HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-12-09, Page 8-
We Paid...$1.00,,,
• iire •
FlUt. .1411413c4V4ne° Vet - we Give Y°14 a 50co. Pottle
We Pe1ds3100,000 for the American
fright* to Ugoozotie: the higheet Price
ever Paid , for similar rights '04- any
SCIelitifle (Mei:Were'. We die Reps after
testing the product for two years,
through pkysioiene and )10014te1e, In
tide noOntry and ethers. We cured all
tEinda: of Ogre). clisea.aeS, With It-tboa-,
effatle of the Moot dimoult eeeee ob-
tainable. We proved that in gen%
troubles it 'Always accetablideee Whet
Medicitee cannot do. NOW we afilt You
to try It-terS It at Our expellee, Teat
It fie We did; aee what It does. Then
Ton. Will use it always, as We do, and
as Millions or others do. You will use
It, notonly to geto.well; but to keep
well. And ir will Save nearly all a
our iticknese,
Kilis Inside. Germs.
Liquazone Is not Made. by OMpound-
ing drugs, nor is there alcohol In it.
IVO virtues are derived edeIY from gee
largely oxygen gas -by a process re -
Vial* inn:netts° APParatile and. 14
dela' time. This etoceas has, for more
than 20 years, been the constant sub-
ject of scientific and clagnical research.
'rbtakeesult is a liquid that does what
oxyeep does. ,It is a nerve food and
bleed food -the most helpful thing in
thte world to you. Re effeteare exhilarating, vitalizing; purifying. Yet
It leea, germicide so certain that we.
:publish on every bottle an offer of
$1,000 for a disease genii that it cane
net kill. The realm is that gentle are
vegetable; and Ligitozone--Iliffean ex-
Csa at oxygen -4S deadly to vegetal
There llee the greet Valtle ot LUPO-
;OA% It Is the (441/ WAY known to kill
germs in the body without killing the
tilifineS, too. Any dreg that kilie germs
IS ft PG/18011, and It cannot be taken in -
Medicine is almost helpless
I, any germ disease. It hi thee fact
that gives. Liquozone its worth to hu-
manity. Andel.* Werth Ift so greet
that we have spent over one million
dollars to supply the iirst bottle free to
each epic one we learned Qt.
Germ 1310eases,
These, are the knoihe germ,' diseases.
All that Medicine can do for these
troubles is to help' Nature oeerome
the germs, and such results are Indi-
rect and uncertain. Limiozone attacks
the germs, wherever they are. And
when the germs which cause a disease
are destroyed, the disease must end,
and „forever. That is inevitable. ,
,forlana Uay Fevor—Bitieenas
Ab.)or,s—&n�mi JOdn,y Ildseasea
Bronchitis • La Grippe.
Dear ea
ver Troubles
Muny Heart Trouble*
Stomach Troubles
Throat Tronhhis
Blood Poison
Bright's DIerO
Bowel wont:so
Coughs -Colas
Dysentery -Diarrhea
gosseeenessiesets •
',.1:he Cens• us of 1901
ejesre.nnsTneo FIGURES IS RE -
OTTAWA.. Nov. 23th -The long ex-
, pectedsecood volume of the 1901 pen-
. sus repeet has jest been issued from
. the Dominion printing bureau. The
• volume cleats with the natural pi oduf ts
minding agricultural, tniningand fish -
ng indtestries. The eremite* of occu-
piers of farms holding less ' than one
„ acre is'3.9.210. the average size or lots
'• being s1,60,foree. Of the while
s." nuw-
ber of :open piers of lots 58,183 ate ow-
ners 13,/80 are tenants asid 886 are ow-
ners aed ton/tuts these of the last class
" bring.: so descril Wit IN hen part. of the
and le held in fee and part by lease.
-••••The occdpiers of ferias embrace 18,431,
who hold flve to ten acres. $1,213 who
hold 11 to 50 items, 156,778 who hold 51
; • • to ice aere'
s .150,826 who hold 101 to 500
sores:0461,655 who hold 201 acres and
' over.tlie average siee of the 471.883
armseteing 131 acres. The numbers of
OW11001s 416,25/3, of tenants 33,9S8, and
of owners and tenants 21,617. Taking
856,617e/387 itcrtss as the land area of the
, proviriees and torritorI(s whose ,census
'. of agefeeltute . has been enumerated-,
the extent occupied as farms and lots
is only 7.38 p.er cent. of the whole. The
•and owned Is 90.7,) per cent, Awl the
and -leased or rented is 031) per bent of
• the area, occupied as farms. and of the
relatively small area occupied as lota
82.68 per eent is'owned. and 17.3e per.
, -cent is leased or rented.
Always insist upon having
The Genuine
Florida Water
The most refreshing and
'delightful perfume for the
handkerchief, toilet and bath
au. •
An Achievement or Great Stie
COSS at Niagara Palls
The only prize medal for Conduit-
eentakSpices orStock Foods foe Horses,
'Cattle. and Poultry has teen awarded
to Myers Royrl Spice Co., Niagara
IN. Y. & Ont., at the World's'
Fair, St Louis, Mo., Oct 24th, 1904..
•- Additional to the above, The Myers
Royal Spice Co, hold gold, silver and
s bronze medals and diplomas in Europe
,end ,America, all of which are first
prizes and during the life time of the
Myers Spice, which is nettely half a
century, they have never taken a less
prize than a first.
• At the leet meeting of Morris coue-
• cil the following were appointed dep-
• uty returning officers for the munici-
pal elections: Division No. 1, David
Laidlaw ; No: 2, Peter Jackson ; No. 3,
, Chas. McCrea ; No. 4, Thos. Miller jr.;
No. 6, Wm. Elston; No. 0, Jos. Robb.
If Your Liver is Wrong
You are Wrong ali Oyer
BerDall Btegea4.Ptirtoto-TilOtelt
eenerofee-thoet Sti outou'u MOMS
411 dluceete ther, begin inf ark
41,1011,44 Ca411:11--,ta rontariona Oltr..a;:eo-atin
the remits of luipuro polsonol. Wend.
In vervain dooflt. y hitpagono 47,1^1 Au a Ili-44KM
acooinplisiAng winit isQ
funtriteliont riesaile
.500. Zottle
If roe -need .Liqtaozone, and have
never tried it, pie= staed as fhla
coupon., • We will then mail rcill An or*
der fia a 10eal 1,;17.11M,ISt for fe teats
size bottle, and WO wUI pay the drage'
gig ourselves for it. Thio IS our free
gift, made- to cortvittee you; to Show
you what Liquozone is, and what it
On do, In jug:cote yearaele., Please,
accept it to -day, for it plecee res ens
deruo ebligatioa whatever.
Lestuozone teets 5:00, am? 31.
for WS offer may not appear again. P111 out
the blanks and tuella tl the Liquid Ozone Co.„
08404 Wabasb Ave.. Chicago,
tlydlsease is, , ,, „
I bare never tried tintiosone, bn t t you ran
supply me a res. tottaa nen 4 will take It.
•••••• ........ I • •••41.• .. • 4,0
• • • • • .... • .... • .. f•ilk 4.10 441..0..040
A Give tall address-writeoplainly
AnYphysiiian or hospital not yet.usingLiquesons.
WW be gladly supplied tor a tost.
- .. wne ntrength of Jelleroots. .
antein of Boer (lonoraC )Vound a Quarter
- of ls Milton. In the Transvaal.
• Mr.• Kemp, a cousin of General
?Cense, has discovered beyond Spdon-
ken burled keeasure, romp:vett. from• ,
PretOrto before Lord Roberts' entry.
The Value 'of the find is estimated at
a quarter of ft million sterling; of
which the Government will receive'
half. •• •
Accorclieg to • on . Exchange tele-
gram, the treaSure consists of 60,-
000 oz. orgold and .01 coin which,
it is believed, was taken 'from the '
Pretoria Mint. • •
This ' carries usback to the lest
days of • May, 1000, when, cruehed
anti bewildered' by the rapidity of
Lord Roberts' advance, , the Beer
armY, as a eoherent and powered
fighting force, was in extrentis. On •
May 29 Lord Roberts arrived. at
Cern-listen, neer J ohannesbut.g, and;
conscious of the Coming end, Gov-
ernment "circles at Pretoria were *se
state Of extreme - excitement And eon-
fusisanraDierStkieken burghers- were
daily . peeringinto the towri, and .
crowds et Ofegoes constantly arriveo
from Johannesburg by rail and
At the- moment when English.
troopsewere firing on thelast train
out of Germiston, the Transvaal
executive was holding its lost meet- .
ing., at which "matters Of as vast ime
portance were exhaustively :discuss-
ed." The next' 'day Lord. Roberts •
• granted a 24 -hours' arrnistiee to Csen-
mandant Krause at Johannesburg,
and President Xruger fled front .Pre-
toria to WatervalnbOven, :on the
Lourenco Marques Reilwae,
persistent ruiners • concerning the •
carrying off of a 'hoard of treasure- !Permeate
presumed to be the remnant of the ie
givat war -chest which President • • "
Kruger had accumulated for use
against us -Were in -circulatiou at
the thne. One report stated that
• both Ste'yn and leruger :Were taking
with there fee eoricealment in the
Mountainous region of Isydenburg
heavy load of treaSurC in the form of
bar gold. Another was to the effect
that Lieutenant Frickie Eloff and Dr:
Hesehann •had paid a mysterioes
OW to Lourenco Marques with a
similar object. • • • .
It is probable that ihes circulitio
of these reports was encouraged by •
the astute President, since the fact
that he. and those' of his Executive
who joined his flight, had suede away
with most of the gold in the treas-
ury, 'at a. time when :Many of the
lower officials and burghers remain-
ed unpaid, was welt known and
angrily doromented on in Pretoria
before the British occupation, en
'June 5th. In his despatch of
Auguets 14th. Litre Ritherts 'remark -ad that he had found the treasury,
•jefferson was that one 'merest to
genius who has geed in the White
House, He Was a philosopher,: a
statesman, a scholar, a linguist an
artist and a scientist. He arcs -plena
as areliiteet, invented the ArSt fur-
row Outing plow, mad ittet, though not
best, playee on the fiddle. I -le sone
rice 'from Italy, eueaking it •out • of
Milan in hie coat pockets, contra foe'
woe stgoti, and raae'e,. the seven:eta
or Carolina and Georgia a source of
'toed supply. He did many notable
• things. Ainorieothers, .11e lifted 1,000
pounde with his bare Its tele sled gained
•the title of !`the. Strong man of selbes ,
merle' hi a region. AV ;Jere men were, '
strong. -A, H. Lewis-- eletropoliten
eIagazine. : .
, The 'cella Thai' evasea Very Oren's**
Two • clermaatown • *mute: Mite re,
coney Collin,' on a new neighbor, and
while nivel-deg her epPearance a little
• •
girl' came into the rooM, eyidently bent
upon the reseue et e doll recently aben-
doned there. -Naturally she an. view -
eft with some curioity,• and one of llie
callers, sectire in the •ehild'a. obviously
tender age,. .Spelled a low soloed cola.
4.`...Nat very peeest-t-y.",: • • • •. •
To her horror; the small maiden
palmed on the threshold. end, a
eentenipthoUS eye upon the culprit, ,re; .
marked, with lofty coMposure:
"No, ;not very peee-t-t-y; but rather
,Sen-asteti" , • .
It . the 118 Kai Yell loS+120F
empty • of its gold and the banks
nearly so. 'Whether inspired or not,
, the _false . .ruraors have sttiliced, for
more than four years' to draw public
attention from the spot Where -the
treasure or pert • of it has been
, • , ,
lying undisturbed. .
The Spolonkee region is a sparse-
ly inhabited mountainous district of
' the Zoittpattsberg, in the extreme
northeast of the Transvaal, and its
name, signifying "Caves," stfilicient-
ly indicates ohe of the reasons for
its choice.The Spelonken bills be-
gin at a point about seventy miles
east and northeast of Pietersburg,
and stretch southwest and northeast
-for *bout itiheteert iiiilos. Itt Such a
A torpid, inactive liver goes hand range of country the finder of the
in feted with constipation. Such a treasure mug have had something
chronic condition requites a system- more than ordinary good fortune in „ •
atic effort to overcome it and Malt- coming upon thAgecret hoard.
lish od health and effect body
„ drainage. Smith's Pineapple and
, Butternut Pills, contenting the two
needed elements to increase liver ac-
• tivity and muscular a go accu-
rately to the sluggish and bow-
els, restoring them corn teiy. '
•Suppose,yonr bowels led to tnove
for a week or ten days. Don't you,
grnow you would be gnkkly
• ? is just the same, oltiferblg
• In degree, when yew bowels. do not
• you soon become and tyd,
mitre at 'east omega& You know
your blood gets and yen eel
' 110811 and sick all over. 'Stott should
have a full, healtliyairage
d Butt
Ships, Treittittre Chnnalbero.
The specie room ou the ocean Steam
ship is a veer' important institution. It
is located in an out of the way Place
amidships, under the saloon. Few of
the passengers -know of its exigence
or of the valuable treasure that is car-
ded across the ocean with theni. The
• room varies on different ships, but 1.13
111May about Sixteen feet long by ten
wide and 'eight' feet high. It is eon,
structed Of steel &tee nue-fourth inch
thick.and strongly riveted together. The
floor, the ceiling and the Walls•are also
made of steetplatee'. There is a heavy
door, also made of steel. It is provids
ed With variety of combination lock
that is said to be burglar proof. The
gold ahd silver are usually in bars, but
occasionally a:quantity of coin in bags
is shipped. • , '
The' Whietling Teat'. .
lathe Caribbean 'islands there is a
t_teoad that *whistles, The creature:is
orts.mon to the mountains, indulges in
its musical' practice meetly at night,
and woe to the person who tries to
sleep in its yleinity. Mme Toad perchei
on top of a tree- fern Clime to your
window and begins her serenade • She
whistles a couple of hundred starl0as
• that smite the eardrum like thunder.
Travelera Who have experiended the
"music" of the whistling toad: say' that
• the only way to ()belie a Winh.of sleep
When onee ItIme. Toad tunes up Is :to
put yonr head under the, pillow or stop
•ap .
yout cafe
-" DOM let eeriest On na dee
" Smith's Pines g
%Pills Will drive n ot
year syskin and eats • re .
, They are purely • and OM
;one night, We • Yga
...• erotts sample of g
Ittee, bolded an that
. toirvinte you dot t of
" ei et:Merry:I ettra ti* dies. mt.
i44,1,, W. V, Slaith s8s 4°,,t. pinto
et, .Moutreal,
t ad:61We Pineeggig gad fiutteafte
puts cure rosialgithen, smeitioss.
* Skit tlialiiii* its
. . ' ' - , • A ast ;
. ()Wiwi ()look is stnEtisno•
Peterborough Cathedral' has the
oldeet 'Working clock , in England, ,
says The London Chronicle. It was
erected about 1820 and le probably
the work of a monastic dockmakere
It is( the only one now known that
Is wound up over au old wooden
wheel. This Wheel is about twelve
feet in circumference, and the gal-
vanzied cable, about .800 feet in •
length,' supporta a leaden weight of
three cwt., which has to be wound
up dailY.
The clock 111 ,Flaid to be of Much
' more primitive consteuction than
that made by Hem/ do Nick for
Charles V. of Vrari6e In 18/0. The
clock chamber is in the northwest
tower, Nome 120 feet high, where tho
Sunlight has not penetrated for hun-
dreds of yeare, and the winding is
douo by the light of a candle,
'The gong is the great tenor bell of '
the cathedral, which weighs 82 owte.,.
and it is struck hourly by an 80.
woad hammer. 'I`he going and the
tieltilchnt Parts of the clock are some
ires* 0014 Communication being by
111 gender wire. The clock heti tut
04. 'The time Is shown *a the 'MAU
OONIbt of the dtleapttlflollt, WillQk O. I
MOW! OAS AO tie battik
6he Niseio4 ithe
Tomato Bisque
By AUTO ssN'rzat
Copyread, lueh, bu Ruth Santego
Maier Blaclebtarn vetapoesessed et
1. temperament no more irascible than
that et the average gentleman. of his
age Moreover, the dignity of that
age might have gone unsuspected by
virtue, of his boyish face and :genial
.11 somewhat 1 -empties Manner had it
not been ter the telltale appurtellancee
o f veteran's title and a -great growl:t-
un on of the modern, broad shoulaer•
ed Me. • •
But the Major was inclined to take
it good naturedly, Aspiring to. youth-
fulness in old age was not one of his
bobble% He was guilty, neVertheless,
of two -a pet ideal and a pee aversion
The first was an iraagillarY Picture he
bad conjured up of an old time girl
who scented "higher education" awl
devoted herself to the acquisition of
an .endless string ,of housewitely acs
'complishments. The second' was to-
matoes.. Utterly- lanfit to eat! Ho
'knew it b.eyond hope of conversions
Furtherniore, they sickeeed, him unto
death-emon his word Its a gentlemaa
and soldier.• .
'letis thoughts .were neither of the
visionary maid nor the detested vege
table as he strode up and down the
aisle •of the chilly car. They had been
fighting sow and wind since 4 p, in.
• and now it was 1a, and the drifts pile/
higher. Something, had happened to
the fitetun pipes, and comfortable
warmth. was fast becomItig1 more
And. more distant memory. Worst or
• they. had aot yet succeeded in
reaching the • place where the dinner
was taken: on, and dinneriess the mae
•jor wad tufletppy. • •• • .
"Where in the . world are we, and •
What are ,we stopping .for -this timer
he growled as a blue nosed hreketnan
swung through.; • .
"Stopping , because we 'Can't go no
farther," was the answer. ••"Thls here's
GOA* StatiOn, and We're telegraphing
ter relief. .1;0 you know directly," as •
he disappeared. -
"Comforting, to say- the least!. Win-
dows so frosted you: .041 see •out.
'Prebably nothing tosee 11. you could,.
ft eivr a :pup of .coffee now Would. cheer
a man's soul!" ." • • . : . •
•The Major's clIsreal •refiections were
Interrupted br a' deer, ringing laugh. '
Irresistibly he stopped, by: the seat o1.
the fresh eheoked, tailored; girl .in'rthe
. wide hat Who had been Varietely Min-•
istering to the hungry, old, tired car,
full Now, she .hed yoeneester la her .
lap, Stifilng his fretting with bites of
'juicy orange :It looked:inviting.: •
*"I. am : SorrY to say" .catee the etee•
duetorat volee'•frem the doorwey, "that'
the. drifts Make • It impossible.. for .us
to, go on. We hive seet Or theplow.th
release us,. and it call prohably get here.
In two li0U1`4... As all trains, after 8
o'clock are through expresses, the gas:
tion is closed, for the eight; so I am ,
01 reide- . . • . • •
chorus of groans drowned the rest
ot the annotincement. ' Helplessly. itrid
• hopeleeely they • looked at-' each. other..:
* ' h
The tele -red . girl alone, slipping' •t e
Child front' her knees, held a moraentes -•
consultation with the conducter;., Then
.She. called Cheerfully: •,
"I aworganizing a foraging expedl
tiojy. • May I ask •for 'volunteers, please?
ISOM' menet think--youttg.ones:
let the test of you help when We see
What's to be One." . . '
• Tbe off -penile was inatentaneouft. Shee
had .to be firm la Accepting the four
who reached her first.. Like a captain,'
she managed. hen • crew in undisputed
sway, and befere the now 'interested
.crowd could -go* inspatient they timid
thenteelves filing through hustilr: shoteled Paths into the stations• 'single
. alatost warna already. ;with a
huge fire in the stove, •
• "It wasnt.t a bit hard to get in,". War-
bled the Captain, now 'playing liostesie.-
4‘,Vire found . quantities Of • wood, and if
you're all eery: good and float hinder •
we toy *find yeti something eatable in
due time. Now, yen," :te the flattered.
major, "keep everybody *gee:amused
• genie Way while we get supper24 • ,
. "That girl is a -a -brick!" he ntur-
• muted admiringly and proceeded •to
ober orders to the best of his ability.
• The merry cries the kitchen end
Of the establishment helped him hi his
efforts. .
"CrackeiTtl" caroled the ciliate* en-
otiragingly: !taw a. barrel roll, And
a can of 'cream frozen almost eolid.
Tit have to sweeten some for 'dessert,"
feev mon:terns of laughter and ate
parent inVestigetion. . •
"Now, a girl like that!" .the major
was pondering, • unable • to. keep hit
jealous glance frOna wandering. •
Then a burst of trininph from the
kitchen: • "Oh, see what I've foundl
Cans and cats of them! Now for a
feed!" •' • . • .
Then a Period of busy' eileace .and
strengthening Odors; •
In less time than the fantished trav-
elers had daredhope they Were ranged
.before bowie brintming with. O steam-
ing and slivery' concoction the very
eight of which .increased .their faith in
*sheltering ProVidellea.
• "Fall to, fall tot" urged the aPpar.
ently untired girl, Waving it hang ladle
into, magidan's Wand: ' "There are
.galloini and gallons, toad I -don't want
to see a motionless. ispeon till every
drop has Yitnished."
They .needed no second ItadtatiOn.
'Ais the major leaned back after a
ifotirth polishing of his bowl the I
Caine up With a platter. "Take ,"
she whispered, "and gather the biggest
Sett Of a collectioo to leave In payment
ter onr entertainment."
Ant the plate grow heavy' as be Wont
the retindS, ,OuPported by the t.odisto ot
the aid from her $4001 Dediketal•
, I
For hard colds, bronchitis,
asthma, and coughs of sill
kinds* you cannot take any-'.
thing better than Ayees-
• Pectoral
Cherry Pectoral. Ask yew
own doctor if this is not so.
Ile uses It.. He understands
why it soothes end heals.
Hibait terribto WWI tor vetoes. Then I
took Ayersi moo Pestotst aid war f
bottle eoblolgtely oared lape."
Mal. '1. 'Jib DAISOBTIL Joropit. 'mob,
• 8.0. a•tgli Wt.
All dr ts. , fort Masi
ColighLip Colds
$4,,,,,,$$$$00.14r$1000.$0.41$4,0$41,-.4.,4• wow.* b40414,4
thea 'ett'm the 414 Witehing--("le
there anything that girl won't think
of?" wondered the inajor)-and a rolled
of lively gamut, upon which broke tile
welcoming shriek of ttie snowplow.
And how the 'winter night WAS rout
vrith cheer upon cbeer, for the captain
as once again they boarded the train
with a fair passage ahead!
The Major by force captured the seat
beside her.
"We can't begin to. thank you, et
course, It 19110 ease of fed -valeta PUre ;
tlfld .811ripte. And that etew-perfectly
delicious! If I might ask you to accept,
.711Ae:satrsaahr'et:tooaknd flushed; then, with
the bit of pasteboard f
flutter/leg apology, WAS off to adjuat
the wraps of an old lady who was trying to get a nap. And when at the first
stop. elle left the train, escorted by 0
bodyguard elx or eight strong, with
musical "Goodbr, everybodY, and bon
voyage!" over her filtollider, the nallien
Mt that his advences bad aot been;
warmly received.
During the two days 'which the nuts
3Or and hie son, who had gone ahead,
spent over the business which had
called them from home the younger
-men found his patience tried by • the
Incessant allusions to "the girl who
saved our lives."
'FA. girl like that, • Warren . would,
make a wife eworth having! 'Cia.pable'
te the last, legreel •None or your
aeathetie ethics about her. What you
can see in. that college creation you're
so determined to" •
"If you please, tether, eemember that
I am engaged to marry Miss Beekeleee
• and cannot countenance _slighting re-
marks even front you, If r on would
only consent to see her you would not
feel so, I know.:
"Well, well, never mind! But a girl
like" that mule. welcome as a daugh-
ter,". was the regretful response.
On the Teturn. trip, by daylight, the
major grew visibly excited as they
neared the town where the gid had
stopped: •
"I'll watch closely,. Warren. If she
• should happen to be at the train i•
• could point her out." • • • • .
• "Ye -es," drawled. Warren absently;
then he started forward as the train
pullectin. smelarciat Why, what- in the
lrulatulTis father Was peering• through easona le •oo. se •
December 9 1004
th msd Luxemy
CINVLON NATURAL t;REEN tea is so pure it can 1*
drunk with impunity by confirmed dyspeptics, and to their
benefit. It will displace Japan Tea just as "SALADV"
Black is displacing all other black teas. Lead pafAets only,
25c and 40e per lb. By all grocers.
utters eutters
Wehave a, good assortment of Cutters—comfortable,
stylish and durab1e--all our own make, and fully
guaranteed, •
daibRepairing promptly attended
runball MeMathi Apron Street. elluton,
rOterleS Everyone==
Knows we linve alway's a fresh, and large as.
sorted stock of Groceries and Provisions. Anything
in the line of Crodteryi, Glassware, Chinaware, etc.
can be procuyerl at this store.
WANTED—Good Butter amLEggs.
W. ',twin.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 000
.the window. "By Jove, there sbe
And she's -no -yes -she's getting on!
Don't be excited, Warren, if you eau
help, it." • ' . •
•And the major turned tri. see /hie,
dignified son dashing down the aisle"
. then he held. his 'breath wale saw hied
warmly greet the angel of the add
•night feast. • ,
• "Father, this is Miss • Berkeley -
Marcia," began Warren persuasively,
when, to his surprise, the maiden said.:
"I have met your father before,
•though Major Blackburnslid not. at
time know me." • •
Father and son gazed from eitcli
' other to the girl. Comprehension
'dawned simultaneously. Thentheina-
jor put out both hands, with laughter
in .his eyes. '
"But, .Marcia,"' qUestioned . Warren,s
as they seated themselves,. "I don't
understand yet, Why are you away
from the university?" ' • ••
"Three days' leave of absence tot
experimental sociology." . ; •
"Marela," said the major, admire
• tion and *ender controlling his voice.
"that stew! 3: didn't- knew college
girls ever did suck things." .
•' "My , tomato „bisque?" she laughed.
"I fen famous for that in my chafing
.dish end 'found just the right things."
"Tomato!" gasped the major, sinking
back weekly. s "That wasn't tomato/
• I -I -guess I. never tried any before.
'It was very nice."
• • Seed Armor.
•' Plant seeds are incased. it a hard
coveting, upon s which the gastric juke
.0g anlinalit takes no effect,. and it is
• . this natural*PretectIon which preserves
what is so necessary to reproduce the
...support of animal life: Itte only. when
seed .1s* crushed. and its Vital prinel-
al in consequence destroyed that the
gastric juice acts upon it,. and it 4,
soon dissolved.
• ft is for. this Maio that birds are
provided with gizzards to -break the
protecting coati of the grain, and ani-
ntaltetliat feed on Ow:bland nuts 'strict
them of theit shells and husks, '
• In succulent frule•such as the straw: -
berry, raspberry, currant, apple,
orange, and .melon, which from .their
nature .are attractive to the taste, the
:seeds, which are . often likely to he.
svralloWed, are. fortified. by a doubly
'protective • coating that they page,
• unharmed . though the digestive
• Organs, and their •germinating powers
may even be improved by the warnath
and trituration of the. stoMach.-Lon-
don 'Standard.
Swedllb litrentezto .
• Reverence for women le one of the
Immemorial Scanclinavien cliatacterke
ties. The women themselves are enalls
'los of enesculine athievement Midge
• keen for obtaining the sortie • aril
rightfe The Woman of the Outh dents
inates .by her pharm, the woman Of the
north by her toree of mind. Each has
a love of physical attivity and a thirst .
for knowledge Goeducatiotteprevaila
^.everywhere in theachools. In no otho
er .country is the woman who is oblig-
ed to earn her own. living better. tared
for. All positions and all the prlifes-
slots are open to her. She may be
doctor, professor, journalist, inatinfact
• hirer, withOut losing woman's post.
• tion in the 'World. The ffrst transpor-
tation company of Stockholm watt
• founded by a woman and by her di,
• tette& with suceete. Many printing
allays employ wonien eicelusivelY.‘
There hatt, of cOnree, been the uopre-
rentable OnseCetence Or thia,thet Swede
• Oh **(mien have grown indifferent WE
ward marriage, and the Mittiber Of in-
dependent woman hall increased-40-
vlie de Perin.
. .
0.~1$10,0/ •kmo$ • 1
. •
liolus0 for :Ssale or To Rent *1
. The large house on Queen St. lately p.a.
by F. tiolrees, offered either for
t•ears.,iaofenca lhalg thall r,hraesql
ton wifter.4 large stood!shedr Watt could
aloft belts& baton stable. /louse oom.
win ha v. 'taker fo tatiestild coramodietis. Tenni resort.
WOO. Ot J:,AgPIA "144 APP at Naw Eat,
Per Infams and °mule%
The Kind You Nave Always Bought
Beat* tins
Signature of
For the 'farmer we have a good supply of Coil Spring and Barb Wire,
Hooks and Staples, Hinges, Puttee Olass, Corn Cutters, Root I3askets,
Axes, Handles, &e. FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER, Sugars, Teas, Meals, Salsi
at last, year's pricEs, Raisins. Clurrants, Etc, FOR THE GENERAL. PIJ
we have Handsome Tweeds, Wrepperettes. Dress goods. Fla.nnelettes. Prinlift
Begs, Shoes, Hosierteand lastly but not least -Our Millinery- it always hikes
the lead. Your trade solicited. Terms --Cash or Produce
Londesborp :P,.c`rnporium ApAms
• Sept liftth IOW
Ilovey's Baking Powder at per . . ........25e
Hovey's Compound Syrup, White Pine and Tar, for
..roilghs and colds; 40',.. Bottle.. . . . ,• .....
Hovev's Beef Irbe er 1 Wine' l'Or'T.onic and Strength-
.,a1 eilicine, 16 oz., Bottle
• Hovey's Compound Iron Pills. 50 in a box, 25c, 5 ....... SLO
. . .... . . „ •
Hovey's Binolsion CodLiver Oil with Hypophosphite 7R
la I
. • .
tiOVEIT Dispensing
9 , ()LINTON.
• Many lionien Suffer
Untold Agony- Rom
Kidney Trouble.
often thetithik1tiefrons�..
Called "female. disease," There is teals
female trouble than they think. Women
suffer from backache, sleeplessness,
nervousness, irritability, and a dragginr
down feeling in the loins. So do mei%
and they' de not have "female trouble.**
Why, then, blame all your trouble tss
female disease? With healthy kidneyit„
few women willever hove "female die.
orders." The kidneys are so closely con:
sleeted with all the internal organs, that
when the .kidneys go voting, everythino
goes 'wrong. Much distress would be
saved if women would only take.
• at stated intervals.
Miss Nellie Clark, Lambeth; Ont., tells
of her cure in the following words t --"t
auffered for abent two years with kidney
trouble1 ached all oi
ver especiallyta
‘the emelt of my back ; notbeing able*,
'sleep well, no appetite, Menstruation
• irregular, nervous irritability, and brick*
augt deposit in nrine, were fiettle Of 1n7
Symptoms. t tock DOati'S gidttey Pine.
The pain in nay back gradeelly left Mee
My appetite returned', 1 steep well, and
am effectually Tred.. I can hied,
recottunend Botta Aidoey Pills to aN
• aufiePrice 80 cents per box, or kr gs,
DoAsidney Kmmtv„imi
• Toktnet0, Oirk.•
Neuralgia and Norvou.ossscwridqi by
'AJAX Altrrint Mena
Noheart4g.le. 001161114060,flig
Call and examine
•.0nr gook of bigh arkpianoo Of lat.- • • - •
est ease designs, and aontoining fineet so
tions putehasable for money. See Or very
latest styles Of sweet -toned organs,' at best
prices, Instruemento rented, tuned or re. °
paired. Gramophones and musts in ver
'sty at •
C. 1:10ARWS
• Music Emporium
,sTlenti •
Ditto iMpOrkti Workmanihip
1 *end kiliterild &unfitted. ,
0 •