HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1904-09-23, Page 6._. ._. ._. MiN NON & 'CO,, `'+�ty,i;�t��•.NfN.�^y�..��� y^�.sN1+Nil'�'+a-V•�►�.''j�-.,^ji.�'}��Nwr~1N�N�N.`�{y'a'N�..� Mens September 2 4. MCKINNON './MS,r•.y'.r+4nv/MV1+'/M,FM*4rv^.+•.x'�'y4Nf,1,. M�:t.' . OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT IS NOW TEE GREAT centre of attraction.* it is filled to overfiewing with ail the new* est thing i in up-to-date geode, including the latest designs in Paris and New York Ready-to.wear, Outing and'Drebs Hate. Our sales in this depadirlent have exceeded our most sanguine expectations and several lines have had to be repeated already this season, A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies to visit our millinery rarlorg now wbile. the etRek itt it best, • • NEW DRESS GODS . . We received a large shipment of New Dress anode thte week. which puts our stock in great shape for the tall trade, We show great value in light, medium and dark, plain, nettled and flecked Homespun, something new, at 50c, 7cc and $1. Harris' Celebrated Homespun, in new colors and designs, gttarant.' eed all wool, 68 inches wide, at $1.. ,Vicunas, in black, brown, navy and green, very special at $1, Venetian Dress Goods, inblack and navy, at $1, $1,25 and $1.50. Homespuns, in all colors. 45 and 50 incheswide, suitable for girls', school dresses, at 25c, 35c and 50c, , I ' NEW MANTLES • . We have received our second shipment of New Mantles, which make our stock complete in all the latest styles; We show every- thing that is new in Children's, Misses and Ladies' Mantles at very close prices., 41+ try a+ , ._. ._. BLYTH f Pants. A• couple of weeks: ago : we. .cleared from a Manu'f H cturer a ; lot9wof odd Pants at a ' .very low figure,:. Each .. • J 1 �lr ,15 ' '" •� Ills P. de` of ood heat/ •• g y �e � _ dell :loads and trimmed and are... ood.. value : at $1,75 1� . -but e whil. the Ponly. ric e will:b :. ... soul y. 5 r. F1anne:Ic Mill" We have also a lot •- of Flan- nelettes, lan_ nelett :� ... , es, almost a yard. w�.de, . in light Pe and dark stri p s,'in. lengths n • e stns of . 2 t o12 . yards. • Reg. 10 and 12he Flannelettes 8c' it GG 12Y � 15c: C nem are mune-saveris and are going fast. The Old Stand "4 II. i�d• PLUNISTRE 444414 *VP 41444 Don't Guess at the Time s'- sr ss' If .your . watch is not dependable, let us clean and regulate it. -Or we can sell you a new one at a very reasonable price;. ,eetit,at eat W. H. hl I.LYAR Jeweller and Optician l Births,. Marriages, Deaths BORN., MOHNIGHT-At Brueeiield, Supt 12, to M_ r and Mrs Bolin 'McKnight, a son KIRKCONNELL-In Hallett, Sept' 17. to Mr, and Mrs John Kirkaonnell,twm girls JOSLING-In Hallett, .Sept Ii, to• Mr and Mrs chime Joeling, a daughter. WRIGHT In Mullett, Sept 10, to Mr. and Mrs Robt •Wright, a son. EDWARDS-in WrOxeter,Sept'9,to Mr and MenO T Etwerds, a' eon . MoD U A$ O G L In Morris,`Sept ,7, to Mr and MO Peter MoDongall, a son. RITCHIE--41n Portage 14 Prairie; Man,• Sept 9t1r • to Mr and Mrs Win Ritchie, for merly of'Gray, a son. POTTER-In,Brunie, -Sept 0, to Mr. and Mrs Geo Patter, a son. ' Mra aMoOANTELON-In Goderioh;l`Bept 10, to Ind Mrs D Catitelon, a son. and 'Bar ���rrans .' Bargains! b. g5r � r Regular i zc remnants, of from 5 to. to yds, going at 8•ic to Ioc.. CALL' AND SEE MORRELL & HOLMES LONDESBO)tO isialwasmannatialelaaam J.8 ii r cove .1 ,- - ..11telaon Furniture vo Undertaking. Returns will show that riiore Furniture was win i, cul last winter than ever before;. It was a good winter to refit. Renew your stock from this store. Quality the Best. Prices low. SEWING MACHINES.. They • are up•toodate and high-grade, at prices that are not fancy and the same to all. : fl.00VER'& Night sails answered at the residonee of either of the proprietors • LEAN -In :Goderioh; Bept.14, to Mr Mrs A .McLean, a daughter. THOMPSON-In Goderioh,. Sept 14. .to Mr and Mrs John Thompson, a .,daughter. M1si8SER=In Morris,Sept d3,to Mr and Mrs Alex Messer, a eon. BRECKENRIDGE-•In Turnberry,Sept 10, to Mr andMre..Joe Breokenridge,a eon. BAIRD-In Turnberry, Sept 10, to' Mr and Mrs Robt• Baird, a can; 8f3IF.LL In. Tnrnberry. Sept 10, to•Mr 'and Mrs fftobt Shiell, a eon. , • LOOK MAN-ln winaltam, Sept 10to. Mr and Mrs `Z Lockman, a eon.:; STAPLETON-In Tnrnberry,Sept 2,to Mr and Mrs las Stapleton, arson. .,- MARRIAGES • •CA'MPB) LL-,GOODWIN-Ia`Clinton Sent 21, at the residence of the bride's par- eats, Mr and Mrs A H Goodwin,by RevDr • Stewart, 'W Glenn Campbell to Mise M de Goodwin. CAMPBELL -GREGORY -At there- sidenoe of the bride's parents, by Rev Dr Gundy. on Sept 7, Wm A Campbell, Win- nipeg, An Miss Marian Evelyn, ',daughter of Thea ttlregory, 'Wingham, '1Jl, HITEMAN-HALSTE AD.- At the residence of the bride's parents Goderioh. :.Sept .10, by Rev W D. Magee,'' Stanley T' Whiteman, Detroit, to Mies Deborah Hal- stead. • DEATHS MMDONALD-In Goderioh,Soptll,Capt Norman,: McDonald, aged 47 years. EO14E'RTSON-In'Grey, Sept 2, Peter Rspbertson,,aged-48 years. LAWLOR-In West. Wawanosh, Sept 10, Thos Lawlor, aged 64 years. ' ' BRANDENBERGER-,In Clinton,Sept 21, Bridget Ann Costello, wife of A,Brand- enberger, aged 38 years, • Toronto •Market. Report: cupped from Tuesday's sun. At the hinction Tuesday, even vt h reduced receipts, trade was daa11, : A few exporters sold at $5, but bulk went from $4.50 to 84.7b. Best. but- chers' sold from. $4.25 to $4.50, medium from $3,85 stn $4.20,, common cattle from $3.85 to $8 80, rough and inferior $2.75 to $8.50, .Owing to the failure of. the Ontario wheat. crops, Ontario millets are more active than usual in buying in Manitoba, In Winnipeg yesterday No. 1 northern was $1.'01; No. 2 northern 1)8c ;• . No, 3.' northern,. 02c.; No: 4 northern, 81c. On the street in Toronto fal 1 wheat is selling at $1..04 to $1.08 ; springg.at.$1,02 to $1.04, and: goose at.000. Sale Register, Perm Ferm Stock. Etc. of Thee. Trem- eer, lot 18,' eon, 4, Hallett, on .Monday,. October 3rd. T. 1311OWN, Anct. Farm Stook of 'W, Colwell, lot 81, Len. don Rotel. Stanley. on September 29th. THOS. GIINDIM Mot. On Saturday evening, as Rev. E. A., Shaw, the pastor of the Methodist tow greqq ation,-of n- tippen, formerly of Be miller,was engaged in attending to his horse, an accident happened to him that might have proved fatal. It seems that the tie strap had becoin<e fastened in theo h 1'ss s foot,slid whilehe . .wasp engaged i inremoving it,the horse struck hint in the face nd knocked... him'down and trampled upon him, in., ' Metingsotto very severe wot1d8ipol his boat', s-rH d t$alntelt 21i*tk* Paid Up Restive Pupil 00,60t1110109,40,.100 a Wx.hfoLeoMltApr a c* ward* 1M! FARMERS' SALE NOTES' cashed, or selected.. DRAFTS on all ints in the Dominion Great I.. and all Ii oorre-i Countries. bought and old et DEPOSIT RECEI11S issued and highest current rate of ixtb ;ilj lowed. ', .' ADVANCE1S MADE to Farmers, Steck dealers, and Rushton Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Forty.eight branches in the Dominion. Agents all over the world. SSVINGS DlEPaltTMENT. "'er Deposits of $1,00 and upwards received. interestallowed from slate of deposit compounded half -yearly and added to principal Jun.110th and December Sist. Wheat Current Rate. CLINTON BRANCH • - New Combs, Block. H; C. BREWER. >r' Manager. Newspaper Bargains. I. The Mow ERA and Weekly Globe @ QQ to 31st Dec 1905 tpLi The Naw FRA and MontrealOg11 • ' Herald to 31st.Dec 1904...:. bs These prices are strictly cash wIRL$ WANTED. The iiEW ERA to new subscrib-2 it Servants Wanted. ern to 31st Dec 1801•........... s The NEW ERA and Weekly Globe p�,., Two girls wanted at once. Apply at the to 31st Dec 1004 SOY. RATTENBURY ROUSE, - dew .' 1►•Uuertionntitla Wanted, ° • Boy and. Girl at Raw ERs Office. Good Wheel for Sale. -Three sown an pig; an egerbodr" and a" sow and six.pige,-aU yorkshire,, for rale, cheap;. • pd ii W • DUNOAN, .Clinton. A good. gent'i Wheel for ' sale cheap. Enquire at Nay Est. r:• Pigs for -Sale. Invalid Carriage for Sale For sale, on reasonable terms, one Com- fortable Invalid Carriage, suitable for out: ing,or indoor use. Apply' it C. STEVEN.: SON'S, Furniture Store. 89`81 pd.. Ram'' Lambs for Sale: Subscriber has for sale, seven pore -bred Leieter•Ram Lambs, all from registered stook. Terms reasonable W. Glenn, Clinton, P O , con 4 Stanley Private Sale,.of Household Furniture. A.private sale of .Household' furniture will be held on Wednesday,-'lburaday and Friday of next ween at . the home ' of the late MISSof Mar .' REID, corner y and Orange Street. - Stock For Sale. At tine farm, London Road, one mile south of town, pure .bred. Shorthorn Cat- tle. at t e both•�ma a an s l . 1 d females, different ages at low prices, quality considered. Also a number of: Impproved' large Yorkshire pigs• allages, direr class breeding :stook for far- • mere and at low prices, conic and see 8 -23 -If. H; .PLU•MSTEEL, Clinton. ` Farm loc. Sale. - The undersigned offers foe ode .'the '.vai noble farm, lot 21, con, 16sh, Goderioh tp. containing 80 acres.; On the premises are about 20 acres of good . hardwood' good frame buildings, a onarunning the faun, good dy land; about miles from Clinton, convenient to the new. school.. Apply to 8-284f. ROBT. R'ICHARDS•N. Rig Auction Sale. The'undersignedQwill offer "for sale by Patio Auction, on g.ot 31, London Road, sae e , "about 2 m`. n 1 miles south ° o! into S CI Y"i at 1 p,m„ en Thursday, Sept. `29, the fol- lowing farm stook and implements : -8 mares and colts, aired by good horses •;. 20 steers, heifers and•calves; 3, gigs; 14 farm implements• ri$e, harness, fowl, ete,Terms: 20, oaah;iv months' credit: 4 per cent.. die. count. VM COLWELL..Prop • Thor.' Gundry, Ano't`• Farm for Rent..; The well known farm on the 11th con, of J:full_tt, lot 82,; containing 100 sores is offered for ,rent. On the farm is a good frame house and barn, . stone stables, wind mill whirh'forces water to house and stab," lee, about acres of bush, 5 sores .sown with fall wheat, an . , acre of orchard. Possession given at once,if necessary. Apply on the premises or to S-23-4ipd, MRS, ROBT. COLE, Londesboro, P. O. Town Hall, :Clinton! Wed. Evening, 28th Sept.P The. Big Beauty Fun. 'Show THOS. P. KELLEY,S • • DI: Lad9 Minstrels . All new from startt'o .finish, Captivating Show'Girls, All the funny. Comedians, Dazzling Costumes, Bright' Music,. Marvelous Specialties, THE (BEST YOU'LL SEE THiS SEASON: Reserveats Se olefal eat • Fair's B ok'St t Girl ' Good general servant wages paid. No washing. G. D. 4tcTAGGAT. Wanted - Highest to MRS, wanted. Apply - Wanted Good general servant for Toronto. Small family . Highest wages paid.;, Apply to. MRS. R; IRWIN, Clinton. - 101,1'r. v Wanted. ,__ r,d- Girl, 16 or 17 years of age, to take care of child 2 years old and help with light housework,Apply to M1tS.H. C.BRE WEB, Moleone Bank, Clinton. A des Wanted: ,: . 6000. Barrels of Verniers' Apples wanted, For particulars, see A-20 if. JAB, STEEP, Clinton P. 0 House for Sale A . good ' frame house, . containing - five .rooms and woodshed, on Mill .St.,• is offer- ed for sale. ' Apply to OGLE COOPER,• '- Buggy for Sale • . A McLaughlin Buggy for sale; • as good as new. Apply to J.Q.S. SEALE, Clinton Marble ori . . •e . Baby Carriage, for • Sale A first class =Baby Carriage for sale; good tie new, with new rubber tires; a bar- gain': ' Apply at f'Ew ERA office. `. ' Lost . On the Maitland Concession, ..Colborne,. on Monday, a fatvn•oolored Waterproof. with name inside, Will finder •please re• turn to Naw ARA office. District Manager. Wanted 'Permanent position; rapid advancement; salary and expensee; fall instrudtions FREE. 05 CHARGE; clan desirable business.. THE r L. NICHOLS CO, Limited, Toronto. (Mention this paper.) For Sale rhe following household °:¢¢. nd other articles, are offered ter .sale;bv Private Auction, at the residence of MRS. DR. HAMILTON, Huron St. Call at any time:-.., 1 Gladstone Carriage, 1 Cutter, Some Minims ,• Wanted Young women to learn ,.Professional Nursing in n th e .Phosola Hospital ; Aeeooia- lion Training School for Nurses. Two year oonrce. Address' E. COOLING, t Sap Phoenix is os i t al, 106 S.s th Ave., 8m pd ' Maywood,Ill,, U.S.A. EXHIBITION OF ' PIANOS AND ORGANS Messrs. G. M, Delwin and Will. McLeod, of'the firm of G. M. BALD - WIN & Co., of SEAFORTH, while; at Toronto Fair, bought a la rte number of the Pianos and Organs that were on exhibition there. These are all high grade instru- ments, and "Anyone wishing that kind, of. Pianos or Organs'should call on WILL. McLEOD, ` Band Master of Clinton Citizens' Band, any Monday ar Thursday, at Olin - ton; orat their store in Seaforth. C. M. BALDWIN 4- CO. • • , SEAFO-TI-I. COAL � Befor lacing your or- s r your season's' pp y of Coal;, get,. our prices. (The very best goods carried in stock and sold at the lowest possible price. ' i iOrders may be left at • Davis : & Rowland's i Hardware Store, or with 1 fir. Jr. STEVENSON a IT tl w At Electric Li t Pant ET I C ETS O� "err'�1i�l,4,_ i$ ALL GOODS. A great storeful of the very NEWEST and up-to-date Dry Goods stock--coaaatlet : p e- in every depart- ment. We can fill your every need. OUR AIM IS TO COMBINE QUALITY WITH NEWNESS, and the best• indication that we do this, is that Bur trade is increasing every day. A visit to this, store for your fall requirements will save 'you .dollars. What- We Garry. Newest creation in black and fancy Dress Goods from.50c up°to $2.0o. Very latest Dress Trimmings, to match all our Dress Goods, from IOC up td $1. •Celebtorated$2.ovCrompton Corsets from Perrin's'Famous Kid Gloves,,in all shades,. •• every pair guaranteed, from $•i.00 up Ladies' Cashmere Hose, the celebrated. Llama:-" brand, -at 5oc per -pair, also • several. other: makes from 25C ' per pair up,' ..:. Children's Hose; wool ' and,; cashmere,; at popular'.: prices. Underwear. "Pu ritan brand, � This r ,toe has always carried this celebrated line and our customers know their merit - at all prices. Ladies'' Collars, large variety of the.. ver y • NEWEST, ST, in stocks and bows, for fall, at popular prices,•25c, 35c, Sac. Ladies' Belts,. crushed leather and. silks. Rain Coats Large stock of Ladles Rain Coats; our styles are . correct. in collar sleeve and belt, and our prices cannot be beaten for quality, combined:. with style. Prices $5, $7, $9, '$110.' taple . DryGoods.. • We were fortunate enough to buy before the. ADVANCE "this' spring,: enough .,staple ' •Dry, Goods tpsupply every customer this fall:.: we can assure you :: money -saving : values -in ..Flannelettes,• ...,. Sheetings, Shirtin .s, Factor. Cotton Flannels , Tewelis; 'Table'L'inens, etc. ' Something : New.' Just passed into stock, several styles in ' Sil Skirts. Prices $$.5o,: $7.00 and $10.00. •••••••••••••O•••••••••••••••••40.•`'*~#44*** 11 OLeaders., rL Our ewers... • Ladies' extra -fine black Clieu3 lot '' 5 in. wide, regular' tic "for Ladies' es. Cashmere e e Hos s all sizes, perpr 25c.. Scotch 'Fingerin glossy . 'Yarn, extra :loss : • . �' finish, per:lb • •55c ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••:••••••••4). SUCCESSORS TO R. COATS 44 SON IlM UANrv>mWW WY1fY1WWWl WA 1 3 Auction Sale of . Cattle.. tsotrenlock Bros. will sell by Public Auction, at their premises, Whithrop. Lot 26, Con. 7, McKillop, (4 miles' north of Beeforth,), 1,00 Steers and Heifers mostlySteersrising 2and 13 years u also eat double harness, nearly new. Sate will coinmenos at 1 o'clock sharp, on i uesday, Sept. 27th 1904. l Twelve months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint noted 'A :die. 'count df 5% will be allowed off for dash, T. BROWN, Auctioneer •.House and'Lot for Sale. A'house and tot, ,corner of Mary and Prinooss'atreets, in good repair, is offered for sale eleven rooms, good stable', and 3-8 of an more of land, hard and soft water. Apply to J. RI•DOUT or Y. MOLL, For Sale. 00.00 willa ? 1 oomf ttablo house 00 $ buy ee ren Frederick Street biz roonte, closets, pan. try, hard'and soft water,. good garden, in good situation. $1100.00 Renee on Mary Street with all nonvenience9,jatabls. A.29•tf, Vi, RRA1)ONE, We are carrying. At present a nice line oJ; VASES, - JAR hINEERS1, TOILET SETS, ETC. , And 'Would be pleased - to have calll_ and inspect. t. Our r st tick of novelties, brie -a, in Art Ware. Tin Ware, etc. is complete. Besides es tlqr vecarry x Y candies es t nd Fancy Biscuits, SHIER'S Variety Store: Combe Block, Clinton. Largest and best in Western Ontario, CENTRAL STBArp'ORtl. ONT. This Popular institution has AR cellent reputation for strictly grade work, Our graduates are Enter great, demand,linter this month i i possible, Magnificent catalogue fr o W. J. ELLIOTT, President. H,,AMcLACRLAN, f'rincipalw 8