HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-10-28, Page 4I
04tobor 28 IW4
Fine Aossorttnent of Fall -and Winter
0 0 A POP"
I tt s- 4 -and, - 'kirts 8�1 401� P
ont collection Of $kIrts ond COats clea o by our,
rly u6d rstand w
1%omon who have, looked through Our We$
such. variety Is to be, found flock 1141KV -
tEAVEMIP Ili Us dlevartment,iS even inore decided than in former seasons.. No kc
the very latest styles. in Coatso and A 'New or# 440C.
elsewhere In town. our syrAtcate buyer visited Now York. last Juno;.secured
they were made, to his special ordert at prices fully one-third less than
took them, with, bImJo Germ�n� t where
Thl, saying in price we pass on to oor customers. The assorftcnt is now at ft berlock 1401mes is the
we could buy them at..here, $ I S -
the thermometer may say, it very latest in games, The
the imported Coats ca
best. N.pne of n be. duplicated, Theroforo� no matter what
idea of the play is to secure
ck early.tor choosin' is best when stocks are larpstv t
e well to inspect our, sto' as man robbers
will b 0 ".J
and burgilars ;is you can
t4, 9an&.U,50-. of 'Bargains still on.,. sale matching cards
with yopr
Ladies Coats at 94.00s $6 This list opponents a n d . secu . ring
—tb Y, come in h *n a Sherlock
'At the% rie�,s we sire sbwviaga. fine. rauge of styles N rday evenifigo sweeps w e
0 ilt And with- until Satu in
d blAck and. Ovy cloths; �also tweKellecto, they tire Shown w
Holmes card turns u
plai ve "0 Wear.
out Capes, all are a to gi gp .4 112ja ana 15c; Wrapperettes�at 90 Ing piles,
Your pla
Al N. -loc. Flannelettes, at 7ic 50c. y
12jo FUnneites at loc
Also all the pther.pop-
tadi e4 Coal s at'W 00, $11.00, S 10'.. 46 and $14,00. .9c ToweliLag at go
ng' h
By fa;, the best.values in Coats w�- have evet shown are the ones we Are A$1,50 ana $LU Table Linen,at 80c ular games, includi
. . V , it
selling at the, above Prices,th are'all made 'Of cloths that -will give excelleut I new games of r x,". P*
esof.BrowpandNavy—al�go black—all have s Gopas at 29a
d come in the now shatz y way—Bem 50C Dreo
latest st,yle ill sleeve and will op found,up to date in ever nn
$1.00 Fia, elette 131.,nkets� at 680 and Flinch, 5oc each. Post
sure a fid see them.
(P�.ead last week's ad. for full list of bargains,).
and -011drens Coats,
Misses Coatoo made of fine tweed kfects in 4 the newest -styles, A tomple. tost, ock of Golf' W t :W9 COOP
atting while otbors are loose with belt, all Are. nicely' made and trim. took Of Golf
are tight I are sl�6*ing a. very. cojnj�lete- o
nied, and will give good wear,
f tea and white,
.75. .14 00, to. $8.40. Waists in a! -I the leading", r�hades 0
Prices are' $3.50. 0 na blile, at
hiO-' black and. white, white.' a
navy ;and w.
$:Z.50-, $2.' an $3-075.
7�. d gWS J�X. RSIONS
Tatlor inade Skirts. at $`1.440 F5
gie' jNkre ior itoitud Trip.
wiuty of%hornes�iqn% jl� Gre�. -and Mack.
by ftir
Thay are inalle of a good q ey.Are
some are nicely trimmed with straPings, of silk - peop!9 tell us th -t gtq�k. of 'Warm t1derwear
Gr'e.a Muskoka Tiakes, Lake of Bays, Magnet
the best value in town.
aw'An 'RIvel penet%ng� Lake
nid: Children. Midland, I F_
4%k,, Por Women a taktions Argyle to Coboconk,,
& o,13%liburton, Severn to
er for our winte St' inclusive.,
When..we-,plaLecl our Ord Bay
wr b e GOOD -GOING OCTOBER 22nd to -0o
at. $4.509 5.00, $5 V,
Skirts 5-50 to $1000, 01�,&, ht I with the. a ter;ninatioil � of 410
of Underwl6ary 8rdaticito
P really -Wonderful VqIuQs, Our .. hjjjtoty��that we
The skirts -we are selling at t] ese prices pr lAigest bu* sia'e# s in
�e made of fine tweeds, ve.hetians and homespuns, and come '.iri a grev,� d.6ing the 'had. Xorth.Bay, �nd Points on - cop. R. Mat-
'Wn by, t e we a-ve tisw& to Niulgon and Garddn River,., iii. ciao;
they ar. leed is'AO 'h fact that -
many styles, all.ire trimmed and are guaranteed,tai firperfectly. W
aU& -the' a and Teraiskaming.. Good
re ive; Also 111paw
t? Fepe�t oiti.orddr fdr, several Jin0s 'al' , ady, a ily� until N.oven er 3rd.
the golag. a CE
s' i5taTting. We 1?0#gbt-our �;toak.from , teVilid, Returning on .1 - or
Season J'U t Afl Ti6ke
in Ca-uada, In suchqar,g�e 4-Liantities before December 10bho .1904.
best raa cer, onn
Shirt Walst Stilts at '6 b 'have evial 1 Woiarn's FAin;_Jdip..Loui8—$l7;55 r
-es. --;Is �&givii
vo styles ih� Shirt waist suits they are inabl yo vilth.istop-over privileges st:0hickato. et . r,(... t
a d,
We -are showing ti -V X)tIrbAgortrilent 6f Child
in Navy and bljtk only,they are'trimmed with *elf Iliad. We- Mig. 11''t '-Ust.sa� . th ife I d Literature
all wool covert cloth I -r "s is -Ute best We haVe 6Ver 4pr ickets, lftustV4
an Ric i6n!A 11.n4et irea .4t all P cl� fu linforu.natfon call Ono .,isi
V.,U.,'Roftens. UW;i!�A
'At 2�5ic, 35c, 50c,
6oc, 75C9
Ladle,;s vests'and Drawers
:85C,, $1-00 to -00 Liberal. Candid,ate&
'I t nice lot. of skirts f Or Mis they are
This season we -ard. showing i t 5p"50C to
It 'the pribes
niade of. homespuns and tweeds, they arp porf6ctin fit and.finishr Childtrnls Vests and Drawers a, 12JC�- 20c, 3
'Past union oDdTiald.
g&antage t6� buy them for your gir a 'pe gaftne
We ai 85c r nt.
re.selling. them: it Will. be to ydury ice.,of mitokinig. West Huroi—Ro�t.. Holmes.
of having them thade —you willgilve thapr
—Thos. Frasel,',
c e
_gptT Money baek t PUbli M eting.
'A public: ineeting-in the..nieiesta of
Rob -o
t Holmes, the Liberal candidate,
N�ill be hold,in- the'town. hall On Von-
oki to be' addressed by.. r=
day evening tl�4
f London Acting
11012, C. IS. 'Rynlan, .0
Works Robert
�Xinlster of Pub�ic
t!ons will� be
As thp Dgminion Elop
II04�: on. Thur�OaYj' .07, Prd,' *X.
Solna good de . baters of greetip A - ud ehe.ouk4kamebt- A .:',"The'CO%U109 Conte ek), the' Nsw.,, EltA will ndt.be pub-.
..as "Juat'rfor 6)- my WAR We
:aembors, and ed V
X+000*00*t+4149. I - d 11' -
tire on, the list of speakers, thp; diaeus, sold ed. on. Thursday. Mternoo'n, as us -
4C X L�io. Houston, issue -of, the ]�Ew' -lish.
4* roVe interbstin The.week well rendered by Ni?s I � : Before, anotbef'r
4& sion willpi Theh camethe 1po-ding. teature: ot the I of Canada � will, have ual,- but will be held o��eria order to
wi� C in At Rome will- be*ext.end- cop
-John EnA the p
3roiram, an address'by Mrs.
4C— deldass,: ','. .1 , I r. I stoo alve
Churd 'e0a"001,WV7O d deeided Which party shall h gtv
N�W-` e. the resalt.6fthe
of Paisley. This la Y Po�s.essesda Very
a Thpt they will.4-d-
W98LET ill be dulaWd Voice, an spoke reins o power. �O -r the
-Quarterly gervice W It the 84;of Noyembc People'
ver�� impr6saively on the Many rpaspils W.-ilf rid.
'I�r §TRF Oth.... ;Ali excellent' seirm in th hands .,Of -Sir. of
ONTAU MT -The subject 0 help on NOY. We i1ave ari opportunity of
last mon V� as given on: Sunday. even Ug, ave for. thanksgiving, And tbapka, Main A.( r
the Bible study at the es able.� of ofthWn wil
gue ning, on D,, *6rds ."Keep' ljvin W':too. . The treasurer, - �Xiba Rate Laurier - seems more -th pr('jb
sh6wingwIlether hey..,appreciae
Mond&Y evening was 06 Book Of by Mr. Man thi ;be thank. the, administratibil'dur- t t the
vas taken by Miss' :tbyaelf ure'll and had reformed . to, MeTaggarti the announced t Thd record: of. pro.
Ituth. The subject I I . . Of a pArliamontary. - re
pblitica, life.rrefutiug the oft-mbde. offerim -to b about .070.. Mrsi W. Rr,' ars of office has been 8 � .
o counteiattrac �r e ink Its eight:ye ervices
Ida Murcb. Owing t S 'IMP r re an a noi�
tions the attendance WILs small, but - sititement thift politics are 0" 0 L h d I the . dedicatory prayer. so.admisable that 1114io. briticli io, a '' tativ or . If one, Was evOr an-.
ti�led to the hearty'. arid united'sup-
utwore interested that. to touch them Was to be . dofiled, re"ad the Scripture texts -an,-, OiTere am
9,ndpiofitod. NextMonda the meet,'' heargue� atever. - depart- toWnSpeopla'. 36 'Holmes
will be an evening WIthtong.felle;Vr into politics, an should be sutpor'bed the -Mission. Band then Ban, Motif the scaroh-Ilfht of inveigtigatio Port.6f his
A vArtette, thlinks hois.
Ing -best 'Showflakes." Mrs. Hoov-� -'IS turnedi it rev" g 6thifig b
0111d will include readings, sollgs%duo- theriln by all who had the ig ut good.
a. Cqmef and bring.A aud best interests of rocipty in view; er, Mrs. N. FAU! rs. Reekie and Miss' management, The.. governmeni, fies,
tations and essay myr lfowson,- g&tve a . very fine s6lec. been prokressivej cleap, and boyon 61meis -bag
)rd am,wbiokbe- political impurity was. strongly Wu- A .,.a
those who were prese I. -illat ood. men should'g 3 closed in the envelopes. Mewbeis d theroom In wh
g "Little
ilong,i ft6r Mr Robt H
ri(nd to enjoy the p
6 Ir passied friolu the ge -a actaou
gills st 8 ol6lock Trie annivers i1einhed,andhis plea, "Keteg, thyself tion. D/�IssJennie Martin, very nicelT
$ r ro 0 St4 Of life
lica,@6 to poli an and recited 1 Qfferings, great and small..' g6varnMeA marited Itp-
Aou with this chu'reK pure wasapp Vf a
services in connecl with tho singing Of I oval atthe bands of. Clinton . will. have a
Were held last Sunday, when a former, people alike. -The Ualy Day s0l, The meeting closed -the electarate,. 1116 'people Of
,,,[,,.V10eo.Jn,cohuect1on With Veslev,Sun- a hymn,_ -,0 $a,vi6ur,. . -bless - Ila &Laurier.fiawerhment does. lence of his 1 5
h re WOR ftt� go," and by Prays . r led by.rUra. - 317' 0- ta.h.gible pvic
stor, Rev. BClehl-eg�APX Thr Many ntere'� in
' lAst Sunday, we )WA, 7. Admit this, though I
a 9 their bohhlf, Appreciation �sbowh
goth. morning nd evening- dai School, Consetvativos
rl e interest, lltically� opposed to It' They say. t at
a of hearing him ien4od-. and. of must The The Synod of the Diocese of Hurou
-who had the' privi eg tr Or suIt U pie will.do a great a.
erifiteudon 'Mr A. T, 106QPer viill meet io, �sesslon at London Tues- ;oil its general policy I cau be d ring. bid life4i
were milch pleased with bis"d1scoull as, able SU n 1 1 1: Bb
nde.red excellent ser" gavia'asgortaddress, Miss Edna Turner dzy, -November P, for the selectiona of fou d w th t. Al o a man, re -
The choir also r deal moie good, than- ex ressions of o.
a -ty, who want honest P
vicei Snfl Well Sustained their re read the scripture lesson'; three boys, a �Uishop., .4less of , PAL -a- , go6d-w
c�, gal
-as being one of the leading Jolta Messra Rogers, AndrbWs and Hall gave g9spd 'tom- and good government, should, that illattorheis dead. -
tion of the develop- The fliat �f a'serlds of
in the district ; th'b morning anthem, s, dialogue diset! ION their support to that 90V-
! SundaV r( hools -, the Primary porance meetinT, which, it is intended foie, give
of Babylon,". wag as inentoi . t 6&m. ornment which� hqsp goven itself
,,Bybbe rivers i rellderea &.Couple�of musical 7to.hoIdduriugt eLocal Option J A I . in Use
[ob beirift 'Clais worthy of confidence an SuPPOVt�' well -know and uch-discii d
pekially well rendered, 'tile Sol 'WI aigni .1vAs
111� - Tar ad th6t li,6 will
aelodtions,� in response to roll., call the held In* Wesley Churoh,
en by Mrs. B. J. GiblDings ifterr the, regular to ha's annoubc
ta 5 recited portions Of Aunday evening,
A very several claodei is addressed byReV33, a rally constituency
"Mr. Lewis- has ad the Pub- nott
Harlan(! and Norinan aurdh. ..M. Hluston,and 'service. and Dal presenta- ie a eanoidat -to ,*oltln-
pretty, anthem, "Softly now the night scripture ; was a logil R , . a
ot�ho )Dhxty gaVe 5010- 8 ' the �4- ..Olernaht. Tt 'in thi election. Wh ether h
IS -falling,,, was a special fettiure -Bessie X Itchell, 00 his udiple. Iliat tbe.pulle Ile issues of the day Wit' TAr; Holmes, from Parliame0b, or
ti6n, bf the pri
music During 'Ehe r offertory Xra' dress of Mr Hord, of Xi bla 'for [y. withdraws
f the nicest solos that trip to Joruattlem to Attend the re- are rOSPOns' Pon the statute' book, at Any publi� meetin ' hold during the t�aril
Cook sang one 0 plit ti� . . I ..Y� . . _ _� -
9, ether, as -i -iteportodand commonly
intensely floll Is, is
hasbeen rendered in the church, "Jes cent S. S. convention wag people, not arlia- I presentearapaiglik ''believed, he could hot find a, bonatitu-
scriptive, and, therefore, tbO
uskno*sitall." Considering the -un- int6restingitud menutoily de its, must bear reapplisibillIC for 'I e -Would hav61ad any
ro i ious weather the corigregatiofiS �,rin&4 prominently before'his audi4 Mar ort'liolme -7 an ad O'llcy in Whi6h�h
nes ttud histpry...'Ja I or bad lawo, and had 'the r6medY I Rolb a has adv c the in* et of 'successo is imUlaterial- r,
14) PWtnances were about the same ii6 6nee 131ble sce fit In.thel �-r . � teriests of the Town of 'ntoji as
rid fo"r uoy Ir OWnr hands. Cli they PrPsOo i Canadian
althou&h manyan, the course of We morning sermon,. Xr once 06
the previous year, ng made touching,, and enio istic lzever;Oera- advanced befc0a by,any, powerful factor -4f.
velopes are still to be hail ed in Marini to thrl6,t, Bis I definitely
reforened a 138, 9win. Sovereign 3. h.- 11�ovor, 6f Clinton, V a on 'ties he seems to be lio-v.v
golf one of the -roprosentati. a ex- poll
ST PAUL'S. -The pulpit, reading
testifying to the beauty 0 . is life a etftrio,has� proven himl parliaruantary� t of ther arena'.
desk and chancel were draped on Sun And the extent of his r ost.daring and fearle4as Prtanien of pects the support of his Own towns
)f respect for the late cllaract6r, vontieth -eentury.31drint the
day last out ( for the botterm6lit of, Ind. the tv I * 9
much loved Bishop of Huron. Sliecial. WoodwailWeekattheWorld,s airhe peo�lo The statftnent.of the Goderich Star Z
I vMr Hamilton, L6tidea-
discourses by the rector were given Wmws-ne visited Forrest Park Highlands, and Star r States what'it that "seVeral mysferIPPS stftlngers
A,nd the prayers and music were of an boro, and ROV'Dr Stewart exclianged thbre jwithou� fa moment's hesitation The.0oderiph
?opriate churacter. Mrs Nello Pulpits on . Sunday. last .... The choit mountedono bf the. bicycle ears sta- knows to be untrue -Whare it alleges \,have arrived ill. West -11,uroijo whose I
011'ardy Smith-vory kindly officiated gave &,Well rendered anthom - on Sun- tionadthc:601'. rushed down -the stoop nember 'for West flur- firab bual'in'ess 0 -was -t
�vening last, tinder -direction- of that tbo "late I o int6tview pro- I
as organist, on Sunday and for the doy i in qampbell,, tile, W�Ilfs Ln 'a fucline at' speed and porforrii dvoctlteof Senate re-* minent local Pteforniera,". is notr true. 10
shorttim6 -at her disposal preparpd LW,� Olelt I it selection 'in ad that -death defying fe&f,. of. OLoop- .bno once an a There 6ve. no a strangers" _11
some very pretty voluntaries. besides quaAette also Tond0re( !Ila thorloop," lie. certainly is a WAII form, how* 910ri0s Ili that body be- Inlysterlou
nicely drilled in thO 'pleasing style, those in this. quartet is what cOMPOs- in West Hurol so, far As promineiib I
having tile choir of iron nerves, at. least this
at Sop. Lily Cohts,.w Son., Mrs � gilL,10 said Who bad the Cause thd Senate Majority I I
song part of the sekvfce� The rector are I instrong, several of the n him duribg his ad of these,columna, Itaf6rhiers know,, nor will their. boo.
W. In tho Hoover, Ast"alto Roster Arl
referred to the double %6vro ' being 2dd Alto Milo AV, Glenn Campbell. and the Staria only trying to.cileate I
3%elsh,.; t1te late Geo Bebtley trip.-AmoJean. V. 0. W. and on tile platform, Mt Holmes has
lor niany years extoil of the ehurlD 4eg of ftev'11anjilton, who
a 3h, The diwOurg whave it dare not make ox
At the t%)rnIbt s6rvlee sorro* was k 16at Sunday for, Dr. A expressed vepotttadly big belief in the 814SPICI011
tbok the' Wor of the best, and were Another aam 'er has boon ptit on the I d has - - P110ib charges.
overywbere to 0 seen, as apially dur� , $tawart were rodu��t%_ a6alition. Of the Senate, an
Ing t] [te revIew of the lWahop's Ida's strong exPositions of tile Word, of God. hoposr'of Canhi 1RU OmttlO
work-wbich U,as the themo lot the Thp attendaticia Wfis biuc& largar than Lorly Onalow, President Of tte British no sense Changed his views. In the
lilt was the subject. of UAIIAI,'the c6jogr�gatlons regreting Ur Board of Agriculture declared yes. At the Liberal meeting held I
r6ctor. "De4t], orthe 1-aship Hall on Tile
Rev 1Mr Gunne's address Ili the 'even- Hamilton's removal frorij tTiese, parts. tardaV that lie. call offer u() 110 p0LITJ0AJ.,.A public. meetinrt in Ashfielti Tom aday,
he embargo Wb?V111;1 (lom- thainterestigotUr.. Lewis. was held mr, MeTilwou, of Gpderloh, speaking As
..The a-Ahual thank-offevilig meet- vernovid of t!
go which Wit$ filled with thOught90f n. Pei of Canabian cattlo at 10
-a oteparatiou for, deitth, and wba t itIg of the Women's Foreign Missio a the killih% in thib Town , Hmll, last Thursday 'go Mid 3
tu it of us, The arySocifetywas, held in the lecture tM A de okatiott io Rugland. I eveniug, it -was well attended, Mayor the repre8entai1vo of Mr. L6WI
It mealls to Ono and Hoovet, owupl Low a ItWe haiveno' fault to find with Mr.
ott the 'evening of Oct. 20. The, Onalow's atatemerit on this ll)ftt- ad the chair
atthem -Blessed A140 dead," by the "Ohl ierious by his .1 h an W
t,neowashift -The wholb Plop- ter is Made All thd 1110" $ madg a short, speech. and W4 11 1101-V41 jt6lmes, We admit he has been a,
eboir Wao:well iendevod� apa. the last attendli iment, hi.Ado ou another oc. i o- - il.
two verses of the hymn ,poacd, por. gram wAg of it suporior order, and i�vfta othor-stati atin resteledo I n on the I I , Mi, X, Proudfoot in bell f a by good representative, an(! has looked
feet pence," was 6UIIK� undceartipapled, much en oye(I by all, Tho President, I 6asiono advor 9)101 me& Who, in time Was tb' interests of the
in portAtions oto r eheose. 0
Dealler otittl is being held r It, rwing, ably,filled tbe eillair Jtm.T. Elliott. talously Aij
I ani .
in sonfotth t1froleeven na (Thuradiq �aad��Otiducbed, tho Opening devotio
.1 . elernipos. Wag Liflan Atidrows then pire destroyed th,�Whiteflsh Hotel 91voli the, riding. 1Uf46toW0&i�WilII"gtO9OtO
at which 'o; PuMb6l, from heV31 wil "Abide with me," atpoltArthur, The occupants hado, The UWAIS fAr as to say, that It would be hard to
gttoud i.....Tho A. Y. P A. of gang very sweetly poplerflie blost P go they
La t
th '0
a evel W
h a, d
and I
f om
-bjophuteh is 9yoWIngrapiAlylift MOM- The miallbos of the pieviods me U x1arrow 0804po, find A betteV topl!Psen
t t
bmahip, and will soott be Ono of tbb Wero th'aft ttad br tile aeqtaag�;."!T William'Weaftlid, for lialfa, eontur hiAd—reduclug the ratos oil not With, 1111h, butWith the
peoplaos 80010608 in Wilson. A tium ),at, of' little girla, be 4 threl k1, 411d," dojoeotle�. V08 ee quarrel is
oung it riddont of w0atminatot township,
ext' TuesdaY Ovignit ng to the Mission Band attlIff very
"Scatter the Sunshine. , been all tb4t Mt- XOEWOU .1
IR there Ion )On 11 . UOW 0111eeS %1 govornmOUL" If U% 11011%6-4 haa
debSto 6N dt '69606 on, 1,6nd Ill Ad It OU
On nfc(
this rint, Xrn. Will. 11atlmd apr(I" Varno&, Lum
11004f 4ov Oty, will 0"'
ng n -Wh 'mako a chmp P
abi lb ,, An Ak� eat bt� MAIM, I the Do ad 4, Q;JI'to a arplus. and he bAs y
4 t,
"I Aent ng, th6 W, A of 6116 of M We
t6*h &,iiat minion In, n sound,
outhuglasmarnonpt the'
..... ........
L.6- —AL 'A Z� 11.1*.L."� 41-
We, have them ill OR size's
eaters f0i Wood and Coal, including the celebrated,
Light conquIlaption Of fuel and. a good baker
I &' ood These Ave the
strongest feature'O' In t90 obotng3iied Rang, -o,
4re ade to give SatisfUti=. Youarenot
experimenting rhenyou �uy one.,
XALl-allsizesr-CHE N
5amso.n. Portland Cement at ReducW Prices,
Harl,atit'd ros
Two Sptelials, - in Hose
Ladies) Ribbed Cas I hviete Hose, sizes 81 and 9 4
only, worth 40o, fo . r s 81 and 9 25c,
Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Hosel.size
only, wovPh 60c, for ago,