erWaccept •the ollice. 1.$54,000. Total - litiniber of •Anxiliaries
The only, change in the Litlur oe,teera ;70p, total number of Mission, Bands
'beiri • ' the aPyOnitinent cl. Mrs', Martin '323. Anxiliary niernbers 11728, Missior; •
of xeter as Secretary 01 Literature.
Qeestions of changing the time of the
annual meeting, owing to severity of
weather and . bad roads, interfering
with ourattendance, was introduced.
by Mrs. Hamilton of .Goderich. It was
decided unanimously . to change.. the-
tinie and .have aenitah meeting the see-
Ond Tuesday in Navendoa, the next
meeting to be Infld in Ilensall.. The
delegation to annual meeting of • Gen-
eral Society • to be lessenec'; to - two
Banchmembers 7725, yearly members of
General society .3565. 'Total member-
ship '23ord.. '
Owing to the•illress of A. D. °Win-
chester of Toronto Mr.' Atkinsoit'of St..
Giles Cl.tirch, Torotttc; took s Place,
gave an illustrat'ed lecturcori
(..thitia, its people and . ts needa,"
vvith lime light views, which • proved
very instructive and entertaining. Col-:
lecticii afternoon. and everdeg meet-
itigs aliont $12. Tke Meeting closed
from the Presbyterial, one from each with the benediction.
Auxiliary and one from etteli Mission gatherings were good conSidering. •the
Band. • Rev., Mr... -Shaw brought' the
state of the weather.
Total Ciontributions ; The. work of the women is f..1 stimulus
1902, $1819.37 .; 1903, $1837.28., • President, Mrs. Neil Shaw .
to •chureh work.
an increase of about $18. These • re-
itgnionc mille
•Mrs. Agnes Hall of Rockwood • then
1st viee,- Mrs. J. Hamilton, Goderich
ports 'were all aeopted, .
Mrs. Hamilton, of Goderich gave a spoke•to the ladies on "Missionary .2r.rcl. vice, Mrs. 'Sewers, Brucefielet
r efforts, a Means Gf spiritual growth.
3ed vke, Mrs. J. Larkin', Seaforth
very applicable Bible reading. II-
' One important thing to be swiftin our Secretary, Mr14. Richard Irwin,. Clinton
subject voas : "Clristiati Characteris,
tics alphabetically arranged" the key perception, to look at ccusecratecl wo...
Treasurer, Mrs. Ellen Scott, Sea:forth
note of all is "I:r. ,lit entiVe to Chri: •men as a stimulus, The mother seed-
Si.enttury of Supplies, Mis.; Kale
flees herself that her, child , ;may. have Taggart, Clinton. -
A's ' voice." "Christ stands at the physical, mental and 121°111 develop- $ocretary of Literature, Mrs. Martin,
door and knocks,, the latch string is spiritual .de -
hangs atit, we must. pull the string." nec"sitv Uxeter.
velopinent. • Out of Christ we are three
Mrs. R. Irwin,
We must be Blameless, Contrite, De- sided. Spiritual development is liken- • •
Press Secretary.
vont," Faithful, Godly, Huinble, Just,
I4oWly, Mee aftt etc t, , &lc to building a temple. Christ's last
k 1 M • if 1 Pure Rich -
I - cant/Mend the key stone Of the arch
twits, .Sincere, Upright,. "rvitlifea, 'Wet, . 1 -.
God by this keystone clevelcps in us
chful, Zealous. We must. be new crea-
Christ-like qualities. There is a re- FOOLS USE WASHES AND SNLIFFS
tures in Christ Jesus. Mrs. Hamilton
lation between missionary effort and Thinking perhaps tiny will cure Cat -
then led in yra.vor. Christian growth. Missionary effort : arrhalint no one ever heard of a gen-
Mrs, Shaw of Itmonecville, our pre-
ist at home Ity Christian life and . a- eine cure following such senseless tre-
sidetit, gave a very prattical, address
ivfore broad, by giving Old; gospel to our atnnents. ‘ Them is just once prolmpt
• on ..‘‘Consecratee, Woinemluxxl." .heathen sisters. Do mit .defeet God's and thorough cure for Catarrh out it
egvvirr•WAvIarliraWir----Awre:c_Ahrakilerlic2L:11. .. ,ia,m,„....A., women are taking interest in mission
purpose hi us by saying we have no is fragrant healinr Catarrhomme will-
• -- ....
--- \-- • work, A fine church picturee; by an
. . chap., verses 41 to 44, Christ wateleS Honor the Lord with thy substaril.eieto,
jetalfirrinetclnaltilteetrillo.awilesobl:ittilnactlett:eosr 10(11101Y>
. . the contributors cast in their money It' must be the first fruits„ laid on
• Progressive business inen.
rablv: Viirlitliatifc't.rti; arttlilenrosirgeretiwtc. ch goes
ggf";dersilell(tyys.tottlelegrernipl:1 tielealtsr62;
altar, :willingly, cheerfully, above all standing. "I experimented for years
• into the treasurer's box end commeixls
advertise in the- de widow's mite, an illustrative ex- prayerftrlly. with Catarrh reinedies but found Cat
ample of consecrated womarkood. Cott les. Shepherd, meretary r)f Wesley arrhozonc the most ratiorar and Sat.'
seeration now is heart consecration. Methodist W. F. M. S., and Mrs. Cour- isfe.etory" writes W. J. ltracnaeltern
devotion of time to Ocxl's work, want- 'tice secretary of Ontario St. Medic), of Waterville. "It cured inc for all
• . time is alarming. One said,, wlett dist' W. F. M.'S., brought the greetings tinic." For ru sure vire use only Cat -
the mei was near, I tave seemed to front their societies in sone beautiful- arrhololte. Complete outfit $x ; trial
• be buoy Alt my Ufa out nothito to bo y chose% word. • site 25e4
• e
This is just the weather for Fur Coats; and there's
houn.d to be -several nionths.of it yet. • •
Thi' ir just the time to save money on a Fur Coat.
There aro about 15 of them here, and rather than
earry, them over we are willing to sell the for a
good deal lese•than they are wertb. . This is how
wts are doing it :---•
Men's Calf boats, extragood quality, well made and .
• lined throughout, pne bIac. and two brown re-
gular $25.00, for the balance of January the $20.00
price will. be, each
Two only Bishop Coats, no better coat 'made to
stand rough and tumble wear, first class linings, db. a we
regular $20.00; for the balance of January each 010410
Two Australian Coon Coats, also two Rocky,Mourr,
tain Bear Coats, two of which are somewhat -
similar to the old timit Buffalo, well made,
strong linings throughout, for the balance .of
January, each... • •10 au. u
Twn Canadian Coon Coats, nicely marked, choicest
skins, good linings' used throughout, regular abmr.
$47.50, for the balance of January each • 060.10
One only Canadian Coon Coat. regular $40.00, for
the balance of January, each 4)0 ‘iuu
, Three or four extra quality Canadian Coon
Coats, skins that can be depended ontogive satis-
factory wear. These are very choice garments.
For the balance of January we will take 20 per
cent. off the price of any one of them• .
Selling Overcoats Cheap.
We are selling. some cheap Overcoats these
days: Just have a few left and have re -marked
them like this:- .
Overcoats at $5.90.
9 only Mens' Overcoats all stylish ino.to-date gartnents,
Oark grey's and blacks, one size 37, two size 38,
three size 40, two size 42 and one size 44, regular suo
5800• and $8.50, choice of the lot for
4 eoats at $7.53.
4 only Mons' Overcoats, the popular length, made front
a nice dark grey cloth, a coat we have sold all sea-
son for $10.00, one of each of the following sizes ivy 50•
•.8748-30 and 42, commencing Saturday your choice 0 •
9 eoats at $10.00.
Only extra fine Overcoats, just the odd ones that are
left of some of our finest lines, that. eold at $13.00
and $14.00, the following sizes in the lot, two sizes
85, one size 30, one eize 87, one size 38 and one Si2a 4 A nji
40, choice of the lot commencing Satueday forLICAM
1:100GENs Bites.
Clothing and Men's Puratshiaga er.4nsvreig.
1414•44%.4.4...... ...Ara -.....41111.44444