HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-01-21, Page 7J.m,tutary 2: ....I ...I I . eseetetire=ae-eito.,,•1 1...101101111111. - Molsons Bank Incorporated by Act of • Parliament DO Capital authorized, Capital paid up Reserve Fund Total Assets $5,000,000 2,856)00 2,7a0,778 , 27,000,000 z Wm, Mo1s0u Macpherson. President Janice ifdllot. • t3eueral 131enagar Nates Diseoun ted, Collections , Made, Drafts lksued, Steeling and . American Exchange Bought and Sold. -SAVINGS BANK - IutereA allowed on smite of $1 and up from date of deposit and compounded half -yearly. --FA RillERS- Money advanced to farmers at ow rates. Sale notes collected. I H. C. Brewer, Mgr. CLINTON. o.a.cakS====intala72$441141n4 G. D. McTaggart BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUN- TED. DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. - - - ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER,. SOLICITOR. NOTARY, PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE -Sloane Block- CLINTuN. HENRY BF:ATTIE (Successor to Mr. James Scott.) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC office formerly ocennied by Mr. James Scott, in Elliott Block MONEY TO LOAN. R1DOUT & HALE onveyancers, Commissioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to Loan. C. B. HALE - JOHN RIDOUT. DRS. "GUNN et GUNN Dr. W. Gurm L. R. C. P. & L. R.C.S. 1?,dinieurgh. Dr. J. Nisbet Gurn 11.R. :2. S. Eng. L. R. C. i', London Night calls at front door of residence on It a ttenliury street, opposite. Presbyterian church. OFFICE- Ontario street -CLINTON. DR. SHAW PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE-- 'Ontario street -CLINTON. Opposite St. Paul's church. DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . . -Office aud Residence- • • ALBERT STREET WEST, CLINTON. North of Rattenbury St. DR. G. W. MANNING SMITH PIIYSICIAN AND SURGEON. - Office formerly occupied by Dr. Pal- lister on Main street. DAYFIELD, - ONT DRS. AGNEW & FOWLER - - DENTISTS - - /Mice adjoining Photo Galore:, open every ,day and Sateritey nights until 10 o'clock. Auburn every Monday. Dungannon e ery Tut sday. 'Lev. G. ERNEST HOLMES apecialist in t.rown and Bridge Work D. 1). S. -Graduate of the Royal Col- lege of Dental Sti54eons of Ontar- io. I,. D. S. -First class l'inor graduate el Dental Department of I cii•ento University. Special attention paid to esavation of children's teeth. Will be at the River Hotel, Ba.yfield, every Monday from to a. no to fe p. m. DR. J. FREEMAN VETERINARY STIRGEON. A member of the Veterinary Medic al Associations of London and Erl!in- burgh and Graduate, of the Out tr- io Veterinary College, OFFICE- Huron street., -CL/N114J14. Next to Commercial Hotel Phone 97 JAMES A. SMITH, AucTIon I am a licensed auctioneer -for the County of Huron and will sell by per- centage or by the dollar. Residence lot 37 end 38, Bee/field Road, on mile south of Clinton. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Orders left at The News -Rec- ord office or my house wild he prom- ptly atteniled to. JAMES A. SMITH, Clinton 13. 0. • • I LIPPINCOTT! 11,1 0 NTH LY A FAMILY! LIU TN Best in Currau.t literature COMPLETE NOVELS Yeentee • MANY SHOrrit STORIES AND ' 'PEWS ON TIM VW TOPICZ fro.tO Prst viteri '4‘..'6 0141. A OOPV, flu CONTINUED STORIESe...q . • r olocent tit ist'ent 1 Venni.* , esseet,seseeees.eyeespois tresfesse,„„eeedow•pe.... ha...• • LArb.. (Almon r lia,ReAoto yer's . Don't try cheap cough met t clues..Get the hest, Ayers - Cherry Pectoral. What a record it has, sixty years of Cherry ectorai : 1 cures! Ask your doctor if he doesn't UDC it for coughs, ; colds, bronchitis, and all I ; throat and lung troubles, I have our that Aror's Cherry pectoral 4 , 010 best ote,Peit,o 1 can presoribo ter bon. ' chins, Mansura, enurhs, snd bosd colds." M.toneseare sz.n.„ macs. n, 1.; tz,s10" st.to. 0. ATIO 4aglivaava for lansamitisensavra$s..0 bii , rs.„1ronchts „„ 1 ..:eseeneensurarsersvsszenseseeeeetheesezntrantN-1 -..teirrieot any tandonoy to oonstilpite ion with small donee of Ayer'n Folk. eaereea-eire eeeee......aereereemeen-eareseeeeeles. *444.00** lir all llp-iodate 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 HAM 'CUT • CLEAN, SliA.VE t ry tire lead; rig barber, • Nen DIM TO IRWIN'S 00.4ERT George D. Roberton, • O.0000000000 0 44044e*>•el.••• •41.4,0•••••••4114. Wood's Phosphodine, The Greet English Remedy. ia an did, vvoll estate lished and reliable preparation. Hash/Nei proscribed and used over 40 years. All drng• gists in ther Dominion of Canada soll• and • recommend as being Before and 4/Ler. the only medicineof its kind that cures and gives nniversal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently eureti all forms of gervous Weak. ness, Emissions, Spermatorrhsca'Impoienp1/,. and alleffeetsonabuseor excesses; the excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or stimulant's, .fetal and Praia Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity, Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave. Price al per package or six for SI. -One:oaf please,.six. will cure. Mailed prompty on re- eeipt of peso. Send for free pamphlet. Address The Wood oonepany, • .Wiudsor, exit, Canada, ' . . Woods Phosplaiditie is sold in •Clin- ton liv -Watts &.C�.', II. 13, Combe, R. P. keeicie and J.. E. Hovey, Drug. giSt5. • • • Tila ITIOKI110atual Firb 111Sliff1:1:108 OfiltJgq111,1 • --.-Farm 4)114 Isolated Town Property -Only Insueeds.- • 0.1PICERS,•• J. 13. McLean., President; •S:itmen 0.; Thos., Fraser; Vicerresidene, Breccia:1d In 0. ; T.' E. Hays, Sec. - ..treasurer, Seaforth P. .0. •. ' • bIltECTORS, William.' Sheshey , .Sectiorth ; Grieve, Winthrop ; kle,.rge Sea- ferth ; John Watt, • • John Bennewies, Broilliagan ; Jeerren Evans,. Beechwood .; James Connolly..;; 'AGENTS. • Robert 'Smith,' HarloCk Sea f or ; . • tunes • Cu in m ings, F,ginondyilig '; •:Zeoni i Ile. ' • • : :Parties desironse to e3ffect.'insuranCe • or transact- other .br•Sintes will lid promptly. attended to ' on.. application to any of tin above o Iiieers adnressed- to their respeetiVe c stofficeS. Losses' insp'ected hy the • dkeectior ewhe lies nearest the Scene. • • .. • '1•N • .••• CIO .cCY 1:1 • " -Iicres . • - IS: TED BY AT. B_ELI.1 i,11 0 11 01111.t041 r •-asere. ...ler we an •44•4444.44.441.4.4.. .1. Tz -.17,e1t14E. Trains will atr.ve at and 'depart irom Clinton ..stetion es .olerveS : 1313YALI) ,A;e:.1) (it/)ER.1.CH DIV, ' Going East Exile:es • ' 7,38 a.m, • 3•23 p.m. . . Going East Mised 4.15 Pan. t4iing West Mixed 0 10J5 aan. Going West Itainr.ss 12.55 p.m , . , 1 117 603 a.m. ,, II 10.2 pan. • LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE DIV. tloieg South Express • . /.47 a.m. " Mixed 445 P•tn. North Express 10.55 a.m. " Mixed • 6.55 pin, A. 0. PATTISON, Agent. • F. R.. HODGENS, Town Ticket Agent, DeMACDONAI,D, District Passe* get Agent, Toronto, geFf.t..71.ref:IFFiEnnerItci:FMeee,' .1" e "3") • • .r . t; ..„ . 7:0L ort i:: r., 44: 'TRADE MARKS _• DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &O. Anyone sending it /*het el% and description maY knnekl?" Ilftaennin env ()Onion free weenier an 'revenuer es erotiewe Isere/treble. Oommuntea. peons stricte pellndential, ItrootboOk Patent Potehts taken tgrouttls blunt. &, Clo. reaetvt itvcrat odic% Vbeetowed, in the. $titittifit iiittemtan. ot hoe:remote Sleets:eel nee!t. k.arelet ctr teitievon 1.4 ery VIA' 1tO Sr.! 1.4r,f1R, t P.‘ r so,!‘i ;.•tn 116,15•01,f41 ;710:t r.ei '7 71"W Jot ...." „T. „ hri,••• : THE DIVINE FLAME, WARNING AGAINST QUENCHING MO. TWE POWER OF SPIRITUAL LIFE. PAULMIWITYPHRASEMAKER. fers ettersiert" re the Text "uiteaels Net the Spirit" Van a Superlative Alta.- inir-Quoiittol Is 0 Primness/ Dee, and Vest Se Ilinarrered fir Alvoryozio Wbo Rae Myer Felt the Xiamen sof Marine O Love. Enteral smordin yto .Lot of Parliament a Can, ads, to me yeariM, hy W&liluaa Daily, cot To. roma. as Hsu Des st Airriottisure.. Ottawa, LDS Angeles, Cal, Jan, 17.-1ow to kindle and keep alive in tho heart the divine flame which energizes and apiritualizes the whole life is the preacher'a theme in this discOurse, which desks with a praetieal religion for everyday people. The text ie I. Thessalonians e`Queneh not the Spirit," The mighty phrase maloer Paul is a coiner of many superlatives. He is no stupid pla.titudinariten, Everyday Commonplace, insipid, tasteless, cona; parisons have for him no attraction.,. His forgeis always rectitot; his arms are .cranes, his hainmers *pile driver:i,. his doors floodgates; hie streams are fathomless, onrushing rivers of mol- ten iron; his sparks are steles, and his seconds raielennivans. We would, for our present lesson, use ono of Paul's impressive, signifi- cant words. His '''quench7 has superlative . meaning. !`Tie quench" means to smother, as a mother 'would extinguish the flamer; consuming the dress: of her burning child by wrap- ping &emit the flimsy garments a heavy, wet blanket, jerked bora off the clothesline. . eueneh" means to deluge, to . • submerge, aa the Johnstown fires were put out when the Conemaugh dem broke and heitsee and 'stores and factories were floating •about in the flood like: ebiPs O tossed in an eddy. In that: word 'iceieneh" Paul startlinglywarns • all believing, .Cheietians • against .tlee sin of extinguishing .the Dower if the Holy Spirit, • which is now 'burning Within theni as a living pante. •"Queneh not Spirit" is t he Coin - intend to the •Thessalonians. mother •not the divine flames,' . Now comes the nractieril question: How : do :raany believing .Ciarietiarts - open the floodgates- of sin• an d drown •- .sP3'e You neverneeded .to pray • • • . out their•. spiritual fires? I tow do • much aa you need to pray now The soldier dropped on his ,kneea and many of our new converts chill their offered setehea 'simple, earnest prayer holy enthusiasni and dry their •alleeki; - : . • wet with 'penitent tears. • and harden - el faith and. love thatthe tears again 'their- hearts In Sin? Pirst and" • sprang .front• the commander's' eyt s. forerriostby neglecting GOd.'.a.4 place Hetuttred to .the guard and. sp,i4: 'Let that:peddler go, • He is . ..of worship, . 13y turning their. :• the truth. •:lie.myst 'have erten been backs etnon the 'Sunday chnteh ser-" • on his knees .prayer drill or else vices. 33y elairaing that they can pra could not prayed. so-- well.. i a to God just as well at home as in •- miblit review," The great Heavenly • the week night payer rneetinge. By , assethat t Coinmander judges the sincerity of thrting . _ate "commanion •••our profespione ee saiettibk', fn a building which has : by the eatnestriess' been dedicated :to. God as a "hcivan and. Consecration =..of epur '1 privatedee •Drayer;" is net' essential for , true 'yotions The closed Bide et. God's 'Bible are espirktuill iftee.. ?go tette conVigt shotild often .used extingtiish the. diYine ever be .geilty, of casting. a.:.eitir upon. name .buining withinthe Christian's the public altar of Jesus Christ.. lt, Is hard work for a Wire coal to •keep.' heart. They canbecome the .barreel •ii.nd bolted doers. of superStation,. Warm an d to remain a live coal Out- • barred and . bolted ley gross ignore aide of the geatee . is hard merle': for a Vann hearted; loving 'Christian ADD°. 'endungeOning the. most. Mon- •etrous- of heresies in the darkeSt - to remalt Apiritual Plive coal" un - cells. They nertY-beeorne reclhet irons . lesS he continually lives clope'con- ' putting' out the .calixt, deep blue' eyus tact wath other loving Christians . - that the .best.. prayer Is peoduced. It easter!' 'Ian( •iiCi • "44 -‘ Priliciti is ' prayei3.of faith. And love-, • it. Is by. the :corinnin rling of lowed to sit upon 11'-jre' kitnlueianneenotf is by the commingling on testimonieS that the beat testirnoner springs from. Persia: By a clivine late ne•.:Chris-• our lips. Itis by • "the foolishness flare can reach that stage • af• enlight- of iirectehing that sinfierii • are. savedmunent fitting him to (minty one of Yes!: And also by the foolishness • of God7s.spiritual thrones without earn - preaching that they are "brought. _ est .and .prayerful stUdyeof the- Bible': nearer.week by week to the .Personal- •My . friendshow are You' going to ity of .Jesus :Christ. • • Lind .out .wliat is the law of Gohni If pUblic: worship. is not 'essential' • will of. Ood , unless you: 'read'ania for, .soiritual life, why . did 'God .`bsnlY "r(il In 19nrall '1:titi'llcUY ":. ' cree. that aloPei Should build a'•tah,• Mythoughts are not 1400 ernaclo tta . soon ea 'the hosts. „01 thoughts', neither 'are your mtlVamy Pharaoh had found a • watery grave:: ways.'' Ate you anti 1 trying. to l find in the depth of' the 'Red- Sea? n'eeft.t.- 'out by studying the SCrintures what thattabernacle the . ncit easen- - Hebrews were-. &re (..3-mr thoughts and, te harmonize cpuipellento worshipIf our lines with his life? Are we try- :- titer way *mother the divine flames burning within hiM? By throwing away the :golden key which unlecks the closet door of secret prayer? 13v neglecting to have a trysting place. where, as a lover, he can meet with God and talk over his plans and hope. 4%. 'Christian eovert should never get out of prayer touch with the heavenly city, It is a fatal manoeu- vre. It will ultimately mean the Christian falling a victim to spirit - nal ambuscade, entrapment and ov- erthrow. You have no more reason to expect the flames of a candle to burn in a chemical retort emptied of' eel oxygen than YAM have a right to expect your spiritual fires. to burn in Your bedroem which is not charged and surcharged with the holy atmo- sphere of secret prayer. O It is necessary for true spiritual life to pray in public. Oh, yes! But it is just as necessary to •pray in private. '"Phe Lord thy God in a jealous God." That means in one sense that there- are times when God wants its to be alone with him, elone as Christ was aloe° with the Heav- O enly Father when Jesus again and again Went of alone to pray. He wants us to be alone with hini in holy fellowship, as scene of us heere often been 'alone with our mothers. Blessed and tender were those hours of sweet communion with our moth - ere, who have now gone beyond. Af-, ter the rest of the family were all in bed we Used to sit up toevaid mid, night, telling her what we wanted to do and asking her if she thought it was best for us to do it. So God, the Heavenly li'ather. 'wants us at times to come to him when we are alone. He wants us to tell hira all our plane. He wants.us to' dome to him with the abiding faith of a; ' tle child, And the .Heavenly • Father,' "Who' seeth in secret, shall reward O the openly." 0, . Prayer in. public necessary for srflr- ituni developreent?• Oh, yes! Prayer behind the locked door, prayer. 0 in ecret, prayer where •only God's ear, can hear and God's eye ean see, just as important for the spiritual life and hope. During the .11evolutionary O War a 'Highland. soldier was caueht creeping into camp during •the dark- ness of the night. He was charged with being a 'spy and taken before the commanding general. Being ask- ed why he had left the camp, the soldier, rolled, "I mere/y 'left in or- der to, go out into the darkness of the woods and be alone with God and . have secret prayer.," "Then down on your knees!" then,: dered the officer, "Within twenty hourte you •shall 0 he shot as a tial, why. did Christ during his earth---- ing to find out %quit is the deeper; . ly ministry again and' again • go op. nichOn . meaning ot ' the Saviour's to Jerusalem to attend the feasts, name? Are we seeking to understand and again and again. go into the, what the ndssion of the Holy synegogtie's te worship and to Pray.? - Spirit Arid how• God with the Wean, Imennodt .sss, •tohingsof *this world':•is going; te. eon_f eehtial;whyLee e i,nnoe corn- his r toasenfund the mghty?Or arve ioinpesiribleinoo g place in, Jeceealem aatt await the around da.yetfter day singing a sense••• coMing of the Holy Ghost? loss, ly, siren song: "Jesus will Public worship is absOintely casein-savel desua save!' Oh; I ant so , - , , tie' for the snitatual life of the aver- happyJesus will saverwhen some Of us nierely look mean the name' cif S a. rnan bedause we do boy was riding in the cars toward Jesus as an amulet, not now or Philadelphia, In. the seat sitting next irare 'who Jesus is. or to hian was an old mint. After a lone' ; take •tku3 -trouble to read the *erne. e conversation, in whieh the Yawn' vettieheheelnes- spoken lar us? AbeLwe going to look upon the closed lids of going to Philadelphia to find work. the. Bible in a suPeestitidus way,• as man -told-his • twat Mate that he was did th • thief. "Oh, yes, said the young* fel- :. ".e peasante 91 leeirope daring tne dark ages, as though they were the aged man asked hier for his let - m my old. em- : 643m. etnn49 ployer. Here is one from My school- they had 0 no right to low, "here is one froe touch? 'Or. are you going to look Malan." "Is .that all? Have you not . upon'•the Holy Scriptures as a di - teacher. SerIs one from ray • phy.- vine •letter written by the Heavenly ono from 3,0en, zninistar?,, asked tits . Father to his children, which letter ought to be earefullY studied and its "Weil, neer young friend,'" said the Seat mate. "Yee, I breve that alao." old man, "I woUld advise you to commands to be strictly followed owe. I am' on old sea captain, and out? • •nnie church t aSupposing that your mother died Of present that letter to o I have found out by bitter experi- of nieouumr ption yearsSupposing when you were a child ertee that it. is safer When in , that 'when to tie my ship to a wbarf than. harbor the hectic roses of that 'fatal ells - anchor it out In rilielstrearn, to be • h to pale : ease were blooming in the garden of floated around in the tides. 13y 'bit- her -, suher side. Thenken cheek she one day ter eeperience I have alert found' out had you, her sleepitig baby, placed by Then while you sleet she. that no young Christian is safe. un- wrote you e, long letter. In this let. ternal dvice and ter she gavehot'rne, a less he is bound up, in ' Christfani fel- parting benediction. Then she folded iowship with other Christians in. Sun- day service and in the *eek might ._ eteh,atisal;itntgr: and gave gtio;e"tuthisfattho" WOO __ Would Seratch t 00 0 ill . prayer meetifige." The old sea ettp- Iny baby boy on the day he graduat- he gave his only begotten. Son that whosoever belleveth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' That is all I know. Ca.nnot,I now aceept christ .as my Saviour?" Oh, yes, my brether, you can. You are now a Christian, 'if you want to .be. If you accept, and truly believe that one verse just. quoted, you are as nauch a Christian as a little fledge- ling just hatched. out of an egg in 11 bird. If you accept truly with your whole heart that profound truth and should die to -night, he Who promised salvation to every soul who believes and trusts him would take. yoursoul into his safe keeping., But if you live you should grow toed develop. You are saved that you may servo him an • an eXnannle and an a SOni winner, and this you can never 'do 'unless- you learn to know him and his teaching _through the study of hie weed. Ile - member you are now a Christian only as the bird just hatched out of the egg is a bird. . YOU are a Spiri- tUalfledgeling; you must eat Spirie tual food. That spiritual food is to be found in the. Word of God, as the . breath for your spiritual lungs is to be found in the atneeephere 9f pray- er. O Fe.u1 said •to. ye -ung Timothy, "preach the word!" I say to you, "Study the word." Study it in the church and in„the home.' • Study it on your knees and at .your desk and- in your bed. Yes, new .convekt,, readethe .and, continue to react it, • be- . cause God commands .you to read it. Read it, twee -Ise your deeper BOK- tual life Aleponds. upon your reading it or in . having it' read to you. Study it; and continue to study; it, because' when you read the Bible God IS talking to you; as 0 when you goray you are talking to God. • • O But there is still another wayfor the Christian to quench the spiritual (tante • which .is now burning -within him. That way is to neglect Alm • family altar, which should be •raised - in every home. That way is for; the husband and father- to hurriedly in the morning %and quickly dress, and then off to bilsiness. without • gathering his children abouthim, for family worship and wale:put haying aner• blessing asked at the brealefast table: That way ed for every father to think that all that he has to do is to say his own prayers and do his own' Christian Work, .and then.' his children will say their awn prayers and fuefill their own Christian teaks. O , Every man's home to a 'curtain -ex- • teet is his own 'castle; He an lift •what .standards • he pleases over his own fireside. He can emphatically say, as did Clied'e servant. , of old, ."L.et OtheVS0 do rep they will, butas for me• a'nd -nty house we shall Serve the Lind.", .Or he Can . open his'own home tie • shelter and entertain' evil temptations Of all sorts. But let no mate think if he leuerenders his house . to ' eVil praetices and 'Yields kiln:Self •ahd his home, to. the seduetiona of e the iverle .ehitt lio earl at the . Same time liVe a 'spiritual lite, nor can he •exPeet that those around .hitie who bre bound- to hint , bye -ties -of _bloodi.. and love,. will had spiritual lives, Ile . O must, if' he woeld live • right, •not' oniy•-conktrate . 'his own -life.: eyery morning: to -God, 1.)11,t in the Insesexicti • of hia:chiltieen he rink .offer a..Petie Hon to (1 od for ; them to.Conseerattn their : livds to Christ also. ••• completely..do f believe • the true spiritual life to ne dont:I:Went in maey. ways 'upon.. the falnily altar that 5. would. have' the fathere enst mailers, as scion as possible, teach their liteO - tie childrento. publickY Pray at..fatie- ily worship and • to publiciy ask tihe • blessIng 'at the daily meals. I re-: member, Many years ago when trav- eling in Scotland e -noticing .how geri-• ere' was 't.be.C.tistem• for the young- est child cif.the household Who 'eopid utter. the Words being' called: to :ask the blessing at the fainily nieal, 0 0 1 thotight , as I . think . O now,., that it wasare excellentprace O floe.' tending to ''accustom 'the child O from its ectrliest.• years to. acknow- ledge ;the, goodness • of God : and etea address him in Peeyera • • - Thus, no matter *high way Warnay. leak: atthe Pei:dine" word "quench," • the whole 'Vend. of the matter in. this:• As Christians wo cannot lie° d.true spiritual life Unless. every moment .of every,day we are touch With Christ: We cannot preaCh to ethers ellipse: O :by ,searching 0 God's word we hear Christ preaching: to us. 0 We cannot pray . for others 0in .ptiblic review' un - lees We have* had. much knee drill: in ,seeret preeier:' We cannot give our- sehres wholly. to GOA'S service 'unless O at• the eamei time at the fantily altar we .give our laved once also to him.- • In Welcoming • the' church -Members to: Christ's altar 1. • have but one • MOTO question to oak' end 'to: answer. ••In what, 0 • struggling friend, dee the Chief definition, of being a Chris - thin consist? Ought you to say, "I _went iereboae. Christie° to escape the O evileeffects of sin?"' I want. to . be Christicte to be happy?", "I wane. to be e Christian in circler that I may reach heaven'?" Oh, no. 0 Yot.C.Pho.uld *went teehe .a., Christiana not for your own ,:beatifitation, .but.,in. „ender that . . God may be order . tip' .gloeify God -we should work for him, O In* order to .glorify God we . should give to 0 him70f our, texnporal sub stance. stance., Xn order to glorify God we should pray to him, We should read . the Bible that We can ftuaber find Out how Cheek rimy Continue to neglori- th gior ea n 0 ble s Oze flrr otaY r. with hosly, O ed, Saviour on earth and in heaven. I congratulate you.. in this, the su- preme mernent Of your life, ttfhen you start lit the service of Jesus Christ. Christian brother, give inc thy hand. ARLI •1kw. ,wk.k. kwev...ewlek. tain's experience' has been mine. / es from the public schoolBefore he never saw in my life a church mem" decides upon life'S Work. ber go astray unless you coul d first give him. my advice and tell him trace his spiritual degeneracy in . Ise/vices. 51 von What 5 want him to do," Supposing geowing absence from the prayer Want t� keep clog° to God you Must twelve years had now paseed and meeting and Sunday yeti, at, sixteen, were now given that IsTever neglect, unleas cotnpelled, ri. ke°P cl°" to his Prti3Ing' disciAlsx- you would kiss it. You vvould say: letter. What would• you do? Pirst ehureh eervice. For your 7spiritual "Mother wrote it with her dying handl Mother wrote it with Iovet`". Welfare especially, never neglteet your How may the new: convert. in *noe Thee Yoti would reverently open. th week night e yellow leaves end carelufilLuwm readethaat letter, line bY line, true on if 'possible you would fel- low out tho desires of that maternal letter word by word. Now convert in the gospel life and Christian of old- er Standing, the Holy Scriptures are God.* letter to us; If we are the .14 444.4 ••4.1, •••• .4.••• INTP,ITILAT,CS;/C HEADACHE. Itisu- A.I,rx attended with Illintfiirig nain,had, relief comes quickly whero leferviline applied, for it is the strongest pailir- Heavenly .E'ather's true children WO reliever in the *006. "I txtisider 'ger., will take the letter and, study it. We villfse. a most fnagicel reniedy for nett- eein translate the deeiree of that teat.), writes Mrs. n, 0. Haring of letter into our own lives, We will ralgitt. I ran subject to virAeut at- ilaitittlbrOi but never rely., if Nova- reanadkohiGiodw'ays tottigwhots our hoUghts O itle is in the house The Prompt re* "But," dente now convert si ysi.qf lief atet Nervilitie brings Makes it pri- the knowlodgo of the Holy Soripturea , eeletts to me. .A few trIleations nev. '&TijtO a truly developed spire "tfet tea remitte• taktmedieinemil 1* also recommend Nervilinet for stiffness chriatiar,, praeticany know nothe -tr--- yet-fgiled to _kill t Dain, 16 eau_ „Hug ebarneter then ant hot a true t et ot.' wbooning tottatintia colds bY itt the joints and rheutte. tisitt." vitina Vlip0.9ic.4vicuc-they breathe iti xerviiine yorsotr. ?rico let 4:4 rY ittgAtIncttd tohoe towntlidtg n002rd.tal yrevora env., the Blood Flowed A dreadfill cote of netting Stamm& whittle dated ordinary treatment, and was patina:amine cured by Dr. Chases Dintinenti MRS. TANK, 12 Walker St., Halifax, XS.. states :-"After three years of miserable torture and sleepless tights with terrible eczema, and after trying over a dozen remedies without obtaining anything but slight temporary relief, I have been perfectly and entirely cured by using Dr. Chase's Ointment. After the third or fourth applieation of this grand ointment obtailted relief, and a few boxes were sufficient to make a thorough cure. "tt is six months since X was freed of this *welled skin disease, and as there has been to return of the trouble X consider the cure a permanent one. I would strongly urge any one suffering as I did to try this ointment) and shall gladly write 10 5117 who wish to refer to me for particulars of my ease, I was it& bed with eczema that X would scratch the tOret in My steep until the blood would flow." Dr. Chase's Ointment, Cio cents a box, dell dealers, or gdinanStni, ItitteS and Co., Toronto. To protect you against imitations the portrait and Signature of tit A. W. Chase, the famoni tecolpt book author, IttO on 00* box. saw.40- • • ,400000Weeen iV Zs/abashed 109 Whooping Cough, Croup Bronchitis, Cough, Orlp, Asthma, Diphtheria OnESOLENE IS A 130011 TO ASTHMATICS ClassaLeNe is along estsblished and Standard. remedy for the diseases indicated. It cures beceune the air reeitaei wrong* entisepne is mated over die diseased surface') of Val bronchial tubea with every brelth, Kola; prolonged and constant treatment. O Those of a ectistimptive tendency, or 131,11teras from chronic bronchitis, find Immediate O relief Iron coughs or inflanust oonditions el the Meet. Descriptive booklet nee, ILERMINO, SIDLES at CO., DM Notre Dame St., Montreal, Canadian Astute 4 Cresolene diss°Ived in the mouth are effective and safe for ceughts and irritation of the throat. Antiseptic Tablets 10c a box, A.LIL. DRUGGISTS Set e irenwm.e4",k,a44killitatkv,r..M40.4.,ONVIZAke4441,4,p?!Ipvektwilelt=jektIr•=n77•14.A!".0101.144WW1.1!0.41,1, pearnaildfor Compete/it Xelp Canada's manufacturing and eenemereiel enterprises aro doye1. oping. so rapidly- that the tjeestion of properly trained Irusinees help .ts bet:0400g inserious ohe, , . • The demand -for sueli help in. ,every large city and town is greater then tile rupply; :mei every stlidelit from the Foreet City Business -atel er41,orthand C011eg0 is quit:lily provided with a remunerative mutation. .. . . • " . • Why not take advantage of the•good times and take a course inthis leading Qellege l" •• , . - • -• The time noeersary, for a A..f.nnrilcit.o' ..dourse. in either BusincSS or Shorthand ie enily roc •motitlis ue 'for both txturees,• one' year ; the cost is retail and tho results are perinanunt. . • . . Booklet, corititinhig complete idortnittion, FnEn for a postal, 0 Po • itC1 ° • Cr.'s:" . ..°. * . . J. W, WESTERVELT,. PRIN• • , ' Y. M. c.A..Iiitntnato, ..LONDON, ''‘,ZATts-prmaspiziwgr 24. .,-r-Tom=s1xlc-- • ^ •••••••••amskkkVw.X..-neweonkiurnwevekkasweweskekretwkwklekkaaskuatetatwkkmemowewas • e ,. i• .VOR• OVER SIXTY YEARS. PEACE ON EARTH. • I • ; Mrs. 1,3iinelow's 'Soothing Syrup has • . . ,.been .• used by millions if mothers for . A goick cure For ' Worry', and It Is their ehildren while tedthing, ' • if cliS- Something other Than "Don't." . turbed by night and 'broken of yecir The conviction of the present Writer, rest by a niel: child suffering •awe ' after a prolonged .consideratfon of the crying with pain. - of : cutting' teeth send disease at. once and get a 'bottle •of "'.51rs,. iren' teething. 'It will- relieve the poor , subject is tbat worry is'a lung and is 'caused by •lack of oxygen. I Winslow's. SoOthing Syrup."' for child - have yet to meet the man or woman • who could breathe deeply and worry ittle sufferer immediately. Depend • at the Came. moment.- Do not take mY about it.: It Ceres Diarrhoca, regue iinOn. it, mothers, there is no mistake word, for :tills. Test it for yourself. •, lates tbe Se:beech and Bowels, cures When the preserves are burning or the Wind Colic, softens the Gems, reduces . just filled clothesline fells. In the mud. Itehinimatione• and gives tom and en or the baby eats up a bol of pills tua. der the impression that they are candy,' . errg1:•• • 1.1. t.o . tilgte 1sWihole ,systk in:. ''Mrs. _ N\ insiOwi ' Soothing Syrtipn for child- . h taste •ewbat is the nest thing that you do f '• Fly to the iseene of disaster?. No;:that .. anti IN the prescription of one di tbe la the .second thing. The. very •firs. ,rivlIcil.tssa,ts. iC11 IlitienfTentalc PlIVSlaails Su& bipath, and. it ,is sake' to say that for gists thronp;hout : fie world, Bee •sitre !tiled States.. • Price :thing that you do' is to hold your . ecurustance! has -you ineeSyriip " • Piet as little as possible. • several hours after: the annoying 'dr- and •ask for "Mrs. WinsloW's SoOthe,' , . ___. 25 emits e• bottle. Sold by all drug-.. .• . . --- • When "things go *crone for an en- lielptal Conv'elitloAO.' tire day, you take in about enough oxy- • % A valuable series. of dairy conven- . tions are being heldein-Minnesota this, slimmer by the .state dairy and feed. Commission, An important •one 'was .. held'at Hetelfleson,, Which Was attemil ed by. representatives of mere than ten fit -n- Mediutie sineeloarratiee-When you Insist that Pee 40, breathe, else you wouldn't be alive, I cat only reply that there are different, degrees of "alive- ness," and the:chronic worrier is not at • the head. of the class. . :•. • ' /every. one has heard the peyeng, 'The• twenty. creameries. • Governor Van . Sant was present and made an -.ad-. ' te*ard has a flora* -ehest."' Whether ' dress. Talks.on dairying were made by We *skier fear to. be. the cause or re--, ' ea - suit of - a • contemptible- amOunt of. vv. P. McConnell, state ditto: and400d :. breathing capacity, it is • eettain that. commissloperi A:. W, Trow and .13. D. these partieular meral and physical de. White of the department, 0, C. Gregg . fects7-these two birds oe a featbete-are • of the farmers' institutes, Profeeser„T; . frequently found In corepitny. Pear is L. Heeeker of the state .sehool _et eve *tile .essence'Of.worry, . .' :. : .... ePueltter . IlltdtbSesaeth..-, Coliparnengt4onaisil:tboei' et • • .. -• :It' la dittleelt to benefit the body With- ' oUt tielpiieg "tlia body's guest" or to .perts discuss economy in Wilk 'produce Cultivate. the mind. :Without ineteroving. . tion. They urge the farmers to sell the • '' 'a physical infirmity, and it can be see' hbeesrdt. mCillkoveVr7adnudeialligfalafar poor •milkers for beef and to feed the tiaerleesurtioedthaeo . its elayey tabernacle. Regard worry as • .cessfelly treated by.plain eating and, .obboutittes' for • bran in supplying pro - outdoor' livinge aided by; special exer- . efses for the cultly-etiori of .the . chest' tele.... Verniers 'are also urged to cool Ceitaideritni-p purely ir mental.or..moral--.;-gaehtid haeerba;sat;tghreotnetiokr_bplirottpeeirlrYr..omso tat, te., : :detect, And lemity be . cureile net by • ' , . • • .' • ' • -•• - • - • preaching Or eXhortation nor by the . ' reading of littl&books which point .Out . • .Loties y.ziwiso ireadole.ineroottnt soap . , . . that we are living in: a 'vale'. of tears; • but by the rational cultivation 61. one • eke:Vega% better than otherneap Powders; . e or -neore. Of the mental factillies.-Eth- : '' •ie it Ono acts ,o,s• a disinfectant.. 2I . O elm/in Wetheral in Good Housekeeping,., . .- . . Intl.ividual. enbscriptions 10. the. not" lunette' Wrinkle's. a • Good Housekeeping correSpondents 'Tre"urY" • • • ' '''' : ' ,eltind Italie begun to reach Wei Japimse O furnish these practical items; A write- . , kie I learned from a girl °who works in a large, upholstery house is that the . ; • , • , i ' NOCE 1 OUR WEIGH?, . beat sofa . pillows are covered With . . . • : "Wrixed",.cotton. ,This Is done by iron- . 1:, Y : while using • Dr, 'Chase's. Nerve ,yood • • g ing the inside of the cotton eorerwitb a ytitt, een: prove for • 0. certainty that hot flatiron rubbed on a cloth well sat-. new firm flesh ain2i tisSue is betrtg , t...d; urated with beesWak. Whentreated.in chid.' to the bay: • This is the sever' • this way Itis impossible for sinall elu- est test you, tan apply to' any tree.t- 'sire downei to work through. • . went amt proves the• superiority of After a leng illness my heir. bectiree this great . restoratire .preecrietion of so dreadfully flutited that we were 19(rx.,;ItAa• ul,Strilber.I.tage, .1•Ini famous RemiPt afraid It would have to be cut, but our old fernily doctor came to the rescue, telling us td saturate the tangled locks " thina has.ordared front, Jae rnf,!,euo with alecatol. This done, they cleared •48 field .and 'sue ateantaiu : ter if by ' Vim; • Turning the hem of a petticoat on: the right side, I find, does away With ENORMOUS GROIll'It - e the Catching of heels therein, thus tear*. _ since Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liv Pills were first introdued te the pub- er O Ing loose eeveral inches of the hem. ,lie . the sales•have steeclily increased, Thie ;retty take a little longer .at the yea year being. larger than the year • time Of making, as the. seams at the bottom Of the Skirt have to be turned, preceding:" This is probably the best evidence ef their remarkable efilciehey, a. trent:merfor Inger ImynIgn rtalitne aendb.astets, Pau kiditncya,, liver aderangements of thend bowels. 1:4tey are with the etraws out of Matting, which invaluable as a family medicinc. does just as well, as the raffia is easier ' and much more eeonomical. 0 • qopnticEr. .• . We had the pledsura of ineeth .Mr. Joseph Niollmins ot Carre.ceas,! wick, S. A; at the residence •of hie WANTED -Several parsons of ' char- • .. 1;1'11;41'; Mr. 3i)Ini Meselye meter' and good reptitatme in each Before leaving St. Peteree Presbytery' ' state "(one in this county requiredjto Rev. Pallier Stanley was presented . with eta address' by, tete gentlemen of represent. and advertise old establish - the totigregetlort en behalf of the oth- eel wealthy hesineas horse of solid financial standing. Salary $/i week- ers, -to which his reverence inaele a grateful reply. The C. 111. IL A. mem*, ly with expelises . additional, all pay. aitbollen iitimacdasohniedeisreetn.oeLeretriLeodaxnersicaliget hers talso presented him with abad- Hfliftcnito8siiceds‘evlifl-eatIile ddrcese:esdai eYn;yeltiteren.t.ecot dress mai a gold -handed cane suitably onial, ;:i32 DearbordSt.,\ Chicago. *inscribed. 1,,,,,,rr........ado.,::.• :onalonaannanalcalanacertittasinnthauctiatatilananalaannannacentsainaisannianeaeannaraska . . Ideps0 11 1.1 , S 1d MOTHIMS RELY ON • ,1 .k1 14101. 1 11 14/1 1 11 1 ditty's Syrup to keep the thildren sato from CILOUP. 11 disc:eves the thick seuture - doter tee throat.- breaks up t Mid Oti1l48 'COMM. /Seep 1 6ray'sSyrupoiRedSpro6efitim Allows In the bole. ii, bottle of thla famous remedy Is your hest 000 ,ie \\N protection ngaittet them midden eight stooks of croup. Tonally _good for all throat and lung tremblei - for emerged old. Sleet bottle. , e .1.1 • 1 e eet..