HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-01-07, Page 8. •
,1, . .11H .61
NIO1S011.8 Bank
Incorporated by Act Of
Parliament 180
Capital authorized, $0,000,000
Capital paid up 2,8$61428
Reserve Fund 2,720,778
Total Assets 27,000,000
Win. Nielson Macpherson. Preeident
James Elliot, • General Manager
Notes Discounted, Collections
Made, Drafts Issued, Sterling and
American Exchange Bought and
Interest allowed on stuns of $1
and up from date of deposit and
compounded half -yearly.
--F A RM ERS •-
Money advanced to farmers at
ow rates. Sale notes collected.
11. C. Brewer, Mgr.
Losing your hair? Coining
_ out ,bir the combful? And
- doing nothing? No sense in
- dual Why don't you use
Ayer's Hair Vigor and
_:,-tiairVi or=
- promptly, stop the falling?
; Your hair will begin to grow,
_ too, and all dandruff will dis-
appear. Could you reason.
I ; ably expect anything better? 7
• i Agretrisir Viler Is a groat moms
. . hies ta t sad new my hair is
" _ sce.,1114 rIfIger•stel
anti eat vetT badly, b -
; z ail right." - O. SIDON, Lindsay. Oat.
rnsn-n; ftirdAibgtile. ' C;37/rxr21422":
I - ell
• iThin 'fait
G. D. McTaggart
BARRISTER, sorx:rrox...
OFFICE -Sloane Block- CLINTON.
(Successor to Mr. James Scott.)
office formerly occupied by Mr.
James Scott, in Elliott Block . .
Lonveyanecrs, Commissioners, Real
Estate and Insurance Agency.
Money to Loan.
R. C. I'. and r4. R. C. S., Edinburgh..
Night calls at front door of residence
on Ratteliburys.
. •• reet, opposite
Presbyterian church. '
OFFICE- Ontario street -CLINTON.
OFFICE- Ontario street -CLINTON.
Opposite St. Paul's church.
Special attention given to diseases of
the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . . .
-01liee and Residence-- -
North of Rattenbury St., •
Office formerly occupied by Dr. Pal-
lister on Main street.
- - DENTISTS - -
Office adjoini ig Photo Galltty. open
every day a nt Saturday nigets until
to o'clock, .,
Auburn e¼rery Monday,
Dungannon every Tuesday.
1.'2.. G. EP.N1?,ST HOLMES
.opecialist in Lrovvn and Bridge Work
.1). D. S. -Graduate of the Royal Col-
lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontar-
D. S. -First class honor graduate
of Dental Department of , 1 ca onto
t-pecial attention paid to xservation
of children's teeth.
Will be at Ott River Hotcl, Bay field,
every Monday frotn lo a. ni to b
p. 111,
A member of the Veterinary Medical
Associations of London and Edin-
burgh and Graduate ol the Ontar-
io Veterinary College.
OFFICE- Huron street -1-CLINTON.
Next to Commercial Hotel
Phone 97
I am a licensed auctioneer for the
County of Huron and will sell by per -
ventage or by the dollar.° Residence lot
37 and 38, Ilayfield Road, one mile
south of Clinton. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. Orders left at The News-Rec-
,ord office or my house will be prom-
ptly attended to.
Clinton. P. 0.
. 0 .1717a...SZVan=rag..• . •
Tho Best in Current Literature
1 $2.60 PERI/EAR: 28 011. A .00eVes -
IsignIl el UM DEA COMM I if
For an up-todate
- AND --
try the leading barber.
George D. Roberton.
0 0 0
0 0 0 00
0 0 0 0 0
0 $:,`• 0 0 0 0 es 0 00 0
Wood's Eltosphodixte,
The Great English Remedy,.
1E3 an old, well estab-
lished and reliable
preparation. Has been
prescribed and used
over 40 years. All drug-
gists in the Dominioil
' of Canada sell and
recommend as being
Before. and After, the only medicine of
its kind that cures and
gives universal satisfaetion. It promptly and
permanently cures all forn3e of It.
746313, Emissions, Spermatorrheea, • Impotency,
and all effects of abuse or excesses ; the excessive
use of Tobacco'Opium or Stimulants, lliental
and Brain Worry, allot' which lead to Infirmity.
Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave.
',t.soC; um. Mailed .prompty on re -
Price $1. per 21 :kegs) or six for $5. One will
ease, siz
oeiet of d for free pamphlet. Address
The Wood Company",
Windsor, Ont, Canada.,
Woods PhosPhodine is Sold in Clin-
ton by Watts & Co., H. 13,• Cmnbe,
R. P. Reekie ,and .T. E. ,Ilovey,. Dkug-1
The IlleKillop Mutual Fire
--Farm and Isolated Town'tr!:"Per4'.-
• -Only Insured.-- ' , .
X. D, McLean, President, Tipncii P.
0. ; 'Thos. Praser, , Vico-President;
Brucefield P. O. ' T. EeHays, Sec. -
Treasurer, Seaforth P. 0.• '
William Shesney, Scaforilr ; John
Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dale, Sea -
forth ; John. Watt; Harloek ; * John
Bennewies, Brodhagan ; •:JO:flies Evans,
13ecchwood ; • James Connolly;
AGENTS. ". •
Robert Smith, •Hariock •,•
SeafOrth ; James Cummings,
vEingtenondville e J. W. Y'eP, Holmes-.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other ebesiness will lid
promptly attended to on application
to any of the aboveOfficers addressed
to their respective poStoflices. Lossea
inspected by the director ' who lives
nearest the scene,'
\ Licenses
j:3• R,uinball Clinton
Trains will at e at and depart
from Clinton stutani as follows :
Going East Exi rees 7.38
11 It 1$
3.23 P$11/,
4•15 P•ro•
i�.15 a.m.
12,55 Pan.
7.05 a.m1
to.32 pan;
Going South Express 7.47 a -in•
Mixed 4.1,5 pan.,
" North Express 1045 a.m.
" " Mixed 6.5 pan
A. 0. PATTISON, Agent,
P. R. HODGENS, Town Ticket Agent,
J. D. MACDONALD, District Passen-
ger 'Agent, Torontb.
Going East Mixed :
Going %Vint Mixed, e •
Going -West Expros
11 1,
. 11 II• ' 41 .
tested bot Only ad to the amount Of
" • ;
• butter yield, but is to the amount of'
feed she requires to make it from. The
test should involve a careful weighing
of feed as Well es butter4 and cows
that de Pot, yield a reasonable profit
ti.tit 1\1 ...9
reel Sa e
It ie an interesting queation and one
worthy of POMO thOUght all to how far
we may force a cove when seeklug for
• big yield of milk and butter ad
whether such forcing is ultimately de-
eirable, writes D. kI) Stovall in Parra
and Home. KW are prejudiced
against forcing at all, and this preju-
dice is not without foundation, as the
premature death of flome cowls that
have been forced up to the limit tes-
ticles. There is no doubt that this
high feeding process, for the purpose
of getting ft big ;bilk and butter yield,
weakens the constitution of the cow'
and sooner or later must tell on her
general health,
Now the question arises: How far
may we goewith the forcing process?
All realize,Glat a Certain amount of
forcing is beneficial, in that this is the
only means of developing the organs of
the cow and in turn making her calves
better etock, for breed is, after ail, only
a matter of generations of feed aud
care, and it was by forcing that a cow
was brought through several genera-
tiontrain a yield of three pounds or
butter to a yield of fifteen. But what
Is the limit? . •
it is not hard to remember when
horse was fast that could go at a 2:40
gait, but now we are getting niighty
close to the two minute mark, and we
cannot say that the limit has been yet
reached. So it seems reasonable to
suppose that the limit of milk produc.
tion in a cow has not yet been reached
It must be admitted that many co
thoee possessing weak cons onse
are hurt by overfeeding, by for1ng, yet
we can hope
it to•increase the milk producing capacity
ofr eiaes d.coonwl y and
s "et t ha t th
e value of e
Keep an Account.
Perhaps there is no one thing vehicle
will so well repay the breeder of dairy
cattle for his time and treuble as that
of keeping an accurate account of eaeh
cow's production of milk and butter
fat It is not a complex or difficult
matter, Have a spring balance in the
stable, and weigh on it each cow's mess
as soon as milked; set the amount oppo-
site the cow's: name on a. sheet ruled
. for a month; give each. Cow a separate
• page in a' blankbook and transfer it to
her total production month • by month.
the end of the year the record 'will
Show 'which cows are earning .money
for tlseir. owner and which 'losing it.'
The' quelity of the milk from • timeto
time Init* tsi. tested. .• • . • •• .
. • . • . • .
•,Olcar Sold For Butter,
The Oleo people have alevays 'Made a•
strong point of 'oleo being a cheap -but..
ter for the poor man, and many Wiese
'been -the ersicodile -tears' shed, by -the-
oleo trust 'over • the. Inability of the peer
man to pay -the high price for cow but-
ter, 'says Hoard's Dairinian. Of Course.
-every one killer's...he* readily:the oleo ,
• makerssacrifice 'themselves for the
poor, tnitterless laboring man, but We
have neirer:heent'able- to obtain figures.
• showing the exact extent of the saeri-
deeuntil the last report ofethe Penn-
aiyiVania dairy ‘: and food cominission
came to hand.
Thls report shows that that 'out of 1,482
Samples belleat for butter' in the Penn:
sylvania • groceries' 1,195: of them -were.
,oleo. As above was gold 'at btitter'
prices, the poor men • had to pay 'about
$119 over:what he could, have -bought
the,oleo foinncler Its own mune. 'This
is philanthropy it 10 cents per •POund
excess profit. •,. •= • ."-•• ' •
1 •
. .
• •
• A. Good Guernsey Cow• .
The illustration, reproduced from Ru-
ral gew Yorker, is of Cassiopeia 4885
• A.. G. O. This was the second best
Guernsey cow; in the Pan-American
The WititQU NoNittaRrotitlitm
fte Art off Interrogation Should Me
Devoid of Intoertlneuce.
‘`Do not ask questions" is the worst
Piece of (Metal advice which age eau
give to youth. A maxi who never asks
questions is the dullest fellow In the
world. Ile had better ask too many
than too few. We dell defend ourselves
against curiosity, but no armor avails
against indifference. We must resign
ourselves to be bend to death.
What le the secret of the art of in-
terrogation? Putting aside quick sym-
pathies, which lie at the root of every
social art, we believe the most essen-
tial quality for those who would excel
In it is directness. The art bf asking
questions so as to -learn, instruct, please
and influence is not the art of beating
about the bush, The questiono which
offend and sileoce are the questions
which suggeat some ulterior motive. It
Is a found out scheme which makes
rami angry. Anything of the nature
of a trap keeps we on our guard. If
we once fall into one we resolve it
shall be the last time. Suspicion ItIlis
confidence. Interrogative hints are ut-
terly useless. The average ma.n does
not dislike to be questioned, He hates
to be startled, crossed, interfered with,
reproached, wearied or betrayed, • He
hates the questions which are not ask-
ed wIth a simple intention. •
There are questions Which are asked
not because the esker wants to know,
but because he intends to tell. Others,
while ostensibly directed to find out a
man's opinion, are 'really intended to
reflect upon his character. Some men
inquire aa to their neighbors' projects
In order to put difficulties in their way.
Strings of meaningless questions are
poured out by those who desire to pre-
tend an interest in some Subject which
• they neither know nor care anything
about. •
We believe the conclusion of the mat-
ter to be this: The apt ofeinterrogation
is a serious branch of the social art.
Lever's V-Z(Wive Ilea d)Disinfeet ant Soap
. Powder bettor than other soap pondere,,,
*4 it 14/410 acts so
The chief exchitect d tte. rumic
Works Department fixes the loss , by
tie lire Lr Abe Ottawa post -office last•
night atCklo am, of wind! $2o,000 won -
Id 0113witty:As.
The cough racks and .tears the tene,
der tissues of the throat, intleaum'atiort •
me:creel:es anet -then serious bronehinal
or luag trouble is. established, The
importunt time is at the begenning.
Stay the progress of the eon& by
using fragrant healiale 'Co.tarrhezone
witich mac :es every part of the bron..
cilia' tubes, throat and lungs. Catarr.
.destroys disease germs, stops
.the cough, heals sore spots, cleers the ,
nese taxi threat of discharge. Catarr-
hozore -seotits, :sever irritates. Guar-
anteed -for co,ery. form of catareh. For
lasting mire use •Catarrinseene. . Two
months' Nresdancat $I.00 .; trial alee
25C, -
. .
• •
Russia's reply- to Japan is said to
oiler great concessions aod it is hoped, •
that peace may be preserted. At the .
sante .tinie J s.pan is stea.dily pushing,
Ibrward her war preparations.
Tue. Evinivep; IrOIT VALUE.
By word of month frent friend to -
friend Dr. Chaso's-Ointnierat haS re-
ceived inc.re. unsolicited •recommeaciat7-
ion' than probattly any medicine: yea
eau mention. • The fact that. it • is an
absolute cure or. piles hat 1 put it
a.: class 0.11Pby • itself e.s it preparation
of inestimable value, and people recom-
mend. it, 'knowing ths,t it is ,a• certain
eere, . ". • ..•
• •
• • • •
, . .
The intense 'cold wave' has ucw reach- -
ea New York' City, lwre alVrecords •
Well asked questions are of the essence • for • cold . Itavc been .surpassed,.: - The
of agreeable intercourse, but the. in- harbor ..is ienbeinid and Inisitiess. is
terrogativesmood will not justify an greatly interrupted, . ' •• . . .
.impertineece, an •interference, a verbal, : • ..
12(71i). Nb. -0.
vstatimea is79
Whooping Cough, Croup
Bronchitis, Cough, Grip,
Asthma, Diphtheria
Outsmarts is along establiffned and standard remedy for the diseases indicated. It
cures See.iute the sir reisisrot 31 ronglv eutiseptlo is carried over the diseased surfaces
of the bronchial tubes elth every breith, going prolonged and constant treatment.
. Those Of a consumptive tendency, or sniferers.front chronic bronchitis, find immediate
relief from cougha or indanied conditions of the throat. Descriptive booklet free.
6111,ES at 1104 1690.160re Game 5t9 Montreal, Canaillan Agents
Cresolene dissolved in -the mouth are effective and safe,for
coughs and irritation of the throat.
Antiseptic Tablets - • itu,‘, box. A:Lt. r.NREOGISTS.1101
•' •
• che 'early rraining. ,
Success in after life depends largely upon the training.
received when young.
No boy or girl should cntet business life in these days of keen
cur:pet:et:on without proper preparation, •
The mind should be trained to grasp and understand com-
mercial matters quickly, and everY yoteg man anci woman shou1.1
receive a thorough, practical training before entering any business
• The Forest City Business and Shorthe.nd Collets trains over'
.two hundred and fifty young men an women every year, and still
• the business world is demanding more.
Booklet explaining courses, costs, etc., sent FREE for a postal.
• • o o o 1
J. W. WESTERVELT, Pene. • Y. M. 0.A. Burennao, LONDON.
• •
sa,:weassantreaeseesesaaae, esseie
• •
12.??1!"."f!Fre!"'"'?"•••Tizirs'.1.1.7!!"' • •
aisatilt-nor for the matter of that, • , ' . , • • .
boree-s•London Spectator. •
Kpshed Turnips. •• 111,t§, Winslatios Soothing Syrup las •
. •
, Peel. and Out .up turnips and. holl un- been tiSeci by millions ol. inbtliers for • • •• .
til .• tender;' drait, 'retteb and add hottheir children while teething.. If dis-
• nitlk or cream, a 'lump of butterand turbed ,by, night and broken -•of your '
• ' - rest by a.: sick child stillering. °and
• m.4w ,
• edam:to take. •
. ' ' crying with pain of cutting•teeth.send • •
• . • at once and get a •bottle of • ''.eirs.
AIT .A.TVEAL TO 'VIE :7,AS1110;41..i- Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chile-.
ABE 3113T. DT 0,64,TADB.. .. ..• .iittio sufferer iminedii
ren teething. It •will ' relieve' the poo
Lr : .
• • . . . .ately. Depend, •
• , • • • • .. -,-
• . ' . 'aPoii it, mothers, there is no . mistake .
• .
1,4ially' :Bernard," the aliciiit it,. It cures Diarrhoea., regu-
Taranto Journal1st Wr1to-'Wri f6riol-inicilEonin.
, , • totes the ,Stontach sand Bowels,. •turtei
.'tton in Mutskoka. • : .yri,ipeolre .sPftens the Gums, reclifees
land, of the Dattle.Against, consvimp-
. Innatranatilon . and gives, tone, and en-,
. -. .
ergy to the•• whole system. "Mrs. .
• Lilly 'Bernard, of the' editorial staff of • Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child
the Toronto alo.be, wng to that paPor ren teething is pleasant to the taste •
from L
a residOen4Onsi:oE:sgimanods;.%10'te•arrOlySiltehiasticitohNeT toialnicridesseists nd tbphere;suctreiTp taif ion polifys,T; jei.). on sf anI
- -
battle against the great white:Of United alt aPti.rteice
seaguele 25 Ceuta a bottle.
one thee shoulti interest all claseos of the gats thrrnighout elite world. Be '
• • -
Coenniunity, Iteeill be remembered that = and: riek -for "Mtg.. Winelew'S SOothe • `.• Tel
Aft j t .
41..staP), ste sgff'S' ' AC".
etsitesee fetes:444V
• rice $1.50 Numbers
52 '
thiswriter entered incop as a eat" t - SYrt115 " After an• Is • .
. •
tives, and afterwards in the .Globe told e• paw,. •
. of etil life in that institution,. In her lereinit:s a Liberal manlier of
the Hurdga.rian Diet, was murdercei at
present article she says: • Nagy Kikinde this 'morning by • two
. .
peas it s.. e was r
5'. To -day I have found a. letter at the
H st shot at and
New eebscribers get, halstnee of this.year ri•ee, including magnificent 'Christ
fties nuiuber. Send in your soh:lc:Option 'at- once. Don't miss a single issue
Agents wanted evetywhe16ilibe14il giVense Saniple copy free.
The William Weld Co Ltd, tion.dOn Ont
•, , •
Club: whieh uearly missed .nere • havitie ivoundedi and was' then beaten to, dea- ••
been addressed Bernard,' isuy •itli with iron' bars.. motive of .the
• ,• • • 4, f 1... 1 ..,.• f • :
ekpress to ,my unknown c,orrespondent•
my warmest thanks kir t$110 ap; lawsuit brought hir -father of the • . .
to do in the battle being waged against • • ••, • tuukikratmzusa,..-s- .1,, • ,
unaiy preciation for the ,little have been elute Marderea against Iferr. P.lremits: .. • . ,
• . - . , .
sympathy and. interest is i tremendoiii
one and T ata alivays puzzled when I h 1 cl
gent einount' al strengat, reserved in. ease. of
' of this extent of the darfgor and the' ••
find really well educated. and intern ie hes. t y y certain Le, .. •
people in Canada so eriininally.ignorant • -
emergency, attack by oisease or mars- •
nal physiCaP exhaustion, withotit this •
means whiCli are being taken )to coinbat
•power• of resistance persan is ea ea-
- "It •may be of some ip.terest to those sy prey to every hat conies •
who feel as do In regard to -the respon- By enriaing ...111C blood and creating
J. • sibilitywhieh rests upon each and 11 t nave nerve cells Dr. Chase'e'Nerve Food .
aid in this fight aeainet a, insist eeF
d ••1- I h. •I f 1 f vitality that overcoincs and deflee t-
foe, when I tell tiTein, it hero in Lon- and fills the body 'with "the. Vigor and • '
0 , iere nee nen or en y a ow
days I have already come across the disease- • . • •
• • dri3a. enmity four times. eirst of all, in
: tho bactir garden Of our hunthlo quarters . , • , . . e • .
in Konsiegton 1 espied;.:When morning '
. : •
4.8:toady, Arrangement.
' dawned, e twit with two bode in it. '• I
enquired of oar lel:diced why the tent In otir family of .four 'children the
A 'there ro d eras told. a Ion story rubbers were a constant source of an-
nbolit the coronation and quarters for: noyance until I, found a place to keep .
Seine boys eorning up frOin tho eountrYr . them,• says a Good Honsekeepieg Cor. .
and that, "he, the landlord, had sub- •reependent, The back stairs lead up
sequoutly found it More agreeable tri from the kitehen, and Under the drst
sleep in: the tent thn ip. the basement'
bedreom lie had fortnerles oecupied,.• ea.' . step of .theSe staire wee a .vaeant &tee,
• "' CASSIOPEIA G385 A. G. C. C.
model dairy herd. In the sLx months'
test this cow gave 0,270 pounds of milk,
which tested 4.26 per cent butter fat, or
267.73 pounds butter fat, which made
-315.01 pounds of actual butter. The
financial record of the cow for these
six months etands as follow:
LIIS pounds hay "
*343 12
1,241 pounds bran
4,142 pounds silage '
:AO Peuads green clover
68 pOurids oats
794 potinds gluten .--
• 42 pound e cornmeal•
42 pounds linseed meal
89 pounds cottonseed Meal _
Total value of grain 17 68
Total •
828 te
This left a profit of $50.40 on the pro.
duction of btitter fat.
Know' !Our cows. '
lifuch of the profits of dairying la
eaten up by the cows. A single cow
may be all right in appearance and
even in the quantity of tnilk.yleld, and
yet She may be merely an expensive
luxury. her feeding and care weighing
More financially then her butter prod.
Uct. Every cote ehould be carefully
Anyone seeding a sketch and description :my
eulatie Ascertain our opinion free whether itti
V ivention 15 probably patentable. Commodet.
gonstitrietlyeentidential. iImalbookon Patente
sent fret, oldest money for mourinkpatents.
Patents taken througu Shinn & co. remitt
opeeiztitotiet, without charge, in the
imtidsonielY Mutinied 14,o' targestpla
entaticti of any scientific lot 1,1, Terms, et s
Mir% Tour 13yw0r1t196,$1. Ehlid Ly til ilevxmlottlotp,
flak.v Yon(
r••••:••••• ,•• or , • • ft
Inflitta too yeitng to taire medicine Mit$ be
ells. d of ensue, wh000lurs COttElt Mid colds hy
using Vapo-Oicooleric-they breathe 14
should be disposed et.
Musleal Inatrnmente,
The Manufacture of 'musical IMAM.
Mente ocenplee about 303000 persons in
WANTI:D!--Seretal persons of char-
• am/1 good reputation in each
state (one ut this eounty requirecljto
represent and edvertise old establish-
ed wealthy business house of solid
financial standing. Salary $r week-
ly with expenses additional, all pay-
able it: caelt direct every Wednesday
from licad offieee. Horse and carriage
tarnished when neeessaly. Referenees.
I.:110105e self• -addressed envelope. Col.
onial 33s Dearborn St., Chierigo.
little later, in conversation• wi•th the 16-clY
who see I Wed the lodgings, I learned that
the landlord's son Was obliged to sleep in
a tent 15' Conetimet Ivas.neeclless. - - ,
"In leoking for 6quarters I found e., 1011111 1011011101.„.
charming, Immo of yeung doctor and
r I inarily moderate •
ternia Were itqloti rettily exceptionally
teed aecomne,datioti. The doctor in
etie34timi had been ' ordered south,' and
his wile had tei 1300 the hone going by
aceepting guests.' •
" Yob•again,io.the third place, '
finind that the lady,ho was at the beta
of the: esteblieliment had not only lost
her husbanLt from the dread disettse) but
had managed one of the meet fashions -bre
sanitarittinS in England, and hor know-
' ledge t,..f the treettnent and, the extent Of
the probloin in. England showed ma hoe"
tremendouS was the need for care and
Watedi frtineSS in Mir own country'.
"May I ask my correspondent to use
alt possible infltienco to male the quos -
ton of combating tuberculoeis one of
interest in the 'fashionable set/ to which
she ovideetly 'belongs. I know full well,
from the little experience I have had,
how tremon,lously a little genuine in.
toresb and help might lighten tho burden
now resting on tho ehouldere of tho
authorities Of the l'ree Hospital for Con-
sumptives at Gravenhurst. T6 is, of
eotirse, far away from wealthy .centres,
and out of siphft ie to bo sant of mind.
"1 esti quite understand that until ,
people hsve seen forty or fifty patients
together in different stages of tonsump.
tion they do not realize what an immense
amount of eid might bo given by those
'who aro fortunate enough to be free from
the dieeases and by those who have little
oleo to do than to invent or learn sonto
now form if recreation.
4. Lire. Torringtou has kiemy:T1 tom feed
me to try and get Ironical soon:ties and
people interested in MUsie to provide a,
pion olo, or tho' Hospital , and 1 feel SUM it
will be of immellao benefit tti tho patients,
Surely rny corm:pendent who ovieena
suelt sympathy with the eause could
make that evil:1146y take a, praetieal
form awl orgenizo a 11(19'44 lilrary
where beolte worth reading mielit be
supplied, wiel: some avelein similar to
that of We Aberdeen Assoeiatien, whieh
has detie Pleb excellent va. re."
tllote.-Readers-ned may their num,
ter be tratny-•-who desire to aesisb Jo
the work of thol4uhoha rive Trospitat
for Consumptivea may ttetei their gifts to
Sit Wm, Its Meredith, 1i., Vice -President,
National Saniterimn Aesoeintion, '1`e.
1 routo, or Mr. W J. Cage, Cheirman el
the BeeotttiVe C.4;MMitt00,1
FOR mein over:Smits.
. •
so / had • the .top of the step hinged
find by putting in •ft back it Made a •
nice, eovered, boxlike place where the
children soon learned to go to' put on
• and keep their rubbers, the step ,serv"••
ing u a seat.' Those who have the care
ef a• flock .of Youngsters know • that
their rubbers have a. faculty of getting.
lost and mismated. This simple device
solved the prebient.
This Boy was
IN eak and Languid -
Ina parent* became alarmetl and used Pt.
Chitie'd ?tette read With oleic/WM resealts‘
MIS. GEORGE F. Ilaniaist, Jake Street)
Peterboro', Ont., states :---"One of my chil-
dren, a boy of about fifteenyears, did not have _
good health for a year or more. lie seemed
to have tio energy, was weak and languid and
suffered from nervousness. The doctors said • ,
that he wat growing too fast, but we became I
alarmed :shout hina and
began using 1)4 Chase's -
Nerve Peed. it Wasnot
long until we noticed a
great change In his con- ,
dition. His appetite im. '
proved, he bad a better
color and soon became .
stropget and healthier. 1
Ire is still using the Nerve
Pood, end we are perfect.
ly confident that he it
improving tight aloha i
Mutter Brklbift under this treatment.° ;
Chese's Nerve rood, the great Motel
builder and nerve resterstire, So cents sk box,
at ail dealers, or alminson. Bates *lid 00., r .
Toronto, To protect you against imitations 1
the portrait and signature of Dr. A.% Chrue, ;
the famous receipt hook tether, ete Mt every
box ()this ten:toilet 4114 swit
iiitc•44440.40004strniNiiimmilissoss ,
• .
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ent month hundreds
of ...subscriptions to
The News --Record
expire We will es
teem it a favor .if.our
readers .send.in
their renewals ..asear1r as .
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so. doing they. will
materially assist .m
the • work . 6f Cor-
recting our mailing
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bout our Clubbing
Offers, and send in
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W. 3. Mri'01-1ELL,
The News -Record,
Clinton, Ont.
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