HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1904-01-07, Page 2`II Tlaa Canton Naw8Qecord Jauunry 7thr 1904 2 � .- - - - .---,-- ­­­ - ____ - __ __ __ - snow v I-II, 11 , .. I -,--------- . _____________ __T!"_!1` 0, - .. I . I __ 11 __ ­___ --'----- � ­ I - .. ___ - _____ ,ILIIF =I' 1. - - - ­ � ---- -- - � - vitr"10v The, quea, and the dwarf I 11 ivana fir.lt, and a V11,111 Contrast plarcing glance fell as haughtily and lot the col"pany were fluttering down on. AU Stuffed Up 'hey dusdatud-Ily or, him its at had or, Ili,, , That's the Quadit0on Of 1011juY sufferers t � %%VI` hhe 84) young. so bedutiful, so rest - and had heArt dank as he int their seats, and evidently about I r -(I Ila) (Ilsdandully cold. he tic) a to pay the greatest attention. The I , consumpril, '14;�' cased In this midnight court seemed from ustarrh, espatitiaft in the -OrMillig. I I ,,. at) stto,twi, at) deformed. so tholight thtit %%hatevor syllipathy sh t kad f-116 ft)r 'Cly KOILU . I I Urent, di flialtioltY is. exPWie=ed in clear- The Face I�emilsfl Altut tilrui went the band C 111111 Wdill 011til to be Liviaducted fit a, decidedly origin- I I I I . u! N�lpfls III WhitV, theta tile chanct-l- liil�-ht. hu%v. beeii a whim, a woutall's ail Ilion. atud. with au eddy re.piday itulk;,%bas, head and throM. I I auctiIiisholl, Lind allkh-i-idors, c.ii,rictf, au. hl,lllt ,,f collLrudittit'ji that thut would htL%u electrified ally other Salt pork is a famous old, lqb wonadereatarritt causes headache. "lliAt- VoUl't Of 111(fiell and halt oidkiced tier- u) beftieod hini tit Court, uncidait or inuderii. Sir Nor- I � impairs the taste, small and hearuilit, ; """al ",:"u -mun ituan took hid ISLI111d, , fashioned remedy for con- . g -1, VI I ,,I,d aftel' lifteLlt Sit- Nor I Ili ht Mwte%ei it %%us. said it Liatat- and eyed flab , I 11, I Ile "14.1-1% of tWo of tile h1ildlelh I tvi'vii l'ut Ilow. it had completely Von- I judges with it look half c tollipt- I i pollut," the breath, deranged the 1111,01L, i I I.t. 1, .1 citti,o I,tst, or : thitt-ad .NI) fLiCk' [If warble could hit%' uoub, hulf defiant, - 8UMption. "Eat plenty of ach Aud 0ecta the appIetilto. ' Behind the Mask.' _1_101wtj e,l I 0 ..d tile ul'i'ruceod 1 rottiel all,,N%ed JIAW�Vlf to) be dI'IA99cd buen culder, Or 1.1.014tor, or harder, flags conalawiced by the dwarf's lean- I pork," was the advice to the To cure caLarrh, tnalmost 14" bar' ! 1,� hi.� 1­lf gu'llds f,Ir lit- tio-Ii-IlLed it) thuo fivib, Lis site looked u.t him out I iii4 forward and breaking ititu La, roar ; . ocinstmutional-alterative and tonic. * 0 # c(ana, JwIft,vII% I'LlIsit-d and of tile depth. -i (it hvr great durk 0�ed- I of litughter right Ili his face. I consumptive So and I oa ..1 Was ill for low mouths with caLsorrh I I"."', ,,, "My little friend, I warned you bk- I in the head and thr"I, Had a bad cough i '..". %%ill, ft.. I I-_-a,II,iilg thne t I) Luid. �%Ith afloat look his Idst Lingeralug year-, ago. A ROMAME alit. tritimphotit itittar(h, wid llrt�earving hope of life vanished, fore riot to be at) facetious," tattial Sir ' mid raised blood. I bad basisause did- I. courtagrd when my husband bought A battle I I 01-III'd silo--, tile pr"".."si,)n wound "And now fair- the next trial!" ox- Nurnialati, regurding him tlulel.l��; a of flood's go ilia litaid persousaded me *____ -W-4 It I Salt pork is good if a man *"+A**A 11*1031K 110 101 W***",* 11_FV I It.'a-11 ,11I.[,g flat- r­itti and thriough it cittitlik-d tile d%%urf, bribi,ly, breakijig rush of mirth to he brain will car - to try it. I = ail to take It. It has gleat ,ti,h\\,t.N h,-rvIof(,it- hiddell I,v ill upon fats drab-cuiored IlledIttaluab, taully Ile the tiouth Of you olle Of can stomach it. The idea cured and built me up." Mas. HQQJi Rv- "Ili Llaut CALAIC, Illy folds alld genth- touch were pullutio", tl�el'W filul fit(' tit,- tu-­',Ll� [,,-%v lift, -d lll,-IltlN hy till! said bustling p.tbt. "We will get it these days." DOLVIS, West Linaccurial N. S. . It glutice as f[JAIII kl,lill \ "I .11, . , ,qt,ilie pi%ssItigt-, citar- over ut once and have dulle with it." *,No le%ity, young manl" ilit-el-pos- behind it is that fat is the 11 ' t.ild tile Ilueell. glitlitillit blaild %oblis with i 11 I \ I,qtg "Nou wall (to it,) such thing," said 13 ,I laid Lho tiptirtilk"Ilt, ')IV 'ILLS pi(iless an death It lilCt 111111111 alld W4.1d. land ed the lord chancellor, robukingly; ,"rae- \\ I L I, ebbed lit.thilig. Liod. thei-efure, "There to no triercy for 1-:1,1,11a"I'll, I, 111111,001 1111V the 9I'L%od -['[,)Us %oIce of - fo od the consumptive needs Ifood"'s Sarsaparilla """,,I,' traitors " ' it, L tile IIIII.I. tile queenly Luct-Liber you tire tioddressing ills toy Clams catIlarrh -it soothes and astrength- ))ut alight pull )sll ratt", L ' silo c.Oldly said -Confess y,our &viilt � sat(,,, ,lit.\ hati left, %\as thu.,I rt-vottl- shrew. '*�\k, will hove neither trials at Elighlikuss Prince Caliblin, SPOUbe end the mucous membrane and builds "art 1 ad I,tjt.stN ,­ said arid expect no pardon front tile " . I nor aimthing else until aftvr supper, kind Consurt of tier Most Grucious most. up the whole system. Permit rate, your is - "Lift, him upi" shouted the dwarf, Cal, ,LlLti it I-- -sillilIttl' ,&II.h\%,LN.S ,I,'- which hus uIreudy been deluyed four hit,ijusty, Miraii(la!" tile duke, ubo had rerod the roll t)f ; I vol ­i ILI ' It, I-XtIVIL1111) I "I'V Ill I I"! s4y is Scott's Emulsion is the mod - death. aland \NhO had lwen o.Nving Sir clawing the air with his hands, as if ril�i.L It ... I I,fl. loolld "I't. direttl" l't. full ulillutew My lord chamberlain "Indcod! Then all I have to Noruu,n fair boille faille, -perinit u 1 e he could ha,ve clawed the hourt mit of I"I t, 11'a -l" 11 It. III ....... ,M"14 1 ". ..-d have the goodness to step in and see that iier lilaijesty hus very bad talStO ern method of feeding fat to _ iLh hitik to 1 that all is fit order." tit the selection of a husband ' less, - . b 10 0 I, e " I 'aliel", 'I'lit's in 'I" vel.y illtll%.I(t his victim's body, "baok w throuLli (III- , it,. l') tilt- felt, will I -I I r BO 'arl of Abitiov. his piece, guards, arid see thut lit- I ()lie of the gilded arid decorated ilitteed, tier wish Wk's to milit ry tile i the consumptive. SUITAKE PR ' ENTS ail, I who kile%% the E ,N,Ir1!..tn .,i,.ilt-,J Ili dlslllti� to lind rull Porkistoca fair does not leave it again!" gentIviliett whum. Sir Noruian had ugliest ulaill ill the world, us she hut. ­ while h I ponion wits doing Squirming, and writhing, and I %,,, Ist � : 111111ht-If Ill the Limst gluulll� itlj�iit- mistAtken for 111-11140isudors, stepped self is tile "lost beautiful Of "0111`11. , I rough for sensitive stomachs. FOR XMAS Illy 1. .r,IlI('r&C`%1'-Iti Sir Norman King— . uiviii. he licul ever I)t-III-lil Ill III.', I;Ikl uIT,o.in Obedience, through another Llut,jesty took not the slightest ley,- suald his Arace, turnitig with Ing himself in their grasp, Ill ,,vry till- I L %%,t.s ull cu�crv,l %olth I'lUkk --- I ' I ler I Scott's Emulsion is the most ri%%ful till I Ire, st % Vale" to tl�lkt 3oung . comfortable and eel -like I 4111oll, the ! W:11� Ill. opelling in the tupeatry—which seem- notice Of this compliment, riot so "do \oU know Ine? " elairt was dragged back toliahis pli,tcv. I "'alls' ck"ll"9' "Oo" N%el'e (11"ll ed to be extent;iyely undermined inuch its a flutter of her drooping I refined of fats, especially person. . I 'o of tile I I'lack, Ltt,Ii rellikildt-d 111111 for,it I 1, o, with such apertures at; it c"b"'all's eyeloatiles, betrayed that she even We expected to bo in our now . as %%ell its I wish to," ails find forcibly held there by IN" I.At Allisque S ch'tIlLher (If 11011'ol'h, I 13 Quit. guards, while his face gre � .so glillst- coati, with capes --- and while It(- was himrd it, I)UL his highness laughed oil- prepared for easy digestion. store bofore Clirktinas and gave ,ci wered Sir 1%'urninn, with it cool land " �\,Lbl Mail V 1'el't-11,11111 - It wits ly arid coinvulsect that Sir Noru4tro I this golie Lhe queen stood drawn up to her tit lit) was perfectly hourse. 131,ve (II -del. jor goods suitable foi rather contenil-tuous glance in his (it- turned awaY his head, art d could not � lija4hivd, or I rattlicr tilt, glooll, \v Lt. full height, with her scornful face ­Silenco!" shouted the duke, shock- : Feeding him fat in this . . I t rA . That ­ � iS r et I I,, 1, "N',.ki look extremely Ilho bear to look at it. ,td,ltd, 11% �k ft-%\ slitctl'iti tILpvrs of looking (town oil the dwarf. ed and indignant Ett this glaring all, way, which is often the only choristinas piesents. rhe store a certain highv.il�nian, v%ith a most "Confess!" once more yelled the I)Iaci, wax all VI.tiliv Candlesticks, that � small main knit up his very plain face 1,italiect, "arid uiis�,ver truthfully the not ready and we have decided to villainous coujilL,ilance, I enco 'titter "d � dwarf in a terrible voice, will le 11 i.4 : M"'LlIt'd L11),101111IL-1.� to Lurn ha"k, land into a bristle of the sourest kinks, (Juestiolls put to YOU. Your naltit', way, is half the battle, but hours huck, arid whom I would I still more terrible eyes flushpd slikiii-lo.4 I initke tilt- hoirihit, place 1110"o hol'i'l- and frowned sulky disapproval of all �ou suy, is Sir Norman Kingsley?" b,4,\* aultdill Winct-tatiorst tit if ha bu,l 8 i hl.' TIUTU \\,Ih Ill) fllI'IlItIII.I'_ -ILVII14T - which lie either would not, or - Y es. - 0frer I;onle of these goods at whole- " few : of fire—"confess, or by all that's a- � cuLl( I order flod your grace. any objec Scott's Emulsion does more Sale Pi icos. out Le�n co\%xtrd eiltough to it% Vrt"., , 11, thillc 1101' tulilt,­ nothing IJUL dared not countermand. Probably tiOn, to iL?" than that. There is some:- ,shly you Iout) 1). tile bUlUt', )UU ILIU I cared, it shall be tortured out (If You. ' it s,,rt of stngu lit the Miller end of the latter had most to do with it, ilia grace waved down the interrup- I ___ __ lit fur that, or aill�Lhlllg VI- . . L I Guards, bring me the tit kill, h-so!"v " s I 1 tile roollk, with soluethilig thal. look- as everybody looked hungry arid illu- ft(),, with a dignified wave Of the , thing about the combination arid let us see if they will riot exor- of like EL Seat ulloll it, allot I)oth wore tinous, and a greut deal inore. eager haud and welit Oil with severe judi- I -cut I hh ,. a a Uded %\ith tile sullit, diS11111.1 drUp- for their supper than the life of Sir ci,tl �Jigllity. I of cod liver oil and hypopho!;- hiui do wu? " -Dash his else the dumb devil by ,xhich our e Genin Leath8r Travelliilllg ,,.rainos out! " "Itun hiatt thrutigh!" ghastly friend is possessed!'' ! er Y . But It V�US 110 scut, flor e\i,r.N'- Norman Kingsley. -You are the sanie who shotLord ! Shout him!" va,ere a feW of the -NO, no, no!" shrieked tile val-1, body stood, al'I'Llup'llIt� theillsel%vs si- -Your niaiesty, the royal banquet Ashley lietween this ILOd the City. phites in Scott's Emulsion wild and plea:iazilL 1118i][ 01"t while the foam flew frOlu his lips. "I lenLly ul,d lj� ,�,cll,"Iy tiroulid the is wktiting,­ insinuated tire lord high souie hotirs ago'?" I that puts new life into the Cases �\Ullt, off oil every side of Illul. like confess! I confutis! I confess!" wolls, \%till the iluot-ii land till! dwurt chamberlain returning, arid bonding "I had the pleasure of shooting Lt . it volley of pop -gulls, Itirld it -Good! And whatt do youl COIlh'S8`­ I at their head, tilld tivar this vlk'Vil- over until his face and his shoo -buck- highWELyinan there, and any only r I-- I weak parts and has a special $7-50 Travell1ril-r Cases for $5 50 score of bright. blaides flushed blue said the duke, Itiandly, Jouning for- tion stood it tilil, bIj%ck statue, %%,,air- led almost touched. gret is I did riot perform the sallit, I 't 44 5.0t . land Litreattatilling oil every side, Willie word while the dwtti-f ft -11 back with 1 . illikSk, Ztlld ItI,1111119 Oil H, i""ght- "Arid wilui, is tu be done with this good office, by Ills companion. it, tile I action on the diseased lungs. another re ill il, I - 7-50 I 11Ig I 'III I e person of your noble self, bef tile prince broke out into 06 yeli of laughter at the succebs of d jut glitterlug ILXV. "It'sW prisoner, while we are eating it?" ore YOU 6.0;) to I, 4 Lit, shriek of laughter, that, rang high his ruse. eliangvd to all unearthly dinqe, so growled the dwarf, looking drawn turned arid fle(L" I S_ A sample will.be , .11 --every ill ing—a n y- '(Ilillg Sir -ge lady : _tzj n!-::7-7�—', ; a a 3.50 Over 'I"- ; confess all well-ol uIld I)lt)O(I-CUI thut , swords at his lit - A slight titter ran round the room, I Ps sent free upon request. 5.()() Sir Norman drew his own sword, thing! only spare my lifL!" Norman could have Put Ills hill"Is "lie can rellUtill here under care of arid tile duke turned cariniscan. i . .1 , , it'lipertitient, i �-' . .% ,4 . . . Be sure that thi% picture in It 3.00 and stood on the defence, breathed _Do you confess having told , over Ilia eardrunis to ashilt Out ill'-' the guards, can he riot?" site retort- ',']'best! reintirks are I 1, r - Mh tile forin of a label is on the , - . 4. 00 one thought to) Leoline, gave hinise if Charles, King of E'ngland, tile secrets ghlaNtly sout,d. The disnitil rooln, ed shurply. "Or, if you are afrilld ,laid atilt, to the purpose. You are the ! 0.1 , , r . 11 .W wtooptaer of every bottle of I (_ 3-60 a 4 4 , 2-00 up for lost; but before quito (101,19 so of our kingdom arid this place?" l;aId : t Ile black I thot they are riot equal to taking thilL �� 11, . `w Eiiiu siori y at buy. - _ %oirclt,ss spectatrars, tile " rderer of I,ord Ashley, let . .. .0 4 , � - 11 1.15 —to use It, phrose not altogeLh- the duke, sterilly rupping Iodown tilt, ,pa,ctl,e \\,,ill the glitteriiig axe, tile i care of him, you had better stay arid I'l"'11CO. Par.hably you wt,ro on your lilt It' . -C, � .., 8 ,� . 2-50 or as Original as it might Ile -d&- petition with a roll of purchnient. fearful music, struck it chill to hit I W h him yourself." wily hither wheat you (fill the de(Nl?" : 11 ". t *A� . �111l, termined 1rho earl grew, it inniost heart. Is a, te ' 1, I -.19 BOWNE to sell his life as dearly as possible, a more With which answer her majesty -.1,iol ,%vus,­ suid the dwarf, vilidict- I . IF possible." Angry eyes and fierce I I real- sailed majestically u-,vity, lettving the ix,ely. 111 met, him at tile Golden � -k �? I I ghastly white. Could it lie possible they Wcr( I ,,! f . : "t CHEMISTS, I - .1. ,_ - "..." _AGlENT--- faces were on e%ery hand, and his *11 do—I inust! but ohl for tile love ly going to Inurdel. tile lllll�llipy i gentleman addressed to follow or riot, (,I.Own I)Ilt IlL short time after", I I �, 41" Toronto, Ontario. a�i: _., , , I . i I dreams of matrimony and Leoline of—" � V,retch? and could till Lll('sf' I I' I I t iful i as he pleased, it plen,sed him to (to --V,I.y ,,v(.11, thut is unother point 11 -Iil' .1iI , �'I; . ,r . i .... I'll oc. and $x; all druggibis. 17or Parke, Davis & CO- seemed about to terminate theta and "Never mind Ime." cut in the in- ladies --could that S1IITRs'iillL,-1 ' I, I)VILU- ! SO, on the whole; arid he wetit afte suLtled, ulid vither of thvill is strong . 5 . T -Or [,,,Lm,n Kodak CO. there, wheat luck carne to his aid in exorable duke, "it is it subject tillAt tiful (plet'n, titalld thery st,renel.v un- I her, growling anatheillas between his ; e',�011gll to .seral his doath warrant, I .- the shape of her moSt. gracious nia- has jimhing whatever to (to with tile Mooed, to -IV I t I I (I s's such it caritne? I royal teeth, arid evidently ill the I You ctinul here Its a, stay, to Seu ullu I __'_,­_'_ — jesty the queen. Springing to her present cio�e- Did you or did you riot : %%hile he looked round ill horror, tile ; sullie scatle of Initial that induces gell- bettor land I-eport—proltably you Were, I __ feet she waved her scepter, while her recehe for the atforesiml inforuintioll (titillated anion, already uppitrently at- � tlemen in private life to take sticks � stilt ,IN, I<ing Charles?" black eyes flashed as fiercely as the (-Y'?' 1. ' tpouses, under 1 lbzIlIly--just think its -You the Duchess of Suthei'lalla.- Lt large sum of 111011 . most, dead xvilli fejar, %%'it,, dragged to their aggravating E " I In I beat of them, and her voice rang out -I (lid: -d, s Wever, it ; suid Sir N "Aild v,hut illy lady Catstle,- ti. B. Combe I)III, lily lord, uiy lot I - se about it!" . , Norman, is for),Niird liy his guards. Pairahzed its ! similar circulai.tances. HO 11 00 like a trumpet -tone. spare—, he Nvoias, tit ,light of the stage which I might not be just the thing, perhaps, : whu kne%% his case %%-Lis as desperato lilailie's faLu to be?" "Sheathe your swords, my lordi,. IIIN111cli Built of money you lilt % v he knew to bt� -tho, sc,iffold,lie utt(,r(-d for king's and queens to take broololk- as it coidd be, and wais quito reck- . "The same , its your friend's here, Chemist and Druggist. to settle their little differences less NvIlit hu Illiswered. I in all probability," JlOddillg easily, and back every man of you! Not conevaled," colitilitted the duke, ",% it It shriek ,after, sliriek of frell-,,,jtI(I despair, I sticks anion Christians; 11 . Drie hair of his head shall fall with- anotiler froWn tilld a shurp ro It. Laud .,Lnipglud like it 111,1(llrlltll to get � of opinion, like Coll -yula j1dillit thut you are tt spy. . not to suy playfully, ht Sir, Norina-i. k)pposiLe TOWO "all. out my permission; and the first who "..ow, illo tIllestion is, lklit"I't) h.t % V free. ]lot as ).vell ,,light TAIccooll und so the prince peaceittbly followed thell-iI., "And flow lung will tier trial lays hands on him until thot conSeill. you collcv.,Ld it "' hu%e strou�gltol ill the folds of the I her, alit) entered tile suite a manger -No su(ii thill.v. I have ()Wll(,d no- last?" , - - ___ -­ _�_ �_ is given, shall die, if I have to sboot "I will t 11 �t,ll Nvith all my heart, sorpelit, ilivy pullvd him oil, hound, with the rest, arid Sir Norman and Ibillt,,. As I told vOU before, you I "Ifillf Lilt hilair, or thereabouts. . . - him myselfl Sir Norman Kingsley, ol:ly SI)i ft- lll� life"' him haind tIlld foot, und Ilt-ldhis head his keepers were left Ili the hall of lore welvatillu to put -,%-halt constrLIC- ; There are dome secrets in tile inatter ­fl-l)\� IN TIlF stand near, and fear not. At his "Ta -11 us first, land we '%vIll think fol-cil)ly 4Io%%II 011 tbt� J)lOck. state, monitarchs of all they surveyed. tioll you liltIkISO Oil 111v uctiOns." 1 that have to be investigated, and I.. t:(),�R, peril, let one of them touch you!" about Your The 1) I Lt ck spectre i rs "I -�ingsley, (his is non- 1 which will require 8011JU tiULO." .�I.IS (),,� , 'I'll I I, tile aftoa­N%airds. Let me anoved-1 lie Notwithstitilding he knew his hou Sir Norman I Sir Norman bent on one knee, and aad%ise you Us a fritIlld. EuY lord, ill , dwarf niude a signal—the glittering were numbered, the Young kn ght selisical (I Illi\aacation! YOU 0XVII :o, oil ! "Then let Lilt the trials Ile Over . raised the gracious hand to his lips. tell tit once, Land ti-tithfidlY," sit ill axe was raised—fell- screani Was cut could riot avoid feeling curious, and cenial to see arid hLar?" first, arid all the belleadings take At the fierce, ringing, imperious tons the duke, to�irig nt-ghgently with tile ill twu_LL bI.i,,,,bt jet Of I)Icod spout- the tapestry having been drawn - �% (.111?" r, ". const,itute I place togo-Lber. We don't choose to CHIRAL all Involuntarily fell back, as if they thillullstre%%s. ed ill) in the soldiers' faces, blirldink, aside, he looked through the arch "Well, Ileoring und Seel ., . o obey it; land the ,I,-,] at tit(- north coritot. I witn. a good deal of interest. I take the trouble of travelling to the I 10, "It is hall theill; tb(� axe fell again, and tile ' 'than slaving, (to 11 they riot') Therefore 'Nou I Black Chamber just to see his head Of tile (Ill NN1,11, ,It tilt' IIN -ad- . The apartment was smaller . ) ?",�� prince, who mocined to -night to Ile Ili E.Arl of (lloucester was Illizill"I D. o NT. :Id of Ill . fhat the one in which he stood—though at 1'� I it ( s I �v like it. What I chopped ofT, and then have the same all Uncommonly facetious mocid, shaw's gra�e You shall Ila % v a. 11.1 L I , ital appendage, a "Ill fuss it looks ; journey to undergo half ail hour af- arid It 010UNAL.1drold IIIIII-V if 3.(,tl Only : iseful and urnataiw still very large, and instead of bLing lll�lt-1 " I ter, for a similar purpose. Call x - laughed again, long and shrill. Ile.1d. I and gold was glancing .IN' -OU a. i Lady Castienittine, and let the pris- � It-, to tilt highest stall(Igr(I (,I e "What are I ,,,,r IIlAje0%`9 COITI- pa rdon—­ it wits ,ill Over so) quickly that Sir till crimson Iver. ved � sk? What is the fatu Of .%Tt ,minds?" asked the disconifited duke. , 1:11ougll!', 1)1*ok(, it, the dwarf,,with Norman couad sc;tarvely holieve his hor- nrld glittering with blue and at spies?" I Oner be taken to one of the dun- ck-11,1.-kv Wool t1ijit I,, oiw reasoll .,%it.\ rather sulkily. "is tit s insulting ill- a look und ti,tiv of till exultallt. dr- rillied senses until tile (Jecol wits done. Those azure hangings were of sattin, "No intitter what they Lire ill other ; geons, and there remain until the 111j)JI. "'lli,it is till \\k' N\ttill, �ly 'rhe exectitioiwa- threw a black cloth instead of velvet, and looked quite pluCt-S, I atoll pretty certain Nvb"t they - tirne of ttic execution. Guards, do, ,,,Is , ,,It111,lr skillwol is, n(iw vll.101,11111i.11 it ter-Inper to go free?" light and cool, compared ito the hot, are here!" i . . "That is no affair of yours, lily it), -d dld,(., i,he jue the death wurrant oVer the hioeding trunk, arid Ileld ill) was . The I you hear'? Take him away"' I ' : I (TO I'll-, CONTINLED.) and ),\IWe lit -r iii,ijesty signs it, I I the grizvly heml by the hair and glowing place where he "Atid thiLt iR?­ ..I.ct,,id brtat�ilkg" a t L t NI I' race N" "' lair . d duke!" answered the spiritvd wall pronounce his datoin!" ' ceiling was spangled over with span- '-A room Ili black Lind a chop with ! I . N1101ce of the queen. "Ile good (-?I- Sir Normun could have sworn the ,fill, duke handed hill, a roll of ff,citures inoved and tile dvad cy(l gled stars, with the royal arms quar- all lixt--t.he Earl of GlOUcClAtUt"s fate, I ____ IL tilt, 1w, ire I %% ii.) .,t ti.lining .411d Nvc 01�c it. ough to finish Lord Glcauce.,t r I s parchniviit, 'which he gli'llced criti- folled romid the rooni. . tered in the middle, and the cha Ill- ill it worol!" Illult-i'lic a: IA C I ill toque. Clrclj.11 �, trial: and until then I will be r(.- citll� ca\er, .and handed to tile (Ill'"") "llch(Ilil!" cried the execill ion(Ir, Were of White polished wood, glea "You ha\o said it. lIllVV YOU 1111V I - Absolute Zero. sponsible for the safekeeping of S r I r tier autograph. '['halt ro�itl lady striking the romulsvd face with ill(! Ing like Ivory, and cushioned with reason N\ hy such a sentence I should I Absolute zero is supposed to be only Norman Kingsley." satin. The table was of im- not it(- pronounced oil .�'()U?­ I 13 degrees b(,Iow tile freezing point of fruc - spread the ,.e:ltjlll oll hur knVVI took )jilin of his open hail(], "the fate of ')'us length, as it had need to be, "And after that he is to go fraec­ I mense ­N`otie; lirunoutice it Lt", soon its you ypur majesty?" said the dwitart, tile puti arid all;Ixed her SignitLilre us all traitors." wax like " I hydrogen. This gas solidifies at 200 1 kv. .1. i;i,i,io,rT, Princillal ell, SOn- mod the and flashed and sparkled in the below zero. , . laughing to the extent that he ran cooll% _s if sh.- were indiLing a, , '*Arid Ili till spies," exclati lights with heaps of gold and silver ..With the greatest lilenslure," .sit i (I ! the risk of rupturing an artery. net it, it!, 1LIlitlili. Thon his highness dwiirf, glancing With his fifIrldish plate, cut -glass and precious porce- tile duke, who had been scrait,wling oil I will, a f�­- th,ti, fitirly sciliLilluted eyt,,i upon tli(, appalled Sir Norman. , , es ___.._ _� �_,____..� NBALhalLa A'--&zL&a-'cL,N&xumadjxm&&Ndm.AL':m�' "After that, it shall be parveisely its : '' I I .1; I I slood it a land . a "I lain. Golden and r,rimson win antathir Ominous roll of vellum, and ! I please!" replied the ringing Nolico; W Lit a (Illull I a I t , I I I " I<vep your uxe sharp an(l ungit. r. shone in the carved decanters; great now passed it to the dwurf. ''I never ! ) while the black eyes flashed ouiything fixed his L'�t'.S (Ili the ghatstly lirison- E%ocutioner, for. before uloril"14 4i I ver baskets of fruit were strewn knew anyotiv it gave IlW niore delight ; LADIEE D but loving glances upon him. "Whi e er, txri,t spoke Ili a %oivo that rowvr- daWlis thery is, anotlivi- gentlo, "I'll about with piles of cakes and con- to) condetim. Will your hight ss liass 1, The tliou-,ands of people who berated hke tile 1( -Ilii I, of a drath- , hure to tic uiude shorter by 11 ituald", ' le I am queen here I shall be obeyed, bell tlirouf,�h the nwisi. fectionery—ricat to speak of more sol- that to her majesty for signature, I write to me sayint; that . when I am queen no longer you may "My Lord of Gloucester, you have ! id substantialq, wherein the heart of und pl-orlollllco� Ilis, sent.enc . c. " I I RI&IGS. do as you please! My lords," (turn- every true Diglishman delighfeth. The Ills higlinvss, %%!ill ,I grin of niest I &% N Ing her passionate, beautiful face to beca tried by a council of �our fel- CHAPTER XII, queen sat in it grerit raised chair at exquisite delight, (lid as direct .d; 1 ohilah's - the hushed audience), "itm I or total I low lavers, presided Over fly tier - the livad, and helped herself without and Sir Norman looked sleudfastIv I ' I ( )f 100 Ladies, (,)() at 1(.Ills� not sovereign here'?" 1.03-111 self, allot f,c)und guilty of tarval- "Let Ila go", soid the queell, glanc- paying much attention to anybody, a t the queen as she received it. on*(,. ! Consumption "Marianie, you alone are sovereign sull. Yuur sentence is that voll lie ing tit the rmolling sight, and turn- arid the remainder were ranged down of th( l gauzy nyinphs lin-stitted it to TI' I I. 1-a.ill"S to ,,Inv othor taken heiwe, ilyiniediatt'lY, to the ing uway with it shudder of rvpul- ital length, according to their rank — livr, knet-ling, and she took it willi 01% ( r, . lady and queen." block, unit tht-re beheaded lit punish- I. "Falilgh! The sight of blood which, as they were all prett Lach � %.., U r (e The Lung Tonic Ili Nr thi- "Then, wheat I condescend to com- ., y m, a look lialf bored, half illipaticlit. kil)(1 ()f .JL,\vL,1r . Fol, talent of your carillIC." kilt. were about i . mand, you aliall ohey! Do you. your lins mado tile sick." dukes and duchesses, arid lightly scrawled her aulogralln. I 4 Plvspeetal attell- highness, and you, lord duke, go (). Ills hif1hrie." ,ovound up Lhis Solrl(- ''And taken away ni�- al)], lie for tilujil. The long, dark hashes did riot lift; I ern of chronic coughs . It - III i cured ill Ile"IS()II We with the Earl of Gloucetitor'H trial wh a t Solouin spet-th rather Incolosist S ,I il-per,'' added ta. youllifill allid elf.- The spirits of tile company — de- no chunge passed Over the Latin, c(Id I tioll to thi-S hne. and I wI1l be the ntrangvr's jailer.' : tintlY, by hursling out into line of his lity I,esitle Ill.r. ",Nlv Lord face, Eta icily placid its a frozen Like ! 11 be mistaken. sharillesi pe.,Is of Itiogliter; and the Plant tea , It I l,ressed for the moment by the un- in the nlootilight—evid-111Y tho".1ift! cannot a " I "Rhe is right," said the dwart, Ilia � 111micester was hideolls elloug -, ,,,,, plensaot little circurnstrince of seeing i There must be truth in it. I I(). - , miserable Earl of Glouvesl(ar with it I)ioul lie is tvii one of their number beheaded—seelli- ' ,Nit, Ill filld all the fl% I , lixitlI4, hut, Uloll . uous in- yoll W . fierce little eyes gleaming with a Ilia- gaisl I 9, towlirtbly car� . fell 1I.ck into so %xhvii dvad!" ell to r(!%ive Under the spirit or death of the stranger I, IoNo; ; Try a bottle for that cough of yours. thing Le- Ltitws mitre than nothing it) h(Ir. To hill t, -o, I iteL Ili' 11 bi I Mt I () I I II- lignant light; let us do One 1.11 -ndants . 1)(In d ""d ''Your lnd�shiil will 'lot have the fluencol (If sherry, sack, and burgu ,;tolle,4 ati(I ( I fore another; and after ,.\,o haie act- the ran,,; Of tile attt ndy: she wits Its nothing, or heorly so; I at their best. With US. OPPresske silence reigned, and Sir t.ry ill ti -Il of yonder strang- and soon they were laughing and I I . I " snille st art, il,.rring tied Gloucester here, we will attend N , )rrnan, who lli%lf Ileliev'Id till al"Ill, ,,I., when Ile shill.o." the "';i1ile falit.p, ill chrotting and hobnobbing, as a�ilnat- but yet there wits it sha Prices 25c., 50c. and $1.00 III :\ N1 (IN Its, 11 E A It I.S, to this truitn's case. (;wards, keep a till! \\little thing wits it. fairce, began to till hotir or two"' hilld tile dwarf. edly [is any dinner party Sir Norman , Pain Lit his heart, its Ill. ,I*,, that J.-141,11AIJH. It I'13I II"', sharp eye on your np\v prisoner. feel art uncomfortable sellse of chill %\,ill a malivious grin ''f(,r I heard haid ever seen. The musicians, too, fair hand, thrit hall savod hwi ouce, � q. C. WELLS & CO. I , Tattles and gentlemen, he good on- vro,ping o%er bitil, and to think that, ' cooly sign lit.,; death v­irr.mt I SAPP111R1':S, 0 1) A I .S. � ou rvinorking upon fils extreum appeared to be in high feather, and So) onto, Can. LeRoy, N.V. 11 ough to resume your seats. \Qw, though paractictil jokes wore excellent heauty N\hen it(- first ap1witarvol.'' the merriest music of the day assist- ll()w. Itut there was little tillie Itft . Tor () M V I ,,, ES, 111VI(Q1,01111 I your grace, continue the trial." tbings ill their xvay, there was yot Li. Thv ]lady hillL,hed ofill llat\\vd, "')at ell the noble banqueters' digestion. I to -,%ntch her. for, as .,It(- io'Fholi it - It I .,NVh( A a. I tile ilollatieliLly al,way, nrid reiap-;Id ;o_ ere did we leave off?" Inquirt I.o.s1iil)jIit3 (of vnrrying them turned lier bright eyes Upon Sir Nor,- Under ordinary circumstances, ft i I - Its V(�rltl 1:(So. I his grace, looking rather at ki loss, too far ,I*be disogreeitble sil"Ince to hvr foriner proud list I,,:,stivss,, 1he , 1"'Very Rilig at i .1 - scene to . I and .scowling vengerttive diroo at the, wits first hri,ken toy the dwnrf, N%Ilo IIl;I it was rather a. tantah-Maig dwairf t -rot. Ill) wil 11 Wall O its I all(l (11 ai "'Iruo' It is ohliost a 110Y to) ("It T 11 E 1)"01 as U) valuc � handscarne queen and tifir handsome after glonting o\er his victim's von- stand coloof and cow--niplate; and go (jell I 11's-hea (I grills, and hi,gan: . nillibly froill Stich a litindsolin- liond oIT- is it not') ill(- guards very likely felt; but Sir - -Sir Ill I, h��\e I "-,- ity. i protege. as he RAnk back in his chair %%ll.,,j%p spkisins, sparang ,,, ill your )I I gh ness' Not-inan's thoughts Vrere of that room , Nor" I X., ,gslev, y )it of state. tile chair of dignity land held Out his I N\Isll I h1id \Oji ill been tried alit( CoX iked its it Stay, . I "The earl wits confessing his guilt, arili for lho quevil The Illivell al -,)se, c(ollwil, orld I I'llow N%hilt I should Wack, thp headsman's axe, and and the paid hireling of ill(- vindic- , or about to (to Fla. Prity, lily lord.- which seeille(I to he 11 sign for e\er_N- I Io. '' Leolinot. Ile felt he would never see tive and narrow-minded Chor'vs; iiiid � liewslaflecord's &. J. Grigg, ' a -14;0, ].rill.%, Mollllfjo�'I­ hair again—never see the sun rise that .* i ald the dwarf, glaring upon the. pal- ,)od\. el4e ft) (to it,,. suitne, land rill Ile- ­Vi!1rv,,I him to s%%,-ar fvisll.v, and wits to shine on their bridal, and he ' the sentcrice of this vourl , over � ,)1.1,o,vJI',I,F,R AND olvrlcl,�N I lid prisoner, "were you riot saying crIll' (.IrlIl1Ilg 111t.111selves an I, stpart (If I'l-vollie oile of ll� $laid -" wondered what she would think of which I have tile. honor to proside, I you hall betrayed us to the king?" lift(, of Illalrull "And it haritle-rown for your lady- him, and if silo was dvstin(�d to fall is, thnt you be taken nei,I'o initilo,111- I . . ................... ­­III,,,I,I___- A breathless silence followed ill-, . \%hill is to lie done with this olhor ,� hlp"'' suggt'sh-il flat, (Jill-oll No.11111 it into the hands of Lord Rochester or i atelY to) tile pince of oxi-cilLio-I ' t� 1, d ' vionalroarrisistassimat= . .1 AVII i quost I on—everybody seemed to hold prigonvir, your highm-ss?" inquirvil (,irling lit). "I think if Sir ,Ntlrinati Count L'Estrange. As a general 1 there lose YoIll' lieVid by the lIX^ I — � lit-; very breath to listen Even the tile . sinall logs it. \\ Ill ciubbinity Ustill I ­ , dlijkp, lo.iking a poke N%ith Ilia N ingsk-y knew klid.v Mol"ItJoY Ill thing our young friend was not gi%- I "Arid it Illight ' \ I ___ '' .1 I i lurIen leaned forward and swat I (,d foif-linger lit. Sir Norman. ''Is lie to 1%(.11 lis 1 do. Ill, wmild v%vn perfer en to rnelari�chclly inornlizing. but ill 1 be," remn-arkt-d the duke to himself, 9 I I 71 " , -I r- i 'the anoweir eagearly, attrid the manv Slav h,.r(-, or I,, he to aCCOIIIPIvIlY I I 1 41 ... ' . . the block to sul-h it fill(, " the presenf case, with the holadsman's I in a start of prorrInIhesis, Its tile I ... t . I oven that hail been ri\pted on Sir us')- hift plonsrint ohRer- —_ ., I I I . - I Atfly Alomltjo�'s lirill Ili Tit e,% axv poised like the sword of I)amo- dwarf concluded - I I i I (. e. :it "'. ,,, g himself forward The Nevos Rccord and F.antily Ifer- 1 I , I Sir Norman sin his rntrance, left Ills highiiP,qs turned round. iind I- ' honv like two iingry ineteors, 1) t ries above him by a single hair, he 1 vation by thl"Istin . � - , i him now for the first time rand fwl t Ing hiR frive Hose up ft) Sir '\ ,r- sliv mendy howod and la"1111"If-d. it at (I may Ile pardoned for reflecting that across the tnhIV. iiftvr his rralher dis- I I __ .. � fled on the parlsoner A pillemiq rwm's. f"\ol'.41 Jilin with it nialignatit, , d1vil rr I uld ilud WeekIv Stia, with three � `,_J � tile 1411101 wits erhoed Ily to this world is FLII Ft fleeting show, and , composing fFiFthion, Find breaking out I - t. " I I i I IFILHIC11114`14? thAt prisoner waiii—hii fure. grin It, his sha-114-4t fidsvillo. Into one of his diabolical laughter- pa-VillillillS P-75 1�, A , . whiter than the snowy nymphs lie- "You'd like to ar"Im'. wouldn't you, ­l)o(..-A .ss infetid ra-Inin i it that he had got himself into a gtrilipe, I - ItI I yf,ilr hil,im, to which the plague was a trifle. And ; clara . I ! hilld the throne. land so arlitIlloartvd mv di,fir ,imig friend"' hair h"To all llight I , d('111111)(IfId it)(. "(It, The queen, who had been sitting TI c Neus Record ati(I Waaaskly Alail "I . � ., with nervous impatience, he - . � - Ito dro vo - ( - w ,,fill J,' � I � I 1,�,ith fitar, fury. guilt, thrit it. looked llll� I- sitid Sir Norlillill. Invert arn t hor fivrrel,� If not tile i,qhpd the dinner rand his trial were ; pa.asive, and looking as if she v,ere , ,inpire, ­ith preniiiiii, $ i .7,5 , scarr,ply h 1 I n all n Twice he openo,d Ing hark ,and returning file d\\ it rf's .400ner we If-n\fl this 9111101.V 11111CC ox or, his fate sen.41,11, and his life end- in a spirit a thousand miles awvy, Tile Ncl�s I�ccord ntid Wechly Sun $ T, 75 �; .1. - t Ilia t thf- hettvr 'I'liv plity Is ovor land silli- ed at onre, since it was to Ile ended I now started up with shurp sudden - t Is ]ills to reply, and twire till hilitp \\till (ompomid inlereq � I 3 , I qounds dif-d lawny in a vFolaing gnq:i, d,pends ii1togetht-ar oil tile ntitliar(� ,,( Iwar iq %voit'ing " soon. For the fulfillment of the � ness, and favored his highness with I I'lle Ncws Record and %% eek I v .1 . "I . "I)n you hear his higharavas'l- shrit-l- till- 4-lilf-I't'lliallivilt, bot. ltt the slittle With whivIt the royril virngn maidol first wish, he hold not long to wait; I -,IS. I Glol�e . -,5 1 � ly inquired the lord high rhancollor, till,,,. ['Ili trioch ohliged to voll for 13L one of her fierceRt fiery glarl(t $1. ' � n inilivrimis ni,,litm for livar rattend- the feast., though guy rand ga-Find, was I .,Will your highiless ills permit I - L .I— rosiching maor thp great Real said giv. roll,1111illf" Iliv itirlinlitions - FLnt sprites In goss.mier while to pari- of thol brinfest, and they could have somebody else to have a voice in , The Ncv.s Rtc,(;T%l kuld WeekIv . Ing the unt-inlilly Rarl of (.1oucoster 'I'lils ropl,:t, tionarl ' v upset 111.4 high- uede livir, and tintwd \%lilt hor ticcuq- scarce.ly been half an hour gone when that matter? How many more trials I'Wtt no -ss . $ i.6,:; I a ra.p on the hPad with it. Why do nosq's grit%llv Olive more. but I'e toill"d stillf']v l4tlIl' Ila follow 'I I" they were all hack. are to come on to -night?" � villa nrat airiRwer?" checkp(l hot; mirih rifter Ili(, first. ir- 11111slo, imlll,,�tliroipl�- (havigod from IIq Everybody seenned in better humor, "Only one," said the duke, glanac- W, N,v\\.% R,c,Ird and WeeklV' I ()LIr StudiO iS Cx— I I TJ to rat (I no ]'it rd on I '' PICCIFILITIled rpsi.�liblo; Ailoeni. land finding thecolil- doh,fid (Ilarae to a Rpirilvd ivivaRure, too. after thol refection, but the , Ing over a little roll which he hvid; I, ree Ill-css $1-75 cq�ti()Iially WCU CqLli- 1ho ,,r-nrl. in a hialdly whiliper ''I)o I,[Inv upre Pill rarrange(I it, file order and Ihp whole compil"Y flockod rifiva- (Illeprit And the dwarf—the former ., Lady Casdemaine's, fair poisoning ,I-11, News lZet-ord and Toronto I loot elie%e that talon they tell you of of itroltig. land nwniting his mo\FIrPig,n livir, hsrk it) tho, urt-sit room of Orate 100ked colder and harder and more � — 1);tilv World $.vno peci for maki ng III)III,.. Vnar hAnven't; alliko, Rpare my ple.nRore. he turned. Thpre thev rall lum.-wil. hoverinlT in tin- like a T.%brador ice -berg tricked out I � , I to "I,el him come," he qn1d, ,,%till Ills cerl it itit v n round t lie r(loin, wh ile tho in purple velvet than ever, and his Tilt, Nevis Roc(ird '11141 Tor-o-lito g ro tip ph,)tog,raph� . ''ConfeAR I - thundered the (Iwnrf, raraiii-IO-mince .0111 disforif,irl by in- (pipen. h(diling her joirple Iroin 111' highness was grinning from ear to � Dikilv Neu* S1.8.S sortking the table with hip r1pnched wnard merrimprit, -0 ,otill (to him Iighilv if, title blind, stood n the fo(A which was the very worst poRsi- . 11 I , ' thk 'h � mar ­ , ['he Nmaos Record mid Toronto J)on't 1-111 i Ss h4t. until all the paper -A thparpon we puni,4h ofTenderti of the throve. ghinrink, at t, v I IvIth fill, taign. Not even her majesty could good t.o spe how I falail . 1111:11'ed AlsRsIlloollarralIv Into the Fair � heral, and tenrh hini what ha, is to ex- final cold, hilligh1v arid I -nil (IN PA f4� : Dalilv Sitar $ 1. 8�5 chance of having a . t. )"foqq III f onre, or I Rohn]] run you pect. himself if; Your majoRty realdv?­ In thvir %vandvring. thoqe Rotilla, dark m xcuse for rlelay� 11 ) 'I'] I e Nnos Record and Farmer's f$1,11ily group. flirmia;h i%here valor Rtrand " "Mv maj#-.tsfy bran been renciv n rill ly sphIndid p)-pq aloinced and lililited Ing the trial now; and, Indeed, Advocate 1 $2.2,5 T`tip "rl, wit flie ininutog ... on Sir Normnn, who, in it Pirate of that eccentric lady seemed to h. . e I'lie New-;-Rccord alld C',Illi-dialll h at perfect tarraerh of vrRiting for the Irani Lh. p,.,,v- I Poultry Re%iew $I.Iato Vou may never t,rrr)r, flong himself flat upon h i.q septiling, stupor at. Ilip horrible Art'llp no wish to do so, had table 1 fAC0 rind hnndm Ilpfore the q1t, . ­ ,,h artiplip.d the lady, overlooking hiq prof- he hold iiitrt witripatRed stood npnr thrI or, but seated hera4f in silent d Is - be all together Fit I ch ffirre t,hFkt Hir Nortrann �pr Part fered hand with grand disditin. at I'd rprn tnl)lp. raind thry setif ra. thrill dain of them all, and dropping her � 6 give clulAving rates %,oith stepping lightly down from the 9 We can alls his countenitnee make a to through him, with thoor wond(Irful rf-- long lashes over her dark eyes, seem- - ,,,A :3- I " 11""" f1hronot ReinhiAnce to Leollvip'n .qo vi%.I(Ilv ad to forget there was anything in OAF - � otlivr ,11ailies and weveklies. a Za i n. Ili the flona, ills rising was the signAl for that n "Oh. nindAme. arpnrp met nplaral mot untieram brand to strike I'll a grnnd i arl- like werts thoy, thialt he hall( douhterl existence buf herself. Sunlight Soap will not Injure 1, rernitting please (lo str, by 110stal __ , _. Pprtra Ina, lTnvp morry on me not you for it intriment, whether Fphp and Leo- 1 HIR highness and his nobles took I blankets or harden them. It or cx,irc_,a alOte Folio] address uniphiant 'In plaen.n.'' thoiligh. had thp line were not retally nnA hill; no-- their stations of authority behind yotir hoi,e f,,r merey yourprIff- "Rogiia'a; Mnrrh" been A popiliInar mel- I lenlinA ns,vor could haval, had the the green table, and summoned the I Will, Make them soft, white and W. J. 1t1ITCirF,T,l,, FhA rpcoiled and drpw brielt her %-"v ofiv In ,fliose times, it would linve Cold, HENRY'S PHOTO STUDIO. fif'ornistrits from hip tolicii, as It that . - crual heart to Rt.rLnd and witnerta guards to lead the prisoner up befor ' fieeCy. M The News-Recordt . a ar Wted the procesidon much more ad @H!L4. them, which vro donei WhJJ9 thq rest i _4 h9no sigh&. MJFan44'j dark, . . __ . - .. . I ­ --..-... . .. , � � ", � I . . . ,� . I I ! :, I I . , � , I � � I � l, . I I .1 , i I , I, , r ' , I \ . , . � . I - ' � , ,. : . : ", , , � " � , , I ., I, �, � � I . I , I� , � 1, , �, , � ,,, I , � I ,�y I I I I , I . ., , � � I , " 1, , : I ,1 , r , " �', � ! , - � , " I . 11, I I � I I . I I I , , . I . I I , , I I 11 11 I � I . I � . � "" " " " : . �, L, f _�,, "`."",""�,,I;_ , ,I - , , .1 .� I I I., . , I � Ir . I 1. �� �ii, _�­� � IL L v '; , , I � . . I I I I � - "�, I ,:, I . , llliaig= I" " , I , � . , �,, I ,��L ..�1_444116�' _: ,.I Aiaaiaaisw��., A.,. — — � I I - ,�­, "-, .,. , _11s �_� � , � J, � .., I , 01, - - _f,� � . &"...M",5��. ­L­1�.­­'"Aa�."'.1 1� I ..... .. ,SQ'� . . 29figILL - �, � ,_ Laill, - , � I 1911 ­a"IL_ it- 14el � -11. I, _-.e )1_4 I I � i ! I � I I— I I I ��, � It L ,