HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-12-09, Page 74.
• • ' YO' '.V.-771r.r9.417 "r"
Pccem1srt 0 4004,
J.DJff'et:t To. Any Other
I have made extensive preparations
for Holiday Selling, with a large as-
sortment of beautiful, unique, a,rtistic, and,:
in a large Measure exclusive goods.
The OttitotiveneSs of 012,r stock and, the absolute
fairness of our prices combine to make gift selec-
tion fn-our'store a pleasure. We have
Sterling Silver Goods
Fancy Mina
Cut Glass
Manicure Sets
Gold Spectacles
Selecting fromolir stook is a.
pleasure as every a*ticle..of
highest: itjutilOy 'and.latest desigzi
We; Want y ou:tofeel just as free ':.tocome
inand view our .stockat,Sto glance in ont
wind,o*when passing.. • •
. .. • .
The .Mols()ns Ban
Incorporated by AO of Parliament 185s.
Capital Paid Up $3,000 000
Reserve Fund
WM. MOLSONMetervantsoN, President. S. E. Evrixio, Vice -President,
James Ilm.rot, Gen Manager.
FARMERS' SALE NOTES eashed or collected. • •
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain. 'United States*
and all.Poreign Countries, bought and sold at best rates.
DEPr/Sp RECEIPTS issued and highest current rate of interest al- '
ADVANGI: ADE to Farmers, Stoelt Dealers, and Business Men at
lowest and on most favorable terms.
Forty eight brimeltes in the Dominion
Agents all over the world.
Deposita of e1,00 and upwards reeeisted. Interest allowed from date of deposit
compounded half -yearly rod added to iviresipal Juno 80th and December test.
Bighead- Current Rate.
CLINTON BRANCH - New Combo -Week,
H, C. BREWnR., Manias t-•
art. TD.41-1' A
1111 *La irgi It
Siteks and Rubbers and Caps to choose from
Fut Coate, Robes and Leggings too
Call here with your cash and produce •
You'll net be sorry if yeti do.
.11i0B,B,ELL &• HOLMES
tioNomsnotto •
J.. B. Hoover. • NelsonBall
• Ev-ery branch in ow' line is complete, you •Can get
any article. produced at:this store.
Our Prices bring The Trade,
Our personal supervision goes with every
chase•and satisfaction is guaranteed. , *" •
• Night or day coati prottiotty tatoodea to
• T4'.
Boy' Wanted '
A good, reliable boy wanted to learn the
.._.Baking Trttde. Apply at King's Bakery
Stray Steer.
Came into enbeariber's premieee, about
et October, a yearling steer, the owner is
hereby notified to prove property, pay
elittyges and take it away. '
......._.___ i_ncLtolI±VIS, Clinton.
New Ativerrlotmeato .
Tread 'linter for Sale.
Subooriber offer for sale a two horse
tread power M good Working order, Will
be sold cheap. JOR,C1 B. LINDSAV,
Huron Road, Godceia Tp. Clinton P. 0,
Caretaker Wanted• .
For Preebvierien Church, Clinten. For
particulars, apply to W. BRYDONE,
Cheirnittn, Board Of Trustees.
Windmill for Sale
The 'undersigned offers for isale, on early
terms, Brantford 16 -foot wheel; about 6.
horse power, with pulleys and gearing
cemplete. • B. & J, RA.NBFOBD.
Note Lost. •'
The public are hereby atiationed against
nedotiating e tote for $500 drawn in _favor
of Frannie Ashton, seine having been lost.
Anyone 'finding it will he rewarded on
leaving it at linty nu Office
Hides and Sheepskins
Righeet prices paid for tildes
and fibeepskins delivered at
in,' nide House. ••
0. S. DOAN. elinton.
Oral!' Crinding •
Subderlber has put In (hinder at
And Wilk be Prepared, at and after the 10th
inst., to grind All aorta Of grain on ehert
notice, W. El, COLE,
Londesboro Cheese and
Butter Co.
The Annual Meeting of the Londesboro
Cheese and Butter Mfg. Co., will be held
in the TOwnship Hall, on Wednesday inc
14th. of Deo, 1004, At 12 Mini the diree.
tom et 1 pm. the shareholders; at 2 p.m.
the patrone, for the purpose of Eleetion of
receiving the reports or the Gee.
son's work, end other business of„iropott.
President* Seeretary*
riondelboro, Dee, lit, 004, 7
Store closes at ,6
.ezer111114 I Saturday nightsat
o'clock every night 1.0 o'cieci.
Furs As A.
ite • 4.•
There is nothing nicer or more appropriate than a good piece of Fur for a Xmas Gift.
Reinetriber our guarantee goes with each Article. Should you be in the least dissatisfied with
your purchase you are privileged to return it promptly and have your money refunded.
• CONEY RUFFS - Trimmed with four full tails shap-
ed neck, 46 inches long, price $2.00
CONEY RUFFS 70 inches long, luxurious full Fur
trimmed. with four long tails, shaped neck and 'chain
fastener . • $4.50
ISABELLA FOX R.UFFS 60 'inches long, nice full
Fur trimmed with six tails and chain fasteners, price
$7,50 and $13.00, 70 inches long s abP)ve, eighttails
silk cord trimming, price $11.00 and $12.00
ALASKA SABLE RUFFS - 36 inches long, luxu-
rious full Fur trimmed witli two long, full tails, $7.50
and $10.00. Same as abovlb trimmed with four tails,
$11.00, and with six tails and; silk cord with'two'tails
attached, price • • $12.50
BOKA'REIST CAPERiNE1, - from $8.50 to $1O0
ALASKA SABLE P13RIN13Sr from $35.0to0
- $45.00
GREY LAMP CAPS.- for girls and boys, made from
whole skins $2.50 up
from ' • : • . $4.5o up•
M 13 N'' 5 PEISIAN.. LAMB CAPS made from
whole skins, good glossy curl,. from $6 up. to$lo,Oo•
• •
28 inches long, made frorn finest selected whole skins,
best satin lining $135,o0
inches long, made.from:selected skins -
$25; $35 and $45.00
WOMAN'S BOKARAN JACKETS, 26 to 23 inches
long, made from best selected skins, fine glossy color
FINE SILK UNDERWEAR as a Christmas Ght
always acceptable.
AT $5.0o,--Woraen's Petticoats of good quality Taffeta
silk, black onlymade with three ertu-nped frills and
dust ruffle.. , $5.00
AT $7.oc-,Made of heavy quality .• black silk TaffetA
with deep -flounce, •row • of crumpled frills and dust.
•ruffle $7.00
AT $10.00- Special quality black Tafieta • deep
flounce, two accordiaa pleated frill, and four narr„mr
ones, dust rufile. Sptctal value at . $10.00
" •
Get the Habit:
Deal With Us
Successors to
oats (S: 'Son.
FUNERAL OF REV. DR. CAVEN. •Tenders Wanted.
tel TrThonto o! Iteveroace and Itaret
t. tka tOite ixlretpat of• • "
Knox Cofle..
Toronto, :Dec. 6. -Reverence and
sorrow inspired the final tributes of
'esteem and. affection' paid to the re-
inams of Principal Caven yesterclaY.
Simple almost to 'severity, unas-
suming: as .his dignified Vith.
the voluntary honor rendered by ap-
preciative compeers in the ' public
life of the nation, •mingling for a
brief season in common worehiP,
those he labored: to bring together
in enduring union, itbe obsequies were
fitting to the Christian scholar and
the gentle, honest mom' • The pro -
Vince, the eity, the university; the
Church, surrounded the bier in the
persona of their most eminent repre-
sentitives, 'and a great throng of the
people of all ranks stood within
sound of the voices of honor and
&reveal". - •-.
At 11 o'clock' a private service was
held at the late prineipars residene,e,
Concluded by Rev. Alfred Gaudier;
Afterwards the plain black ..cotlin Was
borne to Iralcue College, and for two
hours • a constant stream ' of people
passed through the convocation hall*
where the tantalite lay in state.
At 2,10 Rev. Mr. Gandier entered
through the dense crowd. Rev. Dr.
Mflhigan,. Principe,' ,Sheraton andNov. Maclaren. Tho faculty of
Mee* and repre.
Nentativeit of other Collegeli. His
/loner the'Lieutenant-Governor, Pre.
toiler Bass : and other dignitaries of
the colleges and the city. Mr. Gan -
diet* opened with an invocation.
The psalm was .sung, "God is Our
Refuge arid Our Strength."
" rited-the-verseir
from I Cor. vx., "But now is Christ
• risen from the dead," and from the
Apocalypse ending,"And God shall,
wipe away all tears from their eYeli.",
114 contiued in prayer for Wooing
In the example set by the life ended.
•• Rev. Dr. Maclaren.spoke of the
lose to Knox College and to. the
Principe," Sheraton spoke of Dr.
Caven's personal totalities.
"0 God of Bethel" was the hymn
that IfilloVieti, bJ1C1 Rev. Dr. Warden
'cloted the service with prayer and
the benediction,
At the grave the College students
Who preceded the /merge divided In-
to tufo sections and formed a circle.
The honorary pallbearers, the rriourn.*
errs, His Honor Lieut, -Governor Mor-
timer Clark find Inerriberli of the
Toronto rresliytery then approached
WI grave, and the eitsket, placed in-
to tot oak shell, was lowered, during
nev. Mr. gaudier read the fm
omissive funeral servieo of the church.
tatted Ilse etraet Oar,
Woodstock, Dec. 0,-Ilichard Clan-
eielveA here yesterday of the death by
accident in Utica, New York, of ;
Mrs. (Dr.) Murray, eldest daughter
Of Rev. Dr. W. A. Mackay, of this
eity. Murray was returning
a cab front hospital where she had
been for some Weeks, when !
street ear atm* the coaveYance. She
Wan killed instantly.
termer ram Deed*
Washington, 0. -Fin TTni
ted Staten Postutristetqleneral joules
N. Tyner died yesterday morning.
•Tendere will be received by the Connell
of the Township of Mullett up to 1 p m on
ThersdaY De 1&b, 1904, for the erection
of 'Concrete abutments to support two steel
bridges, .also for a concrete arch four feet
in diameter and eighteen feet long. At the
same t me and Ogee. tenders will be re.
moved tor the steel superstructure of the
said two bridges, l'ength between abutment
. being 80ft and left and 14ft Roadway..
The Lowest or any tender not necessaril •
sccepted. Speoiheatione for the concrete
• work can be seen at the.Clerke Office Lon-
desboro, • X. O&M PBELL. CLE RK
BymelaW NO. &for 1904.
To prohibit the sale of liquor in the Mu-
nicipaity of the Town of °lintel).
The "Vfonioipal Council of %the Town of
°Hotta hereby enects as follows :
I1." That the stile by .retail of spirit gas, fermented, or other manufactured
1. liquors is and shall be prohibited in every
tavern, inn or other place of public enter-
teinmeot in the eftid ninnloipality, and the
title thereof, except by wholesale, is pro -
Minted in every shop or place in the said
mutucipatity other than e house of public
i entertainment. .
2, That the vote of the eleotore, of the.
said Mrinicipality of the Town ot Clinton,
will he taken on the bY.law, on Monday,
the second day of January, One thousand
, onoriionecii.hundred end five, being the Mime date
as the sienm
sienna! election for the unicipal
. 3. The polls will be held at the same
hoar, on the same day, ei the same places
and by the dame depritje returning officers
as for the said municipal election.
• 4. That on the 29th day of D.061121)4*
A.D. 1004, at the clerk's office in the Town
Rail, in the mild lidunielpality, at the hoar
of en o'olook in the forencon, the Mayor
shall appoint in writing, aligned by Min-
• i lf, two e at the ilnel
! summing np of the votes by the clerk, and
one person to attend at each Polling place
• on behalf of the persona interested in and •
desirots of promoting the Luning of thie
by'Iaw, and a like number on behalf of the
persona interested in and dealreas of op.
posing the passing of this by-law.
J. Viet the clerk, of thasaid municipal
; t pupa, of the Townof Clinton, shall attend
.at his cilia!, at the Town Hall, et the hour• ,
of tete o'elook, In the foreboorion, the third
•cilIaiiYmtferj4ofiltivlortele% firailtd64trinttertthbies
.by law,
0. This b3 -law Chalk come into opetetion
and be of frill Mite and effect on and after
thefiret day of May neat after the thud
paeans thereof. , •
Dated this 0rd day of Ootober 1004,
Take notice that the above is a true copy
of a proposed by law whit))) hike been taken
Into consideration by the Municipal Conn -
oil of the Tewn of Clinton, and which will
be finaily pasted by the said Council in
the event of the foment of the skaters being
oleaieed thereto, biter one month from the
lits publication thereof in the Clinton
Isisw Hat, the date of whioh pablioation
was the ninth day of Deoethher* 1904, and
at the honr, day and pieces therein fixed
for taking the votes of the electore, the
polia will he ham
• Di L. MA0P11/111/140rit,
•-• • •• .;.:i•a,..• .
*4444* ft.46'
Why Not Come dnd See
What we dre.offerin0.in Jflen's
iind Boys' CIothin for the
ncxt . .
Tn order that the bulk of cur C1.0
ing may be off our sheive,s before the begin.
ing of 1DOS we have gone through our 44.
stock and. have marked. in plain fiigures
on each garment (rpgardieas of profits)
prices that roust rnean .$s in the pockets
of those who come early. Below we quote
only a very few of the many Bargains.to
be foundhere dliriug the next 20 or 40 days
Bargain No. 1 +4-
A lot of 1VIen's 9dd Pants, made of good,
heavy Tweed, the kind inost stores retail
at $x 50, our price during this Sale $x 00
Bargain No. 2 . • .
--- A lot of x.35, :1,50 and 2.02). Pants at,
$1.21 • * •
Bargain No. 3
Menls odd Vests, worth 1.25 and 1.5o
for 98e.
Bargain No. 4
Ments Overcoat,s worth $10.00, for $7,40.
. This has been bur Leader at $10.00, and is a very
• ' dressy Coat. '14 has all the style of a $20.00 custom
• . made Coat, and is a greatiBargain $7.50,,
13argain No 5 .
• Altithe other lines of Alen's and Boys'
Clothing at almost half-price.
We do not ask you to come
• and BUY, but come And
The Old Stand
H. PLUM 5113