HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-09-23, Page 7°
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SePtenibeit 23rd, .1.904
centre of attraction:, 4 is owed to overflowing with all the new.
eat thing" in Up-to-date goods, including the latest designs in Paris
and New York Ready.to.wear, Outing and Dress Hats. Our sales
in WS dspartMent have exceeded our most sanguine "expectations
and several lin* have had to be repeated already this season. A
cordial invitation is extended to the ladies to visit our millinery
r.141911 1191T While tin Stock iv at 10 beet,
X a
2:: We received a large shipment of New Dress goods this rialto
which puts our stock in great shape for the fall trade,
•-41; , We show great value in light, medium and dark, plain, maned and
flecked Homespun, something new, at 50e, 75c and §1,
Harris' Celebrated Homespun°, in new colors and designsogliarant..
4 eed all wool, 58 inches wide, at $1.
.NiW b1 dOODS . .
Vrcilnas, in black, brown, navy and green, very special at 911.
A Venetian Dress Goods, in black and navy, at $1, 1.251and $1.50.
t •
y liorneepuns in all colors, 45 and 50 inches wide, suitable for girls' o 0:
school dresses, at 25c, 35c and, 50c.
• •
We /Awe received our second shipment of New Mantles, which
make our stock complete in all the latest styles. We show every- *
thing that is new in Children's, Misses and Ladies' Mantles at very • ,
close prices. -
5: McgtNNON &COI
• ••
A couple of weeks agowe
cleared from a Manufacturer, a
lot of odd Pants at a very low
figure. Each pair is made of
good heavy Tweed, well made
and trimmed and are good value
at $1.76 but while they last our
price will be only $1,25;
Mill 811
We have also • . of Flan-
nelettes, alMost:4.yard wide, rn
414 light and. dark stripes, in lengths
of 2 to. 12..Yarcl*.9
Reg, 10 -and-.12-hc::FlanneletteS.89:.
" 124 gc .15c:
nese are monep-savers,
and are going fast.
The pia Stand
at the
or 0. 34. • ar
If 'your watch is not
dependable, let us clean
and regulate it.—Or we
can sell you a new one at
a very reasonable twice.
44 04 .14 44
•W. It 11ELLYAR.
Jeweller- and Optkian.
4 •
1:-lltirtlii. • Marriages, 1E0eaths
.. .
1' '.. .• •. - .• BORN
MoRNIGHT--AtBruakeld, Sept 42, to
Mr and MS John .McKnight, a.son . ' ,, •
/CIRKCONNBLL,--In Ilene* Sept 17,
to Mr and Mrs john Kiiimonnellitwin Birk,
JOSLING—In 'Hallett, Sept. Il'i to Mr
• and Mrs Phu Josling,• a:daughter.• .• .
,WRIGHT'—In Hallett, Sept 10, to • Mr
arid Mrs Rob* Wright, o Kin.' •
• ED.WARDSIn Wrosteter,Sept`9, to Mr
•end Mrs 0 T Edwards, a son. .
. ' MODOUGATJLInfitokeiS,Sept.7, to Mr
and :Mr Peter MoDangoli,.O son. .. • • -
• RIT0111E-Etn Portagelti Prairie, Man,
Sept Mr, to Mrand Mee WRitchie, for-
'ef Grey; a.son. . , • .
1 :'.POTTER4In Briiesele.:Sept 8; to Mr
. . .
*and Mre Geo Pettet, o son.
°ANTRUM—La GtiderieheSept 10, to
Mr and Mee 1.? Oantelon, a eon. • ..
• MoLEAN—In Goderioh; Sent..14, to Mr
and 0Ire.A Maoists, e &tighter, • ' .
THOMPSONL:In• Goderich, sept 14, to
•Wand MreJohn'Thompeon, e elm:lighter, ,
MBSSER—In Morris,Sept 4.3,to Me and
' Mrs Alex Messer, a son. • •• . . ... • .
BRECKENRIDGE-4n Turnbeery,Sept
10, to Mr and Mrs Jos Breekenridge"-son. •
• BAIRD--In Turnbeery, Seyt 10, to Mr
• and Mrs Robt Baird, a• tam.•, - , • : '
• SH/FLL—In Tarnberry. SeP s' 10. to Mr
• and Mrsobt Shell a son.
LOOHMAN—In *toe:titan, Sept, 10,10.
• Mr and Mrs. Z Lockman,* son.•. . .
• i3TAPLETON--In Warnberry,Septi 2Aci
.lilt 'and Mahe Stapleton, ottani. • • ..
fitiargains "gargaips1
Regular izic remnants, of from 5 to
10 yds, going at Sic to toe.
J. B. Hoover. •• .Nelson BaL
Furniture oo. Undertaking
Returns wilibhoW that more Burniture was worn
on; last winter than ever before.. It was a good winter
to rest. Renew your stock from this store.
Qualify the Best; ••Prices lout.
They are up to -ate and hightrade, at prices that
aro not fancy and the same to all.
Night calls answered at ills r matinee Of either of the proprietors
The 1,1110LSONS •BANK.
Incorporated by Act 14 Parliament slim
Head Ofrke—Montreal
e pltal71utitoriZed.. $,000,000,
.Pald Up ' 3,000,000.
Reaervs 111104 . . 2.550,000.
* Ws. Rower KaPrentneor, Preeldent. S. P. Swirl% Intilteeident,
Aleille Unworn Gen. Manner.
FARMERS' SALE NOTES cashed or collected.
DRAM. on allpoints in the Dominion, Great Britain, United States,
atestm and all Foreign Countries, bought and sold at best rates.
()RIFTS issued and highest current rate of interest al-
-ADVANCES MADE to Farmers, Stock Dealer, and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms,
Porty.eight branches in the Dominion.
. Agents all over the world,
wooer' Deposits of $1,00 and upwards received. Interest allowed from date of deposit
componadedhaltyearly and added to principal Juno 80th and December 8ist.
• Eilaheiteurrent Rate. ;
CLINTON BRANCII - - - New Combe Mock,
H, C. BREWER. • Manager.
Newspaper Bargains. WILLS WANTED.
• The elit;RA, to new subserib-1)nn
• ers 31st Dec 1904 •
L. tftte
The Nnw ERA and Weekly Globenna
to 81st Dec 1904 if Ube
The NEW ERA. and Weekly Globe .4
to 81st Dec 1905 Oil
The NEW NBA and Montreal• Ogr,
Herald to 31stpec 1904 ..
These prices are strictly cash
•Xeut 74tpurtionnato
Wanted. •-
Boy and Giri at4iew Eaa Office.
• Good Wheel for Sale.
A. good gent's Wheel: for este t:lseap.
Enquire at Now Ens.
Pigs for Sale.
---Threersowein-pigra.n;aged Use -and- o -
sow and six pigs, all yorkshire, for •sale,
pd • • W• DUNCAN. Clinton.
. .
• Invalid Carriage for Sale
• For aisle; on reasonable terms, oneawn-
fctirtable Invalid Corrine, suitable foe out-
ing or indoor use. • Apply h,t C. STEVEN.
SON'S,•Furniture Store. S9 8i pd.
Rani Iambs tor Sale. •
Subscriber bas for bale, Seven pure-bred
Leister Ram Lambe, ail from 'registered
mock. Terms reasonable..
:W. Glenn., Clinton, P. 0., con 4,Stanley
Private Sale .ot .
Household Furniture.
A private sale of Household furniture
Wilibe held on Wednesday, ilburscloy and
Friday of next wet% at the home .of the
• late MISS BELO, corner of Mary and
Orange Street. •' . •
Sept =, at the residence of the bride'e'par-
°ate, Mr and Mee A H Goodwin,by RevDr
Stewart, '`W Glenn Campbell •to Miss M
de Goodwin. ' •
'aidenoe of the bride's went'. by Rev Dr
Gundy. on Sept 7, Wm A Campbell, Win-
nipeg, to Mise Marian Evelyn, daughter of
Thos Gregory, Wingharo.
residence of the bride's Parents, Goderich,
Sept ap, by Rev W D Magee, Stoniest r
Whiteman, Detroit, taMiss Deborah Tw-
McDONALD—In Goderich,Sept 11,Capt
Norman, NeDonald, aged 47 years.
BARIERTSON—In Grey, Sept 2, Peter
Robertson, aged 48 years.
LAWda0R—In West Wavnincatio, Sept
10, Thos Lawlor, aged 64•years.
21, Bridget Ann Costello, wife of Alirand-
enberger, aged 88 yeare,
Toronto Market Report.
At the junction Tuesday, even h
Clipped from Tuesday's Sun.
reduced receipts, trade was dull. A
few exporters sold' at $5, but bulk
went from 114.50 to $4/713. Best but-
chers' sold from 64,25 to $4.50, medium
from $8.85 to $4,20, common cattle
from $3.05 to 08 80, rough and inferior
$2.75 to $8.50. Owing to the failure of
the Ontario wheat crops, Ontario
millers are mord active than usual in
buying in Manitoba. Iti Winnipeg
yesterday No. 1 northern was $1:01 .1
No. 2 northern 1)80 ; No, rnorthern,
92o No. 4.notehern, 81c; On the street
in Toronto fall wheat is selling at $1.04
to $1,08 spring at $1.02 to $1.01, and
goose at'000.
• Sale Register.
Farm Farm Stock, Tito. of Thee. Teem.
eer, lot 18, con. 4, Hulot*, en Monday,
October 8rd, T, 131tOWN, Auot,
Farm Stook of W. Colwell; la 31, Lon-
don nowt Stanley, On • Septem ber 29sh.
On Saturday evening, as Rev, E. A,
Shaw, the pastor of the Methodist con.
gregation, of Hippen, formerly of Ben.
miller,Was engaged m attending to his
horse, an accident happened to him
that might have proved fatal. It seems
that the tie strap had become fastened
in the horse's foot, ant •while he was.
„ engaged in removing it, the horse
struck hina in the face and knocked
him down and trampled upon him, in.
' Meting some very Severe Welindft.11, pen
hitt body, ,
•Stock For Sale.
At our farm, London Road, one mile
south of town, pare bred Short.horn Cat-
both rule and females, different ages t
at lovrprices, quality oanaidered. -Also a
number of Improved large Yorkshire pigs
all neediest class breeding etook for far-
mers and at low prices, Coma and see
PS -234. .H. LIIMSTEEL, Clinton.
Farm tor.Sale.
• The undersigned offers foe mile the val-
uable/arm, lot 21, con. X61b, Goderich tp.
containing 80 norm On the premiees are
about 20 norm' of good. hardwood ;. gqod
frame buildings, a spring creek running
, through the farm, pod clay land, about 3
miles from Clinton, convenient lothe new
school. Apply to . ••
5-23-tf. ROBT; RICHARDSON. '
jgAuetion. Sale.
The anderergned will offer for sale by
Pablie Auotion, on Lot 31, London Road,
Stanley,(about 2 miles south of Clinton)
at 1 p,m., on Thuredisy, Sept..29, the fol-
lowing farm stook and implements : 8
mares and mite, eked by good horses ; 20
steers, heifers and calves: 3 OP: 14 farm
implements; rigs, harness, fowl, sto,Terms:
20, oesh;71 months' credit: 4 per cent. die
count. WM. COLWELL, Prop; Thoe..
Gundry, Atm% •
Fa,rin tor Rent.
. The fveltitnawn farm on- the lith eon.
of JJall,,ixt, lot 82, Containing 100' acres is
offered for•rent. On the. farm is a good.
frame house and ,barn, Mone stables, wind
mill whieltzforaes wester to house and stab
lee, &bent 5 acres of bush, 5 acres sown
with fall wheal, an more of orchard.
Possesmon given at once, if neoemarY.
Apply on the premises'or to
S-23-41pd. • MRS, EMIT. COLE;
Londesbore, P. 0,
• Town Hall, Clinton!
Wed. Evening, Sept. 28th
The Big Beauty Fun Show
UIj Ladg Minstrels
All new froth startto finish.
Captivating Show Girls,
All the funny Cornedians,
Dazzling Costumes,
Bright Musk,
Marvelous Specialties.
•. •
Reserve Seats on Sale at
Fair's Book, Stott.
GET TIOKETS NOW. i4v64.%40).44‘,44,444440
Serva,nts Wanted.
Twa girls wanted at once. Apply at the
Girl Wanted
Good general servant wanted. Highest
wages paid. No washing. Apply to Milli.
G. 1): McTAGGAT. •
• Wanted.
• ' • . . •
Good general servant for • Toionto,
Small family Highest wages paid. Apply
• to MRS. R. IRWIN, Olinton.
Girl, 16 or 17 years ot age, to take Imre
of child 2 years .old • and help with light
heruiework.Apply to MRS.H.C.BRE WEB,
Molsons Bonk, Clinton. •• •
"APJfieg Wallied.11.____
• 5000 Barrels of b'isrmera' Apples wanted.
'r_oe particulars. see ' •
A.26 tf. .TA.S. STEEP, Clinton P, '0
!louse for Sale •
A good -frame house, containing five
rooms and woodshed, on Mill $t., is offer.
ed for sale. Apply to OGLE 000PER.
• Buggy for Sale -
'A McLaughlin Buggy for sale; as good
as new... Apply to JA.S. SEALE,. Clinton'
Marble Works. •••
Baby Carriage or Sale
A first class. Baby Carriage for sale;
gooclitie new, with new rubber tires; a bar-
gain': Apply at e' Ew Ens office. .
o .
Lost •
• On the Maitland Concession, Colborne.
on Monday, a fawn.00lored Waterproof,
with name inside. Will finder please re-
turn to Rim Ens office.
Distritt Manager Wanted
. Permanent position; rapid advancement;
[Wary and expensetefull instructions enen
or CH4EGE; clean desirable bueineee.• THE
J. L. NICHOLS CO ; Limited, Toronto.
. (Mention this paper.)
For sale
:the following household and other
articles, are offered tor • sale bv Private
Auction, at the residence of MRS. DX
HAMILTON, Huron- St. Call . as any
1 Gladstone Carriage, 1 Cutter,
1 Some Hernesa,
Wanted '
, Tenn women to learn -Professional
Nursing in theRhoenix Hospital Anode.
tion Training School for Nurses. • Two
year course. Address E. COOLING,
• Sup't. Phoenix floapital, 105, S. 5th Ave.,
Sli 3m.pd. Maywnod, Ill., 'U.S.A.
. .
• Mestrrs, Ga M, Delwin and Will.
• McLeod, of the firm of G,114.11ALE-
WIN & Co.;nt SEAFORTII, while
• at Toronto Fair, .bought' a large
number of the Pianos and Organs
thab. were on exhibition there.
These are all high grade instru-
ments, and anyone wishing that
kind of Vanes or 'organs should
can on WELL MoLEOD, Band
Master of Clinton Citizens' Band,
• any Monday or Thursday, at Clin-
ton, or at their store in Seaforth.
• C. M. BALDWIN' 4 Co. .
iv•016,11).,,,‘41t11. A•* Ili $
,. • .
Before placing your or-
ders for your season's.
supply of Coal, get our
• prices. The very best
goods carried in stock
and sold at the lowest
possible price. .
OPOrclers may be left at '
Davis & Rowland's
k Hardware .Store, or -
0 with .
° if0
Atighwri.thyht pf..f _
Store closes
at 6 o'clock
every night.
to o'clock
An great storeful of the very
NEWEST and up-to-date Dry Goods
stock,—complete- in every depart-
ment. •We can fill your. every
the bestindication, that we do this,
is that qur trade is increasing every
day. A visit to this store for your
fall . requirements will save you
.dollars. . •
What, We. Carry.
Newest creation in black and fancy Dress
Goods from 50c up to $2.00.
Very latest Dress Trimmings, to match all
our Dress Goods, from ioc up to $1.
Celebrated Crompton Corsets from socitup
to $2„oo
Perrin's Famous Kid Gloves, in all shades,
every pair guaranteed, from $i 00 up
Ladies' •Cashmere Hose, the- celebrated
.Llthbrartjeroair. aTs-c,
several other rna.kes, from 25c per
•,_ pair up.
Children's. Ho§e, wooi and..CaShipere,
popular prices.
Underwear. !! Puritan brand, "This Etore
has always carried this celebrated line
and our customers know theiinierit:—
. at all: prices. s
Ladies' Collars, large variety of the very
NEWEST; in stocks and 'bow's, for
fall, at popular prices, -25c, 35c, 50c.
Ladies' Belts, crushed leather and silks.
Rain CoatS. - Large stock of Ladies'
Rain Coats;'our styles are correct in
collar sleeve and belt; and our prices
cannotbe beaten for quality, combined
a with:style: Prices $5, $7,$Q, $1.0.
, •
Staple Dry Goods.
We were fortunate enough to buy;before .the
ADVANCE this spring, enO,Ugh staPle,.. Dry
Goods tO supply every customer this'fall. We' can
assure you money saving vaiues tn Flannelettes,
Sheetings, Shirtings, Factor)* Cotton, Flannels,
Towdings, Table:Liperis, etc. •
Just passed into stock, several styles hi Sil
Skirts. Prices $5.5o, $7. oo and $io.00
I OuT. Leader.
Ladies extra -fine black Cheviot, 65. •;_2.
wide, regular 9oc; for 6• 5C
• 2 Ladies' Cashmere HOS; all sizes, per pr •25c
• Scotch, 'Fingering Yarn, extra glossy
. finish, per lb s 55C •
• Auction Sale of Cattle.
se: wisi0118°1IbY1'ub'
Lot 26, Con. 7, Ilekillop,
(4 Miles't;orth of Seaforth,)
• 100 Steers and Heifers
mostly Steers Heine 2 arid 3 years old,
also set doubt° barneas, nearly new,
Sale will OOMmenee at 1 o'eloolt ebarp, on
uesday, Sept. 2It1i, 1904.
Twelve months credit will be given on
fureiehing approved joint notes A ;dia.
eount of 5% avid be allowed off for cash.
T. BROWN, Auctioneer
House and Lot -tor Sale.
A house and 16t corner Of Mery and
Princess streets, in good repair, is offered
for sale ; eleven rooms, geed stable' and 8-8
of an aore of land, hard and softwater,
Apply to 3. RIDOUT or j. CHOLL,
For Sale,
000,00 will buy a oonifot table house on
Frederick Street, SIX rooms, +depots, pan.
try,hara and soft %tato. good garden, M
a good Situation. $1100,00 HOMO! on
Mary Street With all eonvsilianoaa,
A..20.tfa W. BRthONE.
We are carrying
At present a nice line of
• •
• ETC. •
And would be pleased to have"
call and inspect,
Our stock of bovelti4s, brica.br
Art Ware, Tin Were, etc, is conlplete,
Besides these we carry candies and
Fancy Biscuits,
SHIER'S Variety Storer
Oombe Block, Clinton..
Largest and best in
'Western Ontario.
leamoCEJITRAL. //
This popular institution hes an
cellnnt reputation for strictly
grade work. Our graduates are
great &mum& Our
this month
possible. Magnilleent catalogue Li'
W. tli ELLIOTT, President.
AN, Principal;