HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-01-21, Page 544,10tary 2114, 10.04
ThA taintOlt NZ.1',,'S.*ROCAN
4 '
Tells How He Escaped the Terrors of Many Winters
by Using Pe-runa.
ills age is AC year& vouched for by authende record. Ile says: attribute
my extreme ()Nage to the use of Peruna.!'
, _ Born before the United States
was formed ..
Saw 22 PreSidezzts elected.
Pe-rit-na has protected hirn from
all sudden changes.
• Veteran of four wars.
Shod a horse when 99 years old.
Always conquered the grip with
Peruna. .
Witness in a land suit at the age
of ll0 years.
. Believes Peruna the greatest
remedy of the age for catarrhal
diseases .
I'ISAAC BROOK, e eitizen of McLeti-
el. nazi county, Texas, has lived•for 115
years. For many years he resided at
llosque Palls, ethteen miles West of
Waco, but now lives with his soz•ila-lay,
at Valley kills, Texa,S;
A. short time ago, by request, Uncle
//mac came to Waco and sat for his pic-
ture,. -In his hand no lipid a stack cut
from the grave 'of General Andrew
Jeaton which has been carried by him'
ever slam Mr,1rock is a dignified• old
gentleman, showing few signs of de-
crepitude.' ITIs family- Diblo is still pre-;
served, and. it shows that the date of his
birth wha'written 115 years age. .
Surely a few Words from this remarka-
ble . old gentleraan, who firri lied 115
yeers of experienee to drew from, Would •
be interesting is vrell as profitable.
lengthy biographical sketcth is given of
this remarkable old Man in the Waco
Times -Herald, December 4,1898. A still
more preteetious biography of this, the
oleest living man, illustrated vrith
a double coattail. portrait, was given the
readers of the Dallas Moreting News,
dated .December 11,,1898, and Also the
Chicago -Times.. Herald a same date:
This centenarian is -an ardent-friendeof
Peruna, having- need It many years. ,
In spooking of his good health and
eleeeeme old age, Mr. Brock says:
"After a Man as lived In the Werld
;ung as have, he ought to have
found out a great many things by ex-
perience. think I have done so,
#40ne of the things I have found
out to my entire satisfaction is the
proper thing forailments that are
due directly to the effects at the
climate. For RS years I have
withstood me changeable climate
of the United States.
"I Int,y0 always beea a very frasetby
man, but 0 course subject to the little
affections 'Which are due to sudden
hanges in,he climate and temperature.
During my long life 1 bave knowa
ereat Tacna remedial or coughs, ,colds
and dierrhrea%
"4sfor Dr, Ifartman's remedy'
Peruna, I have found it to he the
best, if not the only, reliable rem.
edy for these affections. It has
been my standby for many years, .
and I attribute my good health and
extreme olcl age to thisremedy.
"It exactly meets all my eequire,e
manes. It protects me from the evil
effects of suddea changes; it keep's MO
le geed appetite; it gives me strength;
it keepseny 'blood in good circulation.
thave come to rely upon it almost f,ne•
tirely for 'the many. little things for
whicht need inedielne.
"When epidemics et la grippe first
began to make their appearance ie this •
country .1 'was a sufferer from this di.
"1 had several long sieges with
the grip. At first !did not know
that Peruna was a remedy for
this disease. When I heard that
la grippe was epidemic catarrh, I
tried Peru= for la ,grippe sad
found It to be just the thing." ..
In a later letter dated January 81;1908,
Mr. Brock 'writes;
"1 ext well and feeling as well as 1
have for yearee The oily thing that
bothers reels my sight. If I could see
better I could walk all over the farm
and it would do laze good. I would not
be without reruns."
• Yours truly,
, . . 114/14,40e1
• .
For a free book on.catarrh, address.
The Forum, Median° Co., Columbus, 0.
If yeti do not'derive prompt anel Sags!
*tore' results from the use of i'ernna,
. Write at once to Dr. Hoirtman, geeing a •
full statettient of your ease and . he Will,
. bo pleased to geee you his vainable ride
:vice gratis.
Addrese Hartman, President of
:The Hartman • •Sanitarium, poll:Imbrue
• •
-Mien infants or young children -
..re restless and ..crois sa- peevish it
is a very certain sign that • they. rare ,
not 'well. • The incther May not
know just what tlie trouble? is, ;but
she can depend mem. it . the trouble
exists. Give the lir 1,e im•.! Baby's
Owri Tablets,, see hew promptly it.:
will be ehang..d into a happy, •,smil-
leg,. good natured child.. tie' little.'
or -t wib sleet), soundly and- naturally
and the mothce will also obta:n -her;
much needvd rest. Here is the proof -
given by Mrs, John E. Ramsay, port.
hill,• P. E. I., who says : . "My 'baby :..
wascross, restless and did net sleep
well, but after givinghim Betty's Own.. •
Tablets he became- better natured,.
sleeps well and is growing finely. • The
Tablets have been a great. ,blessinglo
both .baby • and myself." •-•, . •
The Tablets are a prompt, anit cer-
tain cure - for •sueli troubles as inee-
gestien, sour • stomach,. eolic, con•sti-
pation, diarrhoea, simple fevers i.iici.
other minor ailnients.. They ••• always '
do good and cannot Possibiky: 'harm
the most Celicate -child.- 'Von 'can
get the Tablets irmu • any medicine. -
dealer, or ; they will be, sent by- mail I
at 23 cents a box by writiag_ter The '
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville •
Morris Township.
• All the ...-toWraltipe officials eof 1903
havo been te-a:ppointed. • • • • :
M. Healy anti 'Miss Adeline Kel1y,7t13,
were. quarried on Tuesday of- last
week a.t Myth. Meet* Kelly endlliss
King- were merrier` on licielay ef sarne
-week. at. 1.11Vt1-4.,'• .
At the lathe of the bride, -3rd. Line,
Morris, on Jap. • 1,2 , Rev:. Jan RoSs.
'of Brussels tied ti e matailitonial • bole
between 'Miss Jennie, 'yeunge.st.a.l.siegh•-•
ter of Joire. and Ars. Mo.sore. vita. H.
1NIcp4chern Of Olds,. N. W. T. Tile 1 ri-
de wore a, blue .clreSseuel white. silk,
we:ed.:mid looked' Vary .neat. .• Wedeang
gifts', handsome, aisefel and yabittele,
evidenced ,the esteem -in ewhieh" the
prificipels ..are lited. After a well-pre-
pared supperhae leen partaker.: .of the
cc citing ae...s mom. enjeyably 'pent/ in
music. and soeial -chat, etre:and .airs.
Meltachern have:left for their' hatese
in the West where the.groom •is -ranch-
Mg, ' havieg. .speitt 3 years- at Glee,
which is about • 6o IflhlLt, Mirth :Of Cal-
. '
eneetingof•!the Morris
breech. Agricultural society eraS held
last Week. 'Tree/hirer :Metcalf. preSent-
Cal atintial "repert which showed
the. receipts to ite$1358,e8, with. 'E..11
expenditure of •51289.08,leaving
:et et: .00 hand cif •*6-9,7o. The foCflow-
i•ng officers 'end c'itectors, were itlectecl:
President, J... 13. Tierney' •
1st Pica; 7,‘,Ir, Robert Ferris •
:.2;1(1. ice; Mr: .Win; Jacksen•. • .. • •
.: Morris direr:tab's, Messrs. George,
• : . • 'f ay lore Pellock end' Duncan
• • Lai:diem . • •
Hata Wewanosh clireetors, Messrs R..
13. McGowan 'and Richard' •CoileY
• Hallett . direct -0:14, • Messrs. .W...
Sloan are, Cleeles Reddell -
Blyth Directors. "Meesta. Elden Liv-
Ashfiekl TONAtiiShip;(... •
• '
Mrs. I Cook -*.nd family, whoLac
been residing in this to1.r,1 i1 tor the
past six t. -ears, left, kr Uncle- Sant's'
extantins on Monday: The 11eig4e43er5
will miss them end weal them esery
success in their new Inane. ••.•
Mr. Geo, Swan, vlus rented Mrs. E.
Cook's place, moved in the past week.
We wish him luck in his undertaking.:
The farm is contact' .one of the. best
farms in the district
Mr. Harry Walker is on a visit • to
friends in Clieton, •
Cctincil met Jaiiiiary litit as re-
quired 1:y statute. Members all pro-
•ent and each trok the necessary oeth
att qualification and declaration of of-
alitertes re last nteetieg readeed
rassed. Moved by John, McIntyre and
secouded by Wm: Kiekley thee itt, J..
McKay be appointed assessor, R. A.
Cerrick, collector, and Jelin Leng..•aud
A. R. Finlayson be erpoiated. altolitore
carried. The following accounts were
paid : Geo. Twambly gravel St .04, A.
Cook gravel $ee; :6, J. Miller gravel
$6.32, Wm. Stothers roseirig thiancial
, statements $4.00, Witl. Treleaven: bal.
alum salary $60, .Tolm Keefe plank 75e,
J. McGee stone aner ceder fe, eltontas
Shackelton repairing culvert T.
E. Case , for 1h:eget-nen library $to„
Hospital for sick ehileeett Ste,
J ohnstr grcvel $3.o4s, Loused then
adjourn( to ;nett agaiffoit Feb, trait.
11T13 110, '1 Ale'.
ireg'stint erect \Val.': Ernie..
Auditors, Messrs. 3M, Hamilton
• and Tames Nleltlurchie. •
no, doubt . be surprised wheae he hears
. .
, .
- • Hay Township.. •
'Tlo • azusual electing of tie... Hay,'
13rench !Agricultural 'Society was lield•
in Zurich on, Wednesday: or -last. :Week
-• with Preeiclent; Caldwell in the' c/
'The Secy4rep.surer's• and .auditbrie
poets were aelepted biy the. fnuting..
•The cash baleirce• On hand at the be-
: 'ginning tit:epee was $48.50, Meta-,
berg up • :16r .19o4 Making. • a.
net balance. of- 1-1•14:•50 to the, redit
of • the society.. •The fallowing.-olikers
. were elected far; this ;year : • .
• . Presieent, W. T. . Celdwell •
" (Re-elected by acelamaticet) .
ist Vice, I3. 8. 17'hillips • e • .
end Vice,. Fr1. Willert• • •
Directors, .Jolin pfall, John Peeler;
• Chris. Either; John. Geiger, 121l.
• 'Beater, Wm. Roeder, .Cltrie..
•• . • 'wale, 'Rs. G. Niohdl laid William
• eaniorit :
,AnCitors, .• Jacobe...Haberer ••
. Zeller (re-elected.) :.• • a
A vote of thank; •was teadered :to•
'President Caldwell 'for: hisservices, to
the „society in the paste to. whieli
Celdwell •responhed in a neat speech.
• The helan•cu in the en/usury has been
retie:cud bY nearly $moasince laet. year;
-owing to . the prize list lichee largely
extended and the entLyorable weather
ore fair eay acted adversely'dtathe sere
pine. .At the directors' meeting, fela
ltir. I); S. Faust was . re -a -
pointed :Secralary-Treasercr, for the
year. • .
'Durittg the. past eaelengs ser,sou arr:
G. • •tildighoffer's eau: of . the i4th con.
Placed e note in• .E. barrel of 1.341dwia.
-requesting the buyer to write,
lute concernieg thee'. 'Mr. Wight/11er
this week received a letter from Wk -
ler, 'Manitoba, dated 3 au, fah:, 1904:
written iti Gentian from. a Mr. ,Jaccer
Fehr. The writer .says . the appleswere
•excellent tied that ha purchased Ahem.
in. 'Winkler ,front 13: Jeteman for $3.75.
'file writer also asksto know what
Ala Edighoffer . gait per 1t1,1. and will
C De.?
quitlificalbaree and declarati•ons. of, office
Mr. and W. Them:see of Titian -
burg are registered at the *Aberdeen
for the season. .
. Mrs, W. (Wallace • and. intent son
arrived anTuesday .evening front their
home at Petrolea, mei will spend a few
weeks with alr, 'end Mrs. Itichaxe
Spreng, Mrs.. Wallace's parents.
'line W. I,ogan returned on Tticede.y
to her haute at Buffalo after a mast
enjoealtict visit to hor paretits, Mr.and
Mrs. kiex, 'Xirkbride, her •clairgitter,,
airs. Fred. Idurneee and to her Clinton'
that theyou
were bght. here for X.
The toweehip *outwit met an the It-
th inst. aal members being present.
Every eay we le/re ote
f mtecete being
taken 'vvitli pueustionle. The only pre-
ventative is to get streng reed .iceep•
your lay healthy. Take Ferrozorte
which • inekes the rich •red hittd of
Illoord that nourishes and stimulates
the reitire system. q wee all run .•
down ane, an apt strbject for pentium -
et" writes A. 13. Charters of• Darling.
ton, "when I trice/ Verrozone, 1 didn't -
believe it was poesilde for Ferrozone
to build me ttp so quickly. In n few •
days my appetite rinuroved, .co or
came into my dealer and .1 felt stron-
ger. I gained eight pounds and re-
gained ••Itty. eta .time vigor thrcyttgit us-
ing rerrozotie. Try • Verroionee • .• it.-
fiseures health. Price eoel
. ............
Sir. James Hood of irucknOw net
with s, terrible accident en Wednesday
of last week is Mr, Welter Wilson'e
letralt. on the .140. concession of West
Wawatiosi••;, a few miles south ot Luck -
now. Ile was drewmg out small logs
with ,a Lome and Was evidently lead-
ing the animal when, the stick (glint-
ber became fist. The sudden stop ap-
pears to have .thrown the animal trine
its feet and in .falling it struck tagaitet
air, Hood crushing hint underneath
ite body down 1 htto the deep SOTOW.
He 'Was wctkfn itt OKI best; atom at
the time alai just, how tire eecident
did mei* will tie'ver be known, 'but
whets ha was found Nemo time after
the accident by -Mr. Isere! IV/arisen,
who went to the leech, Atter a, load of,
wood, tite hotte was still lyeig
on its} back in the enove witlt
the lifeless. body of Mr. Mod, creshed
beneath it. Ihe bludy was nob dis-
figured and -it -seprmscd thet 'death
W0,0 CallSed by suffocation,. • •
'Were made as follows : Iteeve,. Peter
Laumet ; Couecillors, J, K, Goetze R. -
McArthur, Wendel Smith,' Alex, Thole-
pson:' • ' • •
aleved by . Thompson-Goetra-That
the following salariere be paid the re-
spective. ollicera for 1904 : Clerk $T25,
treasurer $eo, assessor $6s,. collector
•earetaker of hall $25,, auditors $6
each. Carried. • • •
Thompson-MeArther-That the. fol-
lowing be appointed officers for the
year 1904:
Clerk, F. Hess Sr,
Treastirer, T. Samson
Assessor, 11,' Ilippiteadt .
Collecter, Chas, Troyer .
Aultitors, 11. 12, Salm:mit and 1
. Caretaker, Mrs, Goetz
'M. It. 0., Dr, 13nel *man
Member B. of 3 yeas, Alex.
• itleEtvers
Sanitary Iterector E. Die e ,Tatnes
13 iti r
For Wet Div., IT, Zinencrinan
And • that rt by-law be ps:ssed -cot's:-
firming the same.' Carried. •
Goetz-SmIth-That the 'folloWing
atm/tints be paid.: Sas. 11. Bell. gravel
$7.1 e,.Iiospi.trie.for sick children $to,
of 'reekeremith half share cement
culvert Texelan road $46.69%..Yej,Iess
Sr. CX'. 111 re/initiation $6, F. W, earn-
Ocembe final ittspeetires W, 13: north $4%
F. W. Verneoribe extras and inspect -
Schwalm 'Wahl $20,50. Carried,
The council adjourned to theft on the
Ist ole.y or 1 ehruary.
e •
-..emeasemairserfereeptreespereplersirealssire ,
The News of Goderich.
MISS E. Skiniliege,
(:")R(A0400 Win:00 00. ®•.$K)
0000 • 0
Om of our popular typos is aboin
lead to the altar '10 (it "4.* aeran
young 140 at an early Cate.
The Ulritish, Exelaurbe was sold la
week to Mr. Ea - Swartz, formerly .
the Huron
Mr. Will. Swanson, harawary ma
chart,. Hamilton, 'peel pretty hitt
daeghter, Beatrice,- were -called to ti
residence of Mr. Swanson's mother 1
her serious illness. • -
• Mimi Pearl Tietheway lett en Sate
day for London whore fele will teke
commercial -course at the Business Ce
hege in that sity. •
All . Who kraw the late • Mr. Coll
Meleer were extremely sorry to tear
•of his eudden 'death on Thursday. II
had not been -very well for some .thu
.but itis sudeen departure vets ta•expe.
tech When his brother Norman .carlie
him far' breakfast Le did not, xespon
epe. going . into, hie roon lefina,
dead. Heart failure is, said to lieei
caused death. •The: "easkel'eeee
merle to, order. as . :was 'eee inehe
acrose.rna h feet' 3, -MOO lona
“Collie," as he was, •familiarly known
W8.3. . one • of cur largest men, stroe
and heavily built... captain Dan Me
Iver attended. his brother's• funeral
wt•ich was very, large, all the mariner
10 Ott ThittlidO.y, X4th +LIU.). at the resie
Ler dorm of Mrs. P. E. Bell we had the
' pleasure of attenering a little 5 o'elock
st tea tO COMmemorato the 7.6th antiie'er-
of sary of airs. Seultas birtheity,
.tuother of the Messrs. William Saults,
le: teenager of the Winnipeg. Free Press ;
le George, postmaster at Brewton, li. J.
a, of the Salts Nouse, Goderich ;
13,- ter a .the liquor store ; Alfred of the
G. T. R. 'stall end Mrs. r. Bell,
r.. • Godericha Mrs. .Clurtess, Loewe and
4 • • • • - •
Mrs Smith of rowlerville, N. Y: Mrs.
1- Saults related many remioiseettees, of
• her early life he Canada alier of her
English Norfolk' home cue bettered or
n more Milos from thit. great city of:Lon-
e doe. She is 'very well this. seasan,
0-, much ' better than. foe the past: year
c- and we *ista that Teeny more years.
4 may be spared her.
d /Omit two hundred persons had the
. eleesure of being regaled with fine_
e .oyster: sopPer 'ureter ataspices of the
Women's Institute „at. the St.- Law-
rence; The ainirig..room •Was fancifully
„ . decorated end - three . well -appointee.
, tables were set with silver, out class
g ;end- china. The. oysters were done to
a turn .and farts, cake and many other
, nice. things were generously distributed
s among the guests. After supper Mr.
Nerman Kernighau presided as chair-
, man in piece. of Lt. Col: Young, • wha.
was uns,voidably •absent 'Mr. .Kernig -
o hall' wen -read;, for the position hut
humorously. said that he had arrenged
a a speech on different' subjects which
the absenee of the Tat. Col: made it
njmoltlx)sesviebli4 gtkrtae.- battneak absonlele- Ocf°110.1eiti.
address • he would jest . give voice. to
some thoughts the- present - beepy•-• en-
tertainment. brought to .his trend, and
after . a/ few levee)/ and suitable
remarks, • gee ef: them beieg - that as
-chairman. of: the. exerting he preferred
.te. stand. Ile .was delighted to meet
sd•niany -that ..avening- aver that he
thought the. Wothene• Institute was cle••••
grand work.. Miss Skimings was
their called • ueon fOr. ea instrumental •
which she gave, to thQ evident .satisfac-:
tiOn - of the .assembly. • Miss, Ednts
Straiton, Arave her Scotch, reeitation
'Moo Tatn Pi -to the great
deligEt of -.Old • aml young.. Her ,Scoteh
accent is very perfect. Captain -Leith-
. weite •WE.S. • then called triton to deliver.
an. .address... Ile' said he was .vory
glad to .amangesc• pleasitig .a.S.--
itembly. and to see 'them cidcy them,
seines in this. good•worir of The Wote-.,
.en's Irseitute. He 'thought they were.
makir.c.:their. dainty.in tliis
age. :People ...earlier, in the history of
:our -co:retry healeitier. then they .
are -todey. • But end paint. wool,
en's .institute .seiqued: to ..!bear - mos1.
upon he .1.1101:7.1 'was- the ,tiniting
'and •conntrY . in b•ond unity • .• to
further. "inatritilOinal projectS .for
saie• in. the, . count 1% 1.0(11)10 .11ad•a•plev-..
SnpplY...:7fer rtite•fieceesities.of. life, •
lhut theyeonly, said .whet •it was • nat
necessary ,•to .eitir.• Sam. Beau's'.
recitation ,•-:••1,The----old--tinies:---were the
best"' • ,greve. much pleasure'. to • ail..
Thegrasnophime .selectians arranged. hi,,
Mr; Clierles Deity were ve.ey good . and •
were tectreelottentite. Wietring-arrat-
etere ti eu anyOther aet . the .pro-
gartie:. :The • oe.lir . mloist woe' ii•ttle •
Miss ' Nellie: • Treelie•way • who saeg.
Wlatie will :aria take for me pepat e" •
• With • hermit faste..... :Thu seug nutubeii
liad • to. be :left. aet„ the partics. who
geee their panics .to tissiet -not•respota
elege Little Mheguerite 'Miller,. 'recite.
'.ed :extremely :Well ‘‘There's•no place
• lila Gratedin'a'S .11.one in the c.ofintry...".
Miss Mabel Ditty in' the 'Steer(' Dan-
Itliee ,13.0.10.,Howrie in the •:•Ira
'esti Ji'g'" .preveit..themselvas, arletireble
drawers. ...Miss. 'McLaren. 'eccorepeti1(51
,thent..e. Bliss Teittlaway, accompefiled
ler . little sister. , at tl:e pine()
of ae address 'by. Mr.. Vanetter,.
who, . we are "sorry to: say -could tate.
attend, Mr. NM Robertson took his.
place Signally wire .Mise.
Neville „.•e,:eve • i"rbe Robireic ketent".
tnd oteer selectionse 'Whale ihe.. geese§
were at eupper.'. ....The eileasere,giving
'evening .was • brattglif tre clotae:by.all
standing. rte. .siegeng the Naeiorat Atte
thorn., Miss .:Sk enrage if kesid*,. 'et. the.
piar.o. A great-ntany . rentnined,s : and,
ic reed theniselves dancing, ' ete.- ..Great .
credit • is •due... the: etemiceteent ape(
Mitt..13eck •fer her kindrase in giving
the St. ',Law,rence,
The Misses Greeic Dickson and-A.10a
Dar. cey. 'out on. their. enowshoes
the...office evening. -Anether whiter like
this tete, We :will all have .get•.;;Itow.,
.8110es, • • - • ' ';'
inatowe .aner a great mineser af pub
lie oat business men etterding. Rev
James A. Anacreon oiliciatea at xesi
deuce. ane Meieland cemetery. Th
pellbearers • were the. sie nephews o
deceased ; Messre. 'Alexander, Joeepl
and Noreen McPhail anti John, AleXe
ander .erd Norman McIver. The 18.3(3-
ily Which the late Colin McIver be-
: longed came about, half a .beetery ago
from Nova Scotia and, settletj. et the
lake. • The euryivieg brothers are
NorMan and Neil McIver, Captain.
Dan. Mayer of . Collingwoed and ore
sister, Mrs. McPhail. • • .
.Mise Jessie Meedunald ecenta:to have
quite recovered from her late' 'attack
of pneumonia and is spendiug this
motalt at, the hume Of her purents
Mr. W, . A. Orasere.briage builder;
Canasteta, X. • Y„ and -his' sisters,.
Misses .Jean and 114ggie 4.• reser of
Toronto, :all '4* ted at the ' family re,
sidende at., Ate holalay tone. • .kisS.
Maggie Eraser will. eeena the balance
-of the, wetter at' lenge. ' • .
, gre very sorry to • learn:.00. ' the
continued illness of Mrs, George Shep-.
hard at: „Nile. We trust sit •iney
spared to her family for malty years.
• Two of .Clintem's celestiala seereedeto
be • deeply • interested : in -West street
last week. • • .-• ,
.. • . • . . • .
" Here.'s' reCipt fOr 1 1. ..,!rOppi: that si
old, dall
octor cn.a Godsend and :as
la grippe , is •so prevalone at. tlits e'eci-
son in some, lies:Hi-J(2.s eed the
e. i
recipe. ,eaSy• to obtain we Were .very
Pleased :to Copy .it from an,.(ild nunbt
of • the Kiogstoit, Whig, It is, as .C.inr
,,a ..r', Will note,' ..purely :vwtetable
:1'*0 o11lnqs,.gyi*....01- Sarsaparilla, two.
• onneet.i Isyrrni et. 11 Andel i On, • 114T.0'. 0i1111.
NyKt3:13 of wild,cherrye three. Melees Of
whiskey, .cnie half • .0ence of fluid
traet• , eastarrae•reix. together ; dose -
((11 -0. .1:42aSpoinift,1 every twe•heureeintil.
:On ruesclae-•.• ftetwon the.rereams
1,4 agrieed
rom Brantford aceompeeied by...Messrs,
Albert,, William and Victor, the tierce
$011:3. cif the deceesed. Mr..Tieliboutne
lett .Gorterich, ?Ater the acteth of his
wile and...with his datighter,• raise Lena,
and three eries settled in the'. afore,
mentioned • city; 'life,. halt no
more . attraction for•him•i,, 'wan
loyal' .v.tidg
true St. •George's Chureh
aswere .1(.3'llsisetarvi•liti e•tic:alrif';:'.1e''i,(Y)f • Li4'
'sisters' are.,•371arried.'at --Thessalon
.and 11,e others. are .1\I•re.- William ele-
Ceughan and MrsGeoffrete, ichiAson.
The other surviving niceribers • of his
'family are Theitias Of- Colborne town-
ship, . \V Ili ani of (icdei'ichitownsh4p
and :Harry of "town : 'Nr Tielibperrie
was a &minty .conietable and 'a popular'
member of thelire erigadenp. to • the
eime.of his Imeing Goat:rah.' .On • the
casket. were laid:two loving '-'irihntes,
•sheaCres, by • Brantford friends: and a
lovely • • wreath .by the ineinhers, of, the
lue: 1 rtgade f1. rector of the Eng-,
litch church, at -Breetfoed Officiated ce.•
the,' residence 01'dt:ceased and:. key.'
Mark ' Tiirnbull at Meetland • cemetery.
The pallbearers 'Were Messrs.. liember,
Wine Metreatl,' ----C. Belcher, Robert
Shannere 'Santee
Nevins; • 'The -loner-al: was ceinlected.by
the fe,'.0. L. and al, Maitlene cemetery
Bios Lox and Wood rear'. ehe beanti-
.fid service tor the. dead. The • leneral
was very large; his brother 0.reeccution
uteurbers freme the.
towesities as well as town.„. • e
Tichiteurne, who attend-
ed tite funeral cif their father here, /a-
•tereed theft' hone: at. 13ratitiord an
Wednesday: . • • ,• • • .• • -
Mr, Harry Tichleitiree is lest reeete-
aring from a. severe Case IA It aaippe.....
• The following; are the efileers of the.
Heron Lew, Associatieh ; •
.President,' Judge Doyle •
Vice, Y. lioliesteaa; Partidetli
. SecaTreksurer, W. prouderat
Auditors; R. C. !live and 'E..1..
• • Library Coninlittee, Dickerea'
san and. Pronatima • •.
A very successful "Maher's"' meet,
was heed teeter the aespiees of the,
W,G, T. V. at. the resideeee of Mrs.
Dan, Sutherland , last •Vriedy p, ilt
Mr's; S, Brown presided and lett,
H. Greheine gave an rieldrcsse• • ••
At . time of Writing the elevator itt
said to hold 4541)0o bershele 'el wheat,
. Mr. W. H. Thottalen of Tilsonberg
has bought out "the old eStabliseed,
drug • store of Major Wrath .Terdatt,
Mr, :Jordan sold out hie be/times once
before- Mr. Davis of Wifigham, who,
retained, the business for sonic thee
and then re -sold it to the former own-
er, but possibly this sale will be per-
Miss Hattie Harrison ored her friend,
Miss Vat. Valkenburg of Norwich, are
at the resideace Of Aire. T.fC. Harris-
ote •
• Mise1lhic .13arry has relented from'
a morith's visit with her brother in
Miss Floret= Graltarrie ie teacher of
S. S. No, 13% East Wavvatiosle Miss
Laura Bridges,late of that:. school, is
home for the winter. •
Mrs. W. Wallace rout babe terve re-
- Wetted home to Petrolea. •
Mrs. R. Sprinig took ofieadeice and
lost no time ie getting the represeittra
Lives of live generatioes in her family
photogeaphed at an early date," On
1Vedneseray morning Great Grandee/0a'
er afeCtout of Colborne curd her daugh-
ter, Mrs. T, :Hamilton of tear•ahtuelt- •
ester, drove into tlte ISesidence of Mrs.
k. Spt•ung, accompaniedby Mrs.
Sprung's daughter, Mrs. Acaon"loielier,
•Calborne, teed baby sot, white at Mrs.
Spa:ries they met Mrs. bprung's eld-
est daughter of Petrolea, 141rs, W,
lace erect infant son, Alan. All repair -
'let to the photograph steak and there
• the group eertesenting (iv t genera-
- dens were ia,lien e'•
, . .
The Grip Agaiu •
(1.TARD • AGAINST , THE /rizs)ll•BLE
11VECTS. •
, , .
Avery winter influenza, .c)r, a.s it is
morc:. generally know:, the, grip makes.
itt appearance in .Canada. Every few
years it spreads and aisarees-alatiniag
proportions. .Protte . all ',appearances
thisis one Of the.years in which it will
seize 'upon a great nuniber Of victims
for every day new cases are reportedia
As in searla and typhoid fever, the -
atter effects .of .•grip.. are .often worse
than tile disease itself. The Sallow
is left with a clehiliteted eystemeeltart
of breath upcit the •elightest exertion,
subject to headache and heart jalpita-
tiOli, by every chadge in the
weather, and . in a physical condition
to mete the attackof more scrim%
diseases, such 8.34 • pnetreacetia` and eore.
swept:ion,. •• .
A timely suggestion alt to how to
enctlet the system to resist the inroads
of the grip and its after effects, is
given. ley Mrs. Emma. Doneett, St.
Ettlalie, Que., who says : "I had an
1 attack of the grip which left ine it suf-
ferer from headache, pains in the
stomach *and geeeral wedotess, 1 need
several medicines but found uothiirg
to help tee until / began, to take. Dr.
. Pilik Pills. When I began
to take these pills .1 was very much
etre down end very weak, but 'they
soon began to help nte and after using
them a fa* weeks. 1 was not only as
well asever but had gained in flesh as
well., I can heftily tell- yott how pleas.
at I lam with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
fort was feelingeery Imitate:4 when I
.begers their use,,
These pitIS eure by malting tine -rich
reol Mac 6, thus etreectitenitig every
Part of the body and eneblite it: • to
throw off disease. Yoe can always'
avoid imitations by seeiag that the
full. Maine "Dr. Wiiliettis' Pink Pills fee
Pale People" is printed on the wrap-
per around every box. Sold by all
Medicine derriere or sent post paid it
so cent:4 a box or six for $2.50 by Writ-
. her to The Dr, Williams Medicine Co.,
BrOckvilley Ot4L.
Marriages. 1
. 11 4' 041 11 I II. I 4 11
. Jan: 6th, .itry Rev. Rural,,. Dea
geraisewonold .s(11\reitairigt.r.: foi:; (A)inlerr.solee.
Anderson, Goderielt township, t
eliss E. Tau& of eiebringville.
, the resi-
dence of the bride's fs,..ther, Jan,
1.?,th by Rev. John Ross, Mgt.
' Mei:where. of Olds, Alberta., N. W.
to Jennie, youngest;.eatchter,
- of air. Jelin Mason Qi Moms to- .
EATTIsCilITLKEIL---At Brussels, on.
atille"Orble Riz(ey‘'b'l
• - Peter Patrick to MiSs Louisa,
(J;a,ron:. -13, by Rev: T. W. C`OSeaS
' erlson to Cora May, third daugh-
ter Of Mr. John Sanders, all of
-b•oth of Howielt townShiP.•
LAUPORT;••••VJAN•CE7-At the resideu
• ce of the bride's. mother,. Mrs'. Sus-
' tut Quenve, Exeter, on Jen. 12, by
- Rev. lir. Retinue, Mr.. Wesley -14141U-
- port of Creclitam, to Miss Mary
Ellen geence of Exeter.
rowbuit`^41r --In London, • by
Rev! W. J. Clark, Mr. W. J. Fow-
ler of Dungannon, to Miss Jessie
Park, eldest daughter of .Mr, arid
Mrs. R. 13, Maarren-' of Tuelleesini-
tie •
131450N -KENNY -At cn Jan
.• 4th, by. the Rev. W. McGregor,
Elson, McGillivray, to Miss
C. gouty, Stephen,
ItENNV-GOWER.-At Greed .13ead one
Jan.- '40, by Rev. ,S, A. Carriete;
Mr. • Jas. Kenny • of Stephen, to
. Elizabeth Aim Gower Of the .saane
. place. •
• Colborne 'Township.
Lhe Ca'olborne •township Mena. Met
. nth, the members taking the
.. required oath' of oilice. All the nutni•••
eipel officers of last yeae are retained.
Nil.:(1).1(.1).: L.-IeMorris on Jan. fith, to
. Mr. ant'sSirs. Edward Nichol, a
calorth.. Javeary 6,
wife of air. W. Keeler, of a
DELEA.NEY-are McKillop an .January
eth; the wife af .14. James Delean-
. ey, 01 ir daeghter.
BOWDEN-In Stephen on January -11,
.to 'Mr, • Mal Mrs,' Win. Bowden, a
TIE -- Dash Wooe. natan.
to Me. .and Mrs, Ezra • Tiernan, 4
MAI8:17,10TT-In Exeter •ro Jan, 73,11, ta
'Mr, and Mrs. John Mellott Sreeor
daughter, . • • . • ,
•CHISHOLM-In:Winghatu on January
13t11,- wife of 11, II. ale:Moine'. • a
daughter, : • •
ROBERTSON --In Wingham on ,Tane•-•
ary 1111k -the wife -of Peter 'Robert, -
son 1; daughter. •
McCLINCHY,In Stanley, on Jan. 7,
'the Wife of Mr. Robert elecliechy.
. of a daughter. • • :
.Ten: 8th, the wife of Mr. Mateo
Schwar teentreber of a 'daughter.
NMNr aLlI,rti---Illeti•.1,8..ansIlviz tro.
Murky: of:Qin:Wm, •n son, •
BEZZ0-'4ii -London- on Dee. to
. Mr. 'and' Mrs. Rapii Bcttzo, former.-
- ly -Clit:ttiti,.6.c.tithas_f.b.tre:e... • •
STEEP.-afeakincle hatenersitiparnecitre;e
. teth; Mrs, Peter • Steep, aged • '62,
r,tv3a77,1:3Tf.):N.E-In ifulte'il.:.on Jo*
ary tetle. Stele Roe., wife. of ealr.
." Themes Livingstone, eik„cd 77 years
'mut 3 motiths.: • . •• .•
IRWIN-airyToronto on January retie'
; eiladelsetsiav
igll.;t,er anIorpnerly ,/
SMALLDON-4n. Yale; Mih., On
...letle• John 'Srealideri af Grey' . to-
wel/chip,. aged 6a: eaare,- father of
itirs•TifineS Duefoird fereierly oI
•.• 'elinton • • : . .
S0HXS-111 Vet:Orme 00 Saarae, Eliza
Whitlock,. wife of Richerd • Johne,
4.:gect ,8o yeaz*. 1 Month' ttnei • 22
110Rlotte • Ann Willey, wife of Sammel
R, Ho
aiNi ;trin: 34s. • •
• • .ne, age56years, 8 e
, . thethe
BRAN -In 'Creditee, en Sen., S.,.
..ikivtd!eraim, .a4,e4 b6 years.
HERSLAKE-In..trshorne on Jan.' 12,
. Mary Atin Rowe, aged „sr years,•
moeths end try days— .
liODSWORTII-e4u Gederich tavinship'
• CM Jan.. relief; of the 'late
Anthony DodsWorth,• aged 8;3 yearsi..
Goderich tevinship on •San, •
• 15t11,'„Thtis. H, Cook,- ageo, 46 Yea,
for the cotrung Year .with the excep-
titer of the tateiters. The new •ap-
pointees are Alex. Sheppard af Nile
and John Wilson ef Aulhirsa, two
former se/tool% teachers. Mr. Wilson
• has for a, number of y.earS beelt auditor
Lor the Ashfield and NVawanosti Fire
. Insurance • Contpany and while a resi-
dent of Hallett\ township Wel experi-
ence in nunrickpiA auditing.
Miss Clara Tewsley: has been award -
ea the prize for to.teng given the best
synopsis of the tee: sermons _entitled .
"Ors Calvary,'," preacher by Rev, J.L.
Smell .at Smith's Hill during: lase •
summer. A synopsis .of the book is -
requested, .031a -win be deliverer Iron
the- pulpit; tot the receiver's credit.
Misses Allie and Effie Glen received
eiplonas for correctly repeatieg the
Shorter catechism..
Dr. ihtenittore ..V, S., ehowee the .
Herald a three-legged €a1f,.last week,
Which was a curiosity in another way
as well, .the . entire insiee 'being
tached to the outside • end ,•whieht. ire
..ternel• organs outwardly exposedettare
without a perticle • Of lair covering.
The calf was eeaci and the limbs
heel to be • broken before taken from '
tlei .anintel. • The .frecik, made from the.. .
clefeets noted, was otherwise, well -
forme1 and nearly, if not quite, •ful;
Seaforth, •
• •
- The , anneal meeting of the Ladies'
Aia Soehity of the Presbyterian chur-
ch, was bela last week Wheel the fol-
lowing calicere were elected : •-
President, Mrs.. 8, Dickeon; •
Mes. 'Larkin- and Mrs,. A. Mc- . .
Treaeurer, Mrs. W, Somerville -
'Secretary, Mrs.. Jets.. Watson;
'Thi soeiety climes the .year with .
surplus .of over "teemto its 'credit in •
the • bank, 'Alley. also aveided to give •
"a Scotch' supper and a .rettsical • •pro- ' •
grant in Cardiree • hail .o1.1 the .everaing,
el 13 ern' 8.. anniePersery,* -Jan. 25th„
Ati a regular etcetera.; of: Lady Nairn • ••
Camp, . Sores af Scotland, held • -last
Week 'in' their Ipe•ge ream theefbflow- '
ing officers. were elected, foe' the cureente .
yettr.:. . .. . . ..
Chief, Wm. -Ballantyne . .
Chieftein, R. L..Suri.th . • . . . .
Chafereit, Jame.s McMichael • ' , ' .
Recording and. Fivaucial Secretary,
Sole Rankin , • • •
Treasurer, Thomas iticliardson ee
Marshal, A, Stobie
8tandard-hcat-er, Alex. Sutherland •
Sr. guard, Win. 'McLeod •
Jr. guard, Robert Steel
.Camp pl.ysicien, Dr. McKay •
The camp, has a membership of about
.eiglity end .the imentersliip Steadily .
groUring larger. .
ebt*..4.4.461-44ttf....4. 41. 40"k,1
• Can not be made through 14.
glasses that silo not fit the
• eyes. Oftentimes one at -
11, tributes a lack of c ear-. a.
ness of vision to his eyes, 6
t when his.glasses are who-
Ily to bla.me.
• • ,t
.1 ed.mut be changed ac-
$ Properly adjusted. glas-
Eyes change and:glass-
• : .
. Bat cait be -career. •witlidat pain/ in
ore day by Petnamee Cont. arid .Wart
extraCtof. : •This • standard retnedy nev- •
er burns the flesh; :it is :entirely, veg- ,
etable' in cotOpositien and does not de-
stroy the • flesh, Use. only Peteam'se
it's the best,. .• • ' •
Cannot Compel Newspaper
to Divulge Identity of Cor-
' 111 -a judgment given . at Osgooda
Hail Mr. Justice,. MeMaliori holds that
the editor of a newspaper is not bound •
to reveal- the identity of a a/1*We'
Whose .contrilmtion is .ealled into ques-
iies at the proper time will • '
• preserve your eyes so •
I that they will do you t.
z good service during your-
-::g• . *
4 ,
4 No guesswork here. ,
Eyes tested scientifical-
ly by a Graduate Opti -
I clan, • ;
t (loner's 13oot Stare,
tithe• • . • 4409.1111411441-441111111190.11****10,11•40
cpAscoe.0000ocomooso 0000000000000000000
W. 11. Hellyar, 0
.Have:You'Ati Qld Watch.:-?
If so let us give you an estimate of what
we can allow fora new High Grade
Lip.tor.date watch.
We guarantee our prices to be the best
- obtainable for high grade watches. The
purchase of one is no experiment they
are made to last a lifetime. Delivered
to any address in Canada free of
charge. Write for. one today.
Diddloonsube's Oki stand,
Opposite Town Mil,
000000000001000 • 00000000000
.• • .