HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-01-21, Page 1P.
11-11,1 CLINTON
25th Year
„ 3100
< 5
—A. J. Holloway's entire 2 stock of-
-Tweeds, Worsteds and Trowserings-
-sold at a low rate on the dollar—
e beg to announce to the people of Clinton and
surrounding country that we have bought the <
stoellof A.J.Holloway at a low rate on the $ and on
Thursday, Jan. 21st
will place every dollar's worth of goods in the store
on sale at prices never before 'equalled in Clinton.
All the made-to-order clothing will be sold in
the building now occupied by Mr. Holloway and
also used by Mr. Combe as a drug store. In a few
weeks carpenters and painters will be here to make
necessary alterations so the stock must be reduced to >
the least amount possible. Mr. Robert Downs, for– <
merly cutter for R. Coats & Son, will have charge of
this department.
See BMs for list of prices
The J. W. Newcombe Co.,
,c1aeteteie49*.- +.3moti-1,991:xolossotoetaletetaetetek
0004 -0,0/044 -
SAVE 14,
0 0 O 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0
•SAVE!.! .
Begin the New Year by opening aoSaviings Bank accouot in •
The Sovereign .
ilneorantated Aot •
Mr. Alf. Rance, who has a good
situation in a Toronto drug store, has
been in the Isolgtion hcspital in that
city, having contracted diptheria, but
Q f a mini type, we are pleased to hear,
The offieera now in charge af the S.
A. loeal corns are Capt. Aneerson,
late of Sussex, • and Lieut. Setter,
whose home is at Portage liL Prairie,
Man., but who has just completed a
course in the training school at Tor -
6:01 1;% FOUR. HORSES.
• A horse belonging to Mr. Harry
Cook of the 2nei con. of Hullett drop -
,ped dean while ;standing inSeeley .114
Turner's shop on. Monday: The cause
of it dropping off is supposed to have
been heart disease. This is the fourth
horse Mr. Cook has lest hx a year,all
in a somewhat similar manner.
Mr. A. 0, ,Pattison, G. T. R. agent,
Wan on the 'sick list last week and the
ContpcOny knowing that he had held
oat intil he could do so no longer,
eipeeted he woulebe laid up for some
days and sent along their "relief ag-
ent." But A. 0. is a slove for work
work and knocking. out the grip, in
short order he was on duty again be-
fore the "relief" arrived.
The progrtan .at the socia.1 to be
held. in Willis church next Monclay ev-
ening promises to be a very entertain-
ing cue. f1I following will take
part : Solos by Messrs. Cook,. S. Jack -
SOLI and W. Houston., reacnings by C.
Tebbett and W. J. nougheed, instro-
mentals by Charlie Wing, etc.
HIGH WATER, MARK. . , The new Catholic church at
The number c)f inmates in the liaise 'St. Augustioe is now completee. so
fax as the contract is eoneerned aod
of Refuge- is now 86, which: is almost is now being g'ct into readiness for
but not quite high water mark, The thecpering which will take place on
greatest number on the roll was three Feb. 2nd, The building is of stone
yeats ago when for a few hours there quarried in West: Wowanoshi and will
were 89.. The gritn reaper, though, cost nearly ni8,000„ exclusive of vol -
keeps the slumber down to just 'about notary labor. The 'pastor is Rev.
- what it is. at presevt.. To be sure a, Fher atHanlon who has been inclefati-
few take Franck leave when the warm. gable in advancing, ithe interests of the
weather rolls ,arourid.
• parish. . •
The Kingsbriege church twelve miles ;
farthernorth will not be Anished outil
_ Mr. Robert A, Don its celebrated the next summer. It is estimated to cost
• 32r4 attniversary -of his birthday on about $35f000.
Mrs. W. Taylor of Rattenbury street Monday last ead his nurnerons friends ' •
gave a "Christmas Dinner' to •several wish, him 'Many happy returns of the . .
0f her family en Wednesday.. • This day. Mr. Dowos isoe of theo most •
hos grown into n titne-honored custom genial and popular young' inen about
with this good lady and though at town,an evidence of which could be
times unforeseen circumstances pteyent i
seen n the school trustee election when
it from taking place on the 25th,. the his vote atinost doubled that of bis
feast is none the less enjoyed when it opponent. •
is partaiten of. .
, • 1
The oldest trustee in Herao in point
of service is Mr. David Seott of S. S.
No. 13, East Wows:nosh who is -now
Serving his 39th year. It is kity-one
years since the .section wos formed and
Mr. Seott missed one term by lainn
unavoidably ansent flann nit,: annual
Meeting. He purposes ratio -Leg oti the
completion Cf his 39th year,
A ,.big bonspiel was neld at Galt Tett
week and was atteraleci• by Messrs, J.
Fair, D. A. Forrester'W, Jackson, T,
Jackson Jr. and J. Sealding. The
lett Mentioned is an oldl• Galt skip
and met many a former competitor. at
inn bouspiel: Our enders were not
Goderich Township.
Mr, George E. Annerson of Griao
wold, Man., /who mine down on a vis-
it to the old homestead, Mr. J. T. An-
Goclerieb.. Township. •
Mr. Nay and daughter of Manitoba,
who have been visitiog friends here,
Friday went .to- Nile on Fray to vsit am-
ong Mr. Nay's people.
Mr. R. 3. Anderson, of McGregor,
Mato, atter a couple of weeks' visit ea
the old homesteaeo Mr. j, T. .A.neera
son's, left on lloralay for his 1Vestero
home. He has been a.bout, twenty
years on the prairies where he 1: as
proseeren and is now the ower of a
large farm. He has aged, in appear-
ance, not at all since hisoo-evious vis-
it and. is the .saine cheerful R. 3.
of yore.
On Monday evening a largo nuereber
of yotuon people front Qoeeoich town-
and Clinton gathered at theonie
of Mr, Thos. jenkins and during the
course ct the evening presented his son
Mr. 'William Jenlins, withr& hannsome
gold watch, accompanied ny the follow-
ing address :
•Williatn Jenkins :
Dear Friand,—It is witht*feelingsoI
regret that we heard ofyour intended
departure from our midst, You have
always proved yourself an agreeable
companion and akind Wend and we
are sorry to know that we shall soon:
ones you -from our social gatherings.
We • have.come together to -night • to.
ask you ..to accept thit watch at- a
slight• • token of the esteem in which
re are held by the people of Goder,
ich township; Signeo
derson's, before Christmas, was quiet-
•• Harry Jenkins-- • ,
ly 'marrien.oa the .6th inst. to Miss R.. • f George Moir. • * •
.Tohn Jenkins
the local•Orangemen will celebrate
the next anniversary of the Battle :of 'E.' .Tauch, a, charming yofing lady en The address was read by Mr George
, will sitbanit their •nlaims to the Comity and the presentation made • by
, the Boyne in Clinton, or at all events Sebringville. Owing to, illness •ini the main
- It ' is .a. decade since they, had ao de, Rural Dean -*Deacon cad Mr. H. Jetkins, Mr,. Will. ,Tenknis
nattily, of the 'groom the wedding tock
.; rocn•straticn here avd so great. Was wedding .dinner was portaken O at the
The made a neat reply' of thanks for the
was taken' completely by surprise but
Meeting to be held on February • -mu,. place at the rectory, Stratfcrd the
atinF. he
' not yet been tip:oiled by any celebra- riogville„ only a few intiniate friends •
pnrents in .seb_ gift s.nd the • kind. sentimentwaccom-
- -AIM next kw very
county, ef• whatsoever' being' present, Mr. and Mrs. Anclerson 131c1.01aeinne.Ypsi•a:liifity'hietnis were then spent by the
.! the crowd on that occasion • that it has lunrie
tion held in theo of' the bride's
spent a few ds.ys at the homesteaal chat. in games, music s,nd social
, Mr. Jenkins left en Wednesday inor-
Mr. George Toylor, who bas been
living for same time on William street, e• •
trip is evidence that the climate
here and on • Tuesday left for their
'home- at Griswold. Their many frietuls ning fct Medicine Hat, Alberta, where
he will digage- in retelling: He spent
wish • them a. happy and prosperous
a 'couple of years there •and his return
Whole Number 1302
Mrs. R. lYfeClinchey has recovered
from her recent illness, we On glad)
to say.
Mrs. Fee has not been in her usual
goo 6 health for some time past, but
her many friends topeto learn of her
full recovery to her full time vigor
A pleasing event occurren in the
English church, Goshen, twoweeks
ago when Mr. James Stephenson was
collect forward. and presentea witb an
andress from the. waden and rector
in belialf of the congregation, express-
ing the gratitude of all concerned for
the faithful and loving service of the
past iiz caning .forntlie church. Mrs.
Stephenson also was included as
loyal and devoted: help in good work
The metnbers of Goshen are rot want-
ing in any good wcrk at any time and
Mr. and Mrs. Stephreitson ore of that
kind. We wish them many years of
health and happiness and hope that
liorniony which has existed in the past
inoy ;I•ve a continued joy- ht the Goshen
Porter's Hill.
John Shaw, after visiting' friends' in
Coiborne, returrap
n to Porter-'
„ ' • .
Mr. Williairi Maccionold spent Sun-
day. with- friends on the. 6th.conces-
sion. •• •
Mr. Fred. Motgari has been laid up
with a. bad •cold but is 'getting better
again, •
." Mn: Bert.' Lindsay while driving. .a
young laeyhome from Porter's •Hill
*and in • . going up one Of the big hint
- some Root of the'•horness:- broke,throno;
ing them out. The horse ran away
but they did. oot get hurt, --
Mr.• McNeil has not been ep to Beth-
any. to preach for nix Sundays owing
t the bad d d t till
, We are ,glad to . heat stme
- Marshall, who has :been sick for. scin •
time, is nettiog better again.
, Mr; 'John. Cox was in London last
week.. . • •
: has ino<)ed, to, •Ina.ele street whiela is lar. Isaac. Rathwell and sister, Miss • •grees with. him and. that fie liked life • • ' .•.• .
• nearer hit'Ploce of emplOyment and so Maude from Gray are vititinVit this on the ranch.' He is :a genial' young
During the lote nittnieipal• campaign
one of the •aspirants for munitipal
!Jonas in his•eonOass made tke spebific
statement. that I 'had .$1.75, of the Ci -ti -
zeas' A.saacititioo fitud which I .could
give no Baccarat: of. Although. was •
taking -iso part inothe election-heats:de- ..
WS:statement in order • to get notes., •
and, • in order to •injure• canhidate •
fcrthe comitig pwho- 0niett be .
favorabin--to--liny appointanent •AS elerk-
f the•t lc>. an aer no b ' •
tion to Make anY statement ' tothe • •
Manor or Council ot this fundi otr to.
anyone : excepting the execritive com-
tuittee•of the. Citizens' Asnociatiort and
I. further state I have never beets asked • :
to pitibliak a statem
statement. I make the. •
foll win statement of m ONvia free •
will and accord, and without prejudice
t t' f
more conweiiient. . . • '1 d h' '
. . . _ Vicinity. Mist Maude will rei ain Mon .and possesses very %flatly :wenn
. .
• d Mr. John Rathwell's • until spi'ing.. . friends . • • • • ' • • • •
T4tr' -IT R tlol'e. 1
victorious, nor did they:expect it: not
irom .Rattenbory street. and) isf now
. Miss Cole, organist in Meth•o- •
1ievrag hod any practise this sea.acno•
comfettably• ;located On Queen ttreet. dist church, entertained the members .
choit on Aioneta:y e.voning
• • • . *Up. to the date of her marritge ber
' Iast
Routledge had always liyed on Queen Nybr:1 all had a moot enjoyable time.
<X><>00 *000.00 ooe00000 e<><*<>o o o 00 00•0•$.00.
The Bank endeavors to make their Savings System the easiest and ,
most agreeable medium for all classes of the conimunity to save their •
earnings -by depositing $1 or as much more as they wish. Every de-
positer's money is secured
Since it's establishment the Sovereign Bank of Canada has lied un-
-precedented success in the finantial world,and its stability is be-
coming more widely known every, day. A comparatiye statement en-
ded Oct 31st last is here appended which discloses facts and. figures •
never before known in banking. history • ........ • .. • • •
Assets 31st Oct,1902 3Ist Oct. 1903
Cash and Bank Balances $ 383,097 $ 622,774 .
Bonds and Stocks , 430,383 . 1I3,807
Loans and Discounts 2,9 x,608 5,821.390
Bank Premises, Safes, Etc. 44,075 52,850
• $3,855,203 $7,209,920
Liabilities • •
Capital—Paid up • $1,173,478 $1,300,000
Reeerve Fund and Undivided Pronto. 240,000 802,888
Sovereign Bank notes in circulation' 750.095 ''• 1,287.850
Deposits • i681,730 4,309,432
$8,855,208 $7,200,020
bo5 4 0 •4
Ooo c0000 00001
rlanager H. T. Rance, 'Clinton.
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 Cs<
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*0.0o.o 00 0 00
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
• d • • Mr, W. II. tolib and wile ot the •
Wheat 77e tO 78c • -. • street and is well p ease at ieturning
Oats o.9e to 3ne" • to it again,. efrefesnicdnis2_etnotertalionyeadtera
aat AV"
'rkle people of thit section were inuCh
Mr. $...5. Cooper has got out the
_ oo. tootle for in.. notcl _which purpesea ;shocked to learn .of the death of Mrs.
Peas 65c • • •• - " • "
• • -: THE lalaW ' • . per on Friday evering last. .
Barley 38e to 40e
Bcitter ret to 15c '
Eggs 20e •• _
Potatoes ,5oc per bushel
• Hay SO per ton • •
erecting on the Ciaretelon site • next retee Steetn;vhich: took 'place Wed -
Live Hogs ;$4.7,5 per cwt. • cliiee store, next Oil Slono : block, Steen to
. summer. The, buntline, altich will ino nesdan •aepvpecianrn,d lais)te
livneekhe'r nMsulasi
COoner havion secured a machine from
• will be • built . of ceinete, blocks, Mr, good' health, that morning but soon -
after ,breaktost she was takeiti Titz
The animal. supper Of the howling 1VIcNa.11y & Plummer of Blyth for doetPr was 'at once sent or, • be.
club took place at the , Rattenbury their manufacture. Mr, Cooper says netwithatanding all his skill she. grew
worse raid dien that. evening,
House cooFriclay night last when thir- the hotel will be strictly u4;-tO:ente in
ty eevotees of the sport gathered every 'respect. He- has alreody received • Stoop was eJ very industrious an
about the "mahogany" arta enjoyed several. offers to lease it. kind-ltearted • Woman) and was much
the many good thins provided Lor the ,
refreshment of the inner. man. 'Pretn larrT?•<E 1:40•Al•c•
dent Ransford graced the head of the Have you eseaped la gtippe ?
E. J. Howard has innted thie G: R. Steppaid: The funeral hank '
D. A. Forrester made a neat etilogis- mr•
rooms io the. Maeltnyt bloek• min is peace to Clinton. ceirietery Friday • ; • .
tie address, the good qualities of the
;hoving them .fitted ino 'trill' his moth- Where there was a large turn out of : Albert.. president. being his subject. This lee.
• er he will take up his residence there. sympathising frienes. The services at
t M J
. esnemee by all Who knew her.. She
• is survived by her hiisliand; fciur tons,
John, Henry,. janies and 'Adrian, and,
table: The • cloth being removed Mr. ,
two daeghters Airs James Miller and.
The severe Snap -has• somewhat 'abet -
_ed .npw,LInaking. iff.n.lore..pleasant to
line. .•
• evera is neig o are
tacked with •grippe, smite being, • ton -
time. to bed. .
The deetn• of Mr. : Albert Deftoitcy,
whci was emplciyed no to lately with
Mr. J. Johostoir, pal who was a gein
mon 'favorite' With'. all was hearcl'of
deep: sorrow, • }Ie was Wish 10 .rest
in the catholic cemetery an Sunday
f rieU!'cl
the syenoa.thy 'of the. conmiunity.
Mr. •Otterbion at present ender
the doctor's eare with luvg trotible.
We wish him -speedy recover
visitedhis parents on Suodcay /est.
• • . •
morning. • The mourning s have
. Mr, Samuel S,wenze c Dashwood
np to the portallottedr. a es
Fair, who presented Mr. Ransforcl The OddiellOws will hold a "Smoker', house and grave Were condoeted by
with' a handsome pair of bowls with in their lodge room on Vrldoy evening Rev. James Snell of 13ayfiele.The
Which it. roar 'be:expected, the a/cello. which. pre:Mises •to be an enjoyable ai- pallibea.rers were : • John. •Ihcaupson„ •
president wil winonony victories on fait it were itic predecessot.s. George Miller, Sainuen•kotliveell, J. R.
- Sheppard, Peter Cole and Robert Ran-
h g ' t . "It ' is not for , n wri ing nail A i r , . •an. , . i
. their intrinsic value," said Mr. Fair Israel Tanlar says bit first oinerience eY' -, • -, :
in, effect, at he made the pretentation,
"thot we ask yod to accept. these bow pleasant'. ' The thy is Omni the
with a ' prairie Winter has. beed so far . . Mr. John Cantelon, w1:9,..formerly
ls; hut merely as sOtoken of our s.p-• air .lived on ib. '7th con,' did at the home
critp and there is jest enough snow Of his daughter, Mrs. Pentland of a.sln;
j...1igitNelbigleC. 0. • k • • NrenSt19=121. • .11 ••• • • .11 • 11, • • : I -.1•11.711101,...
. • . • . • - • •.•
• „• . • '•
++++++++. 1 ! I li•44++.1. 4.4.444...1.4.4.+i I. 1.1.4.'144
pteciatien of the •seryfie you have ?-13v- .fOr good sleighing, .• ' o•-- field, on • Monday .anci AVednetda.y.
dered the Mr. Rainfood:oenitte %. • • " • • • • the remains were interred in the ceine-
a characteristie 'reply. 'ERRATIC TRAIN SERVICE, . •-• tery Dungannan. Cantelnn was
' • M. 1,11. Jackaontheti read an 1 'Si Y9r . •
• • born in TippetarnIreland; about :85
and of late -years owned a
bowler." It was' a humorous sketch *rose than' ever, tiains• - rriningat an' yeart e.go '
`7 Y. pronerty at the Nile where Ite6nesided
on "The hospitality of a, Clitomi The Grant'. Trunk traio seivice is
• to which Mo. •Jaekson did justice aid old .time. This is especially the ease
A. for a considerable length of thne. He
JACKSON'S •. •. tne bowlers lorgheil. till their . sides
did ache nwlowtliefrLeci. itt8113;1;liewhreorertiritTu?ds train
. Was% Et; firs'cousin of Mr, Geg. •Cantel -
Men's Suits OUR
' . Ready-made
to Order.
Our Tailoring Department
has been too busy to say a good
word for itself since the .
rush began, and it is only now
that we can begin to take
Have you ordered your
Fall Suit yet?
: •
Is now complete With all the ••••
newest designs in ,Worsteds.and
Serge Suits.'
In Tweeds all the new stripes.
Fall Overcoats in the very
latest styles.
'Youths' and Heys' Suits hi all •-•
We invite you to come and bane
a look at the largest and finest Small boys' nobby two-piece
stock of imported 'Worsteds, 'Stoke New 'York suits, made
Tweeds and Cheviots in the from a good serviceable all.wool
LIAM ty tweed, dark grey ground, in a
neat stripe; pattern Made yoke -
Our prices are monerate, While box pleats and belt finished,with
we give you all the style, fltand farmer's satio,lloings. 00 0
finish to he had in any city. Sizes 23 to 28. •,Price, %imam *"...1
T. Jackson, Sr., Clinton.
,10 -Lr
.44+4444 '3 ilittlt itt 11111t7
00000 0000000000000000
We have sold our tailoring business to Mr. J. W.
Newcombe, who will take possession about the 18th
of January and take this opportunity of thanking
our many patrons for the 'many favors received in
the past and would ask for continuance of the sante
to Mr, Newcombe, We would ask all those indebted
to us to please settle the same by 1st Feb„ altar that
date all accounts will be placed in court for toile°.
tion, .J. HOLLOWAY.
00 00000000000000 0 00 00
There. was no toast list and after •on Tuescay with a double heaeer rea-
Mr, Jackson's essay the. remainder • of ehed tne water. Wilt .north of town
the evening was spent iri playing whi- three hours late, but:somethin.g •hav-
st, ping pong, etc . in'g; gone wrong with, the pump were
• • • -• Unable, to' take on a aupply of onater
TUE. NEW POSTOFFICE:: ! and ' there they lay for tione -hours,
• , • Most of the postengets • walked it'
one. new postoflice was thrown open to The northbound couldn't -get
to the public on Saturday' eveniog and
Many .citizens availed thianselves of the , north • of Hensel'.
opportunity to look it over from cel-
la. to attic. Arlicl now that they: have
seen' it they elaily grow .tnore tired of
tne old and s,oniewhot wonder bow it.
it that they have -bonne se patiently
wiltb it so long, ..- • .
•• The building cot anout as talon/el ; A nieeting of The Deanery Of • this
Tlie• lack of" service interfered with
the atter/dr:tee at the Meetings of tbe.
Huron Presbyterial. • held la Clinton
that • . • . • '
, Contratt : • ' ' , ei3,00o county wos helcl in St: Paul's school -
Land, • . 2,500 • house on Tuesday lost,. • Owing to the
state of the roads these ' who would
•dtive•found it impossible, to do so ex -
'tent ate Rev.. Mr. 'Webb -of, Ilrussels,
• Heating
Etc., Etc. •
. I , 1 00
• . 500
Cantracton Cooper started' on the
work in, Oct. 1902 and on the loth
October last, he so Worms The News-,
Recorn, he haxt it coninieteei with • the
exception Of some extras and work
which was delayed by the installation.
of the heating emu...talus, etc. Mr.
Cooper points to other public jytiiicl-
fogs where the eelty nos beett greater
than ot. the Clinton postoffloe.
• The. building is of red presseil brick
with trimetrings of Guelph limettoue,
The insiee brick is from tle, Eamond-
ville yards. •
The postoffice proper is bright, well
vetitilated and comtnodious. The two
floors above devoted to the living,
rooms are equipped with all the mod -
era conveniences, • though the moot
are very small, The quarters of the
collector of customs lextertmlly
semble a lockup, but the, inside ars.
pertrante is much better, Mr. Wiseman
will nave 'plenty of room and, quite
confortable. The . building will be
lighted throughout by elettrieity, no
less than fifty incandeseent$ having
beet, installed.
The inspector is Mr, Harry Stev-
ens, a builder of experience and repo-
tation. He ktiowt haw to .do good
work hinitelf and has .quick, eye to
see that others do so also.
Tbe postofilet is the third publit
building erected by Centractor Cooper,
de others being the Muse of Refuge
and Sts,vely He now bas. in
course of erection the Catholic &arches
of St. Augestine Itingtliridge, the
latter to be the largest Waite iv Hur-
on. Mr. Cooper is noted for hie un-
tiring energy and hit ability teltatiele
bhW COittra,ctii4
The . trait- service was also interrer-,
ed. with by 'the great storms of the
early part of Ole 'week so that 'Mem-
bers front the south not to •Hensall.'
just ; in' time to eatelt the afternoon
train to return home and so did not
Succeed in getting to Clinton at all,
The half dozen tnenibers present con-
sidered the apportionment to be ma,de
to the various parishes in the Deane
and it was decided to try .to intreto
the amounts asked for, but at the same,
time tO•eortistue tit a. mitihnotn the
=Mints fixed last year,
The Rev. J. Cooper Robinson, who as this, se.' lar, has been.
for fourteen years ha S been a mission- . The townsbip council elect, viz :
toy in Japan, preached in St. Paul's John Middleton, Reeve ; J. C. Woods,
church on -Sunday evening last and Jas. Cox, John Fore., 3.13., Stewart,
gave an illestrateet lecture on. Japan eminent:ars, met in Wilson's hall Inol-
ori Mondan aenink. Rebinson inesville; on Monday I of, aast week.
was the first inisnionary sent to Japan After Making the necessary declarat-
by the Church of England in Canada ion of office and property qualificatioo,
arid speaks enthusiastically of his worlo the usual by-laws were tossed fixing
text with much affection and sytitpathy salaries and appointing officers as fol-
iar the Japanese people. For over an lows ;
nom Mr. Robinson .heltl the close at-
tehtiott"of the congregation on Surday Assestor, John Thanonsceu •
Collector, Louis A. Anderson
evening and hit impressive sermon. win
bot be soon 'forgotten. ;by those( who George Holland and George InOtruld,
Were fortunate enough to be present, Auditors
The lecture on Monday evering was The various Patlimesters, pound-
calctdated to give Otte a, Very' real keepers and fence -viewers were /*poi*.
,knowledge 'of Japan and, of the - miss- ted.• Communication iron chairman of
ionaty work carried on there. About trust fund of Chileten's Iro.spital,
Slidet were shoWn man the fluency Toronto, asinitg for a grant, council
of the lecturer and tbe attrutive char- grantee/ $5 toward said fund. Local
e.eter of the views prevented the inter- Rood of Meth consists of the Reeve,
est of ;those present from dragging for Clerk, Johii Cox, John Sackett Sratul
one mottlent. Shoulo retion to Albert Centelon. Council adjourned to
Clinton we fed Sure he will meet with Met on the first Monday 111 Feb, at
IX most kindly teeeption, • . aotaolo
ori, 'thus' township. • -
On Wednesdayot last • *eel Mrs.
Donsworth, relict of :the late, AntLoni.
Dodswetth, Nissen into, the Writ land,
at the advanced` age of 86. yearn With.
her bosband,she resided in.. Clinton
bet since his' eeath the made her home
with her sister, Miss Fordl She was
highly respected and many syrnpathis-
innfriends attended the funeral which
took place. cn Friday to .Maitland cem-
etery,. The services 'at house and cem-
etery wert.cOnducted by Rev, Mr. Mon
ser • while the pallbearers were .1 S.
Sturdy, G. Tebbutt, W.. Proctor, W.
Stcanley, W. Gould, A. -Courtice. .
• Mr. Thos. II. Cook of the 9h con.
died on Friday last , inoin kidney , dis-
ease and complications, There are
sonic regrettable features in •cotinec-
tioit with: his Mints, The neighbors
were. kiftd and Willingly .,reralered what
assistance lay iil their power. • -Bis
wife and ofte cbild, aged about six
years, survive. His father andmother
came down from •Lucknow. The body
was ta.ken front the house to the uu-
dertaking rooms of. Mt;3. C, Steven-
son of Clinton and the date of funeral
was- set for Monday, the lam -inert to
Jake place in Clinton cemetery, The
tether of deceased changed his mind
on Saturday and. hae, the bodytaken
to Lucknow by the evening train, the
remains .being interred there on Mon-
vett the oldest tattler does not
remember atother nth severe winter
W. Hawkins,: Clucego, who' has
been home visiting his inother,i .left
agam this week for lot home. •
W. B. Hawkins was in GOddrich on
Friurte. •
a Manlier of the yoitme- folks
of this secticn spent a pleasant OVell-
ing at a party at Mr. Foster's en)
dNYellisl•,g1,1,tlear. sen :has , gzing of men'
outting up his ice supply 'thin week. .
Randal Graham has bcnight a. coal
stove which le . hopes to enjoy, the
wood being too high: priced for Lino
W. N. Brinen:. left last week for
Brantford where he nos a goon stir.:
Mrs. Harry Hayden spento a few
days hz. Gcnierich last wean. • •„. . •
No service was held in the English
church here last Sunday although .a
fair crowd was ciit. •
Aliss Hattie Thuilnw, Goner elospent
a. while with, Mr. a,ca) Mrs. Jas. Mc-
Whinney last week.
, Misses Gertie and Lizzie Connell,
are spending a week in the .village this
11ls Bessie .Crawforli Napa wa, Man.;
is visiting in the neighborhood and.
village at present. • • ,•
Miss ,Ativie Crawford is iinproving
and able tonbe out driving.
Mr. Tom. McBride son ann. daughter
of Merrell, •Mich,, haVe returned home
after spending Xmas holidays with los
mother, drother and. sister.
Zfolut Selmenhals made a trip •toKi-
ncardine recently.
, .
Stanley Township.
21:5nut•everybody here has been visit-
ed by la gtiope. • • .
Still we wrestle' with microbes, •• .
.We AlwaYs feel worse ttan we seem •;
Wrestling with lemons and bedclothes,
And every two hours a quinine,
' Miss E. 'Cameron' gave a party last
Friday, eveoinn and all had nit enjoy-
eble time.. • . •
Mrs, Cleave is ill at tiond of writ -
in . • ' . .
Mr. 3. Burns spent Sunday and Moo -
day at home here. ,
Me. Richard AlcDool has 'beet. laid
up wAlt la. grippe.
lend institutingag-ainst the party re-
:fe,rred to in .this letter. Signed
. • 11.- B. ICOMBE.
.13SaubigAlscereiptfir'oamns 11.Z48cedsitnauittssa^n:d 5131 0 268. i4o0.05. '
eeniionigo ngag at e
te ansan
Jellies Ross, piper , $3 oo •
W. D.:Pair Co., supplies. • .8 30 :
St'oreing 'City Kartourn . 50 '
•It. "Coats & Son, Supplies ,!•5 '42:
Davis & Rowland, supplies
W,. Cooper & CoL, Supplies
F: Evens dra.ying
W.. Steep, street •gracling
Clinten Electric ,I,Ight Co.
'1'.• McKenzie, supplies. .
Hadgens 13ros •
. 7 90
n 20
400. '
:14 06'
14 23 .
. F. W. Watts, telenranis •• ° 52
A. McGraw, work •
L. Kennedy, supplies'
•24. Cantelon, printing
'1', Murray, Seatorth band
J. 13. Rutribaln telephone
',Geo Steep; printingaccount 7 so
J, Dunford, draying 17 oo
nonet Corps,' supplies 25 oo
J. A. Ford, .pclice an. gate kpr., to so .
A. Ginn, police .• '
W. 'Wheutley, evergreens 10.00
W. Wheatley, work account oo
T. McKenzie Jr:, cake walk '-•*
It Swansea, police • ,x co'
.1. J. McCaughey, cadet mesas. 25 bo
band 12 So
• “ •
3.. Allison, police ' • , ••1 oo
P B Crews medals 9 oo
3, J. Fisher, painting oo
I). Connell, carpentering 29 oo
J. Leslie, fireinan's race : 3 oo
J. C. Miller, receptipn account • X a)
J. C. Driller, band anetle to 75
Darnell° Co.,' entertainers 480 00
Dan McKay, Highland dancing 10 oo
Piper McKay , • 7 25
Ilodgeiis Bros., beeges 3 19
W. J. Bowers, painting • 2 05
W. D. 'Fair, printing account 40
A. Porter, 1). ,05
14, W. U110,17.5, 3 25
J. Rattenbury, reception account 6 50
Miss M. Shipley, making sashes 1 75
S. 13eatty, livery 5 oo
New Era, printing, 36 oo
S. Beatty, livery 5 oo
S. 13. ituttrball, telephone 14 c47
Hand & Co., fireworks
Mr. and Mrs, John Scs.rlett have re-
turned from London after spentring
few days visiting friends there.
Master e. I. and Miss Mabel Stew-
art of Clinton and Miss Ethel Lovett
have returned home after spendiog a
few weeks Visiting with Leadbitry fri-
Mr. and Mrs, G. Hearn were visit-
ing frfends Leadbury last week,
Several from here atteneled the Con-
servative convention' Irensall( lost
'Then is softie excite/tient among the
people concerning the proposed rail-
Mr. A. Sholefice etitertaitted a sleigh
iota Leadbury friends one evening
last week,
Afr.and Mr.atid Mrs, T.
nrieve of Daltot are vise/01g at Mr.
VI, Scott's,t
6 40
I' 00
5i 25 •
' 95 •
on 18
r, Ai: Dunhani, Gocierich band 48 oes
D. B. Grant, (oderich cadets 200. 00
Brussels base ball club • 40 00
It. Brown, work t so
Clinton firemen 3000
, Wingham firemen 16'p 'oo
Logan & Logan, sawing conteSt 4 eo
Ramsey' & (O,
1), Small, base bait team. 30 oo
P. Bowers work •' x oo
1). 13. Grant, Goderich: foot ball , 4 no
Van Vatiormanjfiremait's roil, 6 oo
ITarland Bros, sitipplies 3 95
News-Rcer,rd, printing 3.1 50
13alatice on hand . 93 86
$907 35
We the nndersigned .lierell• certify
that we have carefully exatriirJect the
themies and dela vouchers appertain-
ii2g to the above acetunt Pad (Mei
the sante correct, there being $93,36 in
the treasurer's hands.
Ir. Torr Ranee,
A, J. Holloway.
Miss Callander of Nottlt Ray is the
huest of Mts. John Cunnittgl.attio.
field were in ClibtOtt 012 Saturhay4
• .