HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-12-16, Page 81.11
• •
Ipp a es 0 ati,
ilresield !Pettey smelts:I, Caistelen Brea
NEW Currar?s, Palsies., Pet44 f7/(!..p,
wigo apci 04,008 fos.olirtx, 4,50,:' c"
' !germ, cmortmen4 of Pinner, rio aaa
TOM Set*, Fang, Mina, , ,ifampih. etc at
J. m mwaw'
To Advertisers .
Advertisers desiring extra space
. between now anti Christmas
# should make it known earlY,
1 and copy for all advertising -
regular or special- should. he in
The glintoll New Ero
1)10010MBER Z619N.
Decorations. . • chtionntououY.,:uvrAtosteii
• 41"'"..4% • On Saturday, 17th inst., our Christmas display ,
-tw41. be complete. The interior decorations, of our
-store have always been a prominent feature at the
Christmas.season, and this year we think we lave
sUrpas4ed all previous efforts. • klundPeds of incan-
descent lights add to the attraction of the di play,
and weinvite our friencli to pay us a visit as often
as they desire, For the convenience of our customers
our stow will be open every evening next week.'
• Only Eight Days More.• 1
Jost 8 days more to do your Christmas shopping.
What is left to do must needs,be done in a hurry, This
is a good gore for people who are crowded for time.
Everything is arranged for easy seeing and buying, and
selections can,be macle_frorn a big stock, without wast.
•ing 'any time, .
• An inathense assortment ia platu, fency and initialed. Down-
muslin embroidered. ... ,, • Ut.• tO $2.00
right good value, too. Reel Trish alienated, fine Swiss
Ladies Neckwear and Belts
our bandS not later than Tees -
day night,
, g01171/;g0100.
• '
Hele Wingham :yell known .to oar
reed4atte an. aritst., rill hold a Sale
Stud exhibition a her work, at theresi-
eleric of Mrs, Whitehead,. on Monday
asal WilesdaV. Dec, 19•20, This will irs-
elude paintings . on china, mad water
colors, Mrs. /tele will be pleased to
see any Who way wish to &di, whether
• they:purchaee or oot.
Novelties and new styles, inade expressly for the holiday season.
Elegant and Iland”ine designs' Y.nii 2c 0c 7c $1notsee duplicated elsevhere....,,.. .55.5..a.n
Kid Gloves. •-
• No Isaysever has to many and they- are always in order for
holiday /gifts. • We sell ' Trefousse' and " Roullion4" real
• pair., . .. $.
100 • $1.25$1.
French Kid Gloves, and guarantee every,
Down Comforters. ,•
Comforters 'made from flue French sateens and filled with $5 00
• -reel down. Handsonse petterns at each ... ...
• . .
RibbOns. • • ..••• • • • •••'' • •
This isthe Ribbon storenf the town, • Every. wanted kind for
fancy *mit is here. All widths, all shades, good qualities. •
Japanese Linens.
• claws BY M4IL-L.1st thistime
of the year many private • and m.aw°
postal cards are sent These need a
one cenkettimp if they are to reach
their destination.. The ordinary offic-
ial postcard, does not nsed any stamp te
be affixed, but all other private post
cards ok pieture 'postal cards, need a
one, cent stamp. Otherwise they sim-
ply go to the deadiletter offiee.
exeentive of the Hockey team met in
thesclerit's mom on Friday evening
and decided to inter the Curling Club
$130 for the exclusive rise of the rink
»for 3 eights a . week. We think this
is a very fair offer, and if plenty .of
ava,ter can be had to „make ice with,
there need he no fear but that both
hockey team and curling will have a
profitable investment, ,
'Until the rink is in running orcier Do-
herty's pond will be the attraction for
those ofouryoung people who eptoy
skating. Many have been enjoying
this sport there for a couple of weeks
already. It is to be regretted. that ow-
ing to the Seareity water the Curling
club has not been able to do anything
much tots axds putting the rink i n shape.
• -
,-s-.After the usial routine work of eps
• -pointing delegates to attend the Con-
• v.entiob held at Goderieh last Mon-
day, by. the Liberals of town at a Meet.'
ing hekl on Friday -evening, it Ives.
itnanintouely reselyed that it Liberal
Club be fowled in tosin, and thepre-
liminary artangements for starting
the same pieced in the hands of pt
AU hand -worked by the natives of those fatsaway islands. .•
Small pieces of all kinds. Beautiful designs in drawn work and
embroblery. Inverted specially for Christman' no,•
pcto $3.00
Mcderate price.......... . . . . 4,1U
. •
Cushion Tops, •-
Dozens of styles in Cushion Tops in all the popular matetials. .
Of the•best, only one or two alike. Girdles and...25c. 50c. 75c. $1
forms foe making completed Cushion To JS
Ladies umbrellas.• ' ;
.An.:UnilweIlemakes it pleasing Christmas gift for a lady: Our:it
have tops, ,thet will netoutor ehange their color.. The frames. 4:-.
handles in the lot ... . .......... • tO s•
are steotigsbut lighti New fuendsome $1 50 $2 50
Cristthis Furs * • -
. .
Nothing more suitable for holiday giving. No better stook •
hereabouts from which to make selections. Styles absolutely cor-
rect.' Values good, and only depeedable qualities allowed a place .
on our counters. • •
• -
A Bissell Carpet Sweeper. .
The Ring of carpet Sweepers is the "Bissell " It's equal is riot • -
made. Therefore 4, has no superior, It is the S,weeper that sweePs
clesn, lasts for years and never fails to give satisfaction. They are
often selected for Christmas gifts and always pleese the fortunate
recipient,Made from'highly ?polished patural Woods, fitted with -
heavy bristle brushes and " aye° 13earings,"m$2 50 • $3 00• $3 . 50
Nickel or Japanned ountings ...
SOine Cheap •kibbon\s.
At lie
Ail Silk Ribbon 1 inch wide
5o mem all silk Ribbon, good qlity,
heavy weight, intsrestm,pa e blue, pin ,
cardinsCo, and many other shades, a rib.
bon that ismrde to retail at 80. to An
10c. peryard, nowselling atper yd,
fit 10c
All Silk Ribbon 2/ inches wide
50 pieces pile silk Ribbon, good
weigh* and, full width, all the popular
shades in this lot, tech as, pinks, blues,
creanis, cardinals, etc s it Ribbon made
to sell stit20e, now selling at per a tin
yard. •
I Ult
1 At 7c
'All Silk Ribbon 1' inches Nide
50 pieces all silk Ribbon, full 14-2
• Inches wide, all the popular shades a
Ribbon that costs wholesale more th'an''
half the price We ask, now selling 76
at peryard,........., ........ ..... I h
At 124
All Silk Ribbon *inches wide
• 50 pieces heavy all -silk Ribbon. full
• 3-1 inches wide, comes in all the popu-
lar shades for trimming and fame),
work, this wholehale pri�ego�d
deal anore than the pricewe 1 210
ask, now selling at per yard ..
ik .
Millinery Bargain.
Trinithed Hats at Half Price .
. • \
- On Saturday tie1d we place on sale the balance
of our stock of Trimmed Millinery at half-price.
There are only 26 Hats in the lot, r ard .first - comers
• will get the best choice,.
Pelt Shapes at isc
Last week we advertised a lot of Ladies' and •
Children's Felt Hats at 16c each, or two for,25c, We
love Sold a large number of these, but still have -a,
fait assortment ieff. If you want a cheap Hat, do
-not lirliSS this chance,
Nesalbe? 16.
1' 'FAST TONSORIAL Ve 00.1(..—Jitor
t nsorial work R. llitouroa gets the
medal. Between 11.16 amid 11.56 he
shaved eight people and Made two 1
hair cuts. If Anyone knows of faster 1.
than this, we wou,4 likettsbear
trout him. .
notice fa being sent to pestraaetere
throughout the country directing theld
now that the Chrietraas business. is on
to be catefid to see that all parcele. for
Creel Britain or auy ,foreign, country
be accoMpenied by 4 Customs deelar..
' ation, as to the contents and velul of '
pthifelp4paiar*.el end that the parcel he fatly .
• DELAYED.—Pessengers on the
LondQn, liurpn ancliirucegoing north
on Tuesday evening, had an unpleas-
ant delay of a couple of hours.s Short-
ly after the train had passed the tank .
north ot Clinton, the engine broke •
some of its mechanism, and it was '
nearly two hours before it could. be ,
repaired sufficiently to rowed On its '
Clinton, wea well represented at the
Liberal' Conventinn held in Goderich
on Monday, the town not only having
it full .representation. Of delegates, but
it number of others. Amongst these
were Robert Holmes, Dr. Shaw, W.
Brydone. 11 Beattie, ' F R. Hodgens,
S. S. Cooper, j. Ireland,. N. Robson, J.
Smith, Thos. Cottle, W. -Armstrong,
G. McLennan, S. Herr, as J. Holloway,
R. J. Gibbings, E. E. Hilton.
-,-.• At the Commencement to -night,
Ifi'richey, thenfograra will include •the
following: -•-Vocal solos by Miss '•Carol
Newcombe, Miss F. Nfitening,s1diss L.
Coats, Mr Norman Murclit voted duet
by Master StewartSackson and Mr T.
Jackson sr ; piano' solos by Professor
,Campbell, -Miss Mary Chant, and Mr
'"George Pearson; comedy, "Ariropolial
under difficulties," by students; Palmy
Drill. by girls of the, schoolandpre-
sentation of prizes hy, 'Mrs Dr Cook. ,
NEW MATRON. Oornmenoing With
• thenew year, the House of Refuge will
nave a new matron, in the person of
Mrs lir. H, Simpson, of town; 'It has
been, Mrs French's desire to retire for
scans time; that ehe has performed her,
'duties most admirably ever since the
evening of the -house, is the ,testimony
of everybody in it position to knOtr,
and ber,, successor has it by tin niesdis
easy tat* to take up, Still we think -its
'would bee:lin/cult to find a more corn-
-P_etent andaYMPathetiessebstitutathesis
Mrs Sleopeon, who, we beliere, will
• prove her. efficiency in every.r.espect.'
Tbe position is 4 hard one 'for any one
to filis -•• . .
f3hatv't Mr F. R. odgens, and 11.
Beattie, • It is intended' that their
preset* large coinmittee room be nuide
more home -like, and aninetruitent of
music placed therein; to hayeatiterstey
evening °nee a week, a,nd general -digs
elusions stt all times of Liberalism and
thedoings of the party, s
HIS ' 83RD • BlItTEDAY.,--„ Shetild
our well-litiown And respected towns-
man, lar.O. S.- Doan live tilt Sunday
.next, Whichb we hopehe will, and •at
prate& appearances as' we see himon
our streets today, will be, he will see,
his 83rd birtlida,y, • •That Mr Doan, has
held his age well need not be qdestion'.
acl,; for he, looks more like a Men Of
seventy. Ile•is the third oldest -resist-
ent, in town; 'coming to -Clinton in
/852, and its conversant 'with the his-
tory. of every_ neolcior corner in the
place, .The N4ys Eua. wishes that his
life and faculties fluty be spared to hitn
for:, eurtibee 'of years yet; and that the
smile kindly/ace, rutty be icing seen in
the places that he is wont to frequent.
! .
T. O'Neil has had placed on his coun.
ter os one a the latest and beat compue„
ing settles that has ever been patented.,
The beauty and thne-sasing device of
this scale is what makes it so attract-
ive and useful. After an article is;
weighed the •indicator goes back to 0,
and is ready for the next time .without
any manipulation whatever. s The
• weight is indicated on both sides, so
that the purchaser can see asi well as
• the seller, and on he latter side, at the
same time, is shown the amount of the
Purchase. at 'ply price per pound. We
iearn that Nichol Robson is the agent
in this -district for this wonderful
Weighing Machine
our merchants are progressive is evi-•
deuced by the 'expense the most of
them have gone to, in decorations for
the Christmas season. The stores look
bright and attractive, and they are
prepared to cater to the most fastidious
tastes. The grocere are all in line, tho.
drug stores are up to date With rich
displays of useful Christmas gifts, the
hoot and shoe merchants have added
extras, but the greatest ,transforma.
tions have taken place in our dry goods
and clothing stores. Messers Bodgens
.Brots are to the -front assusual; -espec-
ially at their dry gelid store, where
Messrs Couch and Otooke have show-
ed exceedingly geed taste in artful de-
coratione. They should be seen to be
appreciated. Of Newconitel's store we
spoke of last week. Clarence John-
stone and H. Houlden have also been
doing effective decorative work in
Tozer itarowtt'si store. The bookstores
also glitter with holiday attire and
with stocks thatshould satisfy all.
hot an exchange speak° of one of
ton's industries "The other day it
Star (Ooderich) representative had
pleasure.,in taking it peep through the
premises of the Jackson Manufaetur.
int 001, of Clinton, wholesale makere
of he lion Brand of boys' clothing.
The firm has several, travellers on the
road, employ some SO hands hi their
factory, and havealready beoked_an
unprecedented spring order Set. The
factory has undergone extensive im.
provonenta, and 0. Lee, of Goder.
ich, le lest now installhig Wider%
heating plant. A large, modern, new
steam power and electrie plant has
been put in r000ntty, and the hum of
prosperity is beyond a doubt. Readers
of the Star will find a viait to the fee.
tory it profitable and interesting one,
and lir. W. A(*60% the enurteous
and eMbiont head of the firm, WM al.
ways be found at your aervioe. The
Jackson Aftumfe,cturing company It
One Of the moot progteesive concerns
In to # and certain).y one of tho.
tteast profitable for the town. Ctoder.
iehkwe are informed with the advent
lociatiou,ottno(1,, R would be a stench UAW
,4. SERIOUS ,FALL.—On Monday
'afternoon last while Mrs Moffatt, of
'High street, was attempting to lix the
pipnigof her stove, she experienced a
fall that will • rove 'a severe shock to
her, From wha clip be, learned from
this a.ged lady, she was standing on a,
hair itp en „a table, fixing the pipe,
• when 'she over4eilen8ed and fell to the
floor, striking on her heed and'shoul-
. der. She • made her way; in a dazed
to a peiglitier'e, and a doc-
tor . was summoned, who found her
shoulder -hone badly broken, and her
head bruised. She was made 'as corn
fortable an possible, and taken to the
•home of her daughter, Mrs.. East. It.
is the wish of her nitury friends that
*ehe may speedily recover, although, as
sbtiiswe)tnp in years, it is feared the
'shock may prove .serious:•
rumors point to no contest in this
division. at present for county coo
If Otis% is, the base M eaetti 1Verris&thd
Centelon will bethe declared .ones.
IloWeveras there is no certainty about
rumors we May Still 1-11.VP the pleasure
ofa contest with Messrs Middleton and
•:Churchill in the field. In No, 7 divis-
ion, five candidates ere spoken of,
viz Messrs Lockliert, Patterson,
• Surele, BradSvin,. MeQuillan, In No.
1 there are rumors of M esers 141eLean,
Dalton, McKenzie, Dernins Yining
and Elliott, being in the field.Nevi
3 and 4 likely bp contest: In No. 5,
Messrs McLean, Grieves,Morrison.
Kerr and isbester will likely be the
representatives: ,,frensi o. ; and
Miller, Ferguson and Doig are in the
field for No. 8. .
During the sdentearly holies of Friday
morning the spirit of Miss Hannah
Dohertywas beckoned to atiothei4
World by the loving hand of her Sav-
iour,after a long and trying illness, at
the age of, 66 years and 13 days. The
funeral was held on Saturday ' after-
noon last, •• interment taking place in
Clinton. cemetery ia the family plot,
beside the rem alns of her mother, whoti.
she survived only nine weeks. The
servieea were conducted jointly by Dr:
Stewart and Rev. Maiming, they lead-
ing the cortege to the cemetery. Many
friends of deceased and'of the family
Were present to pay the lett tribute of
respect. Hannah Doherty was born
in the township of 'West Gwillimburys
about twoand a half Wiles from the
town of Bradford, county of ,Sinaccie,
Ont., on November 26, 1838, and died
in Olinton on Dec. 9th, 1904. Her faths
er, Sohn Tweedy Doherty, was it nat-
ive of Wexford, Ireland; he was le
Ohurch ofEngland men and a,n Oiange-•
man, a surveyor by profession and an
expert hewer. His Mother welt it
Tweedy, as very respectable. family
-that earne-tcr Carletons-Placetrom
land and settled in the Doherty neight
horheod, in the township of'Eannsays.
They also were High Church peoples
Mrs. -John Stewart, who flees on the
5th line of Stanley. andCharlie Tweedy
of Godetich are. relatives. Iteneahl
the subject of this sketch, was a drette-
Maker, and after her father left home
to seek his torttthe in the goldfields of
Australia in 1855, she Was charged with
the special care of her mother, and has
lived with her ever since. Shenever
tuarriad ; her life veork,„lik& some oth-
er devoted servants of end, WAS taking
care Of her sainted, mother, to whom
she was greatly attathe& lien Was
an active ; hard work and .close
Confinement broughb On tome& pro&
ttation, and for flfbeen long Yeats abe
Was confined to hos room; from title
0Ore affliction she never entirely re-
covered, Like hermother whose obl.
tuary appeared in the NititEn it tint
months ago), she was a FreShItterianl,
having early in youth consecrated het
all to the Lord. She loved thread her
Bible and meet with the children of
God i and has tett a obareet,er of apoti
lege beauty. tine could oilly With the
Psalmist, "Ail Thy garment* smell of
torrh, aloe* and casette." A.roong her
Jest worths were "Whore ate any els-
ter. 10, and &gloms help me now, and
Nesurebr end help her, for her end waa
Berk the song of holy venture;
Hear it break from yonder etraud.
Where ourfrietidi for us eve welting
• tri the golden summer lend, ,
They have reached the port of glory.
Tithe 'Jordan they have
With *there they Me
ono at Irak hoina itt btu.
Local Notes
hire Will Roes and baby returned 1
Thursday from a six weeke visit in
Albert Morrell was etricken With an,
tarott:e.k of appendicitis a few days ago
and has beea great suffeeer there'
Mrs. Gen, Pottle istat Toronto under-
going an operation for a throet animist,
and Is expected home within a few
Mr:Seines Walkinshaw, oftown, hae
seoreeted his farm in Ilullett, far an-
other yearsto the present tenant, Mr
ILenry Oook.
The 1. O. F. members and their
friends are indulp,ing in a social '"At
Home" in the A, O. F. hall this evens
ing Timreda,y.
Mr. George Shepherd, .on of the old
residente of Colborne, and hintlaer of
Mr James Slieplierd, Orange Streets
died last week.
• The fall assizes are in session at God -
°rich this; week, and. that town, is -filled,
with jurymen, A. full report will be
pnblished next week.
Mr Hadley Doan, one of the early
eettlers of Rodgerville who died last
Friday,. at the age of Fit; was 0, brother
of 0, S Doan, of town.
• Division Court was held here.on Fri-
day last before Judge Holt, a couple of
suits were disposed of and a couple of
Judgment summons greeted.
• The butcher shops are busy getting
their Christmas meats together, but.
,the cholue of it all will not he put on
exhibition or for sale till next week.
' Weer°, sorry to hear of ,the cootie.:
uedatiness, of Mr: R. McLennan, Qtla of
the oldest and most respected business
men of the town. Maud Osborne is
also seriously .
Me Chris Nesbitt, Of Goderieh town-
ship, in we understand,lying at death's
ticor from that loathesome affliction
• cancer of the stomach, •We extend
the family our sympathy'. •
Theleat meeting of the town council
for the -year 1904, wills: be held this
Thursday 'evening, in the council
chamber,to receive accounts to date,'
fa:td4phase 7s,enapz,o.n the financial statement
Our Sans has had a -gang of men at
• work putting on the finishing touches
ta the Hang Edwerd Hotel the past
ew-weekss andswillsbave eVetY-thing
in readiness by. the first of the year.
The 'citizens of Southampton, have
formed a "liquor law enforeeinent
;Moiety" to see that the law is
served, and we underitsind that such
has been done since this' ;society's
.organizatitsts, . • •
• Theltnitting Co., is furnishing the
Curlieg, Club with water,to flood the,
rink with, and at Present a nice coat
formiins...i. Isis expected that. Slat,.
• ing may be had: at therink Saturday,
andeveity eveaing till Neve Year's,
The Lacreese Boys:are making pre-
PaVationsalreedy for the settee:con-
cert of ,the Meister. 'English Male*
• Qiiartette, Concert Co., In be give the
Long Sermons Tire
4041.4ri-So do Long Advertisements,
To be brief, we want at least{ sirt...part a your
Christmas_ buying, believing it will be one advantage
to yOti,‘ aft well as to ourselves. We have used, our
past experience in buying to considerable advantages
and our past successes as a vantage point.
You know our many departments, and 1Ve are ar.'
ranging the doods in each, as quickly as we can for
your easy inspection, We have striven zealously and
are able to give indisputable ev*a e of 4, larger
variety, and a more choice selection of novelties than
you will find in most places, ,at prices as much, to yolk
advantage as, we know how to make them Our
earnest desire is to deserveyour contirMed favor
and confidence.
• latter:pant of jetnuarys whlchTis t
given under their auspices- again.
Saturday was a' busyday at,
stock yards, Bevels car loads of• $
being shipped out. S. at 'Sinith
1 car; Chas Reid 3 'cars, Smith McLean.
(Lucknow) 1 car, Wm Watspn 1. ear,
and J. Ranter/ car Of landse..Sent to
Btiffslo; • •, :
Dr ' Gunn was milted to Goderieh:
Mondity•on, a lialrgiCar cage mid while
there attended anothercase of fracture
• of the clavicle of it week's standing,
dustained by an, Italianiswho was in-
jered by the, Ing steausehovel at ,Werk
PLR-, „• • •
•Excursilori rates are being offered by's
the G. T. R. for the holiday season at
follows s -Good going, Friday, Dee.
23rd, void after len. 4th, fare and one
third. for round trip freer Saturday,
24th to Tuesday 28th, single fare. The
Same applies for New Tears Day.
• Contracts for snsailYing the House
of Reffige with food stuff for 1905, has
been awarded to J. W. Irwin for
groceries,. A, -Couch foraneats, and J.
D. Hing for bread: This is the game
.as last yearwith theexception of the
last iter. H. Bartliff haYing the eon -
tract. daring 1904. , , , , •
. •
The retiring school 1.trusteetsr who
will need seek re-election in January
sane, Messrs J. W. Irwin, F. , R. . Hod-
gins, leaae.jacksee and Frank Hall,
We have: not learned 'whether these
gentleinen purpose allowing their
• names to go -13eforo the electorate for
another term or not. •
A new time table has been issned
this. week by the G. T. R. The only
change affectingthis enclof the systeM,
its that of the Toronto evening train,
Which strives ie Stratford, nearly half
an hour later than formerly, and
makes the scheduled time of our late
train now read 10.47 instead of 10,82.
The Berlin News Record says sss
, Akam, of Clinton, sang a
'soh) entitled "The City of Beauty' at
the anuiveraaryservices of the Meth-
odist church on Sunday evening and it
was enjoyed by theelarge congregation,
• PCs@ Akara has it strong, clear vole",
which has also been appreciated, in
every other church in which she has
sung in Berlin." •
, Miss 'Holly had. the misfortune to
- lose her pretty 'hunting ease gold
wateh thisweek, and Mr W. D. .Fair
lost a Mason's ring; which he highly
prized on Saturday night week, under
circumstances that are peculiar. We
trust that both these articlesmay be
✓ eetweiad.. and returned to their
owners.. .
Tuesday the 19th will he a 'busy
day in town owing to nomination for
'county council for Division No. .2, 'hes
trig held that day, coinatteneing at
p. ne. in the town hall; before Jas
Campbell returning officer for said
district. The likely candidate will be
Mesas remit, Cantelon, Churchill;
Middleton, The town municipal
nominations will take place orfthe
ideciVerecni 1 , evening betore r
145,011 OinOlkl-ttio tar as surface
incileatione go, LOCO Option mattera,
bothr,pro and eon, awe very quiet, pats
it coup of weeke, tants It. te. said
ticularliwhen voting le only
that.ho eidekate, riga quiet mut.
vont and organizing As well as possible.
Thet* f Ivoteof the dootoate win
' fa more tban probable,but
thene notieanof forecentitthe
Oita ine poem* hoe the 1 ea that
on t plait they can rote every
wird In ahlth they hirroproperty, but
this 1. inocattest,, as they have +Alto*
.1:4043.Ati OPTION
G. F Msirter of Totten*, will
On Looitl Optlon in the tOW4
Mato*, on tbe evening of Dec. Skit.
Kele 4 001101 00 and largi
andion00 expeoie
he W. D. P/IIR. eo
Often the Cheapest r Always the Beet.: ,\Os
The demand for these Rubbers has far exceed;. -
ed. our expectations We thought we had r bought
enough .for the season*. but they are alt gone. This
week we visited the VVIIOlesale Houses and our ,
stock is again complete in every department: Wheri,
• looking for Christinas gifts, think of something use—
ful, and see our 'great assortment of Felt Slippers,
IVfoccassins, Leggings, Overshoes, or a nice pair of
Fine Shoes. -
Our prices are theloweet for first-class goods.,
?vile 4c.oid ECtliaj1e3,°
;, first-class Sewing Machine r sale—at a
• bargain.—It is as good as new.
nand Boys
r It is ha.rd sometimes to knovti just 'what to
give the Men amd.Bciys , Perhaps we can help
salve tit problem.—There is a wholestore full of
. articles here th4 make sensible and acceptable Holi-
daylgifts for men and boys. Here p.m: a, few Of them:
, • ..
- New a,nd Nobby NeekrTIES• 2 •
25 and 50,0ents •
Silk MUFFLERS • - ••
Black and, Colored, 5oc, aiid $1 "
"IvFW• a5o:occi M7S5tWci F;Fil EdT4ER1RS
75c,. $1, $1,:50,rand $2
Lined GLOVES •. •
75c, $1 and $1,50
Unlined 'GLOVES •
Kid and Yfocha Gloves, $1,, $1.25 $1.50
• $1, $2, $3 and $5
• Silk HANDKERcii•itys , ,
:25c, sa• and $1 r
• 20c 25c and 30c, •
5c, /0c and 157,
Fur Caps •
• $3, $5. $7 and $10
SUSPENDERS in limy boxes
Per pair 50c and 75c
A big stock of
Elegant Neckwear.
The biggest stock of holiday Neckwear in town is hoe. Blithest
and beat beyond the shadow of a doubt. A man never has too
Many ties.. Yon can make nomistake giving one. No &Moe .
of glvIng one that Won't please', if you make your ieleetion AVM
tbis stock. All the popular otyles are here in the eolori and pat,:
tattle thatthe boys like. •
" We have Just received *fine rano of hien'e Howie Odare
direct from one -of the lea*g. Furnishing Hornets of 4ondon,
.410 land, They come jabbed./ of brOirn,ry eta... and the
010# edgegand sleeved are nicely trinun ;with (*Mt° bunch
. gareaantict this kindlatiakei not tecept"ble gift
for Shim 1141 to 44
Prices range from $7.00 to $to.00