HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-12-09, Page 6• • • ,
• , ',.`.F71.1,7177P P111,1ir 1111:1 •
. • fni75r
OttIttar1W BA
tkiii)ember 9 1904
utiful Answers to a, •
...II. 4011-
Perplexing Question
"What Shall I Give for Christmas ? "
A Bedroom Suite or. a piece
of Bedroom Furniture.
We have a fine • selection of Iron Beds
from $4.00 u4
Bedroom Rockers, in OjkoEabogauy,
A. Fine Assortment in the
Sideboard Line.
Especially in Oak and Quarter Oak,
Prices $15,00, $20:00, $23.50
° —and higher— •-•'"
AGENTS for the famous Ostermoer
Mattress (Montreal and NewYork)
fit'ovwm.ivtimvimmommPsvommilmr1/4144wmfotmmftwwwttmilm* ammAmm.xvimmfmitkAmmivrnivyatwiAmmitimmittiwywkmtimwtmommemwmptivwww
.1.4moma wamoina,
---. INT I—
' ,, McKINNON & Oa) 13 •
L. YTH 3: - 4' k
y . • •:•
- of ' Christmas Goods .. : ..-• : . + talp in Every Partici-liar.
g .Hon. A. G. E3lair Denies.. World's
. s iv:
• ..„.•
• :*±•• Christmas is just approaChing and we are fully. prepared' or it with t
•i• the finest stock of Christmas gifts su4
ble.for Men, Women and Child -
X . ren that this great store has ever shown. as our, space is limited we
.. NT M
gooannt details,.but we mearly mention a few lines that may he ,, '
. • • interesting, Ana give a faint idea, of the clisplay, we rriake. • •1
t . .
?Ladies' Neckwear in all the latest styles of stciek collars, lace ties, turn- 4
.; •
. 3 overs, chiffon collars, etc at 25e, 35c, 60, 7.5e and $1. • ' ' .:
,.... Ladies' Belts in all the latest designs with folic kles, in all t e nevv ••
Z'obx,, shapes, in silk and satins in black, white a colors, at 25e, 50c, •:•
4 75e, $1 up to $1.75. • '
.•,,* X Pillow Shams, Sideboard Drapes, Centre Pieces, Doiles,' SvaniPed Lin...
, .... • •
len, etc., at close prices. , , ' •. . . ,. , ...:Vai •
Japanese Silks, in all the leading shades at.2'5c. t ' '' ';'' fc'71tg .:
•••• (2.Japanese Silk Table Covers in colors of cardinal,. turcitioise, nile: pi k= +
n •.
t and blue' with heavy knotted fringe. They wake a nice' Christmas)
y -.,,, present at 1.50, 1.75 and 2.00.. , • . ' „.4..
!t• 'Japanese Drapes embroidery with silk and gold, in a variety of colors, •
7 at 50c;"75c and $L00 ' *
:: Silk Waist Goods, in a great variety or patterns and colors, from 50e
- -
•i• to $1,60.
. French Flannels and Silk mixtures, for shirt waists, in fancy stripes •X
t and floral designs, at 50e, 75c and $1,00. • .. ,..
44. ..,` a ies' French Kid Gloves, in reliable makes, iu black and colors,
• every pair guaranteed:V.00, $1.25 and $1.60. .
Ladies' Fine Shoes and fancy felt slippers, in great variety at popular •?
• prices, ..t.
7 Ladies' Fur CoatSvqn Greenland Seal. Astrachan and Electric Sealiat .•••
.t: reduced prices. • •
' .
Purpoge 'For whIen Ho Resigned Itenteins.
. Seeroi Airecti!::.• 37, ;:11,2n 0°: nti
*. tineliangea--1r An 't. ei Ito s �t 41.ay
ivtea et7It5.;t,„:.::',,,ll.,:tcwriainvaili4t.u.d A .•
4: • 1.•
114 KiNNO & ;
• .1
MY book, ‘llow to Clare Rupture by • a
Natural Method," sant free oemea). A
- post card with your name and address, or
that of any other ruptated person, will se-
cure it. F. WEBSE, Specialist Dept.
E, 504 Manning Chainbets,„ TOronto Ont,
• Two Weks to.Cheistmar
• •
)ff pround. 4n4 buy..
We feel certain it 'will be a pleasure fox you
ve, to look throUgh. this 'season's stock. Weil
• !ohave made- ample proviSien to satisfy all.d
•• For Sale:
• , •
That desirable cottage on Trinoese St.,
oontazing 7 rooms and large woodshed,
also a. Newoorfabe Piano, nearly new (141
never been used. Apply to J. EC, *COOL,'
• ' • • Clinton, --
ther.tit:rie :to,
to the i airway ,seliemeI Thtended
• take no port in the campaign. 1 h
•not the slightest thoupth whn 1re-
signedof going into tho flht, and n
telegram contained all the reaffirman
of my views 'on the railway question
had at any time in contemplation,
Nothing tf, no madoe.
ShVENT11-1t is said the fear of t
di -1 e seclet, compelled
to silence, ancl that Sir Wilfrid Lauri
was. able to force inc to pursue th
course. If anyone either itt or outs!
the government is M possession pf
• secret *of the nature described 1 •
by not only give him permission
diselese it, but invite hirn to .do so,
„ 1 Chewing Obaceo•
ha I Plug end Packa s) Sitiokina add Post The undersigned has opened Up a with full ,.• ..,We have in st6.cl'a heauti."
. Hoe or Domestic) and Imported • Cigars 1U1 display Of Souvenir Views
and Tobacooe, Cigarettes, ate. - of the .Public Library, new
,.., ,Office and astreet Scene
I Platy:roe, ?ifnaelol of Pouches
cfrhoenis aBacci ettriaralsc k.,1.111t011
dAl Parties .wishinCaaasneyln. Mg in this line
.would do well by looking at my stook 'be -
to fore baying elsewhere.
•tants. • • . OR 0-2' ANY .0THER: , MEANS
Montrca1, »ec 0. -.-Hon.
Blair gave out to the newspall
yesterday', the 'following statein
anent the story • about,,bfin '1
Torenfo World: •• •
Hia11,0 Statemeni.
et" LE"r wr'111. say this for Sir 'Wilfrid, and
eat • ,w,1 bear toe out in • what 1 have
said, tind'also in what I am nOw'about-
to saYr that he did not even suggest to
me that I should not take part in the
campaign, nor dil. any one on ,his be-
xt b r fuyerflmeric made a state-
o- • went in Montreal that Blair dare not
is speak, that. the government had the
p .whlch shut his mend). If there
ak is any member of the government from
ny ,whelrn this street report emanated he
r-; will -do me a favor if he will produce
th•;• the papers. and let' the nubile knotv
nt what the mature Of these potential
ge documents may b
ed No Money in the Rase.
40 the last allegation
'd that X was to receive $10o,000- cash when.
the scheme as laid out had materializ-
ed, I gave• this and the connected state-.
6 1 ments an einphatic denthj.. No, such
•arra.ngement nor • tinderstanding was
n had hy me with LUTY PerS011. I did not
'Since xny return from the Maritl
Frovinces, I have seen the full te
me .half do so. .T understand tha-t 1Mem.'
with. scatre• headlines og. .flaring
Racal stateraent in which nty name
I useixl, and in. whi ,h I
ferred to as not having heen it*
with the pubic as to the treason of r
resignatfon. of the chief cceranissione
hp of•the railway `conntssion—wi
h,e,ving conspiried with two iMPorta
rallvia.Ve and other parties to daxna
the ,governimentl--.7.r-th. having plott
to. make an •attat upori the admini
tration of the ...er departmeht—wt
having co-operattgl with other's ,to e
pdse scandals agttinst the goverritne
on tile eve of tha election, -with
privy• to an hirattgemeriE Whereby se
era.t of the. goVelrnment eandidates i
the,Province of 4ttebee, consideracio
Of ;10,000 each, were. to Withdrata fro
the 'field on• the eve of the 'contest
with: failing to take the PlatfOr
against the ChT.tP. schente--With haiin
been sandbag gled into silence, lest som
setrit whien I feared to have tom
mit Should be F exposecl--,strail ,with hay
big arranged that X• should receive $100,
000 as soorl. tine scheme Outline
should -be carried out.
'risme Of lialeehooilm. •
:'Let me deal with these statement
Seriatiin, ilrsto howaver, giving •.o th
public the assurange that theele aIle
gatIons constitute a tissue falseh3od
ni • • •
..receive.420,000, as alleged, nor any other
sum on account. No question of' $45,-;
- 000, 'nor any. _amount .Wits,tever, nor
11.2 eny dispute of any kind involving-suCh
3- ritiestion .. has arisen between Ur.
e • •
. . -
O Russell •and • myself. ihe statement .In
Its entirety' is. absolutelY" untrue in
- every respect,' Let Me addothat re-
'cently Saw in a goverrinient newspaper
that my expectations and:plans at the
bnation ffoin the rail-
s. . way board anto my own 'future had not-
e been realized, and would need, to be re-'
- Vised. This is, very interesting state-
ment, and I ecmfess rim indebted •to
from beginning to end.
the as. to the real reason, for my
Nk. resignation. 'What r 4tEi..ted .the tint
•W- vras, and still rethetizin true. X said X
intended taking tip snore congenial ern-
ployraent, and so 1 klo :intend, and
more than hinted at that th le that 'I
more uncomfortable than X feared I
belga -When X accented the aPpolat-
Merit. I could enter fully into -details
bathis subject, but -do not think it ne-
cessary, .at least at present.
"SECOND—As to Iny „co-operating in
hostility to the goverament with two
of the groat railways--tny answer Is
that . took no part whatever exc'ept
by Voting in the election, from, the be-
ginning to the -end of the contest. It
is true 1 resigned the °Mace. between
two .arid three weeks prier, to election
day, but X was not of the opinion that
My rettignation. would cadvie more than
a fezi,. days' comment ,arsd the result
ahtil/ed that mY indgMent in this re-
aped was sound. X hear now for the
i`irst time that two of the great rail-.
Ways. in Canada bad anyitting to..„do
• with my. resignation, and npealtirtg for
myself' I do not know, and have. no
information which would lead te-
bellev,e, that the .railways in question
Wereantagonlzing the goerramerit.
THIRD — That I conspired with
others to make an attack upon the rid -
ministration of the departmene of the
interior. _ pronounce this statement
Wholly derVeld of truth. I never heard.,
from any source whatever tho-t such a I
movement was in contemplation by
anyme, r most assuredly had :to such'
thought in MY own mind. No one ever '
mentioned ,the subject to.. me, nor did X%
to anYone.r
,r,„„cous,,..., ,
potawit-._A to my having conspired
'With anyone to moose scalidala against
the government on the eve of the elec-
tion, The' statement is wholly void of
, truth, mach an intention on anYene's
Part- I hear for ilia first time from The
World's publication.
Firtli,-Nithat. IS alleged as to the
withdrawal of the Quebec can'
stn concerned, or
re fable, The state.
s" • %n. of very disorder -
cd. mind, and, in.
des/4, • • t; Ife said With Wilton
the •!•'on.!•
• Tailed to take the t;
• • r isy ycsighation from the c
r,. ; :tut() at any time that d
I interai:-.. 0:). The telegram an -
r, ••
• "FIRST—'1'hat I was not frank with
e stili remain in blissful ignorance of
that,the publio press had so stated, I
. the ',same.
• "Irours faithfully
("Signed) geindreW Gt. Blain"
e .0.1",receearags Tercet:. .
the ne:wspairer for the information. I
• bad not.made the discovery, arid except
bad found my postition On the board 1.
• We have. • ' • •
• c. •
Fancy .China,
. *
. , .
, ' Clocks and 4
Prices :andgquality.
A full line of Ladies' Chains, Lockets,
Braccelets, arad NecklaceS.
For Gents; we 'nave Chains, single and double
Fobs andliockets.
If you want syour .Watch rei;.
• patred• hiring it to
. .*;
titribaff& Co.,
weler and' Issuer of° Marriage licenses. :*
Mr. Mado the
ing sta; , • •night: A. •
G, /3h. - have instructed
our , conIntence eri-
- tninel . • • nst The _Mon-
treal responsible
joUP Z.4 ,ai , tho
oiou • IC only
fair 4k,,, • „ • .. to Stitte
that i • , • 1 tAy resign
hilt pa.. . . of the Rita- •
Way • , • t no under.,
ettuire.-.,;; A:. • ',;(i take the.
'stump. .19.11P4 '11'0 was
attacked .1, .,•••••
and, so he,",'•,vIred •ciditor
of The St, • • ; -1..4.441ap1P ••frult, he
, •
would a°
hourft..1 t I 600 •••
Much, 1 4 ,;• ,ssn,.! • f•!. 'Ille
that neither ttlifrs 1.4,ut icor
anybod,v• else ever sandbagged l,ira in-
to silence, Ho defies any member of
the Liberal party to make the
. • not of Shit.
Poterhoro, rtc. far -
tiler, of Sinit% towviship, receive(1 1?4;
grains of licit in the body while
hunting, II.. Ciro:Win:1 (;-.ettarged his
gurx sat • rabbit nixi who • was
behind rt, eintrge
his snide and Ltheultinrn. Ire will re.
‘6 •
HI I" V: I 1: VW' timid.
Mexico (1:tj,-, rre, G.-,.-Ainor;g the
distinguished arortherir visitors at the
brilliant itiauguratiO:. of Vresident
Diaz' yestorda,‘ was Mir William
Unlock, Postmaster4leneral. of Can-
ada and party,
Vito At St. Catharines.
tlatitarineel, Pee. 6,—rit,o• std
ovoral thousand dollars' worth of.
image yesterday afternoon in ,,the
rug store Of AM,' Theo. 'Sweet.
._, 0 itdd, in effect,
Now awl Alontroal IIiltra141, $1
that. Siva:14 motile/rib* obJeetion • •
•(.'r IOW .
Place of bneiness itt the new King Edward .° • m -
' 0 be Block, ClintOri.. .. .
• Rotel Block, , .' . . • . • •
W. H. GALBRAITHProp., Athrettige la the NEw ERA •''' • .
..:„..,,.-7,...,7„,,,„..7.,...,,,..7..........„......,...,,.. . :
00... ..........„....
Ore4t. DisOunt : Sale o
e — • - .
• 0: raillittitatt s' •
They sell at. 25c each.
IER S 'Variety Store..
• .
A Successful Sale and will continue one week
more, closing Saturday, Dec. 10; the last day.
Having purchased a large consignment of Gran-
iteware at a low rate on the dollar, we ha.ve de-
cided to share up the profits with our customers
i?y giving them Graniteware at 30 per cent dis.
count off regular prices for ohe wi
Just think of it as a cor... rison.
An Article that regularly sells for ifr only $1 40
75 123
,t 4/ 150 • 105
1 25 87
1 00 70
• • •
75 - 52
50 -.AT
• RIO •-•
25 • 18
.0 07
arThig is certainly a trrattey saver_gag
• . A List of the Articles now. on Sale
Dish Pans
*Vneading Pans'
'Ida, Kettles Lipped Pre-.
serving Kettles
Ladles pry pans
. .
\‘,Togetable Dishes . 6ul1enciers
Roasting PP.ns
Berlin fr....'crlic Pots -
Pie Plates •
Soap Dishes:,' •
Tea Steepers
gups and Saucers •
Wash Basins
.i ..r.qe0 •
Coffee -Pots -
• .Rice
Water Palls
Pudding Pans
Water Pitchers
Syrup Sugs
BeiPans •
. ,
' f:',1ncepans
Chamber Pails
1V1ixing Bowls •
Soup Bowld
iin Sauce
Covcred Pails•
Stove Pots
Remember this ika special Granite Sale audsno113ar,
aim will not be had again for some time.
sTaims zunirrA,
•.1•1_1: -AR - „
. •
f•.:4,„ -A,