HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-01-07, Page 7-11-,-•••••••••^- Je111uLr3r 7tk IOW Moisotts Bank 1.000roerated by .A.ct of ' Parliament 1855 _ C,opitot Authorized, $5,000,000 c4pita1 paid Up' 2;856,420 Reserve Fund 2a20,778 Wei Mote 27,000,000 Wm. Molsee NaenhersOn, President James JiUot•• eneral Meager •ZiAtes Discounted, Collections - MadesDrafts.leaned, Sterling an.d. , Attletican, Exchange Bought And ; Sold. s---SAVIISTOS HANIto•e.s. inttwest allowed en emus of $1 and up from date of deposit and ; ainopeundea haifeyeaaly. Money advanced to farmers et. ow rates. Sale notes. collected, " C. 'Brewer, Mgr, • CLINTON. . ___________ • G. D. McTaggart BA.NKER. A. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUN,. • TED. DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST AL4OWED ON DEPOSITS, - - ALBERT STREET CLINTON. W. ZRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR.. . - NOTARY, PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE -Sloane Block- CLINTON. HENRY • BEATTIE (Successor to' r. James Scott.) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, 'ETC office formerly occupied by Mr. James Scott, in Elliott Block . . MONEY TO LOAN. RIDOUT & HALE e:onveyancers, Commissioners, Real Estate and Insurance •Agency. Money to Loan. C. B. HALE - JOHN RIDOUT. OR. W. GUNN R. C. P. and Id. R. C. 5., Edinburgh. ;Night calls at front door of residence. on. kattenbury street, opposite Presbyterian •church. OFFICE- Ontario 'street -CLINTON. • DR. SHAW • kre•-• PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON: OFFICE- Ontario street -CLINTON. • Opposite St. Paul's church. sti DR. C. W. THOIVIPSON PHYSICTAN AND SURGEON. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . . . -Office and Residence- ALBERT,STREET 'WEST, CLINTON. North of Rattenbury St. Losing your hair? Coming, •out ,,by the combful? And . doing nothing? No senso in that! 'Why don't you use , Aye's Hair Vigor and air. Vi or Promptly stOp the falling? Your blur 'will begin to grow, too, and all dandruff will dis, appear, Could you reason- ably expeOt anything better'? "ree, Flair Visi4tia coat meow with roe, zee hair Ina Mit very badly, but = the mar viser-storessi t and new my hair fs _ 9.-Lemssoos, Lindsay, cad, FM bottle,J. O. Aria 00. rn'iNi for 7 All drondsts. tMap. - I• !"11Naliv' -Thin Hair _ d G04 0 $0*4 For an up-todate HAIR CUT - AND CLEAN SHAVE try the leading barber. NEXT DOOR TO IRWIN'S CONCERT •George D. Roberton < 0 0 0 . . Wood's Phosphodilne, The Great English Remedy, is an old, well estab- lished and reliable preparation. Has been prescribed and used over 40 years. Allarng. gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend as being Before and After. • the onlY medicine of its kind that Cures and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all -forms of Bervsus Weak. 'Less, Bmissions, Spermacorrecee, imsbienerh and all effecte of abuse or excesses ; the excessive use of Tobacco, ppium or Stimulants, Mental and Brain Worry, alio! which lead to Infirmity. Insanity, Consumption and at. Early (*rave. ptease,siz tee • ure. Mailed prompty oci re. Price St perckage orate for $5. One win °apt of nate. bend for free pamphlet. Address • The Wood Conspanyi, . • • Windsor, Ont', Canada, • Woods Phosphodine is sold • in Clin- ton • by Watts & Co. B Combe R. P. keekie end J. E. Hovey, Ding- . gists. DR. G. W. MANNING SMITH • PHYSICIAN. AND SURGEON. Office formerly occupied by Dr, 'Pe.1-- lister on Main street. BAYFIELD, - - - ONT DRS. AGNEW & FOWLER - - DENTISTS.- - Office adjoining Photo Gallery. open every clay and Saturday nigats until. to o'clock. Auburn every Monday. Dungannon every Tuesday. • IS. G. ERNEST HOLMES •pecialist in Crown and Bridge Work. .1). D. S. -Graduate of the Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontar- io. L. D. S. -First class honor graduate • of Dental Department of 'Toronto University. Special attention paid to 1 .servation • of children's teeth. . 'Will be at the River Ilotc,1, Bay field, every Monday from lo a. in. to 6 p.m, DR. J. FREEMAN VETERINARY SURGEON. A member of the Veterinary Medial Associations af London and Edin- burgh and Graduate of the Ontar- io Veterinary College. OFFICE- Huron street a-CLINTON. Next to Conunercial Hotel Phone 97 JAMES A. SMITH, AtICTIONEElt. I am a licetised auctioneer for the County of Huron and will tell by per - tentage or by the dollar. Residence lot .37 and 38, Bayfieldlioad, otio nine .south of Clinton. Satisfaction guar- .anteed. Orders left at The NeWS-Rec- ,ord office or my housd• will be prom- aitly attended to. JAMES A. SMITH, Clinton P. 0.' + IT• LIPPIN COT, mfteNTHLYAmA464AiiNt*„.. A rmolim LtogRAR*0-!' The Oast In Current literature •-\compLtilt Novito VtAllee MANY SI4Ciitit STORMS AND -PA Pe Rs ON .rima,v‘toplett mtso PeolvgAN 08 ritir. now,. 1 1St° colotNuito terorutow NUM1E 60,./4 The jlicKillap Mutual Fire Insurance Gorfi(ianu • -Farm and. Isblated Town Property -4- • -Only •:Irisured, • • OFFICERS. • J E, McLean; President, Rippag P. 0.; • Thos. Fraser, ViceePresident, Brucefield P. 0. ; T. El:Hays, Sec, - Treasurer, Sedforth P.. 0.' • DIRECTORS, • Williain Shesney, Sealortir..; •• John, Grieve, Winthrop George Dale, Sea - forth ;' John Vett, Ilarloek ; John BenneWits, Brodhagan ; Jearies Evans, Beechwood ; James Connolly, Clinton. • AGENTS. kabert Smith, •. EIarlock ; chley, Seaforth ; James Cummings, Egrrioncbrille ;., • J. W. Yee, Holmes - vine. . • • Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact Other • business will bq promptly attended • to On application to any of the ;above offi.cers addressed to their respective postoffices: Losses inspected • by the director 'who lives nearest the scene. • Marriage Licenses isstrED B.:Ei,tunball Clinton P••• TIME TABLE. Traitis Will a.; rite at attd , depart from Clieton stat.on as follows ; • HUFALO .ANI) GODERICII DIV., • Going Ei e.st li:xprehs - 7.38 Going East Mixed • Going Whst Mixed Going' West. Exprsee ,, • o 11. • 0 I ' • 3.23 Pan. 4.15 PM; 10.15 aan. 12.55 PAIL • 7.05 aan. 10,32 p.m. LONDON, HITRON AND 1311.110E DIV. Going South Express q.47 • " Mixed. 4.15 P.m. " North. Express 30.35 aart, "•Mixed 6,5e pArk A. 0. PAT1IS0X, Agent. P. it. HODGENS, Town Ticket Agent, I. D. IVIACDONALD, District Passcii- ger Agent, Toronto. 11,•1161.01111'.., ,1141,41111:1,INFIllgid:“1 .1' 1...j .1 '11 N . '••.f3)-Y7,0•4P:.:s• EXPLTI i keit; e, • Tnana MARKS DletiONlis 00OVAIOHTIS &O. /thyme senettee snot& and descriction may moony eaeorcoon our opini.*on freeether LW %Tweak:in is probably pntriotable. Conimunica. sons strict!y confi dential. handbook on patents Patents token thronsa Mann coo meows sent free. Oldest ammo, ror securiroatents. noci4 notice, without char e, in t a yi Scitutific tilliCalt. A hrindsereele illustrated es., •r, tersest eln olietion of any scientirte int Jai. WrIlIff. St 41 641.5 fllt,t 11)04thN. title $61(1 by till tbSWed0610114. ii.MN fi e....1.'t3/1ilf°4waY, RilW You( ,.0,.... ^ •< 'w...1....' 41110 4•Al* e • The taintau &Ira Raa,040, I , I P• It le an interesting queetion and one worthy of some thought me to how tar we May force a COW when Beaker for a bigyielkl of milk and butter and whether eitelt forcing la ultimately de. eirable, 'write* 0. g, sovau ram and Home. Many are prejudiced • against Wein' at all, and this preju• • dice is not without foundation, to the premature death of • Mae aOwil that bare been forced up- to the flmIt tes. titles. There Is no doubt that this high feeding preeess, for the purpose of getting a. big Mills and butter yield, • weakeng the constitutien of the coly• and simper Or litter must tell on ber general health Now the question arise's: How far may we goo,with the rorcing procegs? Ail realize/11W a certain amount of forcing is beneficial, te that this is the only 11404110 of deYeloping the organs of the cow and in turn making her calves . better eteck, fer breed le, after All, only a matter of generations of feed and • carp, ana it was by forcing that a cos* was broUglit through several genera- tionfrom, o yield. se three pounds or , butter to a yield of fifteen. But wave • Is the limit? . It le net 1140 to YeracutherWITen • bora*was fast that could go at a 2;40 ,galt, but. now we are getting mighty close to the two minute mark, and. we cannot say that theRmit has been yet reaelted. SO It , seals reasonable to tsiippose that the lnit of milk produc. tion In a co* has not yet been reached. It must be aamitted that many eoWe, theme possessing weak constitutions, are hurt by overfeeding, by forcing, yet It is, only by eoreing that we can hope to increase the milk producing capaclty of a cow end increase the value a the breed. ' 'keep ass Account. • Perhaps there is n� one thing which will so well repay the.. breeder of. dalry cattle .fer his time and:trouble es" that of keeping an accurate account of each cow's production of milk and butter fat. It is not a complex Or difficult matter.. Have a sPeina balance in the stable, and weigh on it each cow's mess as soon as; milked; set the unionist epee - site the cows mune on a sheet ruled for a month; 'give each cow a separate page in a blaukbook and transfer at tet- her- total production nionth' by.month. At the end of the year the record .will . show. which coWri are earning money. for their'.owner and which losing it. The onititY of the milk from Aline ies. time may be tested. • : • •tiles; Sold FineAlutter.'__ The oleo people havealways 'Made a strong'pOint of oleo being a cheap but- ter for the poor man, and many have been the crocodile tears shed by the oleo trust over.the inability of.the•poor mien to pay the high price for cow:ha- ter, says•Itoard'a Dairyman. Of course every one 'knows boW readily tho oleo Makers sacrifice theuiselvei for the• poor, butteriess laboring Man, but we have never "beenittbie to obtain figures 'showing the eXact 'extent of the Eirteri! dee' until the lagtreport ot the Penn- sylvania delia Sind food' commissien, came to band.: . •• This ;report shows that out of 1,482 . samples bought for butter in the. Penn- 'sYlVania groceries 1,195 Of them were oleo. As the 'Above was sold at butter prices, the pcior man had to pay about $119 over what he could have bought the Oleo for under its Own nettle. This . philanthropy .at: 10 cents Per, pound excess prefit; " • , • A. good Ginerniser Cow: . The illtistration, reprodimed from au- rai New Xotketc is of Cassiopeia 4885 - A. G. J. •c. This Was the:second best: Guernsey cow in the Pan-Aniericas • 01.2tii0ems. 41185 A. 0.40. model dairy herd. In the at months' 'test this cow gave.u,270 pounds of milk, which tested 410 per cent butter fat, or 267.73 pounds 'butter fat, which mad. 81501 pOunde of, Actual butter. • The financial record `of the. Myr lot these 'six months stan0,14 a* follewrit • ' 1.113 peuride hay " ta 64 4,142 pounds . . .. . 4 M. 3,680 pounds green clover. 312 1,141 pounds bran • CS pounds oats • 434 ponnds gluten 42 pounds cornmeal. .. .. . 42 pounds linseed meal 19 pounds cetienseed .. .. le* • TOtal value of grain •••17 IC Total • ' • MI This left a profit of 560.40 on the pro. dilation' of butter at Knew' roar Cow& Hitch Or the profits of dairying Is oaten up by the ceitvs. A •single Cott may be all •right in appearance and even ite the quantity 01 tnilk .ytelcl. and yet She rimy bit merely an expeesiims luxury, her feeding and care weighing more financially than bet butter prod Wet Every 00* ahotild be carefully tested not only fle. to the asount -of bitter but•iim to the *Mount of feed ahe requires to Make it 'trent. The test should involve a careful 'weighing of feed at Well its btitteib, and Owe that do hot yield a relitona.ble prod* iliaould be. &sutured It Mamie/et ruatruments. The mantifecture of mttsleal ineteu. Ineutd Ocetiplea about 90,000 persons in Germany. • • WANTIM-Several persons of char - ester mei good reputatiou in each state (one in this comity required)to represent and advertise old establish - wealthy business house of solid finandel ' standing. Salary Set week- ly with expenses additional, all pay- able in cash direct C,Vety' Vhclitesday frbin head oflicee. horse Cid tangelo infanta too young to take Medicine InAS be furnished when necessary. References. fair. d eto,wbeopfttg cough atidoo4ety nc1oSe stii.addresSed envelope. Col - using VapoOresolene-theY breathe it. °Mal 33, Dearborn St., Chicago. f ASKING QUESTIONS. Tom Art of Interrosratims alsoolg lao Devoid et Isoperrirsenee. "Do not ask queetions" le the wont piece ef social advice which age eau give- to youth. A Man who never asks questions is the dullest fellow In the world. Ile bad better Iliac to0 many than too few, We eau defend ourselves afliiinet marlosity, but no armor avails against Indifference. We must resign oureelveti to be bored to death. What Is the secret of the art of In, terrogation? PUtting asIde quick sym- pathies, whiell lie at the root of every social art, we believe the most esaen- tia for theme who would excel in It la directness, TIM art of tenting queetione so as to learn, instruct, plettee and influence is not the art of beating about the imelt. The qUestions vfhich -Offend and silence, are the stoestione orlsich suggest MAO Ulterior motive. It Is it found out scheme Nalco mow, Men -magus Anything of the nature of a tfolPfteepa Us on our guard. If we once fall into ons we resolve it shall be the last time. Suspicion kills confidence. Interrogative hints are ut- terly useless. The average man does not dislike to be questioned. He hates to be startled, crossed, interfered With, reproached, 'wearied or betrayed. He bates 'the questions which are not ask- ed with a nimble intention. There are quotient; which are asked not because the esker wants to know, but beeetuse he intends to tell. Others, while ostensibly directed to and out a man's ()Onion, are really Intended to .reflect upon his character: Some men Inquire as to their oeighborta projects in order to put difficulties in their way. Strings of meaningless questions are poured out by those who desire to pre- tend an interest in some subject which they neither know nor care anything about. - We believe the conclusion of the Mat- • ter to be this: The art of/interrogation. le a serious branch of the social att. Well asked questions are of the essence • of agreeable intercourse, but the in• - terrogattve mood Will not justify an impertinence, an interference, a verbal. assault -nor, for the matterof that, -a • bore. -London Spectator. • ' Mashed Turnips. •• keel and cut up turnips and boll un- • til tender; drain, math and add hot Milk or cream, a lump ot butter and sweet**, to tette.- AN: APPEAL TO TUE ITASIZION7 • ..A21.3 CET CANADA.' .4 Lally liernard," the Well-known • Toronto Journalist. Writes from Eng! -,land of the Battle "Against Oonsuinp- 031 1Mukoka. . • • • • Lally Bernard., of the editorial staff of the Toreinto Globo, Writing to that PaPer from London,•England, •where shaie now • a resident, Shows most clearly that :the battle against the great, 'white plagueili one that should interest all classes of the community, It will be reinembereittffitt:- this writer' entered incog. as a patient in the Muskoka Free Hospital for Cansanip- tivee, and. afterwards in the Cilabe tOld . • •of real life in that institution. In her ,„ • • 1112411104001010101111111011 I II I .1 . . LeverliT.ZeiViaeTread)Disinfeetant8os.p -Powder is bettor than other soap powt.10%., 74 it ohm 'Ate as a disinfectent. . • The chief architect .of the • Public Works Department fixes the loss , by , tlat tire irothe Ottawa post -office last night at flio„000iof wincls $20,000 We- ld be . on contents. CONSUltlinION . BEGINS WITH A CGUGL• • " The -..coligat racks •and tears the ten, . der tissues of the throat, inflronntation supervenes an then; serious bronchinal or hir.g • trouble.is established, The important -time is at tho beginning. - Stay the. progress of the cough'by tisilig fragrant healivt, Catarrhoreone witieli reaches every part of the ;breve eltial tubes, throat andlungs, Caterr- • hozove destroys disease ;genre,. stops the congh, heals sore spots, gleam- the ; nese ;wed throat of cliecitarge. . Catarr- bozorc sooths, never irritates. Guar- anteed for etery, form of catarrh. For - lasting Ore use 1Caterrhersones . Two months's-street:meta ft.00 ; trial "size ' 23e. • ' Russia's reply to Japan is saicl: to oder great comessions atel it is hoped. that peaee may be presert ed. At the saline time JE.pait is steadily pushing forward her war preparations. THE' EVIDENCE YOU VALUE. By word of month from' friend ta friend Dr, . Ointment ba e re- ceived -mc;fre unsolicited- recommendat- ion•tban probabily any medicine you: call mention. !The fact that it • is an absolute cure for piles lia4 pat it tin a. class ailDby itself as at.preparation of inestimable value and people recom- mend it, knowing that it is a certain cure. The iertense cold wave has new reach- ed New ).'ork City, where alli" records for cold' have 'been surpassed. The harber • is icebound and busitess is greatly interrupted. FOR OVER • SIXTY YEARS.. . Mrs, Winslow's Soothing.Syrim • has been :men by millions ot mothers for their' children while teething, if dis- turbed by' iii,ght and broken of your rest by a. 'ick child sullering and, -crying With pain of. cutting teetleSend at. once and get .a bottle of: "Mrs. Wittelow's• Soothing Syrup" for ehild- reri teething. It will: relieve the poryr 'little sufferer iminectiately: Depend - spon it, 'Mothers, there .is no Mistake ' about it. It cures Diarrhea, regu- lates the Stomach and Bowels, •cures Wind Colic, softens. the Gums, reduces • inlhunnicition • and 'gives tone and en- ergy to the Whole system., • •'Mrs.. , Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child - me teething. is 'pleasant: to the. taste and is the prescription' of one of the oldeat and best female physiefaiii and nurses • in the United States. Price • 25 cents a. bottle. • Sold .by all drug, -• gists throughout the • World. Be sure -and- ask -for': Winalm,v_ri..•Sonth-'•; . Atter Jan lst, ing Syrup," . 7 Pt116-e--$1.50 Nwnbers, • •: - • . , New en:6601,6.S get halt:alba of thia year free, magnifieent Ohrist • , . . Paul- Eremits, a Liberal ;member ot sons numer b.. Send in your subscription at Mates Don't miss a stogie -issue the Hutigarian Diet, was murdereei at 4-1?;.1•8 waited (.3velY,Yhertttill'ePal lei 1118 giTen''Saniplecopyfree. ' Kikinds thiS morning. by two ,f. 13ronchitis, Cough, eripi -N. \ 1 * Asthma, Diphtheria CRECOLItit Is A BOOK TO 44THM4TIO8 oassotame is is later established and standar4 remedy for the diseases indicated. it cures Val.4,41,0) the air reedered utrongly antieeptio is carried over the. (Nosed surfaces of the bronchial tubes lth every boi roth, gng prolonged and constant treatment. Those of a consumptive tendency, Pr entierens.froak chronic bronchitis, find innuediste relict :rota coughs or intistued conditions of the throat. Descriptive booklet free, ILEE111170. NULE 8 Vo..160.17otre Poem et., Montreal, Canadian Agents Cresolene 'dissolved in the mouth are effective and safe ler •coughs and irritation of the throat. Antiseptic. Tablets ' • loan bpi. ALT, 'DItIlsaGlfliffi 41411i4ed i.»Whooping Cough, Croup 44.74L' ',...,3.*.a.41s4.11,:...V6.07.1.2i NI 0441111,1,,y. I1 1 1 ;I (7."Theectrig Craning. Succees in after life depends largely upon the training recelysid when youne. No boy or girl should enter business life in these days of keen cornpetit:on without proper preparation. Thr mind should be trained to grasp and understand com- mercial matters quickly, and every youni man and Women shoull receive a thorough, practicel training before entering. any business house. The. Forest City Business and Shorthand Cellege trains- Over Awes hundred and fifty young men and women; every year, a.ncl'etill the business world is demanding more, Beoldet explaining courses, costs, eto, sent lame fpr a postal.. ate J. W. WESTERVEL.T, PRIN. . • Y. M. C. A. Bonssisto, LONDON. OLDEST, • LARGEST; '• MOST:CIRCULATED AND ONLY • , NATIONAI AGRICULTURAL' AND 110E PAPE 1 IN CANADA ; • present artiele she says Nary club 'which tear*. missed havint wolinded, and Was then beaten to• deae• The .W.illiam Weld Co. Ltd London Ont ."To -day I have found a lottei 'a• t the_ peasants. He was first shot at and • been addressed 'Lally Bernard.' May express to my unknown correspondent ,rny warmest thanks. for • tho kindly .ap- predation for the little I•have been able • to do in thebattle being waged against tuberculosis in.. Canada. The need of •sympathy and intereat is n. tremendous one; and I am, always puzzled when I find really well educated end intelligent people in Canada so Criminally ignorant. of -the extent of tbe danger, ena..the . means which aro' being taken te•comliat • •it. • • • • • 't 0i 15 niay..be of seine interest to these . who feel as -I de in regard to the remixes. • si lathy whieh rests upon each and all to aid in this fight against p, most ineidions. foe, when I.tell them, V it hero. 111 Lon- don, where .1 have been, for only. a few days, 1 have already come across; • the' dread enemy four times,' First of all, in: the baelegarden. 'of our hurriblo quarters in Kensington I espied; when morning dawned, a tont With two beds in it.. 1 enquired of our landlor .1 why the tett was there, and was told •st long story .about tho • coronation arid quarters for some boYs etening up' frorsi the country, and that he; the landlord, had sub- eequenti found 15 mors agreeable to Sleet, in the tent. than in the basement bedroom ins, had fortherly occupied.. 'A Iittio later, in conversation tvith the lady who seenred the lodgings, I learned that the landlord's son was oblitced to sleep in. a tent ! c' Comment was needless: • • • "In looking. for quarters I fout2d a charming home, of n young doctor and where ex, Hinarily moderate terms were asked' 11 r really exceptionally zood aeconatoodetion. The doctor in question heal been ordered smith,' and hie wile hitsl to keep tho house going by eeeeteti ng paying guests.' . " -Yet again, 111 the thied place, I found'that the lady who was a6 tho head of the estehlishment had not only lost Mir buSband from tho dread disease, but .lutd managed one of the most fashionable sanitariums in Englund, and her know- ledge of the treatment and the extent Of •the problem in England showed Me lib* tretnendous was the need for Cato and watqhfulties's in our own country, "May I ask tea. correspondent to lute all possible influent° to make the quos. tiini of.notthatiu,,o tuborcUloele One of interest in the I &alienable set' to which she evidexi tly belongs. I know full well; front the little experience 1 have had; how tremendously a little genuine in- terest.aint help Might lighten the burden now rasting on the shoulders of the nue eri tier, of the Vree Hospital for Con - Rum ptivem at Orevenhurst. It is, of (amts.°, far away from weal6by- centres) and oufi of aich t is to be ot of mind. J. ean quite uhderatana that until penele twee Seen forty or fifty patients troothor in different etageS of toesurnp- tl on they do mob realize what an immense Ammint of aid reastit be given by those Who aro fortunate enough to be free from the Owe° ,nd by those who have tittle else to do than to invent or 'learn some new form reerciatiOn. i'Mre. Toritigton has kindly protnised .mo to try and get musical eocietlea and people interested in musie to provide a pisaiola for the hospital. and t feel aura it will be of inemeii fte honatitio the pationa. ' Sitrely My rorrespondenb who evinces :tacit eympathy with the cause could •• make that sympathy take a emetics.' form and eremite° hospital library . Where books Worth reading 'night be isiitipTie4, with Sent° toenails sirnilar to that of sha Atiordeen Association, which hat* done enalt exeslient wrth'. Ntite, -Bead era -in ti te ay their nem. her be many-eutlin Sissire to aasiat in the work of the liuskoltu ProolIospital for eonsuroptiOett may eerie their gifts to I Pie Wm. IL Merialit h, itto Viceopeosibe ; National Panitsriem Avoefetion, To- ! P,,ollte. or Ur, Vt". Cage, (14.140142 $.40 Executive Committee.) th with iron bars. r • otive o t le 'crime was revenge for 'the loss of a, • lawsuit brought by, ate father OS the • innrclerets against, i-ferr‘ Ereinits, . RESERVE FORCE. ' • The hesalty body!' has .ai certain 0- ino4tit strength • reserved in case of emergency, Tattaek by • c'lisease or WPM- " nal physical. 'exhaustion, withouttills iower cif resiStallee a permit is an ea- sy preyto eveiy ill that comes alor.g. By enrieling the • blood and .creating new nerve cells Dr, Chase'o Nerve Food keeps the health. at high water • tric.,rk and fill* the body With '• tEe vigor and vitality that overannes and defies disease. • lEpindy Arrangement. .In our family of fourchildren the • inbbere were a• constant source of. an. noyance until found a place to keep them, says a Good Housekeeping cor- respondent. The back Stairs lead hp: from the kitchen. and :under the first step Of:these stairs was a vacant place,: see ad -5 Yon Tun OVEllitileaa. so 1 had the top' of the step hinged • and by putting in, .a back it made a nide, covered, bexlike place where the children Won learned to go to put on and keep their rubbers, the step serv- ing as a twat. These who have the care ef a flock ef youngsters know that their rubbers have a faculty ef getting lost and mismated. This simple device 1 solved the problent. This Boy was.• Weak and Languid ille parade became alarmed and„used Dr. Chase's &FTC read with spiendlii remits. MRS. 6110R02 F. Brogue, Lake Street, Peterboro', Ont.,states :-" One of tint chil- dren, ahoy ofabout firteenyears, did not have good health for a year or more. He seemed to have no energy, was weak end languid and : suffered from nervousness. The doctors said • ; that he was growing too fast, but we became alarmed about him, and ; began using Dr. Chase's• . Nerve Peed. It was not - long until we noticed a great thane in his con- dition. 113E11:petit.: proved, he had a better color and scionobecanie stronger and healthier. Ho is still itshig theXerve Peed, and we are perfect. ly cohfident that he is' Improving , right along o Drisbni unde.r this treatment." - Dr. Chalet' Nerve Food, the great Mood builder ttna nerve reitoredvioSect cogs A box, at all dealers, or rthasitteen, Bates end Co,, Toronto, To protect - you egibuit imititione 7 the pottralt and Signature of Do A. W. MOS, the famous receipt book author, are on every box °fide reme,. 00,,„4044...foratome , During the* pres- ent incinth hundreds of subscriptions . to The • News --Record expire. We will es- teem it a favor if our readers will .send 'in -their .renewals as early as possible, By, so doing. they • *ill. materially assist :in the work , of cor- recting our mailing lists. . N otf6e. the date on the address label ofstotr, • kour • subscription expires at Cciate .shown there. Do. not put off until the date is past, but re- new • ,early. •• Tell your neighbors a. • bout our Clubbing Offers, and send in their stibscription with. your own. • .111 • . or.41•1 •W. J. NOVO:HELL, The New- geoord, Clinton, Ont.