HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-01-07, Page 9SECOND WEE • Th10,0 CiAntnA NotArRstipost " imam 801100141 • ,• . Helps for 1904 NO do Anal hem A Businessewboomin.g SatUrTilariVe enter" the second week of our great January Sale. Here are some of the special attractions that will help keep, us busy next week. Not One in the list but is a money -saver. Pozens and dozens of other bargains, just as good, to be found here all 1 41 One-fifth off FursLorJanuary Sale. ot FURS this VVeek_s Big Feature.a.,... Furs are the big item in this week's list. Com- mencing SATURD.AY, JANUARY . 9TH, We will give one-fifth off the price of all Furs. There is still a good assortment left, as good as lots of stores would start the season with. Each and every article is absolutely reliable and can be depended 'upon in every way. If not, you can get your money back. One-fifth ofi means that we only charge you 8oc for every dollar's worth of Furs you buy here during January. Here are a few items that show what one- fifth off means to you:- • One Capeeine regular$19.60, one ilith off makes it $15.40 One Caperine regular $15.00, one,flfth off makes it .$12.00 One Caperiue regular $33.00, one-fifth off.xnah es It $26.40 One Caperine regular $8.00, .one.ilfth off. makes it $6.80. One Caperine, regular $15.00, ene.ilin off makes it $12.20 One Caperine regular $5.00, one-IIfth. off makes it $4.00 One Sable Ruff regular $18.00, one fifth oft makes it $15.00 Also a good assortment of Ruffs, 'Fancy. Collars.,_ and Muffs that we nave not space to list here: If you want good Fors you can save money buying them here during January. One -Fifth off Ladies .Fue Jacket. Less than a dozen La.dies'.. Fur Jackets left • to sell. To make sure of selling them before stock- taking we put them in with the small Furs at 20 per per centless than regular prices, Our original prices were very elose and reliable.. Fur Jackets, such as we sell, going at one-fifth, less than ourregular close prices, means that they are undoubted bargains: Ladies' Fur jackets, regular $25.00. one-flfth off makes them $20.06 Ladies' Fur Jackets. regular $35.410. one-fifth off makes them, $28.00 ' Ladies' Fur Jackets, 'regular $45.00, one fifth off makes thew $06,00 LadiesFur Jacketsregular%$50.00, one-fifth off makes them e40.00 1 sat One-fifth off Furs during January IA 1 Kid Gloves at 150c..' Ladies' Kid Gloves, black and Colors, odd pairs, regular $1.00 add $1.25 lines, • olearmg during January at a„ per paie ........... ....... 011C Flannelette' ,Slanketi English Flannelette lelankete extra heavy weight, pure ' white or with colored Order. 54x74 inches, epeeist for Janiary. Bale, eaoh.... - 50e The Mantle 8,ale Dont forget the 'remarkably low prices at . • which we are selling Mantles • during January. There are not a great many left to sell, but these are all new, stylish and up-to-date Coats and the prices are low enough to save ' big money for people who get them. Here is the way we.. are selling them : That sold all the way up to sir° oo Your choice of 31 Mantles- for $5.75 each. All are new, stylish and up-to-date Coats. Not one in the lot but was made for this season's trade. They sold at $7.50, $8.50 and $10.011. For the•first 1 week of our January Sale we give you the choice of $5.75 the entire lot for • Sold at from $To.00 to $15.o� Less than 80 Coate to sell at this price. Not more than one or two alike. All handsome and stylish garments, made espellly for this season's trade. Not one of theni but old Irani, $1.0.00 to $15.00. For the first week.in tummy your choice 6,y wt. of the entire lot at each . . I 4 a Sold at from $15.00 to $2o.00 4 only Ladies Jackets, the finest and best goods we have in stock, sold regularlynt $15.00 to $20.00,asee sea choice for the first week in January at each 4 Millinery fer January. Do not forget that .we are giving big BARGAINS in the Millinery .dcpartment for January. The Show Room must be emptied before Miss Randall goes. This is the way are clearing the balance of the stock: Choice of all Outing Hats 5a Choice of all untrimmed sh'aPes 58c. Choice of all Trimmed Hats $1.5o Hod Q, ....ens Bros, CLINTON Ve• _ Aftintary 14 GOLDEN TEXT BOOK PRICE 3 CENTS • S. S. Lesson and Bible Readinga for every day, in the year and also feats about the bible and oteer important subjects.... GIST Oh' THE LESSONS VRICE ge 'CENTS. )Vest pocket size giving an exposi- tion of the lessons, three pages to each, it is very compact, a model of suggestion and condensation. PRACTICAL COMIVIENTARY ON THE LESSON so CENTS Comprehensive commentary, bents to teachers, illustrations, black- • board exercise'M questions, aps, class register, etc., ete. Edited by specialists, it's s. help that helps. PELOUBETS SELECT NOTE45. Por advanced classes it is valuable has illlustrations af all important points, very suggestive and help- ful. Canadian Almanac see, Diaries for the pocket and office zoc to $1.25. News- ps.per and magazine subecriptions so- licited, Agents Parker's Dye Works. Ws Di Fair Cot. afeen, the cheapest, Always the Best. About People We Know Mrs. W, S. Harland spent New Year's with Woodstock friends. Mrs. Hoover and family. spent New Year's with frieads 111;•3t. Mary's. Mes. Ellwoctd of Gedeeich was the gueet 'ee Mee. Rattenieury, On Friday. Mr, John Laird left on 'eueekeay to ic- • sume his studies at Toronto lUnevete Miss Eva Cantelon of Brussels has been visiting. lier cousin, Miss Hattie ' LaYie. Mr. •Wesley Shelteag of near. Zurich 1 was visiting' at Mr. (Jean Toeraree's last Weds. , Mr. Harry Darrow anet Mr; William Osmond ol Beafield were in tom; Mi. and Mrs: Ia. Beattie were &eats. cm. New 'Year's ofMr. James Terner of Seaforth: . . • , . • 'air. L. De McIntyre of the Jackson Mfg. Co. is speriding fee,- days ,n Galt t and London leliss 1,illian Jackson returnee, fo. Tor- onto on •Monday :to attend the Con- servatory ee iMusic. • Mt. Harold 1,eiltsie. returned;to 44oir- • • don on Monday to meant° his stud - les: at the Business College.. Mr. W. J.' Dunlop, whet was borne for the holidays,: has 'returned , tol the Nermee College, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs', Noinian Felt spent: a : few drys the past week QS guests Of the fermer's. sister,. °Mrs .- '(Dr.) Cana pbcll of Detroit.. • Mips 7 Dunlop • who has been teaching '• at St. Mares, is now attending the • C. C, 1.and will eciatiaue her stud-. ice for a 'first-clase certificate: Miss Gibson, who was illecnipti.nied ley her little coiisin, Water Albert Sinei . spent the hplidaye at her hcne ii Paisley. They ,retuited Miaiday. Mr. John.' ICeys •of near Blake was- in :tow* on Tuesday. His; son Percy, veto had beet attending) another Col- leecieilias became a student. at the Misses Susie min Ida Mitchell returee • edto Wyandotte, Mich., on Saturday after sperding the holidays 'the goes- ' ts of their sisters, Mee. 11. IV, Cock and Mrs.&n Cole, . Rev. Mr, :McTavish of Winnipeg, was the • guest cif Mr. and, Mrs. Jahn John Terrance last week. He is a ion • of ,1VIr. PecTav ish who, at one time taught /school at Varna; : Miss 11izzie Middleton, daughter of Reeve Middletou of Goderich town- • ship, left foe Ottawa on Tuesday to resume her duties as •a imembbr of the teaching stall it the Presbyter- ian Ladiee' College in that eity. Mr. ,and Mrs. R,• le. falurphy returned to their thome itt Exeter oh, Sature day alter spending s fortnight' with friends nt Hullett tend Goderich to- • wnship and Cliiton. They serefnu- cle pleased with Exeter as a place oe residence. . Mrs. Gegen retuetee, tot Detrdit cn Tuesday after spending e, few days in town. Her eldest son, Joheedied sueelenly Holleadit a short time ago and the 'blurial had • take place before the natilleatien of hie death had, reached the family of the deceased, Renders of The Nevve-Record • will retnember that an- • other of • airs. Gageres sera Vas drowned la Wisconsin east summer and the body iever recovered. Mr. J. W. Reid returned Titesday fore- roon from a visit with relatives at • Glamirnie, Bruce county. It took hint a whole day to reach his destitiation -e-a horse wcntld have made beta r •• time -but the return trip was even more tiresome: His friends live sev- oral miles irom the railway and af- ter reaching the station, in time lot the morning train he learned et was. cancelled. • Aftet hatiging armed tite station all (ley without being able to learn whether or not there would l3e a train, ane finally ctawlede Wong, at dela On reaching Palmerston they found that the Stratford /train • had departed, so that betweea one and two hundredi passengers had to wait at the station: until five o'- elotk in the morning for a, trilby on the Kincardine trench. Theis by taking the Wingliant route Mr. Reid VMS able to reach home ablaut 9 it. •° nt. after being up all night, Mr. Reid saysthat the speed on portions of the road *a.s not greater than ten Miles per hour. He is not area ions for ariotber trip over the Graitel Vitt*. n Tuesday Morning, Jan. uth,, At nine o'clock we commence a great business booming sale that will last until, the end of the month; we have put forth our strongest efforts to nialco it the most extraordinary selling event of our entire career. It is a mighty trade movement, prompted by our ambition to keep the wheels of trade in con- stant motion at a time usually- counted dull by other merchants A lot of the goods that go on sale were bought from manufacturers and jobbers at a very low price, with the result that the biggest bar- gain values ever offered await you. Thus the efforts of this progressive store are 'never relaxed.. In season and out, you, can .always count upon us to serve your interests hest, to bring you the highest qualities for least possible prices. Your purse will richly profit by a careful reading of» the items below, for they tell of The greatest Money -Saving Opportunity Ever offered. Ladies and Childrens Winter. Coats to be Sold near the Half Price Mark S6.00 and $6,50 Coats.at $3.75 Any Ladies Coats in the store, of beaver or Frieze, in Black or Grey, that a et. sold at $6.00 to $6,50 for . 0,4 $8 50 to $9.75 Coats at $4.95 Any• Coat in the store, that sold at $8,50 to $9 75, will be sold during this A ok Sale at Ladies $1t.00 to $15,00 Coats at $6.95 taciloti coats made of fine English 'Kersey cloth; also of all wool Fieize • in Black and Grey, these are our very finest coats, and sold at $12.00 6.95 • to 315.00.. Sale Price Chitdrens $3.9./ Coats at$1.0 Your choice of any Weds coat in the saire, thatsold at $3.00 for 1.50 3.75 to 5.50 'Coats at $2.50 Ypur choice of any -child's coats in the store that sold at 3.75 to 5..50 at.'• 2.50 enitnants of Dress Goods to go at Nearly Half Price 50c to 75e Wool Dress Goods at 28c . 300 yardsan all wool dress goods 38 to 42 inches wide inassorted shades • of Navy, Green, Red, Brown and etc, this is a lot of gooddress goods we cleared out from a wholesale house at a very low price. The re- • gular value is froth 50e to 75. Sale price is per yard. . • 28c 60e 75c to..85c Dress Goods and Waistinws at 38e 250 yards of black and colored dress goods in asserted shades, also a fine • range of our newest waistinga•the regular yalueofthese goods is 60c no 75c tO85c, All to clear at per yard • eau 85e ilomespuns at500 56 inch wide all wool Homespun in Grey and black, our. regular 85c • • . quality. Sale price. • ' . . . ' 50e $1.25 'Ionic spuns and Tweeds,at 75e 200. yards Of e6 itch wide homeepans and tweeds, ante ale plain colors . . others have neat stripes, all are new this season and never sold under „ex - $1 2.5. Sale price willehee • , •-tr • tr.* o UC • . • • • • • . • • , • 8e Flannette at. a ' • , , a5c. •• . Oc and 10e Flannelette ... . .. ....... ; .. . . . „ .... 7ec 12ea lelarmelette at . .. .... ..... ....,9ec 121c Prints at • Cleo • 30e Table Linen at tee ' 45c Twee Linen' at .. . .. „ ... .. , .... . ........ . . . 35e, 6.5e Tab:e Linen at.......... . . ... . . ..... . ... . ... ..... 48c 1.35 Table Linen at. • , • eee 1.75 Table Linen at • " 1 00 8c Linen Towling at ' .... . . ...5c 12e and 15e Wrappera,tte at........... . . . . .... ....9c 2.5c Fancy Eiderdown at. 12ec 75e Scotch Fingering Yarn at....... .... . .. .....55c $115 .$1.25 and 31.50 Imitation Fur Gauttlet's at.. .. . ...$1.00. • • • POrSoritti. • • . • -limit One no*. Knew. ' ,Dr. Theetepeon• Wee in pearitenon.Pra. aday, • , • . • . • . • . . Miss May Rod:away is viiiting)Lotedonfrioijds• Mies Lydia 'Cook sof. Toronto, 19 home: 'en a vWt. • • , • . • ' Mr. JLloyd Of Seaferile wasin town. on Saturday,- . ." Miss MF...y Maeon esited Kinestaine frieiels New, Yeaa's.. Miss Millie Stevenson spent Sunday • with Senforth iriends. , • Mrs. Robert .1VIaeon spent a few days . . .'in, Ooderich lase week. • • • • Frank Edwards oB Goclerich itea Clinton friends lase week. Mrs. R. B. Coulteii. end family vesited •.Goc'erich friende the: past week:. Miss Gretta Watean! elf Seaforth visit - id Clinton relatives last week, " Mr, and eine. W. Roes vent New: 'S'car's Day' with Exeter friends. • ' ••• Mk. •Bert .Reide of .13rantioad visited his. aent, Mrs,' Kaiser, last Week.. • Mies_ Mittnie Cook was the •guest of Miss Rpsa vox.. of • Goderiele . east wiesekDora 'Phalan *O ef Goeerich aims •a Eitel:41a the 'Misses. McCoUrt 011 Miss Gertrude' Pox of Goderielt was' the guest of Mies .11/finale 'Cook, over Sunday. • Me: -T. _. If. Cook went to \ Toronto ;yesterday • to look after. the Apple King's terests. Miss Annie Polley, who lied been the guest of Mrs., D. iCook. for ,aCitile days, tailrace! home .on.Tuesclay. Mies Idit iStewart, .whot. had been the • guest aet. her sieter, Mrs. Harvey MeBrien, • returnee' ta • London on Tuesday. • Mr, lames Leithwaite •• of Coderiale wasin town Wedneedqy and went north, the sante, evening -on 'a visit, to friends. • • Mr. and Mrs. .3. P. Mulholland and little daughter, Nona, returned home • last week after it visit with friends at Bad Axe, Mich; Mr, and Mrs. Prank Yeoe after it visit . of several &Lys at the latter's old . home, \Mr; 11. Cantelotes, returned on Tuesday to Mt. rarest. S. Lewrelice, Ottawa., was' in, towti sPricley and Saturday and wire. le here disposed of hie farm, 'better known as the "Whitely term," on the Harm Roid, • Tuckeranith, to Mr, Ball af neer Smitinerhifl. Mt. Rd. Plewee lias returned from Moosman, ASS a. and is at the, old homestead in Tuekeremith. mid Mrs. W. Logaut Sr, mid Mr, W. Logan Jr. of Thrffalo,. New 'York, have beeu •guests' of Mrs. jos. 'Rate tenburti the past week, Mr. James Johnstone was in town yesterday on his way home to tlay- • fiche after an absence of tearly two years at efilestone, Assa. He likes • 'that comary sa well that he pure poses going hack itt Met& His sott , 'W. 0. has homesteaded iit that die- triet and, the enerease ti.re valeta .:ftherilsisitivied,alone amounts ton hand, ottlo Mr. Cowaid, the ttthinbleBritish' giant Of the Mosely education commission,:had this to tell of his eiperdences to a piaety. of friends he was entertaining at the Park Avenue hotel, New York city: "I was addressing Omit 2,000 Chil- dren. in assembly 'dawn on the east side, and, touching on history, I said 'Landmarks ate, a Very good guide -to histciry. We have many such in leetg. . land. For hietance, the cathedrals and castles, nearly all of which remind us of scene epoch it history. • Then we have Nelson's .old flagship, the Victhey, which recalls the battle of Trafalgar. :Now, what ship. have you fo remind ,you of some past event In history?' ' "After a few seconds' delay a main *We piped out, 'Please, sir; the Rill, angel' P. -New York Times: • . •Not q Cie*. . " • "And have ,you no clew?" asked the • -"No," replied the new detective. "I thought at first that I had, but it was not one at all.!' "What was. it?" "A mask that I picked up at the scene of the crime. But while I was examining it a tough looking fellow in • thti crowd mid it was his and took it away from me." -Catholic Standard • and Times. • Doing ihi1Beet. Gayeboye-I understand "that Wilde. boyeei father left him nothing. • Highfiyer-Nothing but his debts. Gayeboye-So? And how le the youngster getting on? Highflyer-Very nicely indeed, He's managed to ificrease his legacy by thin, ty thousand141mart Bet. • %'he Soft Answer. Mrs. Enpeck-Ob, you needn't talk! You're not quite perfection yourself, I would have you know. Illnpeck-:No, ray dear, but when you are around I'm mighty near perfection. Mrs. Enpeck-Ob, IleM71-43altimore American, • A Good thing'. Little Willie -When yon die, Mr. Mark, you will go right to heaven, won't yOu7 Mr. M. -Why so? , Little Willie -Sister says you are an awfully good thing. -Butte /titer Moun. tem An 1111Oenent Obteetibli. Mrs, Xewlyblessed--Eut you condn. b, don't object to such a wee Tittle baby as that/ :anitor-Ob, it ain't the bite that counts, Minn; it's the principle uv the re PAYS TO ADVERLISE IN THE' 1414WS.RUC031.1). Now is your chance to buy FURS cheap $6.75 and $7:50 AstrachanCaperines at $5.00. $3 50Cansat $2.75 $3.95 Grey Persian Lamb Ruffs at $2.75. 3,3.00 Caps at $2.25 $2.75 Grey Lamb Caps at 3200 $15.00 Ruffs la $9,50 $15.00 Caperines at $9.50, $8,00 Coon Skin Ruffs at $5,75 WOO Sable Ruffs at Kea $11.50 and $12.00 Caperines, at$8.75 5895 Astrachan Caperinee at $2.05 5200 Fur Ruffs at $1.25 • 35.00 Black Astrachan Muffs at $3.50 .31300 Sable Muffs at 09,50 05.00BlackAstrachanMuffs at e3.50, 47,50 Ohio Sable Muffsat $4.95 $5.00 GreyPersian Lamb Muffs at $3.50. $25.00 Astrachan Coat at $1900 • $28.00 Astrachan Coats at $22.50 • $32,00 Astrachan Coats at $26.00 $37.00 Astrachan Coats at $29.00 •31500 Biwa Astrachan Capes at. $7.50 Flannelette Gqwns,- Wrappers; Underwear; ,Hosiery. at reduced prices 50c Flannelette Gowns at '75c and 85c Flannelette Gowns at 40c 65e $1.00 and $1.2o Flannelette .Gowns at „ , .... . . ... • .85e • $1.50 Flennelette Gowns at. . . $1.15 Children's Flannelette Goa ris, regular 65c for Ladies $1.00 and $1.25 Wrappers at Ladies' 35c Vests at. •Laeliese65c•Vests at.:.,. Ladies' 75c and 85c Vests at • Ladies and children's 25e and 35c Worsted Hose at. , ...... .19c Bciys' 40c Worsted Hose at • 29c The. last chance to *buy Men's and. Boy's:ClOthing at such s' Lon, Priees-:, • . We are going out of the clothing business, and have marked every smell ofclothing in the store away below Cost or real 'value • . „ , , • for'making alone, come and see our'stock. Nothing but the . you Want to btu' a good suit at less than it would cost you better grade. of Suits left, 'mostly :black and nairy of clay- worst. 75e 25c ' . 50c 65c MenS. Suits worth up 'to;$9,00 for $5.oO 1Viens Suits W.O.rth up 10 ST.0,,00 for.$6.00 Kens Snits worth up to $11,00 for $7.00 : Mens Suits Worth up to $12.69 for:$$.00. Mens Suits Worth lip to $1.5.0. for.89.Oo. YOUNG MENS $7,5o $8.•5o SUITS AT•$.,500.: .Boys $5.00 Suits fOr-$.3.00 • Boys 2 pieee..Suits.worth $3,Oo for $i:75.. • W.See..1101$'._ tOr _ 'oar moy LaoI••••• • I' '.• if you. want IL. • . , 0 L N T 0 N. New prices go on all Fur Coats for the bal- ance of January:: We take stock on February 1st, . and do not Want a single Fur Coat on 'hand then Every garment is good. Not one in thelot but . • can be depended upon in every way. These new prices go into effect 8ATLIRIDAY, Jan. 9th: MenseCalf Coats, extra good quality, Well made and lined throvghout, one black- ancl two brown, • regular $25.00, for the balatce of January theaa• a at, • price Will be, each • , oate, uo Two only Bihsop Coats, no better Coat made to • • sand rough and tumble wear, first clasalinings, •„ regular $20:00, for i he balance of January each .. 010.1.0 Two Australian Coon Coats, also two Rackey • Mountain Bear Coats, two of: which are some- what similae.' to the old time Buffalo, well made; strong linings throughout, for the balance of• january, each• ' Two Canadian Coen Coate, nicely marked, choicest skits, goad linings used throughout, a A„ „, regular $47.50, for the Mance oflanuary each.. ePOV 10 One only Canadian Coon Coat, regular $40.00 a *32.00 for the balance of January. each , e Three or four extra quality Canadian Coon Coats, skins that can be depended on to give satis- factory wear. These are very Choice • garments. For the balance of January we will take zo per centoff the price of any one of them. The January Sale of Ordered Clothing. Do not forget that we are trying to keep our work rooms busy all this nionth. To do it • • 0 we are giving some big bargains in Clothing made to order. For instance we are selling : Men's Sails, Made to Order, from fine all -wool Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, also from heavy all• Canadian blue Serge, 'well made and weillined throughout. These snits are marked to.day itt1314.00 and 415.00. For Mid -Winter Sale we will make • them to your order at each . .. . . $10.06 den's Suits Made to order from fine quality Seoteh Tweeds a good range, a choice patterns, Qualities that will stand any &Mount of hard wear. These suits will be lined throtighout with good lin- ing, and will be inade up in first class style. They • are marked to -day at 320.00 and 322.00. For Mid- , AA Winter Sale we i1 make them to your order at a 1,0•UU Men's Pants Made from high grade Scotch Tweeds and Worsted Tronscrings, the hist ends of lines that are selling to-uay for $5.00 and $0,00. To clear them all out we put them on Sale, made 6 reA to your order al per pair • Men's Suith, taade"froui good quality all -wool co.uw • Scotch and. Canadian" Tweeds. They will be well made. These suits are marked,to.day at WA and • $18.00. Por Mid Winter Sale we will take your 6•A meesure and make them to your order at each.. PK X.05w ..All made to order, fit guaranteed and to skimping Of linings in any case, eloilittig and Meti'S Furnish tots • 1.4013GEN BRO -