HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-12-16, Page 1TFIRMT R . ,V,Vq`Rr7 7 — �, I , I 111-7--wmw,--"MF"N---F,wqp'77,1�-W.-7
_. _. A T , C;VAr,r_1MF),Mi.%-r,=_Pr,
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46'VAOF " . �% - _%111
� 1 ,7 1174*1 SUBSORMERS.—In order that the Montreal Herald should continue to subNeebers Ndthout Intorr -,
--1____ . I . I
:9�1 1=�� . !00:11:111 1: 1� 11:100:2:11:1141111:11:�:��i P 11011, I I uption, renewals ahould be proraptly m '� -
I'll W--.� . . � 4 0" 0, !I h120 11.4 Will 1�11 ill:!:114 I I a6w.,
1,:= I"! := , 4:1.1-11111- . Wffl"4=.!,41111o1MW:12d 411111:01 A M,11111:�IZIWFIPI I .
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" I . � . . I � - -1 I ----____:M
renewed your subooription � � 0 I I I ..
i ... 'Mkv- AO%k, ,"I I . .. �; . I . I Take a look .
, I , I � . . "' ' '
. for this year ? If not's I a M, I I ,
11 I . . . . I � I I I � I , I at your label, alid it, ft . 1,
I I ,'.t W10414 it u0t be well to do # I . " . � I � I . . � I., �11: I doesnot read'i 906, NOW �', I
I . '.1 . � .1 'it. xow.? 11. I . . � Ic . - 11 . 11 . I � � . � I - . .�,,
. I I . - : is the time to arm
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I . I I , I I . .1 I 11 , , I , , , r � I— I I I . . I I ::� 4.p� i I: I I i : � I I I I., � r . I � . I ,rr I � .. ..."', � - "I � . I I
I '. , i ... .. � , 1, �! I; -,.,-- ,,, - , � , � I . . I I I i , . 1. .., ; i ! � .- . .1 .
.... � . ..1-11- I I AsINUIP. Kor I -r ' ' ''I"Ir ''Ill ... I "w"010011* '"
� . . . . I County Council . "01100 ' . r III* . . .. 4 rVIV * I . � - 1. � 1.
I I * i 7 . . I r . . . � � A0010ANT.—Thoo,'U'lililto .,o4,UA6i�_Au'QXCQl10#tPrQ amwa4 . solmoov 0 1
r r . I . �A U had tile rondsX.0a in 00imeet1da With 00 . 000 1�04o! 0. m . � I
I i � I . , T14 , , MOSTIN04 draw moan hap (neposea I
I . ,� I . 1. . ..: r .1 The D.6comber Meet . ' i"'OfOrtiane to,V' bf`o hand 04u9bt- Ill sorvioo-Pia Thtirod t oleagoa . the obepse -rhq annual mectio -, of NOTXP�Au . . �,
I . I . f council tile go,% � 1k, ro� or'.11W& it boln & BU00 00 Will be eld oth ,,not and intend Don't f4li to -W our �
I I , . I � Kilter. I Of Ili$ rooiitonca to ,k Jackson; of the i 1� ,
. Allsw� Wa I
. , "Lo report of .was so �b � , tempera 'I jrati. 01, At 2 ,
. r r _V n Of . ttjja#j'bj;j, and. it or evening. A � in wiloon,or, hall Oki V-Plolay _tb ,
. abold last Week. I , in I 140.0 00411nOn. 0 moving to Bly . I
... � . -- ! I �1[ tired that tbi 400tor *' , . short ?r@ ....
r . . I . , . the U004 Com , . ,IT, - elive.red by the papt6p,%t. trbij$ 4'o ok, � ' � r ly .. the sum paid wits 07 � � -
.1, I . . . . I , . . � I I . . . �1. valostorter, detailing. the. Undt6i��iQ'Ve.tgor,qgoo,040�gor. - I I be, 4 , . I . lo . I - I � " � we extend congratulations to Mr, Xavk! CbristwAs. Goods.,0, *10", I . �.,
L . ' I., work done during the year. W" peAd appointmout 0404afty-MOVAlug Wxt, PSASONAL.-The i � "I ... I
'' A . " AXAdr %Ceoptod, EX04090,-Mlss Tona, Sprung, r4ailt 0i 4 frifopaiv son on bavI14 secured so Ape 4 home Toilet I A, , . ,
, _. A A- 4 . I i
. , . , sets In leatber case$ ;
. r H4Zo0r , one PZA$o$.4j4-AUrtbUr Stralf � Mr W, 1. Mcjjo erto, fb� �tbe Jil,mes'Coulter has retul%eil: from Sar- . A' metal o4 1
, r I � , obitil Art' lafte of .
, - V . . CA apVloatloia of Rev M It our . 31100 popular and -ourcessfol, or, $pending, several raq is wpat vtst five, gars prfueipAI Of . . 4i 1
a - t I M40hel 331a, Wberabovisitedbisdatightei�'Mrt,o. ts of . I
. the peop e of North Street Methodist bois.bas, been engaVed to teach to il on Inetal, trays
I � I . I r - I oad . returned , 110VAO 7 utilq Ili tj .
� - . . 11111 I. as church, were $T O Ott Thursday last; Iblic So- 061,,Wlll be de:i . Alex- X-0thob"r. Mr. and gra. Robe'rb - r
1, , , ante e of the C r Khtoil' tO I .
. ,,� I - I . . 4, the us no of the, VOOI"Q Of tliO IU94am'PUb Mrs. Thov Vanatonespent,afaw 44ya heat, of h ,olittla I Maolc�re Sets . I
.1 I .1 I I � . . � . k, " I CO.Urtltoom, durAng the erectiqu of lie sclipol for t�tq, first sijo, motathe a . � ij ued a4vaticemont, Brown were !�Uuolay visitors At Blyt Uuff and Collar Sets � I
r .
�., I . , t m -_ .k_j,' . ' r �, - ,", . h.
I � . . + , VRo., o MR." - I i . their churob. . � the you, 1900, +� '. I '' I . , last week with friends and rolatiyefl'n Uo has just been engaged �As Vtiqclpft� Horb� XcRobertsop returuedfroto
. . , I �. . I - Ir ---"-"* . I this ZIPAhbourhood. Earnest 'Pfr%u� 0, One Of the ward oolio Raufterablef And alove sets .
. . I . � I Mr Goo I.salthwaite, secretary of the - - Boiano WIPLU.-R., Boma ,and mer apen a few day-$ lomtly 4, . I Ole Of 110114011, Wept I Ud'week 1�01ploas.edwitilhis"ll! ftaving Sets . � I � �
� , I I . I I I ., r I I , . . . . 0 r t MIt, 4nd enters on blodutIps After. �116 qat I I " trip � ., .
-;, .! Huron Rifle League, apkerd for a grant his gaug otdrillers b0p, been- busyboir. choll Ir. la#a� ' Of , I - , goes . .
. . " :,;, , R94h Ed. Stewart haw eon re-( _ S. TAMIAXY., A spleudid likepaps.. of . , Tra.velliiig ia I
. I.; I rrr V. Mt of $100, thereto.. T44 Cquilcil granted' lug wells, in WO neighborhood foj Vh 's. 1 + . ____0___1� music R0114, . t" 11 ,
� .�htf X g I
I I , NO14,0olborn%f ' -him appeared in the Adyertis � of . .
�� 14 give. 4 logo V501 . Past two months, During Wet! , ili� or the ensuing Tnesda , - I or ,
, I 10 A C, Cot So
I I .r 1: I . . 11 � yQ4r.o4 An Increase in'salary, : ,y, � . , r PBU�OXAL.;,40. and xro� J. W. M bror" itir 411 oVes . N '
- .. ,. I . . � . . . . .. I .11'.. I ,Oil mOtIOIX Of Mr Connolly, Fred they baye sunk wells for Vooes, Bpown,. . - .1 I . ,. , . ��h . . - .r- " .48j.- .. __ . r. ... Murray �4od Miss AWmandA Murray, Rat, Clothes, Air And T�Otl*'% I I r
. an, of Porters gill,,. w fan4ea Joe. Matining.0 , I . I . I I � I . �
�"'.� . ,: - ,r' jop Oh IM , � . . ae ire , -has.., anij Mrs.. 11, . , : � - I I . T"ClIorsIM10 , ., - I , � 11 11 Brushes . � ; . r
_ Manning,
, . _1 . IV Ise Robt. 001% They Colborne �.� I . Military Brushes. jand ( ";. I
� , . . r . I f$ 2 r -A Of -461'411014,� left on Wtilitesday for �
1�:. 4r VIONVISP 43' � 412i - being hall 14,1'o podlor's, livoi _ are at,presont iiluk- Lop Angeles, -California, where f4i ss I .,i
1. .." . . I I I . % , ee, i1baeoiliaving V onfed his using J139 ,one for John N4 011 Monday XjFW�rmgja X F"M ot6- , Razore 4nd Strop$ , . jages, � .
� - I , . i . oulud, and When 6r, Colborne 1, together .�w e ` 'b "'09-101411 B- PpPki is MurrW�'�'and beftughter will *gnd I
. ,
.. . . I , they go to'Xislan'Baw. 1. ,it m!"W41%' Moving to'thefarm he bought in Stan- t tit . ShavIVUR's and Brush . (
. I I .; I it All the time, . . . r this is oduipleted it '�jo 0 .
I . . , the winter. Mr - -es .
1.�..� �. ! The matter of raising, no . fletioso 8thr oQuC6SSion, 4n the earn and son, W140 ley ;.we Are sorry to lose . M, r urr4y will V4,91 Pocket (.)dke . I . . I
ii6 , j ��. , n-Vesident , e or- have been. irk the west C
I . r. and Mrs, Ish Columbla-and otberwrestern points �
A,��' i=A Fur" Cap , ;Pedleros License- to $100 was ,rcity'o or from our midst. The peoft of before roturnir WAWts And t1tirse I
.r I � r. 1. : .. gonsider- rand. . The am , f W%t6p this win., for three inion'thof ,returned haine. Pop ng Xr,J-o1m.XcKoujje r .4 ,
, . , I
1. I , , . Adraoumb, . Tby,thp ecial 06ii mittoo, but the Ake many more ' r 06 Ud eOPOessi011'of $ts,1310 W11 . IlAd of Asbfield,,.ex Reeve of the Wrist Bags . .. I,,:- . .
_1.7,�� r . I
. , �', r I 11 ter will doubtless In ' They, trAvell,Qd 91
" . 1 1. township, .
. to opiniolt of e Coupfy Solicitors being wells.. . them good and obliging"fiftblibrO Is III the field for County Councillor, In Bonnet 3aiushes . . � i I
., I I .. h4,dilo-POVVertor 418.j� . Columbia, The farm tba� mt. I Ve er I' , � 11, In I I .
, A '5 - � . , .
, �. . _ia . through tainug
,, I Beeiveri . � ba, - the
� I 'b , .
or Veralo Dam . - $3. $12 , I tT wish. for rock-drillod territories, Aod Britl6h ---
, : , I I 11 I . , � Q. I ate as between M vmatpAr, IUVOTIO, annual having A- most enjoye,b'e trI Th A pay It � .
, . I I
, I I . . I .. .re r ore lix 10. Tj I r � I oc to $0.00 . _, "I ''. I
. .
� .: . Kkqt. No ,action was taken, ship Of Hu"Ott rW.111. be .. - " - W t there b O,pl%oe I . .,
. ' ,
, . , , , ,�--The' "p;r vX9 Will be *,ocou I ,I ZhO 01�lsbu. Including Aobfle,ld nxid Portaines sip I
, . orImill & resident and,. :tneeting owner; tev
� . . of' tile, iprossed tbA,u �v 11 ,,,,,,'S,p1red br Xpe 001borneand the Towu of Gb4erich" laucy b0tWo and bv�es . I �
�i olectbtis'of the Tdwp� , 4ton I .
11, = . adii-rool e , rula. whQ. has beenA fore., Mr.McK . F.. posted qn . r ,
I , 2 "A Far Coat - ., I held in tht e 4 the fisan- n the Stangard Oil works intha, . anzie U thoroogill �
�� . I . , , , . i , Tho.ecrkjo voluitteek Co. was Allq'w. Township. Rol,, - broit 0 ion . tter t ati, the t
''I , r , . . I ed rt.110 Sam of 240 per 4 ,r , Loudesboro, on 4104, Olin . . h municipalaffairs And . . �
. ID IR , � , Ay for tile time. k �� I � . city for several yeari ;' Mrs. Ital man . . Wilt moko:0, cap- .
� ,io 600014 0 ' , .. it I . . stodg net � for the position. .. . .. � .
I �. . Alfle, ddy,Deo,20 b Pm,forthenomius uron, - I . 118,vi% good health - � . . I I I I .
. - Aywere in camp during, 19% same tion r BVANGELIC" CI1VRO - � 11 I .
'. . or ��r 11 I .47 ih( 'he ofil , � 10 � the oll3o1jy, r R E E K I E Is ,
, X, w 31 (50 5 r cee of . ip-Ulssionary , . I I
r� I . I#f . 6 r , of candidaws Willi t a �
. . . . .
I I . ,.. I . � . I I I , r � , I.. AlAounting to $42-24. � Reeve and foU , r Qontaofljorp, to, r , services were ootioliacteit. I" . they ecidedto rettiriatothaftrm,,in I . :, r V00a Store, �Ujlnton. . I , 4
.1 I I I . . . 4y' . . � . * �
1: OVe r , .,_: , A . serve afteino6n, r .t suna hope that thOrChangewould oroyp ben. 11311rucalleld., I .. .. . r . ; � : .1
I �,.;�r: I A number of municipalities having, -the next oupretit P;oPle'e A r,,,,,,, r. ord a ellcial, 'Mrs Wong fait da . .
.1 . 1. , for - year. The pastor organiz
..., , , . *rr'... I 4eaKed by resoluticin to Chan 111 Case Voting , 11, r I tbr.of XUAS FIN�MnTAINXENT. -A, r . .. r . . .� . ", o . �1
1:�;,� , , . . ' nemipark, . n Friday q - Xmits, Smokers! SrUnd
,,:,,,r,,,.,. .3=An � Ircoa :, i election of County , Eo the there shall be more than the facers r XWO. R. Pld;�e$, .of tb' t u Tr , . V le.4 - I .
.I.;,.., , I r . 'r . . ., I , _ Councillors, the nunj�61- of candidatesi evenin " tliii 06otion 11 wile IA; we ep and Butettainment will be hold Plvea and Came, TbbAoco %rrorsi- Cigar, � .1 .
, i . Fine blotb, in. bl%bk r ' . , and A poll 44- � .. ofo re- welizomethem to ourc, Cases. Tobacco'loozzabels. (agar Ho, . r; �
I following. -
" I W1 . p 4st " r. J. in tile 'Methodist church, on Friday . J r
- . 4 . , ; j
L ,,, 2 1 . �� .'clerk is instructed'to -prepare a by"' man ed, the sazn6r,0�111 b6rheld owXon. stilted ill. tile * resident, Carlin, of the Huron Road h*ao evening, Dec 23rol. The Vqrna M . erm Cig!oe in fan . ,
; .
L '. 5. 11 to' I : law, At thd na illeipal 'oleo" 0, - % b ,� - all i4l 1
1 I . .... . ,6,,,r I . . eth. '"." � I I �
. 4 .. 11 I I :m of A r. . hil 0, 4 the Sabbath school. .
L� . oboioet'at.o �, r. r �- 11 takin therein . Ce Hall p """-a'- Durat; recording secretary, M, Me- . a . . � . I ..
, - ',�, . , or'dork P,ray, & A the vote .of -the Tolectorg to.'be day,`Xan� 2, In the- folldwitag John SchwAntz ; `,Vloo- presidea,t, John . chase . d'the, 50 Repo, far 1ea;hAjRbrAr1dsoX11!o tko,
, �
� "
I ::�'!, . . .a.._16,11510 $121, , .. .,q No. 1, Tem � K4 A" list choir 'And
I . I . 1. , Kifiburri.,Jno . r , . �
r4 . I . .Mcmann, on tjie� 2 'Will furniSix the program Aspiall-04- .. � I
'�'� ' . � " - � I I . , Dowell ;,corjes . Call and Insp . I .
. ; I ,,i - , - , 4 r , . .. . 4 r .. . . tlon.s of 1900. 1 . Fowler, DR 0 ;.,No. 2, School house D . ., . ponding i§ocretA . � COAcOssi011 Of .,v.*. . ect. ,,, I
.. ... . r � .1 I � * - rytrBvwx T, .. - I . I mission fee will bo'cliargedi *AJI are � I . 1.
, � �, �.', . .. No, kjan -o..l ursb;.treasur�r,.Agtk .,6rgan ., AckersmIth, , I � r -_ 11 .. : ,,
.1 , : I 1, J13111DO198 IRECOMUENDRD . lea Wat, r eaF lick ; - I . . I
": "A S' , , , I - � qo. 8, school h6uie, ist, Aa-4anda IVOT]Wsr.'- Iddo'. Dricb, who has hem welcome. , . . 41_Wail� . . - - .
,,��r�; .. 4 � wea-tlejr ,.r . The, ROW and. Bjjdge4 Conarnift XO� 2i Pat, QtTi#1ek ; No,.4,, Foresters, IWAedel o' assistazit-or�no- . . I . . . � . . .
: �,�, r , , I .1 r I 1i
r I SICk with pleurisy for -several Weeks, Is. -Nowas -Re .1
I I` r eo hall, Lon4eibojioi R.A,dam 1.9t, Amanda,l) X*+++.*+ .
I . . - : . . ' be izrst, -'Vile obje b, f thm I V- Mr. SaWers will preach . I . I . :
�;� �; Fine all W'00i, rejtb4ir . racii.namended that � a steel bridge a ;� - Wd. 5, 'Q,X'jO ,recovering. r
I" .
.�4 '' . So " tile, X - IS. Wal 4� - '. #§M, , - r
_4�` . . ,school house -'N6. * 6. Will, 1VIC0001 - Society is'the
I plain, color, or f ' built in Stopladia, b6tween Huron and. ,X,,r I conversion o . Woo, ters is Mso Ahe Christmas service's'on, Sundmy, Dec. . r '
� fr alloy 0. Township hall,'Loudesboro, G.' of its'Ind atoar. P. M, _ 4
..'%Ie� stripe ... C-Av.,".§- rfl..5043. ' Lardbton, to be pop less than . 100, foot. Snell,; No.,1T _ , ,11111stlan nurturing ividual OvOring from a Iting ilhaugs;, Mrs., Zth,',in therMethodistChurch _�+ Perao'"a� r No -'S :
"o irCarter is having a r driving house ,�, t 0 r* i
1�1 . . . . I I - 11 a r 9 boo, , wemb'ers, toadvance Cull Wiliori Turne- - t It thoge haV r I I -
.,,.'%�� ,� . . 11 . . r . 'long-, providea-Mi4ollesex An Lkrnb� I _ house No, 9. J . other's fil-� . � r,00ont Sunday at home, .
,: Al I f 1. d I � I A by-lavv to - it tellectuid'and spiritual g oreetell. Josiah White,who, has ip r I I ing re1WJres'or'fr1ebd" ,4C� - . I
� _. �, 1�,_ I ton -pay two thirds 6ftbe coot, Itwas, Filigland pr,qhlbit 11. _rovvtb, 4ndto I � � ,out Our merchants Ore MAkIng,A good die -
r sale. of liquor Ili the fe create -4 some years funaing Iij the west, hap pla . . . i4r go
, ,J,j, ". � . jealous. missiona 'Viaiting 14 town " dug. away 4- , �
'' - Will ' ' 19 of 'Christmas goods, ' r ' i
, A '' ' . af�v! with R01 I J� U44f tile dilet. eaoI4 week *e , - .,
"I. I", PAk 6 lo, Ves �'rec that spirif.
11�; I . I 5= I r V4U"joIp&jjt;F
.�. :"i"'.11, I I a � I . I ; � ' 4 1. .- piniineuded -the followba, -be imbml�-ted at 'the sa 0 is in symp, - %bip farm A:. MoNell, 40W "-tg 11; I
I" -,, ,.r . . b * - be built 4itri 9 . ,me timo,and IlYgersonwh " ' _ �� their ' e and returned home ' of tattley, 'is :at proseut.`v0y poorly,.. .&. 'o I . ,.,:
- ,,� . 1. K' or, 4ving or stroot, . ri., ges hj? the coming pjacea� 1, wit Mrso Wh*t . . . . . ... . . . ._1 I. I I .1 . . .
. . ' I 0 - we do r a�uounqerjvib we Now -N-4 � .
,, j . . �. ' , !
r'� , "� . � , ' . I I - . . I . . traoto let at January r I . d .. e6t of the Aillincei, tild a0iires* ' W.Ej:iPIX0.-' . +++ r ,
4;i�, � year,tendinwto be invited And 'con. 0oundi Whgthis'pl%no u4j� I A' quiet Riewriage, was .
,, "I 111� wf)ar,,Sll Ufii4i, fronI50:42k,00 . And thei �elq I �WE�A, 6t know
. IlQrs will also beet hoeul" of COU.n �y to Aid Its Work 'Tuay be receivel T -i -,kaht6hi bown, ' . r "
. . r . ...
, " � - rl solemnized by. Rev, R. Sawors on Wed- - R r I .
. mp ting: B id . I ,4 , bc 1 Re a0 10slietidingA f6w*days, with .
/'� 1. . . f, . � � . ,�, %, � . ottorary. M61b " Tbp , are" b his daugh . I I '.
I ,
� ��Irlr, , I ,I " , . la,Ashfield, neam, Aiiib6)r lyr, to be 'day's f6�rthb .. inr toWjj Part,
.e�fffl - , . one ... 'r I 0; - 6�iV"Lj'DOWH -MrS _p!*j, �
,� � - ;= j , I I qe� u9y nesd6y, When Miss., Malgaret-W i , , eq strar Opats was I.:, I
A 16 , . ;
�; �. � -6f, t h 6' Z V,:, was united in' maijja$6 to, John W or es . ,.:.
-4�:.. , ,6 .tho'boundiry- be. I . lett', escaped whatmight. "" '0060 tuined last *Oek fr6ni visit, alkal- .M ndav And Tu day.. * 1. 4)� -
;r: � I A � feet led Milian, ofn,ltil ,r Thomas Me- young , - t�4 Mis- White. Mrs. , O'Brien, fe: � 0 ... �
.�'1.11" Ujuser Ir, 'hfleld and West WAwannall, . 1 i ' ougellipal church, _.,r in g,ott , juk rear --f,o� . r .
. 1, .
��.'� , . . . I I . . . . � . ., . r ,r , tween So , ol� in Bra - W t � :Rsvi G. W. ngfriends . Ouly.rela- derli I . . �
I . ve een &.very ker, a resident of,R00jjry.- w , � t ":
� Mite . . Browno B. I
,in IfiS.
. r . iind ent6vt4inin'eilt to;b'e'ft�eh Tne erson went to'Go
-�,��`:I'_ , I � ' wool over, nine mile river� 66,feieb, long ;. one, .serious acoldent .at. the gr, .A., � Miss X#bp,b i . Runtr I
.f, I _ the :railway station in -Seaforth' on in 66 church on. (Airlatin * " . , took the'regiflar "mission- I . .$,V,'m, - 4 , 1,
aitl4nd, bet*e6il morris Monday . I , as eve, Deb, . . r , I I
-25to$1.25 over tile - M , . morning. Mt, .
,��;, all the.newasi kinaff, � tives Of'the ccutrAgting. put ea 'were . _%tj .�,Islt her . . . . �
r , C9
I � - 1* . . I - and Tn�nborry, 110 feet long . _ the e Wer- 1*00 After th!E�_c . a jay to .1 .- � I I . . r
, 1,:I"�' . . . Mr*M0Afillt%n cam' 24. This yokes.. prograij is Of, r& d ary., services in TurnerN on Sunday. H. . eremogy a sump- - _ ' � . I r . :
I t . tuptis repast wow aervedi The-ha0py - Mi.4s, M;' ��. :
� :. r ,_ � - � - � . . , two, on .in to take train for Oijel Cirtor addreootil the League on Sun, .
�L '' I.. . sh, . pla Where eub natuf� to former. Vrojoamp, - The I - StowAX1 froin * the Tat, - .
,,I', � I �. tile bottudary, betw@'on Tu4ers6th, he wAs booked to act as a j ig 1, ,jotipled, day a, agave.averkin . couple" left on the lj'�ololook tra,h) to I 1.
, . = 16-,m,' . r Udge at the inalar feature _a'. CanWj � - r n torestingii � Onto; V 06 ity is expected on * ":
, , 11 � "� , , - 11 7 A Too' ift 'rand filbbert, tobe, erected Ili. o filuoC. r Vat'StOck Sho L - . . aper. i "' * ' I . I rs r ia_. . 4; .
. �': . 1. MIP I - ,19 w In that city� Mira Me- ,,Christianjik: , a end th8hone 6011.1h Miohignu',� . . � r.
. ,r I 4nd the Hd , , �, Wj, 1) , r f.ak r On, ?Afid. " .,r .. . . � : ,;
" I . . r . . . . tioh with Pertto r r r .04me with- him toi drive. the' tibriff.el. .jia athen Na, � RX01TING.-Ohe evening - recently 9 MeK . �
.1 � j, r The tie , 1. . . . 1. :.� -Milian I . .1 I . !
" . - 75�: o$1.50. . I Hoz,wlar . . . -Olin, B. KeLeAn, of �Tuckersmlth x uryo,�, � e U � I 1.
., : "I. wedt Patterns A . . c6nnection -.. ji. Ith this 6all. ,Mr. J r . , . p their .1. , � , ..
, I I her r ,Xo r . L * ,residepoe in , r . . Mi and Mrs'Win Jackson 'returm
.111 I . � ,to oho6eafcbm , . 4 .� VMLg-�,COLBOuKR13 . I _ pe. home, Jost as the train sfutea' �tilt,%t,*Iie�6*illl)edi.%Ioguer, recitatictior, 'had .#?an c 'iting ekpoji6nee -0 . . 1. . I ,. the other day from ' 4 "' � �' �
. � .. 41 � . 4113039, outftom the'-StAtioil'the .horse .got., vocal And I qu ot .r' 4 . � .' DEA,,rg*.'-T1 tL trip r t6 NoUtre.411 , , � "
" '' * ' . . . . . .. ... .. .'r - A deputzti�ia fjrcm Colborne waited' . music, A wits driving home ab6ut bight- Clock ; he tiews '.-of the death o I ... ,r
�1- "' "I" I � . I , - ' frightenedand . nstrumoutal U AndOttavva. . - . . � .. 4 . . -"�
� boe.1.1 r ,. . . . I. I ... � � .. I
�r, � I I I . on. [ihe .Counall making a SUdden turia,: - Program ta, In readiness. -'Doors And when Tuesday last Or &I*. Moms. of Grand - � .. I
1, � I r . kell,ktive to the im- ' ' good . .at therailway, frack Seaforth . . . . Nr C. j-; Wallis , �V�� , ,. I ...
. .1 .. i ) h.1% I � . - 11
I . M., proqt,anrt, ' $ ,. '00,14. I .
r , �
: -8-An: U . upsef the an Wa " 0 odoijiluenbia. � his horse be all t0kick. . X McLea Mrs. .The the west f 's .
I K"OvOluents made oti the Holtheavillig tfi.6w, 'cutter' M" MoMill 8 Ope r at I r Bend,'wAs sent t� 1. �e
.1 I .M a I 1 30, r , i. phersisters, � .
11 1, . too b . . . .1 . out, and being entangled ju- . a K-tcheii Mid the, Misiei Taylor, Stan- he Or de'm,Al AT � I ratl"�q
"r� � "r " ill. They ny ero.. At 7 The Usual holmission, tee will was knockoff out of the cutter but W413 1,,.r 9� ,, 4,`- , � . � 4.:: '
11 . V S. � pea: i me 00 Y,� - , , - 4 11
": 1 . T6 it, , Were Miassro' 8 d " tildrobes and lines; oh,e, was 'AnAble to .-b 04rgod. A hearty*el 6 Death cahao,vory:buddenly, while ""109411 1. .1 - I .
. to' stevens,'Duir8t, Baer, Swanz,� Foirres6 'r Come to all" n aruess� 'Was coil,: . . I 1 , .. R
. � a ... I . .41 . .. , , , BA . . � �'. . � . I
` �`,:, .. . : �bandle I . ". ,..,, free herselffrom tfid Wig, . ,. - .� in tired tit- the h ' .
i". ,, . $3 25 ' i t she re- .o — I sh * 110 40JI41IN There- unk. AM, Mmlzil�� left on iT%eA43F"1`r - . ", -!..
"�;`,L_ ; , .1 .� ., . . I#.,. . ter,and theli ob* ' i opener, . sidera . Pyr kroken. ,. r: , ,. , ,_�_ '. ' o� :was. sittin , I
. I . . � -1 I.. . _.,�1.!," rnalue Were JAiCj r . . .
. - , 1. I .1 .1
I " - h a . . '; � 1 7- 1 r . . , , . ' , ��
I ' � ... , , I .. � . . llj� 9�tpq, 4I.Bra to 101 n . , . rr
i b Do.erly and sat! eK . : Goderle -Town bIP r " ' -side bbr mother, the. 00� a *isit t6 her dail t6t, Mrs mil
r'. '' ' jection wits: that 'th#' ,tatnedlier'pr ,of mind,' and b -
I ;' �w6fk, hid.hot Celt Drj ' .r %
,� . - of t ff. ,. OU " most. . tickly to. Ahe - frightened . . . I I . _, I I r late Mrs. Taylor, 'Iri Ift 0geril "... .I I . tr*_� I
1 �,��`�j'� 1 " r' 1?, 4h factorily donei and the balance hb. -aniva&J,"Ajj `ftr&jIy pueo6e .KUbD8X DRAVK-�-Mr John r . I . Y'. ,, ' ' ,. r , t6ry, oil Th', Q . p .. I �,�,
I .9-!-Ha1'qd'jK,V hiefs t,,,,.,t r, ,, " Ina V ded in r * Plewes, . . r ,, . I I .. r .
� ,, .Wrc '. ", -J�mknle . * MP " - . �: , r. , . � : " " - I I �. . I
r * ", * , . , , , im - I witlif ting 4 r Who, lives a nallo from tow I , NOViS. -.p I . �, - __k, . r . . Mirroter NW66211% - . . . � I ��
I ?Sr Miildleton'r ' get7 . noon -the -W,eddjqgBkl4'�reAnuOUn*.' .* " � ...... 1-1 ,V.:.P,jOr,Soq6b�. - , -
I ;I �: . . I Cotten. Lition and Silk. I . . . (Oney'. should not. be.pald _ 666pjisd4,,,, Several dij � .1 , ! * �V, .
I . I .. ,
. . . . . r CottgUr '..o. i. 5: to 150 1 . I raeveof Goderjeh towj%�, . -a 64' ab libi:assis -lookers Bayffeld ioad,� di = ' ` . . . . I. . I!- . I 'Bruce, and brother. of�ji
� '�� % � r ,.ship, repliedo; shlowing.be - la were a I tance, And edvery une ectedl Ced to rin t lit' h . .t M.11 I .
. . ad asked re on'.Wednesdayi "' , r , .g ric,ouj,._onWedi%is- I �. r �a R, Mr.. - ''. �
r. '
I r 6,,Idr the .. Has. w4wan T 1, , , . 11
... I , , . King -U I afternoon, -in ilS 70t d I ", % 01111 - 1tonllali, spebt Sitnolay in. town. 1. .
I T Om her precarious peal. t K . syliec. Mt% WV 'ie'h Wit It ' ' * ' ' r' I . . � 11
,',�, � , ti 800. .. i0o for,,'. the, co-operation : of - 061botne tion. � The r 4' year. -Xerhada4veirt Umbiar of two, Of bills I I , r ' , ' '
1, . : 0 again r And ,Was soda put, t6. rights : k . i6ed it sale of. his . r �DUATff.-Mrs.Wm.CC*' '
r - Silk 250 rjo.�."...;. 4... . oun0l in )a 0 C L V h Mrs A.' 0. Pa " ' .
* ��,.� � 'r Limit ...... ,,jr, . ,$1 . r1r, eopr%IP Ighiglify - an wasfound ttison wa§ calleci aw' -
. . . . , . .1 I ay t , r, I
Lf� ,:: :; 1 4 � r . k._ but Mrs NeMillaix drove away , Ufbpl . . f,r� - lead in bed at bet- home in E . eek to her daughte ' t . 1
� . I . I . . � . ying out the �F"r .on -r, , &d for Saturday, whiblu.of respl�cted (ill c one day last w .
, , ,,, , " -billyho the AgsigifLuce6f q apparently As , Ili e, wlii: be j�s�poaed. t .Its has l'o' 'hart, of dKil has di ' !d,' UblE_ an6sh on Monday morning - Rot W&W' . i's it . � #
, � � . I ,� . . had 'a ,
, r I 11 � .. . , , member Mt! Snyd6r_ - The r r. . 1. . 611- , an � VC M is Ose ,of, his . Lticati, -owing to the ill1leSS of Vile �Uj ' '
:',�,.�`� I ' wear., ., $2,50, the, bal i 0 b r , . - She 1 is, . good to ' fanley to, Mr. buldnotonjoyeiXtho-bestof health for her children.'- . � ' � .. . I .: . . � I ,, r
� r � IC, ad�O%Ilart., for ulltis4al.. unconcerned Ad If side4 iii this looalitv.foir & '. 4 Deceased I..
I ,� lo=�Ne. k r . Ing had &pliened.- no . 50 Acres 9060 I � .1 I . . . �
. , _1 .1 I I . , AUCO ft '111tiollir however, an exr ent's, and was -140st highli re4ectg AIQX�Mlx - .. 1;
I .: . . � ibe-range � 0 " h6rpe.WOW&U .. ' .
� ". wits referred to t1le.110a an 0_Wrd�of_BjUQejjeJd., .Malcolm sevdral mg .
... I I ., I wovirpbowinj� ' . o AW713rid a oerienced' and'. skilful . y � � fithe past and her dea, ss.Lily Miller, (daught
1,4 . for Kulaw and has more' nerve 340 leaves &*wife, but no - famllf.*-por Mcfteia� and, wife were in London last I , thwas' : .jkj , or of Jacob, - , . , , 14 .
' .
I , I li"thei lient we ' h ' - , , Comilaitteej which I - - causid,irbiA heart, trouble. A Jar 0' Miller), Wbo hits be6nin ,r Montreal . .. � . � I
-1 I . . seakib.ligek- I maxiy yeart he ha6'been a faithfUl Week, .atti6ilfbg the funeral of theik. I lor � �',
.", "" rr . Couilelli" which - .passed -the -. � 41 ' .iculu , shar.e'oft,),in�,athy-is,extende'd to'.t e. .
eaer 4d. itiat two . to Me und4jitzling 0i - stances .than in �
� _:i�. 1-111, . I g. i couple of ears; has rotuftied laomtmme, - '&r 4'.111.
1 .1 , Prices' - 25o for nice ones, 50o for . 11013fit, ot the a er 1 any member of , Ontario St� Methodist, rel4tive, Reb bereaved family in theit- sad and sudden for tfie winfer, - I .
, �, 1, . I I . nicer ends.. .. .r though amotion was introdu I . � ,.net?, 6�x. ' . 1 ,,, r dcCa Robb,;I Miss' Jei I I . I 11
r "
� I r . . ,, ced,that. -. r .� _� --0WW-4-_.i : - folipoliticall a Conservative, ._ r also n I � I . . , . .
� 'not paid: until the Couij_ ____L . . . . , Mustard attended the 'funeral, affliction. . . . I .. . 711 ' 4 'I , , , .11 I ..
: �� . .. . . .. . r the money he i � � - . . r . 1, V I . , Allies' I . an'd-, datightel r . -.1. ... . I . . , wr; I) I— . . I'll
�, , � . r . ... . . 611,was assured tb I RUbulin. � �. I �'. NOT88--Mro Edward. Rat J , Mogn . . .. dl r F .. . � '.. oig,'late with Mr, Sea e, ahfr-. ,, 'I
�:,`, , at the -=Z�t7.T�was EU '-r - "' , r roug a rap hwell fel'i . I �, of,"It. . � � . -No- L . ',, wife: left yeater it r oej cot, , '. � I
., I . . I t At cong.re- r land, where he -%-d I ta .. � ,
" , 1, I .r . .: X'A . , . .. th * A 't' 111010,thootherday,con.' field, I a ag 1. ..,. . :r . .:
1 pal birt.,vi % ol
. I . : C I P . � sit 1;&Thoso,BQi,d [T
, , 1, I � . .1 13P.01a; � he e0kigill&lly I iziteud6d. .. � . . The Presbyter!' - 9equently lea,ring..' him 4 little sore for last Skturdo, Johia Pepper has lho,o . . _'doderieb. * , for 'Ditud' 8 1srA , . � ,�
I 1:,,'� .. . ".. �. : . . .. ke charge of hi ' r
. .� . . gk4onexpoctsto.holci service iniho Afew. ditys, . _ . , r ., . I fi%%�V'smonument business. r. .. �. .''. �,L
,I',, 0 ORT'O.V EDUCATION Cozrmi,TTE% Mrs, SaWuel RathwqJJ ca e 'r I I
I .
", . I . .. 11L,P , asement,# the new Church od Ch,rlst�- ed into, the, libilbe lately 7 LOOk'6UT FOR HIM. -The Chief '. , � . ,
'I, - The -i W Nett be C that' MA ivishee'thr6ugh the columns'of,the J.90, C Ull , ,he has a hased t e of Police of Godpriph has Wr and. Miss ILT4,&.ev'and Miss Huber, - . ; � ; -
I I , . . The committee rep�rted- �# Day'j`g claildren's ivrvicie At III A� Ni�w, ,Bp - sent,notices .0 .� 1. M.
? I—, . . I.— I . M.
. .. 1 � I I r' p.r .4 to C I ' I d of Berlin'; Mt * rr r I
,4�:, 1 . . _t4e iio_� th r form. - ,, orri-lbit 8.4yder and Mt, Merikle, ' ' .
. Sch0015111 West Huron this 'year re-, mi,,!�Iad e ' �y- berr thanks to the . . 14.411-officers.in this .'neighborhood of WateAQ6s ore visitiiigin
gening somi&3. at 7 , .. . 0UV( 'h6od 'hour an. Ii r'kon, I r , ,
- , . . r . ter, w pri boys of 'thij . ., I . . W! . 4 son. and, d ht r' 11
, �
I i. , , epposilte th � 6:1 mar!KO- oei.vb from the Education Department - meh. :Rev..Ho�skings, N, poigutiot ,. V et �, . ek.r ' , 6,64*AW ISM13k ottleat asking, them . io Colb6rnev � i,
.r . I . � .r ;visititigvelatives er. * is, . ., �' . and, -Cjjntgd i or, two
I ,�r .11, I 11, I . I I r I the BUD, Of,$114.82 an�Aecoujjt of r ral. Rlitsley, wilt-pieach: missionu ' - together last Thursday and cut 6, large - o . I �6 on tb6r)d.jko.Ut for & --tratup 'that � -- I—— __ __'h I_ �11 'weeks. They . � i
I '. - . - so) t I 11 ___ ___t___Of Mt and Mrs- jbila - - �
- r �. . I . � . iool llbraries,,� those Of East a ontheAuburn circuit nei y sermons ,quantity of wood for -them. 'The m4- are guests. of dam -a , �. '. . r. ', 1, 'assilitba - xi.6 J. Bu�ke oil the even * , were t _ , :
� .1 . I . . - �_ Huron, Sund4' Micipal potle beginnink.to boil Conn. �: I . . . . . . . I . ".� , ing Snyder '�Vfil'�'�" to r .. r , ' � ..
, � . . ontinuatioli Ida 6n, Stiliday. '. _� , ", . .1 Wn. r . r, � :-
'r . r, . . - .., .. . r $54.50. For 6 . The-Nethodist copgr0gati , . . .. .. . Ofthe5th. Theman ris -W611-dreg ed � . . . . . , .
I . .1 . .. ; . . Classes, r Stewart I� doing a jjttle� gpavel- � . 1vorter's ]"M .. . .. .. . i . '36 And- . . .
, . - I- I weight ICO, About arVe I *r '.
. . , : . . West Adroll 6v6hinjk list'had the Pleasure of hear `obillo about 5 feet 9 luches Rev- Mr WA w1fe,'who b ''
� .. our ealendar. to r to . schools , received, $545.;, in or r - � � " ' Mrs. Johni. Coi 40 yea;rq of age, '
. . . , tRov, A. J. lug now, . makingjta, little disagree. 96TES.-�Mi&
� �:' ,�r . in 3owns and -villages aire-as *BoWbAck, . ..
I fr1lows': , and been In DakotA for tho';fP"t yet
I , , , ( Ca"91174 Able fo travelling. . ,lys r . dark cotnplexion ,b�f rea� ' , rr
_ .
� Friday, Dec. 16--�Cdlieglate Cbm )l . .&�Ezotpr,.- *.'"-; Hensail. . .& erta, a former resident ; he is. vIsW . r _ . . . kpent a few d at Awnberly list week. black .stubby. moustAcbe,- has ]&and turned to Clinton y6sterday - An I *i)]L . ' I.r 1�
�,, , � $25, for a f6WrWeeka, ; ! . I rge th, I 'r:
I I � I soft . . qro� I - .
. -
I r, bionep' -bayfield, ing.at,ol. Hoare'� and. - 'A 66kIx,% nvjtN�T. - rnvit# remain her6for the winter, wi ,
� � . ' .. . mei2t 0oueerL . , $15'--. V�' 'hV&I * , $900. - I r . ,tiolis: , Ueorgl* McPhail. was adelegate. to the grey, eyes, *bre felt , hat, ;
_� r, � �' . I dark
, . . A . AIN .no -:institute, mootina, held 'tit tied.' 'There Was no snow .r . r ��
. ,.: DIV ran ,in friends anclacqu 0111 are w6moiN r
4, 4 ` I&Q13d4y. bee. 19-Coninty - oxeter `W1 .9 I I . . Aititances. 1 6 f6r the marria e of Miss Alma A., . I overcoat andliPtIptitItso. and'a, ilight . . .
0!1ninAtJOnS $25.' � I Guelph on, Tuesday and Wq nesday�, of . m r - Coui .
.n' ussels, $206,, lyth, K , Wr w�. A, -1 - it Jkkota, ago�. r , '�
�, �r . Continuation' -class gWant for . Low�r;..ORTI 01117daughter of In J. 'W.. Ye * linapin his walk. - . . When he left %,few days
.r .
" - - raulem,pnie b A've I . o, of the list woek.' Miss Poster ' of God6pieh . I . . . . � . .r . I .
.11 . al 0 tion . rotor, oldest M MuNiCIPAL ates are- Al- on. ar q .� .1
, .
. Ir . S. Wr est Witwallosli $15_7 airjAo�ia: meeting ilf the Tdino6rance .-son of Mr. W. . B. Forster I Colborne, ras the est -of Luella"Tichborne'ie' reddr definitel in .the field for the guests of -tlieir� uncle Mr R. Ro I . . I
�' � _",�'�:r"�%e. ''r . " �Tliursday, ,Dee. :22 -St. ,Paul's."S. Separate Sdicol in. Ashfipld, $25 -* in beenr'made'for boldipg 4 c . Cut. Vile, -to RussellU, Po ,�-Two candid ' TheMisses X�Ichiej .of . Loud
. 'I, 'I. % r Xmas. Tree. Entertainment. r r . .. I .H I
� � . - I :. v . - . .
I , ' . AP &.moflt e McDonald haareburn* ed ,ality of daeriqh for'1935, and 'of' the 14118seg - . . � r
I "". � , Ha dently. - elil . the W.
:, ,, �;1,11 � r . I .. h * r I
:, " High school Board� asked for tht., � 0,4y- Tuesday ovexiini;o., Deb. 20th, lit 7.80 OdJ Th6 bride-to-be, * V . I
� " . , . C. arinillif froin-the Northwest. The young,son land
I—, r " ; . r dlie'4adress-d by.Rev. J. achat6s,, in 'member of I . , ' I �
kl,, -Monday. Dec. 20;-_(.,1hrjatmgs,.-A1un' - ' jL. � - . mayot a, � .at the'residence
11 . . pal N&aittatious. , .. 'el- Ment OK 11, Portion of the maintenance W.- to bull I d I :there is a possibility of a fjjje6,COrIior� HIM,', 811ace,their former'visit herio '.
l 1�1 . * �. I �g A 1 . III Mi . 1. ", 1, .. rr ' '
q !.'� -�7 11 .�,- , S . unday, Jan I . 1-�-N of'Huron ptifils Attending thatSchooli 'of BlVtb ;'I'. MW' Jadjuleit r hits seen the 01 eSVijfZ a of James stiAin 9, who has bee . on returning from England; they have �., ..
I � . rqo ' � Methodlstchur�h :(whicN-* I Wi � .Pneumonia, as - n very adcontest.: The t*oVvho have already f6rm6. ,,,,r ,
( ' '
".,I I 1� � . . , ewTiia Write IM5 but council oft the.. matt6i over: .to 'kingO of temperance measures, and - by- the way,, Us ;been * lc,614X�jts Iliq la taken Wde��. . .
r� " -, � . .. . wol - -Intentions a been.vis t ng at the .im , ",
� �'' Xiond;zy, .Tan. 2 �-Mulllclpaj election,,,,. . J.�,tnuary session, .. . i members At. an alAiming j&fq), ,clolod announcedtheir . reThomad M e ,
� . 1, 10 .111 be provided oaks. Suitable
.'r' , , * . - inows Vla4reof he'sp boats Of, and -has . , change for the better., 0. W, Tilt dud Councillor 0. . M; Elliot, ,the -London.' 1 �. ,_ ... .. . " * ! -i
ljr,.!,',� I - Pbtter had - it .- severe attac . . � . ., . I . r, r
. , eano.wen to Winii" � ' '-1 . % r'. ,
pj��Tjt aof�X r* , # is eyes last weelc,.butla didate.of the:supporters of I , I t, , .
-, � - , � i 'Tuesd 'an. r 3 -Bachelor Maidens' '66U�Ty, PRO , A full meet. T friends � .411 6�;Cr this locality, k-of.inflam- '
. . ' tendedrgroozhisidsow.ellk ,
I ': I . . _, ., * as important ZIOW"o fully reco-vo r _ Mr ; O,e,&1,,0p1 ion Peg On Monday to meet A sister. '. I 11
*bg'of the ratepayers' of flullet . b. %�td, and. stands very, high in the estilma, OOcU is hd The p
; ,,,, , , 7 , I . � Q1 J r . .. .. ITTAP, I . heiia mati,n in h latter, 16 is understood, * being the can. 'MigS ��ellle K i - t'
,,, , I I . pinidre.. , � The r Committee reported -that 10 , Colbomio,"i ealre;j, � Col. Jennie W. d )� lei who I
�� . . r I
I . I .. tibia up i a, severe cold. Da 14 . r
1 I � . , sonera were in th6jaij, which. they. tioili �00 to be dig ques- Otever ' . wltl besiblethind .anis 11or has just been mariled"in.-Clilatbal,
� �? :. � _ybod?. .This int6tes - vid Cox had W T T urnoy�...' ;. .� - � I ,.. Qnt., and with berhu
r ., . , ... Monday Dec 28th and Jan. 2nil, have fortitInd-civiati. �nd iii, godil ord . I . . �Ussed. - : Da tibor event 'the misf6rtune. r ., I -' her '' .
;.. 1 1 " I ,��. . , been declared I v on 'account of r a . or,� but War. . I .. �. . " . . . .Will take' p a,ce on the 28bh hist,' And - - to lose one r . . . . '.. . I vva .1 sbaud.is on
I � � 3011daij . . r . . -egrettable feA�re'ab6uj it is lug, togm race � . r . - '. I 1. to V,%UC,OUVqr, B. 0, Where they . .
!, 1� , , I � gret to We ort the 14flor, Mr oriffln , r ., : the only I I r utly. - "' � . I- . . — . Wi tak�.tti their residence. -Indian r
,',,r , - �, ;
,. Loadeab#ro. - - � ".* 'that the'DIAWridge.100ans +their r6tiov- . - ::* . � �-, . 1. � ad�v etto'. I'_ 1.
� ., ,�,.,. , 'Christmas and Ne* 'Years faung ob :serioully IF,. Th.0--found the It , I ,. , .. . . �,
. �, . .fititiday. . . 1 1. 0918tty . .. .r Westfield ,' + I , � 1.
I . � I . OfIlco, in g6od6rder and also the roolus Ro -,Miss Lizzie Scales, who al to Another part of the Province, Mr. - . to 21stanct; . . Ae . . . .
y 1, , I 1. .1 'a � .. .1.11 SAWAY. I . :. . ,..
, I - . - , in the Court House. . . .1. . lives on.the Oth, had a mishap a .Week Forster dwns a farm in Markham . . . EV"d-RXJSTiC.-�-k,JS�. Williams, the I . We haA a call
, �; ". 4 1 1 . - .
�.�. '' * . . . 11 . � . r I - � . t;O, . 003�CEIIT-Dou% for , ther School . on WeduesdaT, from , .1 �
' - 4 1 — I r 4 . . . - . I _gef 0 Mr. Robt. GraV, 6frolitirio, , . I
, . I � p � . I . . i ' . '' .r ' of A Ay.., rWaS Out for & Cutter I I bas been, Ca ifornis, . . .. I
'r ' - I , 1110011111A SOW1011 I . , . 'Ir id Wile I!knoar oronto Will concert on Thurs&yj Deb 22nd, In the assisting IVW , Who was spendinga, few days alikounir. .
r . I I 11 +.IlqA C.0 b. T well-known evangelist, ivh .,
. V, . . . r g , ell lie
�': " " I . .. I.. 46 I " ry . , o whenhopse started to ran awgy, 'er oxtorldinadvaiftep *13re , Tompleraneb bAll, The young., people. sp Vopelan;l' in .condueting �
� ". : , , The Vinazied 06
. r. � . namittee Wed So for & -Wild -i , ecial services .
, . , 1 R O,N T $ ,mended tho� paym Oua- and continue When r the gr0-tt'lations, And are sure these will _ Ili , the Methodist. his old. friends in Tuckersmith Ana �
�� : . 'JiGII.N 'To" TH F d o Are looking forward to �enjoylug the churohherdfor the past four weak6j. vicinity. ' Mr. Gray has been . .
I e ", : " . r . ent- of a numbbr,of re-echoed by all who have the pleasure program and Christmas Box aft C. . . I .
k . , - ' I . I . � . . accounts. The total amOUut_Of the Animal statted'to. kick. breakin r or. the , . r a- I .
, � . ��: �, r, - " I 9"the oUtheir acquaintituco., , brought,them to. a close on Friday afoiler in San Beritudin . I
11 . � draw bar and dash, board, beside out- I , I a. Coun , a " 11
. 6he , issued . for . concert, Remember the -time Doors eVenint Quite Ar numbermere added at the Worlit's Fair. which a Owe , -
� ,. , . 4 . I �, . . I 11 : * - . qvies . .1 . 1. rtUbAtCly' the WODING� r . Vork h .. I � Open at. 7. - rb at I .
r r,
.. . appy revent . Arl 41% . Oys, will get into positions. of - .
"I", , I . . . . I . . .. . -�A 39f'*bgram at 8-C3,. P -m- - to the c Ureh and interest ill S ' It I I on
, � . ,$2MOL20 .the' year Was ting the Animals lei. Vo r , , a A JKlur
.1 I r . I . - , � � . , .young lady escape injury. - .. I - - *took place At the -home of Mr, 1, C-U&RCW-A new arrangement has matte qui honor. . . I . .
-, '' oe.l . � I :
I r . . .
I I � I � r .. . . ftootyms OPH10'asloOk RiMITGO FARX 'Lo . WbOds, on the- 3rd' I I cken0l, Sre is a . � . .. . 1.
.. CALOPTIO'N � MZP,TIX0.-A` most, cotiodsolon. of God. biaeft made with reference to , the sor- " much . . I
I "I . I . � I .., . . I . . . � I r I �. . .I . r z a OUS thful Worker, who has Edward CjWj6Wo wife a aughter.,, . ' � . ..� .
� ,, - .:; . " ". ,� I I I The fbIl'awing-pioduce"Was Own on ng in favor of Local 0 tion Will be ja� r vices of the,Method�pt Clayirch here.' tgeinte and faiths Master.ab hear . ... . I
r . : eridh township, On Wednesday eye, nd d
; r . I . . I - . .;. � I
''r " " I . i, 'the House of Refu fir -- - the - Methodist hureb, tilig, ing, Dodo 14, wben' their eldest daugh- Recently, a, delogati I d po ha, test of : I . V and . .
, Ke, farm th $,Year.. held in . . It who went out west last IM
� � ". I r ' -, __ __ — closed up their" bome, here,' return � . . . I I
, , � � . . 8 on wa to u I! f 4 1 r . I ,
r . r
� . . I z Bushels � . Bushels I the 2�ndi ter, Annie, W�As, United. ih murlago w R , r r last Thursday afte " ant r . .
�, I 11 . . r . ,.. Village on Thursday next -0 v. A..K. - Birl& of Seafertb, and ask. I . � �
. � . I$. �� . I � 11 ; %0 barley .. 532 potatoes r 611111100, Mr. Herb Co*tI of tile same'township. e4him to supply the pulpit ev, rir F un- . � ve , leas ��
7, �� " , : , . turnips . ding at 7.30'jp. III, The meet. 4 N
. , , 11 - 4Z oats � . - I e S 24109F 4oU80,Btds.,Pgkr ewelj(j. and enjolable trip r Ar I 1: , ..
I . � . . 1. . I OU aulto , �* . '. ,,
"' � 1. ' 90 Table . flig Is to ber Addressed by Rev A-, M. The bilde, 'attired -fix white orgaiadie, day 4fternobiff, After� due 131 ider. r - t '� I'-?-- I and, the ssihib, I ' let '& , Mr 0 � .
� � . .
I , . . ,A .13 Beans 1 7 Toniatoog Manning of Clintonfr And others. A with suitable tAmnilnga, a arry n 40 " 0 .. I
'. � . . . .. I . I . #nd - I� ion-audcohferenco witlathe chair, The foo. win '0111 I I
k�', �4, � � . . � . . . . . 120 Onions a acrei Sugar, beeta ar&� turnentr is Asked for# . - . abowXyet 6f white, cuin4tio a I" h r, w 'fr V Imentary, notice ter would like I . e in at coun . , I .
I r , no, looke , man. Mr, Birks dotaspiated, and Rn. v om the petelv%couro kablinerrefers to t the othe'rai t e ..ouse .
I 11. � I r, I 11 r 315, man ,a , ., 100, head cabbage, chairmin her sister Misa,�jojanjo, eacheo,avery. Sunday aft;ern ii �ab the dAughter of Mr. , R. . Lough, -The their old home ... . to . pro!!r � I
I . 11,014 i.,R bu I I
,* I " _, r I . r I 180 Turn ps ' " . . 1200qtsraspbei NOTEs.,4ranclo Gibbs has as- 4otedas Adesmaid, &assedlfim -white e,UsUA1 hour, Last gundaythe Rer, TedringGeneralSeeretat ofthe ote ' , I
., , I Vries Purbli % , rb
" ., . I � -1 .. 18 Garden Carrots ,28 tons Hay Cot the libuse and lot he ocouples, from " 'd, I 'y P I, �
11 1 ,,.._, .,,__, 1. . I '' Thomas Led r _ organ le, After the 'cbke�otik all ra- Mr. Clemeut'bf liondesboro.conaUcted - hOro Y-. W� G. A,, Miss. Lough, cow. . J.Oslah, White,, �'of, 1�esbltt, Mail., I .
, I , . 1K, h - — v I Ra - - -7-GArden Aeet!L�_ 7 bble 4p lea da'. 2 , At 0, reasonable price,, I . r .
1 .6.0 3 P,S,, - i here , paired td the dining i6om,'Where w the dervice here and doli red a splen- dUoted heriast AeVvice yesterday after- gave usa call Saturda, . - Mr White 1w I I
4 , . . .. n,W - fj� _p ,fb er fromb *,'as -3, large shiomentioifeitttle. sum Oils rep4st -Was _'putaken didsormon. R6v,. ,,. .1ve -resident of tickers , "
. I . I .. r '. . ' Oro )Aet 'Saturday by E. wataon, -, of, BirksofSeaforth ."bbn at 4.15, when one of the largest 8 fOVU10r VU valth, Ah& I . . .
k", " r ... . overelp, , tt -a ionoln-lawr of' Mrs Townsend an4 it-
�, , * . . . n I The 'ride was the recipient of many will'preabYlI6xt - Stmd4r - meetings of,theg ' - Wag hold), and
. � . . . . I
. I . I .� : DiLkIMS rg Hovar OF R,uVUGH and of.ho on Mond - , �r Tho Bible ories � -of towfil.
" ,� . I . son and Z" art " by both Wag beautiful mind useful presents from. hei Society meeting, WdA #eid laab week, that the members of the'Association -bkbth4V4114&w of gabt;�Mooro -
I o : 0 DA .- iteloin ; thi, price of hog -h show 10'Whab R6v � -
: ,;. , I Dr Shaw, Playsiciso t- th . . sis many friends, whip - 16 is nine years since Mt White leftrr I . .
�, . � � - , .on SAVINGS' . o o House quite I low. � .1. � . I high oattem she r le Qd' - Mr. I)Irka gave AV$17. lutereating. �Are'vetyreluotajmtt6xart with Miss here, andaince being West has
. � 8 t his amival-roport to the - . Ainorn th& wheit the gay, r or . .
�1'1 I !to* p r S -interei date of deposi I sting of , re. To asoclety. ,The' Hvworth. League I efided yesterday . done
I I I ACC r Of Refuge. In I Alid instructive address on the bonofitio Lough was am ovi ,
I 'r -t .,� 1 I County Council says ,."The year 1904 MEVm9d.-Tho annual me ests'prosent 'were Uri POA of th, 9.2 fArowell message tb well' He bought- & quartvr beetio, a. ,
� FO TI & YRA.M. the Londeaborp Creamer . . ich� Mr. and Mrs. qhaa� from the Hudson Day Co.# - 9 in, ' I .
; . A � .1 � I �. r� , beingan extremely cold one ftm the r ,y Co. ,too Vallia of G6dei hel&a business meeting last Week- And theit. � Zia attendance was one of, the
" , I I . . I I .1 . . beginbizig to the end, Wag put* place-ou Doe. 14. , The ' I Wallis of Clinton, MW ; a., Wallis of., -decided to leave tho'� Officers in Ir their' latgosk, atid Was led bk Mtss Lough for . oil , ` r
�` - , I attendance o out there for �8(0,.and last wifiteEoll r , ,
, . XX. T% IR A. ZNT � � r ICU IV shateholdeia and &trons r . _ 0
" . ,a Tt . I I 6 deplittil0e for ber doin r.
I . , . I. , . 10"bon �" . . ,� haid Upon: the aged Ismall. Gbiletich, )fir.r and Millis 'porter of places till -April. .. .1 I the laot,thno befor
,� ''. . o �With the reau , it *or *23A Who past summer he ha . .
, ..
. 'I %%Oj,jio%lj�%�" " ' r " 11 � r . ,., thsttH04eftth Vote 'of '17 is higher XV, UWWnces of 44dodstoo o dress- Wingfism. Mr. and MW CO:k of Lit& . XOTE0.-Theve Was - obnolderablo homein,01inton, In her- Address Miss been . 0 Carpenter work, hich ' '
�';.': ' �'r � ' t - ' . I I efr . ,ad the weetirl ,, in reference to a, d1fror. now, and Mr� a. 06X of Rielsot M Or oil , LIJOU the It profitable em0loyinent in the weblet , ,
" -1 I . . I . � 11 . , On. molley exchanged hands her _ Lotigh onaphasiz.od - uedessity,* I at, I
.1r ,
� I I I 'Z
-, I I % Zk'iug the butt4r, so as 00011 after 60 eAJOY" diy, boinj tax da mt, 1). McLeod, ealsicsix on the part of, those Who
I -1 4. .: out I-Aethdd 0 Tho'bridoxhol, just now, fre puv
"I � .. � I . I I "' '' , .pose� returning to
i . . r — Itimplip. IkA�"S- or Irft laoitsm to b6tter AWlt thd Hil 1, r ti4rodfor their home, Nesbibt in thespringo .
r � , i'' , r I . . . . . A" - slish market, but able evelnu et. Inootheroltialaw of to. .To la hot',yet, aceepted Olithit; 2jad, of, I . � .
I . . _' r 1 . 11 '. . . � . A- � Hinchley I I
, "' I . - u9w h t bIll'tho good Whbhear ex inatioti of ourb#atts its to whoth- �
I as the otpensoe . woula ,act be Iwo than to a, I
I I ; -, is �ii.im_
� , I � � yajV4 . . . . OPAWVOR I hoto.ftom Washington, ty. S,,visitin I I . -_
. I
, I , � I I . . . I . Wtottarb with, there was no "tiat, r2present. ' . . . . t r . r I . . 11
� I .1� . 4OWMrAfAS ! . . I W`6 are Always pleased to have jUbc 0 or we are merely libillinally, (,,Ilrfsti .
� , 4 Applications for the position of tak,bad � The 06mpaiay ,did a fait-ly, `Wjcbj3jj;4 It
. . . 'I Us, ,
1� I . I . _ -A ver P pk6tt Be& 6013le Come to CallAda, Among xnse or tile Ird of ,
,� . I . . . I . 3 . ywodding, or lit tue truo,4e Word,, .
, " , 7 :. �, - , . . ,. . . and AlAti-ou of the House of gbodburilit,40thl8sekson. Thoreweie W08.8 I e via toro to Guelph fat stock S11,5wr disedvating the true phill 'of God, Top . atch S'066 ,
I . 1. were *606tv-dolhom --R i H. aboUt - 100 1AtVOna,. The am6unt of 'f6mitItzed lit thereoldence of Mr. th IV W e, .
� -11 I .
" �.. UI?VAtt, On WO&O&Y, Dodo. 14, . were Thoo, MoMillan Win Cartor, dud our individual loves, Miss Lou h k r w . �
I 1� ... I I . . . I " :Y -Twillt'A , it his ol&qb daughtor,-Alldo, lit-- Brudd. Kedd. 'Win. Vartep','our poultry Ofth to I tullitief; fur" ffoOCjjtt4 . s
.1 I . � . 4., And Wife GodeAch - 6Q. 068,111 on flad vow MOW Ibs. This wh6 ' k IRPO e Our ' tock rof'WAtehes IR.
�, . . A OW4 ' *
, . -_ , �
I *, .. . , I I , "a w1yo, GoRmch". Robb mado 49#'� -98 1bg Of butter fat ' , ' -thia came the Wife of Wm' Townsend,, of fancier, Was very 6uocosbful With bifij Ion werfieeWNIPA'Alsing tile thoughtthitt r tjOW Con, I te for thi� holida - . ...
`i�l I 11. � . .. " . I and wifei, GoMo 4, Xr# W. a, imado 98,M Ibbi of butters "hich Was 0110tOft. ThO blidoo-*110 looked %viavY fowl at Berlin And Hamilton showit, he trade T,e 4 "'r,_
I.. G . ,� It
,_ r
" I ... -it I$ h0t &Work tot Young women by one . � I W ,r
. 11, Clinton i ID. Friat.-h Clinton, sold at An it 0rake J110100 of ,IM8d, the dainty in a � )WO, of dream Voile, *&a gUtchased. some more taoc . � . . _ .*_ ,
I I '� I I . Y049, r, st4ok at yafing'womao, but a workin whion till . e have them in , I
� . � �, 0 are VOfer"d to -the 11buft .of Patrons 94 -4119 -IM, for butter. I lb. given 4*Ay y. bet, fathop, *line tile Uelph Winter f4r. wbaKnor is on. young women. inga lin halpfulo-poe to -tyles, - suitihle_:�r
� oo, �� .
I I 11 . � I
I . � . % � _ , the different s �
4 , �� I ... oi . 0ohimitteeo aud the applies, or butter fat witil-187 MO. of butter WOddibir .w6rdh wits Via Od Py harr $Ip_ liffst-the spirit of the for . I. ,j r , .
, - , � . I tf logii to Bly
� 0� I �." I . " . � rrr . Coxisideftd, 16 colia. TOW Value of the butter, - $Moo: ter, JdWs nuaknx � evolstee Miss =1 ed drA*fb -th. Politics Association motto, "Bk love�.serv6 . , Ladies, . Gejrltl� d
I I . ,of the Volaol 0,014 OUP690 llutofthetalk of the,
" '' , , . 00 which repo WDY111. jolamt, WK a 06ftni Vill - 6 t &6,f -
, . I . I . I _ t6d NV�,, SOW as bridtoWgid; WhIlib Mort a alit, at. % MdXfll&n One andtkor, The tablionsibility of BOYS, in Gold, S-11vart Gold-
- � ,.. X Voomberm *a" itkfalror of - Bitt Alajtj*66�8# hA Ir TOWhA044, Of KAtide4boWo broth6r of :11 19"148 kood 1"" ,and 'should I
t& r W61 a
I I . I . Ono, int. ta,vor of 3 6*66inb � ""' :1 6vtormed the duties of bowell *up
, " , ... , ftv, "t'row.&F, Ofw And the Aeoembity for the do-oper4t.
. I 1 47 20* The Oouapany� a this potioular assoclAtion,wao spoy.en
, , I j N., a stoo fillid or Xickel .Cases at pri
I I . . in 1ceS1. .1 �
I I I . 0 �Ar ,por&4 HU1I0tthV*aob had v
ell a
� i
I � . I 11 "I A" . OLLin favor of MV Pratt atil bUt it, *111 t*l[# 11 "th ,a "d zabre to 116116 Va"o Ut the oovitai u -, which d"Olomber In th6 county Council f6v 101, Of each iliember Wits dwelt upon, that will suit any p6ckiet.- . 1.
rr. .i .. r , It -*As moved by U0 uAk6, not' I' Ilext spftg. waa � Owed Rev. rModes. & . - If the work Is tO bt stlece .
. 11 repat"
r I I I 10IIA Wat o b7so bftb. rpto_" 60tae tfo* Btr. 'Veltis' abotdd W0C4jVo a L Will, tbor .
I � f. . . nt subs tjAir *sda ng f"It WAS rAftAk- XooddupPWtfrof0,tbj$ diVision. Lo� 1fijAngOfSUCCeo8fUI*otkboln embod. A WAtob juakov an lid. I
� , I . 1, I I . tell boa wife I* a 11 f0t 1% 1049 OM L
� nd6d b ,
ft*u00n Ir
_ y Mr,r t a 01
1, I , 11 1W h It,. I r
014rvl� I bo-VMs tft* otj An I th# e#eAffig W"'Pl6a"fitl sllWhoaft luto%eatea Ili the', Lboal I" In the words, "Not hy�wkjght not . mirabler Christmas present,,,
, . _ �
. . . . . _-_-__1- �.. KO -900 A,n4 mum fft tho , 6WI6 of 9*Ut ih 9a%4W, 46. The bride Optton b _ 1 the .
I . _ � - .'._" R"CIV &YOU of i0thu 0 %& dirdatot* '611 ; bv poWpr. but by itly,opirlt, 841i Something th4 to uoetul,f .
I . . r
. .� -1 , This *a& lost ' a,," #A*.*. John 8111gh*ni, VMgf- U"fUt Lt4. ej jSjobi Ion 46,f, , ' . .
� -,j&.. && IOU f600*111t for lu , - 0 sure to Itsve tholt,votim L dAht Uid of 11boto," d �
I 'a �
0t; .
I I Awol, . <*i%+64 Many boagtfful 311a . VA Well 04 otbonent6l; .
, r . � I , I
� . . -,ro* Dumin, zj�j4sbui 402, 'Ident . � . . .1 �, ,- jj&' � -, . �o� ol" 1,
- . .. I I L I I W, vW I)vis - # Utd kent of o4twm, 10- " 360. T,bVft-
. 1. -
� � "1* W1 L" 14"All" 10 T.mk -504*. �ifo Wregot 1"U611 "a y itutl 'for tAjt#jj I r .1 - I.. . -
I I A .,* , 01* U* - uIllwo, .01 IV, , 13UIA. In . Drop itt and Iret US #h ,
I I . _# , N* y )06 _.� . 4. 6 r _. a 040
1 . , il
� . " I UP; h60ftkft,P ii . . g � I I I I
.. I I �
OW-41VOWIN4 141i I Cft , -(joji. 4000k, X AArou's W'" ap -, ltk iblinton, *1 I '06"611f I I It**, A. It. Odin 6 0"tor Of the 0016- - Wiw , , , , .
� �polatea lei 0 libusli, . I
*Audlu�tooli4a"1�40u**k*'A is W, W, I 914 out large stock 'of U1, ,
I U flicT0,70 969ft" OAU"rftd 6XIoglaf toopial XothOdbt fiuktht SpAt L60 Is* ,
r . . r 0 Laftonto W4 a 0#10WT,_ 4o0*Lb4*ftft1Vad& hoarty lavlta Ed not buy-vilew yolk., 4 ,
. jr""If pt *soy . tor okofi"" IMIXT& . '&
.. , " I 11 firr1j, 4"hwa, Ounlomoh, of' 4 ftAId ft tad a* Wt- 14# good po"OU in the � 0 n X"'W"S V-V*9A%- ti"o"; VOLT nbe
� —_ . ON4 -4 orgQft Lf* ,r t theh. wilAy 11
I I I 91P I ,.100010#11 4404" for ya r W ", v . e . #Qftded by J@AL L. I.. L r I � t6 I .401�r, W4 . I t. . __ I , 11.
.*_iL_. , . ,� ,a',...�
-7 . firlwildis 10 � 40
1 h4 I arAV *4 "n""' Doe"g"""St"ott'd to b"W6 thar O.S,tor' of the Jr0 es Wish' , I , ..
t I i " 11 r
I 11 .A7Z'__,,:, - I . I . ) "01014 W" ft_*4910 14*1 "a 1004 I, 11 " I 1, 1, � , t%Aswe#�011tottow St9ftt C%Uftk OU*s for the qWor- 4 . r
wowpow 1. L ,ft . . III .
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